#ler! wendy
lopsicle · 2 years
Okay, I’m getting increasingly further behind, but I feel a lot less stressed about it, I’ll just catch up after October ig, regardless here’s my late day 6
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Day 6: Cuddles
Characters: Lee Tambry, Ler Wendy (platonic or romantic)
Warnings: Tickle fic
A quick glance at Tambry and one would assume she’s not the kind of girl to enjoy physical contact, but the opposite was the case. She absolutely craved it, as long as it was behind closed doors, she hated public affection. The girl didn’t really know why, it just made her feel smaller and like people were watching her. Wendy wasn’t as crazy about touch as Tambry was, but the red head still enjoyed it, mainly on the giving end, which worked out perfectly for the two.
Wendy was one of the only people Tambry would put her phone down around and just listen to the girl and be with her in the moment, no matter how mundane the conversation was, it all mattered to her. And right now was one of those moments, Tambry’s house, with her being an only child, could be really, really quiet most of the time. It had a calming, dark feeling to it, one that could make you slip right into sleep without noticing it. Tambry’s room was quiet bare however, she never really saw the point in decorating it and kept it to a minimum by painting her room a dark shade of purple. Their were a couple black stars plastered to the roof to give it a small bit of flavour, but Tambry never paid much mind to any of that. What she was paying attention to was the girl she was laying on right now. On the top of Tambry’s squishy, soft mattress, laid Wendy and Tambry, with Wendy sitting down, her back hovering over the bed as she stabilised her position by leaning into her elbows, and also having one of her knees curled up. Meanwhile, Tambry was groggily laying her body against her, keeping her head against the girl’s chest, and her arms and legs around her, clinging onto the tough lumberjack.
Wendy was wearing her usual like green vest with a black T-shirt underneath, her jeans with a bit of stained mud on them. Her hat and boots were discarded at the side, leaving her frizzy orange hair sticking out, and her orange and yellow socks visible. Tambry had slipped into some more comfortable wear moments prior, a soft light indigo t-shirt with a white skull on her belly, and loose dark bottoms with a thin strip of purple tracing down them, and opted for fluffy white socks.
Tambry’s eyes were threatening to close as she stifled a yawn, not wanting to fall asleep and lose this moment. Her arms awkwardly shifted against Wendy’s sides as she grumbled into the sides of the redhead’s chest. Wendy, in turn, paused her ramblings and looked down at the girl to check if she was okay. She brought down her free hand and began tapping her fingers against Tambry’s neck repeatedly. ‘Hey, you’re not gonna fall in the sleep in the middle of a conversation, are you?’ She asked half heartedly with a smile, as Tambry’s sleepy face looked up to her with a bit of gratitude for her waking up. ‘N-no, and this isn’t a conversation, it’s me listening to you talking,’ Tambry corrected with a mumble, wrapping her arms even tighter around Wendy.
‘Yeah, yeah, whatever,’ Wendy smiled fondly at how attached Tambry was, and kept her hand at the girl’s neck, beginning to trace her fingers around the rim of it. It produced a very light feeling in the girl’s neck, one that was so subtle, yet so impossible to ignore. She slowly shifted her head away and curled her cheek to her shoulder, trying to protect her sensitive neck any way she could. ‘Aw, what’s wrong Tambry, are you a bit too ticklish for this?’ Wendy smiled, catching on almost instantly as she crawled her fingers to the nape of Tambry’s neck and began pinching and scratching at it. Tambry allowed the smallest of whines to pierce her lips before clasping her mouth shut, refusing to let out any laughter as her cheeks get puffy.
