#leave it to a cannibal to have the name steve/brendan
scuddish · 2 years
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Just Like You, Chapter 7
Word Count:  1.5k
Warnings:  mentions of cannibalism, violence, mentions of injury, manipulation, jealousy, purposefully injuring someone with a blunt object. 
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“It’s been a while since we went up to the cabin…just the four of us…”
“We can’t take Brayden and Lily up there,” he said nervously. “at least not right now.”
I looked at him, quirking my brow as I balanced my daughter on my hip, “What do you mean…we can’t go up there right now?”
“I brought a new girl in,” he admitted, “and she’s taking a bit long to get used to what is expected of her…”
My eyes narrowed as my head cocked to the side, “what do you mean? New girl?”
“h-her name is Penny,” he replied softly, “Melissa’s all but gone, and I needed a new one…she’s wild…she’s going to go quick.  I-”
“Do you need help with another one?”
My eyes narrowed, “we’re going to the house, Steve…I need a change of pace.”
“Don’t call me by that name,” he sighed, “you know I hate it when you do…only-only they call me by that name.”
“We’re going to the house, Brendan.”
“I-if you do. We have to set up some rules…”
“What do you mean?”
He bit his lip, “I-I want to try some roleplaying, Faith…we haven’t-I want to make our relationship feel a little bit more fresh…”
My brow raised again, “roleplaying?”
“Pretend to be one of the girls?” he asked, “stay in the basement a few weeks to get her accustomed? We can bring the kids and keep them upstairs…none of the girls go upstairs.  I-I love you, and that hasn’t faded…but I want to try this.”
“And what are you planning to do in those few weeks?”
“Do you trust me?”
“Last time I said yes, we ended up with Lily…”
He took a few steps forward, and reaching out to me, he gripped my throat tightly, “it’s a simple question, sweetheart…Do. You. Trust. Me?”
“One month…tops! But the kids don’t go downstairs…they’re way too young!” He smiled, his hand sliding away from my throat as he gazed hungrily at my body, “remember, Kemp…it goes both ways…remember who caught who first.”
“Oh, sweetheart, you never let me forget it.”
“Penny…” Her subtle moans let me know that she was awake.  I turned on my side, looking at the vent, “Penny…is Melissa awake…”
“I think so, Marie.”
“A-are you two still okay?”
I heard her sigh, “I don’t know anymore, Marie…I don’t even know how long we’ve been here.”
“32 days!”
I looked up, hearing Melissa’s groggy voice, “Melissa?”
“42 days!” she repeated, “you have been here 42 days…Marie been here 31.  He’s escalating.”
I frowned, hearing her talking about him like he was just some basic monster.  My heart raced as I heard Penny lightly bang her head against our shared wall, “he’s going to kill us, isn’t he?”
“He’s nice so long as you don’t disobey him,” Melissa admitted, “he-he said that he’s going to sell us though…he’s probably just waiting on buyers.  He’s not going to portion us out until someone has bought us.”
He was playing with them. 
I knew that. 
He’d had buyers lined up for Penny and Melissa.  He’d made them wear special lingerie…snipped pieces of their hair of for his little care packages so the buyers knew how they were doing.  He was making the girls frantic.
“W-we’re going to die here, aren’t we?”
“We’re not going to die, Marie!” Penny said quickly, “we’re going to beat this bastard.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure of that!” Brendan smiled as the door to my room opened, “are you letting those naughty girls fill your pretty little head with naughty thoughts, Marie?  My sweet, innocent, Marie?”
I couldn’t help but fight the smile that played on my lips. 
It was a taunt. 
A sick little game we’d fallen into when he asked me to play along. 
He was my jailer.  Had me chained up like one of his girls.  But really we were both acting out our fantasies.  He’d always wanted me to be one of his girls.  Just like how I’d captured him.  There was a part of his pride that took a hit when I got him first.  So I placated him.  And I’d agreed to play along.  And it was doing wonders for our sex life.  But our month was up. 
“Leave her alone, you sick bastard!” Penny yelled from the next room over.
“I’m not sick,” Brendan said firmly, a frown placed on his lips.  He walked over to me and kneeled down in front of me.  His hand stroked my cheek.  He lowered his voice, “are you going to be a good girl for me, Marie?”
“I-I’ll do whatever you want…just please don’t hurt me…”
“I want a girl with some fire,” he growled.  He walked away, and I frowned to myself when he shut the door without bothering to look back.  My brows furrowed as I heard the door beside me open, “naughty little girl…feeding my good girl bad habits.  You know…I’m starting to think you don’t like me anymore, Penny!  You’re starting to hurt my feelings.”
“There’s that fire that I’ve been looking for!”
