wallcrawld · 1 year
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his stomach drops and his body goes suddenly cold. peter's head explodes into sharp, bristling pain, his spider-sense going absolutely haywire as his atoms are ripped apart and put back together in a completely different location. he lands on his feet, pinching the bridge of his nose and doing what he can to shake off the lingering ringing in his head.
❝ geez [ ... ] i thought i was gonna lose my burrito there for a second. ❞ he turns to clara, ❝ and by the looks of it, you might still. ❞ he offers her his palm, ❝ here ! lemme help you up ! any reason you plopped us into the [ ... ] ❞ peter glances around, ❝ children's library ? ❞
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streetsrot · 11 months
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one ( 1 ) new message from @leatherforhell : it’s a wonder she hasn’t been found out by now. clara stands behind v, making innocent and perplexed expression every time she’s looked at. poor v has been trying to work something in this computer for sixteen minutes now. clara’s not sure what the actual goal is, she just knows that every time v gets to another new page, she flicks her finger, and the whole thing crashes again. she coughs to cover a laugh. ❝ gotham library computers. gotta love ‘em. ❞
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another minute of staring at flickering code on old ass computers from the stone age and she was going to start exploding every electronic around her until there was nothing left. not wanting to give clara the satisfaction of glaring back at her once more, v simply raises her middle finger over her shoulder. binary vision takes hold of her, and she watches as, once more, she comes so close to finally breaching the restricted files housed on the public library's private subnet just for everything to bluescreen.
she has to admit, the gotham public library subnet is a weird fucking place to hide things but hey, she isn't the one who did it. she just got hired for the extraction of the files. v groans loudly and bangs the top of the monitor with the base of her fist, ❝ 'm tryin' to do a job here, clara. you're not exactly helping. ❞
v scans the library and nestled in the corner is a guy sitting with a laptop that has a giant california state tech sticker on it. perfect. she breezes over to him and smiles, ❝ yo ! how's it goin' ? been tryin' to mess with the dinosaur computers to pay everything off on my ubill. any chance you could do a solid to another cal stater ? ❞
she had never been to university a day in her life, she actually had never been to school at all. but clearly, mr. cal state didn't care, cause he spun his computer around instantly. her fingers dance smoothly across the keyboard, her powers doing most of the work. without any outside disturbances, the file transfer is done in under thirty seconds. she gives the guy his laptop back and makes her way back over to clara.
v scoops up her bag, slings it around her shoulder, and sighs, ❝ you coulda made me lose out on 10k. y'know that right ? speedy delivery was requested as part of the gig. ❞
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let me carry that for you.
@leatherforhell (thank you!)
It was just some groceries, nothing Fantine couldn't handle herself, but she lets Clara take them anyway. She knows that what that itch to be helpful feels like, so why not indulge the other?
She still has some bags of her own, although she can admittedly see ahead of her now.
"Thanks. I think the elevator's broken, so it probably would have taken me a few trips." And Fantine hated the stairs. It would be fine if it was only a few flights. "Got some of your favourite things too."
It's not like Clara's asked for these things, but Fantine can't help but notice empty wrappers in the trash and make a mental note of it. "Your reward for when we finally get upstairs!"
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hittter · 1 year
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@leatherforhell / @altruprism : when were you going to tell me? (from Parker 👀)
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" i wasn't . " this is a time one might expect eliot to be yelling ; to clench his fists , grit his teeth , stand his ground . instead , his body language speaks only of resignation . bowed head , slumped shoulders .
it isn't that he's ashamed of what he did . no -- he protected nate . he made sure he was the only one to come out of that warehouse with bloody hands . he did his job .
no , what weighs on him is his promise -- their promise -- that is as clear in his mind as the faces of the people in that warehouse . for better or for worse , we change together . what weighs on him is that he didn't have the guts to come clean . he would've taken that day to the grave .
near - silent , eliot offers the only thing he can : " i'm sorry . "
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gloryseized · 1 year
“Uh oh!” The child, no older than 3, runs over as soon as the pot breaks. She tries to pick up the pieces, only to be picked up by her cooing mother. Even held away, she twists in her mother’s arms to stare at the stranger with big eyes. “Broken. You okay?” (for link. I don’t know anything about Zelda I’m sorry but I have gained the impression that breaks stuff for secrets or money sometimes?)
Send in the Kids! -- @leatherforhell
It's not often he's caught making a mess, and Link's cheeks actually flush at the child's words. Fisted hand rubs a circle sheepishly over his chest. << Sorry. >> he says, mouthing the word at the same time for clarity.
Shooting a worried look at the mother, Link's smile dares to return as he displays his hands to the child, showing they aren't injured. Patting his hand onto his chest, he then chops his left hand down onto his right, he nods once. << I'm alright. >> he says, mouthing the words again.
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Well, that could've gone better. But at least Robin didn't go down in that confrontation. Knocked around like a pinball though. Yeah his ears were still ringing a little and the unsettled itch was just under his skin so he called in a sensory break. Fifteen minutes should do it. He'd barely settled on his chosen perch when he spotted someone. Cleaning up? Trying to... okay woah!
"Woah there! Here let me help with that. Wouldn't want it to crush you."
He just scared off the mob, he didng want to see a civilian getting crushed by construction rubble. He braced himself alongside the woman. Helped shift the large piece. His arms burned afterwards and he ended up leaning against a low wall to get his breath back. He's built for stealth, damnit, not heavy lifting.
"Okay. Even with two of us, that was heavy. Admire the work ethic but should you really be out this late?"
