olaineerz · 29 days
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Kinda proud of this honestly, however, drawing Gummigoo was HELL (only for me ig)
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gaybananabread · 2 months
tadc headcanons perhaps? Any character, lee or ler
☆—TADC Main Cast Tkl Headcanons—⁠☆
~How about all of them? This took forever; I live in shame. But hey, they're done now, so…yay! LONG so prepare to read for a sec. Thank you for your patience, and I hope you Enjoy!~
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This wet dog of a clown definitely loves tickles.
She just thinks it’s nice that there’s a way to just laugh without needing to think about anything else: a way to just disconnect and enjoy oneself.
A lee-leaning switch. Loves being tickled, but occasionally wants to make someone else giggle and squirm.
She gets lee moods pretty frequently, though she rarely tries to fix them. Girl is way too anxious to actually ask for what she wants
Sometimes, one of her fellow players will notice and step in and help, usually Kinger or Ragatha.
She’s a squirmer for sure. Make sure you’ve got a good grip, or she’ll wriggle away (not for long, but still)
If you get her really good, she’ll squeak like a stress toy. It flusters the hell out of her if you tease about it.
Worst spots are her sides, which get loud squeaks if you squeeze them. Navel is sorta bad as well, but she can handle it a lot longer.
Melt spot is her neck, specifically under her chin. She can and will fall asleep if you stay there too long.
She’s a softer ler to everyone but Jax. He deserves it honesty-
Gentle tickles, small teases, compliments. Her goal is to make you happy.
“Wow, you’ve got a really pitchy laugh. No, don’t stop, it’s nice.”
“Thanks for not squirming away. Oh, c’mon, I can tell.”
“You’re so soft… I’ve gotta do this more often.”
Really easy to fluster if you can think through the giggles; a quick compliment or praise has her burning.
Her ler moods are usually spurred by something else, like walking in on a tickle fight or hearing the t-word a certain way.
To fix a mood, she’ll usually just go up to Ragatha or Kinger and wiggle her fingers. They usually get the message pretty quickly.
Pretty decent with aftercare. She’s a cuddle bug, but if you’re not big on touch, she’ll find a blanket for you. Other than that, you’ll have to ask.
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The chaos man is a pure switch.
Once he finds out that tickling can affect him and works oh-so-well on his friends, he makes sure to abuse that knowledge whenever possible.
I mean, laughter is better than abstraction, right?
The first time he’s tickled is the most confusing moment of his existence.
Like, what? Someone wiggles their fingers somewhere, and it feels like little fuzzy zaps under his digital skin? Crazy.
Once he gets past that, though, the toothy man loves every bit of the odd sensation he can get.
He’ll provoke the players, casually throw the t-word into speeches, or make NPCs to do the job for him (nobody knows about these guys though)
He tries to hold still, but don’t be surprised if he randomly teleports mid-tickle. It always flusters him when he has to go back and ask for it to continue.
Worst spots are his sides and underarms. He’ll screech.
He’s not really all that ticklish anywhere else though, each spot only getting little giggles and titters.
Doesn’t really have a melt spot, though he loves belly tickles. It’s not a bad spot at all for him, but he likes feeling “normal” and connected to the players in that sense.
Sometimes, if you really get him laughing, the sound will glitch. It’s utterly adorable to hear.
Run as fast as you can, my friends.
Ler moods come to him for completely random reasons. If he sees someone sad or stressed, if they laugh just a bit too sweetly, if they’re being too sassy: they’re done for.
He uses his digital powers to subdue lees. If you’re hiding? He’ll teleport to you. Fighting him off? Bubbles come and snag your wrists. If you genuinely don’t want him to, he’ll let you go. Other than that, good luck.
“Oh my! You’re quite ticklish, aren’t you?”
“You can’t, hmm? Can’t what? Can’t handle it? Can’t tell me to stop? I’d love to know what’s going through your mind, dear!”
“It tickles, does it? How about I add a few feathers; I hear they’re all the rage among humans!”
He’s really hard to fluster when he’s tickling. Teasy lees, you might have met your match.
Sort of okay with aftercare? He doesn’t understand it at first, but he tries. Head pats and water are his go-to, but he’ll do more if you ask.
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Sassy rabbit feels like a ler-leaning switch.
He’s always willing to wreck a bitch, but doesn’t mind the occasional laugh or two for himself.
When he’s feeling lonely or touch starved, tickles are his go-to in either direction.
While on the rare side, his lee moods are intense.
Blushes, small giggles, antsy demeanor, flinching from small touches: not exactly discreet.
If another player notices (which almost always happens), he’ll deny and fight it ‘til the cows come home. You’ve gotta fight to give him what he wants.
He’s a flailer for sure. Donkey kicks and stray elbows are his specialty.
Worst spots are his ears, specifically the bases. They get him cackling almost instantly.
Melt spots are the tops of his knees. Nobody really ever targets them, but he goes nearly limp if a few spidering fingers land there.
If you get him just right, he’ll thump his feet against the floor. He dies if you tease him about it.
Evil son of a gun, so watch your back.
He lives for a good chase. Will probably try and tease you into running, just so he can trap and catch you.
Very verbal and teasing. He has zero shame in turning you red as a rose.
“You got ten seconds to run, doll. Better make ‘em count~”
“Aww, what’s the matter? Can’t bring your arms down? That’s alright; I’ll make sure you have some fun~”
“You sure do scream a lot, sweet cheeks. I’d cover my ears if they didn’t sound so cute.”
Very smug man, not an easily flustered ler. It really takes some confident prodding or skill to get him.
He uses his tall man advantage every time. Holding a lee up by their arms, using his legs to keep them sitting, putting something on a tall shelf and attacking whenever they try to get it: the list goes on.
He’s actually pretty good with aftercare, even if he doesn’t like to admit it.
He’ll make sure you’re okay and get you water, though he’ll act like it’s such a chore. After that, it’s either cuddles because you “look like death warmed over,” or a special snack to “keep you from annoying him.”
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She’s a switch, not really leaning in one direction or the other.
Loves tickling because it can make the other players laugh, which they all desperately need. She knows she does.
She’s incredibly shy when she gets in a lee mood. Good luck getting her to do anything productive or coherent until she’s helped.
While she tries holding still, she can’t help but curl up. You’ll need to hold her arms above her head or get used to moving with her.
I like to think she’s got a louder, more obnoxious-sounding laugh (no projection, you have 0 proof-)
Lots of snorts, cackles, and little hiccup-squeaks.
Speaking of which, the easiest way to fluster her is to compliment her laugh. She’s self-conscious about it, so literally any praise will have her coming apart at the seams (hehehe pun)
Worst spots are her neck and back, specifically her shoulder blades. She cannot handle massages around there.
Melt spots are her belly and thighs. Some gentle traces or pokes in either of those areas has her in giggle heaven.
She's incredibly sweet, though she's got a different way of doing things for certain people.
With most of the circus members, she's soft and playful. Light touches, quick scribbles and small teases.
“You're such a wiggle worm, giggles. Try to hold still for me, will you?”
“Aww, look at that adorable blush. I'm glad to know you're having fun!”
For select individuals (Jax and anyone misbehaving), she's playfully mean and a touch ruthless. Fast squeezes and very teasy attacks.
“Aww, that spot’s pretty sensitive, huh? I should tell the others; I'm sure they'd love a chance to see you like this!”
She's surprisingly strong, able to pin pretty much all of the players. If you wanna try escaping, get ready for a good fight.
She's amazing with aftercare. She'll make sure you're alright, get you a drink, and swaddle you in a soft blanket for cuddles.
If you aren't big on touch, she'll get you the finest digital cuisine (basically asking Caine for your favorite food) and whatever else you can think of.
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This ribbon girl is very much a lee.
If she does tickle anyone, it’s an extremely rare one-off occasion.
She’s just more comfortable with being tickled, for a number of reasons.
Doesn’t want to risk pushing someone’s boundaries, uncomfortable touching them, or just a general not-wanting-too feeling.
Lee moods are about as rare as pebbles for her. They’re pretty obvious, too.
Tightly coiled posture, a giddy look on her face (biggest giveaway), and very nonchalant staring at people’s hands.
Needless to say, everyone is clued in almost immediately.
She has no shame in wiggling around and unraveling, though she does actually want to get away. It’s fun, and it usually gets her ler to tease her.
Worst spots are the inner parts of her midsection ribbons. She will absolutely try to unravel and slip out of your arms if you try it.
Melt spot is her mask, specifically the back of it. As long as she’s wearing it, she’ll feel the tickles. Girly melts into a giddy puddle in your arms.
