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“he’s crazy! for his introduction he pointed at some kid and asked him something about his mother’s fathers’s grandchild uncle- something! he’s also so volatile! he’s so little but so angry!”
“he’s a very dramatic person. whether he’s angry, happy, sad, he’s always exploding with emotion. i can’t keep up. he’s so high and mighty, he thinks he’s some kinda princess who should be worshipped.”
“…he’s a very difficult person. it’s hard to speak to him without upsetting him in some way, which often leads to an altercation.”
“hahaha! he’s like, super funny! one time someone said his hair is one trim from a bowl cut, and he punched the guy in the face!”
Song: ?
Name: Ryuu Katō
Club: Soccer
Height: 5’2 (Which he is sensitive about)
Stats: Sarcastic, Between Stoic and Playful, Assertive, Emotional, Somewhat Lazy, Negative, Rebellious, Bold
Romance: Yosuke Takanashi
Personality: Ryuu is a very emotional person. He is dramatic, haughty, and bratty. He most definitely falls into the himedere complex, and hates when people get better treatment than him. He is difficult to get along with, and refuses to be around people who don’t treat him as well as he believes he deserves, which is everyone. Even worse, he falls for Yosuke, who he intends on making into the perfect boyfriend for him.
Appearance: Ryuu has light peach skin that is taken care of very well. He has purple hair and purple eyes that are always filled with some sort of emotion. He has a mole under his bottom lip on the right side. Ryuu wears very extravagant clothing. He often attempts to look like a porcelain doll with his casual wear, and loves receiving attention from his looks.
AND WITH THAT WE ARE DONE! I’m sorry for the spam!
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“he’s kinda weird. i mean, he’s nice enough but he completely freaks around yoshida-chan, he gets super mean around her. after she leaves, he goes silent and just sits in the corner of the room. you can feel that negativity coming off of him! creepy…”
“i know he’s a talented musician. his music… it’s good. what? i can say nice things sometimes.”
“he get super angry when someone mentions his height. he hates it when people remind him he’s not six foot. i think he got into a fight about it once.”
“oh that poor guy. akane once baked something and like offered him some. and the boy actually asked for more! he’s got it bad…”
Song: Tek It- Cafuné
Name: Tora Hamasaki
Club: Music
Height: 5’11 (Something he’s very angry about)
Stats: Somewhat Sarcastic, Somewhat Playful, Somewhat Passive, Emotional, Somewhat Hardworking, Somewhat Negative, Somewhat Rebellious, Somewhat Shy
Romance: Akane Yoshida
Personality: Tora is a more average individual. Not too nice, but not too mean. Not too sarcastic, but not too genuine. However, he is terrible when it comes to the girl he likes. He’s a complete tsundere and can’t understand how to properly tell her how he feels. He’s loves music immensely and it’s the one thing that helps calm him down when he gets too upset.
Appearance: Tora has a olive complexion with light freckles across his nose. He has messy orange hair and expressive orange eyes. Tora wears practical casual clothes. Hoodies and jeans are his go to, and he doesn’t feel the need to stand out or blend in.
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“he’s a jerk who doesn’t care about anyone but himself! my and my friends were joking around in class one day and he straight up raised his hand and told the teacher that we were annoying him! what? so what if we should’ve been paying attention?!”
“he’s thinks he’s better than everyone just because he has ambition.”
“it’s hard to say anything good about him. he’s very cold and never smiles. he always has bags under his eyes too, maybe from studying?”
“he’s like, super mean! one time i tried to chat him up cause he’s like super hot and before i could even get a sentence out, he told me that the way i talk is annoying! such a nice face is wasted on him.”
Song: ?
Name: Satoshi Chinen
Club: Basketball
Height: 6’
Stats: Somewhat Sarcastic, Stoic, Assertive, Logical, Hardworking, Negative, Lawful, Somewhat Bold
Romance: Aleksei Zakharov
Personality: Satoshi is a very ambitious person. He has dreams that he fully attends to reach and refuses to allow anyone derail him, including students in his class who talk during independent study time. He despises lazy people and refuses to be near those who don’t take things seriously. However, due to unfortunate circumstances, he ends up enjoying Aleksei’s company. He is very cold and has a rather dry sense of humor.
Appearance: Satoshi has pale skin due to his choice to be inside studying than spending time outside, and a mole on the left side under his lip. He has neat black hair that’s he always makes sure is perfectly combed and sharp black eyes, however the underneath of them are dark from his lack of sleep. Satoshi wears professional clothing even as casual wear, and refuses to look anything less than dignified.
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“h-he’s very charming isn’t he? he flirts a lot and once he wiped some food off the corner of my mouth and it was so rom- huh? you didn’t ask about that?”
“he’s horrible to be around. he doesn’t shut up and doesn’t do any of his work.”
“he isn’t very hard working, but he’s always having a good time, and he makes other people laugh.”
“he still hasn’t called me back since we hung out! like, is he not interested anymore?! he’s been checking out that ozaki recently, hasn’t he?”
Song: ?
Name: Sora Chiba
Club: Cheer
Height: 6’2
Stats: Sarcastic, Assertive, Somewhat Logical, Lazy, Somewhat Positive, Somewhat Rebellious, Bold
Romance: Leila Ozaki
Personality: Sora is the kind of person who would much rather have a good time than put in any effort for something. He is very flirty and likes more casual stuff than committed relationships. He is very confident in himself and knows he can get what he wants with his looks, which often times let’s him go through life easily. He intends to get whatever he wants with the most minimal effort necessary.
Appearance: Sora has tanned skin that he takes care of heavily, and refuses to go to sleep until he does a full facial routine. He has pink hair that curls around his pink eyes, reaching down to his neck where he has a mole on his left side. Sora wears more androgynous fashion and loves flamboyant clothing. The more attention he gets, the better.
