#leaves things at ur door like a barn cat 💀
thetoaddaddy · 1 year
Notes: Could be any universe mod/in uni/feudal. Up to you. Implied it is a world with demons/monsters and humans and they are aware of each other but the relationships aren’t that friendly. He’s a weird but a simple gollum like creature that Aina takes in lol
When Jiraiya decided to float down the mountain stream he wasn’t sure what to expect. The toads told him he wasn’t normal. He couldn’t be seen by humans. But he was curious to see them. His amphibious family always talked about humans and their strange ways. He didn’t want to stay on the mountain all his life. Just once… Once wouldn’t hurt. 
Eventually he came across a farm. A pack seemed far too risky.  The toads told him humans would hunt a thing like him. Whatever being a.. thing is. So maybe only one or two humans to observe would be okay. 
He liked the human he came across. A girl. Hard working and quiet. She farmed during the day and retreated into a wooden structure at nighttime. He noticed she didn’t hunt. As a creature that mainly ate meat, Jiraiya didn’t understand. 
So he brought her food. Maybe if he gave gifts then she would like him! Food good! He caught her a deer… but she was upset when he left it at the entrance of her wood cave. Eventually men from the village down the road hauled it off for her. 
He tried a few things. Birds. Groundhogs. Fish… ah fish she liked! When he left fish she took it in. 
Unfortunately his endeavours in fishing for a human as a token of friendship ended in getting caught. He caught a fish but something wasn’t right. A sharp object prodded his cheek and he had no choice but to follow it as it yanked him. When his head breached the water it stopped. He sat there… perched in a crouch at the river bank, fingers prying at the hook in his cheek. The human he grown fond of staring in disbelief. 
He is a strange sight. He’s been told that he is a reject by his toad family. A large body like a mans with features that aren’t so human. Clawed hands and feet that are webbed. Bumps freckle his skin in places like how a toad has warty skin. A wide mouth full if sharp teeth. Horizontal flat pupils set in larger eyes. They can catch and reflect the smallest bit of light, making them quite eerie. Red markings that trail down his face. All wrapped in messy long white hair that drapes and clings to his large form. 
While he struggled to pick the hook out his eyes didn’t leave his new friend. Eventually he did get it out and he placed the fish at her feet. He stares. Eyes fixated on her now that they were close to each other. He offered a gift. He only hopes she accepts it. 
She did. 
He kept coming back. Mouthful of fish that he dropped at her wood cave. The human was seemingly okay with him. He drops off food. She likes the food. She lets him wander around the farm. Everything was quite new to a lonely mountain demon. Human tools. Human habits. Human structures. She didn’t speak toad. Eventually she got him something called clothes. Apparently it isn’t normal to be naked. It seemed to fluster her whenever he stood up in all his naked glory. 
“Kii…mooohhh…” Jiraiya sounds out. “No!” 
He beams a bright smile full of his teeth. His fingers pointing to the article of clothing she gave him. Human words are still new to him. His nice human, called Aina he learned, invited him into her wood cave. He was hunched over something called a table in a room meant for eating. She was doing something called cooking. The smells were new. He didn’t quite get it. But he was just happy to be here. 
Getting up Jiraiya decided to observe. He loomed over Aina’s back, watching her stir something in another something called a pot. He liked being close to her. As he stares he chirps some of the first words of human he ever learned. 
“What doing?” 
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