#leans against the railing. babygirl. what the hell is your deal
crocodilenjoyer · 6 months
for a guy who’s so chill and laid back and casually open about his views on things shanks is ridiculously hard to read and it makes me very nervous
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stardancerluv · 4 years
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When Daddy Dresses You
Part 1 of 2
Summary: From time to time, Roman spoils you. Here is one of those times.
Warning: public yet obscured fingering, daddy!kink
It had been a long week. Your new client, Harvey Dent was a pain in your ass. The first thing he did today was hold up a newspaper demanding to know whether you were truly dating the infamous owner of the Black Mask.
You were surprised he had only heard about it now. So after some discussion on the matter let you get back to the task at hand.
Getting home, you poured yourself a glass of wine, then poured yourself another.
You were finishing up your second one when you saw an elegantly scrawled note on the door of the refrigerator.
Sweetheart, I am sure you had another meeting with our amazing district attorney, so stop on that second glass of wine.
How did he know. You shook your head.
I know you baby, that’s how.
You could hear the chuckle and practically see the smirk curling his lips. The thought made you wet. Until you met him, no one had ever known you that well.
Now, go upstairs. Hanging, in your room is a dress I saw in a window and I needed to see it grace your body. There is a new bracelet waiting for you on your nightstand. After you are ready, come and see me baby. Panties and bra are optional and I will leave up to you. Let daddy make you feel better.
Your breath caught in your throat at the last line. He certainly knew how to do that. His words only made you wetter.
Eager, you went right up to your bedroom and were blown away by the powder blue dress. Your finger tips mere grazed the material and you shivered. It was exquisite. You went to open the black box and you screamed. How was this possibly for you. Your heart raced as you looked between the bracelet and the dress.
As you walked into the Black Mask, you felt like you owned it. You didn’t even stop at the bar. You wanted to immediately find Roman and show him how well he dressed you.
With, your heart racing you began to make your way to where he usually sat. You wondered what he’d be wearing. You were three tables away when Victor stopped you.
“Y/N,” Victor grimaced. “Roman, is in a very important meeting. He can’t be disturbed.”
“Victor, I’m not a disturbance. I am his girl and I am wearing what he dressed me in tonight.”
“Y/N just let him finish up and I’m sure he will pay you all sorts of attention.”
“Ok. Fine.” You knew that Victor wouldn’t budge. “I’ll go an get a drink.”
“That’s a good little bird.”
You grumbled and rolled your eyes.
A man stood aside as you came up. At first, you didn’t pay him any mind. But when you glanced back at where Roman was you saw his meeting.
You saw her. You could not believe he was giving her the time of day. He had told you about how she kept on trying to blackmail him and now she was practically hanging off of him. Who was the other one? Why was she touching him too! Oh this made you so mad.
You turned your attention to the gentlemen at your side. “Hey would you like to dance?” You put a delicate hand on his upper arm.
“Who me? Yeah, sure.”
Off you two went. Everything was fine at first, considering he was so lumbering he was an alright dancer. But then the tempo of the music changed. Since he was considerably larger than you, he moved so that now he get behind you and grind up against you. That was your cue to leave.
“Where are you going baby?”
One of his meaty hands wrapped around your wrist. He tugged you back in such a forcible manner that it brought you right up against him. You hand landed right on his chest. You were completely revolted. It left a horrible taste in your mouth. “If only...Roman!” Relief filling your voice when you saw him.
“Get the fuck away from her.” His voice was filled with menace.
He pulled on you, you winced. “Let me go.”
“Why should I?”
“Because that’s my fucking girl.”
He let go of your wrist. “Fucking slut.”
“What did you call her?”
“A fucking slut, that you should teach her how to rein it in.” With that, he practically threw you at Roman.
He immediately wrapped an arm around your waist. “Just because she danced with you? Poor choice of words.”
“I will call her whatever I want.”
“Not when it’s my girl.” You watched as a dark smile spread across his face. Looking back at the man you saw Victor walk up. “Mr. Zsasz please take care of our friend here. Show him how we take care of our vips.”
