#lead actor x script writer omg
anonymouszephyrus · 8 months
Okay.. here me out. Klance fic, right? YEAH BUT MAKE THAT LIKE MAIN SCRIPT WRITER X LEAD ACTOR WITH WITH KEITH WRITING A CONFESSION IN THE SCRIPT BUT ITS ACTUALLY THE WORDS HE WANTS TO TELL LANCE BUT HE CANT SO HE JUST PUTS IT IN AND ITS LIKE THE PRETTIEST CONFESSION EVER??? AND ITS LANCE NEEDING TO SAY THOSE WORDS TO THE OTHER LEAD AND HE SLOWLY STARTS TO UNDERSTAND WHILE HE READS THE SCRIPT (he ain't dumb. He smart boi) BECAUSE THERES LIKE STUFF IN THE CONFESSION THAT ONLY HE AND KEITH KNOW LIKE THEIR WHOLE RIVAL-FRIENDS SITUATION BEING REFERENCE WITH LIKE: “Annoying as you were, I was drawn to you. Like a sailor to a siren, like a moth to the flame” HEHEHEH FIRE-WATER YOU KNOW??? No one steal this please, IM MAKING IT. I just need to know if y'all would.. you know, consider it as a possible oneshot or series idea? :D (Is this an excuse to give Keith my writer-poet-bookworm headcanon? YOU CANT TELL ME THE BITCH ISN'T INTO DRAMATIC SHIT LIKE THE SONG OF ACHILLES AND SHAKESPEARE- JUST 'CAUSE HE'S EMO DOESN'T MEAN HE CAN'T ENJOY LITERATURE! He had so much time in that cabin, you can't tell me he wasn't curious about books)
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mx-in-words · 5 years
Monsta x reaction when they and secret s/o are cast to a drama.
Haiii queen❤❤ If you are still taking requests may I ask for Monsta X reaction when them and their secret girlfriend were casted as lead couple for movie or drama or series? Hope it's not a problem 😊. Btw love your posts so much! You are wonderful writer my dear. Have a nice day sweetheart ❤❤❤
↬ Shownu
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that’s exactly the type of situation where shownu takes advantage
cold robot shownu is activated 
when your manager told you the news, you almost had a heart attack 
shownu was okay with it
he trusted you and your actions skills 
sh: baby relax is going to be okay, plus more time together and the fun!!
you: I know but what if you fans get mad or something... 
sh: a lot of idols already made dramas with famous actress and nothing happen, just chill with me 
 you: okayyy
he was right tho, people started a rumour that you had already a bf and nothing happen
a lot of time with your prince/perfect bf 
he knows how to hide this relationship well, he is a leader after all 
↬ Wonho
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would be so happy to see you almost every day for a year 
hug him pls 
before you even worry would assure you that nothing is going to happen 
would say in vlive that he is very honoured to work with you and the cast
mbbs were happy for him
since it was not your first drama, nobody suspect of nothing 
will OFC read the whole script with you 
pretends to get wrong the romantics scenes just to do it again
kiss scenes remade 100 times I swEAR WONHO
↬ Kihyun
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not the biggest fan of the idea 
don't get he wrong, he is happy for working with you 
but that’s also what worried him 
listen, what if he made the drama bad and rip to your career??? 
you could see the worry inside those fake smiles 
you: relax, mbb won’t figure out were dating baby 
kh: that’s not it baby, I know WE will be okay, but what if I screw up the drama and put your name in the WORST drama of the world and your CAREER OMG
you: shut up, did I ever made a bad drama? 
kh: no... 
you: exactly, you are a great actor too baby, you gonna be great and think all the time together that we have!!! 
he agrees and just enjoys the adventure 
↬ Hyungwon
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mister complicated arrived
he hated 
for new monbebes, there were these rumours about hyungwon dating a reporter a few years??? wasn't nice for him. 
you questioned if he didn't like to be with you 
he assures you that this is not it 
imagine if the rumour starts again, but it’s true and dating you will be harder than everything 
you understood him after all 
he prob denied being part of this drama 
you guys stayed cool and he promises you to see you almost every day 
sorry, that’s hyungwon 
↬ Minhyuk
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he is RUNNING to your apartment just to hug you 
does he care about rumours? nha he is no up to this bullshit 
prob going to talk about you in interviews 
and vlives
and selcas with you in the twitter 
I mean, oush he loves u uwu
99% of the world knows that you are dating but 
minmin don't care ;)
↬ Jooheon
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happy to see you 
excited to show his acting talents 
jh: I was better than you in this part
you: well... I am a better kisser 
jh: it’s that so??? 
