#learning how to resize outfits for myself I feel so powerful
eliza-fustel · 1 year
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hhhhhelp I love her so much GOD
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thran-duils · 7 years
TITLE:  Boldness (Rise For Your King Part 7) PAIRING: Reader/AU King!Castiel SUMMARY:  The reader was betrothed to the prince but when a neighboring king decides to dole out justice to your future father in low, he destroys the royal family, leaving you with the two youngest princesses. The mage king takes an immediate liking to you, letting you live. What will you do with this opportunity? WORDS: 2,619
Part 6 || Part 8 || Masterpost  || Fanfic masterpost
The betrothal announcement was to be made from the balcony overlooking the courtyard. When you had been brought into a counsel and had the idea and plan presented to you – that felt more like you were being told by the King’s counsel – you had remained stoic. You were going to do whatever it took to get those girls back.
Castiel had been watching you intensely the entire time that his family head – captain of his army – Balthazar spoke. You wondered why it wasn’t him telling you this instead of Balthazar.
You met his eyes and felt a jolt of electricity go through you. You averted your eyes quickly, refusing to linger on him for too long. You had decided that you would only deal with him in short spurts, doing whatever necessary to complete the task and hold up your end of the agreement. You wouldn’t be distracted by him or the stirrings he evoked within.
“We plan to announce it to the Kingdom that is able to attend – or more so, fit – in the court yard. And then the King and you will travel – with a company of course – around the country that had more people who were not able to attend due to distance, resources, or finances. It is important to visit them as well.”
You nodded in agreement, taking in what he said. You and Castiel alone in a carriage together was more than you could bear about thinking about right then. You quickly pushed it from your mind.
Balthazar had stopped speaking and had turned his attention towards Castiel. Castiel finally addressed you since he had greeted you when you walked in, “Does this sound agreeable, my lady? And in accordance to the standards and traditions of this kingdom?”
So, he had taken to heart what you said about him consulting you about the customs here.
You knew you had to look at him again and you did so with as much grace as you could muster. You only hesitated for a second seeing him again. “Yes, your grace.” You paused before stating daringly, “But, it’s important you have King Orin’s family colors somehow. Along with your own. One last time. They see me as an extension of his benevolence and family line, so this should be presented as a merging this time – as a wedding should be – rather than… something less elegant.” You refrained from saying something along the lines of acquisition.
The room was silent. You knew that your proposition had been bold but if he truly meant to listen to you, this was something to listen to you on. The people had adored King Orin and no matter how well Castiel ruled the kingdom, if he treated this marriage as capturing one of the last things the people saw as a legacy of their former king, it would not bode well.
“I’ll see what I can do,” Castiel finally spoke, his voice even. You could tell he wasn’t thrilled with the idea but the fact that he was considering it was more than you had hoped for and opened up a new sense of trust.
You replied, “That’s all I was asking, my king.”
There were a few more moments of silence before Castiel stated, “I’m sure everyone is feeling peckish. I know I am.”
There were murmurs of agreement around the table and you requested, “May I request to excuse myself and a tray brought up to my room instead of eating in the banquet hall, your grace?” Castiel stilled and you added quickly, “I wish to rest for a while. The day is hot and I would like to relieve myself a little until it has cooled down a little.”
Everyone was watching the exchange with some level of tension. It was rare someone tried to get out of dining with their king.
Castiel’s expression was neutral as the moments stretched out before he stated, “Of course, my lady. I’ll have someone send something up. I would apologize for your state but you know that I’m not even powerful enough to control the weather.”
There were chuckles, the tension broke with Castiel’s jest. You gave him a small, courteous smile before thanking him. You made to get up from the table, ready to leave the room and the court. You had just heard an earful and agreed to seal your fate. You needed some time to yourself to digest it.
He was standing in front of you suddenly and you felt your chest tighten. Picking up your hand, he placed a light kiss on the back. His lips lingered against your skin as his eyes met yours and you couldn’t look away from him. You were losing yourself in his icy blue eyes, feeling the contrasting warmth from his lips against your skin. It probably only lasted the matter of a second but it felt like an eternity.
You cleared your throat and gave him a quick, shallow curtsy in your state. “Your majesty,” you breathed before standing straight and turning yourself around. You forced yourself to walk evenly towards the door where your two maids met you, coming into tandem behind you, as well as the two palace guards behind them.