‘Come on, just laugh a little, please,’ Wendy offered, slowly grabbing the wrists of Tambry’s tired arms and placing them behind her back. Tambry was a bit confused until Wendy leaned back against the bed, pinning Tambry’s wrists above her head. The girl let out a small, surprised gasp before wiggling her arms against Wendy to no avail. ‘Hey, you brought this on yourself, okay?’ Wendy snickered before tilting her head upwards and slowly crawling her arms from Tambry’s underarms all the way down to her armpits. The girl shifted and bit at her lip to stop the giggles of anticipation from spilling out of her mouth. Once Wendy’s hard fingers reached the girl’s armpit, she began slowly, almost gently circling them into the skin. If this was normal tickling, Tambry would’ve easily been able to take it, but not being able to bring her arms down in defence no matter how hard she tugged just made this 10x worse. ‘Eek, Wehahahahandy, pleahahahase!’ The girl blurted out quickly, but it didn’t really come across as genuine to Wendy.
‘Please what? Please tickle you more? If you insist!’ Wendy teased loudly, loving just how red Tambry’s face got from it. Wendy got off the girl’s wrists and sat up on her knees, before quickly scurrying her ravenous nails all over Tambry’s belly, rolling up her shirt slightly in the process to reveal her waist line. ‘Nahahahaahaha, gahahahahahahahad!’ Despite the fact Wendy had gotten off her, Tambry had kept her wrists above her head and was barely even squirming away from the redhead, which Wendy gave a confused stare at. She tried to reason with it in her head but the only explanation would be…
‘Bry, do you enjoy this?’
‘Shut up!’
‘You like being tickled!’ Wendy reiterated, causing poor Tambry to curl her body as much as she could, a deep red blush painted onto her cheeks. It was only now Tambry crashed her arms back down, mainly to hide her face behind her elbows, which just caused Wendy to giggle more at her. ‘You don’t have to be embarrassed about it, you know?’ Wendy said halfheartedly, not wanting the situation to turn awkward for the both of them as she traced her fingertip into Tambry’s cold waistline.
The girl’s head immediately poked out from behind her arms, her face practically lighting up at Wendy’s statement as the cooling feeling of relief washed over her whole body. ‘I don’t?’ She said, blinking slowly, excitement clear in her voice as Wendy offered her a small smile. ‘Of course not!’ The redhead was actually quite excited at the thought of being able to tickle someone, having a lot of brothers usually meant she was the victim of tickle attacks, and she was wondering what it was like to be the one to imitate it. Her fingertips gently pinched at the sides of Tambry’s shirt as she slid it up just so that her belly and sides were exposed.
‘Is this okay?’ Wendy asked comfortingly, to which Tambry gave a small hum of acceptance and a nod towards her friend. Wendy could only offer a smile in response; she didn’t really give Tambry much of a chance to ease into the tickling, as she clawed her fingers all over Tambry’s torso, letting her thumb work against her sides while her nails scratched and scraped against her belly. ‘N-nahahahaah, Wehahahaahahndy, thaahahahaht ihahahahasn’t faihahaahahahr!’ The sudden tickling lead to Tambry squealing loudly, leaning her back against Wendy’s sides as the girl’s hands only held her friends closer to her. Wendy also learnt from this that Tambry was incredibly squirmy, her friend just couldn’t keep still. Her legs rapidly kicked and buckled around, her heels plummeting against the mattress while her arms randomly flailed and struck the bed. She let her belly wiggle around, knowing she couldn’t shake Wendy’s hand off anyway. ‘Jesus, girl, kept still!’ She joked, but Tambry really did try, she only managed to slow down for a few seconds, before descending straight back into her splashing about. Wendy took a bit of mercy on the girl, slowing her tickling to a few inches up and down her sides, sometimes grazing her nails downwards and tapping at her hips, which proved not to be as sensitive as the rest of her body. ‘E-Ehehe, bleheheheheheheh!’ Tambry carelessly let giggles deep through her lip, her squirming dissolving into flinches whenever Wendy hit an occasionally sensitive spot.
Wendy’s cold tickling soon dissolved into a warm stroking, letting the palms of her hands run up and down against Tambry’s bare side. The girl blinked and yawned, seemingly remembering just how tired she was from before the tickling. She leaned her body against Wendy’s, mumbling a ‘thank you’ into her shoulder, not wanting to fluster herself even more. The lumberjack just smiled and wrapped an arm around Tambry’s waist to hold her closer.
