#ok i probably just got added to a list for that joke
scuddish · 2 years
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verysium · 10 months
This is such crack brain fart idea 😶
What if some blue lock boys ask the reader what brand her shoes (or something dumb like that) over text and reader sent them a voice message on text and it’s just:
“Hi baby, okay so the brand is—- *insert car accident noises*”
Have you seen those TikToks???
If you do this request, it can be any blue lock boys you want
HELPPP i saw something similar on hinge, and i was hunched over the side of my bed laughing for like 20 minutes. in general, i don't think pranks with any of the bllk boys would go well (unless you wanted to be punted like a football, american-style) but i'm taking a risk today, so here you go:
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sae sees through your bullshit in a peloponnesian minute. he has morning practice, three interviews, and a daily nap to get to, so what makes you think he has time for you to fake a car accident? leaves you on read. (brutal, i know.)
rin is mildly concerned, but he's too smart to fall for whatever prank you have planned. he'd probably reply with a sarcastic, dry ass response or a deadpan emoji. refuses to talk to you for the rest of the day because what if you actually got into a car accident? he would lose all sanity. tbh he can't stand it when people make light of serious situations even if it's just a lighthearted joke.
kaiser is petty. he sends you an official funeral invite titled "in loving memory of y/n." he personally designed it in photoshop and even added those tacky glitter rose GIF animations on the front. coincidentally, everyone in your immediate circle also happened to receive the same mass email chain with those invites, so you had to explain to your family, friends, and co-workers that (1) you did not in fact die in a car accident and (2) your funeral is not set for the 15th. (you never played a prank on michael again.)
isagi freaks out. he's calling 911/119, whatever emergency service there is. immediately calls you and nearly breaks down in fear of losing you. when you tell him it was merely a prank, he laughs in relief but internally he's cursing you out with every colorful name in existence.
ness is isagi but even more high-strung. there is no time to call the ambulance in his mind. he's already thundering down the highway looking for the evidence of your car wreck. calls you and screams ballistically into the speaker: "WHERE ARE YOU? WHERE ARE YOU? WHERE ARE YOU?" so yeah....don't ever play a prank on ness. it's for your sake, not his.
shidou takes you up one notch and sends a picture of himself in the emergency room with a cast on his leg and an IV drip. this spawn of satan took your message literally and decided to copy you and got into a real car accident. so now you have to take time off work and sign the hospital discharge papers because he listed you as his sole emergency contact.
nagi doesn't give a shit. he's already chronically online, and reo's played pranks on him before. probably texts you an "ok" and then tells you he's run out of toilet paper again, so you need to stop by the store to buy some.
reo matches your energy. he replies with: oh yeah, i've heard of that brand. it's the—*insert sound of trucks colliding and screeches across asphalt* you both had a good laugh after.
ok that's all i have for now. this is going to reach a very niche demographic, but you're welcome.
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nyxcharliechaos · 7 months
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so me and @lemonking00 decided to make a tier list...but it's what neurodivergency/mental illness the cast of Hazbin/Helluva have
Explanations/are they medicated?/extra details or thoughts below because this will be a long post if I don't
ADHD- Millie: unmedicated, she just doesn't like it
Vox: medicated but OH BOY DOES HE FORGET, man will go 3 days without it before remembering then he's medicated for 4 days and they he's out of his ADHD medication! and it's ALWAYS when the pharmacy runs out and won't have it in for a few days
Bee: unmedicated she doesn't care she's just having fun
Clara: she's just here because LK said Odette was autistic and we wanted an ADHD/Autism sibling dynamic, I was going to skip them because we don't know much about either, she's properly medicated, Carmilla makes sure she takes her medication
Autism- Vaggie: we're all in agreement on this right?
Alastor: I know he's a sociopath but we've been joking he's autistic for a bit lol
Lucifer: his special interest is clearly ducks, yes he's canonically depressed but the autism is winnning
Sir Pentious: ok so everyone I know agrees with his so, mans got that autistic rizz
Vortex: ...ngl we just wanted him to be the ASD to Bee's ADHD being the ADHD/autism couple dynamic
Millie's dad: as stated by LK "he just seems autistic" and then explained farmers give off autistic energy, LK's the autistic redneck friend so I'll trust him on that
Lute: ...I have no explanation she just seems autistic, and like a homophobic homosexual
Zestial: so initially we put him in the group therapist tier but the autism won so we moved him
Odette: explanation for why she's here above
AuDHD (written as AUDI relating to a series of inside jokes but long story short half our friend group is AuDHD and one of said friends used to have an AUDI)- -Blitz special interest in horses, bad at emotions, he's not medicated, he should be on several medications, he's not on any of them
Charlie: ok hear me out, we all agree on the ADHD yes, but her dads got that tism ok, she would to. she is medicated, and Vaggie reminds her, but it's a gamble whether or not she'll take her medication even with a reminder
Cherri Bomb: ...bombs and just look at here that's my explanation for why she's here, no she's not medicated, there's other drugs, no it's not the same thing she doesn't care
Velvette: she's better about taking her medication than Vox is but she still forgets, always seems to run out around the same time as Vox...when they don't have the medication...being Valentino during that is great/j the two will lock the doors and make him deal with their unmedicated asses till the pharmacy has the medication again
Fizz: I don't think I need to explain why he's here, he's not medicated, he doesn't like the feeling and he likes himself better unmedicated, and Ozzie loves him either way so fuck getting his ADHD medication
Adam: simple explanation, ADHD and Autism is hereditary, so it had to come from somewhere and in the words of LK "it wasn't Eve, idk how but she's neurotypical", Adam doesn't believe people when they tell him he's AuDHD, so no he's not medicated
Emily: I'm not explaining myself, she is medicated and does take her ADHD medication on the daily, Sera will remind her and if she forgets after that Sera will just give her the medication
Depression- (depresso expresso because funny) Stolas: literally cannon, and while also Autistic unlike Lucifer the Autism is not winning
Octavia: I would be too if my family was that much of a mess
Barbie Wire: just fucking, look, no I'm not explaining this
Sera: (just makes gesture like, look at this bitch)
Twamatised- (referencing a joke in Gravity Falls) neither of these need explanations fucking look at the two that are here!
OCD- Moxxie: we actually added this catagory for him, he's just got those vibes
Niffty: I swear I remeber reading something on an old ZP era sketch dump saying she had slight OCD, I might be misremembering, probably, but got those vibes
Group Therapist- (fun fact this was initially a Husk only category but a lot more characters belonged in it then we thought) Husk: (points to episode 4) and yes depresso expresso as well but, I made this category for him so
Razzle & Dazzle, Fat Nuggets, Keekee, and the Egg Bois: all are here for similar reasons they're (basically) pets that bring joy and improve peoples mental states
Ozzie: I don't think I need to explain this one, since it's basically cannon
Rosie: ok so all the overlord are autistic (minus Vox), but they go to the category that takes priority and she's seen being a person you go to for advice so, this is just cannon
Carmilla: quote from LK "mom", that's why she's here, again all overlords are autistic (except Vox)
NDP- (narcissistic personality disorder) Verosika: we actually added this category for her so
Striker: ok this one's debatable but he definitely has a personality disorder of some sort
Valentino (KYS) was added just for Val to tell him to die
BITCH was added for reasons obvious if you look at the characters, no headcannons here we just wanted to call out these characters for being bitches
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b0g-b0y · 1 year
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Part4 Other parts under s/g
Soap x m reader x Ghost
Warning talks about NSFW
(Small note you can read now or after it’s up to you,weighted blankets are mentioned for Ghost and I think he wouldn’t like the feeling of it. I feel like it might remind him of when he got barred alive. Also for real I went with twitter Soap stuff so…)
Sleep was peaceful and warm y/n hasn’t slept this well in years slowly waking up to Soap and Ghost talking softly probably trying to not wake y/n up. Y/n decided to listen into their hushed voices.” Simon tell me your joking you didn’t write a terms and conditions paper for adding him into are relationship.” Soap said in disbelief.” You want to read it?” Simon asked. You felt Ghost lean away for a moment as he probably went to grab some paper out of the small bag he had on the nightstand, hearing him hand the paper off to Soap. Hearing the pages flip slowly it was getting painful just laying there your body screaming for a nice stretch that would make your bones crack, y/n gave in giving a good stretch before rolling over and nuzzling into a pillow, everything was silent for a moment after a minute of y/n not moving the conversation picked back up.” Simon. I get where you're coming from with this I do. But aye this might be a bit much, no?” Soap spoke quieter than before.” No, I think it’s fine Johnny. It goes over things like communication, things to expect, wills and wonts for me, stuff that happens in the bedroom that are ok and aren't some of the things I know you like and don’t are listed.” Simon said.” Simon, you're going to make the poor man nervous? We could just wing it?” Soap said a little louder. Y/n was kinda getting tired of hearing them go back and forth. It was slowly going to turn into a petty argument, so he stretched one more time before sitting up and slowly walked to the bathroom trying to not put pressure on his wounded leg. The silence was loud between Soap and Ghost. They wondered how much you heard and if they were the ones that woke you up.
