#lefty gonna ask for those pictures later
eerie-candid · 1 year
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Live laugh love old men kissing
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aj-illustrated · 4 years
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*pulls up a 97-slide PowerPoint* I’m so glad you asked
Ben is an OC co-owned by me and @finnoky! The short of it is that he’s an orphan who Varian helps save from a life of crime, and who later gets adopted by Quirin!
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More about him under the cut:
Age: About 12
Birthday: He has no idea, but thinks it might have been sometime in the autumn.
Likes: Quirin, Varian, farmwork, tending to the sheep, his dog (Achilles), the Challenge of the Brave (spectating and later competing), adventure stories, head pats, strawberries, friendly roughhousing, drawing
Dislikes: Cramped spaces (he’s claustrophobic), people hugging him, carrots, books with complicated words, cold weather, any kind of tight or scratchy clothing
Fun Facts:
Ben meets Varian about nine months after the end of the series.
He’s good friends with Kiera and Catalina! They’re the only kids his age who can beat him in a fair fight.
He eventually grows to be taller than Varian, and absolutely uses that fact to tease him.
He’s an excellent pickpocket, though he hasn’t stolen much of anything since Quirin took him in.
He’s got a knack for drawing— he’s not too good with words, so he finds it easier to express himself with pictures. He’s also a leftie!
He’s been almost adopted several times, but Quirin is the only foster parent who kept him around for longer than a month.
Backstory: Ben is an orphan who’s been given a raw deal in life, and as a result is kinda pissed off at everyone and everything all the time. The orphanage he grew up in was lacking to say the least, and he spent much of his early childhood being routinely abused and neglected, often lashing out in aggression at those he deemed to be a threat (which was most people). He eventually starts getting into trouble with the law and is tossed in prison for multiple counts of petty theft and assault, and it’s around that time that he meets Varian, who is helping to reform Corona’s prison system and is disgusted to see that they’re still punishing children as if they were adults.
He gets Ben out of prison, but the orphanage refuses to let him come back, so Varian convinces Quirin to take him in. Quirin agrees for a few factors: 1. Ben reminds him of Varian when he was going through a rough time, and how Quirin wasn’t able to help him then, 2. He’s not getting any younger and could use some help around the farm (plus Varian has been worried about him getting lonely, now that Varian has basically moved into the castle), and 3. The kid deserves a shot at having a healthy, stable home life.
Ben only agrees to go live with Quirin because trying to survive on the streets is no picnic, and also because he’d really rather not stay in prison for any longer than he has to. He figures that it won’t last, anyway— Quirin will lose patience with him and kick him to the curb, just like every other foster parent/guardian he’s been handed off to. He gets very confused (and a little annoyed) when Quirin turns out to be incredibly patient and willing to give him as many chances as he needs. In response, Ben acts out and does everything he can think of to convince Quirin that he’s rotten to the core, but nothing works.
Ben doesn’t want to get his hopes up or let himself get attached. He manages to annoy everyone else: the other villagers, Varian, even Eugene (who visits sometimes), but never Quirin. The most he ever gets out of him is an irritated sigh.
Throughout all of this, Ben is also finding out that he kinda likes helping out on the farm, and he’s pretty good at it, too. He’s very strong for his age, and a fast learner.... except for one thing: he can’t read. The orphanage had tried to teach him, but it never really clicked and they had long since given up on him, so he just never learned, instead relying on pictures and context clues to figure out the meaning of written words. As he continues to grow more attached to Quirin, he starts wanting to be better, to deserve the love and acceptance Quirin is offering him, so his self-consciousness about reading (among other things he doesn’t like about himself) really starts to bug him.
While he's sociable and generally gets along with other children, he does have the flaw of a short temper. So when he's targeted and called out for his apparent lack of academic intelligence, things get ugly, fast, and he gets in a fight. When Quirin asks later what it was about, Ben is reluctant to tell him, and is even less enthused when Quirin later suggests enrolling him in school.
He eventually admits to Quirin that he’s illiterate, expecting to get belittled or even compared to Varian (who is an actual genius and is kind of intimidating to Ben). But Quirin.... he doesn’t care that Ben can’t read, and even offers to help teach him or find him a tutor if he wants to learn. It’s after letting himself be vulnerable and accepting Quirin’s help that Ben starts to wonder if maybe... maybe he has a shot at being part of a real family.
