#least imma mumble my thoughts but when im at home oh boy
thinkingnot · 2 years
what’s the point of consuming any media if i cant have 50 different monologues that is constantly at war and debating over who’s right or wrong and also commenting and providing a live analysis of the plot, props, acting, actors, ..etc. out loud 😔🫶
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volleychumps · 4 years
Hello dear!!! imma make a tooth rotting fluff imagine request in which kenma, sakusa, wakatoshi and kageyama(you can add others if you want uwu) have a secret relationship with reader chan and somehow their team finds out and they start to freak out since their relationship is a secret? lol this is too long but im just craving fluff. thankk youuu!!!!
I saw your requests, goregous- sorry it took so long!! I love you, hope you guys enjoy!! 
Thank you for 2.5k followers-you guys make me want to combust (in a good way)!!!
Getting Found Out in a Secret Relationship  (Kenma, Sakusa, Wakatoshi, and Kageyama)
“Experiencing the Unexpected” 
“...You’re positive no one’s going to come in?” 
“Relax. Kuroo left the clubroom keys with me, and everyone knows I skip today’s practice.” Kenma responds quietly, leaning his head on yours as you stop looking nervously at the door, your boyfriend swiping his thumb over your conjoined hands to calm you down. You fiddle with the pastry in your hand as Kenma chews the other half, content with finally getting some private time with you. Avoiding you or at least pretending to care less about you was more straining than he thought. 
“Why don’t we just tell him? Kuroo and the team wouldn’t bother you forever-”
“Then you clearly don’t know them well enough.” The setter huffs as you bite back an amused grin, planting a small peck on Kenma’s cheek as the setter’s eyes widen mid-chew, glancing down at you smiling a cute smile to yourself. 
“Then whatever you’re comfortable with, love. I won’t rush you.” 
“Can I say something?” Kenma mumbles shyly, finishing off his half of the pastry and basking in the quiet of your environment as you lick some frosting off your thumb, turning towards him with an arched brow. 
“I really really like you, Y/N.” Kenma says quietly, and your eyes widen a fraction before a huge smile breaks out onto your face- he only ever had to say the most heart-wrenching things at the randomest moments. Your smile only grew when a timid hand cups your cheek, your own hand running through Kenma’s long hair affectionately as he shyly peppers kisses across your cheek- 
your giggles apparently loud enough for both of you to fail to hear the fiddling of the lock. 
“Kenma, you bastard! How many times-?” 
You shove Kenma off right away, a red hue to your cheeks as you catch sight of the rest of the team standing behind their captain wide-eyed and bewildered at seeing their anti-social setter in a locked clubroom kissing a girl- 
Through your blushing haze, your mouth hangs agape at Kuroo not even reacting, winking at you once with a grin in greeting before grabbing Kenma by the collar.
“You’re skipping practice again?!” 
Yaku sweatdrops. “Oh. So we’re pretending like Y/N wasn’t locked in a room with Kenma voluntarily?” 
“Were they...cuddling?” 
“Lev, I’m sorry I didn’t shield your eyes on time-” 
“...you knew?” Kenma ignores his idiotic teammates, more focused on the fact that Kuroo hadn’t even batted an eyelash before the captain simply shrugs, spinning his own set of keys on his finger. 
“I have my ways.” 
“That means you stalked him.” 
“I prefer the terms, quietly followed-” 
“Can we please focus on the fact that Kenma was showing genuine human emotion to a girl out of his league-” 
You turn to your boyfriend amongst the bickering teammates, lopsided grin on your face as Kenma groans into his hands. With your own red hue on your cheeks, you hug him, observing the chaos before kissing his cheek- sending the team into another gasp of shock as Kenma sighs, looking at you with a why? expression on his blushing features. 
“Cat’s out of the bag then, huh?” 
“...a pun. We just got found out and your first reaction’s a pun.” 
“You didn’t have to wait up for me.” 
“I know! I did because I want to.” You shoulder your bag with a small greeting smile on your face- one that had the stiff boy’s chest tighten just a little bit as Sakusa merely nods once. You arch a brow at the high rise of his chest, coy grin tugging at your lips-
“Did you run here?” 
“Of course I didn’t.” 