Coming out of the bathroom was awful. Not only was your leg killing you but the two boys in front of you were looking at you like seagulls. It was too late to back out of this now.”So… how long were you awake?” Soap asked. You took a moment to reply first, getting some pain killers into your system before you answered.” Terms and conditions huh?” Was all y/n answered with.” Take a seat, I’ll have Johnny heat up the food he got last night.” Ghost said before joining you at the table, handing you the papers that Soap once held in his hands. It was a lot to take in reading through the papers, especially reading the little warning from Ghost. It was short and didn’t go into detail, it basically said he was known to have pretty bad aggression at times that developed because of some bad PTSD but no more info was given. In all caps under that short sentence it said NO WEIGHTED BLANKETS! y/n couldn’t help but wonder why but he could always ask later about that. But the thing that got you the most was the NSFW part. Y/ns could feel his face getting warm from reading the list of things Ghost liked. When Ghost bottoms he liked to be edged, manhandled at times, had a small thing for calling other people daddy. He really liked being praised and degraded at the same time. After that it led to what Ghost liked as being a top. He just liked making the other person feel loved most of the time soft and slow. That was his favorite. After that there was more but it had been blacked out. “ Soap, did you read all of this?” y/n asked.” No, why” Soap said as he put a bowl of stew in front of you with some warm bread. “ Don’t worry about it” you said softly as your eyes read what Soap was into. Puppy play was the first thing that was listed. It somehow didn’t shock y/n that Soap was into that he just seemed like a guy that would like it. Soap had a thing for oral stuff was all that Ghosts put with that one. Can be very bratty at times. Think he has a piss kink but is too embarrassed to admit Ghost also wrote. That caused you to choke hard on the stew you were eating. “ I think I know what part he’s on Johnny” Ghost chuckled and gave a small pat on your back. “ Ghost, what did you write?” Soap asked. He quickly leaned over your shoulder to read the page you were on, his eyes finally finding the words that caused y/n to choke. “ SIMON!” Soap said in a high pitched voice that was filled with embarrassment well his face got red.” Soap, don't worry about it won’t change any way I think about you, plus it’s kind of a normal ish kink to have there are articles about it if that makes you feel better?” Y/n said. Soap just gave a whine as a response. “ Want to know how Johnny boy here is as a top?” Simon asked. It was clear that Ghost was just doing this to get Soap worked up and at this point, y/n didn’t get to answer Ghost. The paper was snatched out of y/n's hands from Soap. He crumbled it up after that and put it in his pocket.
Before any of this could continue y/ns phone rang. “Hello Captain, yes. Ok ya I’ll tell them bye sir” y/n said before hanging up. Both Soap and Ghost stared at you and like a switch went off they fell into being professional soldiers. Y/n swallowed before talking again. “ Price says you need to answer your phones and it’s paper work time. And I want to get that done and over with so we have to go back to base.” Y/n said. Soap let out a few words of I don’t want to. Well Ghost went straight to gathering all the stuff that was there in the room. “ Y/N your boxers are still damp from yesterday I’m putting them in a plastic bag” Ghost yelled out. Y/n didn’t really answer he was trying to finish his food before he had to go back to base. “Y/n you're gonna have to wear the gym clothes price dropped off for ya, keep the hoodie on, it’s cold out” Soap told y/n as he was taking care of the food in the kitchen. Y/n just nodded his head. After he was done eating he hobbled over to put on his sweatpants. “ Ghost I’m going to check out! Take are shit and Y/n to the car” Soap yelled out. It was funny how quickly the two of them could change when Price was involved. Y/n couldn’t help but smile at that. Ghost gave y/n a small kiss on top of their head before helping them with their shoes. Ghost never said a word between these interactions, as he gently picked you up to go to the car.
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shesmore-shoebill · 3 months
i know im already too late lol lmao but!! favorite amanda outfits? favorite’non-smosh’ amangela moment? -baflegacy
hahaha technically the only thing you're late for is me answering these while tipsy, im thrilled to answer still, thanks @baflegacy :D
whoops this got kind of long bc i just kept adding stuff lol. let me put this under a cut
I went on a slightly embarassing rabbit hole to answer this question. Amanda has like. Certain iterations of outfits that I consistently find . uhm. extremely. impressive. (layering button up over tank top, high waisted pants with cinched shirt, matching blazer and suit pants with a shirt). And then my opinion gets further swayed by her hair and how much i like the video/context LOL. So this is not. an all inclusive list. at all.
Of course, Amarasha Reddit Stories outfit
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tights.. the jacket.... also her hair. also this video is incredible.in general. but also. the outfit.
recency bias probably but fnaf vr outfit. i love the floral button up over the black tank top here its so good. look at it. i need it.
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The silky velvety top she had in a few videos had me obsessed idk. also those few videos were really good. but the top itself? 👌
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this fit. what the fuck. i love the shirt in particular but like. my god. Ma'am? Also this shirt with the choker for the youtube creators event... im.well. uhm.
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i really liked this set of colors on her :]
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also almost every like, button up shirt/blouse that she wears in this style makes me go 👀👀👀👀🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 (fnaf 2 shirt too)
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and this jacket!! i really liked this jacket.
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okay i think i need to stop.
(also i dont know if it counts but if it does. the s&b music video outfit. of COURSE. like. i mean.)
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also you didnt ask this but upon reflection i forgot two angela outfits i really like: the sweatshirt from blood on the clocktower and the courdroy shirt thing from Love Is Blind 2. ok. sorry. im gonna stop now
'non smosh' amangela moment is TOUGH. Partly bc I think most of the stuff we see from them in video/photo form as a pair is in Smosh context (not to get TOO parasocial but if they wanted to. post clips or something. from their sleepovers or tv watching . i . wouldnt be opposed. .. . . .... 🥺)
In terms of completely removed from Smosh- i really liked the Fuck This Month with Jacob Wysocki :') The one with Vic was good (Vicmangela supremacy) but I liked the jokes in the first a little more. They're both really good at improv and seeing how they play off of each other (and how Amanda reaches for Angela specifically.....) really. just. :')
Also if "I Live In Your House" counts- what can I say. I love seeing them be good at what they do, and doing it together. Angela killed it on art and Amanda killed it in acting and Amangela killed. me..
In general I am just sooOOoooOooo fucking off the walls about indicators/evidence of Angela and Amanda spending time together/hanging out together/having their lives touch outside of Smosh/videos. Angela has clearly hung out with Amanda and her husband. They watch shows together. Angela got Amanda and her husband tickets to a soccer game. Amanda calls Angela when things are happening in her life.
All that said I really like the waitress skits they do bc its clearly for fun and something they find hilarious.
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spacehostilityy · 1 year
NNT Rewatch s2ep1-6
(This was written weeks ago but was in my queue. I am moving back to my college town Saturday so busy days are to come but now I have things to procrastinate 😈)
So YAYAYAY time for season 2 (my fave season overall) !! I’ve rewatched this one before, so i actually remember some of this lol
Ban: I quit
Meliodas: your face is the only joke we can handle
i love both of diane’s orange fits, but s1 leotard hits different
i have thots abt the introduction of power levels that will be told beneath the cut
i mean it’s all very dragon ball (which i love, but in a very different way). I feel like they are just better executed in manga format, because saying the numbers out loud just kinda breaks up the flow of dialogue and action. Plus the numbers never stay accurate since the characters are always powering up and nakaba lowkey just stops using them at one point. so like assault mode!Meliodas has a power of 142,000. BUT he defeats enemies with powers higher than that and is shown to gain even more power. But this is the highest number we have for him. Overall, theyre clunky, not updated enough to be accurate, and just kinda cheesy :/ I feel like plot could have been added to justify and explain the eye of Balor (AKA Drole if i remember correctly) but it’s just used as an excuse to quantify the characters’ strength since this season is mainly focused on physical and emotional growth, as seen by the Ishtar Arc (one of my fave arcs hehe)
merlin’s friendship with hawk is actually so cute tho
so Meliodas’s beginner stats (still missing his powers) are magic 400, strength 960, spirit 2010. The way I see it, his insane spirit strength could mean one of two things: bitch is just hella determined in his quest to end their curses and protect his friends (likely) or merlin taking away his power only affects his strength and magic since spirit has to do with your mind (also likely) anyway what do y’all think?
how the fuck is gowther’s strength 500??? The average person who can lift 50-100 lbs has a strength of 30. HOW IN THE FUCK?? IS GOWTHER SECRETLY SWOLE????