He starts to let himself feel at home in Old Corona, thinking (or rather hoping) he’s found somewhere he belongs... as much as he hates to admit it, he really likes it here. So he tries to keep on the straight and narrow so he can stay longer, even making an effort to be nicer to Varian (who is more than happy to help him with his reading and is the one to introduce him to the Flynn Rider series). For the first time, Ben’s future is looking bright.
Until he loses his temper again.
On a visit to the capital, he passes by his old orphanage and gets in an argument with one of the kids he used to know (and wasn’t on particularly good terms with). The argument quickly gets personal, and then physical, and Ben takes it way too far— by the time the guards arrive on the scene to break it up, the kid Ben was fighting is a bloody, mangled mess, about a minute away from passing out. The guards don’t care what awful things that kid said to Ben; all they care about is that this boy with a history of violence and petty crime just savagely attacked another child, and Ben is swiftly arrested and taken to the dungeons.
At this point, Ben has cooled down enough to realize just how serious his situation really is. Even if they let him out of prison to go back to Quirin, he’s sure this is the last straw and that Quirin won’t want anything to do with him— he’s violent and dangerous, and no matter what he does he can’t seem to stay out of trouble, even when he really does try his best to be good. He hates himself for blowing his one chance at finding a home and family, and consoles himself by thinking that it was only a matter of time and at least the wait is over (boy’s got some raging self-loathing issues if you haven’t noticed).
Varian gets word that Ben’s been arrested and heads down to the dungeons to hear his side of the story, but Ben is too ashamed to even look him in the eye. Ben was told by the guards that, although he won’t be left to rot in the dungeons or thrown onto a prison barge (as per the new regulations regarding juvenile justice), he’ll be sent away to a correctional facility for delinquents— aka, reform school. Ben has no idea what to expect, but based on what the guards have been saying about it (very loudly, just outside his cell), it sounds no better than regular prison.
Varian is having absolutely none of this and contacts Quirin to tell him what’s going on— Quirin is up at the castle within the hour to try and bail Ben out, or at least renegotiate his sentence. However, since Quirin is not yet technically related to Ben— for the past year or so, he’s legally been closer to a parole officer than anything else— the law states that he can’t actually do much to interfere with Ben’s bail or sentence, especially since the boy is a repeat offender and is now classified as a menace to society.
Instead of giving up on the situation, Quirin decides to become Ben’s legal guardian right then and there, whipping out the adoption papers he’s been keeping in his vest for weeks— he’s been wanting to ask Ben if he’d like to be adopted for a while now, but he could never find the right moment. Now seems to be as good a time as any.
It takes a day or two to sort things out (Nigel and Fred both aren’t too keen on releasing a violent criminal for any reason, even if that criminal is like twelve), but Varian is able to pull some strings with Raps and Eugene to give Quirin full guardianship over Ben. Meanwhile, Ben is expecting he'll be shipped off any day now— when he sees Varian come back down to the prison with a guard, he expects it's to say goodbye... not to remove his shackles and lead him back upstairs to the throne room, where Quirin and Rapunzel are waiting beside a stack of paperwork. They only need one more signature to make the adoption official: Ben’s.
Luckily, Varian and Quirin have been helping him practice writing his name, and once he signs, Quirin tosses Raps the bail money (which she had whittled down to like two coins) and they head back home— Ben’s permanent home.
Ben’s story is a result of many many rambles between me and Feen on Discord, and I don’t think we’re gonna be stopping anytime soon— Ben is such a fun OC to flesh out XD
Feen and I are actually running a Q&A for Ben over on Feen’s Instagram story, y’all should go check it out!
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Negan’s daughter  Chapter:1 All Nighter.
