#leakycon2023 warm up!
amethystheart2421 · 10 months
Crumpet Time
@solemnlyswearwords and I made a Frantic Fanfic!
TITLE: CRUMPET TIME FEATURING THE CHARACTERS: lily evans, james potter Lily looked up from where she was drinking her coffee and reading the daily prophet when she heard her husband come in the door.
"Did you have a nice run?" she asked.
"Yup! And I stopped at the market!" He came into the kitchen and dropped an armful of bags on the counter. "I've decided I'm making dinner tonight."
Lily shot up in alarm. This was not good. He knew nothing about cooking and ABSOLUTELY nothing about shopping at the market. "Oh no… what did you do?"
“I want to make you something my mum always made me - fresh crumpets.”
He knew nothing about cooking, but he knew even less about baking. “Um….alright hun. Would you like me to help?
"No! No helping. You cook for me all the time, this time I'm cooking for you! Now, why don't you go out, spend some time with Mary or visit your sister. When you get back for tea you'll have fresh homemade crumpets!" James was very insistent and smacked her hand away when she tried to look inside the shopping bags.
She grumbled but decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. "Okay, if you insist."
Before she left, she snuck into the study and called Remus. "Moony, James is going to try to bake! Please come over, like a surprise visit, and supervise?? I can't have him burning down the house!"
MEANWHILE James called Sirius on the mirror. "Pads, I need you to seend Moony over now. I have no idea how to make crumpets!"
THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fanfic created with #FranticFanfic.
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