#leaning towards the second option here because i live my redesign so much
themyscirah · 6 months
(Accidentally went insane and made a whole character bible page 🫣)
Complete w precrisis and preboot continuity [nothing post 52 bc I haven't read it and also don't hate myself] (plus a section for my hypothetical comic run)
It's all in pencil but I may end up typing it up and digitizing the art we'll see.
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silence-burns · 4 years
Please Hate Me //part 46
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: Based on: “Imagine having a love/hate relationship with Loki.” by @thefandomimagine​ Who would have thought that babysitting a god could be so much fun?
Genre: slow-burn, enemies to lovers, banter
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Mornings, contrary to popular belief, could actually be quite enjoyable, especially if experienced around noon. 
There were few things better than the comforts and warmth of one's bed, and a loved one's body pressed close, resting peacefully within reach. Even the sunlight didn't bother Loki much. He'd grown used to the dim rays of the winter sun doing their best against the low-hanging clouds. It would snow again, as it did the past couple of days.
The apartment had windows overlooking a wild patch of a garden tucked in between the buildings, forgotten or ignored by the residents. It wasn't much, but a few gnarled trees managed to take roots and grow unattended, to the delight of all kinds of birds from the neighborhood. Once the snow melted, it would be easier to judge if there was any potential to work on that place, but for now, both of you just watched over it, occasionally feeding whatever animals fancied some corn on that day.
The few snowmen Peter had worked on showed both his progress and the unquestionable lack of skills. Loki wasn't sure if it was possible for a snowman to lean to the side any further without falling, but he was certain the boy would ease his doubts next time he paid a visit.
Thankfully, chances of that happening anytime soon were low enough for Loki to feel safe, at least until classes end. A small mercy, but one that he'd take gladly. 
Loki turned to the side and buried his face in your neck. The soft fabric of the covers slipped off your sleeping form, daring him with a display of skin marked by his ministrations from last night. Or maybe the night before that. It was hard to discern between the days lately. They blurred together because of the amount of work to focus on. The apartment was in a good condition overall, but in dire need of redesigning. The tiresome work was made easier once Loki realized how easily his magic could bend the walls and the space contained within them.
Still, he deserved to rest, and he intended to continue doing so when he heard the last thing he wanted. 
It couldn't be Peter, who'd either walk in or stick himself to the window after half a minute of not answering. Loki looked over his shoulder. The window behind him was still boy-free. 
That meant whoever decided to make the gravest mistake of their lives could be a neighbor. Neighbors were supposed to be friendly, or at least neutral toward new residents, as you'd explained a few days ago. It wouldn't be anything strange if one of them decided to pay a little visit to say hi. None did so far, but if any dared, Loki would make sure it was their last. 
Unfortunately, there was another possibility that came solely from the fact of an opening business, advertising it on the aforementioned door and allowing the, also aforementioned, boy to spread the business cards all over the city. 
It could be a client. 
It wouldn't be such a bad thing overall, but it was at the very bottom of the things Loki wanted to deal with instead of sleeping. If it was up to him, he'd just cancel the sound with a quick spell and ignore it further, but he couldn't forget your joy when your first client visited a few days ago. The sense of purpose it gave you and the way it made you smile were still vivid in Loki's memory. Even if the first client was a first-grader missing a tooth.
Still, you made him a promise and even put him into the schedule, promising to resolve his problem...today, actually.
Loki sighed and braced himself mentally for the walk downstairs. If the kid showed up to check how it went, he'd be in for a surprise. Loki pushed himself off the mattress, pulling the covers over your shoulder to keep you warm. 
He didn't bother himself with looking for a coherent set of clothing among the things scattered on the floor and furniture. Lately, he'd spent most of his free time in a wonderfully green robe you gave him as a gift anyway, and he didn't feel like breaking his new routine. Walking down the stairs, Loki did his best to keep his eyes open enough to see the steps. A child or not, someone would be getting a lecture about the importance of beauty sleep…
Loki opened the door, reminding himself that however strange it might sound, murder was not always the answer to every problem.
Loki frowned. He closed the door. He opened it again.
"Haven't I murdered you already?" he asked.
Agent Coulson put on a smile he must've practiced in front of a mirror a hundred times. "It would seem so."
The old lady living next door looked them over and decided she didn't need to leave her apartment as much as she had thought. The locks clicked one by one when she turned on her heels and closed them firmly.
Loki debated following in her steps when Coulson said something that made even Loki freeze.
"I paid you a visit because the Avengers and SHIELD need your help."
Loki blinked before erupting into laughter - waves and waves of it that he just couldn't stop. His body shook with the bizarre words of a long dead human he had almost forgotten about already. For a moment, he considered what the neighbors must be thinking if they'd been eavesdropping, but it was of secondary importance. What really mattered was that his mood changed so quickly Loki hadn't even noticed.
"I'm glad you're taking my visit well," Coulson smiled tightly, waiting patiently for Loki to calm down.
"Oh, don't worry. Killing you the second time will do wonders to my mood for the whole week," a dagger slipped into Loki's hand.
"Who are we killing today?"
Both men froze hearing you. You walked down the stairs with a blanket pulled tightly over your shoulders. Good manners dedicated you cover your yawning mouth, but your hands bunched in the thick fabric of the blanket reminded you of what was truly important in one's life, especially before noon. Or coffee.
"I thought we agreed on a no killing rule in the mornings? It complicates the whole day."
"To be fair, I've killed this man before."
"And now he's come for a refund?" You turned to Coulson. "I'm sorry, agent. We aren't open yet. Can you come back in the afternoon?"
"Don't worry about it," the agent said. "I've come for a completely different matter. As I've already begun explaining to your…"
"Love of my life," you helped him.
"...I came here asking for your help. Both of you. I would be delighted if we could talk about this like civilized people."
"What a wonderful idea, my dear corpse. Come in."
"Could you please put down your gun first?"
"I don't have a-"
"Please. I just want to talk."
Coulson's polite smile was as unnerving as you remembered it from the few rather brief encounters you'd had in the past.
"Fine," you growled, pushing the blanket to the side and dropping a gun onto the coffee table.
Loki had his eyes on the agent when he walked further into the room. Loki and you were still not sure whether it should be an office or just a living room, so for now it stayed somewhere in between. Coulson didn't mention the state of disarray, but he didn't sit on the couch.
"So what's all the fuss about?" you asked.
"An object was stolen from a SHIELD safe house two nights ago. Despite our greatest efforts, we have been unable to find it. We are well aware of the set of skills the two of you possess," Coulson gave Loki a sharp look, "and are keen on paying you generously for your help."
"No," Loki shrugged. "We listened, now you can go bother someone else."
The agent sighed. He didn't seem particularly surprised, though. 
"How generously?" you asked carefully. You shushed Loki before he started complaining. "You must realize we're living quite comfortably already and there's not much that we need."
"Name your price then." Coulson's smile didn't waver, and it was clear he was open to negotiations. The case must be dire, then. And if whatever had been stolen came from the depths of SHIELD's super secret base, it must not only be worth a fortune, but also highly dangerous and possibly not quite from this world. 
Loki's elbow kept on jabbing your ribs in desperate hope of getting your attention, but you were too deep in your schemes already.
"We don’t have much interest in money," you leaned back on the couch, fixing the blanket absentmindedly, "but since both of us already have ties with your organization, why not go into that direction? We'd love to have the kind of… support you can offer."
The smile on your face was sweet enough to make Loki's teeth rot, but he kept quiet. He had no idea what was on your mind, but he was keen on finding out. He looked at the agent.
"I'm afraid SHIELD is not the right kind of agency to clean up after you mess something up," Coulson said.
"I'm pretty sure you guys are perfect when it comes to disappearing people and wiping away their messes as if they never were. Last time I saw you work, you were quite efficient."
There was definitely a history between the two of you. Loki kept his smile to himself as he watched the agent's shoulders shift. Whatever the story was, it clearly involved a part the agent was not the happiest about.
"Could you reconsider?" he asked at last.
"We named our price."
"This artifact is of the utmost importance. Surely you understand what the stakes are?"
"This is a private business, darling," you gestured around. "If you wanted the heroes, especially those working pro bono, I'm afraid you climbed the wrong tower. But since you came to us, and I'm sure that’s not because you miss our lovely faces, you must've already considered that option, didn't you?"
Coulson sighed. "You've got yourself a deal."
The grin on your face was nothing short of wolfish. "How lovely. Now, what did you lose?"
The box Coulson took out of the pocket of his suit was neither big nor pretty. If anything, the thin wood looked worn, and the edges were rounded from time and touch. Still, it was enough to make Loki tense next to you, and not touch it when the agent set it on the table.