You laugh a little, taking note of his still-wet hair and sloppily shoved gym bag, walking up to him to straighten his mask for him. “You’re teammates aren’t the least bit suspicious?” 
“Ha. Those idiots don’t know how to be suspicious.” Sakusa says, thankful they had all gone home already as you sit down on the nearby bench to help re-pack his gym bag that you knew was obviously bothering him. You laugh a little, knowing where to put what in the way Sakusa liked- and a rare tender feeling spread across his chest as he tugged his mask down before he could convince himself otherwise. 
“Hm?” You question, not looking up from sorting his towel from his shoes before pale fingers gently tilt your head upwards- taking you off-guard as Sakusa makes an exception and plants a chaste kiss on your forehead, clearing his throat and tugging his mask back up quickly. You smile, cherishing the rarity of the moment before-
“Bokuto-san, he might hear us!” 
“...He definitely heard you, are you slow?” 
Sakusa hangs his head, a slow burn on his cheeks as he tugs you behind him from your seat on the bench, glowering at the floor as his three annoying teammates pop their heads timidly around the corner of the practice gym. 
“Oh heeeeeey Sakusa.” Atsumu laughs a little too loudly as Bokuto follows in suit, looking around as if he were lost as Hinata mimicks him, and you peek over your boyfriend’s shoulder to muffle a laugh into the back of his jacket. Sakusa glances at you, eyes softening a little at your actions. 
“Fancy seeing you here!” Hinata waves to you mostly as Sakusa sighs, eyes looking up darkly. 
“You’re all vermin.” 
“What, it’s not like we followed you because we were suspicious of your secret rendezvous with Y/N even though I totally called dibs first-” 
Atsumu clamps his mouth shut at the glower in his friend’s eyes before clearing his throat. “A joke. It was a joke.” 
“Waaaa Y/N, we’re your friends too! Why keep it a secret?” Bokuto whines, suddenly next to you as Sakusa wonders just when the excited ace made his way over, holding you by the shoulders as Hinata clenches his fists, orange eyes asking in the same fashion. Atsumu blinks, suddenly all alone as you stutter- attacked at all angles at once. 
“You would mess with Kiyoomi at practice if you knew.” You scold, and all three take on an offended expression that had you giggling. “What? Don’t tell me you wouldn’t.” 
“No use, Y/N.” Sakusa tugs you out of the herd, finally reaching his limit for the day. “Let’s just go home while we can still count our braincells-” 
“Wait. You two live together?!” 
“Show us your place! Show us your place!” Bokuto and Hinata chant as Atsumu crosses his arms with a winning smirk as you put a hand on your boyfriend’s chest, pouting all the while before Sakusa facepalms. 
“Fine. Bring your germ-infested pets into the flat, Y/N.” 
“You’re tense.” 
“Yeah? Wouldn’t you be?” You look at the entrance to the gym a second time before Ushijima shrugs, holding you a little closer as he nuzzles his face into his shoulder. He hadn’t meant to keep you a secret, but it was crucial that no press ever found out and harassed you about the details of the intimate life he wished to keep hidden. 
“Practice doesn’t start until another hour. They have no reason to come in here yet.” 
“Still, it’s risky- we can just...” 
“Y/N.” You stop fidgeting at the authoritative tone of your boyfriend’s words as Ushijima’s arms tighten around you a little more, and you blush at the position. Your back was pressed up against the broad boy’s chest, sitting in between his legs comfortably as he simply soaked in your presence while mumbling into your hair.  
“I haven’t seen you in awhile. Did I miss you more than me? Is that why you’re more focused on my team walking in on us than this time we have together?” 
You groan at the tug of your heart, pouting up at your boyfriend as you turn a little to do so. “Come on, don’t guilt trip me like that!” 
“Stop.” You whine, and the corners of Ushijima’s lips tug a little before he gently cups your jaw upwards, brushing your nose with his as you gulp at the proximity. 
“You missed me, didn’t you?” 
“S-Stop stating the obvious.” You blush, agitated look in your eyes as Ushijima simply allows a small smirk onto his lips- your cute response prompting him to close the distance. You smile into the kiss, feeling his arms hold you a little closer as you basked in the rare affection you ever got to share away from prying eyes- 
The sliding of the door had you shoving out of your boyfriend’s hold as your now-widened eyes caught sight of a head of red hair. A familiar one, at that- as you hide your face into Ushijima’s neck. 