The doors were opened for you and you exited, a large exhale leaving you in relief that you were not in his domineering presence anymore. You hated feeling out of control of yourself. And the feeling of wanting to be near him.
<> <> <>
“She hates it,” Castiel said exasperated the moment the door had closed behind Y/N. He moved back over towards his chair, but did not sit, merely resting a hand on it, looking put out. He looked disappointed.
Hannah spoke first. “You can’t expect her to be completely head over heels for the idea – or you, for that matter – considering all that’s transpired. Not to mention, sending the twins away was not a good mark in her book about you.”
“That had to be done!” Castiel snapped, rubbing his brow, annoyed.
“I’m merely saying the tactic and presentation could have been cleaner,” Hannah responded airly.
Once, a neighboring King had commented on the fact that Castiel held a woman in his court, using it as evidence of Castiel’s inferiority. The man had learned quickly why Castiel valued Hannah. Not merely her way with words and innovativeness but the swiftness of her sword. That had pierced the other King’s throat, cutting straight through. It made the takeover of that particular Kingdom’s riches messier but he felt the slight against one of his best soldiers warranted an opportunity for her to retaliate.
Sighing heavily, tapping his fingers on the table, Castiel reluctantly moved his gaze up to her, wordless. She knew she had made her point and averted her eyes to not insult him by keeping direct eye contact defiantly.
“I do not want to see her in Orin’s colors,” Castiel commented, his tone nasty.
Everyone knew this was said out of a matter of jealousy and possessiveness. As usual, Balthazar leaned forward and told him reasonably, “You’ll see her in your colors a thousand times over than you’ll see her in his.” Castiel shot him a look of annoyance. Balthazar continued firmly, despite the displeasure rolling off his king, “You know what she said was true. I know what she said was true. It would look more like a merger of the two kingdoms, which will be swallowed easier by the people.”
An annoyed sigh expelled from the king, feeling a sharp jolt of jealousy at the thought of his future queen in the colors of her former betrothed. The others waited for his decision on the matter.
Standing up stiffly, Castiel muttered, “It’s decided then.”
<> <> <>
You had recognized the dress the moment it was presented to you. It had been one of Queen Birgit’s. Except it had been resized and altered. But, you would recognize that purple silk anywhere. It had been one of her favorites. It was bittersweet you would wear it.
The dress’ bodice was tight and revealing now though, but still gorgeous at the same time. The amount of detail put into the embroidery was breath taking. It had always caught your eye and you’d wanted to trace your fingers along the design. Now that you had the chance, you felt a pang wishing that you didn’t because of what it meant.
Despite the beauty, one of the chambermaids had made an offhand remark about your breasts almost reaching your chin under her breath to another chambermaid in the room. Although you were in front of the mirror, another girl putting the finishing touches on your hair, and she was across the room, you had still heard it. And anger flared inside your chest. If Aideen had been here, she surely would have smacked the girl upside the head for commenting so lewdly on you, her superior.
Instead, you had to take her place. You were not going to let these jealous girls feel they could disrespect and walk all over you. “If you feel the need to comment on my outfit, you should bring it up with the King personally. It was him, of course, who ordered the design. I’m sure he would be extremely insulted that you were poking fun at something he thought was beautiful.” She was staring at you now, her mouth closed. You didn’t break eye contact as you finished, “So, any complaints should be directed towards him. Although, I know you aren’t that bold.”
She looked completely taken aback but your boldness though, considering you had kept your disdain to yourself for the past few days as they snickered since you returned, making comments under their breath.
There was some shuffling behind you and you heard some angry muttering. You closed your eyes, inhaling deeply, ready to start another row. Instead you heard feet moving towards the door and your eyes trained on the mirror, seeing the troublesome girl and her closest comrade leaving.
You felt movement behind you and one of the other chambermaids sat behind you, your crown in her hands.
She hadn’t never said much but she had apparently ordered the other two out of the room. You recognized her as one of Queen Brigit’s former chambermaids.
“I am sorry for their abrasive behavior, my queen,” the girl stated. “They will think better about what they say in the future once I’ve had a word with the majesty’s new head of household.”
