#leasehold management
chelseabridgewharf · 4 months
Leasehold Reforms Become Law
Homeowners will receive more rights, power and protections over their homes under the Leasehold and Freehold Reform Act which has become law today. The Act will make it easier and cheaper for leaseholders to buy their freehold, increase standard lease extension terms to 990 years for houses and flats, and provide greater transparency over service charges. The Act will also remove barriers for…
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trickricksblog08 · 8 months
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The Twin Towers were white elephants that their owner, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, had wanted to demolish for years but could not as the buildings were loaded with asbestos that would have cost millions to remove.
Among other issues, the buildings were not wired for WIFI and the occupancy rate was below 50%. Why on earth would anyone want to lease these antiquated pieces of trash properties?
Why indeed?
In January 2001, Silverstein made a $3.2 billion bid to lease-purchase the World Trade Center complex. Silverstein's negotiated bid was finalized on July 24, 2001, less than 2 months prior to 9/11. The Port Authority agreed to lease the twin towers to Larry Silverstein and he agreed to pay the equivalent of $3.2 billion over the next 99 years. This was the first time in the complex's 31-year history that it had changed management.
The lease agreement applied to One, Two, Four, and Five World Trade Center, and about 425,000 square feet of retail space. Silverstein put up just $14 million of his own money to secure the deal. The agreement gave Silverstein, as leaseholder, the right and the obligation to rebuild the structures if destroyed.
The insurance policies for World Trade Center buildings WTC 1. 2, 4 and 5 had a collective face amount of $3.55 billion and the insurance policy he took out included protection against terrorist attacks.
🔗Vincent Kennedy 🇺🇸
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darkmaga-retard · 9 days
The Rising: The Twenty-Year Battle to Rebuild the World Trade Center, Larry Silverstein, Knopf, 368 pages
Larry Silverstein never much liked the Twin Towers. Sure, the real estate developer concedes, Minoru Yamasaki’s skyscrapers defined New York City’s skyline for nearly three decades, but only because they were “looming monoliths” whose ugliness was inescapable. Anyway, Silverstein adds, the Port Authority had built them wildly over budget—$900 million wasted on a pair of buildings that, by the time he secured their leasehold in 2001, were in a sorry state.
Silverstein remembers inspecting his new property in July of that year with “unyielding objectivity” and sighing that the World Trade Center was below his standard for Lower Manhattan. Entering the Twin Towers felt like leaving New York for a vast maze of lobbies on lobbies and elevators which ascended to nowhere. The entire complex turned him off. Silverstein openly admits that he was not free from a feeling of guilt in the WTC mess. After all, he built and managed the nearby Tower Seven, a cheaply made “shoebox” that earned ridicule from nearly everyone who saw it, including his own wife. Upon entering the vestibule after the building’s completion in 1987, she glanced at the impersonal red marble walls and declared, “It looks like a mausoleum.”
When the World Trade Center actually did become a mausoleum on September 11, 2001, Silverstein, like everyone else in the United States, was devastated. Were it not for an urgent call from his dermatologist early that morning, he would have been dead. He was supposed to be on the top floors of the North Tower, taking meetings at Windows on the World. He got lucky. Others didn’t. Silverstein Properties lost four people on 9/11 and, of course, the buildings themselves, which when they came screaming down brought with them the end to a whole way of life. Silverstein’s memories of the day are hazy: He was not himself, not in control, not the confident builder who had just secured dominion over the two tallest skyscrapers in New York. “I was absolutely staggered,” he recalls. “I couldn’t believe what I was seeing with my own eyes.”
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sourcreammachine · 4 months
so the party manifestos won’t be published for a few weeks prolly, but the Labour Party policymaking system means they have an internal “policy platform” agreed by the partisan structure that kinda dictates what goes in the manifesto, and a similar partisan structure has the final say on the manifesto itself. the platform is private and internal, but it’s been “seen and summarised”. so heres a couple of interesting bits:
nationalise the rail; allow greater municipal ownership of bus networks; more ev charging stations and increased ev subsidies
“fundamentally reform our system of energy supply, generation and transmission” via public ownership, but without stating whether or not this includes consumer services or if the private wholesale system will continue
abolish the Lords; votes at 16; NO commitment to abolishing FPTP
“support the recognition of” palestine (note wording, and note the fact this was written before 7 october)
ban conversion therapy including for trans people; “modernise the process of gender recognition to remove indignities for trans people, while upholding the Equality Act, its protected characteristics and its provision for single-sex exemptions” (obviously using terf dogwhistles to get out of meaningfully reforming the law, without clarifying their plans)
sewage monitoring and fines for sewage leaks by water companies – water remains private
“land-use framework” to organise farmland with the goal of biodiversity, close hunting loopholes
intellectual property reform, maybe? they’re very vague about that one
one-month waiting time for mental health services
“reform broken tuition fees system” – NO commitment to abolition and debt forgiveness, only this squirmy line
“robust regulation to protect people from online harms” – basically equivocating to allow any possible passage of a bad internet bill :/
£28B green energy investment; double onshore wind, quadruple offshore wind; reinstate fracking ban and stop new oil/gas; “green energy by 2030”, whatever that means. weirdly fetishistic about hydrogen power
VERY, VERY little mention of City oversight and reform. City to remain extremely independent, capital to continue flowing
abolish leaseholds; end ‘arcane’ land laws; end no-fault evictions
football regulator; reform gambling laws
end fire-rehire; more regulation for two-tier employee/contractor workplace inequalities; more statutory workers’ rights; ban zerohours with more than 12h/week, “right to a contract”; change the minimum wage quango to account for cost of living, potentially hiking the minimum wage by several pounds
repeal a number of union-busting acts; regulate gig economies to statutorily allow the right to unionise; increase rights for unions to organise and manage themselves
ethics quango to enforce the ministerial code for the first time in its history; ban second jobs for MPs with very limited exceptions for professionals; ban former ministers from lobbying for five years; political finance reforms to restrict financing by shell companies
certain devolutionary powers for english local authorities on request; shrink whitehall, let the civil service go elsewhere
“respect orders”, ASBOs 2; domestic abuse register; misogyny as a hatecrime; ‘protect the right to protest’, explicitly opposing the public order bill without committing to overturn it
but yeah, the starmer leadership may leave some things on the cutting room floor, and the starmer government may act totally different when it doesn’t have the partisan oversight. in the end, we have to wait until the proper manifesto releases to make real judgements, but looking through this list can set the tone of our expectations: third-way, boring and pathetic
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rjzimmerman · 2 days
How Colorado Cowboys and Conservationists Joined Forces to Stop Drilling. (New York Times)
Excerpt from this New York Times story:
The drilling leases in a pristine corner of Colorado seemed like a done deal. But then an unlikely alliance of cowboys and environmentalists emerged. And things changed.