Her laughter is really pitchy, with plenty of squeaks and squeals to go around. Kind of like a mouse on helium (great way to tease her, as long as it’s done kindly)
Gets flustered VERY easily. You won’t have to try hard unless you really want to.
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The softest lee-leaning switch you'll ever meet.
He loves tickles, though you won't catch him openly admitting it. It's too embarrassing for him
He gets lee moods frequently, though he's willing to help a friend with theirs if they need it.
He's decently shy, never coming out and asking for tickles. He usually just suffers in silence until Ragatha notices.
On a rare day where he's stable and confident, he'll tease Pomni or the ragdoll to try and provoke it.
It rarely works how he'd like, but they almost always realize that he's in a lee mood. Failed successfully.
He'll squirm around like a literal worm, though he can't help it. Lucky for his ler, he's pretty much a walking tickle spot.
If one spot is blocked, another opens up.
His worst spot is his stomach. He goes silent when anyone gets him there, save for the occasional squeak or gasp.
Melt spot is the top of his head on the little cross thing. He'll lean right into it, maybe even fall asleep.
He's got a really squeaky, pitchy laugh. If you get him really laughing, he'll start to snort and flap his hands.
If one of his fellow players is close to abstraction or just needs some cheering up, he'll be there.
He's got a very soft, lightly teasing style. Doesn't really push anyone to their limits unless they really want him to.
“Of all the bugs in my collection, I must say I have a favorite…the Tickle Bug!”
“Those are some cute giggles, friend. So glad you could share them with me!”
“Of course I can help with your…predicament. Now, arms up for me, dear.”
Kind of the dad of the circus. He's always there to help if need be.
Super great with aftercare. 80% of the time, he'll tickle you in his fort. That means pillowy cuddles afterwards and a nice nap.
If that's not your thing, he's more than willing to accommodate. As long as you're happy, he's happy.
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This preschool toy mashup gives me strong ler vibes.
They don’t seem like someone who’d like to be tickled unless the ler was EXTREMELY close to them and knew their boundaries by heart.
They’re an absolutely despicable little shit.
Worst spot targeting, slightly mean teases, and the CHASES!
They could throw their arm at the fleeing lee, and it’d all be over. The thing could latch onto their worst spot and wiggle away, leaving the lee unable to do anything but wait for Zooble to catch up.
It doesn’t take a lot to provoke them, but if you want a proper wrecking, you’ll have to work for it. They don’t get annoyed enough to destroy someone easily.
VERY teasy, almost unfairly so.
“Tickles, does it? Maybe if you hadn’t been such a pain in the *boink*, this wouldn't be happening.”
“You brought this on yourself, ya know. Every unbearably ticklish second of it.”
“What? Not my fault this is your worst spot. Get less ticklish.”
Have you seen that lobster claw thing? You can’t tell me that thing wouldn’t tickle like crazy.
For aftercare, they try their respective best. They’ll pat your back, maybe give you a head rub.
After that, they’ll typically bring their undoubtably exhausted lee to Kinger’s pillow fort for a much-needed nap.
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danineedshelp · 7 months
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Anon don't you dare ask how long this took just enjoy the art
This took 2hours and 13minutes💀😗Dont worry my hands aren't dead...yet
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colinthegaycomputer · 8 months
Pillow Fort Tickles
(Hi! This is my first tickle fic, so if it like sucks then my bad fellas. Anywho, enjoy!)
Ler: Kinger Lee: Pomni
Today’s adventure had been a disaster. Long story short, Caine had unleashed some absolutely horrific critter into the circus, leaving all of it’s occupants in quite a difficult situation. Ragatha, Gangle, and Jax were hurt, Pomni was shaken up, and Zooble had fucked off somewhere else. Kinger was (surprisingly) the only one left in even a slightly good mental state as he had hidden in his “fortress”.
After what seemed like a good hour or two (to Kinger atleast) after the adventure, he heard a light knock on the pillow that was placed where a door would be. Kinger moved it slightly out of the way and peeked his head out, only to be met with the eyes of Pomni.
“Oh! Pomni! How can I assist you?” He asked, slightly tilting his head to the side.
Pomni looked down, “I was just- uh- wondering if I could- umm..- come in.?” She pointed at the fort.
“Why of course!” Kinger slightly moved aside to make room for her to enter.
The fort was surprisingly spacious on the inside, with a corner dedicated to a few bug enclosures to another corner, visibly comfier than the rest, that Pomni could only assume was meant for resting. Eventually, Kinger’s voice snapped her out of her deep thought.
“Would you like to hear about my bug collection??”
Pomni nodded, watched him pull out a few bugs from seemingly nowhere and then begin his infodump. One thing that Pomni didn’t notice, however, was the bug slowly making it’s way to her side. Kinger, on the other hand, did notice and quickly scooped the bug up, accidentally grazing his hand over Pomni’s middle, making her squeak. He immediately paused and looked up at her.
“What was that??”
Pomni’s face was quickly turning a bright red.
Kinger, didn’t believe a word of that. He repeated his action just to test it. Once again, Pomni squeaked.
“Don’t do that!” Pomni’s face grew redder with each passing second.
“Are you ticklish?”
Pomni didn’t respond. That was enough of an answer for Kinger. He put down his bugs and poked her a few times, making her choke down a giggle or two. She reached out to attempt to stop Kinger and grab his hands, which made Kinger simply push her hands out of the way and continue his attack.
After a few minutes, he decided to up his game. Going from pokes to soft tickles on her stomach. Pomni’s giggles finally started to pour out. She covered her mouth to muffle the noise. Kinger paused for a moment to move her hand before immediately going back to business.
“Don’t silence yourself! I want to hear your laughter!” He playfully scolded.
Eventually though, Pomni was able to regain her control and hold back her giggles.
In order to break the barrier, Kinger began to scribble at her ribs. This provoked a shriek from the poor, little jester.
The chess piece giggled at her as he continued his onslaught for a few seconds longer before letting up and taking his hands away.
“Are you okay??”
Pomni was a tired, giggly mess.
Kinger gently picked her up, took her over to the comfy corner that Pomni had seen earlier, and gently placed her down. She yawned and softly rubbed her eyes, clearly exhausted. Kinger sat down next to her and simply watched. After a few long minutes, she succumbed to her weariness and fell asleep. Kinger sighed.
“Queenie would’ve adored you.”
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ghastigiggles · 8 months
danse macabre
so uh. uhm. hi. i kept forgetting to post this and i feel really bad about it. i'm so sorry tadc nation here's some food for you
npc oc because i didnt feel comfortable writing anyone as a ler - not yet, anyway. but pomni needed to get wrecked so bad. she's so cute. i get cuteness aggression every time she's on screen
usual disclaimer; sfw tickling fic, very soft and fluffy, even a little goofy and silly.
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"Given that our last adventure took an exciting turn, I thought doing a rerun would be a better idea today!"
A rippling groan passed through the veteran players that Caine seemed to entirely ignore, turning his attention to Pomni with an exaggerated movement.
"Something a little more calm, I'd say! Should help bring you down from any thoughts of the Void from the other day!"
"Ahh… I don't –"
"You'll love it," He interrupted, swooping back into the air with an extravagant gesture; "It's a fan favourite! Everyone knows it, everyone loves it, it's… 'Where in the World is Sir Wigglesburg?'!"
Pomni, of course, didn't miss the way everyone else in the room tensed up – though she didn't catch the way Gangle actually perked instead, immediately shooting sideways glances at everyone else before poorly mirroring their tension. 
"... You're kiddin'," Jax muttered, his eyes narrowing in annoyance. Caine simply continued as though he didn't hear the rabbit while Bubble floated nearby with an empty look in her eyes.
"Sir Wigglesburg is one of our most esteemed citizens –"
"Not an actual player," Ragatha helpfully cut in with a glance to Pomni, trying to give her context.
" – with a terrible habit of wandering off! His dear wife has, once again, asked us – rather, you – to lend a helping hand and bring him home safe! The first to lead Sir Wigglesburg back to the stage shall win a prize! (To be determined, prize may or may not meet or exceed expectations.) Good luck!"
And, with no further context or instruction, their ringmaster and his companion entirely disappeared. There was a brief silence before Zooble grunted, already walking away.
"... Right. I'm going back to my room, then."
"Aww, somebody too chicken to help the poor guy?"
Jax sneered in their direction, and they shot him a searing glare; "Well, if you want a repeat of last time, be my guest. I don't."
"I will also take my leave," Kinger muttered in a hurried fashion, looking askance; "The last time we did this, it was before… Mngh…"
Ragatha offered him a sympathetic smile, nodding as the other two softened just slightly. 