“What’s a Friday night without some drama, turn it up! Shots on the house.”
He looked down at you, you felt small. “Meet me upstairs on the balcony.” He whispered.
You didn’t move immediately. “Now.” He smacked your ass.
That got you moving.
As you climbed the steps to the balcony, you had long since forgotten that you had been upset with Roman. You just hoped to explain.
You leaned against the railing of the balcony waiting, you liked looking out at all that was his.
“You come to my club and call my girl a slut?”
“I...I...she asked me to dance.”
“Yeah, so.” Truth be told he was angry that you asked him to dance. He’d have to find out why you did that.
“Victor, I’m tired of listening to him. Have fun”
Leaving room, they had sound proofed to deal with people like this asshole; he went looking for you. He easily made his way through the club. Straightening his suit jacket, he climbed the steps to the second floor. Seeing you, knots tightened in his stomach.
Content that no one would take notice of the two of you. He easily he came up behind you, he lifted your skirt and smacked your ass hard. He grew harder when he realized you had not put any panties on. Anger filled him at the thought you danced with that man like that.
Yelping, you turned to look at him. “Roman.” You face was flushed. He smirked at you. You stood up.
“So you dance with strange men with no panties on?” He moved even closer to you, he watched as you backed up to the railing.
He tilted his head to one side. “Explain to me why you danced with a strange man with no panties on.”
“I came here to see you once I changed.” He watched as you smoothed your hands over your body. “I do love this dress and bracelet so much.”
They way you looked at him made his breath hitch. He watched as a pout, formed on lips. He wanted to bite them, make you gasp but he continued to listen.
“When I got here, Zsasz told me that you couldn’t be bothered. So when I saw you with her and whoever the hell that other girl was I got upset.”
“That is fucking business.”
“Yeah, with someone who fucking wanted to tarnish your name and steal from you! Roman, I wanted to rip her heart out.” You brought a hand to your mouth before lowering your head.
He saw the fire, the drive in your eyes, and he could hear it in your voice. That made his heart beat faster, and it made him more aroused then ever before.
“Turn around.” He barked out, he was surprised he was able to even speak with how he was feeling.
Though, he relished watching as you caught yourself for replying so harshly back to him. The fire he saw burned all of his doubt of your feelings. He knew now that you were his. This was new to him.
He came to stand directly behind you. He kissed one bare shoulder, then he kissed the other one.
He brushed some of your hair from your ear. “Who do you belong to?” He whispered in your ear.
“I belong to you.”
“Who? I can barely hear you over the music.”
“I belong to you.”
He smiled. “That’s my girl.” Reaching up, he squeezed you hip, then smoothed his hand down your side. “So my babygirl chose not to wear any panties.”
You nodded.
He let his hand move up and under the dress. “Your skin is softer then this dress.” As he dragged his hand across your thigh he realized you legs were closed to him.
“Are you just going to keep your legs closed for daddy?”
“But daddy,” You whimper.
“Do I have to repeat myself?”
Turning your head your eyes met his. “What if someone sees us?”
He shrugged. “They will see how much you belong to me.”
You bit your bottom lip then, but he soon felt as you opened your legs. “Good girl.”
Biting one finger tip then pulling he removed of his gloves and put it on the half wall that wrapped around the entire balcony. Now he dragged hand across your thigh, he reached you. As he cupped you, he exhaled.
“You are so fucking wet.” He hissed, then squeezed. While holding you, he pulled you against him. “Do you like when I touch you like this?” He begun rubbing you. “Anyone could come up to me? Or perhaps they he could just look at us from below and just know that I am rubbing you, making you wetter.”
“Daddy, please.” You whimpered.
“What? I am making you feel good am I not?” He could hear how breathless you were growing. “You know....” He slowed fingers, so you’d barely feel them. “This wall is high enough I think.”
You made an inaudible sound.
“What was that?” He stuck two fingers in then with no warning making you gasp. “I was saying this wall is high enough I think...I could make you go down those pretty little knees and have you blow me.”