The members of the group — a self-described ragtag organization that included ranchers, cyclists and snowmobilers — had little in common aside from a desire to protect the expanse, almost a quarter-million acres of public land known as the Thompson Divide. But they ultimately developed a novel legal strategy that helped win a 20-year pause on new oil and gas development across the area.
That strategy could serve as a model for future conservation efforts.
“It’s an incredible story of how it all came together,” said Zane Kessler, the founding executive director of the group, the Thompson Divide Coalition.
The area, in west-central Colorado, overlaps with part of the White River National Forest, one of the most visited national forests in the United States. The Thompson Divide is also home to endangered lynxes and to one of the expansive organisms in the world: the state’s largest Aspen stand, a colony of trees connected by a lateral root system.
The Bush administration started issuing oil and gas leases in the area in the early 2000s in an effort to expand production on public lands. Roughly 80 leases were issued on the Thompson Divide, with dozens more in adjacent parcels of land.
“It happened incredibly quickly,” said Peter Hart, who led the coalition’s legal team. “And it happened at a time when it was the beginning of people developing skills and knowledge to engage in these processes and actually push back.”
Mr. Hart and his colleagues sensed broad opposition to oil and gas development in the area from a diverse range of interest groups, including farmers who wanted to protect grazing land and conservationists concerned about preserving pristine forests and alpine meadows.
With that in mind, they set out in search of a new legal approach.
The coalition gained momentum, appearing at public meetings to provide comments and even staging an impromptu tractor parade down Main Street in Carbondale. “There was lots of local opposition and fear,” Mr. Hart said. “And in that fear was an opportunity for us to unify against what everybody perceived as the greatest threat to this landscape.”
The technology that had driven the oil and gas boom, fracking, was also a source of weakness in the leases. According to Mr. Hart and his team, the administration had failed to properly analyze and account for the technology in the required environmental review process.
Legal questions about the leases led to administrative challenges, which eventually sent one leaseholder to federal court against the Bureau of Land Management.
Initially, conservationists had intended to sue the government, contending that some of the leases were invalid because of noncompliance with the National Environmental Policy Act. But the work that exposed the legal and administrative problems with the leases had effectively flipped the script: The leaseholders who had declined to sell were now eyeing the exits in light of potential legal complications and public discontent around drilling.
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attorneyssphuket · 1 month
Property Leasehold in Phuket
Phuket, Thailand, with its pristine beaches, vibrant culture, and thriving tourism industry, has long been a popular destination for foreigners seeking to invest in or rent property. While the process of leasing property in Phuket can be relatively straightforward, it's essential to understand the nuances and legal considerations to ensure a smooth and successful experience.
Understanding the Types of Leases
Short-Term Leases (30 days or less): These are typically used for vacation rentals and are generally managed by property management companies. They offer flexibility but often come with higher rental rates.
Long-Term Leases (1 year or more): These are more common for individuals seeking a permanent or semi-permanent residence in Phuket. They provide stability and can often result in lower rental rates.
Key Considerations for Foreigners
Lease Agreement: A well-crafted lease agreement is crucial to protect your interests. Ensure it clearly outlines the rental amount, duration, maintenance responsibilities, security deposit, and dispute resolution procedures.
Visa Requirements: Your visa status will significantly impact your ability to lease property. While some visas allow for long-term residency, others may have restrictions. Consult with immigration authorities to determine the appropriate visa for your circumstances.
Property Management: Consider hiring a reputable property management company to handle day-to-day tasks like rent collection, maintenance, and tenant disputes. This can save you time and effort, especially if you're not residing in Phuket full-time.
Local Laws and Regulations: Familiarize yourself with Thai property laws and regulations, including tenancy agreements, rent control, and dispute resolution processes. It's advisable to consult with a local lawyer to ensure compliance.
Rental Market Analysis: Research the rental market in your desired area to understand current rental rates, demand, and trends. This information can help you negotiate favorable terms and make informed decisions.
Cultural and Social Norms: Be mindful of Thai cultural and social norms, especially regarding tenant-landlord relationships. Respecting local customs can contribute to a harmonious living environment.