"It's alright, Kinger. We understand."
"Thank you… If you do take on the quest, give Sir my best." 
With that, both Zooble and Kinger headed towards the living quarters, leaving Pomni to finally pipe up again, looking between Ragatha and Jax.
"... So, um… W-what's so upsetting about the rerun, anyway? Is it, um, bad…?"
"Oh – no, not – not per se," The ragdoll replied quickly, tapping her chin; "I mean, Caine wasn't lying… This is one of the calmer adventures."
"Yeah. You should do it, newbie."
Both sets of eyes snapped to Jax, who simply grinned passively. Ragatha squinted.
"... And I don't suppose you'd be coming along?"
"I will, actually. Could be funny. What about you, Rags?"
Though she grimaced, Ragatha sighed in resignation, turning a little to give Pomni a small smile.
"Well, I'm not gonna let her go it alone… Again."
That much, at least, gave Pomni heart, and she almost smiled back – until she realized one of their party wasn't accounted for, and her brow furrowed.
"Uh… Where's Gangle?"
The other two also seemed to only just notice Gangle's absence, and the three of them glanced around briefly before their search was cut short by a distant shriek from the player in question.
"That sounded like her…!"
"Is she getting hurt?! W-what if someone else abstracted?!" Pomni shot them a panicked glance; "Sh-should we –"
"Let's go investigate before anything else," Jax interrupted calmly, barely keeping the amusement from his face as he gestured for Pomni to take the lead. When Ragatha shot him a glare, he simply shrugged, following after her with the ragdoll shortly behind.
They had little more than a vague direction, down a corridor and two left turns that seemed to dim the further along they went; Gangle made no further sounds, giving them little in the way of direction, and eventually Pomni sighed haplessly, squinting into the darkness.
"... It's no use… Should – should we go find Caine again…?"
She was met with silence, and turned around – only to find Ragatha and Jax were nowhere to be seen, and her stomach dropped with dread.
"... Guys…?"
"Ooh? Who is this…? A face I've yet to see and greet?"
At a new voice, Pomni yelped, whipping around – and coming face-to-face with what appeared to be some kind of massive, cartoonish caterpillar. His body appeared to be covered in green fur, disappearing into the darkness past his neck – or so Pomni assumed at first glance, anyway. His face and what could only be described as underbelly were covered in white fur that parted around his features, such as a long purple nose and big black eyes – one of which sported a golden monocle. And, of course, his hands had the same cartoon glove sort of thing that Kinger had going on, though this time with black noodle arms seemingly attached.
In her shock, she entirely lost her voice, merely stammering wordlessly – and earning a chuckle from the caterpillar looming over her. 
"Such a small thing, you are! 'Tis a pleasure, indeed!" 
Smiling, he extended one of his hands for a shake, a gesture that finally managed to pull Pomni from her stupor.
"I am Sir Wigglesburg! And you, my gentile jester, would be…?"
"A-ahhh…" Though hesitant, she extended her own hand, despite it being barely half the size of his own, "P-Pomni – woah –!"
The moment their palms yet, Wigglesburg pulled her closer, twirling her around so suddenly that her eyes spun in alternating directions – and as she was steadied again, pulled along by his sudden movements, she was abruptly made aware of his overwhelming amount of hands, with a second dominant one taking her free hand to hold her steady while two more settled on her back and hip, respectively.
"Pomni, Pomni! A wondrously adorable and charming name! Please, indulge me with a dance – 'tis a formal greeting between my people!"
"I – I'm actually – ah!"
The hand on her hip pinched her side unexpectedly, making her jerk in an attempt to escape – yet Wigglesburg easily moved with her reflexive maneuver like it was a step in her dance.  
"I'm actually – ehh! – l-looking for s – hey! – some – sohome –"
The hand squeezed again, and again, and again; and every time, she tried to sidestep or wiggle away – and every time, it just encouraged their "dance", with Wigglesburg's gentle but firm grip keeping her upright despite the giggles bubbling in her chest and the involuntary smile that had been pulling at her lips. 
"My dear Pomni," Wigglesburg crooned as though she wasn't struggling to articulate a sentence; "You are a wonderful dancer!"
" – Ghhh, thank you…? But I – ah!! – would you plehease –"
She squeaked again as she was suddenly pulled into a dip, very nearly panicking before she realized Wigglesburg was still supporting her gently. His wide smile was kind and sweet, but undercut by the mischief in his eyes as he looked down at her.
"... That said, you are giggling quite a lot! I didn't think dancing with a wyrm would be that much fun for you!"
"I-It's not the dancing – GyaAH –"
"Is it not?" 
Pomni couldn't manage a reply, stuck in a fit of uncontrollable giggles caused by the fingers wiggling at both sides, forcing her to squirm back and forth with no true escape from the unexpected and overwhelming sensation. Wigglesburg hummed, tilting his head with an adoring expression.
"I say, I was under the impression that it was the jester who caused nobles to laugh, not the other way around! Yet, here you are, practically beside yourself…"
For a mercy, he did release her hands, and she immediately brought her arms in – not that they did much, proportionately, to protect her. 
"Aheheh, I can't – I cahahan't –"
"Oh, my poor dear, does it tickle? Are we feeling a little sensitive?"
She hiccuped through her laughter at that, shaking her head and ducking down; it felt like the teasing sent a shot through her nerves, which only made it worse when he started scratching experimentally at her ribs, prompting a few snorts to escape her as well.
"Ngh – nahahaa, not th - thehehere…!"
"What? Here? Or here – oh, dear me."
His hands shot to Pomni's underarms for just a few seconds, but it was enough to prompt a shriek from her, wriggling and kicking fruitlessly with even more vigour than before.
"NnnoOHOHO – gh – $%^@# – I cahAAHAAN'T –!"
"Yes, I can see that! 'Twould seem that 'tis an especially sensitive spot."
She threw back her head with a loud cackle as Wigglesburg doubled down, every stroke of his fingers sending shocks down her arms and through her body – but she only had to endure it a moment longer before he finally laid off, lightly massaging her sides with his thumbs as she gasped for breath – an act that was more instinctual than actually necessary, given that breathing wasn't really a thing anymore – with a goofy, natural smile still stuck on her face.
"I do hope you can forgive my zeal in tormenting you," Wigglesburg offered after a moment, smiling apologetically; "I cannot help myself around the players."
"I – it's… Haah…" With a final breath, Pomni shook out the residual giggles, looking back up at Wigglesburg; "It's alright…"
"Oh, I figured! You never once asked me to stop, after all."
She stiffened at that, her eyes widening as she searched her memory – because, surely not… And yet, he was right.
She had no idea if the digital avatar could blush, but with how hot her face felt upon that realization, she really, really hoped it couldn't.
"But enough of that – you were searching for someone, yes?"
"Uh! Um. Y-yeah. You, actually, but also – Gangle, if you've seen her…"
"Oh! My dear Gangle has been here all along!"
Pomni blinked dumbly, and Wigglesburg chuckled, curling in on himself and cradling her close as his spine arched up to where she could see clearly – and, sure enough, Gangle was splayed out in the wyrm's green fur, seeming a little sleepy and out of it… Yet, content, even as she looked up and waved at Pomni.
"But… Her scream…"
"'Twas a scream of joy and laughter," Wigglesburg assured her; "Gangle is one of my favorite dancing partners – and I, hers! I admit, I went overboard this time, though… It has been too long since the last time."
A lot of things made sense, now. The way everyone had seemed tense and awkward when Wigglesburg's name came up; Gangle's quiet disappearance in the wake of the adventure's start. The little comments everyone was making towards each other… 
"Pomni! Are you alright?!"
Ragatha's voice pulled Pomni from her thoughts, and she looked down to see the ragdoll standing below, looking up with faint relief… And heavy amusement. Shortly behind her stood Jax, smug as ever – yet, notably, keeping a good generous distance between himself and the wyrm.
"Uh. Yeah," Pomni replied; "I found Gangle? And… And Sir Wigglesburg."
"We know. We heard you," Jax chuckled, easily side-stepping to avoid a tiny kick from Ragatha. For her part, the doll smiled.
"That's great! Let's head back to the stage and wrap up this adventure, then!"
Sir Wigglesburg, however, pouted a little, looking down at her.
"Oh, are you sure I can't convince you to share just one dance with me…?"
"Ahh… Maybe next time?"
Ragatha offered him a nervous smile, and Wigglesburg sighed dramatically – but he didn't object, simply setting Pomni on his back near Gangle before he began to crawl along on the path back to the stage. Distantly, Jax grumbled about not being offered a ride as he and Ragatha followed on foot.