all the team: are they... together? 
the managers: geez
provocate each other when you forget the lines
a soft couple who try to hide your love in interviews 
just as minhyuk, everyone knows about you two,,,, what a cuties
↬ Changkyun
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is hard to read kyunnie sometimes 
but just as kihyun, he does seem to not be 100% comfortable with the idea of acting 
he is nervous af
you: hey baby relax it’s just a drama, you act in all your videos!!! 
ck: it’s not the sameeee 
fighting with himself 
want to be every day with you 
not sure if wants to act in a drama 
now it’s late, he was casted and couldn't change his mind 
you: well, you have only one option, stay with me every day and act like the fool you are 
ck: these are two things I can totally do 
- any of these gifs are mine - credits to the owners - all via weheartit. 
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
I rewatched 15x07 today and I just couldn't stop seeing how much Eileen was Chuck in 15x7. Her personality, the "ew" when Cas said some part of Sam's soul is in Chuck, her reactions to any talk of Chuck, how she was standing behind Sam and sort of side eying him when Sam said he had been in Chuck's head... Well, even when she propositioned Sam, they were supposed to be looking for ways to *stop* Chuck. Why do you think the show chose to focus on that instead of developing Saileen's relationship?
omg, okay... so you see this exactly the same way I do, and I really wrestled with whether to post this publicly or not, because every time I bring up these extremely valid points, confirmed in canon by Chuck, I get told I’m either a horrible person for thinking this way or I’m delusional or a moron for feeling uncomfortable ignoring this stuff just for the sake of a ship. And I just... can’t ignore it. Because it’s canon.
One of the Big Questions of the entire season is “what is real, and what is Chuck.” Eileen returned ONE EPISODE after we learned the extent of Chuck’s ability to fuck with them directly, via Lilith. The notion that Chuck would just drop that lesson on them and then peace out is just... idiotic to me. We were supposed to see Sam’s statement at the beginning of 15.06, and Dean’s reply, as the huge flashing neon warning sign it was supposed to be:
Sam: No. I haven't had a vision since Colorado. I think maybe they stopped.Dean: Oh, I doubt it. Not until Chuck gets His end game, you know? The Winchester Bowl. Cain and Abel 2.0. This is God we're talking about. G-O-D. Wouldn't be too worried about finding Him. He'll find us. 
LOLOLOLOL I mean, yes? He doesn’t even have to look hard to find you? He knows exactly where you are and how to manipulate you. He’s been doing it basically forever.
and then all of a sudden *random dead character we haven’t seen or even MENTIONED in three years* just suddenly appears specifically needing their help? And we’re supposed to think it’s an unproblematic win all around?
Sure Jan.
Chuck honestly couldn’t have chosen a better lure to send them. Someone the Winchesters would be thrown off by, someone they felt guilt over not having been able to save. Someone they’d be willing to drop everything else to help, and wouldn’t question remaining present in their lives. Someone they would trust without question. And specifically someone who had the kind of connection to Sam that Chuck could exploit to further the divide between Sam and Dean. Exactly as we saw happen... Dean made assumptions about their relationship and retreated even further into his own issues, leaving Sam alone and open to Chuck using Eileen in exactly the way we saw play out in his Vision of the Future in 15.09... driving Sam into her arms only to kill her off in a horrific, tragic situation in order to manipulate Sam into the reckless nihilism that engulfed their world by the end. Sounds exactly like what Chuck failed to accomplish with the whole BMoL plot in s12, which we ALSO know was orchestrated BY HIM, thanks to 14.20. Same story, different turn of the wheel.
Because Chuck needed all of that to get around the effects of that wound and lay down a trap that would eventually be sprung at the end of 15.08. If Cas hadn’t gone poking around in Sam’s wound, compromising Chuck’s plan, theoretically I believe he would’ve continued to use Eileen as his eyes on the Winchesters. The whole “lure Eileen out of the bunker and ensure she brings Sam along for the ride” thing felt more like a scramble to find a faster solution to his bigger problem and eliminate the compromised middle-man in his ability to directly mess with the Winchesters, which brought us to 15.09 and his desperation to force Sam into “breaking the connection” by his own choice. Since it was Sam’s will that fired the not-a-bullet that wounded them both in the first place. He literally had to break Sam’s will that generated that connection in 14.20.
