Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Laito Dark [Epilogue]
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ー The scene starts with the night sky
Laito: ( Bitch-chan, you liar...You said you would accept all of my decisions. )
( And because of you...I once again missed an opportunity. )
( Those tears were so unfair. Even if you didn’t outright protest with words, it’s basically the same as trying to stop me... )
( Stillーー I wonder why? Those tears really hit me... )
( How should I put it? It made me realize that perhaps I’ve only ever been thinking about myself... )
( Perhaps I’m not the only one hurting. Maybe she is suffering...just as much as I am? )
( Well, I’m sure I’m the one responsible for that... )
ー The scene shifts to Kino’s manor
Kino: I’m back, Yuuri. 
Yuuri: Welcome back, Kino. Oh...
Kino: This is Laito and his girlfriend, Eve.
Yui: The name’s Komori Yui...Pardon the intrusion. 
Laito: ...
Kino: Three glasses of guava juice, okay? 
Yuuri: Understood. 
ー Yuuri leaves the room
Laito: ーー Seems like you’re living quite the luxurious life here. A day and night’s difference from our old manor. 
Kino: Guess so. Although I’m having someone pay for this house. 
Laito: Heeh. 
Yui: ( Someone is paying for him? I wonder who that could be...? )
*Knock knock* 
Yuuri: Excuse me. 
ー Yuuri enters the room
Kino: There it is, my guava juice!
Yui: Thank you very much.
Yuuri: ...I shall leave now, but please call me if you need anything. 
ー He leaves again
Laito: Hmm...I see. You don’t see his kind around these parts very often. 
Although I’ve seen them a couple of times at manors in the Demon World, it’s my first time seeing one employed as a servant over here. 
Yui: His kind? ...You mean...Yuuri-san we met earlier? 
Laito: Yup. 
Yui: ( I wonder if something is special about him? )
Laito: What kind of relationship do the two of you have? 
Kino: Hmー It’s a long story, but I can at least tell you that he isn’t my servant.
He’s my childhood friend. 
Laito: Heeh, childhood friends with a Ghoul? 
Kino: And also my comrade, I guess. I manage a resistance group called the ‘Ravens’ which consists of Ghouls. 
Laito: A resistance group, huh? I see. So he’d be the lead member then? 
Yui: ( I’m not following. I wonder what they’re talking about? Ghouls? Resistance group...? )
Kino: Hey, seems like she’s a bit confused. 
Laito: Ah, sorry, my bad! This is your first time hearing about Ghouls, right?
Yui: Yeah...What are they? 
Laito: Hmー ...It’s kind of difficult to explain...Actually, I’m no expert on them either. 
I guess Ghouls are basically second-rate Demons? 
Yui: ...Laito-kun...! That phrasing...
Laito: Eh? What’s wrong?
Kino: I don’t mind. That’s just how they’re treated by other Demons. I’m sure you know that feeling very well? 
Yui: Y-Yeah...
Laito: Ah, I understand. You’re trying to save them from their inferior position? 
That’s why it’s called a resistance group, correct?
Kino: Yup. I want to free them from the Demons’ clutches. That’s my goal. 
Laito: Heeh. 
Kino: You don’t sound very intrigued. Oh well, I expected as much. 
Still, I wonder if you’ll keep up that attitude when you hear what I have to say next? 
Laito: Heeh? You’re making me curious? I might even praise you if it’s some juicy information. 
Kino: ーー I’m actually your brother. 
Laito: Eh? 
Kino: Again, I’m Karlheinz’ child. 
Laito: ...
Yui: ...
Kino: I’m your older brother!
Laito: You must be lying? 
Kino: Do you think I am?
Yui: ( Karlheinz-san’s child...!? Since nobody seems to be aware of his existence...Could he be a secret love child? )
Laito: ...No. Knowing that guy...I guess it isn’t all that surprising. 
Kino: You say that, but it’s pretty obvious that you’re freaking out on the inside? 
Laito: Oh no, I’m not. It just caught me off guard, that’s all. 
Kino: So you believe me? 
Laito: Seems like you’re pretty powerful so...It’d make sense knowing that you’re one of his children. 
Kino: Heeh. I guess you can tell even without having to show them off. 
Laito: I can’t control it, you can’t blame me. 
Yui: ( I’m shocked...I would have never thought Kino-kun would be Laito-kun’s older brother... )
Laito: ...So...To get back to the matter at hand, I’m pretty sure my older brother had some kind of offer in regards to my powers, right?
Kino: Yup, yup. We came here to talk about that.
It’s just a suggestion butーー How about we join forces? 
Laito: Didn’t you want my powers? 
Kino: All I want is to gain the power to be able to liberate the Ghouls from other Demons.
Yui: So if Laito-kun helps you to accomplish said goal...
