villageoflight · 8 months
and I was so engrossed with just how bad of a movie welcome to raccoon city was that I didn’t even notice the blatant racism until I was showering and meandering through my thoughts and I was thinking about Jill and Leon’s characterizations in the move
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belovedcloud · 1 month
I saw one of your latest fics (PERFECT HONEY🤍) and I just thought you were a great writer and it was like so cute and soft AAARGH
and then I also saw that you were accepting requests and I couldn't help but get excited, because I had an idea the other day - BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW TO WRITE 😭 so...
I was thinking about a short story fluff like with re2r Leon, where he still works at the police station but kind of without those traumatizing events YOU KNOW (or idk, you decide) so,,, he already knows Claire, who works in a cozy café near the police station where Leon usually goes on his break,buttt,, a new employee arrived (reader) and became friends with Claire (and kind of attracted Leon's attention 🥀) and idk, she (you decide if you want to use a feminine or neutral pronoun;) could work as a barista or waitress and was kind to Leon, until Leon started going to the cafe more often just to see her (or babbling about how pretty she is with Claire) until he found the courage to ask for her number or talk properly with her and, I don't know, this could end in a date or just Leon being a fool in love with a kind barista or waitress :)
so...feel free to ignore this if you found it boring hun ^^ Thank you in advance for reading this thought and if you want to accept the idea ;)🩷🩷
Sweet Treats | Leon Kennedy x Barista! Fem! Reader
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Notes: My first request! I hope you like this, I honestly found this concept so cute, and I love writing for RE2R Leon.
WC: 1.7K
CW: Fluffy Leon, no outbreak, Leon just being a clutz sometimes. Claire being your wingwoman basically and getting you both together. Mention of Y/N like once.
After his first week in the RPD, Leon managed to get himself to work early enough to not get a lecture from Lieutenant Branagh. Soon enough, he met Chris Redfield who worked for S.T.A.R.S. Which quickly led to Chris taking him to a nearby café where his sister worked. Claire was a sweet girl, Leon and her slowly opened up to each other after a few days. Promptly, he became a regular customer. Getting the same raspberry and white chocolate muffin alongside a vanilla latte. Today was no different, Leon entering the café - however, he didn't see Claire at the counter. But you.
Leon couldn't help but think you were the prettiest girl he had seen. Trying to avert his eyes from your face he felt his legs subconsciously walk over to where Claire was sweeping the floor. "Morning Claire... New employee?" He mumbled as he nodded his head over to your direction. "Yeah! She came in yesterday. Super sweet." She laughed, taking out the tea towel as she wiped down the coffee table. "You don't have to be scared Leon." Claire couldn't help but snicker as she stared at Leon mentally psyching himself up to not fuck up his order. "I'm not scared.." He yipped back, before walking up to the counter.
Your hands slowly wrapped around the mug handle as you polished the inside of it, oblivious to the man in front of you. A quiet tap of the bell seized your attention, looking up to see a dark blonde haired man staring at your movements. "Oh! Sorry, hold on I'll only be a minute." You frantically rush back to the mug stack, gently placed it on top before returning to the stranger. "Sorry about that, what can I get you?" A bright smile is plastered on your face as you tap onto the half broken machine, trying to input your worker code. "Uh.. please could I get the raspberry white chocolate muffin and a vanilla latte?" Leon asked, fumbling with his thumbs below the counter. Thank fuck he didn't mess up his sentence. His hands slowly travelled to his face as he swept the hair out of his eyes, maybe he really should get a trim...
"Yeah of course! That'll be $6.24 please." Leon fumbled with his wallet after taking out $10. "You can keep the change." Leon uttered as the cash register opened, the till jittering out. You couldn't help but smile sweetly as he offered the change to you. "Are you sure?" He nodded as he saw you put the tip in your pocket. "Thanks... I'll get that for you straight away." Your body shifted towards the coffee machine. Leon couldn't help but admire the way you performed your job, it was somehow so different to how Claire would do it. You were angelic in your movements - his thoughts soon interrupted as he felt someone tap his shoulder. "In love?" Claire teased, earning a nudge from Leon's elbow into her side. "Ouch! Okay.. okay." She laughed as she went behind the counter, packaging Leon's muffin. You couldn't help but glance at Leon's smile. He was cute, super cute.