Meliodas being like “no idk who the ten shadows could be haha” when he and merlin literally formed the sins to fight them and HE WAS THE LEADER OF THE 10 COMMANDMENTS is so funny like so tru king lie to their faces
the first thing Zeldris says is “3000 years... please tell me that he’s still alive” which tells me two things: 1) he doesn’t know about Meliodas’s curse, which could explain why estarossa kills him when he’s just going to come back a rival to the throne of the demon king and 2) the listed life expectancy of 1000 years for demons is probably not accurate lol
maybe it’s driven down due to number of battle deaths like the mortality rate of the middle ages lol
we are introduced to a demon who hopes mel is alive, shares a voice actor, AND HAS THE SAME FACE yeah the brother coding is very thick
ban’s refusal to get jericho’s name right makes me laugh every time
Jericho: is scared and runs to Ban
Ban: 🤨 yeah. i don’t remember asking you to grab my arm🙄
im sorry but king rlly was a bad fairy king like mans didnt even know the forest was there 😭 its ok tho i love that for him
King hating Ban at first bc he “killed elaine and destroyed the fairy kings forest” only for Ban to pull THE BIGGEST uno reverse on him will never not be funny
wait does that mean ban is technically the 4th fairy king and king is both the 3rd and the 5th bc that would be rlly funny and does happen quite a bit historically
I love how as much as a smug asshole Ban is, he’s not rubbing it in King’s face and is showing him he’s still his friend
so if Gil is Margaret’s guard and Griamore is Veronica’s, does that mean Howzer was Elizabeth’s ?? bc that would be so fucking funny
Helbram got King’s ass with “and you’re short”
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Best girls Melascula and Derieri fr
i love that they said slader is gay, how can we let the audience know and then gave him the smoothest, gayest voice imaginable
merlin calling og gowther a great magician when we know he was the one to train her is actually so sad, i want to give baby merlin a hug
slader is hot, thanks for coming to the ted talk
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how the fuck does he walk like this tho??
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is there a reason i just don’t remember why they never really bring up albions again or do they just ~disappear~ conveniently from the story lol
So the whole concept of sacred treasures is really cool to me because they are clearly something unique to the Sins, despite all of the sacred treasures being very different and made of different materials. I mean Gowther’s is straight up made of light Still, them having weapons that serve as a constant and grow with them as they become more powerful is just a neat concept to me. I just wish we could have seen Ban use Courechouse more than just a few episodes. There really isn’t a plot reason he couldn’t have had it beforehand.
Gerheade being a bitch to Ban bc he’s a human makes literally no sense when we learn her backstory with Rou. Like NO sense at all lol
I honestly love that Meliodas destroyed the albion on his own. Like yes, he is my OP blorbo BUT he’s also supposed to be incredibly powerful in canon, which we haven’t seen him go all out with an enemy yet. Not only does he know all about albions (bc he’s a demon), but as leader of the 10 Commandments, he probably was on the controlling side of the golems. Then, as a member of Stigma, he fought against them. Not to mention, this is when he finally gets Lostvayne (the DEMON sword) back. This moment for me is when he gets to show off the perks of him being a powerful and high ranking demon. Might fuck around and do a full post later on Meliodas’s relationship to his own race and what/who he is lol
Ban screaming “you bitch!!” is... a wonderful experience
Yass king (hehehehe get it? bc his name is king? hehehe)
Galand petting Gloxinia is actually so cute lol
Merlin covering Arthur’s eyes 😭😭 she’s his mom fr
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“its been a while meliodas” oop galand just let the Meliodas is 3000 years old cat out of the bag ehehe
(stay with me bc im about to get delusional) WAIT so galand says “to think that after all this time has passed youd still be in that form” in this essay i will prove that Meliodas looks like a young teenager because he essentially is biologically young for the demon race. Galand doesn’t know Mel was cursed, so he would think that he had aged in the past 3000 years. Plus, I think the demon king’s possession of Meliodas AND Zeldris can be (somewhat) compared to Sariel’s aging up of Solaseed. Anyway, i feel like this can support my hypothesis of Zeldris and Meliodas are just babies who will eventually look like adults. Also, I think them being super young just enhances the angst quite well.
everyone is fucking terrified of galand but hes just a silly foolish little fellow to me lol
ban and king being brothers-in-law makes my heart happy like theyre so cute
Ban threatening Gerheade and actually being pissed and serious has suddenly reminded me that if i saw a grown ass man who couldn’t die and was a 7 foot tall violent alcoholic i would be fucking terrified
like a demon 14 year old? creepy ig but not a 7 foot tall masochist with an 8 pack
I love how hard Diane always goes for the ones she loves, she’s just so devoted and passionate Best Girl tm behavior
*Merlin being incredibly confidant and nonchalant starting a proposition*
Meliodas doing the same thing Hendy did by reattaching his fucking arms using Darkness and the sins still being like wait?? is Meliodas?? a... demon ??? 🤨
okay so we DO see him in this mode again. But what is it called? and why does he become no thots head empty? its not like he died. and even in assault mode, he has thoughts and emotions (when they’re not stuck in purgatory) 
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Im ngl, i forgot everything about this episode entirely lol
obvi i hate that derieri died, but at least the souls she fucking ate got returned lol
do we think arthur has a tiny teenage gay crush on meliodas? Discuss.
(the answer is yes ehehe)
gowther walking around with his dang a lang swangin hehe
Gil crying in annoyance and defeat as griamore and howzer bicker is literally so hashtag real
very suddenly realized that Hendy’s probably only like in his 30s. Mans is just not that old
exactly 3 seconds after I had that though Howzer calls him old man LOLLL
i forgot about hendy’s childhood trauma. damn. thats actually rlly sad :/
look how cute he is tho 😭😭
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hendy and dreyfus are in love. thanks for coming to another one of my ted talks
so do we think dreyfus is half druid (and zaratras is full) or zaratras is half druid? i mean they’re half brothers but only one is a called a druid sooo
IM SORRY BUT THIS IS THE FUNNIEST FUCKING SCREENSHOT ASDFFHSLDH elizabeth scandalized, meliodas accepting his fate, slader leaning in closer and blushing ITS JUST SO GOOD
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The ass shot of Diane 🤨😑
Damn Idk how i never realized that all of them pretty much only call Meliodas captain. Merlin, Ban, and Elizabeth are the only ones who will call him Meliodas, but even merlin and ban typically go with captain.
“im a giant, why arent you afraid of me?” hes a fucking demon. lol
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turtle--soup · 2 months
Watching TMNT Next Mutation Episode 7 (when I really shouldn't be but... eh.) 😅
Ramblings under the cut.
Sewer rays? OK.
Dude's riding a motorbike through the sewer. Raph just makes it look so cool he stated a trend huh?
"Do I wanna meet the NYPD? Hmm... naaahh, absolutely not!" Same Mikey, same...
Big monkey. Who is his voice actor? He sounds familiar...*
"I can't believe this! I've been dissed by a gangster ape!" Mikey bro this is like a regular Monday for you surely?
"Certified turtlefied!" Adding that to the List of Things I Can't Believe They Say
"Cops in the sewers? They don't sell donuts down here!" Raph providing the obligatory donut jokes 👍
"I dunno what you been eatin'. But I want some." Why don't they believe Mikey about the monkey dude? Like literally they are talking turtles. If anything a talking ape is less weird
These gangsters are all dressed like they're cosplaying alt- design Joker Funko Pops. Or they got lost on the way to audition to be in the 60s Batman TV show.
"We're ninja - not the Power Rangers!" Yesssssss they're crossing the streeeeeaaaamms!
Raph 'n' roll honestlyyyyyyy that's a catchphrase?? Raph buddy...
"That's team leader" 😤 Aw Don Don, you don't deserve this disrespect
"EY BAWS" hoooooo my god
"The schnooks" OK Venus.
"Battlin' crime is FUN! Heh heh I feel like Batman!" Yeah that'll be the knockoff Joker suits.
Also like... the guys are acting like they don't fight crime? But like... they fought the Foot before? And I know that was bc they were an evil ninja clan specifically but you can't tell me they weren't Doing A Crime every now and then? And that was probably why the turtles fight them, at least sometimes??
The TA DAAAAA sound effect again 👌
All the money flying out of the back of the van this is genuinely the cheesiest live action cartoon
God I love how completely done Donnie is today
Mikey that was so fruity (affectionate)
Oh that's convenient. They moved most of the gold in Fort Knox to NYC for a bit. Of course.
The turtles just so happen to be living directly under half the gold in America right now. Of course.
"Translation for the thick of skull" oof Donnie he's your brother! Or not. So you all have a free pass to hit on your sister Venus.
"I suggest big caution" Leo providing much needed representation for people who can't words good (me).
Isn't there a super villain who's a big monkey dude? I can't remember rn and its winding me up**
Honestly these accents... I could've been a VA on this show. I can butcher an East Coast accent with the best of them
Was I supposed to be able to see that wire??
Oh no they've trapped Venus in a classic Thunderbirds episode!
No genuinely though this could be pretty exciting if it wasn't like 3 minutes from the end of the episode...
Raph is very worried. "Whadda we doo just stand around and PANIC??" He's so relatable
Aw Don...
Aw they're crying 😭 bless them
It's a good job Donnie and Venus didn't die, the other three have to share one brain cell and I'm not sure Splinter could handle that alone
The code was Donnie's birthday asdghghfgdgk
*IT WAS GARY CHALK! I knew I knew that voice! How's a guy get typecast as a talking gorilla, anyway? I really hope that whoever cast him did that intentionally, and if they did I hope they also know that they're a legend.
"You me with the monkey and it gets funky" this dude is legit a Power Rangers villain
**I think I might be thinking of Gorilla Grodd??
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Sanders Sides Ranked: Flirting???
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Why do I have “For Legal Reasons This is a Joke” stamped on the front here? Because I get to saying some shit later that is NOT meant to be taken seriously. I enjoy saying words recreationally and making bits, not everything I say all the time is an accurate representation of my thoughts or beliefs and I just want to make that clear when posting on the piss on the poor webbed site.