Kino: Well, it’d fix the issue even if I’m not the one directly wielding those powers. 
Laito: Hmー ...I fail to see how that has any benefits for me though?
Kino: I see. I guess I should put it like this instead then. 
Let’s destroy this world together.
Yui: Destroy the world...?
Kino: I mean, that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but we’d start by destroying the Demon World. 
That would have plenty of benefits for you, no? 
Laito: Nfu~ I see. With the Demon World destroyed, I’d no longer have to worry about being pestered by my own kind, correct?
Kino: You inherited Karlheinz’ powers. If this keeps up, you’ll get targeted by many others aside from me. 
So you should strike them down before they’re given the chance. We’ll help you out, okay?
Laito: Hmー...
Yui: ( ...I wonder why? For some reason, this doesn’t sit right with me. )
Kino: Ah, could it be you’re actually kind of hesitant to mess up the Demon World and other Demons? 
Your mother was a Vibora, wasn’t she? 
Laito: I don’t care about that, really. 
For one, with everything that went down, I couldn’t care less about what happens to the Vampire clan as well. 
So who cares about the other clans?
Kino: Right? I guess we have a deal then? I’m sure the young lady over there will be able to live with this idea as well? 
Yui: Eh? Me...?
Kino: I could kind of see you following him to the afterlife if Laito were to die. And I’d like to avoid that if possible. 
Yui: I’m sorry...
( I mean, it’ll save Laito-kun’s life but... )
( By destroying the world...It means that a lot of Demons’ lives will have to be sacrificed in the process. )
( I can’t say I’m fine with that, just because it means that I don’t have to suffer myself... )
Laito: ーー I mean, sure?
I had a vague suspicion as well. Even if I’d stay quiet behind the scenes, annoying pests will eventually come my way. 
I figured I could just give them what they want butーー 
Yui: ( ...Laito-kun? He glanced at me for a second...Could that mean...? )
Kino: So it’s settled? Handshake!
Laito: Nfu~ 
Yui: ( ...Is this truly for the best? Shouldn’t I stop him? )
( I know I said I would accept his every decision but... )
( Ever since, it’s been one outrageous happening after the other... )
Yuuri: Are you happy with this outcome? 
Kino: ーー Hm? With Laito, you mean?
Yuuri: Yes. You were given the chance to steal his powers, no?
Kino: I mean, yes. But I feel like Eve would have completely lost it and she might have actually ended her own life as well. 
That would be bad for me as well, right?
Yuuri: She is a very important pawn in your plan once you’ve obtained those Powers, correct? 
Kino: Exactly. Even if we get rid of most Demons, it’d be impossible to wipe them out completely
And she will be the one confirming my absolute rule over the Demon World when the time comes. 
Yuuri: Because she is the Eve acknowledged by Karlheinz, the woman chosen by the Supreme Overlord himself...Correct? 
Kino: Yup! That’s why the current situation is foolproof, right? 
I’ll have Laito perform for me until he’s done his job, and then I’ll toss him aside like a piece of trash. 
I feel like he might even get a kick out of it. Fufufu...
There will be plenty more chances to snatch away his powers after all.
ー The scene shifts to the living room of the Sakamaki manor
Subaru: ーー That idiot! Where did he run off to!? 
Ayato: Calm down already. Chichinashi isn’t ‘round either, so they’ve probably gone somewhere together? 
Kanato: Somewhere...and where would that be? 
Subaru: What if the bastard who killed that shitty Uncle of ours has done something to them!? 
Shuu: Even if that’s the case, Laito should be able to take care of them, no?
Subaru: It’s suspicious. I’m pretty sure that guy’s just been makin’ up excuses and he’s actually strugglin’ to use his powers.
Reiji: But I feel like he would pull through somehow if his own life were to be at risk? 
Ayato: I wonder...That guy had become kinda desperate, don’t you think? 
Kanato: Now that you mention it, he even said that he would give away his powers without hesitation...
Shuu: ...That guy knows no bounds, so they might both be dead by now.
Ayato: Oi, Kanato.
Kanato: Yes?
Ayato: Let’s go look for him.
Kanato: Search...but where?
Ayato: We’ll track down his presence. I’m sure his scent should remain as well, so we can use our Familiars as well. 
Kanato: Haah...What a pain...But I suppose we have no other choice. 
I’m his older brother after all.
Shuu: Let us know when something happens. I’m gonna go sleep. ...Pwaah...
ー Shuu walks away
Reiji: We are counting on you two.
Subaru: Che...That guy sure knows how to cause others trouble!
Ayato: Let’s get goin’ then. 
Kanato: Yes...!
Ayato: ( Laito, don’t do anything hasty...! )
ー The scene shifts to the guest room at Kino’s manor 
Yui: ( Haah...In the end we decided to stay over, but... )
Hey, Laito-kun. 