Whoop new story! 
word count:1,064
Warnings: Language 
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I sat on the ground fighting falling asleep "When will they be here?"I ask obviously annoyed it was around 4:00 am and all I wanted to was go to bed "Soon Y/n just be patient."My dad said with a smirk he was the leader of a large group called the saviors I was basically leader as well I just couldn't make rules. I could kill whoever I wanted and they all kneeled to me along with my dad of course. suddenly I heard a vehicle pulling up an RV? Simon steps out pushing a man with a mullet to the ground I roll my eyes standing up 
10 minutes later I stood there with my arms crossed over my chest as my dad went on with a stupid speech about the new world order I look at the line of people I noticed a boy around my age with one eye he glared at me I smirked "I simply cannot decide...I have an idea."My dad says pointing Lucille at the leader Rick "Ennie Meenie miney moe.."He says pointing Lucille at everyone   he finally stopped at a man with red hair I looked away as I saw him bring the bat down on his skull "Takin like a champ!"My dad cheered as the ginger brought his head up "Suck...My...Nuts"The ginger said I chuckled my dad brought Lucille down on his head again and again until the ginger was nothing but guts and gore people cried Rick was in shock I did feel bad for them but yet they did this to themselves I guess I blacked out because suddenly my dad swung Lucille again hitting another man in the head A women let out a scream she was pail and looked liked she was sick she must be his wife I bit my lip "Dad!"I said getting his attention I motion to the sick woman he smirked. "Sucks to fucking suck."He says I sighed then my dad walked up to rick he said something to him I couldn't hear "Simon what did he have?"He says "A Hatchet."Simon replies amused "A hatchet?"My dad questions "An axe."Simon corrects himself Simons hands my dad the hatchet then my dad pulls Rick towards the RV "We'll be back maybe Rick will be with me."My dad says pushing Rick into the RV "Y/n you're in charge while I'm gone!"My dad says then closes the RV door I smirk moments later they drive away "Why the hell a teenager gets put in charge?"Simon complains I chuckle "Probably because i'm not a fucking psychopath."I say pulling my knife from the sheath as 4 walkers approach I grab one by the neck and bring my knife into its skull other saviors take out the others "Move the dead ones."I command  "Yes ma'am."A savior says  "Where did they go?"The boy asks "I don't fucking know nor do I care."I say cleaning my knife off on my jeans I look at the sick woman she is crying hysterically I sigh and I grab a water bottle from the truck I walk over to her and place it in front of her "Drink you look sick as all hell?"I say "Are you bit?"I add She shakes her head as she drinks the water "I'm pregnant.."She says I smirk trying not to show mercy "Damn what a dumb decision."I say walking away  "What is gonna happen when they get back?"Another lady asks she has dreadlocks and was next to #2 I shrug "Beats me."I say The boy continues to glare at me "Take a picture one-eyed It will last longer."I say crossing my arms over my chest he looked away I sat on the bed of the truck grabbing a comic book and opening it up and just like that the RV pulls up I roll my eyes I toss my comic book sitting up I cross my arms over my chest the door swings open and Rick is pushed out my dad steps out and chuckles "Well good fucking morning!"He says chuckling He walks over to me he puts his arm around my shoulder "Well darling how were our new friends?"He asks I smirk "Fine."I say he chuckles "Good!"He beams He pats my back then kisses my head I walk back to the truck and sit on the bed of the truck my dad starts talking to Rick he then looks at the boy "Kid come here."My dad says I smirk  "You a southpaw?"He asks as the kid stands up he raises an eyebrow "Am I what?"He asks "You a lefty?"My dad asks taking off his belt "No."The boy replies harshly I roll my eyes My dad wraps his belt around the boy's left arm  "Lay down kid next to daddy."My dad says I slightly cringe at those words the boy laid on the ground holding his left arm out "Now Rick take that axe and cut your son's left arm off straight clean cut. Now don't worry Rick we got a great doctor your kid is gonna be fine..Maybe."My dad says  Rick looks shocked at the words I hear snarling behind me there are about 10 walkers "Y/n and  Alex go deal with those pricks."My dad commands I pull my knife from the sheath and I walk over to the nearest walker I bring my knife into its head and I push it to the ground After clearing all of the walkers I walk back to the group to see Rick crying on the ground and my dad putting his belt back on he picks up the hatchet and hands it to me kissing my head "You could use a new knife. Go get in the truck and gets some sleep."My dad says I nod and I take the axe I walk to the truck passing the boy I learned whos name is Carl I open the passenger door and I get in I close the door and I lay back in the seat putting my axe in the foot space my dad gets in the car putting Lucille in the back seat he starts the car and I close my eyes "Dad."I say quietly "Yeah sweetheart?"My dad says "Don't wake me up when we get home just carry me inside."I say snuggling into the seat my dad chuckles lightly "Ok sweetheart."He says patting my head he starts to drive down the road then I drift off to sleep.