As far as Chuck knew, his plans for Eileen to seduce Sam had failed, repeatedly. Between Cas’s cockblock entrance in 15.07 (which I still struggle to see as Sam ready to accept her proposition, for SO many reasons... I mean just look at his face in the first moments after it registers that she’s propositioning him. Those initial reactions are absolutely not undiluted romantic interest and passion, much as some creatively edited gif sets would lead you to believe.
I appreciate this one, with the further context of 15.09 to support my tag on it from the day after 15.07 aired.
The look Eileen gives Cas is just screaming come on you believe me right? I’m completely innocent in all of this! Just nice little sweet resurrected Eileen! Like Chuck hadn’t expected Cas to show back up and interfere with his Seduce Sam for Manpain plan.
But that seduction scene actually hurts to watch... I mean, Sam is still feeling the guilt and pain over having killed Rowena, only to discover all of her worldly possessions and magic had been entrusted to him (and not yet knowing that specific spell to resurrect Eileen had been planted by Chuck as a deliberate manipulation in itself...).  LOOK AT THIS SERIES OF FACIAL EXPRESSIONS AND EXPLAIN HOW THIS IS ROMANTIC INTEREST AND NOT GRIEF AND SHOCK:
Okay, now that’s out of the way, back to Eileen.
Why did they make this particular choice for her character instead of developing a real relationship with Sam and Eileen? Because she was never written with the intent of becoming Sam’s endgame love interest.
Full stop.
Anyone who says otherwise is either choosing to believe that because it props up their chosen ship or they’re unaware of the numerous times that Robbie Thompson has contradicted that statement.
I mean, I don’t usually quote this source, but this is Robbie Thompson speaking recently (within the last year) specifically about the creation of Eileen’s character:
Next up: Eileen and Shoshannah. Did they specifically want a woman hunter?
Robbie: No, it was just, they were looking for standalone episodes. So what will happen is the showrunners will come around and say, “Hey, we need a myth-arc episode. Please deliver X, Y, and Z, but build an episode around it. Or [do] a standalone.” I had this idea for this character and I had worked with Shoshannah, sort of tangentially, because I was the writer’s assistant and I wrote an episode of Jericho. She wasn’t in the episode that I wrote but she played Bonnie on that show and (this is a spoiler if you haven’t seen Jericho) her character has an untimely death. But Shoshannah was so good in the series, and she was so terrific in that episode. She’s a badass in that episode, with a whole infiltration thing and she’s blowing dudes away with a shotgun, and I was like, “Oh, I wanna see her kick some ass.” I always wanted to work with her again. So I pitched the episode with that character in mind, and then I was like, “I’d love to work with Shoshannah again.” They reached out and she fortunately had a window in her schedule; she was available.
Then I reached out, I think originally through her manager, to say, “Hey, can you put us in touch because I’m not deaf and I want to make sure I’m getting an authentic experience for the performer.” So she and I exchanged a bunch of emails. She’s since gone on to be a showrunner and a writer in her own regard. She’s a really, really brilliant writer and a brilliant actor as well. It was great being able to get her the script early so she could help me fix the parts that didn’t work. Then, on the day, she and Jared had really great chemistry and John Badham, who was the director of that episode ("Into the Mystic" 11.11), they really played around and found a lot of fun moments that weren’t scripted at all. That was just them having fun and building moments.
All those cute chemistry moments... were never even scripted. She was intended to be a one-off character that was unsurprisingly very well loved by fandom, and who was brought back when the overarching plot made her MoL connection relevant to the story in 12.17. Unfortunately for her, that meant her ONLY purpose for returning to the story was literally to be killed for Sam’s manpain. They gave her just enough cute chemistry with Sam to imply they had the potential for a romantic connection, and then killed her in one of the most brutal and horrific ways possible. Which was literally exactly what Chuck used her for in s15.
I’d like to suggest that, knowing the full truth of her entire situation, that the sinister parallel being suggested in 15.07 is not between Cas and Eileen, but between Eileen and Lee Webb. Sam’s history with her is similarly tragic to Dean’s history with Lee. And Lee represented a version of an apple pie life that tempted Dean-- the prospect of having food, fun, health, and happiness instead of the grind of hunting. Only it was a lie, because Lee hadn’t made that life for himself, he’d built it off the magic of a creature he sacrificed an endless stream of human lives to in order to falsely manipulate his own circumstances. The cake is a lie, in other words. Just like the cheerful hangover breakfast Sam and Eileen were preparing at the beginning of the episode. It just... wasn’t real. We were being urged to consider this parallel. And not seeing it for what it was required having some heavy duty ship goggles glued on.
