billionneuronscurious · 11 months
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Purple Leaf Blue Butterfly. When this leaflike butterfly unfolds its wings, the sparkling shiny purple colouration is like magic unfolding.
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year
wghen i have the markmaking patience to figure out how i want to draw Plants "feathers". itll be over for you clowns
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redhotarsenic · 1 year
Gonna draw vash fucked up tongue soon I’m just tired is all
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beautifult999 · 4 months
Hey friends I just ate dinner I am leaflike
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phrynefishersfrocks · 10 months
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The first stunning outfit of "Death Defying Feats" (Season 3, Episode 1) is a gorgeous draped navy blue sheer fabric with a silk underdress with a single dramatic sleeve attached with a jeweled bracelet, topped with a matching feathered headpiece.
Suitably sensational for the season three premiere, Phryne appears in a tabard made of French navy lace and dark beads creating floral and leaflike patterns. "The fabric in this tabard is simply stunning - it does all the work," Marion Boyce commented in an interview with the Guardian. A 'tabard' simply means a rectangular sleeveless piece of fabric covering only the front and back. The fabric connects on the side with beautiful diamond tabs. Underneath she wears a bias cut midnight blue slip with a straight neckline. An additional triangle of fabric attached to her wrist by a gem encrusted bracelet serves as both a sleeve and a cape as Phryne wafts through her scenes.
Miss Fisher complements her look with a headpiece made of a plume of dark feathers, as well as silk navy gloves and bejeweled blue t-strap heels. Her diamond earrings each have two angled lines holding a large gem between them. To finish it off, as she travels to the theater, Phryne dons a luxurious brown fur wrap with red silk lining to keep warm.
We see this ethereal gown not just in the first episode of season three as she's preparing for a night out with Jack, but also in a large series of promotional photos, worn instead with a curved jewelled hair slide with gems set on slender wires.
Screencap from here, promotional photos from the official Facebook (x, x, x, x) and various sources (x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x), exhibition photos from Dayna's Blog, Nikki Johnson's Flickr, and footprintsandfotos Flickr, behind the scenes photos from Pinterest (x, x).
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insinirate · 11 months
idk if you’re willing but um… how do you draw knives hair? i think his haircut is called a quiff and i have a hard time drawing it, especially front view. do you have any advice? ;v;
im not in range of my drawing tablet rn but nais hair is better seen as leaflike (haha)
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layered like aloe vera
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apoemaday · 1 year
The Poem
by Vladimir Nabokov
Not the sunset poem you make when you think aloud, with its linden tree in India ink and the telegraph wires across its pink cloud;
not the mirror in you and her delicate bare shoulder still glimmering there; not the lyrical click of a pocket rhyme— the tiny music that tells the time;
and not the pennies and weights on those evening papers piled up in the rain; not the cacodemons of carnal pain; not the things you can say so much better in plain prose—
but the poem that hurtles from heights unknown —when you wait for the splash of the stone deep below, and grope for your pen, and then comes the shiver, and then—
in the tangle of sounds, the leopards of words, the leaflike insects, the eye-spotted birds fuse and form a silent, intense, mimetic pattern of perfect sense.
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The Amethyst Mushroom Is Like A GalaxyIn 1942, Amethyst mushrooms, Elaeomyxa Cerifera was found. In order to dismissal ascospores like a glowing star the fungi’s fruiting structures splits are open. It’s totally like a galaxy hidden in mushroom. These can be seen in big logs or rostrum that are encrusted with lichen or leaflike hepatics.More details/photos: http://bit.ly/3Z4mgeH
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robinsceramics · 1 year
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frog creature with 2 brain cells total <3
[image descriptions: photos of a small ceramic frog-like creature displayed on soft white fabric. It is glazed white and speckled all over with metallic dots. The froggy has huge leaflike "scales" down the middle of its back like a crest, and its eyes are bulgy and focused on two different places. Its paws are more like mammal than frog paws, and it has a tail like a dog's. The froggy's mouth is slightly open, emphasizing its confused expression.]
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itslethal · 5 months
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As featured in my last artpiece, this is my bracken OC, Dot (they/it)! Asides from having lost an eye from a flashbang blast, they're also lacking the third set of leaflike-appendages most Brackens do. i honestly have too much to say about it... Might make a set of other monsters to go with them (lethalcule)..