"It used to hold a pin, and the pin used to have a gem of unknown origin. Now there's neither, and we want them back."
You exchanged looks with Loki.
"We'll contact you when we find anything out," you promised.
You wondered how desperate Coulson must've been if he didn't even argue before leaving the not-office. In the silence that fell upon the room, your attention turned to the box. No ornaments and not even a lock. If such an important pin had been put inside of it, why was the box not secured more?
"What do you think?" you laid back into Loki's side.
"Are we actually doing this? I'm not the right person to talk about trust issues, but I'm pretty sure I've already killed that guy."
"Did you sense anything off about him?"
"Not really. But when it comes to this little box…" Loki's hand hovered above it, but he didn't touch the wood. "I probably shouldn't be surprised to find mice residue, but I'm quite puzzled about that disgusting tang of necromancy."
"Do you think the pin had been used for some dark rituals?" you wiggled your eyebrows. 
"I'm afraid we'll only find that out if we can figure out where the pin went."
"What are we waiting for then?”
A few hours passed without any further interference, but as all good things, that time had to pass at last. The rather casual afternoon at your apartment had been interrupted by a certain boy who had secured himself a spare set of keys beforehand, and now used them to enter.
Peter froze midstep.
"Close the door. It takes way too long to reignite all these candles," you said from the living room turned office turned ritual site.
The thick black candles were laid out around a circle drawn with chalk, and strange symbols painted with what Peter could only hope was actually paint. Very, very red paint. The same type of paint covering Loki's bare skin in twisting, overflowing sigils. With his eyes closed, and head upturned, he chanted quietly in a language of wind and shadows.
"Cookie?" you offered from the couch, where you laid sprawled. 
The bag was almost empty, but the cookies turned out to be great anyway. Peter sat at the very edge of the couch, observing the god and his ritual.
"Is that...normal?"
"Yeah, chill. We got a job from a dead man walking who told us to find a stolen alien artifact, so we're doing our very best," you yawned. "Meaning, he is working and I'm supporting him wholeheartedly."
"I'd have better support from the chicken I told you I needed," Loki murmured between breaths.
"Where the fuck was I supposed to find you a living chicken in the middle of New York?"
Peter took another cookie. "Does that mean you won't be able to find that thing?"
You waved your hand dismissively as Loki focused back on chanting. "It'll be fine, he's already done that once with perfect results and no chickens violated."
"What were you looking for?"
"The remote."
Peter nodded. Chewing on the last cookie, he fished his homework out of his backpack and laid it out on the table, next to a gun. He had a spider-patrol planned for the evening, but had to finish schoolwork first. With Ned sure to ramble about his newest set tomorrow, Peter had no chance of finishing it before the classes started in the morning.
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faulty-writes · 4 years
Warning: A Few Swears, Mentions Of Blood, Mentions of Injuries. 
Fandom: My Hero Academia 
Pairing: Dabi x Reader
[First part located here.  Third part located here] 
[Requested tag: @marydragneell​] 
[As requested, this is the second part of my Soulmate Sensations. Since your fateful meeting, you had been unable to feel Dabi. No pain, no nothing and it’s driving you mad. Aizawa kept to his word and kept his eye on you, but you had a promise you needed to keep and you were about to get desperate.]
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Life /līf/
the sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual
You could hear the rain continue to echo off the rooftop of U.A., you were currently in the Development Studio. A piece of equipment laid before you on the table, but you hadn’t touched it since you entered the studio hours ago. You were currently sitting on your work stool, your eyes focused on your hands. Your fingers moved ever so slightly and the burn scars from Dabi were still imprinted on your skin, which at this point was almost a comfort. The thought of the villain caused your heart to sink,  It was strange, how much you missed the pain. Despite having to deal with it for years, without it. You felt like nothing.
It just wasn’t fair! It had been a month, maybe more since the mission and Aizawa had kept his word. You could not volunteer for missions, no matter how small or big. You could only work in the Development Studio but your work itself had been shotty and everyone noticed your change in behavior. You were depressed, had a lack of motivation and overall you weren’t yourself. You played it off using stupid excuses like you were tired or simply preoccupied with your own thoughts.
It was strange how one person, how one villain could consume your mind. “Y/n!” you snapped out of your thoughts when you heard your name and turned your head to the doorway where Aizawa stood. Almost immediately you narrowed your eyes. “School hours are over, time to go.” you blinked before looking at the clock, how did it get that late already? If you were being honest, you had grown to have quite a dislike towards Aizawa since the day he decided to punish you. But regardless, you slid off your stool and walked past him.
It was no better at home, you felt empty and you continued to stare at your hands almost like they’d produce Dabi’s flames. “Ah damn it all!” you shouted as you sat on your couch, your hands curling into fists. You were beyond frustrated, everyone else got a happy ending but you, your ending was ruined because of Deku and you sighed. “No …” you said as you ran your hand through your hair. It wasn’t their fault, they didn’t know what was going on. You hadn’t told anyone about your soulmate calling and now it was too late to tell anyone without looking like a fool.
“What am I going to do?” with each day that passed you felt more hopeless and despite your best efforts in trying to track Dabi down yourself. You were at a loss, the League of Villains seemed quiet lately and the news proved to have no leads you could follow. You felt like a sitting duck, just what the hell were you supposed to do? Part of you wondered if Dabi was missing you too or if it was just a one-sided emotion. Well, it didn’t matter, either way, you made a promise and a hero you never went back on your promises.
But still, the question of how you’d go through with your promise was up in the air, Aizawa wouldn’t let you volunteer for missions but that didn’t mean you didn’t hear about them. The Hero Course students were constantly going on missions. But you hated the idea of waiting even longer than you already were. Though no other option was working, so did you really have a choice? Maybe that was the only solution, just listen and wait around for the Hero Course to talk about their missions and follow behind them if one sounded right? Usually, those who were selected for a mission met outside the gates of U.A. so it wasn’t too complicated.
You groaned and laid down on the sofa, your arm draped over your eyes. Your head was beginning to ache from the constant thoughts and you honestly hated yourself. Maybe it was best you told someone about what was happening, but who on Earth would be crazy enough to listen to you and do it without judgment? You paused, wait there was one person and you had class with her every day. “Would she really …” you spoke to yourself and slowly sat up, your feet tapping against the floor. It was a long shot, but it might just work.
You took a deep breath before falling back onto the couch, pulling a nearby blanket over you. Another sleepless night awaited you but at least when you did manage to sleep, you dreamed of Dabi so it was almost worth it. The next day at the Development Studio you cornered Mei, “EH!? You want me TO BUILD YOU SOMETHING!?” she screamed in your face, though you knew it was only out of excitement and not because she was angry with you. “Yes.” you watched her smile and she reached out to grab your shoulders, bringing her face closer to yours. “WHAT sort of BABY would you LIKE!?” you blinked, where the hell did she get all this energy from?
But still, she had helped you in the past and she was your best shot at getting all the precautions you needed. “I need another set of Hydraulic Bracers, uh sorry about what happened to them,” you said as your glance turned to the side, they had gotten pretty busted up in the aftermath of your small fight with Dabi. You were just thankful Mei wasn’t the vengeful type, in fact, she seemed overjoyed because she could redesign them. Still a small part of you felt guilty.
Pushing that feeling aside, you continued, “I would also need another pair of Hover Soles, preferably with the sensor this time.” Mei smiled and released your shoulders, “AH YES! I can make those for you easy!” she declared, her fists raised in the air. “Uh ...yeah,” you said before taking a step away. “I would also need some type of arm bracers that can produce enough pressure to deflect ...fire.” Mei paused, lowering her hands before looking at you from over her shoulder. Her eyebrow was raised and you knew she would probably ask questions.
You sighed, lowering your head. “Does this HAVE anything to do with the fact you’ve been ACTING so weird lately?” you blinked, a little surprised that even Mei noticed your change of behavior, usually she was too involved with her latest invention to notice the world around her. Your heart raced as you lifted your head, looking at her with a frown. Should you tell her? You weren’t sure where your life was going to go if you did this, more than likely you felt if you went after Dabi your life as a hero would be over.
But maybe that was for the best, it was clear you couldn’t get over Dabi and while you expected the way you felt to lessen as time went on, it only seemed to get worse. Others gave up their lives for the people they loved, couldn’t you do the same for your soulmate? Your heart and your brain were in constant battle but it seems they both longed for Dabi. A sigh escaped your lips, “Do you really want to know the story behind that?” you questioned and Mei looked at you with a curious expression before sitting down, patting the stool next to her.
