ldrsoulmates · 7 years
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I challenged Carlos to beat my fastest time in Solitaire which used to be 2:15... I just beat my best time and sent this screenshot to him... I am laughing so hard because he is like, "FFFFFFFUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKK! 😂
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long-distance-lovin · 10 years
We are having our first meeting soon! :) Wheeeeeeeeeeee! I just wanted to let you know!
That is SUPER exciting!!! :) Have an amazing time together!!!!
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miles-and-interstates · 10 years
ldrsoulmates replied to your post: Hunter just told me the reason I’m not...
Wow… That’s rude. Is he your bf? I would totally dump him to the curb. Gaining weight does not equal unattractive-ness. -.-
He's my fiance, actually. He never used to care about these things. In fact, the girl he was with before me was twice as big.
But recently he just seems to find me really unattractive. 
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ldrsoulmates said: Don’t listen to that anon. XD They are probably 12 or something. Either that or they just have a really low self-esteem. You are FAR from ugly.
Ahh thank you so much it means a lot! :)
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ldrsoulmates · 7 years
Update 04/07/17
So, yes we are still together and going strong. :) Carlos is about to defend his thesis in May and then he will be coming back VERY soon after that. SO YAYYYYYY! I hope you guys are excited because we are! Thanks to those who stuck by us. ^_^
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ldrsoulmates · 7 years
Nevermind... My best time is 1:36 now. 😂
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ldrsoulmates · 8 years
Update 07/16/2016
Hey guys! :) Sorry for no actual updates for a while. Carlos and I have been quite busy. Carlos has been working on his thesis and I am just working. Carlos has been very overwhelmed lately. On top of college he has had his AC go out several times. Plus, his PC messed up but luckily he got it working again. A part got burned. D: Not much on my end. My life is not too exciting. XD
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ldrsoulmates · 8 years
One of my best friends is getting married today... I am one of her bridesmaids. I can not help but wish I was the one walking down the aisle to Carlos... 😢
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ldrsoulmates · 8 years
Can we just skip all of the hard parts and move on to the part where we are together in the same place? Thanks.
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ldrsoulmates · 8 years
He is the best... ❤ Last night we were both feeling sad. He called me on Whatsapp and we just talked about whatever and fond memories. That made us both feel better. I slept decently well afterwards. 😊 I love him...
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ldrsoulmates · 8 years
What sucks more than distance is the fact that they live in the shittiest country in the world... Blackouts. No water. Hardly any food. Lines that are about the length of the Wall of China... It makes me feel grateful when I have to wait “15 minutes” for my food. The fact that I even get the opportunity to have food is a blessing! A lot of people forget how very lucky they are.
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ldrsoulmates · 8 years
Thank you guys so much! ❤ We did not imagine that we could ever have this many followers! Sorry that we have not been terribly active lately. 😡 Things have been stress-inducing. Especially for Carlos... He is still doing well in college and he has been saving up money pretty well! ❤ I hope you are all doing well and that you have a safe April Fool's Day!
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ldrsoulmates · 9 years
I love to show him off to people. <3 One of my co-workers was curious as to what Carlos looked like and I showed her. I showed her a picture of us together and she thought we were cute. 8D
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ldrsoulmates · 9 years
Last night we watched Pagemaster which I had never actually seen! Lol! He saw the Spanish dub when he was a kid. We also were goofballs and did rock/paper/scissors without seeing each other on cam. Lol! We kept saying the same thing or he kept winning! XD I won only once. But oh well... It is ok. ❤ He made me smile and laugh. I really needed that. Thank you baby... 😘
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ldrsoulmates · 9 years
Carlos and I had a lovely night together last night... We had a form of intimate meditation over Skype. That energy was so very tangible... We both practice Reiki. It is basically using ones energy to heal yourself or others. We continued to talk to one another and just let the energy flow out of us. I was able to hold on for a while but it was a bit hard for me towards the end of it. I began to get dizzy. But it was not a bad thing. ❤ I just need more practice I guess. It was so lovely... It felt like we both took a nice nap and just woke up. Then, we watched the rest of JoJo's Bizarre Adventures. Soooooo good! My fave anime. 😍 We just had an overall peaceful and fun night. Carlos was feeling stressed again. Not just with college but with how awful things are in Venezuela. Things are not getting any better. It is very difficult to afford or even find food. Poor thing... ;-; I hope this either gets better or time goes by quickly so he can stay with me. ❤
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ldrsoulmates · 9 years
I literally had the best dream about Carlos last night... We were together again and we were having a very passionate makeout session. LOL! It was lovely and it felt so real. I wish he would invade my dreams more often. <3
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