He chuckled as he felt you shake around his fingers.
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littlemessyjessi · 4 years
“Chasing Jessi”:  A Sirius Black Story: Plus Size OC: Chapter 10: “Go, Go, Go!”
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Sirius Black Imagine Turned Story
Re-Written and Edit of an old story of mine I had on Mibba that deserved some more love and attention, lol.
Sirius Black x Jess Scamander (OC, OFC, PLUS SIZE OC, PLUS SIZE OFC)
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While Quidditch in December was most definitely accompanied by frigid temperatures....the excitement wasn't any less intense. The roars of the of the houses were deafening- particularly Hufflepuff and Gryffindor who happened to be against each other at that moment. And in the midst of the Gryffindor stands was a certain brown haired, green eyed girlfriend. "Yeah, Siri! Get 'im!!!!!" came the roar of excitement as Sirius sent a bludger hurtling towards the Hufflepuff team. Jess had always gotten so excited during Quidditch matches that poor Lily serious considered hexing her for her own good. At that moment in time, the redhead was quietly watching her very new boyfriend, James Potter, race through the air as lead chaser...and dealing with the excitement of her nearly ravenous best friend. She was to her right and poor Peter was on her right. Remus cleverly having opted to sit just behind them so as to not be in her line of fire. "Go, Jamie, Go!" Jess bellowed leaning forward and almost toppling out of the tower. "Sit down!" Lily admonished her. "You're going to fall to your death! "I'm fine!" she grumbled but clutched her cheeks when the Hufflepuff team intercepted James' throw. "Trick, you dirty rotten little cockroach!" she growled. "I thought he was your friend." Remus piped up behind her with a smirk and she whipped around to literally hold his face in her hands for a moment as she stared at him with her big luminous eyes. "Remus, darling, sweet baby kitten that you are...I would maul YOU to death if you cross me about my favorite quidditch teams." she said to him sweetly before whipping around, "Come ON! GET HIM, SIRI! GET HIM! YESSSSSS!!!!!!!" Lily did not miss the look on Remus' face or the quiet 'I think it's more likely I'd maul you.' that he mumbled. She took a seat to serve him with a rather pointed look. "Yes?" he asked her cautiously. "Out with it." she said. The two of them watched the girl nearly squeeze Peter to death in celebration when Sirius managed to knock a chaser off her broom and James scored another point. "S'nothing." he said burrowing down into his book....which Lily had no problem just savagely ripping away from him. For those that loved Lily, they knew that while her heart was very good....she could be one fierce mother fucker when needed. While it's a running joke that she should've been in Ravenclaw for her smarts...Jess always tells her she should've been in Hufflepuff....because she'd badger the hell out of you when she wanted something. Lily sighed impatiently. "I'm in no mood for games, Remus Lupin. I'm cold. She's crazy. And she ate all my popcorn." "It's just...I never really had a chance to befriend Jess much before." he admitted to the ginger next to him. "Sure, the two of you are close but she's always off looking for some new creature or with Sirius. I've always WANTED to be her friend but I just always thought I was too quiet and she was too wild. And so I've always stayed away...but now... I just worry...I worry that if she ever finds out about my-" he rambled. Lily nodded knowingly. It was only last year that she had figured out that Remus was a werewolf but she assured him that it didn't change anything between them. She could understand his fear of losing friends because of it. But Lily KNEW that wild child in front of them.