A few minutes later, a warm takeaway coffee cup and muffin stuffed into a brown paper bag laid neatly in front of Leon. "Thanks." Leon took both items into his hand and waved off to Claire, showing you a small smile as the bell chimed, indicating he had left the store. "Who was that?" You rushed over to Claire, her eyes looking at you with playful eyes. "That's Leon, he's my brother's friend or I guess co-worker sort of? He works for the RPD." Claire responded to you with a funny tone. "Why are you looking at me like that?" You laughed out, slowly wiping down the coffee stains on the counter. Your eyes wondering over to the door, missing the stranger you just encountered. "Oh it's nothing, I'm sure you and him will get along well y'know?" She giggled, shoving the tea towel in her pocket. "What the fuck is that suppos-" Your sentence quickly cut off as Claire shouted "I'm going on my break!"
Days passed, time and time again Leon soon became a person you got used to seeing. Smiling whenever you would see that navy blue uniform. A small crush blossomed in your heart - you couldn't tell him that though. Nor could you tell Claire, but she saw it in the way you stared at him as he ordered the same thing. Soon enough, you prepared it beforehand for him to have immediately. 8:30 AM, that's when Leon would come in. With that same uniform and same hairstyle, oh and of course he was handsome every time. Today was no different, except for the fact you weren't in. Leon's day was 100 times better when he saw you, entering the café he expects to see you. Seeing Claire at the front instead of cleaning caught him off guard. "Where's Y/N?" Leon closed the door behind him, leaving the cold and rubbing his hands together as the cozy environment felt different.
"She called in sick, why? Are you lovestruck?" She poked fun at him, getting his order ready. "Oh shut up.." He chuckled, sitting down at a nearby table. Thinking about Claire's words, he knew she was right. He was lovestruck by you. Leon couldn't help but find you so attractive, the way you were so attentive to him. That small talk wasn't awkward with you. He had a crush. "Honestly, yeah." His eyes diverted to the muffin and latte ahead of him. Claire's ears perked hearing his mini confession? "Oh?" She smacked his shoulder lightly. "She's beautiful and super sweet, don't get me started on how.." Leon soon rambled on about you, from your personality to your looks, the way you carried yourself. Losing himself in time as he subconsciously sipped on the latte, finishing the muffin. Claire had to sit down for this, it was cute seeing him chatter about you. "Fuck, sorry about that." He chuckled, checking his wrist-watch, seeing the time flicker to 9:00 AM. "Shit, I gotta go. Thank you for the treat Claire." Leon hastily got up and dashed out the door. Oh how Claire couldn't wait to tell you all about this tomorrow.
"You're shitting me right?" You mumbled, polishing the mugs as you looked over to the wall clock. 8:25 AM. Leon's order by your side as you heard Claire laugh. "Why would I lie about him basically confessing his love about you?" She nudged your arm, snickering as your eyes rolled back playfully. As if Leon could have a crush on you. I mean, you were just a barista who served him his raspberry white chocolate muffin and vanilla latte. What could've been so special about your actions? "Get out of your trance, it's 8:28." You heard Claire from one ear to another as she moved to dust the corners of the room. Oh how cruel could she be to leave you with this new information? The chime of the door caught you off-guard, seeing that same man in that RPD uniform.