You took a deep breath, “Here goes nothing.” you muttered to yourself before taking the seat and began to tell your story. You had expected Mei to be shocked, tell you it was a bad idea, refuse to make you those weapons but instead, she smiled.  “So you want to find this Dabi pretty bad huh?” you nodded. “I see ...hm.” she leaned back, tapping her chin with one of her gloved fingers. “I thought you’d refuse to help me after you heard my story,” you confessed before Mei turned her head, those eyes of hers bright and her smile wide.
“NONSENSE!” she exclaimed as she waved you off, “Frankly, I don’t understand the idea of soulmates my only love is my BABIES, but!” she paused and leaned close to you, her finger pointed at your face. “If it’s meant to be and he’s your SO CALLED soulmate, I think I can understand the NEED to want to BE WITH HIM.” you glanced to the side, a nervous chuckle leaving your lips. But you felt a little relieved, at least someone was on your side. “Though one thing still CONCERNS me, however, I THINK I have FIGURED IT OUT.” she declared and leaned back, crossing her arms over her chest.
“You said you couldn’t FEEL him anymore correct?” your heart sank as you were yet again reminded of that, but nonetheless you nodded. “It is possible that ONCE you met him, your calling of sensation broke? Think about it, there are VARIOUS stories out there that claim once your soulmate is FOUND the ability you used to find them disappears. I think it’s because in MOST cases you’d well, have a happy ending.” your eyes widened, you hadn’t thought about that. But it would make sense. Despite having felt pain during your battle against Dabi, it wasn’t until after he kissed you that the sensation went away.
So was it that the physical affection he gave broke the connection? You weren’t sure, there were still so many unanswered questions but the only way they would be answered is if you found him again. You looked down, sighing. “Maybe ...but that’s why I need those items. Dabi’s quirk is fire and I narrowly escaped it last time.” the memories flashed in your mind while Mei placed her hands on her hips. “Well, a good designer can meet all the reckless, ignorant, and ill-advised demands of the client. I’ll make the items for you! BUT it might take ...a month, maybe more.” the hope you felt shattered when you heard those words.
“A month …” you repeated, your shoulders slumping again. Mei frowned at your display and reached over to lay her hand on your shoulder. “It’ll be worth it.” you knew she was trying to cheer you up but honestly, the thought of waiting was driving you mad. You sighed yet again, “Are you sure about that?” you questioned, looking back at her with uncertain eyes. She only nodded in response, “Besides I can tell you aren’t EXACTLY focused on your work right now. I know under NORMAL circumstances you could create these yourself.” you looked at her surprised and blushed.
“Well uh, you ...you were always better at this stuff than I was,” you confessed before glancing at your hands, “I thought my support course work was going to be the only thing I’d love but …” you trailed off and Mei smiled. “THAT’S OKAY! You don’t have to explain, I’ll start on those items for you,” she said as she walked over to her work table and pulled out a sheet of blue paper. You looked at her as she began to sketch, Mei certainly knew how to tug on your heartstrings. “Uh Mei …” you began, watching her pause and look over her shoulder.
“Uh, I just wanted to say thanks …” she chuckled and saluted you. “NO PROBLEM!” grinning she turned back to her work. You, however, continued to sit on the stool. For the past month, you had done nothing productive. Perhaps you’d be smarter this time, you reached up tapping your chin. “Hey Mei …” you said and once more watched her perk up and look at you. “Could you do me one more favor, I know I’m asking a lot,” you said knowing that you’d have to repay her after all of the shit you were dragging her through.
“What is it?” she questioned, her dreadlocks moving slightly as she tilted her head. Latching onto your bottom lip, you actually debated for a split moment about telling her. But you had already started so might as well finish. “Can you keep an ear out when you’re around the hero course students? I want to know what missions they have and if any of them will ...led me back to ...Dabi.” Mei looked surprised a moment, her eyes wide but her expression soon softened. “I see, I’ll try my best. I usually run into Deku once a day so I’ll keep my ears open and my eyes peeled.” you chuckled, feeling your heart flutter.
“Thank you Mei, I just ...I just really needed someone on my side,” you said, reaching up to brush a piece of your hair back. Mei nodded, “No problem, I GUESS it’s in the name of LOVE so.” you chuckled again, “I guess that’s one way to put it.” you said before sliding off the stool. Slowly walking to your work table where you picked up the gadget lying there. Twirling it in your hands, it was only half complete and you could see the inside of it. You looked around the workshop, this is where your journey first began and it seemed this is where your journey would end as well.
You looked back to the gadget, “This is going to be a long month.” you said before deciding to try and get some work done after all. You almost felt like an undercover agent as the days began to pass, Mei and yourself would work in the studio together. She would tell you all she knew about the hero course missions and you were beginning to lose hope, each mission she had heard about only sounded like the bottom of the barrel average everyday filler missions. You decided to do some snooping of your own and stood outside the teacher’s lounge, hoping to overhear something but Aizawa almost caught you.
So it was back to hearing reports from Mei. For a moment, you thought about falling back on your previous plan of trying to track Dabi down yourself. Maybe there was a step you missed? Damn, you knew it was hard but why did it seem like your life was going downhill ever since you met Dabi? It wasn’t his fault and maybe you only felt this way because for the first time in your life you were experiencing love for something other than your support work.
24 days passed and the small high you felt was declining, “What am I going to do …” you spoke to yourself as you walked through the halls of U.A, your destination, the Development Studio. Your fellow students looked at you as you passed them but you ignored their stares, you knew you probably looked exhausted, your mind somewhere else. Upon arriving at your destination, you walked through the door to see Mei and Midoriya talking to one another. “Yeah, the mission is going to be a little tough. But I’m ready, it’s time to stop the League of Villains before they steal more of those drugs.” you blinked, wait ...drugs?!
You watched Midoriya turn to you, “Oh,” he smiled and waved. “Hey y/n, I’m glad to see you’re doing better. It’s been about two months since our last mission,” he said as he approached you. “I hope you’re doing okay, uh I know Aizawa isn’t the nicest when it comes to punishments.” you felt that anger boil inside you at the mention of the teacher and nodded. “Yeah, it’s not exactly fair,” you muttered with your arms crossed and your glance to the side. You heard Midoriya chuckle, more than likely feeling awkward because of your response.
“Uh, yeah ...um sorry. But if it means anything, I think you did a wonderful job.” you wanted to roll your eyes, but you knew what happened wasn’t Midoriya’s fault. “Yeah, well thanks …” you trailed off and let the moment of silence take over, “Heh uh …” Midoriya reached up, rubbing the back of his head. “Well uh, I’ll see you later, thanks again Mei!” he said before running out of the studio. Your eyes followed him before turning back to Mei who had a huge smile on her face. “What was that about?” you questioned and heard her chuckle in response.
She placed her hand on her hip and pointed a finger at you. “Not SURE, but I think YOU finally found your break.” your eyes widened and you dropped your backpack onto the floor. “What do you mean?” she chuckled and tapped her cheek. “Midoriya was talking about the newest mission he signed up for, something about he needed a certain weapon for it but he mentioned drugs and I’m assuming the mission is not only related to the League of Villains but your previous one.” you felt your heart skip as Mei turned to fish something out of a cardboard box.
You stood there a moment before she turned back to you and in her hands was a brand new Hydraulic Bracer. Your jaw dropped and you looked at Mei with teary eyes. “I finished it LAST NIGHT, I’m hoping I can GET some sleep now. But I also have those Hover Soles you asked for!” she said as she approached you and unclasped the bracer. You felt a wave of happiness as she clasped you in, “Hm.” you pushed down on the bracer, it felt a little heavier than her previous one. But that was likely to make it more durable.
“NOW, let’s try them out,” Mei suggested as she held up a button which made you nervous and for a moment you prayed the device wouldn’t blow up. “What do you mean test-ah!” your sentence was cut short when a metal leg came out and made your world spin before you finally landed on the opposite side of the room. “Okay then …” you said before finally stabilizing your legs. “PERFECT. It works!” Mei said, patting herself on the back which you found both endearing and silly. But she was a master of her craft, so you couldn’t really blame her for being happy over the fact an invention worked. Especially considering most of them blew up.
“Now, let’s try the hover soles.” she insisted and your shoulders slumped. “Okay …” you said, a bit hesitant as you walked over and took your seat. Mei strapped them to your feet and the back of them ran up your legs which also meant there were straps securely tied to your calves. You took a breath and stood on your feet, Mei clicked the button once again. “Ah …” your arms waved back and forth as you were lifted a couple inches off the ground, trying to get a sense of balance but it was proving to be a difficult task and you ended up falling onto the floor sideways.
