#lei yixin
onenakedfarmer · 9 months
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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Top: Martin Luther King Jr. National Historical Park, Atlanta with sculptor Basil Watson
Bottom: The Stone of Hope - Library of Congress in West Potomac Park next to the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
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grumpy-potat · 1 year
Controversial Public Art
I am not someone who believes art is just meant for museums or for hanging in your homes. Although those are amazing places for them, I feel art is meant to be experienced in aspects of our every day lives. Out in the world as we walk through it. So I am a huge advocate for public art.
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Very briefly that is defined as:
"Public Art is Artwork in the public realm, regardless of whether it is situated on public or private property, or whether it is acquired through public or private funding. Public art can be a sculpture, mural, manhole cover, paving pattern, lighting, seating, building facade, kiosk, gate, fountain, play equipment, engraving, carving, fresco, mobile, collage, mosaic, bas-relief, tapestry, photograph, drawing, or earthwork" -Jack Becker Monograph 2004
Public art is a way to beautify your spaces, express the unique aspects of your community and express the different culture and values of the people who live all around you. It can Commemorate events, people, or important groups that and their impacts to society. However, as with all art, you can't avoid controversy. Whether it be from who paid for the installation, to the subject matter. From proper representation, to where the piece is placed. What medium is used in its creation, or who the artist is. All of these things can lead to communities having a strong backlash to artistic pieces being displayed and some even turn to violent outbursts against the art or even their creators.
This is a list today I would like to discuss some controversial public art pieces. Maybe I will go more in depth about some of them later, but these are some big ones that stick in the public conscious today.
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Richard Serra's Tilted Arc
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This is a 12 foot tall, 120 foot long tiled steal plate that ran through Manhattan's federal plaza from 1981 to 1989. This wall forced people to take an inconvenient route through the plaza for most of the 80's. The goal of the piece was to inspire the viewer to become aware of themselves and their movement through the plaza, but it caused an imposition on government workers. The piece had a lot of support of modern artists,but by 1985 there was a hearing to remove the Arc and a court voted 4-1 to remove it. Due to the artists insistence that it never be displayed again it is now in government storage.
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How Ya Like Me Now? by David Hammond
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Painted in 1988 and commissioned by the Washington Project for the Arts for an exhibition on black culture and modernism this 14 foot by 16 foot billboard was poorly received to say the least. Local youths did not connect with the artists intended message of how popular culture was co-opting and commodifying black identity and whitewashing it. They interpreted it as racist so they tore the display down with sledgehammers. The piece was later reinstalled with the sledgehammers as part of the final piece incorporating the vandalism and backlash into the final work only this time it is inside the gallery and not on a street corner across from the National Portrait Gallery in D.C.
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Just kidding , I couldn't find a good artist photo
Traffic Light Tree by Pierre Vivant
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A sculpture originally located in Canary Wharf London in 1998 after a competition run by the Public Art Commissions Agency. It was moved to Billingsgate Market. It stands at 8 meters or 26.24 feet tall and has 75 sets of traffic lights. Vivant stated that it was to represent adjacent plane tree and the restless rhythm of the city. It was installed to replace a dying plane tree in the center of a roundabout, but the controversy arose when motorist confused the installation as an actual traffic light. Despite the initial controversy it has won over the city and is now viewed as one of the most pleasing roundabouts, although it still does cause confusion with tourists.
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Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial by Lei Yixin
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Built in 2011 this sculpture was controversial from start to finish. Recognized as a master sculptor in China and having sculpted monuments that included the communist leader Mao Zedong, his appointment to sculpt the Dr King statue was protested due to members of human rights organizations decrying the appointment of his visual support of the CCP. Others felt that the statue should have been done by an African American artist. They disliked the use of Chinese granite and not American granite. The quote engraved on the side was abridged in a way that changed the meaning and upset many, to the point where a year later it was removed to now only show abstract striations.
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Tree by Paul McCarthy
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Displayed in October 2014 at the International Fair of Contemporary Art in Palace Vendôme in Paris this abstraction of a Tree in a reminiscent way of a modern impressionist was a 24 meter or 78.74 foot tall green canvas butt plug shape because he thought they looked similar to trees so he created it as a tree abstraction. He was actually assaulted by someone while installing it, and it was destroyed two days later because some people thought it was offensive to children. Tree was displayed again in 2016 at Paramount Ranch 3 and it was well received by visitors.
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Dirty Corner by Anish Kapoor
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I feel a list of modern controversial art wouldn't be complete without Anish Kapoor, but my feelings are not why he is on the list. It is because he is a controversial artist. All his controversies deserve a post of their own, so only one is on this list. This art piece was created in 2011, but when it was brought to the Palace of Versailies in 2015 is when it hit its peak. The 60 meter (196.85ft) long and 8 meter(26.25ft) tall cone was described by Kapoor as "the vagina of a queen who was taking power". Critics hated the sexual nature and its nickname is "the Queen's Vagina." The idea was to enter the cone shaped piece and loose your perception of space the deeper you went into it. People vandalized the piece with antisemitic slurs as Kapoor's mother is Jewish. After some legal fights and wanting to leave the vandalism as a statement to the horror and intolerance of humanity, he was ordered to cover or remove the vandalism. He chose to cover it with gold leaf as "a royal response" the piece is no longer on display in France.