"Good morning Leon." A shaky voice elicited from your throat. For Christs sake, pull yourself together. "Morning.. I see my order there." He chuckled, pulling out his wallet, taking out a $20 bill. "Keep the rest." A small grin crept on his face as he passed it to you. You couldn't accept this, not for basically doing something that took you three minutes at most. "Oh Leon, I can't accept this." A breathy laugh pursued out your lips. He wasn't going to take no for an answer. "Please, it's on me. You've been nothing but sweet to me. And this place must be a pain in the ass to clean up at the end of the day." Leon laughed as he took his muffin and latte, sitting down at a table. That was unusual. He usually left to enjoy his snack, but today seemed different. Your friendship seemed different. Leon was right, the sticky sugared tables and coffee splatters were annoying to clean - knowing he would refuse the money if given back to him, you stuffed the change in your pocket. "Thanks Leon.. but you really don't have to tip me each day. Makes me feel guilty, like I owe you." You muttered as you came out from behind the counter. Leon's eyes wondered over you, a small smile corrupting his lips as he thought of something.
"Well.. if you think you owe me, come sit down with me for a bit?" A teasing tone was laced with his words, but who were you to deny him. Even if the blush on your face was evident. "Alright, but why are you sat down? Don't you have to get to the station quick?" Your question rang in his head, your voice melodic in his ears. "Not really, if it comes to it I'll run." He chuckled, sipping on the latte. Burning just the tip of this tongue - warming up the rest of his body. Nothing warmed him up like you though, those pretty lips that rested peacefully on your face. Your giggles enticing him as he looked at your hands slowly fiddle, it was clear you were nervous. Fuck. So was he, but to him this was now or never.
"I uh... can I have your number?" Leon hastily said, averting his eyes from you and staring into the little leaf shape carved by the frothed milk in his hot drink. Did he mess up? Troubled thoughts rushed over Leon's head until he heard you speak. "My number, sure." You couldn't help but smile, Leon just asked for your number. This was practically a dream come true. A quick exchange of each others phone numbers soon lead to a conversation. Getting to know each other was time consuming which soon lead to Leon's face dropping as he checked his wristwatch. "Shit it's 9:15." He laughed, putting his leftovers in the bin. "I'll text you later yeah?" His hand waved off to you, feeling content in yourself.
Throwing your bag to the side of your room, your back aching from the constant horrible posture you had as you bent over tables to wipe them. Your phone buzzed. It was from Leon.
Leon: Can I take you out for dinner this weekend?
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sonicasura · 1 year
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SonicAsura's Doodles #73
Leon still questions how one mission could have gotten so insane. That he would end up getting infected and said parasite responsible transforming into something no one could have foreseen. Yet here Leon Scott Kennedy stood, all eight eyes set on one simple objective. DESTROY SADDLER.
Here he is. Plagas!Leon War mode in all his buggy glory. Part of his inspiration came from a very different game series I grew up with, Spectrobes. The muse in question being the Evolved Flash Element Naguzoro. You can consider him the OG Guzzlord or Proximamon as he existed since 2007.
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The lower half of his body holds the Plagas parasite itself, completely altered and consumed. Hence why Leon's green chitin like caparace is more prominent in the design than the yellowish green of the parasite, HE is in control. Not the Plagas nor Saddler.
Both heads think independently but have to work together in controlling the body if Leon doesn't want to be an absolute clutz and huge liability on the battlefield. Now the strangely big segments of his carapace aren't for show. Plagas!Leon's body is actually compressed hence the plates not matching in size.
It's meant to protect the less durable flesh but also hides insect wings. These hidden wings are like a bumblebee's, small compared to Leon's huge body. Only function they serve is to slow down his descent as his caparace won't protect him from huge falls. Any time Leon needs to stretch out his body is either for carrying more things/people, sneak attacks or travelling very rough terrain.
Size wise, when compressed Leon's 25' long from toe to tail and 12'6 tall. Not compressed his size is 32' and 22'3 tall as his Plagas legs are also compacted. His insect like legs are very strong so they can support his weight without the prehensile front paws. The bones in the paws are folded and the flesh is like putty so they stretch into thin gangly limbs when extended.