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Sorry, Logan. I don’t think he cares actually, but just in case. I would [verb] you. I also don’t think he cares about that, but just in case.
Also after adding the text on Logan's picture I decided I should add a little blurb to every slide so you can tell exactly how not biased I am.
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When trying to decide on widespread appeal I had to acknowledge that most people would probably find him kind of annoying, which is his right, for sure, but then I had to gauge how annoying and how much that mattered and it took me a while.
For niche appeal, I just think that most theater kids™ don’t want to [verb] other theater kids™. They do [verb] for sure, but mostly because they can’t get anyone else because they’re theater kids™ and I think other insecure people mostly want to give him a hug.
(I was a theater kid but not a theater kid™, though I knew some. I just want theater kids™ to know it is their right to be insufferable.)
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He's really kind of got two tricks, one is being dad and the other is being sad. I think I'd like to give him a Patt-on the head. If you're into that, though, hopefully you're also into frogs.
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Look I was at one point part of all four niche appeal groups and I’m still part of two, this may be a targeted attack, but I caught myself in the crossfire.
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Putting Roman in there was a joke bc you cannot tell me you don't classify what Janus was doing as flirting and it worked very well on our prince.
And unrelated to the ranking, I just get jump scared every time I see what Janus actually looks like bc he has long hair to me now. Where are his beautiful locks? Who cut my wife's hair?
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Ok look. Quality of banter. We ALL saw his episode, ok? That was NOT top tier creative work. Granted he’s been locked in the basement for a long time so it’s understandable, but that doesn’t change the facts. 
For his blurb I was between what I wrote and something along the lines of "I would forcefem him" and I don't think either of those convey to you how not biased I am but just know that I adore him.
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I had a blast making this, I kept cracking myself up, which means probably zero other people think it’s funny but here we are.
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I actually went into this thinking I would have Logan as the worst and I thought Roman and Janus would tie for best so I’m glad to see we all have the same general consensus. It looks like this list would go Roman, Janus, Patton, Remus, Virgil, Logan.
I did my best to cut out any egregious swearing and anything explicit so I hope everyone can appreciate my sacrifice /j. Thanks for joining me, argue about it in the comments and reblogs. (<- Also a joke, please be nice.)
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thedemigodoracle · 1 year
Please read:
Ok, so as I jokingly said before “I’m back.” - I’m not joking, I am back.
Not entirely yet but here are some things to wait for in the near future.
Before I list it I need to browse fast through the real life stuff first so bear with:
- one of the reasons I did go missing from art and fandoms in general wasn’t just the ammount of books but also family situations, depression, relationships and in the last few years I lost grandma, grandpa and even my mother to a disease they don’t have it diagnosed yet because it was so rare.
Obvsly took a major hit to my mental health and the ability to write and just have energy kinda left me. I’m handling it I’m in therapy. This is all we need to talk about it.
- it’s been over ten years since some of your fave fics have been updated and while both Clichesbullet on ff.net and thatu on DA will be there and won’t be deleted HERE are what’s to expect:
1. My endgame here is reading the books back and forth again, as well as other source
Material for other fandoms I will
Be publishing for.
-updating the old fan mixes and uploading it to Spotify so it’s more accessible and going back (when possible to art).
- I will use AO3 some new aesthetics and user name (though probably just thatu) and edit a lot more to fit what I believe is better not because the world changed in general but because so
Did I.
Some of the racism and homophobia will still be there are these are the characters having flaws whose arcs weren’t complete but lots of it will also be changed because I’m 34 now I also the world is changed and some stuff just wouldn’t fly and I kinda hate it (but the old material is still there available on the old
- I’m not sure technology will be adapted but some references will here and there and I can clearly deliver something better now that I’ve taught English for over half of my life and am taking a masters degree on translation studies.
- real life will get me too busy sometimes so please I hope you’re excited but I know lots
Of you also have jobs or even families. So leave reviews and keep
Me company but also understand I was bad at updating before even with better time
Management this is will be a ride.
- I’m doing this to prove myself I can do and make good things.
- This site as well as the thatu blog will be updated.
- if you were a follower and have deleted your tumblr or changed usernames please leave a reply with who we were because I’ve had an eventful few years. I remember most of you, but I may need a nudge.
- both my writing and art style have developed and so did my world views - stuff will look different but hopefully still bring you comfort. And laughter.
And tears…?
- there will be some one shots posted focusing on stuff like grown up characters and new knowledge
We now have though the characterization will still follow the book ones as that’s how I kinda got used to it.
- I’m back but I’ll be getting back slowly and posting updates here. Tell ur friends who haven’t been here in a while but used to be part of our group of
- I missed being a fandom person and hopefully now I can find solace in you guys back again.
- some new fandoms will pop up, as will
Ships (see what I did there? Find solace? Will some ships? Hehe).
-Some extra texts will be added to whatever adaptations I make especially regarding transphobia and HP though I do intend to finish my Hannah/Neville story.
- maybe I’ll write original
Stuff too who knows?
Also, I missed you, spread the word. There’s a brand new old me in town. New ships, new views, new one shots, edits, a very different music taste (actually no I just added more stuff) and a lot of improved knowledge of vocabs and world geography.
Please spread this to whoever you think might be interested. It’s not popularity or anything, I’m trying to get back some pieces of me I lost along the way and writing and drawing used to be FUN and help me make FRIENDS.
I’ll keep u posted once everything is at least remotely ready to go.
And omg you’ll finally know what Silena had on clarisse.
Oh and I’m still not for writing smut but there will be more Adult/Mature like material as some ships require it and I am older. No minors having descriptive s*x
Of course but u know it’d feel weird to talk about these huge ass long relationships and not bring it up naturally.
Anyway, reply to this with whatever. Leave a like or something too but mostly leave a reply so we can start this journey together -
New younger fans are also welcome I’ll make my best to keep this space as safe as possible!! I teach kids and teens and I’d kill for u to have a place to be you safely.
Also there will now be additions on author notes for whether a ship is canon or fanon what I adapted and new fandoms new ships and trigger warnings before sensitive chapters that deal with stuff that before I wouldn’t.
Love, I’ve missed this,
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xxcherrycherixx · 3 months
Saw your ship tier list and I just gotta ask, HOW DID CUPID GET WITH FAYBELLE AND KITTY?? Like wouldn’t they be so mean to her??
Ok so every ship in the “cupid’s sexy conquests” tier are people she has had sex with at least once, hence sexy conquests 💅
Kitty is probably a one time situation i think, like either kitty just got a little curious about why the fuck people are so down to fuck cupid, or she ended up in a threesome with her because of lizzie (shes also a sexy conquest of cupid’s, i just couldn’t be bothered to add anymore ship pics so i just added “1000+ others” to the tier to include everyone i missed)
Either way kitty ended up with her pussy purring (im so sorry i had to make the joke it was the purrfect opportunity)
Faybelle is such a fucking delicious one, so delicious that i already have a fic for that situation
Faybelle will at least sleep with her a couple more times, she hates cupid but faybelle is horny and a little lonely and cupid is always happy to ‘help her out’ they have a weird little friends/enemies with benefits situation.
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cha-melodius · 11 months
I got a list, so you get a list. 4, 11, 20 (please take this as permission to answer 20 as many times as you want, I LOVE LOVE LOVE writer meta)
xoxo MJ/kiwiana-writes
Ahahaha I will always take a list!! Thanks! You're out here with some ones that made me have to think for a little while lol. (Meta asks for writers link since there's a cut at the end of this post.)
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
Pretty sure I've shared this before in a question like this, but too bad. I just love the tension that builds in this sequence (and the release that comes immediately after this; spoiler alert: Alex runs). From Chapter 7 of Nova, Baby:
Diego chokes out a fake laugh, but there is real fear in his eyes now. “I’m sure I do not know what you’re talking about. You know my customers are never for sale.” “So it wasn’t money, then,” Alex surmises. It’s not that surprising. Batista is good at hitting people where it hurts. Diego says nothing. “How long do I have?” Alex asks. Out in front of the store, a car door slams. “Better for you if you don’t run,” Diego murmurs. Fat chance of that.
11. What do you envy in other writers?
Oh, a number of things. The biggest ones are probably humor—I think my writing can be reasonably funny but not the kind of side-splitting hysterical one-liners some people pull off—and really poetic, beautiful language. Sometimes when I read a really achingly beautiful work I feel like giving up lmao. Oh, and some people just seem to be able to pull off effortlessly sexy writing—not even talking about smut here, but just the overall vibes of the work. I mean, it's probably not effortless, knowing what I know about writing, but it feels that way.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Oh man, the meta question. I do love talking about meta in my writing but I never know which fic to pick when people ask me these questions. Ok, this time, instead of focusing on one work, I'm including one piece of trivia about the last 5 works I published lmao.
The post-blowjob scene in Falling Down the Stairs of Your Smile was added at the last minute (literally I had already uploaded a draft to AO3 before I went back and added it) because I just got it in my head that I really needed a moment of Henry telling Alex to stay. I love thinking about all the ways that would fundamentally change their relationship from the beginning.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, I did a fair amount of reading about people surviving on rafts in the ocean for Enemies of the Ocean. There are lots of crazy stories out there, and one of them—Steve Callahan—is referenced in the fic. The most insane part about THAT is that Callahan's boat was called the Napoleon Solo. Yes, really. Too bad the story was for a different fandom.