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Mount Rushmore National Memorial by Gutzon Borglum
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Sculpted from 1927 to 1941 This might be a controversial one to add for many Americans. But I wanted to focus on the 20th and 21st centuries and so I feel I would be remiss to not add this monument to America. Carved in the Black Hills of South Dakota by a close friend of Teddy Roosevelt and known Klan associate. This monument to the greatness of American expansionism in the early 20th century is also a monument to how American presidents directly participated, through policy or active participation in the taking and desecration of Native American lands. The Black Hills are considered a Holy Site to the Lakota people, and in the Fort Laramine Treaty of 1868 it was considered exempt from white settlement forever. But gold was discovered so the treaty was violated. Where Mount Rushmore is located is also home to Custer State Park, named after an American general who actively participated in the violation of the Treaty. Mount Rushmore was meant to be a Monument to America's Greatness as embodied by our Presidents, but it at the same time is a symbol of our expansion, treaty violations, and exploitation of the land and people of this nation. It remains a site of protest, the rock itself isn't great for carving and people think about adding more to it. The National Park service have dismissed the idea of altering it at all. People are divided about the site to this day. Some want it destroyed, some want to use it for education, but i have to say the National Park splash page doesn't help much with the education, and some just want the Lakota people to have their Holy Site back. The Lakota won a lawsuit for 17+million dollars, but they also just want the Land and not money as it is a holy site, and they continue to protest. The carving can not be undone, so the site remains a divisive reminder of American History that is often just a footnote in the education of most.
If you can think of any public artwork that you think is controversial please share it! Even if its just a public art work that someone has in their lawn that people in your community cant stand. Art should promote discussion, learning, and growth!
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infj-zen · 2 years
Chess Queens MBTI
Here are a few top women chess players by MBTI
ENTJ Vantika Agrawal, Mobina Alinasab, Viktorija Cmilyte-Nielsen, Ashritha Eswaran, Hou Yifan, Alina Kashlinskaya, Humpy Koneru, Alexandra Kosteniuk, Priyanka Nutakki, Susan Polgar, Atousa Pourkashiyan, Anna Rudolf, Xie Jun
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INTJ Ju Wenjun, Gracy Prasanna
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ENTP Xeniya Balabayeva, Nino Batsiashvili, Harika Dronavalli, Nana Dzagnidze, Meruert Kamalidenova, Irina Krush, Megan Lee, Iris Mou, Phiona Mutesi, Mai Narva, Elisabeth Paehtz, Polina Shuvalova, Anna Ushenina, Zhao Xu
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INTP Alice Lee, Marie Sebag, Zhu Jiner
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ESTJ Arianne Caoili, Anna Cramling Bellon, Jovanka Houska, Oliwia Kiolbasa, Tania Sachdev, Zoey Tang,  Gulrukhbegim Tokhirjonova, Keti Tsatsalashvili, Charlize Van Zyl, Qiyu Zhou
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ISTJ Bibisara Assaubayeva, Chloe Gaw, Aleksandra Goryachkina, Teodora Injac, Anna Muzychuk, Dinara Saduakassova, Sahithi Varshini Moogi
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ESTP Zhansaya Abdumalik, Rose Atwell, Dina Belenkaya, Alexandra Botez, Dorsa Derakhshani, Divya Deshmukh, Sabina-Francesca Foisor, Judit Polgar, Jennifer Shahade, Machteld Van Foreest, Carissa Yip
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ISTP Thalia Cervantes Landeiro, Ding Yixin, Lela Javakhishvili, Sarasadat Khademalsharieh, Gunay Mammadzada, Nazi Paikidze, Vaishali Rameshbabu, Nurgyul Salimova
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ENFJ Irina Bulmaga, Yassamin Ehsani, Anne Haast, Tatiana Kosintseva, Rochelle Wu
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INFJ Mrudul Dehankar, Lei Tingjie
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ENFP Tatev Abrahamyan, Jesse February, Mary Ann Gomes, Bhakti Kulkarni, Shreya Mangalam, Sophie Morris-Suzuki, Sofia Polgar, Eline Roebers, Monika Socko, Irene Sukandar, Dinara Wagner, Tan Zhongyi
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INFP Pauline Guichard, Ayaulym Kaldarova, Maria Malicka, Rakshitta Ravi