(image ids under cut)
[Image ID: two traditional drawings of a Bracken from Lethal Company, with some differences. The first image compares its height to an employee, while the second has them perched on their heels. There is blood on their claws. End ID]
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serregon · 4 months
I'd love to ask #15 what’s the description of their camp clothes in the inventory menu? but add the additional > regardless of how the game describes it, how do you imagine it if it could be anything?
@hybernating-bear 🐻💤
15. what’s the description of their camp clothes in the inventory menu?
Berith: "The golden embroidery threads show signs of repair, and a tinge of sulfur."
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Nita: "The green leather is leaflike in texture. You don't remember which animal the bone clasp came from. It is an animal bone, right?"
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chuthulhu-reads · 1 year
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[ID: Four panels from Trigun Maximum. The first shows some sort of sheet that is being torn through by a number of dark fingers with sharp, ragged, broken fingernails, and something like an eye peering through the tear. In the second panel, the tear is bigger, showing a grotesque amalgamation of veined eyes streaming tears, mouths baring gritted teeth, and more fingers with ragged nails. None of this is in any configuration remotely resembling a human face or hand. The third panel shows a white-eyed Vash screaming in sheer agony, overlaid with Hoppered screaming in parallel agony and crying, because he's experiencing Vash's memories. It makes sense in context. The fourth panel shows Hoppered thinking "What's this?! This overwhelming feeling of... loss!" as he's consumed under a wave of leaflike feathers, or maybe feather-like leaves. End ID.]
Awwww yeah babey you know what time it is
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When the Trees Fell Silent
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Summary: When Lumine fell ill because of the meditation incense, her condition was so grave that Tighnari asked Paimon who might come to see her. The Eleventh Fatui Harbinger is the one who arrives in record time to help.
Pairing: Childe/Tartaglia x Lumine (Chilumi)
The girl known as the Traveler dreamt in the hazy darkness that overcame her in the scholar’s cave. Visions of decaying Inazuman mansions and a large, glowing tree flickered in and out, with an abyss of stars in between. She could hear voices whispering around her, but could never quite pick out what they were saying. Time and her own identity were lost to her, consumed by the heaviness that had caused her to collapse and succumb. 
Therefore, when recalling the events later, she did not know how much time had passed when a new voice had cut through it all. 
“Lumine? Lumine!” 
In a shock, her eyes flew open. Her body was weightless now, as she flew up from the bed. Light flooded through the window and doorway, everything still a haze, albeit a more colorful one now. 
“Ajax?” She whispered the name, a secret given under the confidence of Snezhnayan fire-whiskey and more familiar stars. That couldn’t be, he was in Inazuma just as she’d been leaving, she had still been keeping her distance from him then. 
And yet, when she blinked, she saw his frame dropping onto the stool beside her bed. The circles under his eyes were darker than usual, but his eyes were still just as terribly intense, like a raging sea. 
“I’m here.” He took her hand. 
“I don’t understand.” Lumine frowned as she took in her surroundings. She was in a green leaflike hut, the likes of which she’d never seen before. “What happened? Where am I?”
“I don’t know everything.” Childe glanced over his shoulder. A young man with tall fox-like ears and Paimon lingered just outside the hut’s doorway. “But Paimon told me that something happened when you first came to Sumeru, then she started crying and I couldn’t understand her.”
“I was in a cave, there was this lady. . .” Lumine trailed off as she struggled to recall what had happened before she had entered that fog. “Wait—how did you know to come?”
“I just got here.” Childe chuckled. “Just in time, I guess. I already had a bad feeling, before I got the letter.”
“A letter?”
The fox-eared youth stepped through the doorway. “That would be me. I asked your friend if there was anyone to write to, since your condition is undoubtedly the worst reaction I’ve ever seen to the mediation incense. She told me that you’d want me to write to him.”
“I got the letter two days ago,” Childe added. “I came as quickly as I could. Sorry I couldn’t be here sooner.”
“How long have I been out of it?” Lumine looked now to Paimon, who had floated into the hut. 
“Seven days.” The fox-eared youth was the one who had answered. “But you have a place to rest now, and you’re going to need it.”
He then looked to Childe. “I’ve seen it happen before, miraculous recoveries when the right people are nearby. I’m just glad it worked out this time. I’m Tighnari, by the way. You can come find me if you have any questions. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to join a patrol.”
With that, the fox-eared Tighnari disappeared.  
“Traveler, are you okay?” Paimon floated over the end of Lumine’s bed now. “Paimon was worried—Paimon kept yelling but you wouldn’t wake up and it was forever before the Forest Rangers came!”