In the softness of his fur, Pomni felt a tempting urge to "nod off", partially encouraged by the dance she'd just been through – but Gangle's voice, just barely loud enough to be heard – kept her in the waking world.
"... I'm glad you like his game. I've been the only one for awhile… Knowing someone else likes it makes me feel less weird."
And, with a small nod in response, Pomni hid her smile in the wyrm's fur.
Maybe not every part of the digital circus was terrible or terrifying.
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ticklyfluffstuff · 8 months
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Tickletober 2023 day 15: tickle fight
First time drawing tword art of the cast.
Gotta use the ragdoll gal and anxious clown girl to get each other.
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spookyghostbunny · 8 months
Throws this fic at you then runs
The circus members couldn't help but to feel sorry for their new little jester. Everybody who enters the digital realm has similar reactions, but Pomni was a constant walking ball of anxiety. You couldn't blame her. The overly bright colors alone were enough to drive anyone insane.
Ragatha was absolutely furious. Jax had played yet another cruel prank on her, and she was out for revenge. On her way to confront the prankster, she spotted Pomni's picture. Poor Pomni. Even her own door displayed how fearful she was. It made Ragatha's digital heart ache more for the girl.
Completely forgetting about Jax, she lifted her hand and delivered a few hesitant knocks. "Pomni! It's me, Ragatha! I was uh- wondering if you... wanted to talk? I understand if you don't! That's completely cool, and I respect if you didn't want to! You don't really know me, and you probably want to be alone-"
Ragatha's rambling was cut off when she noticed a pair of nervous colorful eyes staring up at her.
Were Pomni's eyes always that cute?
Ragatha flushed and shook her head. "Oh! Hey, Pomni! M-may I come in?"
Pomni nodded, leaving the door open for the doll as she went back inside. Ragatha followed, sitting down on the bed next to the smaller girl.
After a few minutes of awkward silence, Ragatha tried to strike up a conversation. "So! How... How are you doing?"
Pomni glanced up at her before looking back down at her hands. "I- I don't know anymore... I'm still convinced this is a t-terrible nightmare.... Sh-shouldn't I have w-waken up by n-now?" Ragatha could feel Pomni trembling beside her.
Ragatha's eyes soften as she puts a hand on Pomni's shoulder. "Hey, it's ok, new stuff. I understand how you feel... We all do. You'll get used to things eventually and-"
"BUT I DON'T WANT TO GET USED TO THIS! I WANT TO LEAVE- NEED TO LEAVE! I CAN'T STAND BEING HERE A SECOND LONGER!" Pomni curls up into a ball, hiding her face in her arms. "I just want to go home..."
Ragatha was surprised by Pomni's outburst. Each word sent another sharp pang through her heart. Not wanting to make things worse, she quickly thought of ways that could help her friend? feel better.
A silly idea popped into her mind. Hmm... This might just work.
Carefully as to not startle her more, Ragatha pulled the jester onto her lap. Pomni looked at her with a mixture of confusion and surprise. "R-Ragatha?"
The doll smirks, forming her hands into claws and wigging them above Pomni.
The anxious jester squeaked when she realized what was about to happen. "Wait! Ragatha- Nohohoho!" She immediately giggles when Ragatha starts scribbling her sides. She weakly kicks and squirms, but she doesn't put up much of a fight.
Ragatha's smirk melts into a fond smile. This was the first time she saw a genuine smile on Pomni's face. And her laughter is adorable! The doll just had to hear more of it. "Aww! Is the newbie ticklish?~ Tickle tickle, Pomni!~" She teased, moving down to squeeze Pomni's hips.
Pomni's giggles turned into full blown laughter. "Nahahaha! D-dohon't tehehehease!" Pomni cried, hiding her blushy face in her hands. She was actually starting to feel a bit better. It felt nice to laugh and let go after feeling so many negative emotions.
"Why? Does it make the tickles worse?~"
"Yehehes!!" Pomni squeals, lightly bapping at the doll's plush arms.
Ragatha just laughed. Pomni was truly adorable.
5 minutes later Ragatha slows her tickling until she finally comes to a stop. She holds Pomni close, rubbing away the phantom tickles. "How are you doing now, Pom?"
Pomni snuggles against Ragatha, still feeling very giggly. "Fihihine.... Thank you."
"Anytime, new stuff."
They sat there cuddling and enjoying each other's company for a while.
Suddenly, Ragatha remembered something important. "Wanna help me get back at a certain rabbit?"
For the first time, Ragatha saw some mischief in Pomni's colorful eyes.
(You don't wanna know how difficult this was to write)
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comfortablecomfort · 8 months
Warm Welcome
(@dontmistakemyusername, as promised, here is your fic)
Ler: Ragatha
Lee: Pomni
"RAHAHAHAGATHA! *squeak* STAHAHAP IT!" Pomni shrieked when Ragatha targeted her belly and was squirming in her hold.
"Awww, I didn't think you were this ticklish, Pomni!" Ragatha giggled at Pomni's adorable reaction.
"Gee, does every new sucker get more and sensitive as they come?" Jax snarked
"As if you're any better." Zooble spat back, which caused Jax to give them a slight glare.
"PLEAHEHEHEASE! RAGATHA! *snort* *squeak* NOHOHO MORE!" Pomni's eyes were starting to fill up with tears
"She looks a little red..." Kinger muttered
"Well, I think this is a great way to welcome a new performer! Interesting method Ragatha!" Caine cheered
Ragatha smiled and kept attacking Pomni, the poor jester girl reserved to slight kicking. It didn't help in the slightest.
"This is the calmest I've seen you so far, maybe we should do this more often." Ragatha said with a slight tease.
"I-IHIHI-" Pomni tried to think for a second.
Ragatha let up, and allowed Pomni to breathe for a little before saying..
"Well, if you're comfortable with it of course." Ragatha said in a calming voice.
Pomni thought for a second, maybe she was right.
The tickling was stress relieving, she didn't really feel nervous anymore.
"Well.. o-okay." Pomni panted
"Great!" Ragatha smiled and went back to her tickle attack, only this time doing it more gently.
Everyone else watched Pomni squirm around in Ragatha's hold.
This could go on for a while.
But they didn't really mind.
(Alright, all done. My mom nearly found out about my tumblr, so I got distracted A LOT. sorry)
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just-cutie-avocado · 9 months
I have a digital circus hc that Pomni is the most ticklish out of the cast- and then most open target as well. Caine will sometimes tickle her for funsies, Jax might to play a trick on her or to be mean, and Ragatha might to try to calm her down :3
*deep deep breath*
I can see how Pomni at first gets confused and scared when someone tries to tickle her, but after all of that she understand that this is not scary at all. Practically nothing! It was a strange experience for her, but she secretly enjoyed it EVEN THOUGH SHE DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT THAT OML
Pomni just an adorable lee 🥹💘💘
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olaineerz · 1 month
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gaybananabread · 6 months
AHHH, ok ok. This is my first time like ordering anything so I’m nervous asf. But I’d like oranges, grapes and cherries with Ler!Jax and Lee!Pomni. Obv everything platonic, and like, go nuts with the plot. (Idk if this is worth mentioning pero I have this silly little headcannon that Pomni squeaks like a squeaky toy when squeezed so like, IF YOU WANT, you can add that.)
IF YOU DONT DO THIS ONE ITS OKK, I rly enjoy your writing and hope you have a great day/ night, tyy <33
Fruit(s): Oranges, Grapes, Cherries
Aww thank you Anon! You’re all good, and love that Pomni would absolutely become a dog toy (¬‿¬). Jax is definitely interesting to write for, and I like playing around with his asshole-ness. Thank you for requesting, and I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Pomni
Ler: Jax
Summary: Pomni is still getting used to the circus, anxious and uneasy in the new environment. Jax tries to help out, though he does it in his own annoying way.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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In the circus tent, small NPCs ran wild, knocking things over and babbling nonsense. They were like the Gloinks, but so much worse. Caine had dipped on them once again, leaving the characters to fend for themselves. Zooble peaced out, but the others were stuck with them.
It took nearly the whole day, but they had managed to contain the little monsters until Caine came back to woosh them away. For most of the characters, it was weirdly routine. For the newest arrival, however, it was more than off-putting. Pomni just felt…out of place in the digital world. She wandered around the tent, trying to calm herself down.
Jax was walking around, trying to find something to do. He would have messed with Ragatha, but her and Gangle were having some kind of “girl’s day.” Ugh…he wanted no part of it. 