The sir/daddy pronouns joke in Something To Be Proud Of, which several commenters loved, was shamelessly stolen from @dumbpeachjuice. See! I'm not actually that funny. 😂
I really wanted them to get caught in the rain wearing less clothing in Lessons in Foreign Diplomacy (by which I mean wearing only a shirt and pants and not a full waistcoat and jacket combo), but @orchidscript disabused me of the notion that anyone would be strolling the grounds in such scandalous attire lol.
Although I have in fact visited the Harrods Food Hall, I have eaten only one of the cheeses featured in Will You Brie Mine? (manchego), to my deep disappointment. Someone get me some monk's head cheese, stat. Also I went back and forth about whether to make Henry a baker or confectioner or something of the sort, but the man gives cheese recommendations in canon! How could I resist?
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childofaura · 1 year
Big question I have: who are your top 10 favourite Awakening characters from the First Generation and why?
This one will be fun :D also same disclaimer I always say: these aren’t in any particular order except for number one, because he really is number one.
That’s pretty much how all my lists go, lol.
Priam. This man is perfect and wonderful in so many ways; before I played Awakening, I watched all the confessions of the male characters, saw him, and went “THAT ONE. HE’S THE ONE .” He left me smitten even before I knew anything about him, like him being Ike’s descendent, and I’ve always been drawn more towards the “Avatarsexuals”. The game always tries to play him off as annoying, but he’s just incredibly passionate about gaining strength. He’s actually pretty passionate about everything he does, especially when he confesses that he’s fallen in love with you. His confession portrait has to be one of the most romantic in the game:
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Priam is a hulking beast of a warrior but here, he’s kneeling down in front of you, having taken his gloves off so he can hold your hand in his (no one else does this by the way) while he gazes adoringly into your eyes. Combine that with how powerful and handsome he is, he’s my ultimate husband choice in Awakening. The only downside is how far in the game he is before you can recruit him (Chapter 25) but he’s worth it.
2. Aversa. I like a lot of SpotPass characters, and I like Aversa for her extra lore. Most people hate the SpotPass characters for turning the villains “good”, but I think it’s neat that the bad guys help defeat the TRUE villain pulling the strings (and it’s not like bad guys like Validar became good). Aside from that, Aversa is actually a sweetheart who struggles with making friends because she feels like she doesn’t deserve it (in her supports with M!Robin at least). It definitely makes her one of the more interesting female Awakening characters.
3. Vaike. WHEN, IS??? WHEN ARE WE GETTING TEACH??? Here’s hoping he’s not a demote when we get him… he’s a cool dude and his support with Sully is actually pretty touching, they were made for each other.
4. Frederick. I think Frederick (along with Dedue) is actually one of the nicer vassal characters in Fire Emblem, because Jakob can kind of be an asshole sometimes and Hubert is… Hubert. He’s diligent, cares about others, and holds the Shepherds together.
5. Gregor. The dude is SO overlooked as “haha funny Russian man” despite the fact that he’s powerful as fuck and even could have been a Khan of Regna Ferox if he wanted to. And RESOURCEFUL, the fact that he knew how to do Cordelia’s makeup is impressive. Plus I think he’s the best dad for Severa (I actually headcanon that Severa is bilingual in Gregor’s homeland tongue and it comes out when she’s pissed off at something or someone). Great dude and I’m glad he got added to FEH.
6. Gangrel. I said it. He works great as an antagonist and he’s a fun ally with a fascinating backstory (he kind of reminds me of Askeladd from Vinland Saga). It’s actually really sad to me that he dies a horrible death if he doesn’t support with F!Robin, I’d have liked for him to have loved to do SOMETHING.
7. Kellam. NO END. I’VE HEARD NO END TO THE INVISIBILITY JOKES. I GET IT. I will ALWAYS acknowledge my boy. He’s such a sweetheart and I adore his support with Olivia. He better get a prf when he gets added to FEH or I will riot.
8. Panne. She turns into a bunny. I like her.
But also she has a great backstory.
9. Virion. Ok yes he’s silly and goofy and flirts with anything that looks remotely female and walks on two legs. But if you read his Support with F!Robin (definitely one of the most sincere supports of the game in my opinion), he’s actually a very noble and caring guy. Especially during one of the DLCs where he sells an heirloom dagger for an old couple who was sick, and refuses to be acknowledged in any way or form for doing so. He’s got a great heart.
10. Mustafa. Does this count? Probably not but I wanna give him a shoutout anyways. I’m mad that HE wasn’t a SpotPass character, as cool as Walhart was, I would have preferred Mustafa. At least he got added to FEH, I’ll take what I can get.
Special additional shoutouts to Olivia, Sully, Lon’qu, and Yen’fey, they’re also really cool. I do like the other characters (especially Maribelle’s support where she knows how to talk like a sailor) but I’d prioritize these guys on the list.
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Character Bingo: Nick Nack (HP:MS)
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@dolly-royal @omggypsyesmeraldathings-blog (I know you asked for Riley too but I'm making it a separate post since its the same character :3 )
Alrighty lets begin (It's gonna be very long because I've got a lot of things to say about him)
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They are so cool looking
I gotta admit, he looks very cool. Even tho some prople say he looks like James Charles (Which I STRONGLY disagree) I love his design. I personally like his clothes, the man has drip. Heck, I literally painted a white blazer for a cosplay but now I just wear it when I'm not in cosplay anymore. I also like his facial structure since it gave me a challenge to draw him before but now I've gone used too it. (I can go on and on)
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Everyone but me is wrong about them
Ok, so this is just a little joke (I do believe in other people's headcanons about him) but I would make this joke of "As a Nick Nack Kinnie, he would defiantly do that" if there's something that I think he would do.
Wasted Potential
Ik hes in the prequel but he could have more potential in the first game too (Since his model was already made). I think that Nick could've been in the tea party with Mortimer and Riley at the end instead of Kathy. (IDK but stillll)
If they were real I would be afraid of them
Ok, maybe a little startled but still- I mean, he's a puppet that wants a human as his host. But I headcanon that when you say that he's your favorite, he'll stop, cry and just be nicer to you. (Since he doesn't want to harm a fan)
They are deeper then they seem
for some reason I feel like there's something more about Nick that we don't know. The fact that he might have the urge not hunt for Owen and his urge to do it is strange but maybe there's more context in the game when its realesed.
They got done DIRTY by fans
So one time I tried to look how far the fandom has got. So every fandom has R34 art so I decided to type it in on google and OH I REGRET MY DECISION. I found a Nick Nack one- (IDK if that counts tho but still)
Didn't get enough screen time
This applies for the first game. like- we only see him in the shadows and that's it.
I want to carry them in a handbag like a tiny dog
Well kinda, I don't own any handbags but I wanna put him in a back pack instead with him poking out of it. If i had a Nick Nack puppet i would put him in there, let him poke out of it and go out with him like that for aesthetic purposes (And probably comfort reasons as well).
Nothing I like about them is technically canon
Another joke one. I do like things that are canon but I like to come up with headcanons to make me like him more than usual.
Why do they look like that
I don't mean his Midnight show ver. I meant his model that was supposed to be in the first game. What happened to his eyes? Where his is little beard thingy? (I headcanon that the eyes are supposed to be a mechanism that was added in later. like Puppet contact lenses I guess. it was later added because it wasn't in the blue prints so it was just a last minute idea Owen came up with)
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Im mentally ill about them
Help, my mind is all about him now- send help (JK)
Wow... they are LITERALLY me!
Yep, that's me (As my username says it) I relate to him a lot. from my interests to maybe personality. heck I made a list of it and there's a lot of things I kin him that its scary. Ex. liking arts, having mood swings, being a tea person, likes to sing (the difference is that I think my voice sounds horrible) and more things-
They've never done anything wrong in their life <33
Ok, Ok maybe he has done some thing wrong in his life but at least he has the urge to not kill us-
So that's all for now. I could make a headcanon post about him on here (Pls reblog or comment down if you want something like this cause I have a lot of headcanons for Nick and plus I love making this kinds of posts)
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meowstix · 2 years
i've listed most of these before in previous posts but since i added onto that via reblog additions they aren't in the main tag. however, i want to make as many people look at these as possible, so i am making this absurdly long post compiling them.
kyojyu trans.
after the events of v-force, zeo went on to pretty much start a new life with a new identity. during this process they Also transed their gender (i'm not sure on the specifics of this one admittedly, but as you might have noticed i do hc zeo as using they/them pronouns that much i'm sure of)
speaking of post-season antics, brooklyn retired from beyblading after g-revolution and is now focusing on ornithology
speaking of which. points at brooklyn. autism
honestly. i think the entire main gang is also neurodivergent i'm not even exactly sure what but i refuse to believe they're neurotypical.
i think at some point i hit rei with my aro beam i'm not even sure why (i probably just wanted to hit Somebody with the beam) but he's aro now why not.
so those top euro bladers right. ralf, olivier, giancarlo, and johnny. them. they're in a polycule.
