comfortstars 2 days
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hannah 馃┓馃┓
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mp4lenn 26 days
connected by a red string...
wooo made this edit of two of my oc's with art my lovely mutuals made of them (@/waddei & @/possuminnit) as well as mine :)
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comfortstars 2 days
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the girls!!!!
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comfortstars 3 months
SO. hannah and raquel. They're two of the main characters from this story i'm writing, where a bunch of people in Asunci贸n (capital of Paraguay) get trapped inside a weird time-less dimension parallel to the normal world.
the thing with these two is that they're best friends and have been since seventh grade (when hannah moved to asunci贸n from el chaco) but have formed this weird codependent thing with each other that they're vaguely aware of but won't ever discuss. They both know they couldn't survive without the other but also think that they need the other more than the other needs them. This becomes more noticeable when they get trapped in this alternate dimension, since they get put into a position where their actual lives are in danger while being together. I'd get into more detail but I don't have everything fleshed out yet and also I don't wanna spoil anything before I actually finish writing the story but yeah. they live inside my head and refuse to leave.
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comfortstars 2 days
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making character references for art fight ^_^ first we have raquel!
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comfortstars 2 months
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oc's!! I already posted the marcos's ones so I only added close-ups of the girlies hannah and raquel :)
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comfortstars 4 months
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watercolor painting of my children (my oc's, lara and sebasti谩n) since i finally got new watercolor paper !
pls rb if you like!
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comfortstars 2 months
your tip 5 ocs :P
OHHHHHHHH I love talking about my ocs thank you sm for this question!!!!!! btw these are all from the same universe of this little story I wanna write:) (putting it under the read more bc this ended up being Very long)
Raquel. Raquel my girl Raquel she is so socially awkward (autistic) and that leads her to not manage her interpersonal relationships properly so she pretends to not care but she cares soooo much she cares so much... She loves her best friend and little brother more than anyone in the world but has no idea how to show it and hates herself for it.
Hannah. My poor girl tries to be the perfect daughter while hating her parents and loving them while her whole heart at the same time. she wants to be everything they want her to be but she is so SICK of them and their rules and their God and their idea of her she just wants to break free but she is too scared to do so. Raquel is the only person in the world who she would risk this image of herself for.
Lara. They're like an older version of Hannah, in the sense that she also had conservative and overbearing parents that didn't let her be herself. Sadly, though, she didn't manage to escape her house, and is trying to save up money to leave as soon as possible. She tries to be rebellious, and to show that they are more than what their parents want her to be, but knows not to "mess around" too much, otherwise her parents might kick her out before she can actually live by themself.
Sebasti谩n. He is tired of pretending. Tired of pretending to give a damn about what his parents forced him to study, tired of pretending to not feel things, tired of pretending to feel things. He doesn't understand himself, doesn't know what he wants, and at the age of 23, thinks it's too late to even try anymore. So he shuts up, and he keeps pretending. He genuinely doesn't care at this point. He just doesn't know how much longer he'll last.
Marcos. He hates his job. Hates his mom. Hates his life in general, really. He wonders how things would have gone if he had just made a different choice in the past. Would it have been different, or was he doomed from the start?
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comfortstars 2 months
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another one of my oc's! Marcos, he is from the same universe as Hannah and Raquel :) a little bit more about him under the read more!
Marcos is 28 years old, and works in a store in el Mercado 4. He is so very miserable there and does NOT like dealing with people. He's the oldest of his siblings, but doesn't really talk to them anymore since he moved to an apartment in Asunci贸n a year before (that is very small and ugly btw. he hates it, but it beats still living with his mom). He also claims that he hates children and teenagers, but when he ends up trapped in an alternate dimension and finds Hannah and Raquel, he ends up being pretty fond of them, reminding him of his younger sister. Although he'd never admit that.
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comfortstars 12 days
25 + 26 for whichever ocs u want :3
YAYY ty for the ask, i'm choosing hannah and raquel:)
25. hannah has astigmatism AND myopia, that's why she wears glasses. she has no hearing issues though. Raquel's eyesight is okay but she has auditory processing issues she isn't really aware of (she just thinks people mumble too much when speaking for some reason)
26. both hannah and raquel are pretty clumsy, but raquel knows how to hide it better (like when she was younger she would trip all the time but now she knows how to stop herself right on time/moves more slowly than when she was younger) She is very conscious of the way she moves and looks in front of others, so she would be very careful about it. If she gets too nervous or excited though, she won't be paying that much attention to that and be more prone to tripping/knocking over stuff. Hannah doesn't really care, she's easily embarrassed but forgets about it in five minutes so she isn't as careful lol
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comfortstars 2 months
main character's ages from my oc universe:
raquel: 17
hannah: 16 (soon to also be 17)
lara: 22
sebasti谩n: 23
marcos: 28
micaela: 8
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comfortstars 2 months
yes all of my oc's in that universe have issues with their parents. it's part of the themes of the story :)
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