‘You’re welcome.’
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matchacowbee · 4 months
ok lets try this again lol
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i have lee stan and ler wendy for you today ! <33333
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i swear i tried posting this twice already, but i hope u guys like this! i drew on paper, and i hope everyones valentines day went well !! <33
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yiplee · 10 months
“Not ticklish”
A South Park ticklefic.
(Lee!Craig) (Lers!Red, Wendy)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Craig is the gay guy who gets invited to the girls’ slumber parties. During one, the girls make a connection of Craig and his cousin, Red. They get preeetty curious and end up testing their theory.
(Side note? I really like reading/writing lee Craig for some reason.. 🤔)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The girls had decided, for this slumber party, to bring the gay guy along. They figured Craig was cool enough, and he was related to Red, so he must be great.
“So Craig, what are you like? Anything special in your family? Stuff in common with Red?” Wendy asked, turning to Craig.
“I dunno.” He said blankly, with a faint shrug. He wasn’t much for chatting, although the girls seemed different.
“Ooh, I know.” Nichole started, the smirk practically audible in her voice.
“So, I heard the guys get into tickle fights too. Our Red isn’t very ticklish. How about you, Craig? I mean, you’re related, so I wonder.” Nichole asked, and quickly all eyes were locked on Craig.
On the outside, Craig seemed unfazed. Inside, he panicked a bit. Although he was very good at holding out, looking as if he has no reaction, when he does break, he shatters.
“Oh, uh…I’m not ticklish.” He shrugged, instantly regretting the words the moment they slipped out of his mouth.
A unified “ooooooh…” rung out among the girls as they broke into whispers and turns. Craig died a little inside, despite his unmoving exterior.
“Are you sure about that, Craig? I mean, even Red is a little ticklish.” Wendy stated, scooting slightly closer to Craig.
His first instinct was to move away, but he refrained for fear of raising suspicion. He was running the numbers in his head. How long he could last out if Wendy just went for it, if he could contain himself from all of the girls, how long he could…
“Craig! Hello? She asked you a question.” Red snapped him out of his thoughts. It was then when he realized that Red and Wendy were now sitting closely on either side of him.
“Oh, uh, I said I’m not ticklish. It..runs in the family. That’s why Red’s only a little bit.” He gave the answer as blankly as possible, albeit a little nervously.
“Hmm…I guess that makes sense. But if that’s true..you wouldn’t mind if we..tested that?” Wendy started, poking a finger at Craig’s ribs.
He was expecting it, so he didn’t react. Not a flinch, not a twitch, nada. A few of the girls gasped, surprised.
“Oh, wow..are you really not?” Wendy asked, starting to scribble her fingers up and down Craig’s side, along with Red now skittering across the other side of his ribs.
He could handle this. As long as he didn’t squirm, they would probably give up after a minute. He doesn’t have much to worry about. If he just keeps thinking to himself for distraction, he’ll easily…
Red’s hand then fluttered lightly over his belly. He wasn’t expecting a light tickle like that!
He didn’t break, but, he did flinch. A slight jump, if you will. He hoped his blank expression was enough to throw her off, but she only looked more determined.
Wendy quickly picked up on it as they both began moving softly over his belly and sides, skittering and fluttering softly with their painted nails.
Craig bit the inside of his mouth, holding his breath as he gripped the carpet behind him tightly. It was taking everything in him not to squirm. This was getting harder.
“See? Not ticklish.” He said, surprising himself with the level of control in his voice. From the outside, this looked very convincing. He was staying very still, and his face was as blank as ever.
“Hmm…I think he might be telling the truth.” Wendy concluded, almost taking her fingers away.
Thank goodness. He was practically dying over here-
“No. We have to make sure.” Red said, a scary level of determination in her eye. Craig knew that look. He was in trouble.
As if she already knew Craig’s secrets, she suddenly dug her fingers into Craig’s armpit, swiping her nails ruthlessly across the hollows.