ok these last two are gonna be fucking stupid so bear with me here. first i joked about this one before but steve got hit by the down with cis bus before the start of g-rev and that's why he's in the hospital (kyojyu and zeo were on the bus obviously)
daitenji is divorced from zagart. he is also divorced from soichirou. maybe throw in volkov for good measure why not. every time this guy gets a divorce the other person goes on to commit atrocities this man is a fucking menace to society
you know how like with ghost stories sometimes it's like if you try to take a picture of the ghost the picture gets all messed up. it's like that with sacred beasts too, though the world tournaments probably have some way of getting around that.
it's also effectively random who can see sacred beasts! like there's Some factors i guess but there's no specific big one other than "if you have a sacred beast you can see them no matter what". but yeah this leads to.. a LOT of debate over whether they're real even outside of beyblading discussion. takao vs yuriy either settled this debate or made it even worse.
judy ABSOLUTELY knew what she was doing when sending genbu's bit to max. i don't know how she ended up with it but i wouldn't be shocked if it was through her work with the PPB and honestly i'm still kind of 🤨 about them so it's probably for the best this Literal God ended up with some preteen
i think during the bega arc while the main gang was figuring out how they'd handle all of that king and queen were probably getting into so much shit. like obviously the focus is more on these Former World Champions (and Current World Champion) but in the background there's also just these two other decently strong bladers who are completely unaffected by bega's monopoly on parts because they've never been getting parts legally in the first place AND YOU CAN'T REALLY TRY TO RUIN THEIR REPUTATION EITHER BECAUSE THEY JUST DO NOT GIVE A SHIT
kai, rei, and daichi all out here in the getting sensory overload gang. congrats daichi you’ve gotten 1 (one) headcanon.
boris and sergey sound like 4kids sword knight and blade knight. the thing is that who sounds like who constantly switches so at any given time one of them will be near incomprehensible and there’s no way of telling which. it’s not like they have much if any personality in the first place so i can make up stupid shit
kyojyu has pretty much become hiromi’s semi-reluctant partner in crime, except the crime is powerpoint presentations detailing the most well thought out but also utterly stupid (and illegal but like. this is the BBA team we’re talking about with their track record they’ll be fine) plans any of the other team members have seen in their life. atleast one of these either has already gone through or will be executed in the future
takao has also kickstarted some stupid shit albeit it’s generally more akin to #clayisoverparty if you've heard of that
i think bakuten shoot might be the first piece of media i’ve had a significant number of lgbt headcanons for. anyway mao is bi and emily is an aro lesbian.
after the events of g-rev the entire situation surrounding bega is just generally considered an absolute shitstorm. like we’re talking like community lore here if that makes sense. someone probably wrote an r/hobbydrama post about it well over a decade later.
you know how they mentioned that like thirty years prior to the events of the show zagart had stolen that one sacred beast rock and then they never explain what happened to it. that's how zeo like, Exists despite the question of "how the hell do you create a replica that perfect of a human being in two thousand fucking two". mf is basically held together by sealed away sacred beasts
this one i mostly thought of because i was looking through the manga version of the battle tower stuff. in the animeverse i feel like zagart and volkov possibly knew eachother at some point. quick note here whenever i think abt v-force i generally just. pretend psykick Isn't There. I Do Not See Them. since they're basically just a middleman but ANYWAY. honestly this idea is very funny to me because like you have these two guys trying to create artificial sacred beasts right? and Child Soldiers McWar Crimes over here is doing animal experimentation n shit, still fucked up of course but then over on the other hand. the guy who's trying to bring back his dead son ends up basically just straight up brainwashing people
another very much canon-contradictory v-force one, actually i know i was talking about this one a few days ago. anyway yeah kane, salima, and the other two guys had very much taken interest in zagart's research on sacred beasts! they looked up to this guy! and this motherfucker went "yeah i'll take advantage of these literal teenagers" can you TELL i like leaning into the concept of zagart just being an absolute shit person even if his motivation was sympathetic
he is ABSOLUTELY the kind of motherfucker to wear shorts in cold ass weather
also this guy knows hand to hand combat. probably beat up atleast one person during his time as a Whole Ass Gang Leader tbh
speaking of which i think that time period is probably where like. almost all of his experiences with social settings before the world tournament came from. also he probably got updogged around this time i think
so you know how i brought up the daitenji's divorce shenanigans? going by that kai really out here being the focus of the world's most batshit custody battle huh
kai was NOT having a good time with the whole celebrity (or atleast. in terms of whatever the scope for beyblading is) thing. you throw this very much traumatized teenager with a sketchy ass past into the spotlight it’s not gonna go well
i was just talkin abt this one earlier but he is gay and ace.
and of course. last but most.
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baekhvuns · 1 year
Baeksy I was out in the wilderness, basically offline, what did I come back to...
Wait, you said your hair was growing in a lighter shade, Barbie?! :O Is your sick curse gone?
Why did Atletico buy everyone off, STAND UP, KOREA! But it's cool they followed Minho on Insta... Real it could've been you though
People joke that the truck men going to SM should move in at this point, I wonder what the staff is thinking everytime they get to work and hear "5 TRUCKS TO SM BUILDING" probably "ah, shit here we go again"
I spoke about the ads on MVs thing with my friends, SM loves to promote and milk Dream, they're definitely the fave child, but THE FUCK. I was shocked by the amount of ads KQ bought, that's why they're the monster of capitalism. Meanwhile Exo, WayV, Taeyong got no ads from SM, just fan projects 🤡 I think it's alright until ads are more than 50% 😬
EXO STAND UP PLEASE. This is so hsjahdhajshsjahagah I mean I can't blame them, but also.... kinda 🤨 https://twitter.com/idoIkjm/status/1683596731563524096?t=_Cza8huyrQN8M5wxj8Oe4w&s=19
I thought it said RIZZ 🙈 https://twitter.com/kchartsmaster/status/1685819714658787328?t=q4mgjw6KF62q4ATVd7jhig&s=19 yeah rise then realize SM is a fucking shitty company that wants to sabotage you, but hey no minors!
TAEMIN AT A FOOTBALL EVENT GOT ME HOLLERING LIKE???? Good for him and the football fans were blessed by Jesus himself, but THOSE UNGRATEFUL MEN DIDN'T DESERVE TO WITNESS IT. He got Minho a pass awwww <3
Changbin was living his best life kicking that ball though, got Atletico cheesing at him lmao
NOW LEE TAEMIN AT WATERBOMB THE SET LIST WENT CRAAAAZYYYY https://twitter.com/pawstaem/status/1685609669178601472?t=-ZTp_yPe42nJTi7IPHFvGQ&s=19 and performing at a night club, but the club's manager only hired him to attract women??? 🤨🤨🤨🤨
Omg WayV's Domino enthusiast, yes, actually WayV club songs are soooooo gooood too! Most stellar unit when it comes to discography, hoping for that comeback... Naaaaaaaurrrr https://twitter.com/smoldejuns/status/1685298189132578816?t=JhMzaeG9l1tAGrg5iOQg7A&s=19 it's not bad luck, it's SM's evil intentions
Speaking of Ay-Yo, remember this monstrosity https://twitter.com/suhnified/status/1685549198299873280?t=el1phvesuqCFKsOVxARtzg&s=19 - $5 and no dream. Anyways, Summertime nostalgia that's it yes, I've been listening to a lot of Apink actually! Hard is definitely AOTY, I'd put Skz there too, even though I wasn't sure at first. Exist is definitely up there. I loved Ive's album too! Tbh I don't feel like I've heard a lot of albums so far...
Forever 1 anniversary 😭😭😭😭 SNSD I need you back, or at least release some solos.
KQ won't pull an R&B comeback, because Ateez are in their rebel era, bringing the noize etc... but a girl can dream :/ but if the third installment in the Movement series is also the same, they're gonna lose me I'm afraid. Never thought I'd say that 😶
These Junhui and Winwin edits are killing me agshsjahhsjahsjsjaa https://twitter.com/wayvjowo/status/1683820983336210432?t=R4iG2RcTNJnNohjGWRGbcA&s=19
Like 😭 https://twitter.com/minghaocheol_/status/1683716733939617793?t=sSnHbUKAS9rUwEN6zmzmkQ&s=19
Pause.... https://twitter.com/wonubliss/status/1684464557014814721?t=hubjawcOng7p8VrCBPIt0g&s=19 *Breakfast by NCT 127 playing in the distance*
Ok, but re: actor Taeyong in one of these cliche drama scenarios: a uni student who wears all black and is a loner, everyone's like "he's sketchy and weird!"or an office nerd who isn't treated seriously by anyone and people are like "ewww, look at him and his Nintendo" (ok this is basically the plot of Wallflower 😅) - totally ignoring the fact HE LOOKS LIKE THAT and his face card is insane
(And sorry Baeksy, but this appeared on my timeline, what a coincidence huh.....🏃🏼‍♀️https://twitter.com/taeyongpictures/status/1683865890532610049?t=A9ng2mZgCEOK1u9CqVvZqQ&s=19)
I just know I would start smoking again after seeing 127 live. Me outside the venue chainsmoking: 🚬🚬🚬🚬
Saw a tweet that said "girl dinner but it's just a man's nose" - us about you know whose nose 🤭
This is where my friend saw Jamal filming 👁👁 https://twitter.com/jaesweats/status/1680891372558237696?t=ukTXlzfmwgturEnc6YJzFQ&s=19 btw
I Watched Barbenheimer, literally had the outfit change too even though I wasn't planning on doing it, but I committed to the Barbie fit and got so cold. 😔 I quickly went home (I live next to the cinema) to change, lmao. I liked both movies, obviously Barbie was more interesting and fuuuuun and surpingsly profound, Oppenheimer was too long for such a serious and gut-wrenching movie tbh, but good acting and visual effects. Did you get to see Barbie?