“Tendou. I saw you.” Your boyfriend’s voice wasn’t even embarrassed as you hear the door creak open again, his friend’s voice filling the gym in a slightly teasing tone. 
“I didn’t want to interrupt, carry on!” 
To your horror, a second voice sounds as Semi Eita kicks the redhead out of the way. “You’re perverted and annoying? The good traits just keep coming, huh?” 
“S-Semi-senpai, is that not assault?” 
“It’s only assault in any other case that isn’t Tendou.” Shirabu responds to Goshiki as the team all file in, and you blink at the fact that your boyfriend didn’t look the least preturbed at the situation- merely sighing as if this were a minor inconvenience as he rubs your thigh, attempting to calm you down but simply making the situation worse. 
Shirabu takes a purposeful step in front of Goshiki with a sigh as Tendou over-dramatically gasps, prompting you to shove Ushijima’s hand away as Semi crosses his arms, the only one still seemingly sane. 
“Y/N L/N’s your girlfriend, Ushijima?” 
You feel his head nod. 
“Cool.” Semi shrugs before going to set up the net as Ushijima finally releases you, and you stand before bowing deeply in apology- for what at the time, you didn’t know. 
“Why would you say that in a disbelieving tone, Tendou-” 
“I...I need to get a girlfriend to become the best ace...!” 
“I’d appreciate it if you all don’t let the public find out.” Ushijima ignores the strange antics of his team as they all shrug and nod, and their captain glances down at your still shocked figure before turning you to face him seriously. 
“...They know about us.” 
“Oh really? I couldn’t tell.” 
“Tobio! You did so well-!” 
Your eyes widen a little when the blue-eyed boy picks up the pace towards your waving figure in the halls of the tournament, sighing as he leans his forehead on your shoulder, hands still shoved in his pockets as the upper half of his torso is now parallel to the floor. His gym back drooped with his movement as you still in shock at the public display- when your whole relationship had ever happened behind closed doors. 
“Someone might see...” You say softly, and Kageyama grunts in reply, basking in the feel of you as you blush, running your hand softly through his raven hair. 
“You have no idea. When I saw some asshole talking to you in the stands during my game and I couldn’t-” 
“Breathe.” You laugh a little as Kageyama lifts his forehead off your shoulder to stare at you seriously. “Where’s your team?” 
“In the stands over-eating.” He shrugs, hands snaking around your waist, causing you to yelp a little as the blue-eyed boy buries his face in your neck. “God, I missed you.” 
“You can miss me in a more private place, you know.” Your eyes dart everywhere before smiling into Kageyama’s hair, relaxing the slightest bit as Kageyama brushes his lips against your cheek as he pulls back. 
“I want to show you off. Why do I want to keep this secret again?” 
You blush at the affectionate words, wondering if the time you had to avoid each other was taking a toll on him, before cupping his cheek carefully- 
“That’s what we’d like to know, Romeo.” 
“Ooh, that rhymed Ryuu.” 
You watch as your boyfriend’s face slowly melts into one of realization, his head slowly turning to see all of the Karasuno volleyball club staring with some sort of food in their hands- watching as if this were the most interesting film of the year. 
Kageyama’s soul seems to slowly leave his body, and you offer a wave of your hand a bit awkwardly as Tsukishima nudges Hinata with his shoulder, chewing on a granola bar snarkily. 
“I told you so. Cough up five bucks.” 
“How does Kageyama-Kun have a girlfriend?! Does she even know him?!!” 
“Is...is that a legitimate question, Hinata?” Yamaguchi, mostly dragged along in the plan of following a suspicious escaping setter after they won their match, scratches the back of his neck. 
“Now, now- Don’t crowd.” Suga laughs, walking up to you and slinging a friendly arm over your shoulder before lowering his voice. 
“But in all seriousness, you’re not in danger or anything- right?” 
“Suga!” Daichi tugs his friend back as Kageyama puts his face in his hands before taking a deep breath, and for a second you think he’s really going to handle the situation really well- 
You blink when he grabs your hand.