For a brief moment, you felt frustrated as you pushed yourself up, your feet still floating in the air before Mei disabled them. “Well ...THAT’S OKAY,” she said as if trying to cheer you up. “YOU just need PRACTICE! You can teach yourself quickly, my hover soles are easy to navigate once you get the hang of them.” she insisted as she held her hand out to help you up and though you were still frustrated, you took her hand and stood back on your feet. “Besides, I still need to make that compact FIRE DEFLECTION wrist braces for you. Shouldn’t take more than another two weeks,” she informed you before patting you on the back.
Yet more burden was placed upon your shoulders, just two more weeks. “Wait ...when is the mission Midoriya spoke about?” you questioned, a little concerned Mei wouldn’t be able to make your requested item on time. “OH THAT.” she chuckled and waved you off. “The students still need to prepare and make a plan for that, I’m sure Aizawa informed them that he doesn’t want any failures this time.” your eyes narrowed, more than likely he only said that because he blames you for being the cause of failure last time.
“Hm, I see …”  you said, your eyes shifting to the side and Mei took note of your behavior. “I also have to finish the piece of equipment Midoriya requested, I will complete yours first and once that’s finished I will complete Midoriya’s and then …” she paused and you looked at her as she approached you, resting her hands on your shoulders. “We’ll make a plan so you can find Dabi again, I would suggest following the group. But we have to be SMART about it.” you had to admit, you thought about trailing behind the students but you knew that was too risky unless you did it the right way.
You took a breath, reaching up to clasp your hands over Mei’s. Taking a moment to look at her expression, she was the only person you could trust at this point. “I’m willing to exchange plans on that if you are,” you said before smiling, finally everything seemed to be falling into place. But there were still loose ends that you had to make sure were tied, you couldn’t risk giving up or failing at this point. Aizawa seemed to be your biggest enemy at the moment, but when it came right down to it. You’d be willing to fight even All Might if it meant you had a chance at seeing Dabi.
As you entered the beginning of a new month, despite feeling like you couldn’t wait any longer. Mei, as promised, finished your requested item, it strapped easily to your wrists and had large slots to produce air pressure that could hopefully defect Dabi’s flames enough for you to create a diversion. You tried to resume your normal life in school, having been able to complete a few requests of your own between your discussions with Mei. Though it was a long shot, she agreed she would tag along with you and trail behind the mission students from a safe distance.
She could easily track them with her quirk and she even suggested allowing a drone to keep sight from the sky in case she somehow lost track of the students. Part of you could hardly believe this was happening, you felt butterflies in your stomach. A small amount of doubt did cross your mind, but you knew that was silly. Even if your plan was compromised, you wouldn’t give up. This was something you needed to do, regardless if it ruined your career as a support hero. Maybe that was a chance you were willing to take, giving up your life for someone else’s.
Another few days passed before Mei informed you she had finished Midoriya’s new weapon and she had even gathered the intel about when and where the mission students were meeting. As per usual they would wait outside the school before departing to the location. Mei suggested waiting at the opposite end of the school building in order to give yourselves distance before following. You thought that was your best shot, you had trained enough with your new weapons to be able to handle your own.
The morning of the mission, you had gotten up early. Dressed in a skinsuit complete with a tunic that was similar to Suneater’s. You wore boots though they were covered by the hover soles, the hydraulic bracer was securely strapped around your waist as well as the air pressure stabilizers which strapped to your wrists and had wires that connected a small compressed air tank that was hidden beneath your tunic. You couldn’t describe the number of butterflies you were feeling as you looked at yourself in the mirror but your expression was serious. There was no going back now.
You met Mei outside the front gates of U.A. She was dressed in her U.A. uniform complete with her goggles. “Ah, there you are! COME ON, before they show up.” she insisted as she grabbed your arm and dragged you behind the school. “I SET UP a drone, I designed it to be as QUIET as possible.” she shared before taking out her phone, you hovered over her shoulder as she pressed a sequence of buttons which brought up a small screen that looked to be the video feedback from the drone. You blinked, “Are you sure this is going to work? They won’t spot it will they?” you questioned and Mei waved you off.
“This will work, shh. I think they are gathering.” the screen narrowed in on the group of students, you could clearly make out Midoriya, Togata, Amajiki, and Katsuki. You almost wanted to laugh, they thought you were the reason for failure last time so they replaced you with the ticking time bomb? You crossed your arms, pushing your own feelings aside as you continued to watch. You saw Aizawa come into frame, giving the heroes the rundown of the mission before they began to depart. Those butterflies only got worse as the minutes ticked by and you waited for Mei to confirm when you could begin to follow.
Though you couldn’t see ahead of you like Mei and her quirk, you trusted her as you walked. It seems hours had passed by and you were somewhere past Shizuoka, Japan. A location about two hours from Tokyo. Your feet would have ached if not for the aid of the hover soles you had, hovering was so much easier than walking. Once you had found out what location the heroes were headed for, you quickly learned it was an abandoned light factory. But then again, that would make sense, if the League of Villains was behind this they would pick a secluded location.
Mei insisted on waiting until the heroes got into their positions and until something happened, your eyes were getting tired of looking at the phone screen and it was getting dark. You yawned and Mei quickly silenced you, “Shh,” you blinked, “Why shh? What’s happening-” you had leaned over her shoulder to look when she clasped her hand over your mouth. You looked at her confused before your eyes caught the glint of headlights on the screen, “Hm?” you removed her hand and continued to watch, just like before it seemed the villains thought it was smart to arrive in an unnamed vehicle.
Your heart pounded with anticipation as you watched the doors open, your hands were clenched so tight you were surprised your bones didn’t break. “Please Dabi …” you whispered, he needed to be here. You held your breath as four men stepped out and sure enough, your heart skipped a beat when one of them was Dabi. He was wearing the same outfit as last time and his hands were in his pockets, his head was tilted towards the sky so you assumed he was either looking at the stars or saying something to his teammates.
“It’s him!” you squealed as you grasped onto Mei’s shoulders and while she laughed, she also tried to keep hold of her phone. “I have to go see him-” you were about to run off when Mei grabbed your arm and pulled you back, causing you to cry “Ah!” and stumble back. “You can’t go in now. YOU’LL expose yourself.” you frowned, you finally saw Dabi and you felt a strong urge to run to him but she was right. You couldn’t expose yourself yet, as much as you wanted to.
“W-What do you suggest?” you asked and Mei tapped her chin a moment. “Well, YOU could wait UNTIL CHAOS,” she emphasized the word chaos by throwing her arms up in the air, “unleashes and sneak into the midst of it, that’s the best strategy I CAN think of given the situation.” in addition to that with your costume, it was highly unlikely anyone would recognize you if you had your hood up and maybe Mei had a point, it would be hard to keep track of the number of people around if chaos was erupting.
“Mm …” you frowned, despite your heart pounding softly at the thought of seeing Dabi again. “How long do you think it’ll take for that to happen?” you asked and watched Mei lean back, her eyes glued to the screen. “I’d say right about now, considering Deku just threw the first punch.” you leaned over her shoulder, “WHAT?!” you exclaimed but sure enough there was Deku. That familiar lightning surrounding him and the unmarked vehicle now had a large dent in it. You assumed the villains had scattered everywhere.
You looked to Mei, your lips pressed together in a thin line. She looked back at you, a smile on her face. “Do it,” she said and despite the butterflies in your stomach, you nodded and pulled your hood up before taking off. The hover soles made it easy to increase your speed and it was almost like rolling skating, it took but a few moments to arrive. But as you did you could see smoke billowing from a section of the surrounding forest area. You placed your hand to your chest, your heart was still racing.
Well, it was now or never, you glanced back and forth making sure there were no heroes around as you made your move. You could hear the hover soles kick up dirt as you made your way into the smoky forest, the smoke was thick and you began to cough the deeper you ventured inside. Bringing your wrists up, you released a shot of compressed air. It blew some of the smoke away as you closed in on its source. You heard two voices as you got closer and ducked into some bushes, holding your breath as you peered through the leaves.
You could see Dabi, he was standing by a tree. His palm pressed against it to keep his flames going. Then there was someone in a dark bodysuit who seemed to be having some type of argument with himself, “Hm, strange.” you muttered to yourself before Dabi pointed down the forest path. “Yeah, whatever Twice. Just keep those damn heroes at bay.” you shivered at the sound of his voice, it was as monotone as ever. You watched “Twice” ramble off something before departing and you leaned back, however that proved to be a mistake.
You ended up snapping a twig which caught Dabi’s attention and you watched his head turn to the bushes where you currently were. “Alright, come out,” he said, stepping away from the tree. His eyes were absent of any emotion and you clasped your hands over your mouth, trying to keep silent. This wasn’t exactly the introduction you had thought of. You watched him step forward, raising his arms. “Guess I’ll have to force you out then …” he said, his eyes seeming to shine as his arms were engulfed with his flames.