She probably knew Jess better than she knew anyone else. "Listen, Remus. You don't have to tell her. She's smart. She'll figure it out. But don't worry about it. I know her. She's very accepting. I mean- she's dating Sirius. And who would've thought that THAT would ever happen?" "Probably the same people that always knew you'd end up with James." the usually quiet boy teased her. She rolled her eyes, "Oh shove off, Lupin." "Thanks, Lily." he said. "Really." She nodded and scooted closer to him. "I swear on Merlin's beard." she grumbled. "If I survive this game, I'm forcing James to take us all out for butterbeer immediately." Remus chuckled, "Agreed." The crowd erupted as the Gryffindor seeker caught the snitch and Jess just about lost her mind. She jumped into Peter's arms momentarily before nearly clobbering Remus when she literally jumped on him. "We won!" she screeched whipping around wildly. "We won! We won! We won! Yassss! Feel my wrath!!!" "Good grief!" Remus laughed as he tried his best to hold her and keep her from killing herself, "I don't remember her ever being THIS excited before." "Well, it could be because she'd dating a player this year." Lily said slightly amused at the brunette trying her best to do a handstand on poor Remus' lap. "It's not." The four of them turned to look at the Quidditch captain smirking at them. "What do you mean?" Peter asked. "I gave her sweets before the game." he smirked evilly. "James Potter!" Lily snapped at him. "How DARE-" He cut her off with a whistle to Jess. "Come on, weirdo. I promised you a ride if we won. Claim it now or - " he said. "I'm coming!" she said terrifying Lily when she just jumped over the railing and into James' arm. "Ooof!" he gasped. "Give a bloke some warning, would ya?" "Serves you right." Lily snapped. "Feed the child candy and then encourage her to leap from great heights. Shame, James. Shame." "Eh, he just doesn't know how to handle her." The five of them looked over at the beater. Sirius grinned at them all, "Prongs, get off my girl." "Hello, snookums." Jess grinned as she leaned back on James’ broom and looked at him upside down. "Hello, pookie." he teased back. "You two make my stomach churn." James groaned. "Snookie poo, Jamiekins is jelly welly of our loves." Jess teased. "Aw, Pwongy Poo." Sirius teased him. "Does someone have his antlers bent out of shape?" "Antlers?" Jess questioned and Sirius bit his lip. She didn't know about Remus or the animagus forms. The panic was clear on Remus' face. He wasn't ready to tell her. "Inside joke, love." he tried to reassure her and more importantly, distract her. "Come on, love. Let's go get some cocoa." "No more chocolate!" Lily admonished him. "Bye, Lilypad!" she called out as she climbed from James to Sirius and the two love birds sped off. Lily sat down with a hand to her heart. "She's the only person I know who would willingly CLIMB or LEAP from broom to broom forty feet in the air." she sighed. "She does willingly seek out dragons..." Peter trailed off. "I mean, I love her and all but she's weird and we all know it." "Hey, she's my best friend!" Lily said. "...but yes she is the WEIRDEST person I know." "But the sweetest." James interjected, surprising them all. He only shrugged in response. "Listen, I know she's nuts and she's a lot to handle but have any of you REALLY ever been rejected by Jess. Yes, she's been mad. She's called me more than one name before mind you....but nothing I've ever done has ever broken our friendship." he said. "She slapped you not too long ago." Peter piped up. "Only because she thought I wasn't deserving of Lily." he said. "She went through hell for me. Put her feelings for Sirius aside for our sake and then the  only time she really blew her top was when she thought Lily's feelings were in jeopardy. No, she's not perfect...but are any of you?" he said. James ran a hand through his hair at the silence. "I swear, only you lot would be able to turn my clearly magnificent quidditch win into some big sap." he smirked. "I knew I should've just went with them. They're crazy but at least they're fun." Lily shooed him away and told them they'd be down soon before the three of them headed down with the rest of the students. Each lost in their own thoughts but none so involved as Remus. He knew to be a true friend he'd need to tell her soon. And whatever happened....would just have to happen. Down on the pitch, Sirius was carrying her around on his back and Remus could swear he could see her pupils dilated from the cocoa he'd undoubtedly given her.
Oh, the absolute horror she’d undoubtedly unleash on them all. 
And he couldn’t wait. 
Chapter 9
Chapter 11 
Hello my darlings! I hope you’re well and you enjoyed this wee chappie! I’d love to hear your thoughts! I definitely wanted to include some more Quidditch into this story.  Show the icky sickly sweetness of Jess and Sirius, a deepening bond between James and Jess as well as a budding friendship between Remus and Jess.  He needs someone who he can be silly with and love him unconditionally.  
