#learned that if i lean my head against the braille sign for the boys bathroom by the business classroom i can see 182 tiles without moving
last two weeks of the school year and work is so slow that I just stood in the hall for ten minutes counting how many tiles I could see without turning my head
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tsukoyomi-fumikage · 4 years
Quirk Sicknesses (Mul-Ships)
Please, PLEASE can someone make these random-ass small drabbles into real fanfictions - then tell me - I wanna read em!
Ships - BakuKiri, MiriTama, EraserMic, ShoToko, ShigaDabi, Mineta. 
--- 1st BakuKiri ---
Bakugou slid into a fighting stance, narrowing his eyes at his sparring partner, who's arms automatically hardened into the quirk-enabled mode. "You ready, Shitty Hair?" He growled out, impatient to start and punch away at his anger of the day.
Kirishima nodded, determined. "Yeah, bring it on, Kacchan!"
"Don't call me that!" He yelled, charging forward, preparing an attack in his right hand, slamming said hand into his opponents head, smashing the rock-hard male to the side. "You know I hate it."
Red Riot stumbled slightly, reaching a hand to awkwardly rub along the spikes. "That..." He stopped dead, bringing his hand away to find blood and flaked skin coming off of his face. "Hurt...?"
Confused, his vision blurred as pain tore through his face, and at his stomach as Katsuki hit him again, unaware of the searing pain his friend was feeling. Gasping out, he lost all control of his quirk, reaching his maximum strength so suddenly and irrationally he cut the blond right across the cheek with his skin. "Shit." Swore the older boy, and he quickly stopped his attack, reaching up his fingers to press on the wound before looking down at Kirishima. "Fuck, dude! Your face!"
Kirishima Ejiro was barely hearing anything anymore, too busy trying to focus on his erratic breathing. He felt a hand touch his now slouching, soft shoulder and he flinched against it, making more skin fall off and more blood to appear. "What's happening?" He asked aloud to no one in particular, moving slowly to his knees to quell the shaking in his legs. Bakugou was in front of him, eyes wide and full shock, yet the rest of him held an expression that screamed calm... For once.
"It's a quirk thing." He said simply. The hurt man didn't understand, quirking a brow before hissing at the tug on his skin at the action. "For example my quirk thing is that I sweat more in my hands, meaning yes, bigger explosions, but more damage for me." He poked at his friends skin, watching it fall away. "Yours is... I'm not sure, actually."
Ejiro snorted sarcastically. "That's obvious."
Katsuki smiled, leaning back on his heels, swinging a little to keep his balance going. "Wanna head back to the dorms and get takeout? On me."
The sick student's eyes lit up. "Free takeout from you?" His mouth watered. "So many possibilities - man do I hope you have a lot of money!"
They ended up curled in Bakugou's room, watching netflix and eating takeout Takoyaki and clams. It made Kirishima think of Amajiki as he curled next to his friend, being held securely so his quirk wouldn't hurt as much as it had earlier.
Kirishima could say he was mad, but he pretty sure he was dying at being pressed into his crushes side. Luckily the lights were off, otherwise Katsuki might have caught his red complexion and killed him for real.
--- 2nd MiriTama ---
"Wo-woah!" Mirio steadied himself, balancing on his two feet, eyes squinted in concentration as he fought to keep his balance. "This is ridiculous." He spoke out loud, despite his big smile at the stupidity of his quirk.
Amajiki was sitting on the sofa in the far corner, curled up with his knees tucked against his front. "You need assistance there?" He offered, though there wasn't much he could do for someone who's quirk was for him to phase through things. That had already made itself known when Togata had shattered a glass while drinking juice, the liquid and cup going everywhere before he himself phased through the floor and landed in their neighbors apartment, completely naked and smiling awkwardly at their shocked faces. "Should I get Mr. Aizawa on the phone? Maybe he can come over?"
"No." Mirio bit his lip tightly, keeping his arms out to balance himself incase he phased again. "I've got this - they only last a few hours like your bellyaches, it's fine."
Tamaki clearly wasn't impressed, coming over to land a palm on his boyfriends cheek, surprised at the heat and the face his hand didn't just phase through the man's skull.  "You should rest." He said quite obviously. "But.. like that probably isn't a good idea."
The indigo man was at a loss of what to do for the blond, so he sighed, slowly sitting himself on the couch until Togata joined him, sitting on his legs, which were the only points of his body he was able to control at the minute; his arms phasing through the other student as he tried to wrap a arm around his shoulders. "Uh..."
"It's alright." The smaller man chuckled, switching on the TV and opening Netflix. Mirio smiled in embarrassment. "What do you wanna watch?"
--- 3rd EraserMic ---
"This is so shit."
Eraser dropped several doses of his dry-eye medication, then tied a bandanna to his eyes, pressing down on sore swollen skin, trying his best to completely block out the light. It wasn't the best solution to his quirk-illness, but it did quell some of the pain. Aizawa relied completely on his vision, so he obviously called work to say he was sick before beginning all of this 'treatment'. Now he just had to suffer alone for a few days before his eyes would return to normal. Until then, pure darkness it was. Gosh, he sounded like Tokoyami - he'd been talking too much with that emo-bird student of his.
Shota let out a squeak when a hand landed on his shoulder. "Hizashi?" He asked out loud, but heard so response. His skin tightened and burned at his eyes moved under his eyelids, wanting to look and gouge who was in front of him. His boyfriend always talked even if he wasn't being asked questions - unless... "Are you sick too?"
A hand tapped once on his forehead: Eraser smiled. That was their sign of a 'yes'. When Present Mic got his quirk-illness, it makes his voice go completely - he can't even mutter quietly under his breath: It's the one time where the house is filled with the quieter man's voice only. "I'll call in for you." He offered, but realized he couldn't see where he'd put the phone down. "Could you - uh..."