Oh no. You cried out when they came, the metal beam from your hydraulic bracer came out. Pulling you away and out of the bushes, which were set ablaze seconds later. Leaves flew everywhere and obscured your vision. “Ah!” your eyes widened when you felt the heat of Dabi’s fireball hurling towards you. “Damn!” you hissed and brought your wrist up, releasing that compressed air to deflect it. However, it only weakened the flame and your hydraulic bracer retracted its beam. You felt yourself fall, that fireball grazing your arm and though it hurt, you almost felt happy to feel that burn again.
You landed on the ground, grunting before you stumbled onto your feet again. Dabi scoffed and slowly stepped in front of you, “Well ...if it isn’t the little hero from before.” he almost sounded like he was mocking you and despite the fact that your arm was now bleeding from that fireball, you took a deep breath. He had recognized you? “My name is y/n,” you said with a small hiss, Dabi had to have known your name. Then again, you don’t remember telling him your name before. Okay, maybe this was awkward. Your soulmate should know your name, but that didn’t stop the fact that you two were destined to be together.
“Should I really care about that doll?” he replied before reeling his hand back and sending several flames towards you. “Damn it.” you hissed and dodged them the best you could, using your compressed air devices to redirect them. “You should care! Considering what you did to me last time!” you shouted before crossing your arms as Dabi charged at you, he knocked you off your feet and once more you found yourself trying to escape him. He grabbed your ankle, pulling you back. You felt his palm growing hot and more than likely he was using that as a silent threat to keep you from moving.
You clenched your jaw, your hands curling into the ground which stained your palms with dirt. You could hear fighting off in the distance as well as the small aftershocks of the heroes’ super moves. “You really trying to escape again? Dollface, I thought you would have learned from last time.” the memories flashed in your head before you turned and shot a compressed amount of air into Dabi’s face. He hissed and covered his eyes which now watered, “Fuck.” he groaned and you took your chance.
Leaping up, you grabbed his wrists and pinned him to the ground. Your legs spread and your knees dug into his waist. He seemed unphased as he stared at you, meaningless tears running down his cheeks. You paused a moment, he almost looked human and your heart sank again. But you leaned over him, tightening your grip on his wrists. “Do you know ...how fucking long I was looking for you!?” you exclaimed, ignoring the fact that the voices were growing closer to your location.
Your hood was down, but even so, you didn’t care. Dabi kept quiet, his eyes locked on you. “Do you feel it anymore? Do you feel me!? My pain?” you questioned and watched his head cock to the side. “Why does that matter?” he questioned and you felt your heart sink and your nails dug into his wrists but once again, it didn’t seem to phase him. “Can you feel the pain I feel inside, missing you?” you asked before releasing his wrists and leaned up to press a hand to your chest.
You almost felt like crying, but you refused to. You gasped when Dabi reached up and you more than certain he was going to choke you, but instead, he grabbed your hand and pulled it away from your chest. You looked at him, a little worried about his next move but found yourself surprised when he placed his hand over your heart. You looked down, his hand was so large and yet it laid innocently there, feeling the rhythm of your heart. You then looked back at him as he sat up and sighed. “If you’re talking about that heavy feeling in my chest, yeah y/n I feel it.” your eyes widened and a shiver ran down your spine at the sound of him speaking your name.
“But I can’t bother with it right now,” he growled before you felt a powerful burst of heat, the burning and blood followed as you were thrown back by the force of it. You hit the ground and rolled, your hand now clenching your open wound. “W-Wait Dabi …” you said weakly as you held your hand out to him, he was standing and looking down at you though you couldn’t read his expression. You could hear the heroes closing in, their words audible but you knew you couldn’t escape in your condition.
Still, you looked at Dabi with a pleading glance and he sighed. “I’ll find you this time.” he said before taking off, “Dabi …” you whimpered before lowering your head to the ground, the pain radiating through your chest was unbearable and your hand was covered in blood. I’ll find you this time, your eyelids began to feel heavy. He better keep that promise or you didn’t know what you’d do. Your vision started to fade and your body went limp against the ground as you finally passed out. The heroes approached your unconscious body and once more, you were taken to the hospital.  
When you woke up days later, the sound of the cardiac monitor beeping filled your ears. You groaned, feeling your chest give a soft ache. Looking down, you noticed your chest was wrapped up tight with bandages. More than likely you’d have another burn scar from Dabi, you sighed as you sat up in the hospital bed. Your hands rested on your thighs, your thoughts going back to what Dabi had said. Would he find you, was he trying to find you last time? You couldn’t really tell, but once more you found yourself waiting.
“Well, I would say it’s glad to see you awake but the fact is I need to discuss some things with you, y/n.” a shiver ran down your spine as you glanced over to the door, Aizawa was standing there with his arms crossed over his chest. You said nothing, “You took it upon yourself to not only disobey my orders but you bluntly put yourself in danger once again and in addition, you managed to drag your classmate into your nonsense.” you clenched your jaw. “I-It’s not nonsense,” you replied, though it’s not like he’d understand.
He seemed to perk up at your words, but a frown was still plastered on his face. “Frankly, I don’t care what it is. I’m not trying to be the bad guy, y/n but you did disobey me and go against the orders I put in place-” you snapped, “The orders you gave me when I was injured! The orders you gave me because you thought I was the reason for the failure of the last mission!” despite your chest aching, you were ready to throw down with your teacher. He sighed and shook his head. “I did not call you a failure y/n but even so that’s not what I’m here to discuss,” he said firmly, his eyes narrowing on you.
“I have spoken to Principal Nezu and given the circumstances though he did mention he was impressed by the fact you trailed behind the hero students without being caught. I am until further notice, putting you on suspension from U.A.” you felt your heart shatter and your fingers curled into the blanket that draped over your legs, your face twisted with anger. “What do you mean suspension you can’t do that-” before you could finish you heard a scream and the sound of panicked running came.
You weren’t sure what was happening, but slowly you turned to look out the window. Seeing the trees give off smoke and a blue flame hidden in between them. The world around you slowed as you pulled the blanket back and slowly rose to your feet, the heart monitor suction pads peeling off as you made your way to the window. You looked at the burning trees as though you were hypnotized, “Dabi …” you whispered before your thoughts were shattered by Aizawa’s yelling. “Y/n! Y/n!” you gasped and looked at him as he pulled down his signature goggles.
“Stay here, under no circumstances are you leaving this room and you better listen this time,” Aizawa growled the last words before shutting the door behind him, more than likely going to address the situation. You stood there a moment, a frown on your face before you turned back to the window, the smoke was growing thicker and spreading to the various trees that were near the hospital. All in a line, everything was slowly engulfing into blue flame. and for some reason, you felt hope. Dabi was coming.
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my-dear-hammy · 7 years
Basking in Firelight-Jamilton Sequel-Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen: Stuck in Time
Warnings Below
Jefferson had no idea Hamilton accidentally fell asleep on the wall beside him, so he was surprised when Hamilton’s weight suddenly leaned against him as he slowly slid down the wall. Jefferson looked down at the small man that was resting against him, well that position didn’t look very comfy at all, Hamilton would probably wake with a whole bunch of aches and pains if Jefferson let him sleep like that. So Jefferson gently moved Hamilton away from the wall a laid his head down in his lap.
Hamilton shifted in his sleep, getting more comfortable and throwing an arm over Jefferson’s legs. Jefferson smiled to himself, Hamilton looked so relaxed and peaceful. Jefferson wished he could make Hamilton look like that all the time, but it was impossible, neither of them would ever be able to relax completely with a war going on.
Hamilton started twitching, the signs of a beginning nightmare. Jefferson murmured to him quietly and ran his hand gently through Hamilton’s hair until he relaxed again. He continued running his hand through Hamilton’s hair absent-mindedly until sleep overtook him.
When Jefferson woke, Hamilton was gone. He looked around and spotted him standing at the mouth of the wave, on hand against the wall, looking at the rain that was pouring down. Jefferson got up, walked over and stood behind him, slightly closer than he normally would.
“We can’t go anywhere in this,” Hamilton stated, sensing Jefferson’s presence. “There’s no lightning or wind, but the rain is just coming down too hard.”
“I guess we’re stuck in a cave for a while then. Whatever shall we do to pass the time?” Jefferson certainly had some ideas but he wasn’t going to voice any of them.
“Got any food in your pack?” Hamilton asked.
“Do I go anywhere without food?” Jefferson replied rhetorically, finding his bag and digging out some small rectangular boxes, about a centimeter or two in height, nine inches long, and five inches wide. “Here you go.” Jefferson tossed one at Hamilton.
“MRE’s?” Hamilton asked.
“Meals Ready to Eat. Military food, sorry, I couldn’t fit a gourmet kitchen in my bag.”
