byeonwoo-blog · 9 years
🍀, 🍳, 👊
🍀 — luck
he won a game of bingo once. 
he then declared himself the ‘prince of luck’ and have lost nearly every bet/game/luck-related activity since then. he has also stopped calling himself the ‘prince of luck’.
( proficiency level:  ☆☆☆☆☆ )
🍳 — cooking
jokes aside, his cooking isn’t too bad. he’s no michelin star chef, but he’s able to whip himself some decently tasting meals. he has been cooking for both him and his mother since he was really young, so it’d be worrying if he hasn’t gotten a little bit better. he makes a mean soondubu jjigae (a soft tofu kimchi stew) so request that if he ever offers to cook. and while his kimbap may look like it’s going to fall apart any second, it’s pretty delicious too. now, baking... that’s a whole different story altogether.
( proficiency level:  ★★★★☆ )
👊 — fighting
don’t be fooled by his address or the rumours surrounding him. he once cried when a bully asked him for his homework to copy when he was nine. but, in all honestly, min-woo has rarely been in a fight, preferring to stay away from trouble than instigate it. after the news broke about his alleged murder, he has been egged on by stranger who insists he’s guilty. he’s learnt a few things, but he’d just rather.. not.
( proficiency level:  ★☆☆☆☆ )
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hawkechang-archived · 9 years
⌛️ , ➗, 🏊
answered here!!
Even with his blindness as a bit of an issue, Hawke is still somewhat decent as far as math goes, he’d have to be if he had to maintain his partial scholarship back in Korea. Though now, with Elswood, his math skills are left to be desired even with his hard work, and it shows in his scores. Oh, does it show.
answered here!!
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trashebag-blog · 9 years
🎨, 🔎, 🔬
art — ashe likes to downplay his art to a motherfucking extreme but he actually has a shitload of potential in that department. If he’s not eating, sleeping or learning, he is definitely creating. lives in the art room.
investigating — he thinks he’s sherlock holmes but in reality, he is far from it
scientific pursuits — [ashe voice] i put mentos in some diet coke once...shit was crazy
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immaterialists-blog · 9 years
🌍, 📥, 🍺
answered world knowledge and alcohol tolerance!! 
📥 organization
nah he’s not good at being organized. only he knows where his stuff is and often times he misplaces stuff (like special pens) and he doesn’t really care so the problem is never solved
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caseyswright-blog · 9 years
😇, 🍳, 💃
meme. muse skillset symbol
following the rules.
Believe it or not, he’s fairly good at cooking. It’s not something he’s ever had a passion in, but he’d learned how to make meals for himself at a pretty young age. He hasn’t found the need for it since coming to Elswood, though, since you can find everything you want in the cafeteria.
After reading, dancing is one of the few skills Casey has any genuine interest in anymore. He’s self taught, for the most part, having relied on music videos and movies *coughDirtyDancingcough* in the past to teach him the basics, and the rest is just intuition. While he’s nowhere near professional levels of skill, he still finds himself practicing when nobody else is around on the off chance that someone might yank him up onto the stage for a dance someday.
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