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“he’s terrifying! he always looks so… blank. either that, or he’s asleep. personally, he’s better asleep.”
“he’s always asleep so he doesn’t bother me.”
“he’s asleep more than he’s awake. i worry that he’s not getting any sleep at home. i mean, there’s no way someone needs that much sleep right? and when he is awake, it looks like his eyes are clouded over. poor kid.”
“the only time he doesn’t look like a doll is when he’s asleep. he’s super pretty but his hair is like always a mess from sleeping so much.”
Song: ?
Name: Yukio Aoki
Club: Journalism
Height: 5’5
Stats: Somewhat Genuine, Stoic, Passive, Between Logical and Emotional, Lazy, Between Positive and Negative, Between Lawful and Rebellious, Somewhat Bold
Romance: Hikaru Takeuchi
Personality: Yukio is a very apathetic person. He doesn’t care much about anything other than sleeping, and later Hikaru, who he wants to be beside at all times. He is very lazy and would much rather go through life as an average person than work hard, even if it would better his situation.
Appearance: Yukio has peach skin that is always slightly burnt due to falling asleep in the sun. His hair is dark blue and is very messy, and his eyes are a dull shade of blue. Yukio wears oversized clothes only, as it makes it easier for him to fall asleep.
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“he’s an idiot! there’s literally no other way to describe the guy! one time he asked me how to spell orange, and fine whatever i don’t judge people for their spelling, but then the guy says ‘not the fruit the color’!”
“if you look up dumb in the dictionary, his picture will show up. next question.”
“oh… he’s just… he’s so stupid. i feel bad talking like that about someone but he’s just so dumb. he’s very athletic though! he could easily be one of the star athletes of the school. i wonder why he picked volleyball…”
“he’s super hot! he’s like really muscular and- huh? his personality? who cares about that?”
Song: (?)
Name: Iwao Takao
Club: Volleyball
Height: 6’4
Stats: Genuine, Somewhat Playful, Assertive, Emotional, Hardworking, Positive, Lawful, Bold
Romance: Shion Kisaragi
Personality: Iwao is a very cheerful person, however… he is as dumb as a stump. He tries very hard academically and always asks to stay after for help, but no matter how hard he tries, Iwao cannot for the life of him learn anything. Despite this, Iwao is very dedicated to athletics and loves working with people. He is very outgoing and tries his best to remain upbeat… until his report card comes in.
Appearance: Iwao has dark bronze skin and often has a bandage on some part of his body. He is rather muscular and has quite a few scars litering his body, mostly from sports. He has red hair with bangs that are always pulled back out of his red eyes. He wears more sporty attire when outside of school, always looking like he’s on his way to a game.
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“oh he’s so sweet! he’s always there if you need him and he’s pretty smart so he tutors anybody who needs it!”
“he’s so bright. it almost hurts my eyes to look at him.”
“i worry about him. he’s always smiling and helping people, but for some reason, i can’t help but think he’s not as happy as he acts.”
“he’s like super nice! one time i left my wallet at home when i went out to get some food, and he just payed for it! i offered to pay him back later but he said that he was just glad i got to eat. such a sweetie!
Song: (?)
Name: Mieko Saito
Club: Art
Height: 5’4
Stats: Genuine, Somewhat Playful, Passive, Emotional, Hardworking, Positive, Lawful, Shy
Romance: Yuushin Mikazuki
Personality: Mieko is obsessed with the idea of worldwide happiness. He wants nothing more than to make the world a better place, and genuinely enjoys helping people. Mieko can almost be considered to be sunshine personified, something he takes pride in! However, sometimes he feels like he can’t breathe. When he messes up, it’s almost as if the world is crashing around him. but as long as he keeps smiling, everything’s okay! right?
Appearance: Mieko has fair skin with light freckles dusting his face. He has pale blonde hair and bright yellow eyes. Mieko wears rather bright and cheerful clothing, and gravitates towards more feminine styles.
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so i have 8 MCs for each RO from Lemonade by @lemonade-if and i want to share them! separate posts for each of course cause that’ll be so much all at once
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“…oh, that kid? he doesn’t talk, like at all. it’s almost creepy how quiet he is! though, he loses a lot of his creepiness when you actually watch him for more than five minutes. the kid can’t walk properly! he’s always falling into things and causing messes! he’s a hazard to be around!
“i kinda feel bad for him. he’s always alone and never talks. he’s also so little! i don’t think he’s been eating enough, if anything! wha- i’m not being a mother hen!”
“the new kid? he’s like super smart! probably the smartest kid in the school! kisaragi-san has serious competition this year! um, maybe don’t tell her i said that?”
Song: ?
Name: Akihiko Wakabayashi
Club: Track (Even though he hates it)
Height: 5’1
Stats: Genuine, Somewhat Stoic, Passive, Logical, Hardworking, Negative, Lawful, Shy
Romance: Ren Sugiyama
Personality: Akihiko is very shy. He despises the limelight and refuses to be within six feet of anyone he deems popular enough to bring attention to him. Unfortunately, he falls for Ren Sugiyama. He is very unlucky and clumsy, often causing problems for people around him with how often he trips and falls. He has rather low self esteem, which causes him to hide his face.
Appearance: Akihiko has very pale skin due to his disliking for anything outdoorsy. He has dark green hair that covers one of his green eyes, as well as a mole under the covered eye. Akihiko wears clunky glasses that covers his face almost as much as his face mask. He is rather small for his age, in both height and weight. Akihiko wears comfortable oversized clothing, however he makes sure that he blends into his surroundings, and if he stands out, will either a) leave the premises immediately or b) go home and change.
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