And on that note..... I may have a little surprise for you.   Remus may get a very Jess of his own.  Still zany and still a Jess but a different story line, different background and a different Jess.  What do you say to sweet Remus lupin and literally the craziest little werewolf he’s ever met? 
But anyways, back to this Jess,lol. 
How is everyone feeling about it so far?  I’d love to hear from you! Please feel free to comment, reblog with your thoughts and/or smash the ask box! Hearing from you makes my day!
All my love darlings!
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou
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@therealmrshale @woodworthti666@thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
@fanfics1717 @mrscasnovak
@thickemadame @babygirl-barnes
@theladyofmasks @aengsty
Love, Kenny
Also, try and tell me this ain’t Jess Scamander energy right here. 
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Also, Christmas and wintery themed chappies coming soon.......
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moody-by-nature · 6 years
Rescue Me | Twenty-Three
A/N: Happy new year everyone! Hope it is going well for you all so far.
Jared stood on the edge of his hotel suite balcony under a parasol pine tree, noting how the notes of blue-grey in the sky resembled his lover's eyes. Sunsets were always something they enjoyed together, and he knew she would appear soon to witness the luminescent glow of St. Tropez.
Andrea watched him from the open doorway, enjoying her view. She loved watching him, a majestic vision standing under the painted sky. Unable to resist the need to touch him, Andrea snuck up behind him, wrapping her arms around Jared's middle and kissed his bare shoulder.
Burrowing her face between his shoulders, she inhaled his scent and smiled. He smelled like sea salt, sunshine and a hint of dark chocolate, a short story of their day playing tourists.
"Hey, wifey," Jared elicited her favorite breathy laugh, "are you sniffing me again?"
Andrea could almost hear his smile. "Maybe," she answered, "you shouldn't go around smelling so good. I want to lick you right now. Bite too. Mmm.."
"Yeooouch!" Jared groaned, feigning pain, "You really bit me!" Turning in Andie's arms, smiling at her as he cupped her face in his hands.
"Oopsie." Her giggle morphing into a moan when Jared slid his arms down her back, gripping her bottom firmly.
"Just remember, I bite back babygirl." His raspy voice sent shivers down her spine.
"Bring it on, handsome." Andrea replied, wiggling her eyebrows and shimmying out of his embrace. Lifting her shirt over her head, she tossed it at her husband and laughed as his jaw dropped realizing she didn't have a bra on. A low growl emanated from his chest, making her squeal and run inside.
"This is going to be so fun! I've always wanted to go on a ..." Andrea paused, seeing a tall, impossibly thin brunette sitting on their small boat. The girls short light brown hair and sharp jawline a dead giveaway as to whom she was. Anger boiled through Andrea as she turned around to glare at Jared with her arms crossed aggressively against her chest. Jared halted, looking at her with a confused expression.
"What's wrong, Ace?" Jared asked, searching her face for clues.
"Why is she here."
"Why is who here, babe?"
"The nondescript toothpick on the boat! Your ex friend with benefits!"
The venom laced in her tone had Jared glancing over her shoulder to see the model he previously messed around with sitting next to Emma on the boat and cringed. He had long forgotten he'd extended an invitation to her.
"Fuck." Jared started, quickly reaching for Andrea's arm, barely missing as she swung away from him and walked toward the boat. A heavy sigh escaped him as he tried to figure out how he would get out of this.
"You're in deep shit, bro." Shannon laughed darkly as he walked by.
Andrea stepped on board with a huff. The other brunette peering up over the top of her designer white framed sunglasses at her. Andrea rolled her eyes, turning to her left, and sat next to Emma.
"It'll be ok, Andie. I think he honestly forgot she was coming. I know I did. She just showed up." Emma whispered as she arranged her bags, granting a sympathetic smile as Andrea sat next to her.
Maybe Emma was right, maybe he did forget. But Andrea was feeling everything except forgiving right now. She was upset that he ever even considered inviting someone else. This girl had too much access for her liking.