Laito: Yes, Bitch-chan? 
Yui: Shouldn’t we let the others know? That we’re here.
Laito: The others?
Yui: Eh? You know, your brothers We left without a single heads up, remember? You should at least send a Familiar toーー 
Laito: And why exactly should I do that?
Yui: Because I’m sure they’re worried...?
Laito: Don’t be ridiculous.
Yui: No way...
( I’m positive they are though... )
( The other day, I could tell that Ayato-kun felt responsible in some way... )
( I know that they’re not exactly the kind of people who will show it through words or actions. )
( But despite everything, they should still be worried about Laito-kun. )
*Knock knock* 
Laito: Come on in.
ー Kino enters the room
Kino: Hey there! How’s this place treating you?
Laito: Nfu~ Well, I guess it’s not bad. Your ‘sugar daddy’ (1) must have a good eye for interior design. 
Kino: I’m glad to hear that. Anyway, I thought I’d come and report this to you...
Laito: Hm?
Kino: The members from Raven let me know that your brothers have been roaming the area in search of you.
Yui: See...!
Laito: Ah, we were actually just talking about that. Like how we should let them know where we are since they might be worried. 
Kino: I see. I mean, you should if that’s what you want.
Laito: ーー No need.
Yui: Eh...!? 
Laito: It’s only to be expected they would come look for me, no?
ーー I mean, they know that they need me.
Yui: Laito-kun...!
Laito: What? Do you have a problem with that?
Yui: Well...
( What a horrible way to put it...But... )
( I guess it’s difficult for someone like Laito-kun, who likes to deny the existence of complex feelings behind tangible actions, to understand how the others are feeling... )
( Besides, it might not be entirely untrue that not having Laito-kun’s powers to fall back on puts them in a tough spot... )
( But even so...It just proves he’s important to them. )
( Isn’t that just one way for them to show their love...? )
( I don’t believe they’re simply trying to use him for their own benefit. )
Kino: ...I debated whether or not to bring this up depending on your reaction but I’d actually like to offer you something.
Laito: You’re a man of many offers, aren’t you? 
Sure. I’m listening. I wonder what you’ve got in store for me this time? 
Kino: Why don’t we start with the Sakamaki’s...and annihilate the Vampire clan first? 
Yui: Eh...!? 
Kino: Of course, if we’re planning on destroying the World, that obviously includes the Vampires as well, right?
Yui: Ugh...
Laito: ーー Well, that was my intention at least?
Yui: ...!!
Kino: I see. So, what do you say?
Laito: Nfu~ I don’t mind. It’s just a matter of time in the end.
I’m sure it’d work in their favor as well, since it’ll save them time having to look for me. 
Yui: ...
( He sounds completely indifferent...Does he even realize that he’s talking about his own siblings and family...? )
( Aren’t those necessary to him? )
Kino: You’re actually fine with it, right?
Laito: Why are you second-guessing me? If you’re concerned about the fact that they’re my blood-relatives. 
Then I believe that’s exactly why I want to get them out of the way.
My family is cursed. 
Yui: Laito-kun...
Laito: They’re number one on my list to take down.
Kino: That would include the two of us as well then. 
Laito: Exactly. But I won’t deny it. 
I’m sure my brothers would say the same thing. I can’t imagine they’re concerned about keeping this bloodline alive. 
Well, even if they wouldn’t necessarily wish ruin upon the whole family, I wouldn’t be surprised if they had a personal death wish.
That’s why I believe it’d be much easier for them to accept their fate if I’m the one putting them out of their misery.
Kino: I see. There’s no need to hold back then. In that case, I’ll get started on the preparationsーー Well, that was all I wanted to say.
ー Kino walks towards the door
Kino: Go and make yourself at home.
ー He leaves
Yui: ...
Laito: Well, I suppose I’ll go take a shower.
Bitch-chan, see you later.
ー Laito leaves as well
Yui: ( ...Is this really the right thing to do? )
( Like this, Laito-kun will... )
( Death is often celebrated by immortal beings...I’m sure it is. However... )
( I just can’t imagine that the others are eagerly awaiting that moment... )
( Even though Laito-kun made it sound like he’d be doing them a favor. )
( He was just being sarcastic. It sounded to me like he was just trying to find a reason to justify his decisions. )
( Butーー If I were to disapprove of his decision... )
( It’s difficult, Laito-kun... )
ー The scene shifts to black
Laito: ( ...This will mark the end of everything. )
( All of it. )
( It’s for the bestーー )
Translation notes
(1) パトロン or ‘patoron’ from the English ‘patron’ isn’t exclusively used to refer to sugar daddies, but can be used to refer to a financial supporter in general, as well as a manager/patron of a building. However, since this is Laito we’re talking about, I thought this term was very fitting for him.
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