#lemme know if you want me to change out your prompt salty otherwise ill prob list credit in the a/n
Charlie tugs the brush through Flippa's hair haltingly, careful not to hurt her. Sensitive head, but she didn't complain a bit, staying right in place.
It's fine! It's fine, just another change, but that's okay. As long as she's here. He leans back, studying her.
"Okay Flippa! Now that we've got all the knots out of your hair, we've got a pick a hair style."
Flippa looks up at him. He can't see her eyes behind her glasses -had they always been so opaque?- but he can imagine them big, wide with joy, just like they'd been when he had first asked her to pick out a colour for her bed. She doesn't say anything, but that's normal, so Charlie does what Charlie does best and keeps talking. "There's all sorts of options! A braid? Would you like a braid? I don't know if I can get it all twisty, but- or there's pigtails! Or- uh, a ponytail? Do you like ponytails, Flippa?" He imagines that her mouth twitches up in a smile, and he smiles warmly back at her. She doesn't respond for a moment, and then nods quickly.
"Great! That's great! Okay, okay- ponytail, how do you do a ponytail..." he trails off in a mumble to himself, squinting at her hair suspiciously like it's a pit of vipers. Usually, he's too goopy for hair things, so Ma- his bitch wife would take care of Flippa's hair, instead.
...Charlie can still remember the one morning he had come upstairs to find his puta esposa sitting with Flippa on her bed, peacefully braiding her hair. They had been gently lit by the light of the Corner Flames, and Mariana had looked more... content than Charlie can remember ever seeing him before.
But that was the past, and this is the now, and so it doesn't matter! His bitch wife is gone, his precious huevito is here, and Charlie has to wipe his hands off on a towel again just so he doesn't slime up Flippa's hair and force them to wash it for a fourth time! It's fine! It's all fine!
Flippa is still staring at him.
"It's fine," he promises her, loudly, and then wipes his hands again. "I'm not- we're not too goopy! We're just goopy enough, which is not goopy at all, and you're not going to need another bath, and we even remembered the elastics this time!" A single drop of water falls down her nose.
He's still holding the towel up, and she awkwardly leans forwards to boop her nose against it to wipe the drop away - just like he'd playfully tapped her after her first bath. He laughs a little and twists the towel just in time to not goop her up all over again. "Yes, Flippa! Yeah! We get dry after baths so the moist demons don't get us!" He runs his hand over her hair and presses a quick kiss to the top of her head, and his skin buzzes with prickles of static electricity. Funny, isn't it? That didn't used to happen. But maybe Hell just gave his daughter superpowers.
No, that was definitely it. She couldn't physically drag him around BH (Before Hell) the way she could now. He had an awesome, superpowered daughter who had a bit of an accent and glasses so opaque he didn't know how she could see, and it was all fine and normal and more than he deserved.
Flippa was still staring at him. He smiled shakily back at her, and picked up some elastics. "Okay, turn around, Flippa," he urged her, and ran his hands, gentle, through her hair when she did. Ponytail, ponytail... that was the point of this. He definitely knew how to do this. He definitely knew how many elastics he needed for this.
How had Mariana done it...? Pull the hair to the back of her head, then pull it through the loops... some number of times. It didn't look right, so he added another elastic, and then another, and there was hair fritzing out of the elastics and he added five in total and Flippa sat there through it all and Charlie was- okay, it wasn't good, it wasn't what she deserved, but it was the best he could do and wasn't that good enough? Wasn't he good enough?
He urges her to get up and turn around so he could see his handiwork, and she does so without complaint.
...She doesn't look right.
He's going to be sick. He feels sick. Her hair is pulled back behind her ears, and it's- it's not like he did badly, actually, because it looks perfectly fine from the front and when you're not looking too closely at the back but she doesn't look like her. He fucked it up, he fucked her up, and there is something too-tight in his chest and something too-large in his mouth.
Her glasses. Her expression. The skin that shines too softly in the dim light and the clothes that fit too well. The scars. The hands resting, loose down at her side instead of curled up in her skirt or playing with her gun or covered in crumbs from all the avocado toast- the hair pulled back from her face. It's wrong. She looks so wrong.
He realizes she's gotten close again when she takes his hand, and he realizes he can't breathe at the same time. Her hands are immediately coated in a thick layer of slime -oh, great, he's gooping again!- and she holds him tightly. "It's okay, Flippa," he gasps out, and tries desperately to get his breathing under control. For her, for her, he needs to be okay for her, he can't fail her again, he can't- he needs to- for her. "Papa just- Papa just- I just-"
Flippa leans forwards, awkwardly pressing her bodyweight over his arms until he realizes she's trying to lean into his chest. She still hasn't got the hugging thing down, yet. He hiccups a choked sob and pulls his arms free to wrap around her and hold on tight, so tight, but not tight enough because he can't hurt her. He hurt her enough already. He took Tilin from her. He left her. He left her, and then he never saw her again, and he can't even help her look like her.
He shakes. He cries. He covers them both in slime. She curls into his chest, otherwise unmoving, hands tucked against her torso as he clings to her. She can't hug, but she's doing her best, and it destroys him.
Eventually, he stops crying, and they're left sitting there in silence broken only by his occasional sniffle. But Flippa isn't done destroying him- she lifts her hands, and signs (in that twitching, impossible way she does now), 1 l0vee y0u, d@dd.
"I- I love you, too, Flippa," he croaks out. He presses another kiss to her hair, and ignores the static prickling. It's just static. Of course it's just static. Things can be staticky when they're wet, right? Of course they can. It's undeniable fact, just like it's an undeniable fact that this is his Flippa. "I love you."
She butts his chin with her head, and he lets out a shaky laugh. He sniffles, then sighs, and gives her a little squeeze. Impossibly, her hair is already falling out of the ponytail. The both of them are covered in goo.
"I love you," he tells her again, stronger in his conviction. "My huevo."
For the first time that day, she smiles at him. Tearfully, he smiles back.
"Now how about bathtime number five?"
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