#lee chan imgaine
mingtinys · 4 months
gym partner lee chan
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pairing : lee chan x gn!reader
fluff , humor , headcanon
warnings : mentions of food
word count : 0.7 k
requested ? no
a/n : gym dino has been on my brain for the past few days and i needed to write something
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gym partner chan who asks you to hold his feet for situps just so he can kiss you between reps. then will expect the same when it's your turn. he calls them fuel for the next rep. who absolutely will spend 80% of the workout just chatting with you if you let him. and you do, because his voice is one of your favorite sounds and it makes the time breeze by.
gym partner chan who forgets to bring his own energy drink and ends up downing 60% of yours. despite you only offering a few sips. who is an absolute monster when it comes to lifting but nearly passes out three minutes into the stair climber. griping on and on about how the days you choose the workouts are pure torture. though, you've been known to say the same about his insane arm circuits. so putting in each other's least favorite workouts has become a vicious cycle of payback for the previous week.
gym partner chan who once dropped a weight on his foot because he was too busy staring at you in the mirror. having accidentally zoned out mid-set because he gets so mesmerized watching you. entranced by how your skin glistens when sweaty and your athletic wear clings to your body. so caught up in his daydream of kissing you the weight slips from his hand and bam. 25 pounds straight to the foot.
gym partner chan who purposely takes his shirt off to benchpress to show off his chest and arms, hoping you'll stare. and then teases you relentlessly for oggling at said chest and arms. even though it's totally just because you're spotting him. where else are you supposed to look!? gym etiquette and his safety are your number one priorities. it's not your fault his muscles just happen to be right there in full view. and you're certainly not one to complain about what others choose to (or not to) wear in the gym. really. it's totally innocent.
gym partner chan who has learned your limits. he knows exactly when to push you to work harder and when to make you take breaks. always so gentle and encouraging. reminding you to drink water and that you're doing well. who takes his job as your number-one hype man very seriously. never missing a beat when it comes to cheering you on. or commenting on how hot you look. who at times can be a stickler about technique. but only because he doesn't want you to injure yourself.
gym partner chan who likes to cling to you throughout the session no matter how much you complain about not needing his excess body heat when you're already sweaty. he takes immense joy in sneaking up behind you and pulling you into a back hug. lifting you up and spinning you around just to show he can. who, unprompted, will massage your sore muscles if you look particularly tense (only to turn around and ask you to get a knot in his back). any reason he can find to be touching you, he will.
gym partner chan who is incredibly tentative when you're having an off day. he will stop what he's doing in a heartbeat if he sees you getting frustrated or overwhelmed. because he knows you've set high expectations for yourself, but some days it's okay to take it easy. who lifts your chin and makes you look in his eyes while he tells you how amazing you are with a sweet voice. then makes you repeat it back to him for good measure. who cooks a post-workout meal with you, ensuring you eat well after working so hard.
gym partner chan who cherishes your post-workout naps together on the couch. the ones where he gets to let his body relax in the comfort of your presence. utterly exhausted, but in the best way possible. feeling both accomplished and deserving of the rest. his arms tightly wrap around your waist as he clumsily pulls you to lay on top of him. the ache in his muscles melting away with the warmth of your body against his. your gentle kisses against his jaw ease him to sleep. all the while knowing that there is simply no better feeling than moments like these.
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taglist: @dontwannaexsist
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Midnight Adventures ~ BC [Request]
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GENRE: Fluffy, established-relationship, fluffy bang chan feels
PAIRING: Chan x GN!Reader 
A/N: I hope it’s okay I went with Chan! I was feeling really soft for him since I wasn’t feeling great when I wrote this...Nothing bad just a migraine and I was in the mood for some soft Christopher Bang Hours! I also made it GN that everyone could read it and enjoy, hope this is okay my lovely little anon
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Once he was given the all-clear from Felix Chan flung himself out of the bed, changing into some sweats and a black hoodie, something baggy so that he didn't look too obvious to those around him. 
"Is Y/n ready?" Chan asked as Felix came into the room with a giant smile on his face, clearly proud of himself at the others for what they had been planning weeks in advance. This had been planned secretly by the boys, wanting to make sure you and Chan got to spend some one on one time together.