Craig’s eyes shut as he grabbed the Carpet tighter, his cheeks starting to sting from the strain to hide his ticklishness.
Wendy quickly joined her, fluttering her fingers lightly across Craig’s other armpit. Oh god. Hard and light touches? In his worst spot? He wasn’t gonna make it much longer!
“H-hahavent I proved it enough? You cahan stohop now!” Craig said, a little too urgently. Red smirked knowingly. Oh no.
“Hold him down.” Red said, and quickly, Craig was pushed onto his back before he could protest. Wendy sat on his arms, pinning them above his head, while Red slipped off her gloves.
Wendy dug into Craig’s armpits quickly and ruthlessly as Red pulled up his jacket and brushed her nails lightly across his lower sides and fluttering them over his belly.
Oh god. Oh fuck. Shit.
“G-gihihirls wahahait!” His voice shook as he broke into low giggles, which quickly bubbled into uncharacteristically high squeals.
“Aha! I knew it!” Red exclaimed, as the other girls cheered the two on.
“Red, I think he’s more ticklish than you!” Wendy said, amused, as Craig began squirming wildly in their hold.
“G-GAHAHA WAHAHAIT *snort* PLEHEHEASE! NAHAHAT MY AHAHARMPITS! WEHEHENDY *snort* PLEASE!” Craig pleaded, trying to pull his arms away from Wendy, but failing.
Red’s light scribbles across Craig’s belly suddenly sped up, and her brushes over his bellybutton made his giggles rise to a higher pitch.
“No way! You lied to us. You almost convinced us.” Red chuckled evilly as she continued spidering her nails across Craig’s midsection.
“Wow..he’s really ticklish!” Wendy laughed, getting a residual “awww” from the girls.
“Jeez Craig, I thought you said not being ticklish runs in the family?” Red teased, as she dug a finger into Craig’s navel, making him shriek.
“IHIHIT *snort* DOHOHOHOES! I *snort* HAHAHAVE GOOD TOLERAHAHANCE! I LAHAHASTED MINUTES!” Craig argued, shrieking from Red’s unbearably light touches along with Wendy digging into his weakest spot.
“Yeah, but look at you! You’re so ticklish!” Wendy giggled, as she moved her skittering fingers down to Craig’s ribs, pulling his jacket up higher to dig her fingers up and down his rib bones, slipping her nails into the skin inbetween.
“NAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAP *snort* GIHIHIRLS PLEHEHEASE!” Craig begged, little teardrops pricking the corners of his tightly-closed eyes as his face began to turn red.
“Aww, look at him! He’s so ticklish, we should call him Crack-up Craig!” Red teased. “Awww, yeah! Just listen to him snort!” Wendy added. Red’s smirk widened, fluttering her nails over his sides so lightly, they were barely grazing him. Yet somehow, that only made it ten times worse.
“SHUHUHUT UHUHUP *snort* DONT FUHUCKING TEHEHEASE MEHEHE!” He squealed. God, he had heard Clyde complain about the girls’ teases before, but he thought that was just Clyde being a wuss. Now he understood. The girls were even worse than the guys at teases.
“Awwww!” All the girls cooed. Wendy went back to drilling into his armpits, as Red started poking at his ribs, causing a loud, shrill squeal that froze everyone in the room.
He took a moment to catch his breath as the girls’ fingers froze in shock. An evil smirk broke across Red’s face. “..I think I just found out another one of your weaknesses~”
With that, Red began swiftly poking at different places of Craig’s ribs and sides, keeping him jumping and squirming frantically as some embarrassing squeals and shrieks filled the room.
“Wow!” Wendy said in pleasant surprise. She joined in, poking in Craig’s armpits which made his eyes widen to the size of plates as he gasped before HOWLING with laughter.
“GAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAP OH MY GAHAHAHA-!!” He shrieked, thrashing around urgently. This was far too much. “ACT- AHAHAHAHA- ACTUALLY STAHAHAP!” He said, and quickly their fingers stopped.
He sighed with relief as they finally let go, getting off of him and letting him recover.