Not knowing whether to trust her or not, you said nothing. You were frankly tired of trying to figure out who was on your side and who was not. But, you knew you needed someone on your side and she had been the closest you had come to since you returned to the castle. If she had been good enough for Queen Brigit to keep around, perhaps you should extend an olive branch at the expense of possibly being burned.
She accepted your silence and she carefully placed your crown on top of your head, making sure to not mess up the extravagant updo.
“Is this pleasing, my lady?”
You stared at yourself in the mirror, holding back tears. You were so nervous about what was going to happen and all you wanted to do was tear the crown from your head and run as far from the castle as you could. But, you were needed here and no matter how much it ate at you in guilt, you also wanted to be here. With him.
“Yes, thank you…” you trailed off, waiting for her name.
The girl gave you a small smile, “Kalin, my lady.”
“Thank you, Kalin,” you continued and you didn’t miss the look of pleasure on her face at you addressing her by her name. You figured she hadn’t been regarded lately by her name considering she was not a part of this new court’s servanthood. She had been the enemy’s. And yet, Castiel had let them stay. You didn’t have time at the moment to wonder why. “It looks lovely.”
<> <> <>
Castiel’s expression had faltered when his eyes had landed on you as you were presented to him. You could hear the chanting and yelling of the people outside the doors, down in the courtyard, waiting for the appearance of their future queen and king. He looked dashing in his black and gold, omitting the sword he usually wore. He apparently didn’t want to seem hostile or that he was keeping you here by force.
Recovering from his initial reaction of pleasure seeing you done up the way you were, he cleared his throat, holding out his arm for you to take. You did so gingerly.
“Are you ready?” Castiel asked you.
“Yes, your majesty,” you answered stiffly. You noticed the look on Castiel’s face as he studied you, looking confused at your response. You didn’t have time to worry about his feelings right now. All you were focused on was not passing out from your anxiousness and keeping up your calm façade.
The doors were opened and the roar of the crowd was deafening. Castiel seemed at ease, easily slipping into his role of majestic royalty. He waved, a calm smile on his face. Your arm felt like lead as you lifted it up, giving a graceful wave, following his example.
Someone was announcing something as loudly as they could through a horn but you didn’t hear them.
You felt his opposite hand on your own looped through his arm. His fingers weaved into yours and your breath quickened. His thumb caressed your hand and you felt your smile wavering, your nervousness starting to get the better of you.
Castiel seemed to feel the change in you and he turned you to face him, making you focus on him instead of the crowd. You didn’t know which was worse at helping you keep yourself under wraps.
In a moment, you realized what this meant. The people – your people – were waiting for a declaration besides a royal letter and postings about the betrothal.
You were having trouble breathing. You didn’t want to kiss him in front of all these people. You didn’t want to look like a fool if you lost control of your emotions. You barely had had the strength to pull away from him the last time.
Castiel moved to you, leaning down and his lips landed on yours hungrily. There was a surge in the excitement in the crowd as your kiss deepened and you couldn’t stop yourself from moving one of your hands up and running your fingers into his hair, holding. You felt him give out a small moan of pleasure against your mouth. All you wanted to was to never stop kissing him.
But he left you breathless, pulling away with little to no effort at all. Blinking, you noted the flickering of triumph in his eyes before he turned towards the crowd again, receiving them again.
You felt weak in the knees and let him guide you away from the crowd back towards the doors. There would be a feast in the courtyard for the people. Castiel had every intention of joining them eventually after the royal court enjoyed their meal, which meant you would have to go too. You doubted you would be able to eat, your head was still swimming on the high of his embrace. You needed a few moments… just a few to gain some grounding again.
The doors had been barely closed for a moment before you collapsed, fainting in Castiel’s embrace still.
Before you went under, you heard an alarmed cry from him, “My lady?” Then nothing.
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CASTIEL TAGS: @prince-halfblood, @splendidcas, @klaineaholic, @letsthedogpackandthecats, @alexastacio, @winchesterforever12 @seirensou  @tacos-and-trenchcoats @the-amaranthine @intheir-dreams @marisayouass @demonicguardianangel @afanofmanystuffs @greenappleeyes @holyheadharpies-quidditch-blog @misscherryberry @too-lazy-for-this-world @dragonchantant @morbid-apricots @moon-and-stars-cas  @stori-teller@castiels-broken-fool @thebookisbtr @xxslytherinprincessxx @jinxkatkazama @tstieff 
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