"Jeongin text them to start getting ready, the car is on its way, Jisung is covering at the studio," Felix explained to his nervous leader, it had been two months since you and Chan got to spend some quality time together and the boys were doing everything in their power to change that. Convincing their manager that Chan was sick and was staying home that night to rest when in reality he was sneaking off to go and meet you. Jisung was in charge of working in the studio to distract their manager enough and annoy him to the point where he would just stop asking about Chan. The two of you weren't supposed to be seeing one another since there was still a dating ban but that wasn't going to stop you from sneaking out and seeing one another.
"Are you sure the plan will work?" It wasn't that Chan was trying to get out of the evening that Felix had planned it was just him wanting to make sure he wasn't going to get caught and have consequences for everyone. He hated the thought of everyone getting into trouble for something that he could have prevented.
"It's foolproof, nothing can go wrong. I promise." Felix smiled weakly at Chan who still didn't look convinced on the whole thing but went along with it anyway, agreeing to get ready.
"Shower! I need to get the basket ready while Minho borrows his mum's car," Chan laughed at the thought of it, driving around in a Hyundai truck that the boys had specifically picked out for the date. It was a car that none of the paparazzi would be looking for and it was perfect for the both of you to climb into the truck part and stargaze together. The boys had planned everything out for you, putting blankets, pillows and food into the back of the truck while Chan got ready and making sure it was going to be a romantic time together. 
"I put in some torches in case it's dark, there are some battery-powered fairy lights around the bottom of the truck bed to make it more romantic," Minho explained what he had done to the truck bed to Chan while Chan nodded along, wondering when everyone else had got invested in his relationship with you.
"Guys don't you think it's too much, I mean Y/n loves it when we just hang out without all of this-" Chan stopped talking when Changbin placed his finger over his lips telling him to be quiet as he slid the keys into his hand.
"Just go, you and Y/n have fun and stay safe. We've put masks and maps in the car," Changbin began to push the leader towards the door that was parked in the garage, ignoring Chan's questions and concerns about the dorms watching him drive off. 
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"Your chariot awaits," Chan spoke down the phone to you as you came out of your apartment to see him sitting in the car, your mouth fell open a little as you realised it was going to be a secret date but one of the best kinds. Secret midnight adventures were always the best, it didn't matter what you were doing as long as it was together with one another. 
"We have maps, we have food, we have everything we may need so tell me," Chan turned to look at you as you got into the passenger seat, 
"Where would you like to go?" Your mind flooded with possibilities but all you did was lean over and kiss Chan on the lips, enjoying the firey feeling you got whenever you kissed him.
"Let's just go anywhere we want, we have all night." You whispered looking back at him with loving eyes as he leant forward to kiss you again. 
"Then let's go," He started up the car again and began driving towards the motorway, turning on the radio to play songs you could both sing along to while on the drive. Changing gears together while he held your hand, never once letting go as he enjoyed the feeling of being close to you again. He never wanted to let you go again. 
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"Take them off, you look too good," Chan mumbled as he handed you a different set of sunglasses. The two of you had driven to a service station with a 24/7 shopping mall, the place was practically deserted besides the workers who looked half asleep and didn't want to be there. Who could blame them? A 24/7 shopping mall off the motorway? Who was going to use it? 
"I'm not putting those on," You laughed staring at the bright orange, flashing pumpkin glasses that Chan was trying to get you to try on. Placing a pair on himself before raising his eyebrows at you, 
"They'll make us match, come on...They're cutttteeee," He said in a sing-song voice as he inched closer to you, trapping you between his body and the wall that was behind you, 
"You have no escape young one," He put on an old-gremlin like voice before placing the sunglasses on your face and smirking at you, 
"Look at that, we look fantastic." He smiled taking out his phone to snap a photo, it wasn't often that he took selfies but he took a lot with you. Wanting to remember and have memories of the times you spent together, he had a whole folder dedicated to your relationship.
"Don't you dare send that to the boys, I look like a trash-bin!" You yelled out trying to take the phone from his hands but he'd already sent it to the group chat while laughing menacingly as you slid off the sunglasses to stare at him. He suddenly felt as though he was in a library and being stared at by the librarian that had just caught him yelling too loudly.
"I can't unsend it-" He stopped speaking when his phone chimed, he looked down to see Felix sending laughing emojis. 