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babydxhl · 1 year
✿ i swear I have stuff for us in my drafts I’m gonna get to eventually!!
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send me a ✿ and I’ll talk about our muses in some capacity.
no highkey the concept of clara as a character is SO FASCINATING I'm so keen to see what we can come up with and where we can take it moving forward.
I really like that point you have of like, everyone in gotham having these brief little interactions with her and I could see mary coming to recognise her face in the beginning as like. a nearby customer in her favourite diner, a figure at the bar, a spectator at the casino poker tables. and maybe that culminates in some kind of help offered? but mary's aggressive and paranoid so who's to say how that would go down.
but also??? I think there would be some strange conflict between them because like. mary wants people to look after her. but she wants it to be on her own terms, she wants it to be something she earned through manipulation, wants it to be something she controls. she doesn't know what to do with herself when it's genuine because that immediately feels like something being taken away
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spidersiren · 1 year
❝ something really weird just happened at the train station . ❞ says @leatherforhell .
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❝ counter point : is it actually really weird if it happens at a train station ? ❞ there are still trains on earth 9945, too. it makes her think of home, for a moment. a piece of her aches for what she cannot return back to. lor doesn't linger on it, instead brushing the dark strands of hair from her face where the wind ruins. ❝ i mean, it's a gotham train station. weird is probably normal. ❞ lips puckered, eyes on the mirror in her palm now. gaze jumps quickly over to her companion. ❝ what constitutes as weird here ? ❞
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fangwebs · 1 year
Miguel darling I am BEGGING you to let me clean up your computer. Miguel please. Miguel you can’t keep living like this. How does Lyla even put up with you
❝ sounds like it should be the other way around, all things considered... guess not all dimensions have dabbled with the navigational extension management. ❞
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astrapink · 1 year
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dress up time! / only @leatherforhell can rb
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wallcrawld · 1 year
It’s hard to stay awake like this.
Well, that’s not quite right. Awake implies that she ever sleeps. Clara is aware of everything, all the time, and it is overwhelming and unbearable and constant, constant. Most of the time, she lets her old friend do the work. As prepped as she was in life, she is still a human consciousness, and she is easily exhausted. It is enough to stay wrapped in someone else’s grieving mind and try to stay afloat.
Sometimes, though, she gets a little poke and an area to focus on, and she can handle that for a while.
The garden was a fantastic idea. She’s almost mad he got the idea, except she’s so damn proud of him. And she does love to listen to him like this, though it makes her wish desperately to be able to talk back. When he hops down, she does what little she can— she pushes herself into that tree, poor thing, and lets the rhythm of her city beat through.
Unsustainable. The effort falls apart within moments, but she hopes he’ll hear it. She hopes he’ll let them take care of him like they promised.
Clara lets herself be swept up into her companion’s mind, safe and worried after and stuck.
never recovering from this thanks xoxo i'm dead now sorry you'll have to run my blog :/
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streetsrot · 1 year
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✆ @leatherforhell ➞ so... when do you leave ? what time ? so i can be ready.
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v sifts through the duffle, retrieving the small handgun and examining it closely — wasn't an ideal piece all things considered but, it'd get the job done — before attempting to rub off the scratch marks on the grip with her thumb. ❝ not sure. hadn't decided. probably night, better for cover. why ? you thinkin' about comin ? ❞ it should be an easy gig, simple extraction for a shit ton of money. an anonymous source had contacted her, asked if she could nab some damning info from a high ranking politician. it was probably gonna be used for blackmail, but she didn't really care how it got used if it meant she got paid.
❝ didn't think this sorta shit was your scene. lookin' for some extra cash or just bored ? ❞
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”oh, I don’t have any parents. I don’t have family at all.”
@leatherforhell (thank you!)
Fantine immediately regrets the question. She awkwardly chews at her bottom lip, fingers interlinking only to fiddle against each other. The way Clara says it is fairly matter of fact— as if she's used to speaking this truth, but it doesn't ease Fantine's guilt. The last thing she wants to do is cause pain, no matter how dulled it may have become over time.
"I'm sorry," she mumbles after a moment. "I didn't mean to be so intrusive..."
In a way Fantine was similar. She didn't have a family either— of course she had a mother and a father, but she barely knew them.
A pause follows before she sucks in a sharp breath as her nail accidentally catches flaking skin around her cuticles. She doesn't know why, perhaps it's because she has already been so forward today, but she holds on to that bravery no matter how stupid it may be.
"... I could be... your family?"
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hittter · 1 year
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@leatherforhell: [ STRANGER ]sender can’t remember who receiver is after an injury (from Parker 👀) // @altruprism
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he shouldn't feel anything about this -- he doesn't want to feel anything about this . it's amnesia . it's terrible , it's an unimaginable stress for the amnesiac , but it happens . it can be treated . even if it takes a long time , parker's got a good chance of getting through this . all he can do is sit and wait for her mind to piece itself back together on its own .
but , then , maybe that's the problem . eliot isn't a guy who sits and waits for things to happen . he fixes things . he moves , he works . but this -- well , he sure as hell can't punch it better . and in the meantime , he gets to be looked at by parker like they don't even know each other . like everything they've done together doesn't exist anymore .
eliot grits his teeth and stifles his anger . it won't help anyone -- especially not parker .
" do you remember anything at all ? let's start with that . " his tone isn't very gentle , but he's trying .
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gilledman · 1 year
oh hey it’s the gilldad grilldad !!!
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“ i’m a giggly bitch by nature. ”
"I noticed!" Robin cheerfully replied. "Anything in particular tickle your funny bone tonight?"
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