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ESFJ Almira Skripchenko, Jennifer Yu, Yuanling Yuan
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ISFJ Ketevan Arakhamia-Grant, Valentina Gunina, Mitra Hejazipour, Kateryna Lagno, Mariya Muzychuk, Fiona Steil-Antoni, Batchimeg Tuvshintugs
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ESFP Andrea Botez, Pia Cramling, Savitha Shri Baskar
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ISFP Sopiko Guramishvili, Bella Khotenashvili, Sophie Milliet, Padmini Rout, Sarayu Velpula, Ruiyang Yan
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popmovie888 · 2 years
The Eight Hundred นักรบ ๘๐๐ (2020) พากย์ไทย
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ตัวอย่างหนัง The Eight Hundred นักรบ ๘๐๐ (2020) https://youtu.be/rDD9yln0qcw นักแสดง - Huang Zhizhong แสดงเป็น Lao Hulu - Zhang Junyi รับบทเป็น Xiao Hubei - Oho Ouรับบทเป็น Duan Wu - Du Chunรับบทเป็น พันโทXie Jinyuan - Zhang Cheng รับบทเป็น Lei Xiong ผู้บัญชาการกองร้อย - Wang Qianyuanรับบทเป็น Yang Guai - Jiang Wuแสดงเป็น Lao Tie - จางอี้รับบท ลาวสวนป่าน - Zhang Youhao รับบทเป็น Xiao Qiyue - Vision Weiรับบทเป็น Zhu Shengzhong - Tang Yixinรับบทเป็นYang Huimin - Hideo Nakaizumi รับบทเป็น พันเอก Konoe Isao - Li Jiuxiao รับบทเป็น Dao Zi - Hou Yongเป็นศาสตราจารย์ - Liang Jing เป็นภรรยาของศาสตราจารย์ - หลี่เฉินเป็นทหาร - Xu Jiawen ( ออกัสตา Xu-Holland ) รับบทเป็น Eva - Yu Kailei รับบทเป็น Luo Yangchan - Xin Baiqing รับบทเป็น Fang Xingwen - เฉา เหว่ยหยู รับบท หยู หงจุน - Yu Haoming รับบทเป็น Shangguan Zhibiao ผู้บัญชาการกองร้อย - Liu Xiaoqingรับบทเป็น พี่สาว Rong - เหยา เฉินรับบทเหอ เซียงหนิง - Zheng Kaiแสดงเป็น Chen Shusheng รองหัวหน้าหน่วย - หวงเสี่ยวหมิง โครงเรื่อง  The Eight Hundred นักรบ ๘๐๐ (2020) The Eight Hundred นักรบ ๘๐๐ (2020)  ในขั้นแรกๆของการสู้รบจีน-ประเทศญี่ปุ่นครั้งลำดับที่สอง ดูหนังฟรีไม่สะดุด แล้วก็ในระดับที่ใหญ่มากยิ่งกว่าในสงครามโลกครั้งที่ 2กองทัพจักรวรรดิประเทศญี่ปุ่นบุกเซี่ยงไฮ้ในสนามรบเซี่ยงไฮ้ ภายหลังยึดคืนประเทศญี่ปุ่นเป็นเวลายาวนานกว่า 3 เดือนและก็เผชิญการสิ้นไปอย่างมาก กองทัพจีนต้องถอบกลับเพราะอันตรายจากการเช็ดกล้อม พันโท Xie Jinyuanที่กองทหารที่ 524 ของกองพลที่ 88ของกองกองทัพปฏิรูปแห่งชาติ ที่มีเครื่องมือพร้อม นำนายทหารชายหนุ่มและก็ทหาร 452 นายคุ้มครองปกป้องคลังที่เอาไว้เก็บ ดูหนังออไลน์ สินค้า Sihangจากกองพลที่ 3 ของจักรวรรดิประเทศญี่ปุ่นซึ่งมีกองกำลังราวๆ 20,000 นายที่ยืนหยัดต่อสู้เพื่อต้านประเทศญี่ปุ่นอย่างกล้าหาญเป็นคราวสุดท้ายภายใต้คำบัญชาของนายพลเจียงไคเช็ค การตัดสินใจคราวนี้มีขึ้นเพื่อสร้างขวัญพลังใจให้กับคนจีนภายหลังการสิ้นไปของเมืองปักกิ่งแล้วก็เซี่ยงไฮ้ ดูหนังฟรี รวมทั้งช่วยกระตุ้นการช่วยสนับสนุนจากมหาอำนาจตะวันตก ซึ่งมองเห็นการสู้รบจากนิคมนานาประเทศในเซี่ยงไฮ้ซึ่งอยู่ตรงกันข้ามซูโจวครีก  Read the full article
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italiantea · 3 years
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the kids in bad asian t-shirts
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cfensi · 3 years
Zhou Xun, Huang Lei's family drama releases trailer
Zhou Xun, Huang Lei's family drama releases trailer #小敏家
Xiaomin’s Home is the latest modern drama from Linmon Pictures (Nothing But Thirty, Hunting, A Little Reunion), and stars Zhou Xun and Huang Lei as divorcees trying to navigate a new life together. [Extended Synopsis] (more…)
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dilirebas · 3 years
some freakish coincidences between 3088 that are legitimate coincidences
30 and 88 have both been asked in interviews (two different interviews, several years apart) who was the last person they kissed, because li yifeng was the previous person to get interviewed and got to come up with a question for the next guest
they both did the “don’t be angry” dance
this caption from a 2016 episode of Happy Camp that says “LeiDi power is coming” (which definitely doesn’t refer to the ship because it didn’t exist in 2016....they’re making a joke about Wu Lei but I honestly don’t know what the joke means 🤷🏻‍♀️)
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30 and 88 have also sung the same song on two different episodes of Happy Camp and somehow ended up doing the same dance too even though 88 was just moving around spontaneously
they walked red carpets consecutively after each other
they’ve said the same things or made the same jokes including “i’m just gaining weight for fun” and their answers to why they enjoy acting
30 was the top comment on zhang ruoyun’s weibo post of his wedding photos with tang yixin and 88 was the top comment on tang yixin’s repost of the same post. you can see it here.