“I’m okay.” That was a lie, Lumine’s head definitely hurt, and not just for hearing the high pitch of Paimon’s shrill voice.
“It’s going to be okay, Paimon.” Childe’s voice was gentle, like when he spoke to Teucer. “You can rest now, I’ll keep an eye on her.”
“Are you sure?” Paimon tilted her head, her arms folded to match her suspicious glare. “No funny business, Mr. Fatui!”
“No funny business, I promise.” He sounded as if he were struggling not to laugh as he held up his free hand. “Pinky promise.”
“Oh, that means Paimon gets to throw you on the ice if you break it!” Paimon’s eyes lit up. “That’s a deal!”
Lumine exhaled sharply through her nose—that was as close to a laugh as she could get right now. 
Paimon started to float off, when Lumine had a thought. “Wait!”
Paimon stopped and turned around. “Something wrong?”
“Thank you,” she said. “You were right.”
Paimon tilted her head, shrugged, and then continued off. Which left her and the Eleventh Harbinger alone. 
“How are you really?” He asked, once Paimon was fully gone. 
“Head hurts,” she admitted. “I’m still so tired.”
“I’ve heard about the meditation incense the scholars use here.” Childe’s expression was contemplative. “I’ve been wanting to train to withstand it, to get stronger. But first, you’ll have to get stronger, comrade.”
He was still holding her hand, she realized—and she didn’t want to let go. A part of her knew that she should, that she should try to put up walls between them, try to stop her heart from breaking again. 
She forced herself to pull her hand away, as if he’d burned her. Which he had—but it was a long time ago now. 
“Something wrong?” All joviality had left him, she could now picture exactly what he’d looked like when he came through the door and called her name, called her from the dark. 
She turned around, letting her back face him. She wanted to reach back out for him. But hadn’t she embarrassed herself enough, letting him know that he mattered enough to her to bring her back, when no one else could? By calling his name back?
She was so sick of traveling. So tired of having no home to come to, always unfamiliar sights. Only two familiar faces—her brother’s and and her own. She’d had a home once, long ago. It was in times like these, the few times a falling star and a young god could truly be vulnerable, that she wanted a home, she wanted familiar faces. She wanted an open heart. 
“I want to go home,” she finally said. “But there is no home.”
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I’m sorry, girlie.”
It wasn’t just about what she’d said, she knew that with how heavy his voice was. It was about everything she wouldn’t, couldn’t say. It was about everything he’d never say—not because he didn’t want to, but because he couldn’t. 
It was quiet for a long time. The wind rustled through the trees and a light rain began to tap at the roof. A chill came in through the open windows and doors. Lumine heard a scraping of the stool being pushed back.
“I’ll go find a blanket.”
At the first footstep, she panicked. 
She rolled over and reached a hand out, but he was already out of reach. “Don’t—“
He stopped. He was so still, he might have been a statue or a tree. 
“Don’t go,” she found herself saying, and hating herself for it. “Please don’t leave me.”
He hurried over to her side, taking her into his arms. “I’m not going anywhere.”
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speculative-world · 3 months
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pefkorgi, more commonly called a spiked spire, are large amphimischos found frequently in forestbound lakes though can be found in rivers and streams and such, their spikes are photosynthetic and will slowly collapse into tough leaflike structures as they grow, they will move towards nearby movement, this behaviour is theorized as a way to defend themselves from being grazed upon, though this behaviour has given them the adaptation of reproducing through the spines that break off when they move, the behaviour of them moving has given them a bad reputation among ◗ta fishermen due to them interfering with their attempts at fishing, cutting fishing lines, stabbing them when they are in the ammonia, though their spines are tough and hard to eat, they have a soft spot on the top of their spire where they grow their spikes, this portion is rather soft and about as nutrient rich as the rest of the spikes, if you have any questions about this amphimischos please dont be afraid to ask
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hypnofantasma · 2 years
Pronunciation - (ZEHL-zuh-rihn)
Element - Plant
Paradigm - Devarian
English Pronouns - He/him
Height - 25-30ft (7.5-9m) when propped up (ground to top of horns)
Length - Approx. 175ft (53m)
Weight - Around 60,000lbs, or 30 tons (27215kg)
Tanja Color - Bright, forest green (close to hex #2BD31F)
Eye Colors -Ring 1: Bright forest green - Ring 2: Scarlet
Description: Xelzerin is an extremely large, serpentine Kraizen. His upper body is broad and is typical of a bipedal torso; sporting two large, 4-clawed arms at the sides, colored grey with a choppy, darkening gradient towards the claws. Rather than hips and legs, he has an extremely long grey body and tail. His underbelly is striped black and mulberry, as is his whole tail. On the back of his torso are four transparent, mulberry dragonfly-like wings, which can fold up under a pair of spiked, black, jointed shells. He has a medium to long neck, which arcs forward rather than straight up; though is quite flexible. Green spikes line the back of his neck and down his spine; and there are notably exactly 5 on his neck. At the base of his neck, there is a collar mane of orange and scarlet, of which is long and subtly flows backwards.
