#league of legends orianna x reader
heckinhacker · 6 months
Orianna x Reader - Aren't you amazing?
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Word count: 1,230
requested?: Yes! by @solphage: "A, I hate it when it eats my ask and I have to retype it; if you want the start of an idea, perhaps robot enjoyer (you) x Orianna, and with that Taliyah bit it's making me think of taking her out to buy outfits (and if you're feeling spicier, toys) for a date and scene #h4ck :3" - I'll use the ask for taliyah part~
Slight warnings: Made-up reader's backstory so it's more fitting to the scenario of meeting her. Non-proof read.
A/N: I decided to write for Orianna and I've read her history and fanfic. Do I have a wrong feeling, or her lore was changed? I feel like some of older champions had other story, but they got re-newed? It's not THAT different, or maybe I just remember it incorrectly...but nonetheless, I'm up to date with her rn, and she's still a new character to write for me, but robot-fuckers nation arise!!
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Orianna, since she left her home, felt like she left her last human part in her father's chest. She accepted said fate and with her changes before, thought nothing more of it. She did what was necessary. He sacrificed everything for her, and so did she for him in return. It only seemed fair that way.
She loved him, after all. Her Father. Someone who was ready to turn whole Piltover upside-down so she can keep on living after her recklesness.
Yet, she never did regret anything she did. Even though she lost a lot.
Losing herself, losing her creativity...it seemed to be sudden, yet she couldn't tell if she missed it. It just happened. So leaving behind her home, her family, it also was supposed to "just happen".
She did not regret any single decision she did. Even now. She left her humanity behind, yet still thought hardly of her sickened father. Even with new, healthy heart, will he be alright?
Maybe she did wrong, leaving older man behind all alone.
Yet, maybe deep inside, she did not want him to see her that way. She wasn't sure if she's still the same Orianna that went down to Zaun to help after the legendary accident. Maybe she did not want him to see what she had become, so she left.
It should be better - she thought.
It was supposed to be that way, yet she felt so, so alone.
Her hopes used to be at zero for being understood in any way, yet situation on Sir Feisterly’s Fantastical Fair, where she was sure she found someone that understood her.
Yet, the hope she thought was nonexistent was sort of taken away from her, dissapointment running through her mechanical body faster than the disease running through her body before.
Weird feeling, for real.
As she was ready to leave the place, after passing her way through two knocked-out guards that attempted stopping her from her shenanigans, she noticed another figure in front of her. Guard? Worker of the fair? By your outfit she could say you were just a worker, but she did not want to risk it, getting ready for a fight.
Yet, all you did was smile at her.
- Well, Isn't that a sight? - you said, crossing your arms over your chest.
- Excuse me? - Orianna asked, shocked. Where did this compliement come from?
- I'm sorry that you got wrong idea of Fieram's nature, but as he said, you are a miracle, unique.
- Thank you. - she answers politely, yet thinks nothing more of it.
- So...Orianna, right? I saw your little talk with Fieram, and I wonder. Do you travel by yourself?
- Yes. - she responds shortly. - Why do you ask, fair employee?
- Yeesh, cold. - you answer, shrugging. - Do you look for plus one? You could say this work is tiring me out, I'll gladly take a break from it, plus I disagree with agression on sight, screw that.
- You want to follow me? - she asks bluntly. - Why?
- Do I need a reason?
- People are always driven by reason.
- Oh, really? How do you know that, Orianna?
Unintentionally you pressed that wrong button somewhere inside her, because she had to take a moment to think. Then, shrugged. Did she use shrug right this time?
- I just do. - she says. - Then? What's your reason?
- You look just like a next wonder that I want to get to know better. Would you give me a chance? I take no as an answer. - you reassure her.
And she takes a time to think. She humms, another emotion that she just mimics, giving you a signal she still takes her time to process the idea. Yet time is running short on her, as other guards quickly approached place of a fight.
- Hey, you! Stop the robot girl! - one yells at your direction, to which you react with a playfull look towards him, then back to Ori.
- Well, no time to waste. For now let's run away together, and later think if I can tag along, no? Now go! I know the way out!
And you direct way out by some shortcut that was well known for you, making escape route way easier for both of you.
As you were out of breath and laid down on a grass far away from Sir Feisterly’s Fantastical Fair. You ended up in some fancy garden, but since most of the city was over the fair to see it's wonders, anyone who could fend you off for tresspassing is not present at home, and guards may be preocupied. Lucky.
Orianna felt no more tired than normal. Can she even get tired? - she thought to herself. She looked down at you, and out of politeness to not stand above someone laying down, she put herself to rest. Or, as how she calls it now: on stand-by mode. She sat elegently on a grass beside your figure, listening to your small laughs.
Sound reminds her of chimes dancing on gentle breeze. Soothing. More Soothing than audio programmed to speak for Fieram.
- Did you see outside world, human?
- Not really, that's why I wondered if you're going to see it by yourself.
- I may. I'm not looking for friendship, hence you should reconsider going with me.
- Oooh, why so? - you asked, curiousity peaked.
- I'm not going through aging process anymore. Befriending human from flesh will be just hurtful for both sides, but mostly on my side. You'll leave, I'll remain. - she explains.
You humm in acknowledgement, yet one part of her words sticks to your mind. You just had to ask.
- Anymore? Did you go through aging progress before, Ori?
- My name is Orianna.
- Okay, Ori.
She says nothing to that, just remains her unchanging gaze at you. If she could show any expression, you felt that unamusement written on her face. Yet still, you caught her intentions no problem.
- You can tell that story another night. For now...I'll just tag along outside of city. Later you can leave me somewhere on our way. You could say as a thanks for showing you a way out.
- I could do that perfectly by myself, I reckon.
- Oh, let me have some fun. I wanted to see more of you. Especially in action! That fight with your ball was amazing! Does it understand, just like you?
She looks down at the ground, noticing that her mechanical hand is grasping the grass under it. She did that subconciously. Before she answers, you continue with another confusing question.
- Aren't you amazing? - you ask with amusement, wathcing Ori tilting her head with confusion.
- Why? - she asks after a short moment.
- As I said. You hide many wonderous things that I'd love to see. You're such an interesting unit.
Bizzare. Very bizzare, you are. She does not say no, yet this time, she does not discourage you from trying to tag along. Maybe having companion for at least a while won't be so bad? Noone said she should get attached.
But she knew herself well enough, and knew. Perfectly knew that you'd grow on her with no time and effort.
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