88’s Instagram profile pic is a face she drew in the sand. 30 wrote “LEO WU” in the sand for his Grazia photo shoot and he drew a face in the O
30 has “rescued” 88 on 3 different occasions. there were 3 collaborations where 30 wasn’t in the original plans and it should have been someone else, but the arrangement fell through and 30 came in at the last minute to save the show. those 3 collaborations were the Harper’s Bazaar shoot, the 2018 Happy Camp episode, and The Long Ballad
here’s a photo of 30 at the airport in March 2020 when he hopped on a plane with no suitcase and no assistant, rushing to the TLB set to make filming possible after the original male lead was removed from the project
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edit: 2 more coincidences here that might not be coincidences https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1v54y1V7mD
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myhouseidea · 4 years
An Ethereal Haven with a Restful Atmosphere for Guests to Bask in the Natural Environment in Hangzhou, China.
#gallery-0-6 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-6 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Brief introduction A vicar, in 1934, of a Catholic Church in Hangzhou made a purchase of a tract of land, adjacent to Hupao Spring, onto which a villa was about to be constructed; the villa thereafter was accredited as a historic building. The bygone 82 years seem to have resulted in the erasure of its prior history and wiped out its recognition from the people’s memory, dilapidated and uninhabitable. This villa, having undergone thoroughgoing repairs and refurbishment for a four-year span from 2016 to 2020, made a comeback to the high visibility in the marketplace, and was christened ‘Sisan Hupao 1934’ (Hereinafter referred as ‘Sisan’).
Xie Ke, the chief designer, resumed the vividness and liveliness to the villa, which was previously used as the villa for the military attaché of US embassy and a temporary site for Xinhua bank.
One of the prevailing methods, presumably, to renovate such a historic building is supposed to make it perfectly preserved for maximum effect, whereas Xie took an alternative solution: he made every endeavour to retain a decent amount of history visible to this project, moreover, upon his close observation, he managed to distill the essence of history and impart it to a modern hotel through the design.
Wang Chi, the lead architect in this project, leans more towards expressing the modernity by a repetitive accentuation on the ‘Present’, the ‘Now-ness’. Ostensibly her view is wrestling with Xie’s, but granted, the emphasis on the ‘Present’ is a shared view of them both. Sisan characterises brick masonry and wood-framed structure though; at first sight, you may have mistaken it for an ancient villa on a weekly basis of maintenance because the structural steels and the glass are clearly distinctive indications to lay bare all the modern elements.
The designers are intended on retaining the previous facades intact as possible as they could. “We would like to displaying the real texture and true colour of the materials and curtail our time-investment in decorating the exterior walls, so we have carried out the essential repair work to the K37(ferric manganese umber) bricks. This is one building. In terms of another building, we did some minor changes but without any amount of disruption of its historic characteristics.” Xie Ke said.
Not only is the steel structure adopted as a common device in an effort to fortify the building but also to make it possible to implement the fenestration in a wider space. In such an enlarged terrace, Boston ivy may sneak reddish tendrils into the area, squirrels may steal the nuts on the table and have them stashed away, a terrace is a small garden to provide a space for small creatures to thrive in.
A serene bamboo-flanked gateway leads a handful of guests to the lobby. Bamboo groves on both sides release the refreshing scent that is a mesmerising tranquiliser to thaw out boredom and inertia. Since your first step is landed onto the way, then you may have slid into a continuum of soothing tranquility.
The guest room, needless to say, is the room that celebrates the primacy of privacy. The guest rooms in Sisan, more accurate to say, are an establishment to serve recreational and therapeutic purpose, keeping close to nature which is the simplest remedy for undoing the negativity.
Project Credits Name: Sisan Hupao 1934 (otherwise known as ‘Sisan’) Location: Huyu Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China
Completion year: 2020 Site area: 4200 sqm Gross floor area: 1800 sqm Interior area:1630 sqm
Interior design: Ya Design – Wang Chi, Bao Yixin, Jiang Xian, Shen Linzhen Principle designer: Xie Ke, Zhi Hongxin Design team: Wang Chi, Zheng Yajia, Hong Hong, Wu Siyu, Bao Yixin, Jiang Xian, Shen Linben Structural engineer: Yang Ye, Luo Zhuomao FF&E design team: SYY DECORATION DESIGN – Xie Ke, Zhi Hongxin, Zheng Yajia, Hong Hong Hong, Wu Siyu MEP consultant: Liu Hu Lighting consultant: Zhu Lidong
Materials: Marble, Bricks, Wood, Ceramics Total cost: 30 million RMB Image © Tantan Lei
Sisan Hupao 1934 An Ethereal Haven with a Restful Atmosphere for Guests to Bask in the Natural Environment in Hangzhou, China.
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fredthomasiii-blog · 6 years
Today millions across the globe joined the United States of America in celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.   As we look back, like many historic events that was not always the case.  In 1983 It took lots of arm-twisting and sophisticated political lobbying to get Ronald Reagan to sign the national holiday into law.   Year after year Dr. King’s prominence keeps growing.
