korvandr-blog · 8 years
‘i want the k’ ( riley pls )
7. Romantic Kiss
Koriand’r was not particularly well-known for her gentility. Everything about her was iron and fire, salt and steel, harsh and defined and ready to strike. She was a warrior princess, a presence her foes would tremble before. No, the space princess was not best known for being soft around the edges, but even she knew that some situations called for it. 
Nights like this, where Jason and Roy were so tangled up in their feelings for each other that the rest of their little squad was left on the couch with the TV turned up far too loudly to drown out the sounds of whatever might have been happening a few doors down. Nights were Riley was quiet--quieter than usual, anyway--with most of her quips gone and the fire in her eyes flickering behind burnt-out timbers. It was easy, really, to slip her hand across the faded couch cushions and gently twist her fingers between the other girl’s. Easier, still, to slowly move her way down the couch, closer and closer until one arm was around Riley’s shoulders and their fingers were still twined together and they looked more like a living pretzel than two women. 
Some people, when they broke, revealed crushed-up insides and shaking knees, an inability to stand on their own. Other people broke like glass, sharp and jagged and ready to fight. Roy was the former, Kori was the latter, and in all her life, she had never met someone who fell in between. Until Riley. 
It started with a kiss to the side of her head, fingers dragging long, lazy lines along tanned legs, all touches absent, thoughtless. But they certainly caught Riley’s attention, her head half-turning, eyes catching hold of Kori’s with a kind of vulnerability that ‘melted her heart’, as Roy had once put it. The next decision wasn’t even a decision at all, but the natural next step. To lean forward, to press her lips against the ones waiting for her, to cup the back of Riley’s head and let her fingers tangle in the brunette hair at the base of her neck and just breathe in the beautiful woman in her arms. 
A parting of lips, Kori pulling back for just a moment to give Riley a kiss on the nose, to hold her close once again, with the thought of kissing her again lingering prominently in the corners of her mind.
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Ѡ ( nico )
Send an “Ѡ” for my muse’s reaction to being sent accidental nudes.
[ texting ;; siren king ] definitely on the right track this time
[ texting ;; siren king ] like tbh i wouldn’t hate getting that
[ texting ;; siren king ] from someone else i mean bc like. ew. 
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ALEC SALAZAR is new on the island- and some people say HE looks/look kind of like BOB MORLEY. They’re a 27 year old BARTENDER/STRIPPER back on the mainland and known as the HALCYON because of their OPTIMISTIC nature and their tendency for NAIVETY. Rumor has it that they’re BISEXUAL and their soulmate looks like EMERAUDE TOUBIA(flexible). {sav, 22, she/her, & est}
Welcome to Aphrodite’s Cove, Alec! Please send in your account within 24 hours from now!
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korvandr-blog · 8 years
Send an “Ѡ” for my muse’s reaction to being sent accidental nudes.
[ texting ;; dick ] i thought we had ended this phase of our relationship? 
[ texting ;; dick ] i am also almost certain that this is an accident. but as always, you look fantastic. 
[ texting ;; dick ] glad to see you’re still in shape.
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korvandr-blog · 8 years
Ѡ ( and one from riley too y not )
Send an “Ѡ” for my muse’s reaction to being sent accidental nudes.
[ texting ;; riley ] you are quite beautiful 
[ texting ;; riley ] i am not entirely certain why you are sending this to me, but i do appreciate it
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korvandr-blog · 8 years
What's one of your biggest regrets?
“Are you expecting me to say you, Dick Grayson?” Her tone is teasing, though maybe a bit cautious as well. “Well it wasn’t. I think... perhaps one of my biggest regrets was staying angry at my sister for so long. The things she did were horrible, but she is my family, and there is a part of that which means forgiveness, even for the worst of things.” 
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iamaweapon · 8 years
@, %, ✉ ( colin )
Send “@” for a SCARED text  | @fromabuse
[ text; COLIN ]: I almost killed someone tonight. I was this close to doing it.[ text; COLIN ]: And they most certainly would have deserved it for what they had done. The world would be a better place without them. [ text; COLIN ]: But I would have reverted back to my former nature. The one that I am seeking to atone for.[ text; COLIN ]: I don’t want to become that person again. [ text; COLIN ]: What if I can’t change? What if I’m always going to be that assassin?
Send “%” for a CURIOUS text 
[ text; COLIN ]: Do you have any sort of dancing skills?[ text; COLIN ]: Just…asking to know. 
Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT 
[ text; COLIN; unsent ]: I wanted to tell you that I was alive the moment after father resurrected me. Believe me, I wanted to.[ text; COLIN; unsent ]: I didn’t because…you confuse me. And I do not like feeling like that. Damian Wayne is not supposed to feel like that.[ text; COLIN; unsent ]: My death was hard enough. Dealing with it now after I was brought back is very difficult. Some days I cannot deal with it.[ text; COLIN; unsent ]: Bringing together those feelings and the ones I do not understand with you would have become a mess. I couldn’t face it yet. [ text; COLIN; unsent ]: I needed time. I’m sorry, Colin. I never meant to hurt you. 
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iamaweapon · 8 years
♀ $ ✘
Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text
[ text; BIG BROTHER ]: I can’t stop seeing it. Feeling it. It’s been too long since I have been able to get a full night of rest.[ text; BIG BROTHER ]: I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I was never trained for this and I detest not knowing how to handle something.[ text; BIG BROTHER ]: Feeling so helpless is not who I am. I hate this.[ text; BIG BROTHER ]: I don’t think people are supposed to be brought back. It changes a person. I have seen it with my grandfather. [ text; BIG BROTHER ]: I don’t want to become like him.
Send “&” for a LOVING text
[ text; BIG BROTHER ]: I was thinking we could marathon some Disney movies since I’m staying over for a few days.[ text; BIG BROTHER ]: They usually have animals in them, and it might give me an idea or my next pet.[ text; BIG BROTHER ]: And I might like being around you. It can be quite enjoyable as well.
Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text
[ text; BIG BROTHER ]: Maybe I should have just stayed with the League of Assassins. [ text; BIG BROTHER ]: I have always fit in better there. I don’t have to always seek atonement for the things I have done.[ text; BIG BROTHER ]: None of you could possibly understand that feeling.[ text; BIG BROTHER ]: Just leave me alone. 
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