“..Not ticklish, huh?” Nichole teased, the other girls laughing at that.
Craig breathed out a few last residual giggles before starting on a response, but instead of words, all that escaped him was an exhausted, faint wheeze. He just held up a wobbly middle finger as the other girls laughed.
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strawmyberry · 1 year
thank u for the kyle tickle hcs... him being the most ticklish out of the m4 AND being weakest to light tickling is SO IMPORTANT TO ME
you get me anon!!! lee kyle is so cute!! so cute in fact- i got a little surpriseeee! thank you all so much for all the kind words on my first fic!! im so glad you guys liked it 🥹 soooo…here’s another one!! i hope you guys like it!! thanks again!!
— ❤️🍓 strawberry 🍓❤️
B for Broflovski!
Lee Kyle / Ler Stan
Word Count: 4,229
With Kyle panicking over the “horrible” grade he got on his History test, Stan puts a little extra effort into convincing him that “B” doesn’t always have to stand for “Bad.” In fact, to him, it stands for something a thousand times better.
Stan knew Kyle was a perfectionist. Kyle knew Kyle was a perfectionist. The entire town of South Park knew Kyle was a perfectionist; yet, somehow, despite that, Stan was never really prepared for when Kyle would have one of those days.
“It’s bullshit, dude! I’m telling you; it’s fucking bullshit! Mr. Garrison has some kinda’ personal vendetta against me. I fucking hate him! ‘Fucking asshole, it’s ridiculous!”
Stan had gotten used to walking quickly besides Kyle since Kyle had the tendency to walk and talk, especially when he was in a bad mood. Luckily for Stan, he was pretty good at keeping up.
“And Cartman? Oooh, ‘fucking Cartman? I’m going to kick his ass- I deal with a lot of shit from him. I take it! I suck it up and I take it! But this? I’m done. I’m going to shove my foot so far up his ass- I swear to god-“
Stan had tried a million strategies when it came to this issue, and he had found that the best thing to do was to let Kyle get all of it out of his system. Let him ramble, eventually he’d get tired of it. After that is when he’d be able to talk logically with his, figure out what to do next.
“The only reason he got an A was because he cheated off of Tolkien. But, of course, Garrison doesn’t see it! As if it’s not the most obvious thing in the world! It’s so fucking dumb dude, I seriously can’t- Ma, I’m home! Stan’s here too, we’re gonna go upstairs, okay?”
Okay, Stan had to admit, it was a little funny how Kyle’s rage was like an on and off switch when it came to his mom. He’d be cursing up a storm one second and the next he’d go all Positive Paul on him. He’d shout a quick hello to Kyle’s mom too, because…manners, before following Kyle up the stairs and into his room.
“It just- It pisses me off so much! It’s not fair- I studied so hard for that stupid test!”
Stan would place his backpack next to Kyle’s dresser. He’d proceeded to chase the redhead around his room a little bit, stopping his endless pacing for a second so he could take the backpack off his friend’s back. He’d plop it next to his own before throwing himself onto Kyle’s bed, already getting himself comfortable. Knowing Kyle, this could go on for…god know how long.
“I fucking hate South Park…”
Kyle loved to rant and rave, yeah. It always made him feel a lot better- since he was able to get all his anger out without punching a hole in his wall. But…he could only talk for so long without breathing. So, he’d take a small break, just so he could regain his breath. Kyle would turn back to Stan- only to see the position he was in.
Stan was laying in his bed. Yes- yes that’s what beds are for- but Stan was laying in his bed. Like, laying in his bed. Head amidst a sea of pillows, body sinking slightly into the soft mattress, limbs languidly sprawled across the bed; the whole works. “Oh- sorry, ‘you done?” He’d ask, his words muffled by all of the pillows around his head.
“Uh…no. Not yet. Sorry- I can stop if you’d like-“
“No! No, keep going. I’m all ears.”
“Ooookay…?” Kyle would nod, confused as hell. How long had he been like that? How didn’t he notice before? Why was he messing up his pillows? Well- now he couldn’t remember where he had left off. He’d stare at the bed post as his mind wandered, trying to retrace his steps. Oh! Yeah! Hating South Park!