“You should be ashamed of yourself. Such poor packing skills,” Hamilton tutted.
“You’re literally a walking armory because of those packing skills, don’t get snarky with me,” Jefferson pointed out. “They’re okay cold, but we could probably make a fire and heat it up. The rain will keep the smoke from being noticed.”
“Yeah, and send our radio signal to hell,” Hamilton added.
“You tried contacting the other then?”
“Yeah, didn’t work.”
“I guess we really do have to wait out the storm,” Jefferson said, pulling out some supplies to start a fire. Once it got going, thanks to the twigs and sticks that littered the cave floor, Jefferson threw on a brick that would burn for about five hours before placing the MRE’s where they’d heat up. “Now we wait,” Jefferson said, sitting back and admiring his handy work. Hamilton walked over and plopped down next to him. “You know what I got?” Jefferson said happily, suddenly reaching for his pack.
“A kettle!” Jefferson grinned as he pulled up a miniature kettle.
“You wouldn’t also happen to have some coffee in the magical bag of yours, now would you?” Hamilton asked as Jefferson placed the kettle outside to fill up with rain. He also set out their canteens while he was thinking about it.
“Actually, I do.” Jefferson walked back over, thrust his arm into the depths of his bag and pulled out two one serving coffee packets. “I may spend too much time in sporting good stores. You won’t believe how much stuff they have in little hiking sized portions.” Jefferson fetched the now full container and plopped it onto the fire to boil.
After the coffee was done, Jefferson handed Hamilton his cup. “You are a miracle worker,” Hamilton said, gladly accepting his cup.
“Finally, someone recognizes my natural abilities,” Jefferson preened.
“If I didn’t need this coffee so much, I would the scalding contents down your shirt just for that comment.”
“Good thing you need it so much.”
“Bastard,” Jefferson smirked.
“Why do I put up with you?” Hamilton asked.
“Darling, I’ve got two reasons,” Jefferson said, wiggling two fingers in the air, “One, you love me and you know it.”
“As if,” Hamilton snorted.
“Two,” Jefferson continued, “We are stuck in a cave with no other option for company.”
“That sounds more accurate.”
“And three,” Jefferson said, adding another finger, “I saved your pansy ass.”
“Excuse me? I believe I’m the one that saved your ass on that hill!” Hamilton protested.
“Only because I saved you from that mob and again at the rally and again at the tank and-” Jefferson was ticking off fingers.
“Alright, alright, alright!” Hamilton cut him off before he could get started on how many times he saved Hamilton last night with a well-placed shot. “You saved my ass! Just don’t forget that I saved your ass too.”
“Okay, consider our asses mutually saved.”
“Oh my God, just shut the fuck up,” Hamilton groaned.
Jefferson cackled, “Maybe you should throw a book at my face if you think I talk so much,” Jefferson taunted.
Hamilton paused for a second, the dream of him doing just that flashing through his mind. “If I had one, I would. Maybe I’ll just settle for throwing you in the fire.”
“And ruin these amazing clothes? You wouldn’t dare,” Jefferson challenged, “Maybe if you stripped them off me, then you’d be willing to throw me in the fire.”
Hamilton’s face reddened. He prayed that Jefferson wouldn’t notice or at least think it was from the heat of the fire. “At this point, I’m going to throw you into the rain and let you freeze to death.”
“Actually, I could go for a shower,” Jefferson said, draining his coffee and walking toward the entrance.
“What’re you doing?” Hamilton asked rising to his feet.
“Washing all the mud off my face and out of my hair,” Jefferson said, taking off his coat and throwing it in the corner.
“You’re going to freeze to death.”
“Isn’t that what you’re aiming for?” Jefferson asked, his shirt joining his coat. “You should too, you’re covered in mud and blood.”
Hamilton watched as Jefferson shirked off his pants, leaving him in only his boxers, and stepped out into the rain. “SHIT! That’s cold!” He shook his head, flinging water off only to get even more drenched. “Come on in Hamilton! The water’s fine!”
Hamilton was too busy enjoying the view. Jefferson rubbed at his face and scrubbed at his hair. A moment later, Hamilton decided that he really didn’t like the feeling of blood and mud clinging to his skin any longer, so he did exactly as Jefferson did.
Jefferson had a handful of leaves and was scrubbing at his skin when Hamilton walked out, he paused and looked Hamilton up and down quickly before returning to scrubbing his own skin. Hamilton followed suit, he noticed Jefferson had already finished by the time Hamilton was gotten his face clean because he started so much earlier. He stalked back into the cave and stood by the fire to dry off. Hamilton followed him in soon after.
Jefferson scrubbed at his clothes a bit as he sat there drying, trying to get some of the red stains out. He was actually doing a pretty good job, he held them out to inspect them, slightly proud of his work. He snapped them, getting some extra dirt off before throwing them back in the corner until he was completely dry.
Several hours passed, the rain still drummed down unrelentingly, Hamilton had thrown another five-hour brick on the fire, and they were both completely clothed again. It felt nice to be mostly clean again. With nothing else to do, Jefferson subconsciously did what he always did when he was bored or focused on his work, he started humming. After a minute or so Hamilton's head snapped up and stared at Jefferson.
“What’re you humming?” he asked a little more sharply than he intended.
“You’re humming, what’s the song you’re humming?” Hamilton asked. He recognized that song, he’d recognize it anywhere. He dreamed it all the time. He could play it on the cello. He could play that song before he even knew what a cello was. But he had no idea what it was.
“I don’t know,” Jefferson said, “I was just humming, hold on.” He started humming again, this time paying attention to the tune. “Oh, I know that one by heart,” he said easily, “it’s The Impossible Duet by Handel-Halvorsen Passacaglia. Do you know it?”
“Yeah…I guess I do,” Hamilton said quietly, receding into his memories.
The rain continued into the night, making Jefferson and Hamilton stay another night in the cave. They curled up on opposite sides of the fire and went to sleep. Both having the same dream, but from different perspectives of blurred mystery. Hamilton’s face was out of reach for Jefferson and Jefferson’s refused to make itself known to Hamilton. Just as they couldn’t hear the names they muttered through the murkiness of the dream, they could only hear their own.
“Alexander…” Jefferson moaned, collapsed on the ground. Jefferson couldn’t hear the name he uttered.
“Thomas,” Hamilton cried, not hearing the name he desperately clung to. He fell to the ground next to the crumpled Jefferson, he turned him over, looking for where the bullet tore through Jefferson’s body. A red flower blossomed on Jefferson’s chest, right between the ribs. A fatal wound. Hamilton tore off his coat and pressed it to Jefferson’s wound. “It’s not that bad,” Hamilton cried, “You’ll be fine.”
“Alexander,” Jefferson smiled weakly, “I always know when you’re lying.”
Hamilton sobbed, “No! I’m not lying! You’re going to be fine because you’re going to pull through this and live a long and happy life with me!”
“With you?” Jefferson chuckled, “Sounds wonderful. Are you going to cook, or am I?”
“I’ll cook, Thomas. I’ll cook for you.”
“Perfect. You burning the house down will give me a chance to redesign it. I’m thinking more windows. What do you think?” Jefferson asked, his eyes dropping.
“Stay awake, Thomas, yes that sounds great, but you have to stay awake.” Hamilton pressed the wound harder, willing the bleeding to stop, but the red just continued to soak through the coat.
“You know-” Jefferson coughed, “-you never read that book.”
“I’ll tell you what, you come home with me and it’ll be the first thing I do,” Hamilton promised.
“Read that book.”
“Only if you come back with me,” Hamilton insisted.
Jefferson struggled to breathe, blood dribbling from his mouth. “Alexander, don’t cry,” he pleaded, reaching up and brushing away Hamilton’s tears. Hamilton clutched Jefferson’s hand, the other still tightly pressed against Jefferson’s wound. “You have to keep going, Alexander, this nation needs you.”
“This nation needs you, not me, you’re the president.”
Jefferson laughed, “I think Madison is president now. Good thing Burr wasn’t vice-”  He coughed harshly. Neither Jefferson or Hamilton had been able to hear what Jefferson said.
“No! You promised that you wouldn’t die without me! You promised! You have to keep your promise. You can’t die before me! Not before you listen to what I learned to play for you!” Hamilton cried.
Jefferson wiped away more of Hamilton’s tears and pushed the silky hair from his eyes, wanting to see those beautiful eyes while he still could.“What did you learn to play for me?”
“I-it’s a surprise,” Hamilton hiccuped.
“Tell me,” Jefferson insisted weakly, “I want to know.”
“I learned to play the cello, I can play that song you played that night in the library. We can play it together.”
“The Impossible Duet. Our life story it seems,” Jefferson laughed but it faded away.