  The MLK Memorial
There are statues of Dr. King sprinkled across the United States.  It was 2011 when the nation anticipated the unveiling of the MLK memorial adjacent the national mall.  The ceremony was to take place August 28, 2011.  Unfortunately, a hurricane named Irene had other plans.
Once arriving in D.C. checking weather conditions from the Marriott
Despite the looming hurricane which shut down Washington, DC and the eastern seaboard, a few had already made plans to attend the event and took a huge gamble to travel to D.C. despite ominous weather conditions.
  Judith and I had followed the creation of the MLK memorial since construction had been announced.  Due to the weather it was decided Judith would remain in Los Angeles and I would venture to D.C. to see if I could get ahead of the hurricane to get a glimpse of the memorial.
  The controversy
  Upon arrival the weather was rough as the impending hurricane had not yet hit.  As I made it to the memorial my gamble paid off as even though visitors were scarce, I was lucky to meet the sculpture of the memorial, Master Lei Yixin.   It was great to meet the person who was selected in creating the landmark.
Sculpture master Lei Yixin
As previously mentioned, Judith and I had closely followed the construction of the memorial.  I was happy to hear how the MLK foundation was managing the progress.  Unfortunately, some issues of the construction became serious and to this day I have still not reconciled.  First, Yixin selection as the sculpture was shocking.  No doubt the likes of Ed Dwight who was experienced and had developed a successful inventory of statues of Dr. King was available, folk couldn’t figure out why he or other U.S. artisans were not selected?  Then, the issue with the granite raised eyebrows.  Folk were stunned to find out not only would the granite come from China but that sculpture would be made there and imported to D.C. in sections.  What???  I mean some of the best granite in the U.S. is in Georgia or Connecticut just to name a few states.  Many did not care or perhaps have forgotten that the United States economy was battling the effects of the 2008 financial meltdown.  Many were dealing with setbacks, particularly on the employment front.  With all of the monuments in D.C. and the many craftsman’s and artisans who create such beauty it was shocking to find out some of the workers to finish construction of the memorial were actually imported from China and were housed in a nondescript building in D.C., thus they were shut out in participating in a construction project built in their community.
  Anyway, I digress but consider myself fortunate to not only meet the sculpture but also the President of the Kappa’s who originated the plan, raised the money and developed and other resources for the project to be built.  So, my conflict with the construction was minor compared to the bigger picture of erecting a monument giving homage to a true American hero.
  Ella Dean, Renie Hale & Justine Love
  The rains started coming down harder so I needed to retreat to a venue where I could relax and grab a bite to eat.  I headed down to the iconic Ben’s Chili Bowl and while sitting at the counter munching on a half-smoke I noticed three strangers who seemed to know each other and like me appeared to be in D.C. for the occasion?  That day goes down in history, especially as we celebrate Dr. King.  Judith and I are now known as close family friends to; Ella Dean, who was on assignment and on her way to serve with Rochester Mayor Love, Renie Hale from CBS, who was also on assignment and Justine Love, from a CBS affiliate who was also on assignment.  We all returned to the memorial the next day as the hurricane had given way to glistened sunshine and it was a remarkable sight to witness the emotions of others as they came through the pillars to witness the memorial for themselves.
Renie & Fred
Ben’s Chili Bowl Owner stops by the say hello to Renie, Ella & Justine
Since Judith couldn’t make it, Renie gave her his media pass as a memento.
Ella and Renie enjoying that glorious Sunday after the hurricane
All of us consider ourselves students of history regarding Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  Since then, celebrating his birthday and the memorial which gleans his name gives us a better appreciation in celebrating his birthday.
  Dr. MLK Day 2019 – A reflection Today millions across the globe joined the United States of America in celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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coltonwbrown · 8 years
MLK Monument
MLK Monument by Colton Brown Via Flickr: Designer: Lei Yixin Tidal Basin Washington, DC
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amymcools · 8 years
Photobook: Martin Luther King, Jr on the Mall in Washington, D.C.
Photobook: Martin Luther King, Jr on the Mall in Washington, D.C.
  About a year and a half ago, I visited Washington, D.C. and Martin Luther King, Jr’s memorial on the Mall. The sculpture of King at the center of the memorial is by Lei Yixin and was completed in 2011. His likeness here is not liked by all: some feel King looks too stern and confrontational. But Yixin felt it important to demonstrate King’s strength and determination in his portrait. 
