#leor's rants
achillesmonochrome · 1 year
I just have a discussion with a person I used to talk to on facebook, so let me make one thing clear for anyone who may be here:
If you think Halle Bailey as Ariel is a problem.
If you think Nico Parker as Astrid Hofferson is a problem.
If you think Leah Sava as Annabeth Chase is a problem.
Get out.
Unfollow me and/or block me, I am NOT going to repeat the shit show I have on facebook because someone that may follow me doesn't know where my stand in this is.
I don't give a fuck how the original character looks like, I do not give a shit whatever fuck may be saying about history; all of the examples I gave had fantasy involved, and two of them WERE ALREADY HISTORICALLY INACCURATE TO BEGIN WITH.
I'm an animation fan more than anything so most of the time I do not give a flying fuck what the live action remake is doing (honestly I hate live action remake movies, mostly because they tend to be waterdown versions of the original,) and not gonna lie, 95% of the time I am going to insist to go with representation.
One way or another, the original stuff is still there, stop whining.
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fabuloustrash05 · 3 years
What were your first impressions of Leo and Karai's relationship before Nick announced that Karai was Splinter's daughter? (Not a Le*rai shipper)
Buckle up buttercup because I’m giving you my whole history with Leor*i
In the beginning I shipped them hardcore. Like really hardcore. *GASP* I know. I’m shocked too. Looking back on it, I hate it…
Karai’s introduction episode “New Girl in Town” was my first real episode I watched in the 2012 series and it’s what got me hooked to watch more. It ended with only Leo and Raph knowing about Karai, this mysterious female ninja that works for Shredder, and it got me curious to know what would happen next so I started officially watching the 2012 series.
Growing up I loved Leo and Karai’s dynamic, the good boy and the bad girl, how he knew she had a good side but due to their rival clans they can’t be together.
I was 12 when I first started watching the series so when the reveal during the season 1 finale that Karai is actually Splinter’s daughter Miwa came into play it didn’t really cross my mind. I was young and dumb and it went over my head. I still thought “LeO aNd KaRaI aRe SoUlMaTeS!”
I think what started my realization that shipping Leor*i was wrong was in season 2 when Splinter came out and told his sons the truth that Karai is actually Miwa, to which it leads Mikey to say this:
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My reaction to that line when I was 12:
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Yet still despite that, I actually tried to ignore that fact! I still shipped them with a burning passion! And I’m disgusted that it took me so long to see how wrong it was!
12 year old me anytime Leo and Karai being brother and sister was acknowledged:
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I tried to move on and continued to ship them. I tried ignoring ever time they say Karai was Splinter’s daughter or how she’s the turtles long lost sister. I was a dumb naïve child!!
Remember this moment?
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I remember watching this moment and I fangirled like crazy, I so badly wanted Karai to kiss Leo. I remember ranting to my friends about how mad I was that they didn’t kiss, but looking back on it now I’m so glad they didn’t!
As the show went on, Karai got mutated and didn’t make that many appearances, she was gone for most of season 3, so that gave me time to think over my shipping taste.
I started thinking over past moments in the show, Mikey always referring to Karai as his and his brother’s sister, saying he’s her little brother, Splinter calling Karai and Leo his “son” and “daughter” in the SAME EPISODE, and Leo and Karai both calling Splinter “Dad” or “Father”, again, sometimes in the SAME EPISODE.
Leor*i didn’t make that big of an appearance during the ending of season 2, a lot of season 3, and first half of season 4, so that gave me room to start focusing on other (more healthier and happier) ships. That’s when then Renetangelo and RaMona entered my life <3
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I guess in a way, they saved me from sinking with the Leor*ai ship. They made me realize what a good ship looks like. RaMona became my new favorite ship and my new ship obsession (I considered myself the captain of the RaMona ship lol) and for a short time they made me forget Leor*i even existed.
As the show went on I started to grow up and mature. I started to realize the wrongness in Leor*i. I was 15 by the time Karai officially came back into the show (second half of season 4) and my love for Leor*i was practically gone. I still enjoyed seeing Leo and Karai interact and their dynamic was good and entertaining. Them being friends and clan allies was nice, but anytime the writers forced a “romantic” moment between them in season 4…
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I cringed
But it was okay because the writers gave Karai a hot goth witch girlfriend in the end so everything is good in the world 👍
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Shinirai forever
I officially disliked Leor*i by mid season 4, I realized how wrong it was, they are siblings, Splinter is there father, no matter how much you look at it Leor*i is incest!!! Karai is their big sister and it disgusted me looking back at it now that I actually wanted them to get together!
But what made me really hate the ship as much as I do now are the people who still supported them and shipped them and the horrible excuses that they gave them!
I realized Leor*i shippers were (and still are) crazy toxic!!