“Tobio, we don’t have to-” 
General works: @savemesteeb @kasandrafaye @dreebbles @takemetovalhalla @yams046
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kiwibirbs-library · 4 years
Not What You Expected
a/n: hi hi so i had this idea after seeing a bunch of things on how everyone thinks kags is super scary but he really is a cinnamon roll and about how hes only really seen like because of middle school. So imma play off that. im thinking about making this a type of series but idk on who other than like three charcters soooo
btw this is kags second year so the third years arent there there to much. Im also going to warn you right now this is INCREADABLY LONG as crap and the stories are uneven i got carried away
word count: 3460 words
warnings: fluff of the century, not read through
pairing: Kageyama Tobio x fem!reader
summary: Tobio Kageyama looks like the type to be mean at any time of day to anyone. Of course of the past couple of years you’ve learned different. Over plenty of moments you’ve seen that reputation get proven wrong.
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not my art
The Day You Met
Tobio Kageyama.
The name is known around Karasuno now that he’s a second year. Normally that’s a good thing. But his name was known for being a guys the was mean and snappy. A name known for a guy with no friends and no sociability. 
You had never met the guy. Never even seen him in all honestly. You had transfered from Fukurodani half way through this year so it wasn’t to surprising. Still you would think you would at least see him at some point. I mean he even came to the school while you were there. Bokuto had told you about him enough times to know that much.
So when one of your friends invited you to a practice game they were having,, you took the chance to finally see the dude. And dang when you saw him, you SAW him.
There, in the middle of a game that tired YOU out by watching, was this guy running around and jumping like crazy. Everyone was so focused on him and how he was moving. Your eyes how ever were focused on the tall boy with black hair near the net. He seemed so focused on everything. The players, the ball, the net, everything. It was crazy to watch him. He seemed so serious at first but then when he would score a point with a serve his eyes seemed to sparkle. He didn’t smile to much or anything but his eyes just screamed excitement. 
When he set the ball for set point and it landed the whole team yelled in excitement. The tall boy whipped around to his team. Before his eyes could lower from the stands they locked on yours. You both just stared at each other for a second before he went back to teams celebration. Your friend pulled at your arm so she could go talk to the friend that told her of the game. 
She hooked her arm with yours and started down the stairs toward the gym doors. Who was the friend again? Ya- something? You two waited in the hall when a small girl came through the doors. She gave your friend a small smile, walking over to talk to her.
“Y/N this is Yachi! She’s the teams manager, Yachi this is Y/N,” she introduced you two. She smiled, saying hi. You three talked until she needed to go back to the coachs. Thats when you saw him again. He was walking with the small speed demon from earlier. He seemed like he was snapping at him but the small kid wasn’t phased by it. He turned forward where you were standing, locking eyes with you again. You didn’t miss the light pink that hit his cheeks. None the less, he ignored you as they passed by.
Tobio Kageyama, interesting.
Your friend waved goodbye to you as she got into her mom’s car. As they drove away you grabbed your jacket from your bag. When you looked back up you could see Kageyama at a vending machine in the corner. He leaned down, grabbing a carton and stabbing a straw into it. You watched him as his eyes sparkled again when he grabbed it. You laughed a little as you watched him. Here he was getting so excited over a carton of milk. 
You watched him as he left. He was going in the same direction as you. As you followed behind him the sun began to set. There was a quiet meow from a bush up ahead. Your eyes wandered to the noise. When you reached the maker you found a small black kitten. As you stepped closer you found someone else there too. 
Squatting behind the bush, holding a finger out trying to get the small cat to notice him, was Kageyama. He looked frustrated that the cat wasn’t paying him any mind. The kitten turned its head away towards you. It immediately started to you after it saw you. Kageyama followed the animal with his eyes until he saw you. You were sitting on your heels, scratching behind the kitten’s ear. He watched the exchange for a second before standing up to leave. When you looked up it was a lot darker and he was slowly leaving your sight. The wind started picking up and there was wierd rustling coming the trees. All of it was slowly starting creep you out. Looking in front you caught sight of the tall boy again and before you thought about it you were running up to him. 