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projectrollcall · 4 years
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The Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial is located in West Potomac Park next to the National Mall in Washington, D.C., United States. It covers four acres (1.6 ha) and includes the Stone of Hope, a granite statue of Civil Rights Movement leader Martin Luther King Jr. carved by sculptor Lei Yixin. The inspiration for the memorial design is a line from King's "I Have A Dream" speech: "Out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope." The memorial opened to the public on August 22, 2011, after more than two decades of planning, fund-raising, and construction. This national memorial is the 395th unit in the United States National Park Service. The monumental memorial is located at the northwest corner of the Tidal Basin near the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, on a sightline linking the Lincoln Memorial to the northwest and the Jefferson Memorial to the southeast. The official address of the monument, 1964 Independence Avenue, S.W., commemorates the Civil Rights Act of 1964. A ceremony dedicating the memorial was scheduled for Sunday, August 28, 2011, the 48th anniversary of the "I Have a Dream" speech that Martin Luther King Jr. delivered from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in 1963 but was postponed until October 16 (the 16th anniversary of the 1995 Million Man March on the National Mall) due to Hurricane Irene. Although this is not the first memorial to an African American in Washington, D.C., King is the first African American honored with a memorial on or near the National Mall and only the fourth non-President to be memorialized in such a way. #SayTheirNames #NeverForget #NeverForgotten #flagsofhonorescorts #rollcallflag #projectrollcall #america #armedforces #fallen #fallenheroes #freedom #heroes #honor #merica #respect #salutethefallen #soldiers #supportourtroops #tactical #usa #military #warriors #army #usveterans #usmilitary #airforce #mission_22 #22aday #veterans Projectrollcall.org https://www.instagram.com/p/CK4a5KzLU0C/?igshid=j8v1wxwqultv
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cfensi · 4 years
Zhou Xun, Huang Lei begin filming upcoming family drama Xiaomin's Home
#ZhouXun, #HuangLei begin filming upcoming family drama Xiaomin's Home #小敏家
I loved A Little Reunion, and I am so pumped for this show. Xiaomin’s Home 小敏家 is helmed by Wang Jun (Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace, A Little Reunion) and reunites April Rhapsody and Ripening Orange costars Zhou Xun and Huang Lei after almost two decades. (more…)
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lrcastellanos · 4 years
Monumento a Martin Luther King Jr
Monumento a Martin Luther King Jr
El Monumento a Martin Luther King se levantó en el National Mall de la ciudad de Washington DC, al sureste del Monumento de Abraham Lincoln, inaugurado en agosto del 2011, en homenaje al famoso activista afroamericano por los derechos civiles, y muy cerca del Monumento a Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
La estatua de MLK fue dise;ada por el arquitecto Ed Jackson y esculpida por Lei Yixin.
El  monumento…
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Washington D.C., USA - Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial - completed 2011 * 30ft (9.1m) * Lei Yixin - sculpter designer / ROMA - memorial designer. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. responsible for both initial efforts and oversight of project. Dr. King is a member of the organization. "The time is always right to do what is right." MLK . . . #japanesetourist #japanesetouristdc #washingtondc #martinlutherking #alphaphialpha #romadesigngroup #leiyixin #visitwashingtondc #peace #zyaoimedia (at Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBA23g4lTdC/?igshid=10xn2i8f8v2rc
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parurushi · 7 years
SNH48 stage units masterpost
Here you can find all units from SNH48, BEJ48, GNZ48, SHY48 and CKG48. All videos are from the opening day performance, unless marked by a (*), in which case, the date the video is from should be in the video title. Feel free to send me a message if any of the links is dead or if you spot any mistakes. Enjoy! (Last update: July 2018 - added HII5, B3, J2, NIII3, Z3, and links to all revivals)
SNH48 Team SII
6th Stage “Xin de Lvcheng” (心的旅程) [2016.05.20] This stage was revived as BEJ48 Team B 2nd Stage*, GNZ48 Team G 2nd Stage*, SHY48 Team SIII 1st Stage.
Mashang Chufa* (馬上��發): Zenza Girls (Lv Yi, Zhao Hanqian, Pan Yanqi)
Haoyou Chuangketie (好友创可贴): Dai Meng, Li Yuqi, Xu Zixuan, Feng Xiaofei
Dipingxian (地平线): Wu Zhehan, Qian Beiting, Kong Xiaoyin, Shen Zhilin, Xu Jiaqi
Xiayizhan Shi Ni (下一站是你): Chen Guanhui, Chen Si
Xin Shijie (新世界): Mo Han, Yuan Danni, Yuan Yuzhen, Jiang Yun
Jiangluosan (降落伞): Xu Chenchen
7th Stage “Di 48 Qu” (第48区) [2017.06.30]
MAD WORLD: Xu Chenchen, Li Yuqi
GOOD TIME: Chen Guanhui, Qian Beiting, Yuan Danni, Yuan Yuzhen
Ai Weiyang (爱未央): Dai Meng, Xu Jiaqi
GO AWAY: Kong Xiaoyin, Chen Si, Sun Rui
Linghun Shizhe (灵魂使者): Zhang Yuge, Wu Zhehan, Xu Zixuan, Jiang Yun
Han Ye (寒夜) : Mo Han
7th Stage 2.0 “Meili 48 Qu” (美麗48区) [2018.05.01]
Tianshi de Quantao (天使的圈套): Xu Jiaqi, Sun Rui
High Light: Dai Meng Jiang Yun, Xu Zixuan
Wanmei Fanzui (完美犯罪): Li Yuqi, Yuan Yuzhen, Chen Guanhui, Yuan Danni
Ai Weiyang (爱未央): Mo Han, Kong Xiaoyin
Heiye Nvshen (黑夜女神): Chen Si, Xu Chenchen, Wu Zhehan, Qian Beiting
Guan bu Diao (关不掉): Zhang Yuge
8th Stage “Plan Salvation/Congsheng Jihua” (重生计划) [2018.??.??]