“…I think today was stupid.” Kyle would start, starting the tirade off slowly. “Everything about it, yeah, but the changing seats thing was really stupid.” He’d continue, the momentum slowly picking up as he spoke. He was getting the hang of it again!
“I mean, I get the changing seats thing. But I told him! I said, “Mr. Garrison, please keep me next to Stan. He keeps me focused.” Which is true because you’re one of the only ones in class who isn’t a total moron. And even when you are- you don’t do it to annoy me- you just-“
“Wait. Uh-go back? …Why am I being called a moron? What did I do?” Sitting up from his extremely habitable position, Stan would raise his left eyebrow; his face laced with confusion. Stan would usually listen to everything Kyle had to say before talking, but that little comment about him just threw him for a loop.
“Huh? I’m not calling you a moron, dude.”
“Uh…you just did though?”
“Did I? Really?” A flicker of his own confusion would cross his face, accompanied by a subtle furrowing of his brow as he stood there for his moment. He’d tap his foot, humming a bit as he thought before it clicked. Kyle’s face would turn white. “Oh shit.” His eyes would widen, quickly holding his hands up in defense. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that…I don’t think you’re a moron…sorry..”
“No, I know. It’s okay, man, really!” Stan would give a reassuring smile, letting the comment just slide off his shoulders. “You’re upset, dude, it’s all good.” Stan had gotten used to that too. Kyle was a very…passionate person- he’d go really big when it came to his rants. Stan knew better than to actually take offense to anything Kyle said when he was in one of those moods.
“Yeah…It’s just- maybe I get Garrison not putting us together because we’re Super Best Friends. I mean- I don’t really get it- but I could see the logic behind it. But, at the very least, he could’ve sat me next to someone who wasn’t a total asshole! Sit me next to Craig! He’s quiet! Or Tolkien! Tweek! Jimmy! Butters! I would’ve been fine with anyone! Anyone! Except, Cartman! And guess what happens! Guess who I get sat next to! Guess!”
Stan would nod along as he listened, staying sat up this time instead of going to lay back down again. He wouldn’t really notice he was supposed to answer the question at first. He thought it was rhetorical! After all, he was literally there. He saw all of this happen already. But…okay? He’d play along? “Uh…Cart..man?”
“Fucking Cartman! I’m pissed, but I’m like: “OK, whatever, I can deal with this, no big deal.” But then, I’m in the middle of the test- the test. ‘You know? The thing where you’re supposed to do your own work and shut the fuck up while you do it? And for some goddamn reason-he just won’t shut the fuck up! And I’m thinking: “Is it really that hard to just shut your fucking mouth for five seconds?” But, whatever, I studied for this test so I’m gonna get a good grade on it! Right? No! Fucking no! ‘Cause it’s let’s all dog on Kyle day! And I think his voice was just so fucking grating- I just forgot half of the shit that I studied! He fucked me! He literally fucked me!”
Man. Who needed TV? Who needed Assassins Creed, Indiana Jones, and Lego Batman when you had Kyle Broflovski as your super angry, Super Best Friend? He was basically free entertainment at this point! Stan’s eyes would follow Kyle around the room, and Kyle was moving so much it looked like Stan was watching a tennis match.
“-And you know what really upsets me? ‘You know what just irks me like just a little bit? The fact that I know I’m gonna have to walk in the school tomorrow, and Wendy is gonna come up to me-and she’s gonna be like, “Oh, Kyle! How did you do on the history test? I’m really happy with my grade!” And I’m gonna have to be like, “Oh yeah, Wendy! I’m sure you are!” And then she’s gonna rub it in my face like she always does-“
“What? Wendy doesn’t rub her grades in your face…” Stan would, admittedly, get a little defensive at that statement. This was his girlfriend they were talking about! And…well- she wasn’t here to defend her own honor like he knew she would’ve liked to- so he was gonna do it for her! “Wendy wouldn’t try to make you feel bad about yourself, Kyle-“ Stan would start to say, cutting himself off when Kyle randomly pointed his index finger at him.