To say he was shocked when his sleeve got pulled was an understatement. He jumped comically high into the air. He looked down at you with fear before relaxing a little. He was tense and looked a bit confused. 
“um can I help you?” he was leaning away from you but you still had his sleeve in hand. 
“oh I’m sorry. It just got kind of dark and I was hoping I could stick closer to you? Sorry I just wanted to not have something happen,” you said letting go of his sleeve. He looked throughly confused still but (ahem he does have a sister after all) he nodded.
“ya that fine,” you smiled at him and he blushed slightly. As he walked you followed close behind. Then he turned to you. “are you going to stay back there?” he looked over his shoulder to you. It took you back but you took the offer. Jogging up besides him and thanking him a comfortable silence drifted over the two of you. You would have thought you would be scared or intimidated but no, it felt really nice to walk next to him. You turned to him.
“by the way, I’m Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you.”
When You Met The Team
You were with Kageyama at the vending machine before he had to go to practice. He pressed the button, handing you your own drink before grabbing his own. You leaned on the wall as you two talked. 
It had been a couple months since that walk home, and you had made an effort to say hi every now and then. You didn’t really know why but it was nice talking to him then. And now you were comfortable enough to meet up everyday before his practice. It was always a peaceful interaction and he was always so quiet and calm.
Of course when a little ball of energy came into the picture that changed fast. He came running around the corner and barreled towards Kageyama, not seeing you yet scince you were hidden by the vending machine. 
“KAGEYAMAAAA!” Kageyama flinched turning to the smaller kid. “Come set for me before practice starts!” he hopped up and down.
“ya ok I’ll be there in a second,” Kageyama turned back to you. “sorry I’ll talk to you tomorrow Y/N.” You smiled and nodded to him.
“ok have fun with your practice.”
Hinata froze. That was a girls voice. A girls voice that was talking to Kageyama. He poked his head around the vending machine. When he saw you and confirmed that it was a girl he whipped around to look at him.
“YOU KNOW A GIRL?!” he yelled out. You flinched back while Kageyama jumped back.
“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN?! YES I KNOW A GIRL HINATA YOU DUMBASS!” he yelled back. As they yelling back and forth, you slipped out from behind Hinata. 
“um Tobio I’m gunna head out,” you patted his shoulder before giving Hinata a small smile before walking off. They both quieted down, watching you go to the road look around then walk down the sidewalk. As you disappeared the two boys turned to each other before Hinata smirked. He bolted down in your direction, Kageyama chasing after him. He raced in front of you, sliding to a stop.
“Hi! I’m Shoyo Hinata! What’s your name? Do you know Kageyama well, you called him by his first name too,” he smiled widely at you. You however had been incredible surprised by his sudden show that you were stumbling backward. Kageyama was the one to stop you from fully falling over. 
“I- uhh hi? I’m Y/N L/N, um yes I do know him,” you stuttered. Kageyama, who was still holding onto your arm, glared at Hinata.
“HINATA DON”T DO THAT YOU IDIOT SHE ALMOST FELL!” he yelled. Your eyes widened. You really hadn’t heard him yell other than that first practice game you watched. He stiffened with his tone, remembering you were still listening. 
“SHUT UP! Oooo wait did I embarrass you or something?” he snickered “No way, did you actually get a girlfriend?!” he looked shocked.
“SHE IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND YOU IDIOT!” you looked up to see his beet red face an you laughed. They both turned to you with a confused look.
“is there something wrong Y/N?” Kageyama asked you.l
“no no I- I’m sorry. It’s just I’ve never seen you like this, you’re normally calmer than this,” you laughed. Hinata snorted
“Pfft I don’t think I have ever heard anyone call him calm,” Kageyama seemed to almost growl at him. You and Hinata continued to laugh however. Thats when Kageyama’s worse nightmare happened. “OH Y/N you should come to todays practice!” he bounced on his heels. You smiled widely and nodded, both of you turning to face Kageyama. “isn’t that exciting Kageyama!” Hinata poked.
Kageyama glared at him mumbling something.
“Tobio? You good?” Hinata smirked at the sound of his name. Kageyama blushed slightly, continuing to glare at Hinata.
“no whatever come on were going to be late,” he turned on his heel and started back to the gym, Hinata and you skipped after him. Hinata went on about the other kids on the team. He was in the middle of saying something about a tall guy with glasses when there was a yell. 