"They love it," He said to you as he turned his screen around to show you their reactions to the image but you continued to stare at him,
"I am going to kick your ass on the arcade games, no more going easy on you because you're my boyfriend," You scoffed as you put the glasses down and began racing towards the arcade machines that were inside of the mall. Chan racing after you with his unrealistically fast sprinting, catching up and surpassing you within seconds as he got to the machines faster than you ever could imagine.
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Chan looked down at you as you stared up at the starry night, your eyes flicking over the different stars you could see. After a gaming disaster where the two of you competed with one another head to head on everything in sight, the two of you decided to go out and sit under the stars in the bed of the truck. The back was filled with the blankets and pillows the boys had given to you and you just laid there for hours, talking to one another and enjoying the company. 
"I missed you, I didn't say it before but I did miss you." You turned away from the sky to look at him and smiled, 
"I missed you too baby, I know how busy you get so it's fine," You cupped his face in your hand, running your thumb over his skin and smiling at how smooth it was. 
"I promise I'll do this more often...N-Not just every two months," You shook your head at him, you didn't want him to have to worry about sneaking out to create dates like this all of the time.
"You can come whenever you want, don't force it." You whispered snuggling your head into his neck as you got comfortable, 
"I could sleep here." You laughed softly as you relaxed in his grasp, his arm wrapped around your body as you laid there together, enjoying the sounds of traffic, bugs and people just walking around having no idea who he was. Spending quality time with one another and ignoring the rest of the world while it moved on around you. 
"I think Felix packed food..." Chan hinted thinking that you were still awake but when he got no response he turned down to look at you, finding you fast asleep in his arms, he smiled to himself leaning down to kiss your nose. 
"Sleep tight baby," He whispered as he pulled the blankets up on your body, trying to let you sleep for as long as possible before he would have to set off home again.
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Tagline: @taestannie @kneel-begyourpardon​ @minholuvs​ @sw33tnight​ @acciocriativity​ @that-anxious-bisexual​ @mwitsmejk​
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svtskneecaps · 4 years
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play it again, part 19 ~ HA HA
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(Seventeen University! Time Loop! AU) ; fluff + angst ; lee chan x reader
Every day is Friday, again and again. Time resets with the sunrise, leaving you stranded in a single day, over, and over, and over. Good thing you’re not alone.
send me an ask or a dm if you’d like to be on the tag list
alright, got a couple of notes for you this time:
first, YES, this is a chan x reader endgame fic. do not forget it. we all know where this is heading. here’s your warning for the seokmin arc to follow.
second, NO, i don’t think that fuckin instagram picture is in character for vernon and YES i’m just as pissed about it as you’d expect but NO i will not be trolling pinterest for a studyblr picture that better fits a computer scientist and NO i will not fuckin spend eight hours trying to figure out how to photoshop something onto that goddamn computer, you are going to pay attention to the WORDS and NOT THE PICTURES i already erased somebody’s essay for this DO NOT MAKE ME DO MORE. you’re damn lucky i didn’t just delete it CAUSE I COULD HAVE. but i think the comments are WORTH EXISTING and i ALREADY HAD EM SO WHY NOT.
third, i’m pretty sure the tone is joking enough but to be sure, the texts are all playful ribbing on each other. nobody’s pissed. a couple of em gave me unclear vibes all of a sudden while i was writing em and i’m pretty sure they’re good but just to be absolutely positively certain there’s no mistake: they’re all joking around.
fourth, i’m back to classes in uni and i’m tired as all fuck; updates should still come out on the day they’re supposed to but i might also just. see a part with a lot of photoshopping or a fake instagram in it and decide it doesn’t spark joy and take a day off. idk if i will, it’s all up in the air, i’m just throwing that out as a possibility cause ngl i Did Not want to update today lmao
anyway if ever you’re confused or concerned or curious about anything in the fic or whatever just shoot me an ask, the anon option is turned on.
tag list: @elcie-chxn @vibecheckvernon @minghaocouture @escapewriter @minghaoist @kwonthefics @monstathedisco @brinnalaine @hao-are-xu @wuriwoori @jeonjungkaka @unravellyn @happyvitamin @svt13roses @yellowsreflection @bat-shark-repellant @strawberryhime @pebbypenny @dnylwoo @nose-bandaid @minghaofilm @hwaatemydoor @mieohmy @serenadesvt @otchae @fabshua @seventeeneration @lowkeycarat @pooofthechicken @dinosonzii @smolchild95
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