Tips for Successful Property Leasing
Thorough Inspection: Before signing a lease, conduct a thorough inspection of the property to identify any existing issues.
Negotiation: Don't hesitate to negotiate rental rates, terms, and conditions. A well-prepared and informed approach can lead to favorable outcomes.
Emergency Fund: Set aside an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses, such as repairs or maintenance costs.
Communication: Maintain open and effective communication with your landlord or property manager to address any concerns promptly.
By carefully considering these factors and following the guidelines outlined above, foreigners can successfully navigate the property leasing process in Phuket and enjoy a fulfilling experience in this beautiful tropical paradise.
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longwindedbore · 6 months
In addition to unilaterally hyper-inflating the resale values of the properties he owns, Donald Trump ‘forgets’ when bragging of his wealth that
[1] he owes more in bank loans than the hyper inflated resale values of his properties (AKA ‘Bank Fraud’)
[2] Income is not the same as Profit;
[3] Leasing is not the same as Owning;
[4] Licensing is not the same as Owning
[5] Adverse Legal Judgments need to be included in calculations
[6] Minority Ownership equals a portion of the value of the property.
[7] if Potential Value dependent on uncertain or unlikely future favorable rulings breaking pre-existing codicils and legal allowed usage of property that ‘Potential” cannot be included in “Current Resale Values”
He leases properties for which he casually claims ownership such as
TRUMP TOWER where he owns the penthouse and other portions but not the building. He has the leasing rights.
40 WALL STREET where he has the leasing and management but not Ownership.
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• Since 1982, the [40 Wall Street] building has been owned by two German companies. The leasehold was held by interests on behalf of Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos in the mid-1980s. A company controlled by developer and later U.S. president Donald Trump bought the lease in 1995.•
Trump Las Vegas (actually Paradise Nevada)
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thessalian · 7 months
Thess vs Apartment Block Rules
No, this isn't about "the people down the corridor have a dog in blatant violation of the rules the management company that owns the building set out, so when things are more settled, I will have pet rats".
Side note: basically yes, we own our respective flats (unless we're renting; then the landlord owns the flat in question), but that's the leasehold. The building as a whole is owned by a management company at the moment, and they have certain rules about the maintenance and behaviours that touch on shared areas. Which, y'know, fair enough.
One of those rules is the "no pets" thing. Another is "Discourage birds from landing on your balcony because bird shit". Which, okay, I don't really want my balcony to be a nesting site for pigeons anyway.
Management company's nuts if they think I'm going to actively discourage the adorable little sparrow that lands on my balcony rail from time to time and gently eats the aphids off my marigolds. I won't build a birdhouse or anything, but I'm not going to shoo the poor little guy away, either.
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Navigating Complexities and Safeguarding Property Rights with real estate litigation lawyers in Vietnam
The Crucial Role of Real Estate Litigation Lawyers in Vietnam
Real estate transactions in Vietnam are on the ascent, driven by expanding urbanization. Notwithstanding, exploring the complex legitimate scene of the Vietnam housing business sector can be trying for both homegrown and worldwide financial backers. Real estate litigation lawyers assume a basic part in this unique situation, offering master direction and portrayal to defend property freedoms and resolve questions really.
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The Vietnam real estate market is assorted and dynamic, incorporating private, business, modern, and rural properties. With the rising interest for land and properties, land exchanges include different partners, including purchasers, venders, designers, property managers, occupants, and government organizations.
Understanding the legitimate subtleties and complexities of land exchanges is essential to guarantee consistence with regulations and guidelines, limit gambles, and safeguard property privileges. Real estate litigation lawyers in Vietnam have top to bottom information on Vietnam land regulations, guidelines, and market works on, making them exceptional to direct clients through each step of the real estate process.
One of the essential jobs of real estate litigation lawyers in Vietnam is to give master help with drafting and assessing land contracts. Whether it's a deal and buy understanding, rent understanding, improvement understanding, or joint endeavor contract, these legal advisors guarantee that the agreements are lawfully strong, safeguard their clients' advantages, and line up with Vietnam land regulations. They fastidiously investigate legally binding terms, recognize expected gambles, and haggle in the interest of their clients to get good agreements. Moreover, real estate litigation lawyers in Vietnam exhort clients on consistence with administrative necessities, divulgence commitments, and the utilization of standard industry terms.
Before taking part in any land exchange, exhaustive property a reasonable level of effort is fundamental to survey the property's legitimate status, proprietorship, and likely dangers. Real estate dispute lawyers in Vietnam lead far reaching a reasonable level of effort examinations, looking at land titles, encumbrances, allows, and drafting guidelines. This persistence assists clients with settling on informed conclusions about the suitability and potential dangers related with a property speculation. Recognizing any lawful issues or inconsistencies in advance permits clients to proactively relieve dangers and address possible difficulties.
In Vietnam, land use privileges are a perplexing part of land exchanges. Real estate litigation lawyers  help clients in understanding the different sorts of land use privileges, like leasehold, freehold, and land use freedoms for unfamiliar financial backers. They give direction ashore use arranging, land designation, and transformation methodology. Moreover, these Real estate litigation lawyers assist clients with exploring land possession debates, limit questions, and issues connected with the obtaining of land-use freedoms. Their mastery in land regulations and guidelines guarantees that clients' property privileges are legitimately safeguarded, and they can unhesitatingly continue with their land speculations.