Just as he was considering going to explore the forbidden rooms, he heard the faint jingling of bells. Pomni must’ve been “exploring” the grounds again. While she wasn’t his usual target, the jester would probably keep him entertained until something else happened.
The smug and confident smirk he always wore shrank as he approached her. Pomni looked so…so tired. Tired and way too wound up. Still, he sauntered over, trying to gauge just how upset she was. “Hey, newbie. You sane after that horror show?”
Pomni flinched at his voice, taking a second to register what he said; she’d been spacing out for most of the day. “U-uhm…yes? Why?”
He rolled his eyes, trying to act as aloof as possible. “Really? ‘S just that ya look like you’re about to fall apart. Hey, you think that’s possible here?” Jax cared about how she was doing, but he had an image and a rep in the circus. No way he was jeopardizing that.
“Shut up, Jax…” She turned away from him, rubbing her arm and looking down. The girl felt crummy enough; she didn’t have the energy to deal with his junk. 
He chuckled, leaning down and getting eye-level with her. Jax was bored, yes, but he didn’t want to see Pomni so down. Might as well try and cheer her up. “Aww, c’mon Pom-Pom! Try a smile; it won’t kill ya!” He reached out, trying to poke her side in an attempt to get her to smile. Before he could even get close to her blue side, she gasped softly and jerked away from his hand. Oh…that’ll work.
The look on his face was a dead giveaway to his plan. “Jax, no! I swear, don’t you even think abo-KYAH!” Pomni was cut off by a sharp poke to her stomach, whatever she was trying to say lost in a squeal.
“Oh, I’m doin’ more than think about it~” Jax’s voice was smug as ever, his gloved hands wrapping around her middle and wiggling them into her sides. The bunny crouched down, just so he could whisper in her ear. “Tickle tickle, Pomni~”
Squeaky and bright giggles bubbled out of her, only making Jax’s smirk grow. Pomni was much less amused, kicking and wriggling around in his grip. “Y-youhuhu prihick! Gehet ohoff mehehe!”
“Nah, don’t think I will.” One fun thing the purple rabbit noticed; Pomni was blushing. Really blushing, so brightly that it put the circles already on her cheeks to shame. So, of course, he called her out on it.
“Wow, I didn’t know you could blush like that, newbie!” He cooed, making sure to poke up and down her ribs as he spoke. “Thought bright red was crybaby’s thing, but you go girl~” 
“Sh-shuhut uhuhuhup!” The bells on Pomni’s hat jingled with every sharp jolt and tug, only making the scene funnier. Jax was thoroughly enjoying himself; he had maintained his vibe while also making Pomni smile. True, he was being a bitch about it, but it was working.
Wanting to try something else, Jax clamped both hands firmly on her sides, giving them a nice squeeze. Nothing could’ve readied him for what happened next. “Jahahax! Wouhuld you- *squeak*” 
Suddenly, his hands stopped moving, giving her a quick breather as the shock and amusement set in. After a few seconds, a loud bark of laughter escaped him, his voice more playful than it had been the whole time. “No *sproing*-ing way… You squeak?!” 
Without any further warning, he dug into her sides, rapidly squeezing them in the hopes of more squeaks. “J- *squeak* COHOHohome ohon! Quihihit- *squeak* JAHAX!” The sound was almost like a dog toy’s squeaker; it endlessly amused Jax, leaving the rabbit wanting more and more of the adorable sound.
“This has gotta be my favorite quirk of yours, squeaky-toy!” He squeezed and poked along her sides, sneaking a quick rib scribble in every few seconds. Best day ever…
“P-PLEHEHE- *squeak* NOHO! JAHAX!” While he was more than enjoying the squeaks and laughter, he could tell Pomni was wearing out. Not wanting to potentially get on Ragatha’s very-bad side, he stopped squeezing the jester. “Alright, alright, no more squeezes. That was fun, though~”
Pomni went almost limp in his arms, trying to catch her breath. She looked up at him expectantly, expecting to be released. Jax only laughed at her expression. “Oh, newbie, no. I never said I was done~” The ever-growing blush on her cheeks made him smile wider, his almost haughty confidence growing.
He tested out her neck, smirking at the surprised giggles he received. “You’re just a walking tickle-spot, aren’t ya? There anywhere you ain’t ticklish?” Deciding to be a bit merciful, he kept the tickling to light scratches, exploring the area. 
Much to his surprise, Pomni’s giggles softened, her body going almost slack against his. Jax wondered if he’d managed to kill her for a second, but he soon realized that she was just…enjoying it. Pomni wasn’t trying to push at his hands anymore; she just grabbed his wrists and loosely hung on.
“Aww, Pomni! You like this, don’t ya~?” He continued lightly tickling underneath her chin and the front of her neck, basking in the lazy giggles and lax squeals he got. Jax had no idea how someone could practically melt from getting tickled, but he wasn’t gonna question it. 
“Ihihihi- shuhuhut ihit…” Pomni could’ve had a better response, but she was too comfy to try. While he was still tickling her, it felt much more relaxing and nice in that spot. She could’ve stayed there all day…
Quickly realizing the jester was about to fall asleep on him, Jax stopped and patted her back. Pomni took a few shaky breaths, residual giggles still squeaking out in her daze. The bunny boy just chuckled, trying to help her wake up, in a sense. “You’re good, I’m done, wakey-wakey.”
Pomni was tired, though, and feeling like mild revenge. She just leaned into the purple boy, closing her eyes and letting the sleepy relaxation take over; girl was out in seconds. 
“...Pomni?” Jax’s smirk slowly fell, his brow-area bunching. She hadn’t moved in a few seconds, though he could see her breathing. Did she… That little-
Seeing her asleep on him felt strangely similar to a kitten napping there. It felt wrong to move… “*boing* it…”
Hopefully Ragatha and Gangle will be done soon…
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I live for Lee pomni and lee ragatha and jax OMGGGG the jester needs to get wrecked go ham write anything mwuahaha
I’m guessing you meant Lee Pomni and Ler Ragatha and Jax?
Small C.W: Swearing (it’s censored though), gets a lil intense at the end
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Summary: Having just appearing in the new Digital World Pomni’s new friends Ragatha and Jax help her take some of the stress off her shoulders
It was active in the circus tent today, everyone was doing something surprisingly. Kinger, Gangle and Zooble were talking with each other, likely about Caine’s last adventure.
Caine and Bubble were planning a new adventure and Ragatha was reprimanding Jax, apparently the purple rabbit had slipped a fake centipede in her hair, she was not too happy about that.
And as for Pomni, the poor jester was wandering around with a paranoid look on her face, hands wrung together and her eyes wide in caution, the girl was practically a walking ball of fear and suspicion.
Although you couldn’t blame her, she’d just survived Abstracted Kaufmo’s attack and she still seemed a little traumatized from that, it was her first day after all.
“Jax you can’t keep doing that!” Ragatha told the rabbit, smacking him on the arm to get her point across. “It’s fine Dollface! It’s just a bug~” Jax taunted with a grin before fishing another centipede out of his pocket making the girl jump back with a scream.
“Jax!!” Ragatha yelled at him making him laugh, “Yohou should’ve seheen your fahahace!” Jax laughed at her and she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. She was getting ready to yell at him again when he suddenly rushed forward and covered her mouth with one of his hands.
“Mmh?” Ragatha made a confused noise and shoved his hand away, “Look.” Jax commented, pointing over to Pomni who was walking around, jumping at every little startling noise.
“What’s up with her?” Jax questioned, watching as she walked around the tent. “I’m not sure why don’t we go ask her.” Ragatha replied, walking over to Pomni with Jax in tow.
“Pomni?” Ragatha asked as she approached the jester, Pomni yelped, jumping a few feet away from the pair and watching them with wide eyes. “O-Oh it’s you two, s-sorry..” Pomni trailed off.
“Y-Your name was Ragatha right?” Pomni asked her and she waved, “The one and only.” Ragatha joked, hoping to bring up her spirits a little and was happy to see a small smile lifted in her face.
“A-And you’re Jax?” Pomni asked, turning towards the purple rabbit who held up a peace sign with a grin. “Alright well, what are you two doing here?” Pomni asked them once more and they exchanged glances.
“We came over to check up on you New Stuff, you’re walking around looking at everything like it’s going to jump out and bite you.” Ragatha explained, “Well at this point if something did I wouldn’t be surprised.” Pomni deadpanned making both of them chuckle a little.
“Loosen up a little kid, we don’t bite.” Jax told her, smiling and placing his arms behind his head. “I don’t think it’s that easy.” Pomni told him and he shrugged, “Sure it is, your posture’s all coiled up, let me help with that.” Jax told her and pulled a roach out of nowhere and threw it at her.
