neaelf · 6 years
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Day 16_ Leg
[In which legmon is shouldermon and witch Jin is Legjing(legging ;;;;;)) )]
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Wishing on a star
So I decided to write this little fic thingy for @raisingmylegson @ask-kimdaily ’s legfam au. This is a short fic I came up with from the comic about Yoongi contemplating about being a rock. It’s not that good and this is probably really creep but well I hope you still like it a little lol rip
Yoongi hadn’t pondered very much on it before. He’d never questioned his existence on why he was nothing more than simply a rock. As ridiculous as it sounds, that was exactly what he was, but he was rather content. He was never really lonely or sad; he had legmon and legson to keep him company even when their rather over analytical personality made him want to close his eyes for eternity, but they were family and he loved them. Even jungkook the meme giant, who always rambled about the beauty of Timbs and continuously proved how much of an idiot he was, proved to be a presence Yoongi was fond of.
He had to admit, however, that he was most grateful to Hobi, the literal sun itself. Again, as ridiculous as it sounded, Yoongi was most fond of the being that was the sun; that lit his mornings to a new day, that although sometimes woke him from his nap with his radiance, would leave him feeling giddy to be alive despite the fact that he couldn’t move. It was only natural that Yoongi felt rather upset when the clouds would cover Hobi from his view, a clear sign when Hobi would be upset, and his tears would pour down on the world through the clouds.
But it was more of the undeniable loneliness, that got him sometimes crying himself to sleep, sometimes having him question what he could have possibly done in a previous life to be born this way. One particular night, he’d held back his tears, and decided to confide to Hobi his concerns. Part of him believed the sun couldn’t possibly hear him when it was night and so he confessed of dreams he’d been having lately, believing in his heart that no one would had listened.
“Hey, Hobi, I dont think you’re awake right now, but I wanted to tell you a few things”, he’d began to say cautiously before releasing the memories of his dreams, letting the words hang in the air until he would sigh contently and drift of into sleep. His dreams were special, made his heart ache in longing, a longing he himself had not understood. He didn’t question it, didn’t dare to because he felt happy.
He dreams again. He doesn’t know where he is, but the place take the air from his lungs at its beauty. Wait? Lungs. He has them, he thinks, a hand softly patting at his chest. Hands and legs? He wriggles them experimentally, and he feels overjoyed. He stands by a hillside or so it seems, and he walks slowly towards the highest peak, stumbling slightly because of the foreign feeling, to see the most breathless view of woods.
Endless trees, leaves swaying slightly as the wind caresses through the branches, flowers of all kinds spread out in hues of yellow, reds, and pinks. He’s by far most astounded by the sunset before him, as the sun descends slowly in bursts of orange and red and yellow, but it isn’t Hobi. There seems to be no life to the sun, but it doesn’t make it any less breathtaking, any less pretty to the rest of the view.
“Yoongi”, a soft voice call and he’a startled, flinching before whipping around his body to gaze at a young orange haired male with a gorgeous heart shapped smile and bright honey brown eyes. Yoongi blinks at him confused. “Don’t look at me like that, hyung. I seemed to have scared you, that’s a first” One half hearted glare and a giggle escapes the orange haired male’s lips. “Sorry, haha…It’s just there’s so much more for us to explore and I’m sure you don’t want to miss it”.
Yoongi can’t quite remember or well he doesn’t think he knows who this man is, but he finds himself nodding with excitement as the latter grins even brighter and urges them to head along.
And just like that Yoongi awoke, struck with with awe, wanting to succumb to a dream like that again, yearning to do so. He decided to confide in Hobi yet again and wondered of the sun ever heard anything he would tell him. The whole time he feels giddy as he whispers his dream eagerly and excitedly as though he’d actually lived out the experience
The next time he dreams, he feels the sudden rush of adrenaline in his veins, his heart pumping rapidly, and he realizes he’s running. He notices the mint colored hair he possesses slap his forehead, wet from sweat, but before he can even comment about it, he looks at hand holding tightly onto his wrist. He sees the same male from before. He looked scared out of his mind, but his still laughing and he realizes its because behind them a brown bear is rushing towards them.
They end up tripping over a stray branch from one of the trees as Yoongi falls on top of the orange haired male. They shuffle to see the bear slow down and give them an intense glare. Yoongi blinks at seeing it simply stand there, sniffing the air to get their scent as though to see if they pose a threat. It gives a slight growl like yawn, comedic actually, before it waddles away back from where it was running after them. The two males remained stunned in silence, only the current from the river behind them, making heavy noise.
“D-Did that really just happen?” the younger dares to mutter in pure disbelief. Yoongi thinks it’s adorable how his ugly expression looks like a fish as he snorts trying to hold back his laughter, in vain. Soon the hearty laughs escape his lips and the younger joins, both in relief from being alive and from the exciting experience.