Stepping onto the boat, Jared met  Andrea's gaze. His ice blue eyes silently begging her to talk to him. She tore her eyes away from his instantly.
"Jared, so good to see you!" The model mewled, sending a pang of nausea through him as she quickly stood and wrapped him into a hug.
He quickly removed her wispy arms from his waist, his eyes again on his wife. However, Andrea wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of one of their silent conversations right now. She knew she was being a little childish, but she didn't care. Wrapping her arms around her middle she gazed out at the turquoise water.
"Why are you here, we haven't spoken in months." Jared's abrupt tone taking the younger brunette by surprise.
"You invited me, I thought.."
"You thought wrong. I don't want you here. I'm happily married now."
"Married!" She laughed, "Yeah right. You'll never get married." Her giddy laugh causing him to roll his eyes, completely annoyed by her presence.
"You're wrong, I am. That beautiful woman is my wife." He stated nodding at Andrea.
"You married your assistant?" Sure," She cackled, "Why don't I see a ring?" She questioned, her eyes dropping to his left arm, her voice full of sarcasm as she lifted his left hand into the air. Jared retracted from her so quickly it was as if her touch burnt his skin. Refusing to grant her a response, he crossed his arms over his chest staring silently, pondering his next move.
"I'm not going anywhere. I flew all the way here to be with you!" A look of worry crossed the models face but she seemed to stand her ground.
The tension on the small vessel was palpable. Shannon looked between his brother and Andrea, noticing her flinch at the conversation. He stood and tapped his brother on the shoulder, pulling him to the side.
"J, this isn't the best place to talk about this. She's here, let's just go on as planned." He whispered into his little brother's ear.
Jared groaned, "I don't want her here. She's going to cause problems."
"She won't if you don't let her. Talk to Andie when we get on board. She's upset, but I would be too if I were her."
Turning back to the model Jared said, "I don't want you here. Nothing will be happening between us, so get that thought out of your head now." his words firm and harsh, making the thin woman glare at him.
Unable to let her stubbornness go, Andrea continued to ignore Jared, refusing his attempt to help her onto the yacht.
"I'm more than capable of helping myself, go find another damsel, oh knight in shining armor."
Shannon chuckled at her sass, the anxiety visible in Jared's eyes, and him muttering under his breath as he stomped off. He offered his hand to Andrea as she hopped aboard the massive yacht they rented for a couple of days. Pulling her into a hug, fully enveloping her in his strong arms, he squeezed his favorite soon to be sister-in-law tightly. A smile crept across her lips as Shannon hugged her, he always had the ability to make her smile.
Shannon released her and leaned against the railing of the large vessel watching Andrea look out on the ocean.
"I love you and your ability to completely unravel my baby brother. He tries so hard to control every aspect of our lives and then you came along. Like a sassy little firecracker and fucked him up. You give him a run for his money!" He laughed, leaning in to nudge her shoulder, he waited for her to look at him, knowing she would fully understand his next comment."
"Give her hell, Dee."
Andrea laughed, "I'm so mad at him. I don't even want to go to our room right now. But I also want to go up there and pick a fight with him so we can have loud, aggressive sex to make up. Only if she can hear us though."
"Andrea, the whole yacht will hear you two." Shannon deadpanned.
"Asshole." She chuckled, smacking him on the arm before laying her head on his shoulder. "I missed you brother bear. So glad to have you back."
"I missed you too, Dee." Shannon whispered, kissing the top of her head. "You ready to go find your favorite idiot?" He asked, leaning back to look at her.
Seeing her nod her head with a giggle, Shannon picked up her bag, lifting it over his shoulder motioning for her to follow him.
Rounding the corner, almost to their room on the third story of the yacht Andrea stopped in her tracks. The sight before her reigniting her anger.
Jared once again stood wrapped in his ex lover's arms. Andrea's eyes fell to where their bodies connected, her heart in extreme distress seeing their intimate proximity. Her legs, unsteady as she saw the love of her life with another woman, gently caressing her face the way he does her. Shannon gently placed his hands on her arms to steady her wobbly frame.