The man is often mistaken for a dragon or dragon rider since the folded scythe like limbs on his back resemble wings at an angle. Yeah, those strange shoulder spikes are actually claws to his Plagas limbs. Think of them like Devil Trigger Nero's wing claws in how they function.
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I'll be drawing some reference art for when I begin working on his Plagas!Leon's Hybrid form. Here's the link to his behavior for anyone who has missed it. Between Luis and Ashley, the former took the appearance of this form a bit better. Mainly cause he wasn't present to see Leon transform into War mode for the first time.
Ashley nearly fainted as it ain't a pretty sight especially since the transition began in Disguise mode. You know the chest burster scene from Alien? Imagine that but the Xenomorph kept growing as the host messily merges with it in the process.
Leon going from Hybrid to War is less mortifying than when he looks like a normal human. Luis was immediately documenting every detail he could. Even asking the agent to shift into War from both his other modes.
(Luis will always live if I write anything RE 4 related. Stab wounds like that aren't lethal. Man just passed out from blood loss and walked away after the whole Los Illuminados was over.)
The government don't find out about Leon's infected status until RE 6. He's quite good at hiding his Plagas nature. Shit just really hit the fan in RE 6 especially since his Plagas doesn't like the C Virus strain very well. It's all I'm going to say about it.
That's it for now! Until next time folks, continue to thrive in the wake of Raccoon City.
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turtles-imagines · 5 years
Hello! Could I request the 2007 turtles meeting their s/o during their job. Like donnies tech job, mikeys party thing, raphs nightwatcher. I dont know what you'd do for leo so if you wanna add him just some random headcanons I guess. Thanks in advance and welcome to the writing community! (I run leon-you-clutz a friend of yours asked me to give you a shoutout)
Aaaaa you’re too sweet! Thank you for requesting 💚💚💚
((PS- For Leo’s job I just did ninja))
Leo 💙:
- You were walking home from the library late at night. You were so exhausted since exam season was in it’s prime. Not paying attention in your sleepy haze, you turned down a dark alley way often used by you and your friends as a shortcut. You didn’t notice the mugger waiting in the shadows until it was too late.
- Just as the mugger put a gun to your head, a mysterious figure appeared behind the man. Before you knew it, the mugger was writhing around in pain as the vigilante delt this guy a new one. He didn’t fall peacefully though, having hit you with the handle of his gun before going down.
- Here you were, laying on the ground in a lot of pain, with this mysterious guy who just saved you. Sitting up to thank him you are surprised to see a giant mutant turtle.
“Uhhh... thank you sir? Excuse me, I have to go”
- Before he can react, you stand up and run the opposite direction, not realizing you dropped your wallet in the process. Being the “ever-righteous symbol of justice” he is, Leo figured he would have to return the wallet to you.
- You wake up the next morning with a raging headache, partly from being hit in the head and partly from compulsively studying. You vaguely remember seeing your “new friend”, the giant fucking mutant turtle. Besides the fact you think you may be going through a psychotic episode in which you see giant turtles who walk, talk, and fight like humans, your day is pretty good... until you realize your wallet is missing.
- Nightfalls and Leo leaves the lair with the intent to return your missing wallet and blackmailing you into not telling anyone what you saw. Using the information inside the wallet, he was able to figure out your address. It was around 12:30 am and your studying was interrupted by a heavy knock at the door. Imagine your suprise when you open it to find your reptilian protector holding your missing wallet, seeming to be just as flustered as you were.
“Umm, hello Sir/Mam, I believe you dropped this”
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Raph ❤️:
- What can you say, having to take a last minute job at a convince store in order to keep your broke ass alive sucked. But, the only thing that sucked more was having to work the night shift. Tired, hungry, and extremely bored, you decided to restock some shelves to keep you entertained. “I mean it’s stupid, right? Who the hell even goes into a crappy convince store on the bad side of town at 3 in the morning? Well no one, unless you’re looking to rob someone.” you thought. Well you and your big, fat mouth.
