#lee (asano+ryuhei)
becausegoodbye · 2 years
my favourite albums of 2022
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Cole Pulice – Scry
A tipsily gorgeous collection of electroacoustic experiments, pulse and breath, woodwinds and worms. Saxophone is one of my favourite instruments when played quietly, and one of my least favourite when played loud – and here it's not only soft, but held aloft by beds of gorgeous synthesisers and signal processing and piano: a diamond on a velvet pillow. A cat luxuriantly rolling around in textures. There's a focus and a bliss here, a dreamy pushing of fingers through soil, that I find beautiful and rare.
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Stella Donnelly – Flood
I get the sense that some of Stella's fans were disappointed with this album, but I encounter it differently. If you only see it in conversation with Beware of the Dogs, then I can understand it coming across like its paler and more withdrawn cousin, but if you go back to the Thrush Metal EP, the chain of songwriting provenance is clearer, and it's Dogs that starts looking like the outlier. Once you approach it on those terms, Flood reveals itself as a frequently sublime album of chamber pop: an exhale alone over a cup of tea, a wistful gathering of self, and a series of minimalist choices leveraged to maximum effect. The parts that work the least, imo, are when she's trying to be more like Beware of the Dogs (the prime example probably being the odd decision to start the album with the chin-thrust-out drumbeat of 'Lungs', a song that can't keep that up for long before unfolding into the gorgeous soft melodic reverie it really wants to be, and only begrudgingly switching back for the close). Likewise, the parts that work the best are when it's allowed to settle into its own understated catharsis: the devastating hummed suggestions of 'Underwater', for example, or the unknowable clear-eyed kindness of 'Flood', which for me is one of the songs of the year.
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lee (asano+ryuhei) – FK_LV
Like a homeless king, magisterial and unafraid, with loose bits hanging off him and a roar like a broken engine. There was a period around 2011-2014 where it felt like lee (asano+ryuhei) released a new album of genius sample-mashing beats every few months, and needing to buy them all was a genuine strain on my budget. Nowadays the pace has slowed, but the albums themselves haven't much; there's a particular vein they mine, and they simply do it better than anyone else. There are moments when all the constituent pieces are clashing in ways that are ugly or incomprehensible, but then they resolve, transcendently, into a wretched and ragged kind of beautiful that you can't quite get anywhere else.
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The Beths – Expert in a Dying Field
An absolute corker of an album, spirited and thoughtful and brimming with ideas for making this kind of pop-rock reach above itself. 'Knees Deep' was my most-watched music video this year by a comically large degree – it remains, just, my favourite thing – and when that and the straightforwardly brilliant single 'Expert in a Dying Field' were all that was out, I thought there was a chance that this album would be a genuine all-timer. When it came out and I heard the full album, it wasn't quite consistent enough to reach those heights, but it's still great, with '2am' in particular capping the album off with vulnerable and shambolic verve. Liz Stokes is so skilled at writing lyrics that you only really notice on the third or fourth listen, once they've already worked their way inside you, and a lot of my favourite lines of the year belong to her.
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Florist – Florist
"19 tracks that culminate the decade-long journey of friendship and collaboration". Within this overgrown opus lie some of the most gorgeous songs you'll hear, surrounded by the quieter sounds of the people who made them, the place they were made in, and the exploratory muddling sounds of people in place and place in people. Part of me can't help wishing that Florist had reigned it in and made a perfect album – which you could absolutely do here purely with cuts, without needing to add a thing – but I also appreciate the weight of this more fulsome gesture. This is an album that understands music not as a thing that stands separate from the world, but as an enmeshed product of its material and social environment, and it wants everybody – every snail, every leaf – credited.
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Horsegirl – Versions by Modern Performance
The influences are written all over this record – it's a reverent restewing of 80s and 90s indie-rock, with the flags of Sonic Youth and the Flying Nun roster flying the highest – but there's a youthful communal vitality that makes it more than that. Even though the vocals are deadpan, the lyrics cryptic, and the sonic palette full of dissonance and dissolution, this is a plainly joyous album. These teenagers from Chicago are having a great time making this. Even before reading about it, I could have told you that there has to be a whole community behind these kids, and a golden thread of that knits itself into every song.
[This music video captures something of it I think]
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Time Wharp – Spiro World
Kaye is brilliant, and this spindly gem of an album goes where it wants. In a way, it wears its influences as openly as Horsegirl; they're just so much more all over the place. Here's a dense Steve Reich instrumental pulse; here's a krauty Popol Vuh prog breakdown; here's a tightly-produced Aphex Twin scatterbeat; here's some loose and traipsing piano reminiscent of Emahoy Tsegué-Maryam Guèbrou. But far more than these by-the-numbers descriptions imply, it's an instrumental album that ultimately feels guided by sensory experience more than anything: how does this feel? how does this feel? how does this feel? Underpinned by the experience of taking feminising hormones (the 'Spiro' of the title refers to spironolactone, and the album's alternative title is One Must First Become Aware Of The Body), it's an album that comes over you as a series of electroacoustic waves, swelling around you in foam, dissolving the distractible mind until you're lifted out of it.