"Un-fucking-believable."  She growled, rushing into their room.
Hearing her voice, Jared quickly pulled away from the model and chased after Andrea as she stormed into their suite.
Shannon dropped Andrea's bag just inside the door and pulled it shut. Locking eyes with the model as he turned, she smirked.
"Stay away from them." He threatened, walking away. Shaking his head thinking about how stubborn the couple was. Both madly in love with each other, but letting a random ex hook-up get in their way.
"Get out! I don't want to talk to you." Andrea yelled.
"If you'll just listen and let me explain.." Jared started. Trying his best to defuse his riled up bride.
"Explain what? Huh? Because I don't want to hear it. That's twice now in less than an hour that you two have had your arms around each other!" Throwing her arms in the air dramatically as she spoke, she rolled her eyes at Jared as he stood in front of the bed.
"You're my wife Andrea! Nothing is going to happen."
"Oh, so a Post-it note is going to stop you from fucking her?" She yelled incredulously.
"No! The fact that I'm in love with you is! What's the difference between the kind of paper it's on? That's all we will have when we're back home and in front of a judge! You have to trust me!" Jared racked his brain trying to figure out why she was being so uncharacteristically insane.
"I don't want one of your ex hook-ups  here Jared. Ugh! I cannot believe you would have ever considered inviting her in the first place! Knowing how I felt about you even back then!" Her emotions getting the best of her making her voice crack.
Andrea felt like she was going insane. She didn't understand why she was making such a big deal out of this. Trusting him was easy, he was with her all day every day practically and she had his phone often to post videos of the shows to social media. Why was she doing this? She was ruining their day, but couldn't seem to control herself.
"I didn't know how you felt Andrea! You had me so confused. One minute you wanted me, the next you shut me out! Pushed me away! You wanted to me my 'friend' remember?!"
"Yeah, but you had to have known I was in love with you Jared. I opened up to you! The sparks when we kissed... That had to be on your mind!" Picking up her bag, she brought it back to the bed unzipping it to busy herself with unpacking.
"Of course it was until you told me you didn't want this. So I did my best to move on." Jared took a deep breath, trying to stay calm, pacing across the room as he watched her unpack.
"Yeah, by fucking her when you knew I'd be around to hear it."
"We weren't together Andrea!" Jared felt himself losing his temper, he hated that she knew exactly what to say to push all of his buttons.
"You're just like Ross on that episode of Friends, 'WE WERE ON A BREAK!'" Hastily throwing her clothes in the top drawer of the dresser.
Jared sighed, his hands pulling at his long hair in frustration.
"You're being impossible! This isn't like you, will you please tell me what the actual problem is?"
"The problem," Andrea spat angrily, tossing her now empty luggage to the floor spun around and glared coldly at him, "is her presence on this yacht."
"I was just talking to her! Telling her yet again that I don't want her here, that we are together." He replied, moving his index finger back and forth between them.
"That's not what I saw. Those words don't require you to stand the way you were or to touch her the way you were!" Stepping closer, mimicking the way she saw Jared holding the other woman, she softly spoke, "I am yours and you are mine. Forever." Her tone sarcastic as she rolled her eyes and turned to walk away.
Jared growled, so fed up with her tantrum. Pissed at her for mocking the words he promised her a month ago. He lunged toward her, gripping her upper arms, spinning her back toward him. The generic art on the wall crashing to the floor as her body collided roughly into the wall. Wrapping his hand around her throat, his eyes bore into hers in a silent challenge.
Andrea felt Jared's hard body flush against hers. Her mind instantly hazy with lust, her anger suddenly forgotten. She found herself surprisingly aroused by his anger and wanted him to take it out on her.
"Fuck me, Jared." She panted, reaching between them to palm his hard cock. Desire laced in her voice as she repeated, "Fuck me." Crashing her lips against his in a possessive kiss.