- You heard the door behind you open. After letting out an annoyed sigh and plastering a phony smile across your face, your turn to deliver a halfhearted greeting only to be met by a masked man holding a gun. He yelled at you to get behind the register and put all the cash in a burlap sack he held. Okay good plan, just one problem... there was only about $70 in the register.
- You sighed, realizing you were going to die in a sorry excuse for a 7/11 that was too cheap to even put cameras in. As you were finally accepting your death, the mysterious “Nightwatcher” basically kicked the door down and kicked this sky-mask wearing theif’s ass.
“So Mr. Nightwatcher, do you come here often?”
- After the incident with robber, the Nightwatcher would begin to visit you on slow nights. You’re relationship eventually turned into a casual friendship.
- He begun to visit more and more until it was a nightly ritual. He would beat up bad guys, roll into your store, not-so jokingly flit with you, grab some snacks, and then just sit by the counter.
- Raph, formally known to you as the Nightwatcher, had become a staple in you store and your life.
“Hey Dollface, next time some guy tries to hit on ya’, why not send em’ over to me”
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Donnie 💜:
- Since living in the city was so expensive, you decide to move in with your elderly aunt. It was nice, except she had no idea on how technology worked. You weren’t that bad with tech yourself, except you had no idea how to fix what she messed up.
- It became a daily occurrence for you to have to sit down and sit for hours on end, just trying to figure out where she went wrong. It got to the point where you felt like all you were doing was fixing tech. That was when you decided to look to a tech support hotline.
- Since Donnie spent most of his time working as a tech support jockey and had a messed up sleep schedule, he was up at all hours of the night. You would often get Donnie when you called.
“Hello I’m Donnie your- oh hey (Y/N). What do you need help with?”
- Your relationship eventually blossomed into a friendship. You eventually did move out of your aunt’s house, but that didn’t mean you stopped calling. You two would call to just talk about life and gossip like middle-aged, white suburban wives.
- The first time you did meet Donnie was when you asked him over to help build a computer. He basically blurted out on the phone that he wasn’t human. When you did meet, he was a bit nervous. Of course you had questions, which he was actually kinda happy to answer.
- That became the basis of your friendship. Talking on the phone, fixing broken tech, and building random computers.
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Mikey 💛:
- You had the patience of a saint. You had a lovely younger brother and of course you love him and his weird obsession with reptiles, but him and his sugar-hyped friends were really testing your patience.
- You practically thank god when your prayers are answered in the form of “Cowabunga Carl”, the life-sized turtle. You were very relieved to have had a discretion for your younger brother and his friends.
- After some party games and entertainment, it was about time to eat cake. Carl nearly had a heart attack when you offered him a slice of cake. Of course, as in true Mikey fashion, he littered your conversation with compliments.
“Hey, this cake is the second sweetest thing in this room. Can you guess what the first is ;)”
- Before he left the party Mikey gave you his phone number. Honestly, you thought he had a magnetic personality.
- It didn’t take long for you two to become close friends. Talking daily, playing against each other in online games, etc. But one thing always bothered you, you’d never seen his face, only his mask.
- It was a meetup after a party that you finally learned Mikey’s secret. Your brother’s friend had enlisted Mikey to make his party more fun. You two talked by his van after the guests had left when he finally spilled the tea that he was actually a giant talking turtle. But you two had grown so close that he could be a literal alien and you’d still be friends.
“So dude(tte), do you wanna go grab a pizza before I have to go home?”
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emiefaunwrites · 3 years
Cause we are horrible people would you be able to write a close call for Leon? It's OK if you need time to think of it!
Hey anon!
A part of me was waiting for this ask and so I've been thinking about what things happen. And as your ask came through...well, by jove I got one!
So yes, anon. I will indugle in a little meanness and give you a close call for Leon. Trigger warnings for accidents and injury underneath so please don't read if that upsets you.
Thanks for the ask! Hope you enjoyyyy!