SNH48 Team NII
5th Stage “Zhuanshu Paidu” (专属派对) [2016.07.22] This stage was revived as BEJ48 Team J 1st Stage, GNZ48 Team Z 1st Stage.
Show Time*: Zenza Girls (Zhang Yameng, Xu Yi, Liu Juzi)
Women Bushi Tianshi (我们不是天使): Wan Lina, Zeng Yanfen, Yi Jiaai
Bairimeng (白日梦): Zhao Yue, Luo Lan, Chen Wenyan, Zhou Yi, Wang Xiaojia
Mu’ou (木偶): Li Yitong
Don’t Touch: Huang Tingting, Wan Lina, He Xiaoyu
Hei Tian’e (黑天鹅): Lu Ting, Feng Xinduo, Gong Shiqi, Chen Jiaying
6th Stage “Yi Ai zhi Ming” (以爱之名) [2017.10.07] An updated version of this stage with new team songs was presented a few days after the first performance: “Yi Ai zhi Ming 2.0″ ( 以爱之名 2.0) [2017.11.11]
Lie Meng (猎梦): Feng Xinduo, He Xiaoyu, Chen Wenyan
Fire Touch: Zhao Yue, Wan Lina, Jin Yingyue, Chen Jiaying
Wei Jie Laidian (未接来电): Lu Ting, Xu Yi
Chunxiaqiudong (春夏秋冬): Li Yitong, Wan Lina, Huang Tongyang, Jiang Zhenyi
Meng Zhong de Hunli (梦中的婚礼): Yi Jiaai, Zhang Yuxin
Feeling You: Huang Tingting (dancers: Liu Juzi, Jin Yingyue)
7th Stage “Shi zhi Juan” (时之卷) [2018.xx.xx]
SNH48 Team HII
4th Stage “Meili Shijie” (美丽世界) [2017.04.08] This stage was revived as SHY48 Team HIII 2nd Stage, CKG48 Team K 2nd Stage.
Wanmei Fanzui (完美犯罪): Yuan Hang, Yang Huiting, Zhang Xin
Guan bu Diao (关不掉): Xu Han
Huaxue Chao Nvzi (化学超女子):Sun Zhenni, Hao Wanqing, Li Qingyang, Wang Lujiao
Duizhi (对峙): Liu Jiongran, Shen Mengyao, Lin Nan
Tianshi de Quantao (天使的圈套): Xuyang Yuzhuo, Xie Ni
Beishuiyizhan (背水一战): Liu Peixin, Wu Yanwen, Xu Yiren
5th Stage “Touhao Xinwen” (头号新闻) [2018.05.18]
Super Logic: Xuyang Yuzhuo, Zhang Xin, Jiang Shuting, Wang Yi
CHACHACHA: Wan Lina, Lin Nan, Shen Mengyao
Lin Bing Dou Zhe Jie Zhenlie Zaiqian (临兵斗者皆阵列在前): Li Yitong, Xiong Qinxian, Wang Xiyuan
Wusheng de Tange (无声的探戈): Yang Huiting, Yuan Yiqi
BOOM BOOM BOOM: Fei Qinyuan, Xu Han, Li Xingfu
Huangjia Wen Zhang (皇家纹章): Jiang Shan
SNH48 Team X
3rd Stage “Mengxiang de Qizi” (梦想的旗帜) [2016.10.28] This stage was revived as SNH48 Team FT 1st Stage, SHY48 Team HIII 1st Stage, CKG48 Team C 2nd Stage.
Meng (梦): Song Xinran, Li Jing, Chen Lin
Shuishou Fu (水手服): Yang Yunyu, Wang Shu, Qi Jing, Zhang Jiayu
Wu Ke Tidai (无可替代): Shao Xuecong, Feng Xiaofei, Yang Bingyi
Monster: Wang Xiaojia, Sun Xinwen, Xie Tianyi, Wang Jialing
Renyu (人鱼): Li Zhao, Zhang Dansan
4th Stage “Mingyun de X Hao” (命运的“X”号) [2017.12.15]
Ice Queen: Song Xinran
Battle Cry: Yang Binyi, Sun Xinwen, Qi Jing
Zhanbu shi (占卜师): Wang Xiaojia, Xie Tianyi, Shao Xuecong
Shenhai zhi Sheng (深海之声): Zhang Dansan, Li Zhao, Chen Lin
Shuangsheng Hua (双生花): Feng Xiaofei, Yang Yunyu
Ziuhou de Shunguang (最后的曙光): Wang Shu, Li Jing, Wang JiaLing, Zhang Jiayu
SNH48 Team XII
2nd Stage “Daihao XII” (代號XII) [2016.12.23] This stage was revived as GNZ48 Team Z 2nd Stage.