Jared thrust his hips into her hand groaning. Quickly lifting her loose dress over her hips, Andrea lifted her left leg; her long legs and flexibility allowing her to extend it up to his shoulder as he pushed her panties to the side, slipping two fingers into her pussy.
Andrea dug her nails into his shoulders, dragging them down his back, pushing his track pants down enough to free his thick cock. A scream of pleasure escaping her lips as he harshly entered her.
They expressed their anger with each other against the wall. Andrea's leg slipping sent a lamp crashing to the floor and shattering loudly.
Jared became less aggressive with each thrust as his anger subsided. Pulling away from the wall, he wrapped his arms securely around Andie as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He carefully walked to the bed and laid her down.
"I want to fuck you senseless, but also make slow, sweet love to you. Seems I'm all over the place just like you today, baby."
Andrea's legs fell open allowing Jared more room. Kneeling between her thighs, Jared positioned his cock at the opening of her soaked core and gripped her hips; snapping his into hers so roughly she cried out, arching her back as she moaned his name.
Her eyes rolled back into her head in pleasure as Jared ground his hips once more, so slowly it drove her mad. He repeated the process of fast and rough then slow and sweet for what felt like forever. Unable to take the blissful torture anymore, Andrea dipped her hand into her wet folds, playing with her clit as Jared fucked her.
"I will make you cum when I'm ready." Jared snapped, pulling her hand away. He lowered himself flush against her body, slowly fucking her, kissing her passionately. Looking into her eyes as he sped up his thrusts, Jared felt his orgasm nearing.
"Cum for me, babygirl. Scream for me!"
Coming down from their high, Jared lay on his side next to Andrea. Kissing her forehead, he pushed her hair out of her face.
"Andrea, I don't like how you threw the words I promised you in my face. I know you're upset with me, but that was too far."
Feeling overwhelmed with emotions, Andrea pulled away from him and covered her face.
"I'm not trying to make you cry sweetheart, but I'm not sure what's going on with you the past couple of weeks. You've been all over the place. And today was the worst so far. Talk to me baby, what's wrong?"  Jared asked, leaning over her sweetly kissing her cheek.
A wave of nausea rolled through her suddenly. She bolted upright, pushing Jared away, rushing to the bathroom and emptying her stomach in the toilet. Sinking to the ground, she put her head between her knees, and focused on breathing deeply. Jared wasn't far behind her, wringing out a warm wash cloth, he knelt down beside her running his hand up and down her spine soothingly.
"Baby, what's wrong?"
The next day the group spent the day sightseeing, walking through the streets of Italy and had settled in a small cafe to eat.
Andrea hadn't been able to keep much  down since yesterday. At first she thought she'd eaten something her stomach didn't agree with. That was always a probability with their touring schedule, but this felt different.
The sight of the food being placed around the table had her stomach churning again. Making a quick exit from the cafe, she leaned against the brown rock wall, bending to put her head between her knees. She created a mental checklist of her symptoms, calculating where she was on her current cycle.
"Babe?" Jared called out. Spotting her, he rushed to her side. "Do we need to find you a doctor?"
Andrea shook her head no. Her heart aching because she couldn't stop thinking about the way she treated him the previous day.
"I think I know what's wrong, but I need to find a pharmacy."
"A pharmacy?" Jared repeated, a confused look on his perfect face.
Looking at their surroundings, she spotted one just up the street.
"Just go back in and eat, I found one and I'll go get what I need. I'll be back before you even miss me."
"No way am I letting you walk down the street alone in a foreign country. I'm coming with you!"
"Okay. Chill out, Liam Neeson. I'm just not sure you've figured out why I'm going and doubt you want to possibly be photographed buying what I need."
Waiting for his other shoe to drop, Andrea braced herself for his reaction. Unsure if it would be anger, panic or a hybrid of emotions.
Confusion still etched all over his face, Andrea sighed. "I'm fairly positive I'm pregnant."
Tag list: @nikkitasevoli @lostinletoland @spillinginkwithlove @conceptuallyloud @branded-with-a-j @callmeasyoulove 
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