“You know what’s funny? I knew you were going to say that!” Kyle would argue, his eyes lit with a combo of satisfaction and frustration. “I knew you were going to defend Wendy! You’re biased, Stan!”He’d accuse. “She rubs her grades in my face all the time! You just turn a blind eye to it because you’re biased!”
“What are you talking about? Dude, if anything, I’d be biased towards you. I’ve known you longer.” Stan would jump to defend himself, rolling her eyes as he did. “I’m sorry if she’s hurt your feelings, Kyle, but I’m sure there’s no bad blood there.” That was a bit of a half-assed apology. Again, Kyle was ranting- so Stan had no idea if he actually meant half of the shit he was saying. He just wanted to resolve the situation.
“Oh, yeah. I’m sure it’s not a big deal to you! You’re not the one who’s gonna be ridiculed for getting a B on the test!” Kyle would retort, crossing his arms as he huffed.
“I’m sorry…what?” Stan looked stunned. Staring at Kyle as if he had three heads, Stan would open his mouth to speak- just to cut himself off before he managed to say anything. He was trying to think of a nice way to put this. Really really hard. “…Run that by me again?”
“Don’t be an asshole! I got a B, okay?! It’s embarrassing- I know!”
“…Dude.” Stan would pinch the arch of his nose, letting out a long, irritated sigh. “That’s what this is about? Seriously?” He’d clarify. “…This whole time, I thought you had gotten an F- or, at the very best, a D. You got a B?” Stan wasn’t even mad, honestly. Actually, he was a little bit impressed. “Kyle…” At this point, Stan couldn’t help but laugh. There was no way this was actually happening. “A B is a good grade, dude. You have nothing to worry about.”
Now, Stan knew he was one to say stupid things sometimes- but this time, he could’ve sworn that what he said was actually a little bit smart. But the look Kyle was giving him? It almost made him doubt himself. Kyle was looking at him as if he had just said he puts milk in the bowl before the cereal. His jaw would drop, holding his hand out in front of him in shocked horror. “…You did not just say that to me.”
“Kyle, seriously, you’re wigging out over nothing!” Stan would try to explain, getting up from the bed. “You don’t need to beat yourself up over this. It’s just a B! A B is, what? …80%? That’s good! That’s really good!”
“I can’t believe you’re actually telling me this right now! You have to be shitting me! Do you even know what the B stands for, Stan?” Kyle would ask, the look on his face saying that he already knew the answer. “Do you? Do you, Mr. Isaac Newton? Care to enlighten me?”
“Jesus Christ…” Stan would grumble, rolling his eyes yet again. He’d stand there for a second, shrugging the question off. “…I dunno, brilliant?”
“Brilliant?” Kyle would repeat. “Brilliant?!” Kyle’s eye would twitch, as if Stan had just said the most absurd thing he had ever said. “No! It stands for BAD. Bad, Stan! B. A. D. Bad!”
“B doesn’t stand for Bad…” Stan would state. “F stands for bad.”
“Bad doesn’t start with a F, Stan!” Kyle would scream, frustrated. “B stands for Bad, Bummer, Buffoon- think of a word that starts with a B- nine times out of ten it’s a negative connotation! It’s the most obvious thing in the world!”
“I know that YOU’D be happy to get a B- but I’m perfectly valid in being upset about it! God!”
The air in the room was tense; and the silence that came after Kyle’s groan didn’t really help that. They’d stare at each other for a solid minute, waiting for the other one to say something. In that moment of stillness, Kyle had to opportunity to realize how mean what he said just sounded. In that moment, Kyle would brace for impact. He expected Stan to scream at him- or storm out the door and never come back. But…Stan didn’t do any of that.
Stan would take a deep breath. A long one. “…Okay.” He’d say, breaking the silence. “You need to chill out.” Kyle would open his mouth to apologize or, at the very least, give Stan a verbal agreement- but Stan would quickly cut him off.