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Julia Jacklin – PRE PLEASURE
I liked this album when I first heard it, but it was only after sitting with it for some months that I realised I loved it. The things it succeeds at are all totally familiar – an emotionally vulnerable singer-songwriter, writing songs with lyrically distinct focuses, paced such that they build on each other thematically – but this album succeeds so wholly that it made me remember why lyricists even attempt that kind of thing in the first place. 'Magic' feels infinitely deeper and harder-earned when you've already heard 'Ignore Tenderness'; 'End of a Friendship' hits so much harder when you already know the familial emotional groundline established by 'Less of a Stranger'. Every song is its own perfect short-story universe, but it's only in conversation with the others that the real miracle – the overstory, the impression of the life behind them – takes place. A lot of the music I'm drawn to these days is either instrumental or ambient or otherwise concerned with unsayable truths; it's startling to be reminded of the things we do have to try to say.
All my love is spinning round the room
if only it would land on something soon
but all my words are caught up in a cloud
you know someday you'll have to say it out loud
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pipeman802 · 1 year
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 2023.6.11 Release
Dirty XL Digga as GENJU
Kouichi The Natural
5.CHECK IT OUT/Prod.符和
6.笑えない/Prod.Dirty XL Digga as GENJU
7.UH NANANANA/Prod.Kouichi The Natural
9.LITTLE SUGAR Feat.PIPEMAN/Prod.Kouichi The Natural
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hant634 · 2 months
【event info.】
“shakehunds kokura”
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2024.8.17(sat) at BLOOM KUMAMOTO Open 22:00-5:00 Entrance ¥2,000 + 1drink
NATURACID Gutsleeee Grapevine Asia
lee (asano+ryuhei) BLUE PRINT & 23 JUICYONE Wonder Under DENIKAN pasteel
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daiukematsumotoworks · 9 months
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#artist photo
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hmgn3 · 10 months
23-11-18(sat) Road Trip To 全感覚祭@川崎ちどり公園
【全感覚ステージ】 渋さ知らズ 踊ってばかりの国 GLANS GEZAN ゆるふわギャング Sapphire Slows DJ HIKARU YELLOWUHURU
【かちこみステージ】 切腹ピストルズ 鎮座DOPENESS KOPY やっほー
【セミファイナルジャンキーステージ】 THE GUAYS 有刺鉄戦 Penisboys 高倉健 moreru SUMMERMAN 天国注射 WETNAP Abos
【ARTIST】 STANG 飯田団紅 Masahiro Yoshimoto Teji 高橋盾(UNDERCOVER) harune.h とんだ林蘭 前田流星 ソノダノア 北山雅和 YUICHIRO TAMAKI 佐藤円 NAZE 蝉丸 名越啓介 池野詩織 河野未彩 BOTAN 水谷太郎 lee(asano+ryuhei)
【演出&LIGHTING】 遠藤治郎 Funkdemic
【SHOP&FOOD】 パラダイスアレイ たべるとくらしの研究所 garland/kongtong Piyo Bake GRGR BOY CANNNABIS ディッキーズリメイク 7days あたため大使 シンボパン インド富士 RACCOS BURGER さやかぁちゃん食堂 RR-coffee tea beer books- CCB
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pingpongradioshow · 2 years
Emission du 3-10-22
Accident du Travail – Lycaon Abroxis – Eternal Gold Panda – The Corner Dorian Concept – Let It All Go Karu – B1. Spears Of Leaves oatmello – Each Moment More Than the Last all these fingers – kaboodles Keina – True Love Aru-2 – Blue Bye feat. lee (asano ryuhei) Boucherie Chevaline – WOOLF Nosaj Thing – Look Both Ways ft Pink Siifu Homeboy Sandman – Satellite Rob Cave & Small Professor…
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ithisatanytime · 5 years
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hkgibmusic · 3 years
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itsalwayssol · 3 years
Lee (Asano + Ryuhei) -  House Of Steel / ja bu