“That really was something. I swear we were going to die”, Yoongi chuckles softly as he watches the other male shuffle towards the river. He rolls up the legs of his pants, the mint haired male watching curiously as the younger sticks his tongue out in concentration before thrusting his hands into the water. He sees the water splash violently before he pulls out a fish in his hands. “what the hell are you doing?”
“Hyung! It’s dinner!” he chirps excitedly before the fish flops out of his grasp slapping him in the face and plopping back into the water and effectively swimming away. The younger pouts rubbing his hand down his face.
“Yeah, I don’t think it was wise to tell our dinner we were gonna eat it”, Yoongi snickers.
“Shut up!!!”
Yet again Yoongi wakes up to excitedly tell Hobi about his adventure until he sees Hobi rising from his own slumber as excitedly as always. Bright sun rays giving off a warm feelings. “Morning Yoongi!” the sun calls out and Yoongi smiles brightly, so unlike himself, that Hobi seems to beam (lol pun not intended) even more. “Wow! You seem really happy this lovely morning”.
“I had a great sleep, is all”, he mutters and if he had shoulders, Hobi would probably be able to see him shrug dismissively.
“I’m glad”, Hobi murmured almost inaudibly.
And the days continue on like this. Each time Yoongi traveling to different places, seeing all linds of creatures and plants. One day dipping his feet in a stream, others caressing the leaves of plants and smelling the exotic flowers, others running through the fields or hiking all in the good company of the male he’s become fond of. It makes him sad that he’s become attached to this male in his dreams. He’s afraid to one day sleep and the dreams no longer present. His dreams are the only doors to the world he can’t himself see and all have been most memorable by the man who has been with him through out it all.
When he falls to sleep this time, in his dreams it’s the first time that he sees the night sky. A fire is front of him warming him nicely despite the chilly breeze passing through. He sighs contentedly when he feels a thin blanket or cape(???) wrapped around his shoulders. “Thanks”, Yoongi mutters gratefully not needing to look up to know who it is. He feels the male sot next to him and has the instinct to get him to huddle closer as he covers them both with the thin material
What’s peculiar this time is that he can see what he’s doing, but he can’t speak or move. His body begins to do its own thing. Its confusing, but he doesn’t want to panic. He wants to see why this dream is being rather strange. So he let’s the clothes surround him, letting the dream guide him instead.
The cloth isn’t much but it helps keep their body heat closed around them, and it easily absorbs the heat from the fire. “Look up, Yoongi hyung! The stars look amazing!” he chirps as he gives Yoongi a fond smile before they both simultaneously look up at the lights in the sky. It is a beautiful sight and this moment just seems perfect. “You know, hyung. They say a shooting star grants you a wish. It’s cliche, but of we see one we should make a wish about our next life” The orange haired male whispers softly. He sighs as he lays his head on Yoongi’s shoulder when he hears Yoongi hum.
“We should do it”, he mutters in agreement as the younger male brightens up when he sees the sudden flash of light pass through.
“Quick hyung! Make your wish”, and Yoongi finds his body forcing him close his eyes tightly at the outburst and it seems he was making a wish. When he opens them again, the younger male beside him, looks at him expectantly. “Well? What do you want to be?”
Yoongi finds himself snorting, but smiles softly. “A rock”, he hears himself say before the younger burst into laughter.
“Aw, come on, hyung! Be serious. You can’t be that lazy”, the male whines, but his eyes are watering from his laughter. Yoongi feels himself freeze…a rock? Why did his dream self say this? Why a rock?!? That’s just ridiculous.
“Hey! Listen brat, there’s a good reason”, he hears himself say catching both the attention of his consciousness and the younger male. “Look, I want to be a rock because then I get to be out here in the wilderness. I won’t be prey to animals and it’ll take the weather a good fight to bring me down, but regardless I’ll be able to always be in these places I love. Wake up and see the the trees, always feel the air, see the flowers, and the animals. Just be completely immersed here in nature and just be able to be free. I think most of all, I love to feel the sun warming me every morning when I wake up and be able to see the stars lull me sleep”, he explained a large smile splayed on his lips.
The younger looked stunned by his answer and even he himself had not realize that the state he was in wasn’t even a bad thing. He had never realized that his dream self thought in such a way, but he felt as though maybe this wasn’t a dream. Maybe he was the object he was because he had wished this before. He heard a sweet laugh interrupt his thoughts as he looked at the younger’s extremely happy and loving face.
“What did you wish to be?” Yoongi asked.
The younger smiled even wider before responding. “The sun”.
And Yoongi woke up with a start, realization heavily reaching his mind, like a wave hitting harshly agains the rocks on the shore. This wasn’t a dream. He knew that voice had been familiar, that smile had been all the more. That had been him in his past life and he had wished to be like this just like he realized that Hobi had wanted to be the sun. They had always been together even since a long time before.