A guy with a shaved head was standing in the door way, hands on his hips and a wide, kinda scary smile, on his face. A small guy slid into the space behind him, a bleached section of his hair swinging with the momentum. 
“well you two are never late wh- oh...” the guy with the buzz cut stopped when you came out from behind Kageyama.
“helloo pretty girl I have never seen before! Whats your name?” the short one asked with a smile. You just smiled and introduced yourself. Hinata bounced into the gym, telling them about how he invited you to watch. They followed along with the excitement, introducing themselves and throwing in some complements here and there. They whole time Kageyama was grinding his teeth and glaring. He stayed quiet though, not wanting to full on yell in front of you. He followed behind you into the gym, the other third years noticing you as well. The three came up to you and introduced themselves. The captain, Enoshita, was in the middle of telling you where you could sit when Nishinoya flew in out of nowhere almost jumped on you in the process. You weren’t paying attention to what he was saying out of surprise. 
There was a faint snickering from somewhere, gaining your attention. A tall boy in glasses sat on the floor, laughing into his hand.
“honeslty, you should calm down around Kageyama’s girlfriend a little. If you don’t it looks like he’ll crack a tooth,” he said quietly. You turned to Kageyama and sure enough, he was glaring on the wall quietly, teeth grinding again. You laughed lightly at how he stiffened and yelled at the kid with glasses. Noya snickered along with him, switching his attention to poking at Kageyama. 
“its not like that idi-”
“Y/N!?” Yachi came barreling up to you. You smiled, finally seeing someone you were familiar with. She gave a glance to the boys, gently pulling you away. “sorry if they were a bit overwhelming,” she laughed as you two got the stage area. 
“oh don’t worry its actually really nice to watch. Not to mention I’ve never seen Tobio so, I don’t know, uncalm I guess,” you laughed. Yachi gave you a look.
“oh you’ll get used to it. He’s normally like this. I do have to admit that hes a little more intense today,” she giggled.
You ended up staying throughout the whole practice. You watched on the stage as they played against themselves, walking over at one point to help Yachi through the balls up. At one point Kageyama missed a set or two and they bounced off his head. It took about ten minutes each time for the boys to refocus from teasing him. 
By the end of the practice it was dark outside. Yachi had already left, her mom calling her to get home for dinner a little earlier tonight. You waved a goodbye to the team and walked outside, sighing at how uncomfortable you were with walking alone at night.
“wait up!” you turned to the familiar voice. Kageyama jogged up beside you. “sorry I just remembered you don’t like walking home alone at night,” he rubbed the back of his neck. You smiled up at him.
“thank you Tobio,” you paused for a second. “sorry for embarrassing you in front of your team.”
“you didn’t embarrass me. It was actually nice to know you were watching,” you looked back up to him. He was turned away but you could see the red glow to his cheeks. You laughed lightly, returning to the peaceful silence you two could always hold with only one thought. 
‘scary my ass’
The Day You Started Dating
Out of all the time you spent with the young setter, this was both one of the sweetest and scariest. 
You had a steady schedule now. You went through your classes, went to the vending machine to meet Tobio for lunch, more classes, and then meeting the boys for club. After meeting them all you became a somewhat unoffical manager, helping with set up, clean up, and over all practice. You were enjoying it, and when you all went to matches you were able to meet people and socialize more than you were. 
You were especially excited for this coming up trip. It was a training camp with the tokyo schools and you were ecstatic to see Bokuto and the team again. As you all filed onto the bus you were practically bouncing off the walls with Hinata in tow. The newer first years watched in slight fear that you two might explode. Even though you sat with Tobio you were still basically having a race with words with Hinata. Unknown to you, however, the tall boy had been waiting for your attention the entire ride.
“Y/NNNNN!” Bokuto was speeding down the stairs in front of Shinzen. 
“BO!!” you yelled back. he picked you up and spun you around in a hug, both of you laughing. The rest of Karasuno watched the interaction in semi-shock. 
“you need to come visit at some point! I haven’t seen you since you transfered!” he said as he set you down. 