Questions in land exchanges are normal, and when clashes emerge, land prosecution legal counselors in Vietnam become significant supporters for their clients. These legal counselors are knowledgeable about dealing with an extensive variety of land questions, for example, break of agreement claims, expulsion activities, title debates, development debates, and requirement of property privileges. They help clients in investigating elective debate goal strategies, like exchange, intercession, and mediation, to arrive at neighborly settlements and keep away from expensive suit whenever the situation allows. Be that as it may, assuming suit becomes fundamental, land prosecution legal counselors in Vietnam address their clients in court procedures, introducing powerful claims and proof to safeguard their clients' property privileges and monetary interests.
Land projects frequently require different government endorsements and grants. Real estate litigation lawyers in Vietnam are knowledgeable in the administrative scene and help clients in getting the fundamental endorsements, allows, and licenses from significant specialists.
In conclusion, real estate litigation lawyers in Vietnam assume a key part in the nation's flourishing property market. With their profound information on Vietnamese land regulations, guidelines, and market rehearses, they guide clients through the intricacies of land exchanges, safeguard property freedoms, and resolve questions actually. Whether helping with contract drafting, an expected level of effort, land use issues, question goal, administrative consistence, or government endorsements, land case legal counselors contribute fundamentally to guaranteeing a straightforward and secure housing market in Vietnam. Their master direction and portrayal are fundamental for financial backers looking for progress and strength in this lively and quickly advancing area while carrying on doing business in Vietnam.
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Navigating Complexities and Safeguarding Property Rights with real estate litigation lawyers in Vietnam
The Crucial Role of Real Estate Litigation Lawyers in Vietnam
Real estate transactions in Vietnam are on the ascent, driven by expanding urbanization. Notwithstanding, exploring the complex legitimate scene of the Vietnam housing business sector can be trying for both homegrown and worldwide financial backers. Real estate litigation lawyers assume a basic part in this unique situation, offering master direction and portrayal to defend property freedoms and resolve questions really.
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The Vietnam real estate market is assorted and dynamic, incorporating private, business, modern, and rural properties. With the rising interest for land and properties, land exchanges include different partners, including purchasers, venders, designers, property managers, occupants, and government organizations.
Understanding the legitimate subtleties and complexities of land exchanges is essential to guarantee consistence with regulations and guidelines, limit gambles, and safeguard property privileges. Real estate litigation lawyers in Vietnam have top to bottom information on Vietnam land regulations, guidelines, and market works on, making them exceptional to direct clients through each step of the real estate process.
One of the essential jobs of real estate litigation lawyers in Vietnam is to give master help with drafting and assessing land contracts. Whether it's a deal and buy understanding, rent understanding, improvement understanding, or joint endeavor contract, these legal advisors guarantee that the agreements are lawfully strong, safeguard their clients' advantages, and line up with Vietnam land regulations. They fastidiously investigate legally binding terms, recognize expected gambles, and haggle in the interest of their clients to get good agreements. Moreover, real estate litigation lawyers in Vietnam exhort clients on consistence with administrative necessities, divulgence commitments, and the utilization of standard industry terms.
Before taking part in any land exchange, exhaustive property a reasonable level of effort is fundamental to survey the property's legitimate status, proprietorship, and likely dangers. Real estate dispute lawyers in Vietnam lead far reaching a reasonable level of effort examinations, looking at land titles, encumbrances, allows, and drafting guidelines. This persistence assists clients with settling on informed conclusions about the suitability and potential dangers related with a property speculation. Recognizing any lawful issues or inconsistencies in advance permits clients to proactively relieve dangers and address possible difficulties.
In Vietnam, land use privileges are a perplexing part of land exchanges. Real estate litigation lawyers  help clients in understanding the different sorts of land use privileges, like leasehold, freehold, and land use freedoms for unfamiliar financial backers. They give direction ashore use arranging, land designation, and transformation methodology. Moreover, these Real estate litigation lawyers assist clients with exploring land possession debates, limit questions, and issues connected with the obtaining of land-use freedoms. Their mastery in land regulations and guidelines guarantees that clients' property privileges are legitimately safeguarded, and they can unhesitatingly continue with their land speculations.
Questions in land exchanges are normal, and when clashes emerge, land prosecution legal counselors in Vietnam become significant supporters for their clients. These legal counselors are knowledgeable about dealing with an extensive variety of land questions, for example, break of agreement claims, expulsion activities, title debates, development debates, and requirement of property privileges. They help clients in investigating elective debate goal strategies, like exchange, intercession, and mediation, to arrive at neighborly settlements and keep away from expensive suit whenever the situation allows. Be that as it may, assuming suit becomes fundamental, land prosecution legal counselors in Vietnam address their clients in court procedures, introducing powerful claims and proof to safeguard their clients' property privileges and monetary interests.
Land projects frequently require different government endorsements and grants. Real estate litigation lawyers in Vietnam are knowledgeable in the administrative scene and help clients in getting the fundamental endorsements, allows, and licenses from significant specialists.
In conclusion, real estate litigation lawyers in Vietnam assume a key part in the nation's flourishing property market. With their profound information on Vietnamese land regulations, guidelines, and market rehearses, they guide clients through the intricacies of land exchanges, safeguard property freedoms, and resolve questions actually. Whether helping with contract drafting, an expected level of effort, land use issues, question goal, administrative consistence, or government endorsements, land case legal counselors contribute fundamentally to guaranteeing a straightforward and secure housing market in Vietnam. Their master direction and portrayal are fundamental for financial backers looking for progress and strength in this lively and quickly advancing area while carrying on doing business in Vietnam.
