#leedan lerplaguedoctors
Title: Plague doctor torture 🐦‍⬛
(Picture taken from “zombie apocalypse 3”)
Description: when Stephen, hosuh and PJ are searching for a friend, Daniel, they find him in a rather…odd situation.
Ler: plague doctors
Lee: daniel
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“I hope we that who ever these plague doctor guys are, won’t hurt Daniel…” Hosuh asked, following PJ through the halls of the base.
PJ nodded. “But if they try anything funny we will jump in to stop them, and we will get out of here”
“And we will celebrate!-“ Stephen started but what cut off by PJ silencing him with her covering his mouth.
“Keep your voice down we don’t want to alert anyone that we’re down here” PJ whispered harshly.
Stephen smiled.
“Oh come on, PJ, why won’t you just admit that we all should spread happiness and friendship-“
“SHHH” hosuh also interrupted, only earn a whine from Stephen in response.
“I heard something…..is that..Daniel?” Hosuh whispered curiously.
PJ listened closely too, so did Stephen, and yet hosuh was right. In the distance, the trio heard a noise they couldn’t make heads or tails of, but they knew it was Daniel.
“That’s him!” Hosuh said with a relieved smile, knowing that they still had a chance to save Daniel.
“Well what are we waiting for?” PJ asked to both of them, before taking off down the hall and ending up at a door with a small square shaped window just at eye level for both of them.
PJ and Hosuh looked through and saw Daniel tied down on a table with his arms raised above him, and he was quivering under the gaze of the plague workers, who were preparing objects under the table that Daniel was on. PJ nor Hosuh could not see what they were grabbing from under Dan, but whatever is was, it couldn’t be anything good. PJ and hosuh watched as Stephen tried to pull them back so that he could see, but he failed for every attempt. So Stephen just listened.
PJ and hosuh’s body clenched and cringed, when on the doctors pulled out a long object from underneath and lifted dans shirt, then speaking to no one directly: “let’s test to see how strong this guy is under all these seemingly scared nerves”
The voice sounded muffled but was still just audible enough, but the tone was almost monotoned.
“Oh god it’s a damn knife” PJ whispered, her voice full of fear.
“Then let’s kick down this door and-“
“Wait!” Hosuh cut Stephen off once again.
“Ugh, what is it this time” Stephen was now seemingly hurt by the interruption.
“I don’t think that’s a knife, it not big enough to be a knife”
PJ nodded in agreement, continueing to watch, the three were more confused then scared now, not knowing what to expect.
Before they knew it, they started brushing the object along Daniels stomach. Daniel tensed up and tried hold back any sort of response.
“What are they going?” PJ whispered.
But then a plague doctor with blond fluffy hair spoke up.
“Alright this will make him break”
Then pulled out another long object, this time it had bristles at the end of it and a button on the side. (I Think we all know what’s gonna go down lol) the doctor turned it on and placed the end on the belly of their victim and started slowly moving it around. Daniel started to shake and giggle, trying not to give anything to the plague people, but it was gonna be the end of him soon. Then another plague doctor raised a gloved hand and started to move the ends of their fingers around where Daniel’s sides were. Daniel was starting to lose it.
“Wahahahahait! Nohohohohoho what are yohohohu doing!”
“Not so strong now is he?” The blonde plague doctor pointed out.
The doctor, with their hands still on Daniel’s sides started wiggling them about while the fourth doctor took their gloves off and put on different ones that had dull points at the end of them and moved where Daniel’s ribs were, then the doctors working on Daniel’s stomach moved down where his legs and feet were.
“NOHOHOHO DONT DO IT!” Daniel screamed.
While this is all going on, PJ and hosuh are baffled and frozen not sure how to react, but Stephen seemed to be happy. “It seems like they are having fun! You were right PJ they are doing something funny to him”
“PLEASE STOHOHOHOP!” Daniel cried aloud.
The doctors continued to ignore Dan.
“Seems like our hands are the best choice of weapons that we got, drop the items!” The muffled voice spoke and every plague doctor did so, halting their tickling fest.
Daniel breathed heavily already feeling worn out, but it was gonna get worse.
And all at once, the plague doctors started at work on Daniel’s whole body, two at the legs and feet and two at the torso. Daniel tried to squirm out of their grasp but obviously failed.
“The subject is being stubborn and won’t stay still” one plague said in a muffled tone.
“I know what will get him to cooperate” the blonde one spoke and climbed up on the table and sat on the Daniel’s waist, while scribbling his fingers at his sides and belly.
“Smart move” the first doc replied.
Eventually the blonde doctor had stuck his finger into dans navel and that had finally broke dan.
Suddenly all four doctors jumped as well as hosuh, PJ and Stephen did aswell.
“Awwww I found a death point! This guy is really not so lucky now is he?” The blonde doctor managed to speak over the screaming laughter of Dan. There was a hint of tease in tone.
That was the last straw, immediately Stephen kicked down the door and screamed: “Hello sir! I see you got yourself some visitors who just wants to give hugs! And perhaps something more~”
Stephen teased, wiggling his fingers.
This caused all the plague doctors to stop what they were doing and ran through another door and yelled: “Get the chief!”
“We have to move quick if we want to get out of here safely” Hosuh said, untying Daniel from his straps and carried him in his arms on the way out with PJ and Stephen tailing behind. Daniel passed out at this point.
Author: I know it’s not a lot, but I couldn’t think of a lot to add, but I hope it was still enjoyable.
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