This was doubled-down on in 15.08, with Sam being a bit overbearing and nearly getting himself killed in the opening hunt, pushing Eileen to their “agreement,” which additionally foiled Chuck’s plans to push them together romantically. Eileen couldn’t spy on Sam for Chuck if she still retained enough independence to set boundaries like that, you know? If she didn’t have eyes on the Winchesters, she wasn’t useful for what Chuck was using her for, and she was punished for that failure as much as Sam was, being forced to hurt Sam in 15.09.
Heck. This is how I’ve always seen all of this. If folks enjoy assuming some Grand Romance between Sam and Eileen, more power to them. But honestly I just can’t personally see the justification in canon for that read on things. Not to say that Sam and Eileen won’t choose to come to a different understanding in the future, or that their relationship couldn’t develop into something more once Chuck has been dealt with, but I can’t see it as romantic yet. I’d be totally down to ship them in that eventuality. And in fanon, I’m totally here for it even now.
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londontheatre · 7 years
Awkward Conversations With Animals I’ve F*cked, the play by Rob Hayes, is at The Lion and Unicorn Theatre from November 13th-15th, 20th-22nd, and 27th-29th 2017. The play stars Linus Karp and is directed by Maddie Rice (best known for her lead role in the theatre production of Fleabag by Phoebe Waller-Bridge)
One-night stands are awkward. One-night stands with animals are more awkward. And when you’re as desperate to please as Bobby, things get awkward as f*ck. He’s just a guy with too much love to give, and a burning desire to give it to consensual adult mammals.
Rob Hayes – Writer Rob has built a reputation on writing darkly comedic plays, including THE DIABOLIC BANQUET (Contact Theatre, Manchester), A BUTCHER OF DISTINCTION (King’s Head Theatre, London), STEP 9 [OF 12] (Trafalgar Studios, London), and the recent critically-acclaimed hit, THIS WILL END BADLY (Pleasance, Edinburgh/Southwark Playhouse, London). His play AWKWARD CONVERSATIONS WITH ANIMALS I’VE F*CKED premiered at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2014.
As a screenwriter, Rob recently sold an original half-hour pitch to FX in the US, and Escape Artists are now attached to produce. Rob acted as script consultant on series two of the E4 show CHEWING GUM, and has half-hour comedy script commissions with ITV2/Retort, Objective Television, and Guilty Party Pictures.
His short film NEW GODS was selected for New York Film Festival 2016 and Leeds International Film Festival 2016.
Rob won the Tom Erhardt Award in 2013 for Most Promising Playwright and was shortlisted for the BAFTA Rocliffe New Writing Forum and the Royal Exchange Theatre Hodgkiss Award with director Ned Bennett. Rob is an alumnus of the Royal Court Writers’ Studio Group and the Super Group and was also a member of the Soho Theatre Writers’ Hub.
Maddie Rice is an actor and writer. As an actor she has recently performed in Fleabag (SOHO), I live with Models (Comedy Central), Villain (Kings Head), All My Sons (Regents Park), Henry V (West End) and Call The Midwife (BBC). As a writer, she works with her comedy groups ZAZU and Lead Pencil, writes sketches for News Revue and is on the SOHO Theatre writers scheme.
This is Maddie’s directing debut. She’s a big fan of Linus Karp after meeting him through improv!
Linus Karp is an actor currently writing in the third person. Just like Queen Elizabeth II, he’s based in London but also works in his native Sweden (wow, ABBA and IKEA). He’s been in loads of cool stuff, his work include credits for Sony Pictures (omg!), Google (why not google him?), MS Society (a charity – he must have a heart of gold!), Svenska Spel (If you were Swedish you’d understand), Balenciaga (nbd – just the coolest French fashion house ever), Wilkinson Sword (but he looks too young to need to shave!) and Rowntrees (such a SWEETIE).
As an actor, he’s represented by Simon & How (just like all the superstars) and as a model by Tomorrow is Another Day (Just like Naomi Campbell would be if she was an awkward Swedish boy).
He’s also a comedy improviser with Geraldyne (what – talented AND funny!?) and has professional credits as a director (as has Steven Spielberg), presenter (Like Dermot on X-factor but not at all) and voice-over artist (for when you don’t want to see him). He also loves theatre and eating desserts. Wow, what a guy.
Book tickets for The Lion & Unicorn Theatre
http://ift.tt/2ymToCv LondonTheatre1.com
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