Tag list: @namelesslosers
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miraclesmara · 8 years
Paranatural Miraculous Ladybug AU: Spirit Miraculous Version
This is it, that Pnat Miraculous AU that I've been working on a lot. This is the one where the characters have miraculouses based on their spirits. List of headcanons under the cut:
Character specific stuff
Max's miraculous is a bracelet or bangle. When untransformed, it just looks like a silver bracelet; when transformed, it's black and the front part looks like Scrapdragon's eyes. At the 5 minute timer, each circle (from both the red and blue) disappear at each beep.
He first found the box containing the bracelet in the storage closet while looking for a way out. (alternative: he found the box in his bag or vest while he was locked in the storage closet)
Just like in canon, Scrapdragon can't talk so Max had to get his miraculous related info from others and figure out some other things on his own. Also when he transformed for the first time it was because of one of two reasons:
a.) He somehow managed to accidentally say his transformation phrase while reacting to this wierd floating thing that suddenly appeared.
b.) The box containing the bracelet also had a note with the transformation phrase written in it and Max read it out loud.
His bat looks like how it would look if Scrapdragon is almost recovered. He still has his magnet powers as his main ability. His special ability is just a really powered up version of his magnet ability (does anyone have better ideas for his special ability?).
Max did not ask for any of this, he did not ask to be a magical boy, he did not ask to fight evil in a ridiculous looking tight costume, and he did not ask to be caught in a love triangle (that's even more complicated than just a triangle if you add secret identities and other stuff to the mix) between two hotheads. On the bright side, at least he can now do awesome parkour stunts he was never able to do in civilian form.
I have no idea on what to do with the thing that briefly took over Max in ch3 but one thing's for sure, Max had been wearing its miraculous the whole time and nobody (not even Max himself) had noticed it yet.
Isabel and Ed
Isabel's miraculous is a comb and Ed's is an anklet.
They both got their miraculouses at the same time. (Grandpa Guerra may have been the one who snuck them into their rooms)
Back when they were the only active miraculous users in Mayview and they still didn't know each other's identities, they had a relationship similar to Ladynoir, love square included (which frustrated Eightfold, Muse and Grandpa Guerra to no end). Also, which love square do you think makes the most sense for them:
a.) They both see each other as siblings but they secretly crush on each other's alter-egos.
b.) Ed secretly crushes on Isabel who just sees him as a brother but secretly crushes on Ed's alter-ego who just sees Isabel's alter-ego as a partner and friend (you know how the rest goes)
c.) Inverse of b.
Isabel's book looks exactly the same as it does in canon while Ed's paintbrush is the tail-belt of his costume
Isabel still has her paper powers as her main ability. I don't know what her special ability is yet but I want it to be related to words or knowledge (because Eightfold is the devourer of words and her spirit world is a library and so I wanted to incorporate that somewhere)
Ed still has his paint powers as his main ability. His special ability allows him to draw something that comes to life (the five minute timer doesn't start until after he's done drawing it)
It's gonna be really sad when Isabel loses her comb and Eightfold with it.
Isaac's miraculous is a choker or necklace
He's really having the time of his life as a magical boy (until the miraculous au version of that incident happened)
He envies the partnership between Ed and Isabel (he knows that they know each other's identities) and wishes he had something like that (preferably with Max)
He mainly has small scale weather effects (same as canon) as his abilities. His special ability is to affect the weather on a large scale (It can only be cleared by miraculous cure or by him changing back and he has no control over what weather comes out.)
Mr. Spender
Mr. Spender's miraculouses are a brooch (Lucifer) and a ring (shadow spirit). Those who know his identity think that he only has the former.
The brooch, when untransformed, looks like a plain white circular brooch that's not easy to notice unless you know to look for it, when transformed, the brooch looks like Lucifer's eye and it has Lucifer's wings. At the five minute timer, each of the "pupils"(what are they called actually?) disappear at the first three beeps and each of the wings get dimmed at the last two beeps. I have no idea what the shadow spirit miraculous would look like since we still haven't fully seen what the shadow spirit looks like (I'm not even sure on whether to have it be a ring).