I could go into more detail about that, but that’s a topic for another post and I don’t have the energy for that right now, but my friend @qiralync always makes really good anti Leor*i arguments. She honestly makes better arguments then I could about the ship. XD
So to wrapped it all up, 12 year old me shipped Leor*i but as she got older she realized how f**king wrong and disgusting that ship was. RaMona entered her life and saved her and now she realizes the truth.
And I know I’m not alone on this cause many TMNT 2012 fans were in the same boat as me when we were all kids and now we despise the incest ship known as Leor*i. It honestly makes me so happy seeing us TMNT 2012 fans all grow up and realize how wrong Leor*i was, and we all collectively agree that Leor*i was a terrible ship.
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And to those who still refuse to admit it, I wish you the best and I hope you come to your senses someday soon, because remember I was in the same boat as you and now I look back on it and ask myself “What was I thinking??” It’ll eventually happen to you too.
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achillesmonochrome · 1 year
The end of an Era?
I didn't want to make any posts on my own or talk too much about it because for the respect I have left for this show, I kind of preferred just move on and not give it any more of my attention.
But then the Kiss with the Bees happened and even if I don't ship it anymore (oh that shit sailed A LONG time ago,) I was curious enough to start tuning back in.
And oh my, I don't regret, and is not for any good reasons.
What a shit show, I left this show at the beginning of volume 7 not because I was angry at their stupid ass decisions or they did something problematic (because I would had left even earlier if those were the reasons.) I just, legit couldn't be bothered.
I stuck with this show for as long as I did because I was a fan since the second trailer, I was part of the early community in the Latin American fandom, I did edits and fanfics of this thing. I rarely watch shows when there is still nothing of them yet and I was hoping if I saw this from waiting for the first episode to the final conclusion, it would be an experience to stick with me for a long time.
Yeah I chose the wrong show.
Because ADHD brain, I rarely stop watching things as a conscious decision, it ultimately ends up being me forgetting when something is coming out because I don't care enough for it. So for me to pause mid episode, and just decide not to bother anymore, was a big deal.
I ended up watching back when the Kiss of the Bees aired for a couple of things.
I never thought they would actually do it and they would just continue queerbaiting.
I was curious if they actually stuck the landing, considering I stopped shipping them years ago I wondered if they could actually turn it into something good.
Did I watch from the last point I watched to be up to speed? Pff no.
Watching the bees scene alone felt a bit odd since there are a few things that DEFINITELY felt like they are talking about someone's else love story, and other moments that didn't make sense to me. And after doing some digging watching the rest of the volumes actually makes the scene worse because at least I could pretend they had a good development.
Of course I caught on the other shit show parts, and decided to tune back in not because I thought it was interesting, but because the whole thing with Ruby and the Ever After made me wonder what kind of bullshit they were going to do next.
And oh boy, that ending didn't disappoint in that aspect!
I was laughing, like a lot, because a bunch of shit just didn't make sense; like hey maybe is my ADHD or english being my second language but what part of the anything that was happening to Ruby on the other side made her decide she wanted to be herself?
I could go into more detail into things that don't make sense, but really that's why I was laughing my ass so much.
So much shit happens and goes just because, and at this point I can only laugh at the dumbass writing decisions this show has.
Like I cannot believe that not only, this is the shortest season, the one rw//by fans needed to wait the most for (which yeah, covid, I will not give them grief for that part) but it ended up being all for nothing?
Again I understand that they may need to have a shorter season or take more time because of the pandemic, but what part of that means having a season that is practically just filler?
I swear is so hysterical I'm laughing.
In my opinion, there is no saving for this story. The villain goes into "It's so powerful it's a nightmare's writer to find a way how to defeat them" territory which I can't believe how fast they nosedived into that (Shonen villains normally take awhile before resorting into that shit thanks to the constant power scaling,) the story just keeps getting more convoluted and nonsensical and let's not talk about the characters.
And as funny as I find all of this, part of me is a bit sad you know? I cannot watch the trailers or the earlier seasons without feeling extremely sad at seeing all this potential turn into this.
Because don't get me wrong, the earlier seasons are not masterpieces or anything, not by a long shot. But there is a charm in the simplicity and over the top battle choreography; even when the story was about some teens fighting monsters on a special school, you could laugh with the characters and get a good time.
Now? I honestly thing, canning the show would be better outcome for this show, because there is no way to wrap up this nicely, and considering how much they are dragging this show even if they got all the seasons they wanted, I doubt it would be better.
One thing I must said, as a positive.
Thank RW//BY Volume 9, for teaching me how to watch shit ironically, that's the best I got.
Also, I like the music, I really hope the composers and singer can go to better places because they deserve better.
No idea if this show is actually canned or not, or if RT would go down (which honestly, I think they need to considering the systematic abuse the workers are facing can only be over with the company gone, because it really doesn't look like anyone is getting better there.) And the show will die from it.
Who knows? Maybe since they are owned by Warner, someone could bring back RWBY and know what to do it.
For now? I can't believe I am saying this, but this story may be better being canned that having an actual ending.
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