Something metal touched his arm and he grabbed it, feeling over the bumps and pressing the correct numbers for the schools teacher line. After a few years of getting to know his quirk, he knew it would be best if he could read braille, and like him, Hizashi had also found a way to combat his quirks problems by learning sign language - though that sign language couldn't exactly help him communicate now.
After making the call, he sighed, sitting himself on the sofa, feeling the silent adult slump next to him. "We're ridiculous." He supplied a conversation, knowing his boyfriend hated silence. "I become your mouth when your sick and you become my eyes vise versa."
A weird noise made Aizawa know he'd made Yamada laugh - it was a wheezing huff of a laugh, barely as loud as a whisper. "You sound like a dying cockatoo."
He could only imagine the reply: "You look like a recycled character on BirdBox."
--- 4th ShouToko ---
Tokoyami couldn't believe his eyes as he walked into his boyfriends room after school, coming face to face with a bin full of tentacles, some with eyes, mouths and ears, and some with none at all. If his face could pale, it would. "Shoji?" He called out, feeling sick as his eyes refused to look away from the bin.
"Yeah I'm just in the bathroom, give me a second!"
Right. Right. He remembered that they all had bathrooms in these new dorms. Fumikage tried not to throw up and look at the dead limbs, forcing his head away from it, staring at the wall opposite instead.  
"You okay, Fumi'?" Came the concerned voice from none other than Mezo as he stepped out the bathroom, doing up his mask from brushing his teeth. "You aren't looking too well."
His thoughts went back to the arms, and he imagined them slowly decaying - how was he supposed to be okay looking at his boyfriends ripped off arms? Duple or not? "I think I'm going to be sick." He muttered, pushing past Mezo and sprinting into his own-suite, getting to the toilet just in time to throw up, curling up over the object, shivering violently.
A hand found itself on his back, and he flinched, mind going back to the Camp Incident, the blood, the missing hand on the floor, the pained expression etched into Shoji's face as his other limbs curled around the hurt one. "Hey." Came a soft voice right by his ear. "It's alright."
Wiping his beak, he coughed, looking up at the taller. "How is it okay?" He croaked out, eyeing the teen with an almost furious look. "Your arms are coming off! That's not normal!"
"Oh, that's why? I thought you were really ill!" Shoji was obviously smiling behind his mask. Kneeling down to be on the birds level, he pressed a kiss through the mask onto his feathers. "Like with your feathers, my arms 'molt'" He explained, scooping the smaller up, he brought him back into his room. The emo boy squeezed his eyes shut as they passed the limbs. "It's perfectly normal."
They both sat on the bed, and Shoji leaned over, grabbing one of the arms with nothing on and wiggling it around. Fumikage gave him 'the look' and he chuckled. "Wiggle wiggle wiggle"
--- 5th ShigaDabi ---
Shigaraki exhaled slowly, breath misting in the cold air as he trudged towards the bars opening, hands covered by special gloves that quelled quirks tucked carefully in his pockets. Shouldering the door open, he was met with Toga and Twice, who were both fretting over a kneeling Dabi, who was clenching his hands and tucking them into a bucket of water. "Oh sweet Jesus-" He muttered under his breath. Everyone turned at the sound of his footsteps etching closer. "What happened this time?"
"Quirk-Illness." Twice explained happily, then his mind switched, and his mouth clenched. "Bad, bad, bad!" He scolded no one in particular, waving his arms around.
Toga gave a smirk at all the boys' personalities. She was probably wondering how they ever became what was considered a 'family'; "Honestly Dabi, you could just take a quirk suppressant." She offered.
The black-haired, scarred male looked at her - any normal person would see calmness, but they all knew he was irritated. "They don't work." He said simply, eyebrows furrowing. "I'm basically just like Shigaraki in this situation right now."
Although the multiple-handed male could argue that was a bit offensive at the hint of how his quirk was uncontrollable, he shrugged. "Yeah yeah, scar-face." He drawled out, coming to sit  in front of the man and his bucket. "I take it your quirk-illness is that your hands become actual fiery magnets?"
A nod came from the taller. Shigaraki smirked under the hand over his face. Taking his own hand out, he removed his 'father' and placed him on his shoulder instead so the man could see his face. "I don't know if this'll work, but they work for me and hey-" He smiled; he knew he shouldn't, he knew it was terrifying when he did, but he smiled. "-My quirk is much more erosive than those large hands of yours."
"Yeah yeah." He took his hands out the water, watching as they lit up in dimmed blue flames. He hissed. "Fucking hurry then."
Taking both hands out of his pockets he pulled the gloves off, feeling his own quirk come back full throttle. Taking his ring finger and pinkie off of the cloth to avoid destroying the outer later, which was not quirk-suppressant, he handed them over to the man. "Here."
"oH mY gOd ShIgArAkI iS bEiNg KiNd." Twice fangirled over in the corner, probably grinning like an idiot as Dabi pulled the gloves on. "I'm So PrOuD."
"Shut it Two-faced dickhead!" Snarled the blue-haired boy, standing up and trying to grab him, but being stopped by the blue-fire quirk user. "Let me at him!"
Toga giggled, sitting up on one of the chairs, swinging her legs as she adjusted her scarf. "Boys."
--- EXTRA - MINETA ---
"Guys...?" Mineta asked, kicking his legs out as he fought to free himself. He was alone in the classroom way past school times. The grape-haired boy realized he probably fell asleep at his desk again and had tried to move, only to find his hair was attached to the desk. "Help?"
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