#learned a bit ago that one of my closer internet friends joined the army
asklunakittywolf · 7 months
Coping with Big Feelings at 2am is never fun
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"For years nobody really understood my "type". I became the butt of the joke from my best friend. It wasn't until I met somebody with a similar taste to my own that I found one of the best friends that i've ever had." (Me.)
All throughout my late teenage years once my love of the goofballs became ever more obvious to those around me, I became the butt of the joke. The one that whenever we I watched something with my best friend she would crack a joke about it. It was all out of love but it still made me feel like I was a little bit "odd". It wasn't until I met my best friend and big sis @disneyeleteobrightangel that I realized that I was no longer alone. I had somebody that I could relate to about our taste in the goofballs of animation.
This edit might look like a bit of a mess but all these characters have one thing in common just about. Eugene is the only one that seems to be different. D-Angel's type usually is intelligent goofballs. The kind that know everything about their area of expertise and are the "smart" and sometimes "clumsy" members of their group. They are the ones that others rely on for either an invention that they'll create to get the main cast out of a certain situation or they are usually the smartest person in the room. When I first met her I instantly felt this kinship like I was talking to a fellow lover of some type of goofball. Only difference is that she likes the brainy goofballs.
I tease her that the only outlier is Eugene because he's more my type the 10/10 dumbass snarky funny one. Her rebuttal is usually that he's hot. But that's the kind of thing that I love about her. She's never been ashamed to admit her type once you get to know her. D-Angel has always been one of those people that I can just send a gif to about the new "love of my life" who joined my army of goofballs and she's also one of the few people that listens to me about whatever my simping brain is going through.
Ever since I started talking to her more and I learned more about our types and how similar they were it only drew us closer together. It's gotten to the point where I can guess which of my favorite characters she would love. When I picked Atlantis Lost Empire a few weeks ago for our "movie night" I picked it on purpose. I knew that if she saw Milo she'd instantly be in love with him. And low and behold I was totally right because her type can be basically boiled down to clumsy usually brainiacs or snarky characters.
D-Angel is one of the few people out there that I feel comfortable enough around to talk about my fictional favorite loves of my life. It's one of the things that I appreciate the most about her. It's that willingness to listen and that willingness to even join in with me and she became one of the few people that would talk about her favorite boy's too. I trust that side of her implicitly. I love you internet big sis! *Tigger hugs* you're amazing. I hope that you keep finding new favorite husbandos so we can continue talking about them.
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