Yoongi feels like crying. Nostalgic, but so happy. He thinks this was probably the last of his dreams as he clears his throat to speak. “Hey Hobi, you asleep?” the questions again floats in the air, with no response before he decides to continue.
“Sometimes I miss my legs”, he confesses before taking back his statement. “No not my legs, but rather walking? Well no not that. Dang this is hard, but It’s actually the places where walking used to take me. I don’t really remember too much or anything about them, but I remember they were breathtaking. I loved them…loved the feeling they gave me. I want to go to those places again someday”, he whispered with a soft sigh.
He remained quiet briefly before he posed a question he’d been dying to ask himself as well. A breeze softly passes through and the lone tiny flowers that’d grown on the grass from his body had begun to sway. “Should I have wish to be a rock when the time came? Heh…It’s too late to think that, huh?” he huffs before the flower detaches and float into the air.
Yoongi watches it solemnly, and sighs. “At least the breeze was nice…good night, Hobi”
“Yoongi!!! Wake up” a loud voice interrupts his sleep and Yoongi almost yells if he hadn’t recognized the annoying voice of Jungkook. He glares heavily at the giant in annoyance before he pauses to take in his surroundings only slightly.
“Where are we?” he ask curiously.
“Hmmm, you’re on my head”, and Yoongi really resists the urge to call him an idiot, “but we’re actually thousands of feet above ground…I think…But well you’re not supposed to be here, but Hobi said today was an exception because apparently you were crying about a walk?”
Yoongi feel the urge to cry reach him. Hobi had listened to him every night. He knew all this time. He looks before him and see the all familar view. The trees, the flowers, and this time the sun with Hobi’s fond smile plaster across the surface. Tears spill down his face, feeling so touched, and so relieved. Hobi beams brightly at him in content from afar. He hadn’t even realized a set of flowers had bloomed beautifully on his head from they joy he felt as laughter spilled from him.
“Pftt. What a dummy”, he muttered, a few more tears slipping, “A nice dummy”.
He had finally found his answer.
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seokjinily · 7 years
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thank u so much @ask-kimdaily ❤❣❣
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parkmochimin · 7 years
I want to buy legfam merch but I don't have any money because I loaned it all to my mom ajajsjdd 😭 @ask-kimdaily hopefully when she pays me back 😢
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My order from @ask-kimdaily is finally here! Legit I was so excited when I got my package this morning. I'm absolutely in love~ The Legfam sheet was super duper cute and I know a couple of my irl KPOP friends are going to love getting their little Boy With Luv bias. The quality of the stickers are amazing and all the personal little touches with the packaging just shows how much Kaye loves their work 💕💞💖 thank you so much for making amazing things lovely (especially the Jihope spy au, I am so soft and in love with those two dorks)! 💕💕💕
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artbythenoodleboy · 7 years
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Teeny tiny fimo Legfam (by @raisingmylegson!!!!!!) I made today since it was my day off and my moss pot was a little bare ;;
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whytewolf64 · 7 years
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"Mother can I buy some high quality meme art." "You know my card number." Sadly, I didn't make in time to catch the Zine but I ordered the legfam from @ask-kimdaily and some other stuff and I can't wait :)
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yoonia · 7 years
@raisingmylegson!!!! My new love that I stalk everyday for their magnificent art. Follow the beautiful story of Legfam and friends, you won’t regret it, I promise!
For every 🎊 I get I’ll recommend a blog
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hugsforhobi · 7 years
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My latest order from @ask-kimdaily (who you should totally follow btw) finally came in and I’m just so so beyond happy 💕 I love the little charms (which the Wishing on a Star charm is my fave I mean LOOKIT HOW CUTE IT IS!!!!) and I didn’t realize they were glittery but they’re so super cool and will happily add to my growing charm collection~ The Legfam washi tape came at the perfect time too since my new Leuichtturm for bullet journaling needs to be set up for 2018 and you can bet I’m gonna use the crap out of the washi tape (hence why I ordered two rolls 😅). Also I couldn’t bear to let the cute sticker that was used to seal the package go in the trash, so I taped it to my 3DS (since it lost the adhesive). Thank you so much Kaye for always making beautiful and cute merch and I can’t wait to see what you’ll come up with next 😊💕
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hyperkittyjkat · 7 years
guess who ordered the legfam zine and the tae pin :-) I am depressed
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hugsforhobi-moving · 7 years
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Guess what totally took me by surprise by showing in my mailbox~! More goodies from @ask-kimdaily and omg I would have waited forever for these charms because I'm gonna carry them around with me and they're SO STINKING CUTE! (tbh I'm tempted to keep the Yoongi charm at my work cubicle...) The Namjoon print is so stunning and ugh MORE LEGFAM! Seriously so happy to have these to my now growing collection and can't wait to see what comes out next~ (even though I'm already putting in another pre-order since I have no self-control 🙃🤣💕)
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