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This day in history
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#20yrsago Eric Eldred Act: A bookkeeping change that would feed the public domain https://web.archive.org/web/20030201110456/https://cyberlaw.stanford.edu/lessig/blog/archives/2003_01.shtml
#20yrsago Bernstein’s patent-policy work-to-rule https://cr.yp.to/patents/tarzian.html
#20yrsago Civil liberties in gamespace https://web.archive.org/web/20030110002343/https://www.legendmud.org/raph/gaming/playerrights.html
#15yrsago Can the Smithsonian’s public domain images join the Library of Congress’s “Commons”? https://groups.google.com/g/open-government/c/VJ5UL8UdhIw?pli=1
#15yrsago Lawyer claims he owns “cyberlawyer” — actual cyberlawyers laugh and laugh https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2008/01/cyberlaw-and-cyberlawgs
#10yrsago TSA terminates its contract with Rapiscan, maker of pornoscanners https://www.latimes.com/business/la-xpm-2013-jan-17-la-fi-mo-fullbody-scanner-contract-20130117-story.html
#10yrsago Dan Bull song tribute to Aaron Swartz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qb0tCgNzbjk
#10yrsago Debunking DoJ statement on Aaron Swartz’s prosecution https://www.techdirt.com/2013/01/17/carmen-ortiz-releases-totally-bogus-statement-concerning-aaron-swartz-prosecution/
#5yrsago EFF to NSA: you scammed your way to another six years of warrantless spying, and you’d better enjoy it while it lasts https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/01/open-letter-our-community-congresss-vote-extend-nsa-spying-eff-executive-director
#5yrsago Amazon’s useless “transparency reports” won’t disclose whether they’re handing data from always-on Alexa mics to governments https://www.zdnet.com/article/amazon-the-least-transparent-tech-company/
#5yrsago Hawai’i emergency notification system password revealed in photo about problems with Hawai’ian emergency notification system https://qz.com/1181763/hawaiis-emergency-management-agency-accidentally-revealed-an-internal-password
#5yrsago Trials confirm the use of psilocybin for depression without the “dulling” effects of traditional antidepressants https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320636
#5yrsago Leaseholders in building sheathed in flammable Grenfell cladding sent a £2m bill for repairs https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/jan/17/citiscape-croydon-2m-recladding-bill-prompted-grenfell-disaster
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nickhembery · 2 years
I have been distracted
Lots and lots has been going on. And none of it was in a place where I thought, “that’s done, I can blog about it now”. But a bunch have finished up and I should try to keep things updated.
First up: I bought a house.
Started house hunting in January, saw a whole bunch of places and learned just how crap the housing market is. Renting means you pay rent. Freehold means you pay a mortgage. Leasehold means you pay rent and a mortgage. The first place I viewed was a maisonette, which means the lower half of a two storey house but no stairs to go up. It had one bedroom and was so small that you couldn’t fit anything in there. It was empty and full at the same time. Other places were in bad areas, bad state of repair, charged to much on leasehold fees for too little service, or were far, far too expensive. I put offers in on a few places but got outbid. Finally I found a nice coach house (flat above garages) and managed to get offer accepted and all the masses of paperwork filed. It all went through in June.
That led to: decorating.
The previous owner left the coach house in a clean state, I just hated his design choices. Paperwork had to be pulled down, walls sanded, many surfaces painted, and several things replaced. There were lampshades left that we thought were nice, until we switched the lights on. Holy crap the horrible pattern of shadows. Those came down and were tossed quickly after that. The kitchen didn’t have a space for a tall fridge freezer and searches revealed that a good under-the-counter fridge freezer basically didn’t exist. So we had to cut some worktop out and move an overhead cupboard. In one of our biggest big-brain moves, the cupboard was moved to an opposite wall, propped on feet and given a work surface to make it a thin low cupboard. The decorating was a lot of work over a long time, and I finally moved in last week. There was a final delay of a couple delays because my broadband wasn’t installed correctly, but everything’s working now.
What next. Let’s go with: Writing the book continues
The same story that I have been working on for four (?) years is still going. I was making good progress up until January when things kind of fell apart. The stress of the house hunting combined with realising that there was a massive plot hole in an entire section of the plot meant I stopped working on it altogether. But I had a brainwave around August time and started re-doing the synopsis of that part. I got the synopsis ready just in time for NaNoWriMo and am bashing out a new draft of it this month. No idea if I’ll get through it in the month or not, but progress is progress.
And lastly, I did a very sneaky thing at my job.
I work in a marketing firm, and am the only person in a 500-person company who does what I do. I’m told that other people are brought in as contractors for other geographic areas that I’m not involved in, but I’m the only on-staff proofreader there is for the firm. Now a while back, maybe a year ago, they started talking about this thing called the Talent Matrix. It was to be a way of formalising and standardising how people get promotions work. As the only one of my kind at the company and basically the beta-tester for the post, I was very interested in seeing how this would work and if I could get a promotion (and a decent pay bump). Well, it finally launched a few months ago, almost unannounced in a meeting I attended by sheer chance. They laid out how a lot of jobs worked and it was all fine and dandy. Except proofreaders weren’t listed in it. I completely lost it. After months of requesting to see it, and I wasn’t even in there. My boss was very sympathetic and managed to get hold of what HR had for proofreaders. They had one job description for the standard proofreader (my title) and it was basically a description of me. I didn’t know what to say. They had no idea what to do with me. Fortunately, my boss had a good idea. She said I should write out descriptions for the Senior and Junior roles. And I agreed. It took some research, some back and forth and a lot of drafts, but I wrote job descriptions for Senior and Junior Proofreaders, and also rewrote the middle Proofreader. And this is the very sneaky thing I did: I purposefully wrote the whole set so that I already fit the description of the Senior Proofreader. These job specs were then sent to several managers for sign off, which they did. Then they were sent to HR for adding to the records, which they were. And then I told my boss that according to the Talent Matrix, I should be promoted. And she agreed.
