englishmoribund · 1 year
"Exploring Uncommon Vocabulary: 12 Words to Add to Your Word Bank"?
Vocabulary is an important aspect of language learning, and it can be fun to explore new and unusual words. In this blog post, we'll take a look at 12 interesting and uncommon vocabulary words, along with example sentences to help you understand how they can be used.
Tonitruous: (adjective) characterized by a loud or thundering sound Example sentence: "I was trying to sneak out of the house early in the morning, but my tonitruous sneezing gave me away and woke up the entire neighborhood."
Funambulist: (noun) a tightrope walker Example sentence: "I've always dreamed of running away and joining the circus, but the only job they had available was for a funambulist, and I'm terrified of heights."
Minimus: (noun) the smallest or least significant member of a group Example sentence: "I was trying to impress the judges in the hot dog eating contest, but I'm such a minimus that I could barely finish one frankfurter, let alone the whole plate."
Lickspittle: (noun) a person who behaves obsequiously in order to gain favor or advantage Example sentence: "I was going to ask my boss for a raise, but I chickened out at the last minute and turned into a lickspittle, showering him with compliments instead."
Leptodactylous: (adjective) having slender fingers or toes Example sentence: "I was trying to fix the broken shelf, but my leptodactylous fingers kept dropping the screws and making everything worse."
Acroamatic: (adjective) intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest Example sentence: "I tried to join the secret society, but I was rejected because I couldn't understand their acroamatic handshakes and code words."
Lingua: (noun) a language, especially one used for communication between people of different nations or regions Example sentence: "As a lingua franca, English is spoken by millions of people as a second language."
Odontalgia: (noun) toothache Example sentence: "I was trying to enjoy the amusement park, but the odontalgia from my cavities ruined everything, especially the cotton candy and funnel cakes."
Luculent: (adjective) shining or glowing Example sentence: "I was trying to sneak into the movie theater without paying, but the lucent glow of my phone gave me away and the security guard kicked me out."
Transpicuous: (adjective) easily seen through or understood Example sentence: "I was trying to hide my love for romantic comedies from my friends, but my transpicuous ogling at the posters and trailers gave me away."
Viator: (noun) a traveler, especially one on a journey Example sentence: "I was trying to be a savvy viator and save money on my vacation by booking a cheap hostel, but I ended up sharing a room with snoring wrestlers and a parrot that wouldn't stop squawking."
Viaticum: (noun) provisions or supplies for a journey, especially food and drink Example sentence: "I packed enough viaticum for the road trip to last us a month, but my travel partner managed to eat it all within the first three hours."
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