Ta he Ta (她和她): Liu Zengyan, Chen Yin
Love Letter: Yan Jiaojun
Chuwen Lianxi Qu (初吻练习曲): Fei Qinyuan, Zou Jiajia, Yu Jiayi, Zhang Wenjing
Dou Bu Hui (都不会): Hong Peiyun, Li Jiaen, Song Yushan
Zi Yiwei (自以为): Zhang Yi, Jia Shuting, Chen Yunling, Jiang Shan, Lv Mengying, Pan Yingqi
2nd Stage “Daihao XII 2.0″ ( 代號XII 2.0) [2017.06.17] - new songs only
Wanmei Chaozai (完美超载): Zhang Yi, Lv Mengying, Jia Shuting
Renjiang Guize (人间规则): Hong Peiyun, Song Yushan, Li Jiaen
BEJ48 Team B
3rd Stage “B A FIGHTER” [2018.01.19]
Shengshi Fengdu (绅士风度): Hu Xiaohui, Shen Xiaoai, Xiong Sujun
Zidan Riji (子弹日记): Mao Qiyu, Xia Yue, Zhang Menghui
SHOW: Duan Yixuan, Qing Yuwen, Tian Shuli
Yi Tiantian Yi Diandian (一天天一点点): Hu Lizhi, Lin Xihe, Sun Siaoyan, Yan Mingyun, Zhou Jieyi
SPY: Chen Meijun Liu Shuxian
BEJ48 Team E
2nd Stage “Qihuan Jiamian Li” (奇幻加冕禮) [2016.12.24] This stage was revived as CKG48 Team K 1st Stage.
Gongzhu Hao (公主号): Li Yuanyuan, Xu Siyang, Lin Kun
Anye Jiaobu Sheng (暗夜脚步声): Li Zi, Zhang Xiaoying, Feng Sijia, Zheng Yifan
Yiqian Lin Yi Ye (一千零一夜): Li Xiang, Luo Xueli, Chen Jiaohe
Ai de Mofa (爱的魔法): Liu Shennan, Su Shanshan, Ma Yuling, Li Shiyan
Huiguniang de Boli Shouji (灰姑娘的玻璃手机): Chen Qiannan, Yi Yanqian
BEJ48 Team J
2nd Stage “HAKUNA MATATA” [2018.07.14]
My boy: Yang Ye, Wang Yuxuan
Sairen (塞壬): Huang Enru, Sun Yushan, Jin Luosai
Caihong Riji (彩虹日记): Liu Xian, Chen Yayu, Heyang Qingqing
Pay attention: Fang Lei, Wang Yuxuan, Ge Siqi
Siji de Ailian (四季的爱恋): Huang Enru
Feixing Re Qiqiu (飞行热气球): Yang Ye, Fang Lei, Sun Yushan
Fu Li Ge (赋离歌): Ren Xinyi, Ye Miaomiao
GNZ48 Team G
3rd Stage “Shuangmiang Ouxiang” (双面偶像) [2017.08.11] This stage was revived as SNH48 Team Ft 2nd Stage.
Mengxiang Kafeiting (梦想咖啡厅): Xie Leilei, Chen Yuqi, Huang Lirong
9 to 9: Luo Hanyue, Zhang Kaiqi
MC Queen: Gao Yuanjing
Meidusha de Wenrou (美杜莎的温柔): Zhang Qiongyu, Zhu Yixin, Liang Ke
I’m not your girl: Chen Ke, Li Qinjie, Zeng Aijia, Lin Jiapei, Chen Junhong
I wanna be your girl: Xie Leilei, Yang Qingying, Chen Jiaying
2nd Stage “Di 1 Rencheng” (第1人称) [2017.03.24] This stage was revived as CKG48 Team C 1st Stage.
Jingling (精灵): Lu Jing, Xiong Xinyao, Xiao Wenling, Hong Jingwen
Fenhong Ju Ji Shou (粉紅狙擊手): Zuo Jiaxin, Liu Qianqian, Zuo Jingyuan
Shangxia Zuoyou (上下左右): Zheng Danni, Chen Xinyu, Xian Shennan, Chen Huijing
Bao Zou Shaonv (暴走少女): Chen Nanxi, Liu Lifei, Feng Jiaxi, Sun Xin
Mario My Love: Tang Lijia
3rd Stage “Fiona.N” [2018.07.06]
One Life: Chen Huijing, Zuo Jingyuan, Hong Jinwen, Zuo Jiaxin
Huaji (花寄): Liu Lifei, Xie Ailin
Anzhong Guancha (暗中观察): Xiao Wenling, Zheng Danni, Xiong Xinyao, Xian Shennan, Chen Nanxi
+-: Chen Xinyu, Feng Jiaxi
Yong Wo de Shengyin (用我的声音): Lu Jing, Tang Lijia, Liu Qianqian
Putong Putong (噗通噗通): Liu Lifei, Zheng Danni
GNZ48 Team Z
3rd Stage “Sanjiao Hanshu” (三角函数) [2018.01.18]
Zhuanshu Weizhi (专属位置): Chen Ziying, Du Qiulin, Liang Wanlin, Yu Zhiyuan
Tongxing (同行): -
Jieban (结伴): He Mengyao, Long Yirui, Yang Kelu
Universe: Nong Yanping, Wang Zixin, Zhang Qiuyi
NaCl: Bi Ruishan, Wang Cuifei, Wang Jiongyi, Wang Siyue
Bu xiu Gang* (不秀钢): Wang Cuifei, He Mengyao, Lian Wanglin, Bi Ruishan
Jiu cha Yi Diandian (就差一点点): Chen Guijun, Yang Yuanyuan
3rd Stage “Idol.S” [2018.09.22]
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