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indieshuffle · 3 years
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Lee (asano + ryuhei) - Arf (Ft. Persian Empire) https://ift.tt/3tJfNW0
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timbretracks · 7 years
( u _ u )
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mikanseimikansei · 5 years
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去年、素晴らしい体験をさせてもらった全感覚祭。 今年は東京会場(印旛日本医大 HEAVY DUTY)で参加します!! 入場&フードフリーというとてつもない試み。 マヒトさんのステートメント、ぜひ全感覚祭のサイトから見てみてくださいね🌐 全感覚奮い立たせて楽しんじゃうぞ〜〜🦚 #repost @mahitothepeople_gezan ・・・ 全感覚祭のEXBITION ARTISTと9/21大阪の第一弾発表です。 ‪全感覚祭19‬ ‪NEW AGE STEP‬ ‪TOKYO&OSAKA‬ ‪EXHIBITION ARTIST‬  ‪赤鹿麻耶 @mayafactry  安野谷昌穂 @masahoanotani  ARIKA @arika_dx  UNDERCOVER @undercover_lab  UNDERCOVER PRODUCTION @undercover_production  池野詩織 @ikenoshiori  伊波英里 @eri_inami  WHIMSY @whimsysocks  UMMMI. @_____81  LVDB BOOKS @lvdbbooks  沖真秀 @mashuoki  オートモアイ @auto_moai  ohiana @ohiana_summerangel  Ka na ta @kanatadesign  cannabis @cannabis_tokyo  河村康輔 @kosukekawamura  北山雅和 @ktymmasakazu  草野庸子 @yoko.kusano  倉科直弘 @kurabokurabo  ‪K’s CLUB (黒木雅巳 & TOKO) @masami1988 @toko_._the_._hikari  小指 @koyubim  CoKIN (Colliu & SKIN) @colliupero  Goro Kosaka @56kosaka  佐伯慎亮 @shinryosaeki  THE M/ALL @the_mall2019  Studio Last Chance (Tai Ogawa+Misa Sugata) @tai_ogawa @misa33ogw  ソノダノア @noasonoda  Takako Noel @takako_noel  田巻裕一郎 @hart_yuichiro  チーム未完成 @mi_kan_sei  途中でやめる @tochudeyameru  TOMMY (BOY) @tommy_okutomi  とんだ林蘭 @tondabayashiran  NAZE @naze.989  ‪野田祐一郎 @yn0da  はちこのはな @the.blend.osaka  BIEN @bien_jap  PURX @purxinfo  Beauty spot in ペフ @pe_hu_ @purevoyage_  flotsambooks @flotsambooks  VOYAGE KIDS @voyage_kids  MA1LL @ma1llmatic  my ceramics @ff_fujimurafamily  もっと!!いい状態! from自治区! @mottoiijoutai  山谷佑介 @yusuke_yamatani  山本製菓 @yamamoto_seika  YUKI FUJISAWA @yuki__fujisawa  UC EAST @uceast193  吉本真大 @photograph_masa  YOSHIROTTEN @yoshirotten  Lee (asano+ryuhei) @asanoryuhei   ‪HP‬ ‪zenkankakufes.com‬ 📷 @ikenoshiori  ‪#全感覚祭19‬ ‪#全感覚祭‬ #全感覚祭19 https://www.instagram.com/p/B099K8UjhVV/?igshid=aup0vynpx2w4
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pipeman802 · 1 year
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nelly-sang · 5 years
秋波 Presents : " qiūbō with Chillbros " w/ dropp by 秋波 ♨ qiūbō radio 秋波 Presents : " qiūbō with Chillbros " w/ @dripdripdropp Track list: SWEX - gas station pizza Dudefaze - Milkshake dropp - luv(sic) part 2 [rework] Aye, Yu - FkIdRmx Elaquent - Still Snoozing (feat. Croup) thanksfornothin - eudoxus truth Stanley Ipkuss - wannabe dropp - 嫉妬人生 / life to be jealous Elaquent - Bury the Past ntourage - mn_mn /w $txn.x Sumboi - Hood Ass Soundcloud Ass Headass Beat (trapping out the keygen) dropp - 心碎 / broken heart D J F - Corpo Dela Extended slowly, slowly - 6672616e6e796c6f7665 dropp - Room 335 [rework] Flawed Mangoes - No Motivation D41N - Telephone ナンバー Masashi Hamauzu - ビサイド島 ZHI16 - Full in love MARUHIPROJECT - シュビドュビバップ featuring 鎮座DOPENESS, S.L.A.C.K dropp - 你的我 / become you 馬渡松子 - さよならbyebye dropp - 星球寂寞 [rework] dropp - 辣台妹 / hot broads feat. 頑童MJ116 D41N デーン - Pᴏᴘ Wɪᴛʜ Mᴇ 和田アキ子 - どしゃぶりの雨の中で dropp - 小歸小 [rework] n/a - Sis Do U Even Listen To Bedroom Pop GREEN ASSASSIN DOLLAR - 24 HOUR lee (asano+ryuhei) - "Masu" dropp - 我是一片雲 / cloud of romance [rework] Elaquent - Princess Knxwledge - Chanel dropp - say say say that you wanna say
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daiukematsumotoworks · 9 months
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ithisatanytime · 6 years
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