So now I’m waiting on getting a promotion because no one stopped me from promoting myself. Which is nice.
Lastly, some interesting TV watching. I’ve never watched The Office. Partly because I don’t like the humour of the British version, where they stew in the awkwardness, and partly because of how I felt about my last job, it seemed I’d already lived through what the show had to offer. But for some reason I watched Severance and found it really compelling. That’s the one where people have their memories split, so on the job they don’t know their outside lives, and out of the job they don’t know what they do inside the office. I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve got enough distance from my old job now that stories of being trapped in a dull office don’t bother me as much. Part of it is definitely the mystery of the story. I have to wonder what it would be like for me in that job though. Would I avoid depression because the outside me didn’t worry about the meaningless of the job, and the inside me didn’t know what I was missing? Or would I be even worse than I was in real life? I often referred to my last job as a time suck. But to literally look at a clock, blink and see hours disappear would be horrible. Well, I’m glad I’ve got a job I like now.
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whitehorselaw · 2 days
Looking for Residential Conveyancing Solicitors in London, UK? Visit White Horse Solicitors & Notary Public!
Navigating the complexities of buying or selling a home can be overwhelming. If you're searching for reliable and experienced residential conveyancing solicitors in London, White Horse Solicitors & Notary Public is here to help. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to providing exceptional service tailored to your specific needs.
Why Choose White Horse Solicitors & Notary Public?
With years of expertise in residential conveyancing, we understand the intricacies involved in property transactions. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer or an experienced property investor, our solicitors will guide you through the entire process, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience.
What We Offer
At White Horse Solicitors & Notary Public, we offer a comprehensive range of services related to residential conveyancing, including:
Buying or selling a property: We handle all legal aspects, from drafting contracts to transferring ownership.
Mortgages and refinancing: Our solicitors assist in reviewing and advising on mortgage agreements and legal documentation.
Leasehold and freehold transactions: We manage lease extensions, enfranchisements, and more.
Property disputes: Our team can also assist with resolving disputes related to property ownership or boundaries.
Expert Guidance Every Step of the Way
Our team takes the time to understand your individual needs and provide clear, practical advice at every stage of the process. From answering your questions to keeping you informed about timelines and costs, we ensure transparency and clarity throughout.
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sourcreammachine · 3 months
tldr: tinkering reforms to existing structures and services without bothering to fix the overall problems or their causes. literally less ambitions than their previous manifestos. their whole campaign is mostly just getting u to like ed davey by making him look silly
their five basic points:
small business aid
public service investment
deal with the shitwater
as much bilateral eurointegration as possible
democratic reform
reverse tax cuts on the banks and raise business tax to the international standard, raise the tax on digital businesses
balanced budget pledge, but when possible, cut income tax for the poor via raising the personal allowance
expand the british business bank and reestablish the ‘industrial strategy council’ quango (a policy shared by labour)
abolish the two-child benefits cap, bedroom tax and WASPI discrepancy
consumer-side investment for green energy and climate projects, ten-year plan to insulate and heatpump low-income houses, minimum price guarantee for selling home solar to the grid
windfall tax on oil and gas
increase parliamentary oversight of the department of trade
establish a workers’ protection enforcement authority
“independent review” into a living wage — less of a pledge than seen in labour’s policy programme
keep zerohour contracts, right to request a contact after twelve months (not a full right to a contract), employment strategy ‘fit for the age of the gig economy’ (ie embracing it)
expand the soft drinks levy to sugary juice and milkshakes
8000 more GPs
reform dental contracts to prevent practises going private
remove the medical requirement for gender recognition and recognise nonbinary identities
free school meals — only for families in poverty
free personal care for everyone under a national care agency regulator, increased and expanded carers' allowance with paid respite leave
five more hours of free childcare — only for disadvantaged families
'guarantee' gp access within 24 hours, nhs dental access for urgent care, and access to talking therapy — though not fully enumerating this target
toothbrushing lessons in schools
eliminate the prescription charge for mental health prescriptions and 'review the entire schedule of exemptions' for the charge — not abolishing this indefensible illness tax
refom the mental health act to expand rights, self-determination and patient choice
free sign language lessons for parents of deaf children
free ‘acces to’ period products 'for anyone who needs it' [clarification needed]
various provisions for a focus on cancer care
rejoin erasmus+
freevote on the right to die
local authorities can end right to buy in their area
abolish leaseholding — but cap ground rents not abolishing long leases
ten new "garden cities", the failed nothing plan that helped nothing
abolish the land compensation act, letting local governments buy land at current value rather than speculated potential value
use-it-or-lose-it planning permission laws for 'developers who refuse to build'
local authorities can hike council tax by 500% on second homes and surcharge stamp duty (homebuying tax) on overseas buyers
community asset laws to "protect pubs... and other vital infrastructure" [actual quote]
reinstate 2030 ban on new petrol cars, build more chargers (including on-street points)
create a railway agency to manage rail systems rather than nationalising the international humiliation that is the private franchise system