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“I ought to let you burn,” I growled quietly as I stared at my unconscious boyfriend.  He was laying down on the ground, right next to Penny’s desk, a broken vase surrounding him.  The rage was building in my stomach as I glared at him.  This wasn’t just some playful cat and mouse game.  I could see that he’d prepared a dinner for her.  Brought her flowers. 
It wasn’t a game.
It was a date. 
My heart wrenched in my chest.  I kicked him in the stomach, and his body flopped over to the other side, a groan pushing past his lips as he remained knocked out, “you’re a fucking pig.”
“W-we can’t do that!” Penny said quickly, “w-we can’t risk waking him up!  Hurry up and come here.  I can’t lift Melissa on my own.  Hurry Marie…and grab the keys.”
My brow furrowed.  I reached down and grabbed his keys, and I ran out of the room, only to see her struggling with Melissa.  Brendan had taken her arms and her legs, and she was laying up against the wall, a chain around her waist. 
I never played with my victims like that.  
I felt sick to my stomach.  I vomited in the corner. 
Penny gave me a sympathetic look but reached over and grabbed the keys, unlocking her, “c-can you get up?  Can you move at all, Mel?”
She shook her head, crying lightly, “I-I can’t do it…leave me behind…you girls still have a cha-“
“We’re not leaving you!” she said quickly, reaching for her, “Marie, help me out!”
I nodded reached around her, placing my arm under hers, and locking it together with Penny.   When we reached the stairs, I felt the bile rising in my throat. 
Brayden and Lily were upstairs.  I dropped Melissa and looked back to the room, where Brendan was still unconscious.
“What are you doing?” she all but scolded.
“I-I thought I heard him!” I lied, looking back, “Penny, we-“
“We have to leave!” she said quickly, grabbing my shirt, “Marie, come on!  I need your help to get Melissa out!”
I nodded and picked Melissa up; the gears going in my head as how I could make it seem like an accident, on how I could keep them from realizing that I was in on it.  And then it hit me. 
We were struggling so much going up the stairs with Melissa, that it wouldn’t take much.  We were both awkwardly trying to pull her up, so when I ‘slipped,’ and dropped her, Penny dropped her as well.  And while we were both able to stop ourselves from tumbling down the stairs, Melissa had no way of protecting herself. 
She hit the ground with a heavy thud.  My mouth dropped open as I saw blood beginning to pour out of a small wound.  I looked at Penny, “Penny!  We-we dropped her.  Oh my god!”
“Is she dead?” I asked nervously. 
She swallowed, instantly rushing down the steps, making it easy so that I could trip her as well.  She wasn’t able to catch herself in time, and landed in a heap at the bottom, right beside Melissa.  I didn’t even bother checking for a pulse as I ran to Brendan, “please be alive.  Please be alive!”
I rolled him over and felt for a pulse. 
“Brendan!  Brendan baby!  Wake up!” I begged, shaking my boyfriend.  I shook him til he woke up, his face becoming worried when he saw me.  His hand reached up and I winced when he touched my brow. 
“Y-you’re hurt…baby, are you okay?”
“Get up!” I begged, “I knocked the others out…but we have to move fast!  They almost got to the children.”
“Shit…” He pushed himself up from the ground and looked around.  His gaze fell to me when he realized that I knew what had happened, his eyes quickly flickering to the meal tray still on the desk and the wilted flowers around himself, “she meant nothing, Faith.”
“We’ll talk about it later…right now…we need to take care of the issue you created with your indiscretion, Brendan.”
Chapter 8
Tag list @manyoulookingood, @lohnes16, @blueeberryyy,  @elbell20-blog
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Just Like You, Chapter 11
Word Count:  1.1k
Warnings: mentions of cannibalism, smut, oral (m receiving) noncon relationship, dubcon relationship, violence, non-sexual biting, blood/references to/mentions of blood.
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“This is…uhm…it’s nice…what is it?”
Brendan took a deep breath, preparing himself for the lie.  He looked at Noa, watching her every movement.  She wasn’t at all Faith, but she was a close substitute.  She looked similar enough…in a few aspects at least. 
But he frowned when he noticed how she didn’t genuinely care for the meal he’d prepared.  How she wasn’t intrigued by the tender delicacy he’d made.  His heart lurched as his gaze faltered to her breasts and how they didn’t quite fill out the dress.
She wasn’t Faith. 
His mind began to wander as he looked at his own plate.  The tender flesh was one that he’d made for Faith time and time again until it’d become one of her favorites was one that he had hoped Noa would like; as though putting on the dress and acting like her would make her a viable substitute for the woman he loved.  