“Jax!!” Pomni and Ragatha shouted simultaneously, the little jester jumping back and scurrying to Ragatha’s side as the bug scuttled off.
“Jax that’s not how you help someone loosen up!” Ragatha reprimanded him again and he only shrugged once more, “You people are boring.” Jax commented and Pomni shot him a wary glance.
“I’m gonna go back to my room.” Pomni remarked, leaving Ragatha’s side and heading towards the large staircase that lead to the rooms. “Alright have fun!” The doll called after her but she made no signs of acknowledgement.
“Don’t get lost on your way there!” Jax called and Pomni snickered a little at the sound of Ragatha smacking him again and a halfhearted “Ow Dollface!” From the rabbit.
Back in her room Pomni sighed and collapsed on her bed, lying on her back and looking up at the ceiling. “What should I do?” Pomni thought to herself, she didn’t want to shut them out they were trying to help, well..Ragatha was.
She didn’t want to keep pushing them away but still this whole thing was so surreal. They’re trapped in this digital world with no way out, what kind of luck was that???
Pomni sighed and rolled onto her side, thinking. “What can I do to help myself calm down..” Pomni thought and looked at the items in her room. A few blocks, some bells, and ah! She had crafts! She could do that, those usually helped calm her down when she was still in the normal world.
Pomni pushed herself up and walked over to her dresser where a ball of yarn and two needles sat, she always loved knitting. The jester picked them up and walked back over to her bed, sitting down and wrapping the yarn around her fingers and beginning to knit, this would do it.
“JAX!!” The other circus members watched in confusion and slight concern as Ragatha chased Jax throughout the circus tent, the rabbit had apparently put centipedes all over her room and also slipped one down her shirt so when she finally got it off and went to her room to shower she was in for a surprise.
She was currently furiously chasing him while he was running backwards laughing and making faces at her. “Jax just wait till I catch you!” Ragatha yelled at him and he laughed it off.
“Oh no I’m so scared what are you gonna do? Tell me to stop?!” Jax yelled back at her, and she growled frustratedly at him before picking up the pace.
At this point the only thing keeping Jax ahead and safe were his long a(Bong!)s legs as he also ran faster, trying to escape her grasp. “Now now Ragatha I’m sure Jax didn’t mean it.” Caine told her, suddenly screeching to a halt as the ringleader appeared right in front of her.
“Come on Caine don’t be silly this is Jax! Of course he meant it.” Ragatha told him and he looked back just in time to see Jax making a face at her. “Apologize Jax.” Caine told him and he folded his arms over his chest with a scoff.
“No way! Did you see her reaction when I did that? It was way too funny to apologize.” Jax told him and Caine only shrugged before floating out of the way and re-freeing Ragatha’s path to Jax.
The doll grinned as Jax’s face quickly became panicked before he bolted away with Ragatha on his heels. “GET BACK HERE JAX!!” She shouted at him.
Pomni was bored again, she was still understandably nervous and she had already finished with her knitting so what should she do now?
She supposed she could go down and see the other members again. So she pushed herself out of bed and started towards the door, opening it and stepping outside, closing said door and starting down the hallway.
She had gotten maybe about 10 steps down the hall before she heard pounding footsteps and unintelligible shouting making her stop in her tracks. Oh god what if it was another abstracted member??
She was about to bolt down the hall as the footsteps got louder but that was when Jax came skidding around the corner with Ragatha on his heels still. “Pomni!” Jax called out to her and ran and hid behind the little jester.
“Huh..?” Pomni uttered in confusion, looking up a Ragatha who was now staring at Jax hiding behind Pomni. “Jax what did you do this time?” Pomni muttered, turning around to look at him.
“Centipedes.” Ragatha stated and Pomni turned around to look at Jax after looking at Ragatha after her answer. “Sorry?” Jax smiled before jumping up and bolting again, both of the girls chasing after him in hot pursuit.
“What happened to Ragatha and Jax? I hope they’re okay…” Gangle spoke, wringing her ribbon hands together nervously. “Did you say something about an insect collection?” Kinger asked her, turning towards Gangle who replied with a sob.
“No she didn’t, she was asking about the doll and the nuisance.” Zooble told the chess piece and he nodded. “I’m sure they’re okay Gangle.” Kinger told the girl, placing a hand on her shoulder.
Then Caine floated over and caught their attention, “Have any of you seen Ragatha or Jax? I would like to make sure she didn’t kill him..” Caine trailed off with a laugh and they shook their heads.
“We haven’t seen them sorry Caine.” Gangle replied, but Caine waved her off, “It’s quite alright Gangle, I shall go find them myself!” The ringleader exclaimed before Jax came running into the large area where everyone was with Pomni and Ragatha close behind him.
“Well we seem to have found them.” Caine remarked, smiling as he saw those three partaking in an ‘activity’ together. “You…are a heathen….” Ragatha breathed out, grinning wide as Jax started snickering.
“Not my fault you guys are slow~” Jax taunted, “You feeling better new stuff?” Ragatha asked Pomni who looked as her feet. “I’m not sure yet.” Pomni murmured and Ragatha looked at her sympathetically.
Jax thought for a moment before getting an idea, he sauntered over to Caine and waved him down from his place in the air, Caine noticed this and floated down to Jax’s level.
“Caine I need your help here. Me and Dollface are trying to get the new kid to chill out but it’s not that easy, any pointers?” Jax explained, shooting a glance over at Pomni who was now chatting with Ragatha.
“Hmm…” Caine began, placing a hand on his bottom set of teeth in thought before snapping his fingers together. “I have an idea, if you would like to attempt it our dear Pomni is rather ticklish.” Caine told him, Bad. Move. Caine.
Jax’s face immediately lit up and his grin grew as he flicked his gaze over to Pomni. Oh this would be fun. “Alright thanks dentures.” Jax called over his shoulder as he began walking away and over to Ragatha and Pomni once more.
Jax walked up to Ragatha and pulled her aside to talk as Pomni wandered over to chat with Kinger and Gangle. “Hey Doll guess what I just found out.” Jax asked her and you could hear the mischief in his voice.
“Oh f(Sproing!)k do I even want to know?” Ragatha swore and he grinned wider, “Oh trust me this is something you’ll want to know, you know how we’ve been trying to get new kid over there to chill out?” Jax asked her and she raised a brow in confusion.
“Yes? What does that have to do with anything?” Ragatha asked him and he looked at Pomni and back at Ragatha, “Pomni’s ticklish according to Caine.” Jax informed her and her face lit up like his did, just without the mischief.
“Alright that changes the game.” Ragatha grinned and so did he as he meandered over to Pomni. “Come on Pomni, me and Dollface want to show you something.” Jax told her and she narrowed her eyes at him. “I don’t trust you.” Pomni commented and he jabbed a thumb behind him at Ragatha.
“She can back me up if you don’t believe me but this is something you’ve gotta see.” Jax told her and her expression softened as Ragatha nodded in confirmation behind Jax. “Alright then let’s go.” Pomni spoke warily and walked with Jax and Ragatha towards and up the flight of stairs that led to the bedrooms.
“You’re taking me through the living quarters?” Pomni asked them, clueless as to what was happening, Ragatha was on her left and Jax on her right as they walked, “Yep, you’ll see new stuff.” Ragatha told her if it was any reassurance, it wasn’t.
They got about halfway down the hall before Pomni noticed that Jax had disappeared from her right side, “Hey Jax is..gone?” Pomni trailed off as she felt Ragatha’s plush hand grab her wrist. “R-Ragatha..?” Pomni asked, fear seeping into her voice, what was going on??
“You’re gonna have to trust me here New Stuff, you’re not in any danger we just want to test something.” Ragatha explained and Pomni relaxed, okay this wasn’t so bad.
“Alright what are we testing?” Pomni asked her and the doll spun her around and pulled the jester into her chest before backing up till she felt her back hit the wall.
“Nothin big, just wanted to see if this was a sure fire way to help you chill out.” Ragatha told her and before Pomni could question what that meant she felt her friend’s fingers rest on her stomach.
“R-Ragatha?” Pomni stuttered, not entirely sure what was happening. “Let’s see if this works shall we?” Ragatha murmured to herself before moving her hands, scratching lightly and fluttering her fingers over the fabric of her jester shirt.
Immediately Pomni bit her lip and tensed up, “So Jax wasn’t lying…” Ragatha chuckled, moving over to trace ovet the jester’s sides, the featherlight touch making Pomni squirm, her shoulders shaking with suppressed giggles.