• Leon is a major clutz.
• He's constantly knocking things over, tripping over his own feet and has absolutely terrible balance (which is a big surprise considering the one-legged contortions he twists into when pitching!)
• But that doesn't stop him enjoying life!
• He won't let his clutzy tendencies stop him from doing the things he enjoys, even if it has resulted in some majorly embarrassing scenarios.
• So he's learnt to brush things off with humour.
• He knocks something over? 'Looks better that way anyway.'
• He trips over something? 'Shouldn't have been having a nap where I was walking!'
• He loses his balance? 'Practicing my dance moves.'
• He always has a witty response for whatever happens.
• But one day, his clutziness nearly costs him dearly.
• He and Kei are practicing baseball techniques in the garden while Taka's out one day.
• He's taught her how to swing and though she doesn't have his strength, the girl hits hard.
• He's had to climb into bushes, run into the neighbours gardens, even had to run across the street to get the ball.
• And this time, it's landed on the roof.
• Now Leon's been banned from ladders ever since he wobbled one year while putting the Christmas Tree up.
• But Taka won't be back for another hour, and Kei's really seeming to be into this today.
• What other way will he get the ball down?
• 'Okay, sweet pea. Stay there alright? Daddy'll get the ball down.'
• He heads into the garage to grab the ladder that Mondo left behind when he was helping clear out the gutters a few months back.
• Looking back up to where the ball has landed, it's in the most awkward groove ever and won't be easy to reach.
• And now he's looking up, he realises how high a two-storey building is and his stomach turns.
• Maybe he should wait. Taka will be back soon and he's fine with heights and ladders and...
• 'Fank you, Daddy!'
• Ahhhh, he can't let his little girl down! And with a steely determination, he lines the ladder up and starts to climb.
• 'Just don't look down. Don't look down.'
• Slowly and steadily, he makes his way up the ladder and when he reaches the top, he needs to take a few deep, grounding breaths.
• Goddamn it, it's REALLY not going to be easy to get!
• Reaching out, he can't quite make it and so has to lean out quite procariously.
• His fingers brush against the ball, nearly there, nearly there...
• And then it pops out of the guttering and drops onto the ground.
• With a relieved sigh, Leon goes to move back to grab the ladder...
• But Leon Kuwata has terrible balance.
• Taka's at work, giving a presentation to an important group of people when his phone rings.
• Apologising profusely, he goes to look and see its the house phone.
• Odd. Leon normally calls on his mobile.
• Something compels him to answer the phone, beginning to scold his husband for interrupting him at work...
• 'P-papa?'
• Kei? Why is SHE calling? And why is she crying?
• 'What's the matter, darling? Where's Daddy?'
• 'D-daddy f-f-fell. He n-no wake u-up.'
• Oh my god oh my god oh my god WHAT'S HAPPENED?
• 'Tell me what happened, Kei.'
• 'I h-hit ball on r-r-roof and Daddy g-get. He f-f-fall down and...and h-hit his h-head. There's r-r-red paint e-e-everwhere and D-D-Daddy no w-wake u-up.'
• No no no no no what was Leon THINKING?! And now he's...he's...
• No. He can't panic. He needs to get home...
• No that'll be too late. Who knows how long Leon's been out for. He has to get to the hospital and...
• 'Kei, remember what Papa taught you? What you do if you ever get in trouble?'
• 'Y-y-yeah...'
• 'I need you to do that okay, darling? I need you to do exactly what I taught you and tell the nice man or lady what happened.'
• 'O-okay.'
• 'Good girl. Do it now, okay? Papa'll see you soon.'
• He gives no apologies as he flies out of the room, shouting at the receptionist to call Mondo and send him straight to the house.
• He isn't one for speeding but Taka definitely drives faster than normal, heading to the nearest hospital to wait for them to arrive.
• He's there twenty mintues before he sees the doctors wheeling Leon through, Mondo and Kei following behind.