“I wished Burr had shot me in the heart so I could die faster and not feel every second of it,” Jefferson grumbled.
“How about you don’t die and tell him to aim better yourself.” Jefferson closed his eyes wearily. “Eyes open, Thomas!”
“I’m sorry, Alexander,” Jefferson whispered, “that I couldn’t keep my promise. You know, you were my new melody.”
“Stay alive,” Hamilton sobbed.
Hamilton and Jefferson both snapped awake and pulled their knees to their chests, trying to calm their breathing. Hamilton could feel the tears still in his eyes and his throat raw from emotion. Jefferson could still feel the pain from the bullet that had torn into his chest. After a moment, Jefferson walked over to Hamilton and pulled him close, wanting to be close to him and comfort him. Hamilton gladly accepted without a word and they both sat there for the rest of the night, staring at the flames of the fire.
Sorry, not sorry. That was about 1000 words longer than I intended. Oops. You wanted fluff, I delivered, AHAHAHAHA
Warnings: Blood, death, nightmares
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smoothshift · 7 years
Time to haul some family -- 3 Row SUVs review. via /r/cars
Time to haul some family -- 3 Row SUVs review.
Hi Cars,
Wanted a bigger car for my growing family and learned a lot on the way. This is a super competitive segment because every make is wanting to play. Hopefully my experience can help some others out because there really isn't a clear winner here. Even though I'm going to be critical, you really can't go wrong with any new 3 row SUV. Really just about which flavor you want.
Must have:
Rear Cam
No maintenance / Reliable / Safe
Need space for 2 rear facing car seats in the back(with ability for me 6' to sit comfortably upfront) the double stroller(thing just eats space) in the trunk. Road trips, luggage, gear, maybe more people as well, space is good.
AWD - better in weather, resale, camping? etc
Leather would be easier for cleaning up any random spills or boogers or puke or mud or ..kids are messy :)
Rear cam - besides the obvious reasons, I live in a younger community with tons of kids near by so I always want to know who/what is behind me.
With little kids, I definitely never want to be stranded. I don't really want to spend time taking my car to the shop. This would make me lean toward new. And most SUVs are safe just based on their size alone.
Off road prowess
Panoramic sun roof
LED accent lights (I don't think it looks like a NEW car without it)
Cool factor
To get everything I MUST HAVE new, MSRP would be close to 40k for a lot of the big players. So I kinda set that as my price tag. However, one of the main points I wanted to talk about in this post was that MSRP isn't too relevant in this segment. As far as MSRP are concerned, brand new, the Pilot and the Highlander should be your only choices, maybe the Santa fe.
pros: This thing is a beast. It's the fastest one out there, 0-60 in 6ish seconds in an family hauler, hell ya now we're talking. It FEELS more spacious than all of the others. I sat comfortably in the 3rd row. They have a little area you can pull up behind the 3rd row to make it deeper and give you even more space back there. EX-L will get you leather and an 8 inch screen. You can save 1k off of getting Nav because it has android/apple. So you can decide for another 1k for their collision system or 1500 for entertainment set up...or you can just give your kid a tablet and call it a day. LED accent lights on all trims. Elite trim has some cool stuff but eh not much difference between the 9 speed and 6 speed MPG wise. One of the better AWD systems from some reviews I've seen. Seemed to out preform the highlander on a tame off road course.
cons: Looks like a mini van. Like seriously, I hate how it looks. This is what initially threw me off. NOW, after looking at how boring most of these SUVs are... If I got a black pilot with roof rails and running boards ...maybe blacked out the grill, blacked out the rims, blacked out my eyes so I didn't have to look at it.. It would be acceptable. They weren't giving me as much for my trade and these fly off the lot, especially the black ones. So they weren't going to give me much off MSRP either, maybe 3k if I ping pong between dealers. Bland interior, but functional at least.
pros: All trims come with their collision system. Looks pretty nice actually, but it looked pretty good before their minor refresh too. New more powerful engine for 2017. Good amount of space. Toyota so you know its going to be reliable and it will hold its value better than any other SUV. Stepping up to the SE trim will get you some cooler looking ones and a sportier suspension, however I didn't really notice much. Pretty standard, safe choice overall. 2nd row Captain seats or Bench option is no extra cost.
cons: Won't get much off MSRP 2-3k again / Won't give much for my trade. They know they have high resale value so they get to be a bit stingy. SE trim and up have the accent LEDs but XLE would cover my Must Haves. Not fast, but not slow for the segment. No Android / apple. Even though new engine, performance was better on previous one.
Still running a 5 speed? This thing is dated in many ways and doesn't give much except for basic features. You do get a big reliable vehicle with awesome off road ability. I love how they look but interior a lot smaller than the Highlander. Couldn't justify putting this in the running...4running.
Santa Fe
Seemed like a great value for what it was. Looks decent too. Interior seemed okay, I just didn't like the design personally. Overall, just wasn't feeling it. Didn't drive one. I think the other two edged it out, however I'm betting I could have gotten a better deal on this. And they have the better standard warranty than the others.
Redesigned for 2017 - v6 camaro engine in a caddy. This thing breaks the GMC formula a bit. There are deals to be had on this. I could get my must haves and more for maybe 34-35k(Because they had big discounts 9k+ off MSRP). On paper seemed decently quick, but didn't actually test drive. So that's where it would come back into the picture vs the pilot/highlander, since you would get a lot for less money. I really like how it looks too, but in the end I decided I'm don't want to be a guinea pig for basically a brand new SUV right now. But I wouldn't knock anyone who gets one. Seems like a great SUV.
I actually know some early adapters for the Atlas and have seen it. It looks great in person, interior is nice and crisp, drives well. Didn't want to wait though and again a new vehicle so they may need to work out some kinks.
4banger in a 3row SUV? Stop it. Mazda, Subaru, Ford, Volvo pls. You can't tell me you can load up your SUV, which is like their main purpose, and then preform adequately at highway speeds. Maybe you can and I'm just used to some power, but nope not for me. I really wanted to give the CX-9 a chance anyways since it got such a glorious review from car and driver and sits at their #1. But it really is a dumb car. I love mazda, I like what they do. Sure it has a nice interior and all that, and it drives like a smaller SUV and has a sporty feel to it...uhh nope. It drives like a smaller SUV because it is one. The thing has 71 sqft cargo volume. You can't win the sporty drive in 3rowSUVs when you're really smaller than a ford EDGE but you crammed a 3rd row back there. They may as well throw the Nissan rogue in the picture, I think it actually comes with a 3rd row option and has about the same cargo volume, but you can get it for way cheaper. As a side note, Nissan killed it with the Rogue! I'm a sucker for their star wars edition too. Anyways, I think the Mazda looks the awesome interior and exterior, but if you're missing 12ish sq feet, it's like cheating to be in the segment.
Almost almost pulled the trigger. But the Explorer's bones are OLD. Due for a full redesign in a few years. They gave it a brand new look in 2016 but its still heavy and feels cramped inside but drives big. It's still based on the Taurus / Flex I think. The 4banger and even the 6 banger? Hard pass, they are damn slow cause the thing is so heavy. Now the sport...365hp, now we're talking. Now I got about 8k+ off MSRP and they were doing me good on my trade too. So that made it closer to the Pilot/Highlander price range. Sync 3 is great too, it has android/apple integrated. But, even with 365hp, its only barely faster than the Pilot. Still...faster is faster. Well, what really made me step back is for NEARLY the same price, I could just get a F150 with the new version of the engine. It has tons of interior room and great off road and can tow 10k+. POWER: 375 hp @ 5000 rpm TORQUE: 470 lb-ft @ 3500 rpm 10 speed auto 0-60 in 5.7sec SHHWAANGGG! Yes please! Just couldn't convince the wife to make this our family hauler haha.
Okay you're going to hate me if you're still with me here. I went USED with a 2014 MDX with advance package. So it literally has every feature known to man. Drives great, fast, sporty, looks sexy af. Got it in silver. I got it at bout 8k less than a new Pilot which basically has the same engine. Literally love this car, it has everything I want, the space and a ton more features than any of the new cars except the andriod/apple. I know a must have was reliability and no maintenance for me, however I'm lucky enough to live a few houses down from a honda tech. He's awesome and has a lift . So when I factor my unique situation I decided to roll the dice with used. As far as Acura goes, I'll take their reliability and cheap repair costs.