build northern powerhouse rail, review the cancellation of HS2-north, ten-year plan for electrifications, open HS1 to new operators to increase international rail
strategy to expand freightrail as much as possible with keen targets to move freight from road to rail
transport ministry scheme to build local authority lightrail, trams and tramtrains
subject private and business-class flights to VAT and supertax private jets, ban domestic flights under 150 minutes (weird, because that's basically all of them, aberdeen to london included)
expand the national crime agency and its remit
surge funding for armed forces
don't establish the Rwanda concentration scheme
firewall between all public agencies and the home office to prevent the HO gobbling up personal data
'end the hostile environment' [clarification needed]
end loopholes that allow kleptocratic money laundering, seize frozen russian assets and give the money to ukraine
animal welfare bill, ban foie gras and "crack down on puppy and kitten smuggling"
continue to be the american empire's prettiest bitch
land use framework to restore biodiversity and prevent environmental waste, 'wild belt' to protect environments
sewage tax on water companies, prevent dumping in protected waters... by 2030
legal requirement for landlords to increase energy efficiency of their lorded properties
fully reinstate ban on fracking, ban new coal mines, eliminate fossil fuel subsidies
deposit return scheme for bottles and food containers
seed more seagrass meadows
SINGLE TRANSFERABLE VOTE for parliament and for all councils
abolish the lords
make parliament elect the prime minister rather than buckingham palace, repeal the reinstatement of the prime minister's indefensible dictatorial ability to dissolve parliament at will
votes at 16 and abolish voter ID
constitutional convention to draft a new Federal Constitution
let european citizens vote, just like citizens of the so-called commonwealth can
cap donations to parties
make the ministerial code a legalised thing that can be enforced with actual consequences, mandate all ministers' instant messages about government business be archived
abolish police commissioners and end new combined authorities, give such powers directly to existing authorities
regulate tv debates under ofcom
an overseas constituency for overseas voters
recognise Palestine and demand immediate ceasefire, proscribe the IRG
disengage many partnerships with china
ban single use vapes
junk food telly adverts banned pre-watershed
make carer status and care leaver status protected characteristics under the equality act
post offices become community government and banking hubs, if u can still trust them
raise subtitle mandate to 80% of telly
levy gambling companies to 'fund research', rather than actually do anything about the international humiliation that is this country's ultra-lax gambling laws and gambling addiction epidemic
rewrite wedding laws, though not necessarily marriage laws
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sakshichandel32 · 9 days
The Impact of Seasonal Trends on Rental Prices
The tide of rental rates is a recurring pattern in a flighty market, particularly with regard to private land. Occasional; a central point among these is the occasional patterns. This knowledge of how occasional changes impact lease costs can be inestimable for tenants and property financial backers the same. In this blog, we look at the other side of seasonal trends to find out why they happen and how you can be prepared to survive them.
An Overview of the Seasonal Cycle
The rental market displays articulated occasional examples that influence rental costs in different ways. Weather, academic calendars, and economic conditions all play a role in driving these patterns, which generally coincide with the larger cyclical trends that are observed in many industries.
Spring and Summer: The rental market typically gets hotter in the spring and summer. This period observes a flood popular because of a few variables:
a) Expanded Portability: Families and people are more disposed to move during hotter months. The milder weather makes the process of moving easier to manage, and no disruptions to schoolchildren are caused.
b)  Greater Availability: As landlords take advantage of the increased demand to lease their properties, many properties become available for rent.
c) More popularity: The flood of new alumni and part-time employees looking for lodging adds to the uplifted contest for rental units.
Autumn and Winter: On the other hand, the rental market tends to slow down during these seasons:
a) Less Demand: The cold weather and the school year discourage people from moving, which results in less demand.
b) Lower Accessibility: Numerous property managers don't really want to list their properties during these months, prompting fewer rental choices.
c) Bartering Power: With fewer individuals hoping to move, tenants might have more noteworthy arranging power and can frequently get more ideal arrangements.
Factors Influencing Seasonal Rental Price Trends
 Trends in Seasonal Rental Prices Caused by A few elements add to the occasional variances in rental costs:
Organic market Elements: Seasonal rental prices are heavily influenced by the fundamental economic concept of supply and demand. During top seasons, the interest in investment properties surpasses supply, driving up costs. Interestingly, during the off-top seasons, the interest diminishes, prompting lower rental costs.
Schedule for Classes: The academic year has a significant impact on rental costs in university towns and cities with a large student population. Rental demand is driven by the start and end of academic semesters when students either look to relocate during the academic year or look for housing before it begins. This repetitive interest can prompt recognizable spikes in rental costs around the start of the scholarly year.
Climate and weather: Atmospheric conditions essentially influence rental patterns. In locales with outrageous occasional climate, for example, unforgiving winters or singing summers, leaseholders are bound to look for properties with explicit conveniences or environment control highlights. Both the cost and availability of rental properties may be affected as a result of this. 
Economic Issues: Financial circumstances, including work rates, pay levels, and generally speaking monetary wellbeing, can likewise influence occasional rental costs. For instance, during peak seasons, a strong economy may result in increased housing demand and higher rental prices. On the other hand, economic downturns may result in lower rental prices and lower demand.