“S-Speheaking of JaHAX where is hehe?” Pomni pressed out , trying not to let many giggles slip through, “I’m not sure Giggles, guess we’ll have to wait and see.” Ragatha teased, “Whahat does that mehean?” Pomni asked her but she only shrugged, refusing to offer context on her previous statement.
Then Ragatha moved up again to flutter over Pomni’s neck and the jester let her head fall back onto Ragatha’s chest and scrunched her shoulder up, giggles pouring out of her like a faucet. “How cute!” Ragatha exclaimed making Pomni’s face flush red.
“Ihihim not cuhuhuhute!” Pomni giggled but her face told the doll otherwise. “Mhmm sureee.” Ragatha teased her, moving her hands again and very lightly raking her fingers up and down Pomni’s ribs making the jester flinch at the change but quickly settle and get used to the new sensation.
“Are you feeling better Pomni?” Ragatha asked her as she continued the gentle tickles. “Meheheheh..” Pomni still managed to sound sad even through her giggles.
“See now that’s proof you’re doin it wrong Doll.” Jax suddenly spoke up, walking around a non-existent corner. Now Pomni has seen Jax tickle others before, she’s seen how ruthless he could be so as soon as Pomni laid eyes on him she wriggled out of Ragatha’s grasp and bolted down the hall.
Quickly she heard Jax start chasing her and she broke out into panicked laughter, “Wahahahait Jahahax nohoho!” Pomni called behind her. “Gotcha!” Jax exclaimed, reaching the jester and picking her up from behind.
“Nohohohoho lehehet me gohohohoho!” Pomni giggled, thrashing and kicking her feet in his hold in an unsuccessful attempt to get away. “I hahaven’t eheven touched you yet kihid!” Jax laughed along with her.
“Buhuhut you’re gohohoing to!” Pomni argued and he shrugged, “Yeheah you’re right.” Jax replied and dug into her stomach as he carried her back to Ragatha causing the jester to kick and burst out into loud laughter, squirming a lot to try to get away.
“That’s not going to work Pomni~” Jax teased her, moving up to scribble over her ribs. “Be nice Jax.” Ragatha chuckled and watched as Jax tried to cheer up the now giggly jester.
“JAHAhahahahAX!!” Pomni yelped, still kicking her feet and even managed to hit Jax in the leg once or twice but being the tall a(Boing!)-hole he is he was mostly unfazed, continuing the playful torment in an attempt to make her chill out.
“Doing okay Pomni? You need a break?” Ragatha asked her, “Nohohohoho I’m fihihIHINE!!” Pomni jumped as Jax hit a particularly sensitive spot on her upper ribs. “Little sensitive there kid~?” Jax taunted her and she shook her head.
“Nohohohoho I’m nohohohot!!” Pomni protested but it fell on deaf ears as Ragatha started tickling her as well. The doll had walked closer and resorted to fluttering over her thighs, “Tickle tickle Pomni~” Ragatha teased and the jester snorted, shaking her head.
“Noho way you snort when being tickled?!” Jax exclaimed, a large grin playing across his features. “Nohohohoho I dohohohon’t shuhuhut the f(Bonk!)k uhuhup!” Pomni denied but Jax only shot Ragatha a look and she knew what to do.
She balled her hands into fists and kneaded her outer thighs and immediately Pomni kicked, yelping loudly with a snort before covering her face and giggling harder, fully expecting what Jax was about to say. “Soooo that’s a no then?” Jax teased and she reached back and smacked him.
“Shuhuhuhut uhuhuhup!” Pomni snarked, giggles turning to laughter as Jax’s hands moved higher to claw at her underarms. Pomni instinctively clamped her arms down effectively trapping Jax’s hands but the rabbit wiggled his fingers and she curled up on herself.
“Jahahahahahax!!” Pomni laughed, breath hitching and her laughter picking up as Jax pulled her arms above her head with one hand and whispering in her ear. “Get ready to laugh because me and Dollface here will make sure you’re cheered up.” Jax grinned and looked at Ragatha as a silent signal to go ahead.
Before Pomni could even question what that meant, again. She felt Ragatha actually tickle her this time, her balled up hands kneading into her thighs as Jax switched to scribbling over her ribs again.
Immediately Pomni broke out into loud laughter, thrashing about to try to escape them but her tiny body wasn’t much help. Ragatha would be concerned by how hard she was laughing if it weren’t for the fact that Pomni didn’t look uncomfortable at all, she looked happy, like she didn’t mind this whatsoever.
“RAHAHAHAGATHAHA JAHAHAHAHAX WAHAHAHAIT!!” Pomni cackled and they exchanged glances, “I’m not sure what we’re waiting for, do you Jax?” Ragatha remarked with a grin, “Nope! Unless of course Pomni is ready to admit that we cheered her up~?” Jax taunted and she shook her head.
“NOHOHOHOHO WAHAHAHAY!!” Pomni remained defiant although, she would admit that they did cheer her up, she was feeling a lot better but this was fun! It’s not everyday Jax and Ragatha got along even if it was at her own expense, but still she found this fun, but she was getting a little tired.
“Are you suree?” Jax grinned at her, moving up to re-attack her underarms, “OKAHAHAHAY I AHADMIT YOU CHEHEHEERED ME UHUHUP NOHOHOW LEHET ME GOHOHO A(Sproing)-HOHOLE!!” Pomni exclaimed and finally they stopped.
Ragatha retracted her hands and Jax placed Pomni on the ground as she stumbled right back into him as she looked up and glared at him, “Thihihihis is yohohour fahahahault! Yohohours tohohoo!” Pomni switched glances between Jax and Ragatha.
When she finally regained her balance and calmed down she turned to Ragatha with an eye for revenge. “Hey Ragatha, have you gotten Jax back for that centipede incident you told me about earlier today?” Pomni grinned and both of their gazes shot to the now nervous rabbit.
“Oh f(Bonk!)k you, but touché.” Jax muttered before taking off down the hall for what felt like the hundredth time today, Pomni and Ragatha following him close behind.
Well, at least they knew that method worked.
(Woah long one! I hope you liked it! I certainly did writing this one was fun! ^^)
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starlightrosa · 2 months
I’m new to the tickle community and honestly love it here maybe may I request a pomni and ragatha fluff fic🫶
Aww! Welcome to the community, my dear! We're all so happy to have you here <3 I hope you like this one!
Abstraction Distraction
Summary: Pomni wakes up from a horrific nightmare. Ragatha is soon there to dry Pomni's tears and help the new arrival sleep soundly.
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: light angst at beginning (nightmare), tears and big sad alert from a very upset Pomni :( but it's fluffy from then on, don't worry <3
It was the end of another day here in this strange digital world. Day had blurred into night quicker than Pomni ever remembered, and the jester had succumbed into sleep, hoping for a dreamless sleep tonight.
But alas, her brain had other ideas. Pomni found herself walking through a black void, her mismatched and gloved hands clasping together as the jester walked. It was so dark… and so cold. Pomni’s breath fogged up within this strange void.
Her eyes darted around this void. Was there a way out of here? Could she escape this digital universe?
As if her dream could tell her desires, a door popped up, the door swinging open invitingly. The word ‘Exit’ shone above in bright neon red letters. Pomni smiled for the first time in a very long time as the jester ran towards the door, her hand reaching out for the doorknob. But then Kinger appeared in front of her, and she knew it wasn’t the real Kinger.
“Where do you think you’re going, Pomni? There is NO WAY OUT.” Kinger yelled, and the exit vanished at his words. Pomni gasped, backing up.
“You’ll abstract if you leave, Pomni! Don’t leave us here…” Kinger gasped, before he fell to his knees.
“K-Kinger?” Pomni asked, grabbing his shoulder. His eyes met Pomni for a brief moment before Kinger’s body glitched and changed colours. He screamed, as the abstract effect set in. He became a big, glitching creature. But one hand still reached out for Pomni…
“POMNI, HELP! HELP ME, PLEASE! POMNI, PLEASE!” Kinger yelled, screaming in pain.
Pomni clamped her hands over her ears as Kinger’s glitched screaming filled her dream. She began crying, her sobs slowly growing louder.
“-Ni! Pomni!” came a voice from above her.
Pomni gasped as her eyes opened. Ragatha was by her bed, shaking the little jester.
“Pomni, whoa! Settle down, I-!”
“GET AWAY FROM ME!” Pomni shrieked, shoving Ragatha back. Ragatha yelped as she hit the floor of Pomni’s room, landing on the carpet.
“Pomni, what the heck?! What’s the matter with-?” Ragatha began to ask, but Pomni’s panicked babbling cut her off.