• The wait during the surgery is agony - Taka having to distract himself by asking the nurses if he can borrow a shower to clean the blood out of his daughter's hair.
• Poor Kei is terrified, not saying a word as her Papa cleans her up and changes her clothes, holding onto him for dear life as they go back to the waiting room.
• And eventually, the surgeon comes out to explain there was a fracture in Leon's skull that resulted in a lot of swelling - but the surgery was a success and he'll be alright.
• Taka's allowed to go see him when he wakes up, asking Mondo to look after Kei for a little bit.
• And as he walks in to see his groggy husband blinking at him from one of the beds, head in a bandage, Taka finally loses it.
• 'YOU IDIOT! I TOLD you not to climb ladders! Why don't you ever LISTEN?! D'you know how frightened I was?! How frightened KEI was?! What the HELL were you thinking?!'
• Leon's too groggy to respond, face scrunched up as he tries to focus through the many drugs he's on for the pain.
• 'You could have DIED, Leon! You could have died RIGHT THERE! Right in front of our little girl! How could you be so STUPID?! How could you...how...how...'
• All at once Taka's rage ebbs away at the guilty look on his husband's face, replaced with sobs as he drops to his knees at the bedside.
• 'I could have lost you! You could have...oh God, Leon, I can't lose you! I can't...I can't...'
• Leon can't do too much, still very much out of it, but he can see how much his husband is hurting. And its all his fault.
• So with a grunt, he lifts a heavy arm to brush away the tears, cups Taka's face and says:
• 'Can't have hurt...as much as...when you...fell from...heaven.'
• The comment catches Taka completely on guard, the small strained smile on Leon's lips like a breath of fresh air.
• He can't help but laugh, relief making him dizzy as he clasps Leon's fingers in his own.
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unflirtysimmer · 6 years
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Irwin: Oof, Sorry! Didn’t mean to steal your seat like that… I could move if you want me too… yeah, I think I’ll do that so have your se-
Leroy: Ah, no bro it’s fine. I’ll just sit here. Your lil sis wanted me to be closer anyway.
Irwin: Oh… okay. Whatever you want. *To himself* I’m such a clutz, no one will ever want me.
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sonicasura · 1 year
I'm currently planning out a design for my Plagas!Leon as I watch a Resident Evil 4 Remake walkthrough. Already listed some behavior for my buggy lad here so this goes into some of the physical design.
He's got two fully functional mouths. I ain't telling where the second one is but it's much bigger than his normal one. Like it can envelope half a Verdugo in one bite. Oh, Leon can spit fire from there by generating flammable gas and ignite it with a snap of his tongue which is designed to create static electricity through friction.
Leon got multiple appendages that don't come from the Plagas. How many? Enough that he can walk on all 10 minus the two pairs of scythe like Plagas limbs and his tail.
Leon's tail ends with two stingers as it splits down the middle halfway through. The limb is quite long and rubbery than plated. Reason being Leon's tail can actually stretch an additional five feet with enough momentum, kinda like a sticky hand.
BIG BOI. You can blame the once inactive G virus cells Leon got back in Raccoon City. No way in hell did some not cling onto him with all the Birkin Monster battles especially the one at the end. Just know Leon can carry three people on his lower back and his spines are used as handlebars for passengers to hold onto.
He has eight pair of eyes. Three pairs are where his second mouth is and freak the fuck outta everyone as they are fully functional. Leon definitely bumped, took down stuff or fell multiple times. A pure clutz that Chris compares it to walking on a soapy ice floor.
And that's all I will divulge. Trust me when I say I'm gonna make him gnarly to a degree. It isn't the first time I monsterified a character to eldritch levels. Some examples: Broken Toys!MK from an LMK AU, Ash Soul!BotW Link from a LoZ AU, and Arachnid King!Hank J. Wimbleton from Madness Combat. I get to brush off some dust after not doing it for awhile.
That's all I have for now! Until next time folks, keep surviving in Raccoon City.
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