Regional Variations in Seasonal Trends
Seasonal Trends that Vary by Region While the general seasonal patterns discussed earlier can be applied to a wide range of situations, it's important to keep in mind that regional variations can have a significant impact on how seasonal trends affect rental prices. Urban versus Provincial Regions: In metropolitan regions, occasional patterns may be less articulated because of a more steady interest consistently. However, the impact of seasonal trends can be more pronounced in rural or suburban areas, where rental activity shows clear peaks and troughs.
Environment Zones: In districts with milder environments, the occasional effect on rental costs might be less articulated. On the other hand, in regions with outrageous occasional climate, for example, weighty snowfall or extreme intensity, the effect can be huge.
Economic Situation in the Area: The impact that seasonal trends have on rental prices can also be influenced by regional economic conditions like the presence of significant industries or employers. For example, urban communities with a high convergence of occasional businesses might encounter more articulated vacillations in rental costs in view of the irregularity of these ventures.
Several factors, such as supply and demand dynamics, academic calendars, weather conditions, and local economic conditions, influence seasonal trends, which have a significant impact on rental prices. Both renters and landlords can better navigate the rental market by understanding these trends and employing strategic strategies. For leaseholders, timing your inquiry and monitoring nearby patterns can assist you with getting a more ideal arrangement. For landowners, changing estimating procedures and improving posting timing can upgrade your capacity to draw in occupants and augment rental pay. At last, a sharp familiarity with occasional patterns can give an upper hand in the consistently developing rental market.
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kimi-no-na-ha · 9 days
Bali Real Estate Market: Essential Insights for Buyers and Investors
To successfully navigate the Bali real estate market, it’s crucial to understand current trends. Over the past few years, Bali real estate has seen a significant rise in demand, driven by both international buyers and local investors. The market is characterized by a growing interest in luxury villas, beachfront properties, and eco-friendly developments. By staying informed about these trends, you can make well-informed decisions and identify the most promising investment opportunities.
Factors Influencing Bali Real Estate Prices
Several factors influence Bali real estate prices, including location, property type, and amenities. Prime areas like Seminyak and Uluwatu command higher prices due to their proximity to beaches and upscale facilities. Additionally, properties with modern designs and luxurious features often come at a premium. Understanding these factors will help you evaluate properties effectively and negotiate better deals in the competitive Bali real estate market.
Best Areas to Invest in Bali Real Estate
When investing in Bali real estate, location is paramount. Areas like Canggu, Ubud, and Jimbaran offer diverse investment opportunities. Canggu is known for its vibrant lifestyle and high rental yields, while Ubud provides a serene retreat with cultural appeal. Jimbaran, with its stunning beaches and seafood dining options, also presents attractive investment prospects. Researching these areas will help you choose the best location that aligns with your investment goals.
Legal Considerations for Bali Real Estate Transactions
Navigating the legal landscape is essential when dealing with Bali real estate. Foreigners face specific regulations regarding property ownership, typically limited to leasehold agreements or forming a local company for freehold purchases. Engaging a reputable local lawyer or real estate agent can ensure that you adhere to legal requirements and protect your investment from potential issues.
The Impact of Bali’s Tourism on Real Estate
Bali’s thriving tourism industry has a significant impact on its real estate market. High tourist traffic increases the demand for rental properties, particularly in popular areas like Seminyak and Ubud. This dynamic offers lucrative opportunities for investors seeking rental income. Understanding the interplay between tourism and real estate will help you maximize returns on your property investments in Bali.
Luxury vs. Affordable Bali Real Estate Options
Bali real estate offers a range of options from luxury villas to more affordable properties. Luxury real estate typically features high-end amenities, prime locations, and contemporary designs, catering to affluent buyers. Conversely, affordable options might include traditional Balinese homes or smaller apartments. Evaluating your budget and investment goals will help you choose the right Bali real estate that meets your needs.
Financing Options for Bali Real Estate Buyers
Financing is a crucial aspect of purchasing Bali real estate. Options include local bank mortgages for Indonesian citizens or international loans for foreign buyers. Some buyers also choose to fund their purchases through personal savings or investor partnerships. Understanding the available financing options and their terms will facilitate a smoother transaction process and help you manage your investment effectively.
Role of Real Estate Agents in Bali
Real estate agents play a vital role in the Bali real estate market. They offer valuable insights, negotiate deals, and provide access to a wide range of properties. Choosing a knowledgeable and experienced agent can simplify your property search and ensure that you find the best Bali real estate that suits your preferences and investment objectives.
Property Management for Bali Real Estate Investments
Effective property management is key to maintaining and maximizing the value of your Bali real estate investments. This includes regular maintenance, tenant management, and ensuring compliance with local regulations. Professional property management services can handle these aspects, allowing you to focus on enjoying the benefits of your investment without the day-to-day responsibilities.
Future Outlook for Bali Real Estate
The future outlook for Bali real estate appears promising, with ongoing development and increasing interest from international buyers. Trends suggest a continued rise in property values and rental demand, driven by Bali’s appeal as a top tourist and lifestyle destination. Staying informed about market forecasts and emerging trends will help you make strategic decisions and capitalize on future opportunities in Bali’s real estate market.
Navigating the Bali real estate market requires a thorough understanding of current trends, legal considerations, and investment opportunities. By researching key areas, evaluating financing options, and working with experienced professionals, you can make informed decisions and maximize your investment. Whether you’re looking for luxury villas or affordable properties, the Bali real estate market offers diverse options to suit various needs and preferences.
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