He is still as unhelpful as ever, like that time he told Max that he should feed his kwami but didn't tell him that his transformation has a time limit after using his special ability (luckily, one of the other members told him about it after asking why his bracelet is beeping)
He only transforms to help the kids when he's really needed
Johnny's miraculous is a necklace that looks like Forge's locket with or without the keyhole when untransformed (and it opens to show a picture of Max's family when they were much younger, so Johnny doesn't recognize Max in the picture when he sees it)
Immediately after his first use of his miraculous, Johnny told his friends his identity right away (much to Forge's protest). He has their full support. They help him out with stuff like covering for him or buying food for Forge.
I have two options with how Johnny's abilities work:
a.) The fire powers is the main ability and the metal-working is the special ability
b.) inverse of a.
Secret Identity Stuff
I have two options for how to handle secret identities in this au:
1.) The activity club know each other's identities
The activity club still exists as a school club
Suzy still has her goal of finding out what the activity club does but it's second to her goal of finding out the identities of the heroes, yet she never figures that the two are connected despite the activity club gaining a new member at around the same time a new hero appears (Miraculous magic or Mayview wierdness? Who knows?)
Max often comments at his teammates being really unsubtle at the whole secret identity thing. He wonders why they hadn't been caught yet.
2.) The activity club don't know each other's identities
Spender knows the kids' identities and they know his
Ed and Isabel already knew each other's identities by the time Max joins
Max hasn't noticed that two of his classmates (later three) and an eighth grader regularly come to the corner store to buy a lot of a specific type of food for some reason
Lots angst for Isaac as he has nobody (except for Spender and King C who aren't helping very much) to turn to in regards to secret identity related stuff. Max may have the same problem but he's still too new to realize it yet. (I know Max has PJ and Lefty while Isaac has Doorman but I have no idea what to do with them in this au)
Akuma and spirit stuff
If spirits are still around in this au, then they'll be visible to everyone
If akuma villains are still a thing in this au:
Isabel (until she loses Eightfold), Spender, and possibly Day can purify akumas and use miraculous cure (though, they can still do the latter even without akuma villains)
Akumatized Suzy has a similar goal to Lady Wifi (wanting to unmask the heroes)
Akumatized Jeff can be based on Hijeff
Despite their emotional instability, Spender and Isaac hadn't been akumatized since getting their miraculouses (either they are protected by their miraculouses or they're both surprisingly good at not getting akumatized)
I don't know what the source of the akumas would be in this au or if they'll still be butterflies or if they'll still be called akumas
Other stuff
I got almost nothing for costume descriptions (I can imagine them but can't describe them) for when the characters are transformed. At least I have some descriptions for appearance changes: Ed has black tips on his hair, Isaac has his medium traits (like the spiky hair) only while transformed, one of Max's eyes are red and the other is blue, Spender (w/ Lucifer) glows really bright (nowadays, he's gotten better at controlling how bright he glows), and Zarei's (w/ Patchworm) eyes look like Patchworm's eye.
I got almost nothing for names. The only names I managed to come up with are Chrysalis for Zarei with Patchworm and Lumen Aves or Lucidus Aves (either way, the kids mostly call him Mr. Aves) for Spender with Lucifer.
I'll most likely have a hair clamp as Day's miraculous. I can't think of what kind of accessories both of Zarei's miraculouses are.
If Dimitri in canon does turn out to be a spectral and has a spirit partner, then I will most likely have his miraculous be earrings (unless his spirit's design inspires a different accessory)
The equivalent to being a medium in this au is wearing a miraculous that can't be removed for the duration of the "possession". (Do Spender, Isaac and Johnny need any reason to want to take off their miraculouses?)
Suzy runs this au's equivalent of the Ladyblog (would it be called the Spiderblog or the Paperblog or some other name?)
Mom Puckett may have had a similar role to Mama Agreste
Master Fu's role is kinda split between:
Mr. Spender - the kids' mentor (even though he's not doing a very good job at it)
Dr. Zarei - the one who heals kwamis (not sure about this one yet)
Grandpa Guerra - the guardian of the miraculouses and the one who tests potential wielders (instead of him doing the testing, he sends one of his students to do it while he watches from afar)
That's all I got for now. I know I left a lot of blanks in this (like names, transformation phrases, costume descriptions/designs, what the kwamis eat, etc.) so I'll just leave those to whoever wants to write or draw something based on or inspired by this au.
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