“I know, I know I’m sorry,” you both continued talk as the rest of the team came down. Akaashi casually slide into the conversation when he met up with you both. Soon enough he was calming Bokuto down a couple knoches after detecting Tobio’s aura of death from beside the bus. The team was able to catch onto it too, snickering and poking at him. 
This continued throughout the rest of the week. Between Bokuto’s constant hovering with you and the overall simpingness from E V E R Y O N E with all the girls in general, not leaving you out, Kageyama was on the edge of murder. He really wanted your attention more and more throughout the week, but you were busy half of the time. It wasn’t until the third day that he fully snapped.
Karasuno had just lost a set and were taking a breather before their next match and you were talking with the shinzen manager. Shinzens new captain came up to you and joined into the conversation. Kageyama noticed immediately, his attitude getting worse by the minute. He unconsciously moved closer to hear.
“so you’re with Karasuno right?”
“yes I am.”
“oh cool cool. So are you... seeing anyone up there?”
“umm not really,” his head whipped in your direction. You were alone with the captain now, he was slowly leaning closer to you as you backed away.
“not really? So is that a yes or no?” he asked again. It wasn’t even like he was making a big scene or being mean about it, but you were still uncomfortable. You probably looked normal but Kageyama could see it. The way your eyes were shifting between him and around the room. The way you were leaning backward and shuffling backward at the same time. The way you held his gaze when you found it. He immediately stood up and walked over to you. The captain took notice quickly and backed off a little with the glare he was getting. 
Tobio grabbed you hand, throwing one last glare, then pulling you away and outside. He sat down and pulled you in between his legs. You were currently confused, flustered, and scared. Confused because what was happening. Flustered because you were now located basically in his lap with his head on your shoulder. And finally scared because the glare he just gave the other player was scarier than any other he’s ever thrown to Hinata or Tsukkishima. 
“um Tobio?” you tried to turn around to look at him but he help you in place.
“I really didn’t like it,” he said quietly.
“what?” you turned your head a little.
“I really didn’t like him hitting on you. I didn’t like how I haven’t been able have your attention these past few days. I really don’t like that,” he mumbled into your shoulder. You smiled lightly. You knew you should be trying to comfort him in a way but, listening to how he was talking, you could only smile .
“Tobio can I turn around?” he stiffened slightly before letting go of your waist. You turned, sitting on your knees. “you know, if you wanted my attention, you could have just asked,” you giggled.
“harder said than done with a girl that is constantly surrounded by guys,” the start of a smile spreading on his face.  
“oh please, you could steal me away at anytime and I wouldn’t complain,” you flirted. He blushed at the comment. 
“so like does that count at school too?” he asked looked back up to you.
“as long as anytime means what I think it means, then yes,” you laughed again.
“and at random times of the day?”
“yes,” the laugh you had was growing.
“and  at practice?”
“oh.my.GOD. Tobio just ask me out!” you laughed into his shoulder. He was bright red and had been for a while. His smile was growing despite that though.
“isn’t it cheesy if I just ask ‘will you go out with me’?” he was starting to laugh too. You both just sat there, his hands on your waist and you head on his shoulder, shaking with laughter.
Little did either of you two know you would get caught in a couple of minutes by one shocked coach Ukai after not being able to find Kageyama.
It wasn’t anything really special. Just everyone after buzzing with excitement about after parties and pictures. You had run out to meet your family and friends a little late. You saw everyone in a little group, the now third years on the team, their families, and a couple others. You could see Nishinoya and Tanaka jumping up and down and patting Hinata and Kageyama’s heads. You smiled as you got closer to them, knowing that they didn’t need to come. Kageyama saw you and smiled softly. You sped up slightly, running head on into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you. 
There were groans from the boys, while their parents cooed and awwed. He always was like this with you though. No matter how pissed or upset he was he would always smile when you showed up. It meant a lot to you, knowing how he hated the teasing. 
Thats when he did what he never does. He pushed you away slightly, then taking your chin in his hand. When he kissed you there were quiet gasps and gags from your little group. 
“sorry I just needed to do that,” he mumbled against your lips. Once again you could only think one thing as you smiled back to him.
‘scary my ass’
a/n: dang that was long ok thanks for sticking through it tell me if you would like this with more of the charcters :)
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