“Her name is Melissa,” Brendan whispered softly as he looked at you.  Your gaze flickered up from the ruffles of your dress and you shook your head lightly at him, your fork lightly caressing the perfectly tenderized meat, “I-it’s the last I have of her…”
“I don’t eat women, Brendan…we’ve gone over this before,” you said in a soft response, looking up to him.  His breath caught in his throat at the possible rejection of the meal, but he was surprised when you gently cut into it, your eyes never leaving his.  You were moved by his gesture, and while he didn’t particularly care about the idea of you making him your food, he tried it, so  you felt the need to satisfy him by giving him the same benefit of the doubt.  And while you knew you wouldn’t care for it, you didn’t want him to be upset, “this is the end of her?”
Brendan nodded, unable to speak as he watched you lift a piece up to your lips, the tender meat melting on your tongue as you tasted it.  His heart raced in anticipation. 
“Thank you,” you replied softly.  Your eyes bore through his very soul and his heart skipped a beat.  He gave you a tender smile, his hand reaching out to stop you from offering him some.  But you only shook your head, “Brendan…I don’t want to be the only one eat-“
“I want you to have her,” he offered sweetly, his fingertips grazing over your bare forearm, “y-you’ll need your strength…do it for the baby…”
You smiled and bit your lip, “Brend-“
“If it’s a boy…what do you want to name him?”
The name fell from your lips so quickly, that you almost didn’t know where it came from.  A tear found its way to the corner of your eye and he leaned forward to wipe it away before it streamed down your cheek, “I think that’s a perfect name, baby…th-that was the name of your younger brother…the one that died when you were children…right?”
You nodded, remembering the soft-spoken one of your family, “Brendan…I don’t want to hide ourselves from our child…”
“We won’t,” he promised.  His hand reached down and caressed the swell of your breasts, before sliding to the barely there baby bump, “our children will know who we are, Faith.”
A small smile perched itself on your lips at the thought, “children?”
“Oh Faith,” he sighed desperately, “you and I both know that we’re not stopping at one, sweetheart.”
Steve’s lips attached to Noas, and before he knew it, she was pushing him down onto the bed in his and Ann’s room.  He wasn’t Brendan with her.  He knew it.  There was a disconnect that he was trying to ignore as she explored him. 
Her hands were sliding down his toned chest, his black button up spread open, splayed out on the bed around him. 
“Wh-what are you doing?”
“Let me take care of you,” she whispered seductively, gently nibbling on his lip, “let me take care of y-“
“Let me take care of you, Brendan,” you uttered, your nails dragging down his chest. Brendan shuddered, his breath going ragged as you kissed a line down his happy trail, “let me make you feel good!”
His mouth parted and he gasped silently as you kissed over his clothed cock.  Your eyes met his and his hips involuntarily bucked.  The two of you shared in a cute giggle as you bit your lip.  Your nails dug into his thighs as you massaged the toned muscles.
“I love you, Faith!”
You smiled at him, your heart fluttering at the words as you undid his dress pants and slid that and his underwear down his legs.  His cock bounced up and thudded against his abdomen. 
“I love you too, Brendan.”
Your nails dragged along his thighs and his cock twitched.  He watched in a silent trance as your left hand reached up to your mouth, and you licked it before wrapping it around his length.  He felt his stomach tighten as you touched him. 
“A-are you sure you want to-“
“Brendan, just relax,” you giggled softly as you pumped your boyfriend, “I can’t have se-“
The cry of your newborn ceased your movements.  Brendan’s eyes snapped towards the baby monitor where your newborn daughter had woken up.  She was only a few weeks old, but already, she had fallen into a schedule, and was crying to be fed.  You gave your boyfriend an apologetic look, “I-I should get her.”
“I know!” he frowned softly. 
You removed yourself from him but instead of pushing away you leaned up and kissed him passionately, “I’m sorry, Bren…I-I know that we-”
“Got get her fed,” he offered, his hand trailing delicately over her bare stomach as he cut you off, “I understand, mommy…”
You were quick to let your hand slip back down his stomach and massage his balls, “I’ll be back in a minute, daddy.  Let me get our girl taken care of, and then-”
“Take your time,” he offered softly.  He laid back on the bed and pulled his underwear back up  his legs, “I’ll be here.”
An agonizing scream echoed through the otherwise quiet house.  Brendan shot up, his heart racing as Noa pushed herself away from him, the bottom of her face covered in blood. She had looked like a savage woman, her mind looking for an escape point after injuring him.  
Brendan’s eyes went wide as she looked at him momentarily before shooting away from him; her chance to run within reach. 
His heart shattered as he was pulled from his delusions. 
She wasn’t you. 
She didn’t love him. 
She was using him. 
You were gone, and she wasn’t a good substitute. 
But she did manage to get a leg up on him.  But even through that, his anger rose, and damn it, that little whore was going to pay.
Chapter 12
Tag list @manyoulookingood, @lohnes16, @blueeberryyy,  @elbell20-blog
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