Also that shitty ass KQ app TokTcockq or whatever needs to be destroyed, I wanna watch Hwa's Animal Crossing live wtf, who gives a fuck about that app, I'm so mad... gatekeeping lives now 🔫🔫🔫🔫
Btw, happy belated Zfp1 anniversary to my fellow enthusiasts, that album was IT, idc what anyone says!
The nip censorship?! ahgshahshajshshaaga, ok but this photo is GORGEOUS!!!! https://twitter.com/1024loops/status/1685590979238313985?t=FRh8iOtDvc5ut1zwI2WDvg&s=19 - I've only just realised it was a zipper..... 🙃 - DV 💖
Baeksy I was out in the wilderness, basically offline, what did I come back to.../// Wait, you said your hair was growing in a lighter shade, Barbie?! :O Is your sick curse gone?
hello!!!! hOW WAS THE WILDERNESS,, u came back to aliens existing, being in possession of the us govt to sm new bg to lizzo lawsuit 😭😭 yes it is!! it’s gotten a shade lighter and ive been popping blond hairs in random spots 😭😭 my dad’s hair just went all blond bfwndjwk IT IS NOT ITS ACTUALLY STILL HERE IM COUGHING AS I TYPE! to welcome u back accept this guy sorry but what the fuck is going thru his head 😭😭
Why did Atletico buy everyone off, STAND UP, KOREA! But it's cool they followed Minho on Insta... Real it could've been you though /// People joke that the truck men going to SM should move in at this point, I wonder what the staff is thinking everytime they get to work and hear "5 TRUCKS TO SM BUILDING" probably "ah, shit here we go again"
NO BC WHEN I GOT THAT ATZ NOTIF THE WAY I RAN AND MY EYES WENT SO WIDE WHEN I SAW THE ATHLETICO SIGN CRYING glad they weren’t at real 😵‍💫 STAND UP KOREA !!!!! LMFAOOOO U KNOW RIYAL WOULD NEVER and seeing that jisoo x haaland 😭😭😭 CRYING THE FLOWER DANCE and buffon retiring 😀 & mbappe saga 😬 and dembele going to psg to book hospital beds w njr every 5 games 😮‍💨
I spoke about the ads on MVs thing with my friends, SM loves to promote and milk Dream, they're definitely the fave child, but THE FUCK. I was shocked by the amount of ads KQ bought, that's why they're the monster of capitalism. Meanwhile Exo, WayV, Taeyong got no ads from SM, just fan projects 🤡 I think it's alright until ads are more than 50% 😬
THIS 1000% it’s the way even after promo the real ones come on top 🤚🏻 like in the end, they are the actual popular ones according to those stats,,, yEAAAHH those kq ads def got them from that nft sponsor 😭😭😭 no bc for how long can fans just be taking care of cb’s like that??? i genuinely pray they all leave + ik taeyeon’s mad tired of the shit sm keeps doing her comeback delay and the concert things yeah i want this company perished
https://twitter.com/ohsenh/status/1683849629966929924?t=Rj_ydl1JWYrBLxCj28Hi9Q&s=19 /// EXO STAND UP PLEASE. This is so hsjahdhajshsjahagah I mean I can't blame them, but also.... kinda 🤨 https://twitter.com/idoIkjm/status/1683596731563524096?t=_Cza8huyrQN8M5wxj8Oe4w&s=19
PLS I SAW THAT THE WAY THEY DONT EVEN KNOW THE SONGS ON THE RECENT ALBUM???? WHAT?? EXO WAKE UP!!! like atp i gotta print lyrics to songs and bring to the concert bc ain’t no way they don’t rmr their most popular songs 😭😭😭 no bc that twt is factual,,,, maybe we need a live where they go thru all their songs singing 🤷🏻‍♀️ just a advice
I thought it said RIZZ 🙈 https://twitter.com/kchartsmaster/status/1685819714658787328?t=q4mgjw6KF62q4ATVd7jhig&s=19 yeah rise then realize SM is a fucking shitty company that wants to sabotage you, but hey no minors!
CRYING BC WE WILL CALL THEM RIZZ do u think the fandom name is rizzlers 😭😭😭 after these contract negotiations i hope the new bg signed it by reading everything like we know they’re trapped but don’t dig into it
TAEMIN AT A FOOTBALL EVENT GOT ME HOLLERING LIKE???? Good for him and the football fans were blessed by Jesus himself, but THOSE UNGRATEFUL MEN DIDN'T DESERVE TO WITNESS IT. He got Minho a pass awwww <3 /// Changbin was living his best life kicking that ball though, got Atletico cheesing at him lmao
AND IN THAT SKIRT AND CROP TOP ??????) HOLLER IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT I AM WHISTLING AT HIM THAT IS MY MAN! MY MAN! taesus blessed us irl like that like woah,, anon imagine he does heaven at his live concert and the beat drop just goes crazy (if he goes to have concerts outside of jp and kr that is) HE DEF GOT MINHO PASS AND THE FANCAM OF HIS 😭😭😭😭 atletico rly out here doing everything???? kpop x la liga would actually make me go crazy,,, bellingham and wooyoung in a room 😭😭
NOW LEE TAEMIN AT WATERBOMB THE SET LIST WENT CRAAAAZYYYY https://twitter.com/pawstaem/status/1685609669178601472?t=-ZTp_yPe42nJTi7IPHFvGQ&s=19 and performing at a night club, but the club's manager only hired him to attract women??? 🤨🤨🤨🤨
Omg WayV's Domino enthusiast, yes, actually WayV club songs are soooooo gooood too! Most stellar unit when it comes to discography, hoping for that comeback... Naaaaaaaurrrr https://twitter.com/smoldejuns/status/1685298189132578816?t=JhMzaeG9l1tAGrg5iOQg7A&s=19 it's not bad luck, it's SM's evil intentions
that entire album is so stunning like that is sm supremacy (music wise) THEY REALLY ARE their discography is genuinely so diverse yet cohesive and absolutely mental,, NO PLS NO 😭😭😭😭 XAIO no literally the word bad luck is a synonym for sm ent
Speaking of Ay-Yo, remember this monstrosity https://twitter.com/suhnified/status/1685549198299873280?t=el1phvesuqCFKsOVxARtzg&s=19 - $5 and no dream. Anyways, Summertime nostalgia that's it yes, I've been listening to a lot of Apink actually! Hard is definitely AOTY, I'd put Skz there too, even though I wasn't sure at first. Exist is definitely up there. I loved Ive's album too! Tbh I don't feel like I've heard a lot of albums so far...
damn cause why it look like a low budget boss mv 😭😭 5$ AND A DREAM LMFAOOO DECORATIONS FROM PARTY CITY 😭😭😭 omg apink literally have not heard that name in a while ok anon mr chu i see u 🤚🏻 hard supremacy actually gonna put exist there bc what the fuck did they put into love fool,, sweet misery is genius >>> did not end up listening to skz’s album 😭😭 AH UR RIGHT i also think the way there has been no full album drops like wHYS that concept disappearing???
Forever 1 anniversary 😭😭😭😭 SNSD I need you back, or at least release some solos. /// KQ won't pull an R&B comeback, because Ateez are in their rebel era, bringing the noize etc... but a girl can dream :/ but if the third installment in the Movement series is also the same, they're gonna lose me I'm afraid. Never thought I'd say that 😶
STOP BC OKAY I GET SNSD CAME BACK BUT WHAT ABOUT OH!GG??? WHERE ARE MY NUGUS ???? ,,,, kq can actually suck it, no r&b no nothing…oh wait u actually said something ive been thinking for a while idk i got a little idk and haven’t been able to shake it off but im on u w that one 🫡
These Junhui and Winwin edits are killing me agshsjahhsjahsjsjaa https://twitter.com/wayvjowo/status/1683820983336210432?t=R4iG2RcTNJnNohjGWRGbcA&s=19 /// Like 😭 https://twitter.com/minghaocheol_/status/1683716733939617793?t=sSnHbUKAS9rUwEN6zmzmkQ&s=19 /// Pause.... https://twitter.com/wonubliss/status/1684464557014814721?t=hubjawcOng7p8VrCBPIt0g&s=19 *Breakfast by NCT 127 playing in the distance*

wAIT BC LET THEM CONTINUE IM VERY INTERESTED,, the day it went on twt and all hell broke loose imagine being junhui rn and getting trolled by svt repeatedly 😭😭
Ok, but re: actor Taeyong in one of these cliche drama scenarios: a uni student who wears all black and is a loner, everyone's like "he's sketchy and weird!"or an office nerd who isn't treated seriously by anyone and people are like "ewww, look at him and his Nintendo" (ok this is basically the plot of Wallflower 😅) - totally ignoring the fact HE LOOKS LIKE THAT and his face card is insane
LMFAOOOO IMAGINE HIM IN THOSE SM DRAMA ERAS??? to the beautiful u but w taeyong 😭😭 NO BC I CAN SEE IT THEY NEED TO SEND HIM TO DRAMA SETS AND NOT THE BARRACKS speaking of barracks sehun’s going 😀 taeil and taeyong might leave this or next 😭😭 his face is brimmed with jaejoong’s genes like sm might hate jyj but if there’s no look alike of his in each of their groups that group don’t work
(And sorry Baeksy, but this appeared on my timeline, what a coincidence huh.....🏃🏼‍♀️https://twitter.com/taeyongpictures/status/1683865890532610049?t=A9ng2mZgCEOK1u9CqVvZqQ&s=19)
anon. it is 1 am right now.