So Used is a different ball game. Looking for a 2014 specifically was tough because that's right when they did their redesign BUT it's also right at the mark that people turn in leases. And from what I've seen, people don't really give a crap about their lease. They do the bare minimum, treat em rough, and then turn in their keys in 3 years. So there were a lot of poorly loved MDXs for sale. The trick here was to drive a new one, then drive some used ones that fit your budget and keep an eye on their carfax. In my area, it seems like they were trying to sell a bunch that they probably got from auction, originally leased in NY/NJ. Crappy roads, crappy traffic, salted roads...Yeah definitely avoided those and didn't even bother looking at them.
So eventually one came up that hit all my checkboxes. My goal was to come out a little better than KBB dealer suggestion. But then feel like I got a "deal" with little extras that wasn't factored into the price. So the one I got had roof rails($400-500 + installation), all weather floor mats($100-200), and brand new tires. Local owner, and they definitely took care of it. Seems like they just traded it in for something nicer. Honestly, if this is actually as good of condition as I believe it to be, I feel I got a steal over all. I think MDXs are great, and the only reason their used value drops as much as it does is because so many people have them. So thanks to supply and demand, I can get away with a premium SUV for a great price.
All of these SUVs aren't the tough rugged ones from the past, but they will get you to the beach comfortably. Decent family SUVs, you really can't go wrong. If I had a larger budget, the current Tahoe's are pretty bad ass, also they're redesigning the Sequoia and the Expedition 2018, they both seem pretty ridiculous as well. Just more $.$ than I got and my MDX does get over 30mpg on the highway...so there's that too.
Thanks for sticking with me. Hope this helps someone, even though I know this is generally a younger crowd.
0 notes
lesserplaces · 8 years
Arizona’s Unit 24b is a brutal, nasty place.
Consisting almost entirely of the Superstition Wilderness, 24b is big enough and roadless enough that it’s core is seldom visited. Trails that look clear on maps are actually “trails,” canyons appear from nowhere, and springs run when they feel like it. Life is hard here.
In other words, 24b is perfect. A perfect, joyous unit where you can go days in the middle of deer season without seeing a single other person. A place where there are no tree stands, no warm nights at the hunting lodge, and no water you didn’t drag in yourself. A place where you have to earn your hunt.
Coues deer are the primary target here. They are small and gray with unnaturally good eyesight and an unbelievable ability to avoid ridgelines. They are ghosts. You are going to need good binoculars to find them. Enter the Vortex Talon HD.
WHAT IS IT? Vortex Talon HD 10×42 Binoculars
PROS? Razor sharp center, closed bridge design, wide field of view, excellent color fidelity
CONS? Heavy, noticeable sharpness drop off near the edges
WHO SHOULD BUY IT? People who want excellent glass without breaking the bank, people who love closed bridge designs
WHO SHOULDN’T BUYT IT? People who have more money than common sense, people who really want a 15x binocular
DID SOMEONE GIVE IT TO YOU FOR FREE? No, I bought these binoculars with my own money. This post does contain affiliate links, however, which do provide a small kickback to us if you purchase through them at no additional cost to you.
The Vortex Talon HDs are the last of a dying breed. To make an absurd oversimplification, there are essentially two ways to design a set of binoculars: open or closed bridge. Open bridge binoculars are what you are used to seeing every day, with a single central hinge connected to the focus knob. Closed bridge binoculars have two sets of hinges, one on the back and one on the front. This makes closed bridge systems stronger at the cost of being longer and slightly heavier.
Make that longer, slightly heavier, and less sexy. Unfortunately closed bridge systems just look a little clunky relative to their open bridge brethren. I’m sure somewhere there is a grumpy old man screaming about how looks shouldn’t matter when you are in the field, but the fact of the matter is that no one wants to look like a goob. Paired with the fact that some people find open bridge designs more comfortable to hold, this has led closed bridge systems to go the way of the dodo (Editor’s note- to that point, technically this model has been discontinued by Vortex, though they are still available from many sources such as Amazon).
And that is a shame because closed bridge systems also have an incredible advantage to those who glass from a tripod. When a tripod adapter is attached to a pair of binoculars, it (generally speaking) screws in at the bridge. In open bridge systems, this single bridge is centrally located, which means that the stalk of the tripod will be directly in line with the center of the binoculars, with the eye pieces fairly close behind. On the other hand, in closed bridge systems the attachment point is on the front bridge, which has the effect of moving the eyepieces back toward you, the user. This means less leaning forward and more breathing room between your face and the tripod stalk, both huge positives when you are going to be glassing all day.
Onto the glass itself, the Talon HDs are better than anything in this price range has any business being. They are very sharp in the center with a reasonably large sweet spot and spotless color rendition. I have not not noticed any chromatic aberrations to speak of. As you would expect, the tubes are argon purged, the glass is high dispersion, and the lenses are fully coated.
If you made me pick nits, I’d say that the focus throw is far too slow (a full 540 degrees from close to infinity) and that the sharpness drop off near the edges is noticeable. The focus throw problem is a cheap, easy fix that Vortex should be sure to resolve if these binoculars are every redesigned. The sharpness drop off is probably something you will have to live with unless you want to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on binoculars.
It is also worth noting that the Talon HDs do not come in higher magnifications, such as the increasingly popular 15x. While 15x binoculars certainly have their place, I’ve always found their field of view too small and their mass too great for the type of light and fast backpack hunting I prefer. When I’m going to spend a week in the backcountry hunting in diverse conditions, from dense canyon bottoms to long open ridge lines, a single versatile solution is the only real option. 10x42s are hard to beat in this regard.
Vortex’s main alternative in this price range is their classic open bridge Viper HD. I have a few years of experience behind these, as they were my go to pair of binoculars before an unfortunate house robbery removed them from service. On paper, the Viper’s have a lot going for them. First of all, they are lighter, nearly two ounces lighter. Now, two ounces might not seem like much, but when they are slung around your neck all day, ounces add up. Second, the Viper’s are a little sharper, especially around the edges. Lastly, eye relief is just a touch longer and the close focus distance is just a little bit shorter.
So why not just buy the Viper HDs then? Most important to us normal folks, though prices vary a little day to day, the Viper HDs have historically been about 25% more expensive than the Talon HDs. 25% is a lot! Second, though the Viper HDs are a little sharper around the edges, they also have a slightly narrower field of view. To me, any reasonable tradeoff between field of view and edge sharpness is a good one– better to have the subject in frame than miss the subject entirely.
Some reviewers have made a big deal out of the fact that the Viper HD frames are made of polycarbonate while the Talon HD frames are made of magnesium. Ignore these people. Modern plastics are excellent, and you almost certainly would do irrevocable damage to the optics long before you break the frames of either.
Last, but certainly not least, is the fact that the Talon HDs are a closed bridge design while the Viper HDs are a open bridge design. I spend most of my glassing time behind a tripod, and as discussed above, I am in favor of literally anything that moves the eyepieces of my binoculars away from the tripod stalk. Closed bridges are not as sexy as open bridges, but they just work better for the type of glassing I do.
When you forget your adapter you have to adapt
On our most recent coues deer hunt, I got the chance to spend a ton of time behind Curry’s pair of Diamondback 10×42. For the price, around $200 (half of the Talon HDs), I was impressed. The Diamondbakcs are a reasonably sharp, well built pair of binoculars that any beginning hunter would be happy with for a long time. The fact that, through the magic of globalization, you can buy glass this good this cheap is a wonder in and of itself. We are a spoiled bunch, modern hunters.
That being said, going to the Diamondbacks is a significant step down in quality from the Talon HDs. The Diamondbacks are not HD glass, and it shows. While sharpness isn’t bad color fidelity is a problem, with everything taking on a slightly warm hew. Colors matter, especially when trying to differentiate between a grayish coues deer and a slightly less grayish bush from hundreds of yards away. If you can afford to jump to the next price level, do. If you can’t, buy the Diamondbacks and give them to your kid when you have the money and need an excuse to upgrade.
What does it take to hunt a place like this?
Patience mostly.
Well, patience and reliable gear that does everything well. Yes, in a perfect world, you would have a few different pairs of binoculars with you, covering all the magnifications from 8x to 15x. But this isn’t that world. When you are going to be carrying everything you need on your back for days on end, you will need to pick one set of binoculars that are durable, optically excellent, and comfortable to use.
The Talon HDs are just that. Light enough to carry, sharp enough to use, and with a comfortable closed bridge design to boot, the Talon HDs have already become one of my most beloved pieces of gear. They get used. They get used all the time. I can think of no better endorsement than that.
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Max Wilson is a graduate student studying ecology at Arizona State University. He writes here at Lesser Places, occasionally for Backpacker.com, and even more occasionally for scientific journals. You can follow him on twitter @maxomillions.
  Vortex Talon HD 10×42 Review Arizona's Unit 24b is a brutal, nasty place. Consisting almost entirely of the Superstition Wilderness, 24b is big enough and roadless enough that it's core is seldom visited.
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