Description Cont.: His head is broad, and has a medium-length snout with white teeth that stick out without lips to cover them. On the sides of his head are massive, curved, upwards-pointed horns that are striped black and dark grey. Framing his face are green, leaflike, decorative petals, of which some fall forwards to resemble bangs. Under his horns are short, rusty-colored furred ears, which droop limply like cocker spaniel ears. His most prominent feature would be the multiple layers of rusty-orange and scarlet decorative petals on his neck and the back of his head, resembling a massive flower of sorts. Very subtly, and only in certain locations on his body, there are extremely small dottings of light pink scales on his grey skin and mane of petals around his head and neck.
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Normal (Pre-Brandshock)
Xelzerin is a sweetheart of a Kraizen. What he lacks in his immediate sharpness he makes up for with a massive heart, and naturally has an innocent yet protective demeanor. He was a sort of harvester, his job being a Kraizen who would forage and gather fruit and vegetables to send back to the main city where he lived. He was assigned to the dangerous yet extremely fruitful zones of an agricultural forest, deemed one of the only nearby Kraizen to be up to the task due to his massive size and strength. However, he didn't exactly make for the best guard or fighter, as he was too overly friendly. Even if he caught a trespasser, he would be kind to them, merely curious why they were there in the dangerous part of the woods. After all, someone trying to steal a mere piece of fruit couldn't be bad, just hungry.
He wasn't notably close to anyone in particular, except for one very interesting friend he met when they were children. A Krianian Kraizen named Morzogo, a much smaller person, had appeared; and he had tried to eat a fruit even though he was told not to. Xelzerin- being naturally extremely friendly- greeted the thief rather than hassled him. This friendship would prove to benefit each other extremely, for very different ways.
Brand Location - Horns
Stress Effect - Wilting of some details, general color fading, complete color loss in certain details, complete loss of the color green save for Brand related colors
Mercy Mission Position - Spawner
Tether - Kaylee Tagetes
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Branded (Post-Brandshock)
When it comes to the Earth events, Xelzerin is perhaps the single most notable Vani in the entire situation when it comes to the news reports... for he was the very first one known by the human populace. He hid in a remote garden facility along the edges of the Florida Everglades, using the isolated and abandoned nature of the facility to keep from military eye for years. He also needed to keep secret a massive, partially-underground machine known simply as the Reactor. This hydra-headed reactor could fuse animals and plants into a single, mindless, zombielike entity. With this power, Xelzerin could raise an army of plantlike zombies to wipe out the American south and east coasts.
After abducting his Tether, Kaylee Tagetes, at the age of 4 to raise her as a wielder of the Reactor, he also hid her away in the garden. After over 8 years of needing to carefully raise her, however, his monstrous and murderous Vani demeanor melted away, even if slightly. His original self would shine through enough to make him falter in his own logic and goals, and make him question the genocide mission. He even grew to love Kaylee as if she were his own daughter.
Even through his questioning of the mission, however, he (and Kaylee) chose to fight the invading Madeline, who aimed to destroy the Reactor. This fight led to an injured Xelzerin, missing a horn; half of the vitals of his Vani self. Should the other horn break... it would spell his death.
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Branded, and injured after fight with Madeline
Xelzerin is currently caged underground in the Shelter, and is occasionally questioned. He's seemingly too prideful to give any further information other than beaming about what the Reactor can do, or about how cool Kaylee is.
He is being kept alive. Some wonder, however, why he isn't trying to break out.
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robinsceramics · 1 year
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pangolin mama - owned by @isfjmel-phleg :)
[image descriptions: a green ceramic pangolin with a tiny baby pangolin laying on its tail. Both pangolins have smooth snouts with little indents for eyes and raised scales, giving them bumpy textures. The bigger pangolin's scales are rounded leaflike shapes; the baby pangolin's scales are long triangles.]
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