I just know I would start smoking again after seeing 127 live. Me outside the venue chainsmoking: 🚬🚬🚬🚬 /// Saw a tweet that said "girl dinner but it's just a man's nose" - us about you know whose nose 🤭
This is where my friend saw Jamal filming 👁👁 https://twitter.com/jaesweats/status/1680891372558237696?t=ukTXlzfmwgturEnc6YJzFQ&s=19 btw
wait bc the vibes r so different than his character o he’s rly committing to that role fbmsdsm
I Watched Barbenheimer, literally had the outfit change too even though I wasn't planning on doing it, but I committed to the Barbie fit and got so cold. 😔 I quickly went home (I live next to the cinema) to change, lmao. I liked both movies, obviously Barbie was more interesting and fuuuuun and surpingsly profound, Oppenheimer was too long for such a serious and gut-wrenching movie tbh, but good acting and visual effects. Did you get to see Barbie?
did not watch them yet THERES NO THEATRES AVAILABLE 😭😭 anyway saw this and i dare say this is correct WAS IT GOOD??? i heard a lot of ppl cried watching barbie 😭😭 Oppenheimer anon, did u experience the jolt of when the thing explodes and it goes quiet and then bOOM happens??? saw some record it real time and they jolted from their seat,, heard there a scene where he recites the Gita while doing u know 😀 deets about the barbie fit rn 🔫
Also that shitty ass KQ app TokTcockq or whatever needs to be destroyed, I wanna watch Hwa's Animal Crossing live wtf, who gives a fuck about that app, I'm so mad... gatekeeping lives now 🔫🔫🔫🔫 /// Btw, happy belated Zfp1 anniversary to my fellow enthusiasts, that album was IT, idc what anyone says!
WAIT CAUSE UR RIGHT??? THERE HAVING LIVES ON THAT THING & WE HAVE NO IDEA ABT IT??? gate keeping lives and no translation like how do u ditch the thing that made ppl come to them??? we had SUBTITLES WHERE THEY GO?? zfp1 supremacy,, fever and thanxx supremacy like wow genuinely too 3 THAT ALBUM WAS IT!!! UR RIGHT FBENFBDN
The nip censorship?! ahgshahshajshshaaga, ok but this photo is GORGEOUS!!!! https://twitter.com/1024loops/status/1685590979238313985?t=FRh8iOtDvc5ut1zwI2WDvg&s=19 - I've only just realised it was a zipper..... 🙃 - DV 💖
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sorry like i forgot hwa for this week bc this man took my attention what the fUCK
damn bro treating him like a puppy
wait this list is actually fire??? the ferarri one got adam driver & hugh jackman in it??
not even a second into his career what
0 notes
eviltothecore13 · 2 years
OK so...Wesker is a weird person in a lot of ways (and I love him for it), we all know that, but...I do find it strange when people write him as if he’s literally from another planet and arrived on earth yesterday?
Like, I see portrayals of Wesker where he acts like a robot or a Vulcan and is immediately offputting/weirds people out even when he’s trying to act normal and blend in, and where everyone at STARS sees him as suspicious, cold, unfriendly, unlikeable...even though canonically he was well-liked, trusted and respected by the whole team, and according to Kenichi Iwao he was admired and seen as cool. And what we see of his interactions with the team while he’s still pretending to be on their side are...not overly formal or unnatural or in any way abnormal for a boss talking to subordinates in an organisation such as STARS?
Sometimes in fic he’s depicted as completely unfamiliar with all slang, even slang that existed when he was a teenager, or even phrases that aren’t really slang but are just slightly casual. And no, he wasn’t kept locked up in a lab for his entire childhood/teenage years...he got a PhD at 17, which means he was at university pretty much from age 11 onwards. (Even before that, the files don’t actually suggest he was literally raised in a lab, just raised and supervised/monitored by Umbrella employees...he shows far more skills in interacting with people than someone who was isolated throughout their childhood would be, and considering that leadership and skill in manipulating people were both valued by the project, and that they wanted to raise ambitious kids who could be successful in whatever field they chose, and apparently succeeded in this goal, it’s likely that the kids got a lot of practice at interacting with people from an early age.)
University involves interacting with people--working with them, living with them, and spending time around them for any extracurriculars (you can’t tell me this dramatic bitch wasn’t a theatre kid) or sports (which I believe some background info or writer comments somewhere say he excelled in? I can’t see him playing team sports, but even non-team-based sports involve interacting with other people, especially at university and especially if you’re good enough to compete...).
Wesker talks *fairly* formally most of the time himself (and he seemingly can’t say “fuck”), and I’m sure there are plenty of phrases he would be unfamiliar with (especially ones that didn’t exist when he was a teenager, or more regional stuff), but the idea he wouldn’t understand a single colloquial phrase and needs everything worded like a lab report at all times is just too far. (And is contradicted by how we see him talking to people in the games...the guy makes a “cops are pigs” joke in RE1, come on, he won’t be totally lost every time someone uses a phrase that’s not really formal.)
...Talking of jokes, he has a sense of humour. Both in terms of sarcasm, and truly terrible puns like “your future HINGES upon this fight!”. He’s not 100% grim and humourless and serious all the time, he’s not going to get angry with people at STARS for displaying the slightest hint of a sense of humour (remember, he was a “moderate and fair” leader).
(So, yes, Wesker probably would say “apartment complex? I find it quite simple”, but because he has a terrible and painful sense of humour--not because he’s never heard of an apartment complex.)
He’s also not totally clueless about pop culture--far from it, given that he’s one of only two Capcom characters (the other being Viewtiful Joe whose entire personality is based around being a fanboy) to recognise the Marvel characters in MVC3 (this was pre-MCU, too, so this ACTUALLY makes him a nerd and not just someone who doesn’t live under a rock)--and you can’t tell me him stealing moves from Street Fighter and The King Of Fighters, or starting to dress like a Matrix character after getting Matrix powers, is a coincidence. Netflix show canon adding Star Trek to that list is honestly quite fitting. (This is of course in addition to him being very familiar with non-pop-culture, referencing things like mythology and having a lot of books in his office at STARS, playing piano offscreen in Lost In Nightmares, etc.)
Occasionally I’ve even seen him depicted as totally unaware of anything that goes on the world (e.g. politics, even though he shows quite a bit of awareness of that at least as it relates to his job and I feel like it’s more in-character for him to want to keep up with the news and be aware of stuff, he’s not someone who narrowly focuses on just his research, he’s someone who likes to be knowledgeable in a wide variety of areas) and unable to function outside of a lab. Like...no, that’s Will if it’s anyone...Arklay was only accessible by helicopter for a few years, true, though it later became more accessible e.g. by train from Raccoon City (by the time of the mansion incident, files like the keeper’s diary mention Arklay employees visiting partners/family/etc on days off, so it doesn’t seem to have stayed totally isolated for long), but...they still have phones, they have computers, and Wesker as chief researcher likely travelled to Umbrella conferences etc, not to mention spending 6 years in the army, and anywhere else he might have travelled to on missions as an intelligence agent...he’s also definitely not living at Arklay while he’s at STARS, he’s only there occasionally, he almost certainly just lives in Raccoon City at this point. (Comics!Wesker also has a wakizashi on his desk, making it quite likely he’s been to Japan...obviously that’s not canon, but it was present in concept art for the games, I like to think the only reason it’s not there in RE2 is that he took it with him.) There really isn’t much evidence for him being extremely isolated/never having left Arklay.
And there’s a lot of evidence for him being very skilled at interacting with people, as a leader (officer in the Army; trusted and well-liked at STARS; managed to get a bunch of older/more experienced scientists to listen to and obey him as chief researcher when he was just 18) and in terms of manipulating people, rising up through the ranks at various organisations, etc...he’s pretty much an expert at getting people on his side, getting them to like him, gaining their trust, it doesn’t make sense for him to act like an alien who just landed on earth/someone who lives under a rock/etc in social situations.
(Some of these fics also make him extremely awkward or repressed when it comes to sex and uh...we’re talking about someone who dresses in tight leather outfits with a COLLAR, has lines like “I’ll play with you” and “Submit” in MVC3 along with some almost as Interesting lines in the games, generally said with the kind of smirk that suggests he knows EXACTLY what he’s saying. I’m not a fan of the versions of him that are having sex with every other character in the series either, I think he considers most people to not be worth his time/attention/interest on that front, but I don’t think he’s repressed.)
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