“You’ll abstract me! And… and I’ll die! I don’t want to die here! Please, don’t abstract me, please!” Pomni begged, tears flying down the jester’s pale face.
“Pomni…” Ragatha murmured, her voice going soft as the ragdoll pieced together what had happened. Pomni had just awoken from a dream. A bad one, by the sound of things. Ragatha kept her voice soft and calm as she slowly approached the weeping jester.
“Hey, hey. Pomni. Look at me, Pomni.” Ragatha softly instructed. “I’m here. You’re not dreaming anymore. You’re okay. I’m real. You’re real. I’m not abstracted. Neither are you.”
“B-But Kinger… was abstracted. And he was… gonna abstract me.” Pomni whispered, the poor jester shaking in fright as her anxiety was rocketing sky-high right now.
“Kinger’s not abstracted, Pomni. He’s sleeping in his room. I’m safe. He’s safe. You’re safe. We’re all okay. It was only a dream, Pomni. Only a dream.” Ragatha reassured, slowly reaching out for Pomni.
Pomni’s tears increased, both a mix of fright and sheer relief as Ragatha’s words began to set in. She was okay. She wasn’t abstracted. Neither was anyone else currently. Everyone else was safe, sleeping in their rooms. Pomni whimpered and curled her body up.
Ragatha kept her movements soft and slow as she held Pomni, one hand at the back of her head as she soothed the frightened jester.
“Shh… it’s okay, Pomni. You’re alright now.” Ragatha comforted. Her other hand slid to Pomni’s back, softly rubbing up and down her spine.
Pomni couldn’t help herself. She leaned further into Ragatha’s hold, feeling her back start to tingle softly from Ragatha’s touch.
“R-Ragatha… that’s kinda tihickling.” Pomni murmured, a slight giggle leaving her. Ragatha hummed, smiling softly.
“Uh huh. Need me to stop, Pomni?” she asked. That was Pomni’s way out and they both knew it.
“N-No, it’s okay… keep going?” Pomni asked, her eyes looking shy. She was basically asking for comfort tickles, and they both knew this. Neither minded, though.
“Sure, Pomni.” Ragatha smiled, softly tickling up and down Pomni’s back with one hand, while the other snaked around Pomni’s waist and pulled the jester closer. Pomni had a smile on her face as she didn’t even bother concealing her laughter this time. Soft, squeaky giggles filled Pomni’s room as the ticklish jester leant into Ragatha’s comforting hold.
“You’re so adorable.” Ragatha smiled, grinning as the jester giggled a little louder at Ragatha’s words.
“Nohoho, I’m nohot!” Pomni shot back. Ragatha chuckled warmly, one hand staying at Pomni’s ticklish back and the other softly massaging her scalp.
“Utter lies, Pomni. Utter lies, and we both know it.” she joked. Pomni softly squirmed a little in Ragatha’s hold, trying to ignore her back being tickled. But then Ragatha found that one spot that Pomni was hoping she didn’t find. Her upper ribs on her back. Oh man, were they ticklish. A flurry of ticklish sparks soon hit the jester’s ribs.
“Rahahahagatha!” Pomni squealed. The ragdoll had found a sensitive spot, and she wasn’t letting up one bit.
“Yes, Pomni?” Ragatha asked, putting on a slight façade as she tried acting like she didn’t know what was making Pomni laugh so much. Pomni was lost in a total giggle fit as she gently batted at Ragatha’s hands.
“G-Gehehentler please, Ragatha.” Pomni implored, her giggles becoming louder with each tickle. Ragatha nodded and slowed down the rib tickles, continuing to softly massage Pomni’s scalp, while the other was softly tweaking her back ribs.
Even through Pomni’s soft laughter, she was starting to get tired. Who knew such a simple tickling session could bring about the want to sleep again? Maybe her bad dreams would no longer haunt her if she was tired enough.
“Are you getting tired, Pomni?” Ragatha murmured softly. It was quite a comforting scene, honestly. And Ragatha would be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy this time.
Pomni mumbled out a short ‘yes’, the jester rubbing at her eyes in an almost childlike manner. Ragatha chuckled and gently lifted Pomni up into her arms, laying the jester down in her four poster bed, also giving Pomni some sneaky tickles on her stomach as she did so, making the jester squeak a little.
Ragatha sat on the bed, adjusting the covers and smoothing them. She headed to the door, ready to leave, but was stopped by Pomni’s voice.
“Come back… don’t wanna be alone.” the jester murmured.
Ragatha smiled as she came back, sitting on the bed, content to hold Pomni’s hand comfortingly, just staying with her until the jester could barely keep her eyes open. Only then when Pomni was slowly drifting off did Ragatha quietly excuse herself, resting her hand on the doorknob a second time. Just as she was about to leave, Pomni’s voice came a second time.
“You’re a… good friend, Ragatha.” Pomni murmured sleepily. Ragatha felt her heart warm at those words.
“So are you, Pomni. I’ll see you in the morning, okay? Sleep well.” Ragatha whispered as she gently closed the door to Pomni’s room.
As Ragatha left back to her room, lying back in her bed, she smiled softly. And as sleep took Ragatha twenty minutes later, she smiled for the final time that night, happy to have been the reason that Pomni was sleeping soundly, no nightmares to frighten her for the remainder of tonight.
The End!
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radiant-fanon-maker · 8 months
Carrot Garden
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Caine: It seems our newcomer has went on an adventure! So let's have one of our own! To bring her back for dinner!
Jax: Yeaaaah I'm sure you all will find the newbie soon. I'm gonna go.
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J: ***k I need some carrots .... God, did I ever like carrots before being a bunny?
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J: Ugh
Munch Munch
J: ?
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Pomni: Chomp MUNCH
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J: Hey! You'll ruin your appetite~
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P: ! ! !
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J: Bubble's trying to make-
P: [Sobbing]
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J: I don't wanna hear someone crying. It's.... annoying. So..... Stop i-
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P: Let goho of mehehee
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J: heh heh heh
P: uh oh
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P: hee hee
J: Sad no more aren't you~?
P: hee hee hee Nohoho hee hee
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P: Sigh heh heh heh heh
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J: There you go. No more dumb crying
P: hee hee... ... Um, sorry for this....
J: Just... don't eat everything.
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J: Now let's get dinner.
Alternate Ending
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g1ggl3-c4t · 8 months
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Time taken: 7h 20m
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mysteriouslee · 8 months
First Digital Circus fic!! (DAY 27)
lee!Pomni ler!Bubble
Bubble was indeed bored and really had nothing to do until Caine back from doing
Anyways, Bubble hovered over the place, tripping people and being a "parasite" so to speak.
"BUBBLE YOU [%^@/×^%]" screeched Zooble, who tripped on a pile of slop left by the bubble creature.
Bubble was just about done but knew he needed to harass one last person.
Bubble sped through the halls and stopped at the door of a particular jester. He knocked and waited and the door didn't open so Bubble looked elsewhere for Pomni. Eventually he found Pomni in a corner crying.
Pomni looked up at the creature before her and then put her head back in her knees.
"Go away bubble" Pomni pleaded.
Bubble never normally felt remorse for anything but he cant help but feel kind of sorry for the kid.
"I remeber my first time here too, it sucked just like it sucks for you right now" admitted Bubble.
"Thanks but how does *sniff* help me" asked Pomni.
"Shh, lemme finish"responded Bubble.
Pomni once again took her head out her knees and looked at the floating creature.
"When I was having my own pity party, some of the members, who are abstracted by now would do something to help me" said Bubble.
Pomni raised an eyebrow and felt a little fearful at the mischevious glint in his eye.
Bubble shoved Pomni over, maybe a little rough.
"Bubble what the- HEY *SNORT* HAHAHAHA"Pomni shrieked after Bubble began lightly nibbling on her midriff.
"OM NOM NOM"The bubble made a faux gobbling noise.
It tickled so badly, Pomni kicked and screamed but admittedly felt herself feeling lighter.
This is the widest anyone has seen Pomni smile well...ever.
Bubble occasionally blew raspberries inbetween the nibbles and it was driving Pomni up the wall.
"You're absolutely hysterical, Ragatha's right, you're adorable" teased Bubble.
"PLEAHAHASEEE"shrieked Pomni.
Bubble backed off and then lay beside Pomni as she caught her breath.
"Feeling better?" asked Bubble.
Pomni nodded.
Suddenly everyone else all came around.
"THERE HE IS, GET EM" yelled Kinger.
It seems everyone had come for revenge for Bubble's previous endeavour.
And that's when Bubble popped away.
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