“You broke Baseball Rules.”
Kyle’s eyes would widen. Shit. No. No- he didn’t. Did he? Oh god. No- he definitely did. Fuck! “…Y-You didn’t tell me we were playing Baseball Rules.” Kyle would hold his hands up in defense, backing up slightly.
“I don’t have to tell you when we’re playing Baseball Rules. That’s the whole point- we don’t have to repeat the rules, they’re just in place.” Stan would remind, a mischievous smile creeping onto his face. “You said three really fucked up things about me. Three strikes. You’re out. You broke Baseball Rules.”
Baseball Rules was a game created by Stan, a game that Kyle reluctantly participated in. The rules were simple, whenever the two were in an a little tiff, if either of them slung three insults in a row, they’d strike out.
Stan made the game in order to prevent the two from blowing up at each other, and it worked pretty well! But, admittedly, Baseball Rules wouldn’t be half as effective if it weren’t for what came after you struck out. That worked like a charm every single time.
“Stan, wait…” Kyle would try to reason, glancing behind him quickly to try to get an idea of how far he was from the door. Maybe he could run if he tried hard enough? “I’m sorry, dude…I don’t think you’re stupid, really-“
“I know you don’t!” Stan would cut Kyle’s apologizes short, stepping forward with the attempt of cornering him. “I’m not mad at you! But…rules are rules! If I let you get away with it this time- where do I draw the line, ya’ know? I’m sure you understand.”
Kyle would yelp at Stan stepping forward, quickly turning himself around to dash around him. “Just this once! I’m really sorry- I won’t do it again! I’m not upset anymore-“
“That’s great!” Stan would exclaim. “I’m glad you’re not upset anymore! But it’s the principle of Baseball Rules. I really wish I didn’t have to! I wanna let you off easy, really!” He didn’t. He knew he didn’t, Kyle knew that too. Just like how Stan knew Kyle well enough to know that he’d try to run around him; that’s why he’d turn as well, cornering Kyle officially.
“Stahahan!” Kyle would stumble backwards, his legs hitting his bed. He’d sink to the floor, already beginning to kick his legs. “It’s just a made up gahahame! Plehehease!”
“I’m not even touching you yet!” Stan would tease, wiggling his fingers right above Kyle’s hips. “I’ll go easy, okay?” He’d sink down right after him, sitting down in front of him.
“Noho! Nohot okahay! DohohOHOHON’T-“
“Don’t tickle your ears or your neck. I know, I know!” Stan would cut Kyle’s desperate pleas short, abruptly beginning to drill his fingers into his hips. “You’d think I’d know how to tickle my Super Best Friend. I can’t believe you’d think I wouldn’t! You cut me deep, Kyle.”
“That’s nohot-!” Kyle would shake his head, cutting himself off as he started to impulsively swing his arms in defense. Kyle was way too ticklish as it was, but Stan’s constant teasing was making it a thousand times worse.
“I knowww, that’s not what you were going to say. You were going to ask me not to tickle you, and…” Stan couldn’t keep the shit eating grin off of his face. “…you know I’m not gonna do that.” He’d laugh, fighting back the urge to make fun of how red Kyle’s face was.
“Stohohop ihihit! Plehehease, I’m sohohorry!” Kyle wouldn’t even last ten seconds before pleading for mercy. That was one of Stan’s favorite things about playing Baseball Rules, besides being able to hear Kyle’s laugh. That was always first on the list.
“I know you’re sorry! I forgive you!” He’d reassure, managing to dodge every punch Kyle threw at him. “Let’s do this, okay? You let me get a few words out, and then I’ll let you go, okay? I’ll stop tickling you once I’m done.”
Kyle wasn’t 100% sure how legit that offer was. Normally, Stan would stop when he wanted to- so it really depended on how merciful he was feeling on that day. For all Kyle knew, Stan could just say sike and keep going. But…at the same time, maybe he wouldn’t. If anything, he might as well take the bait.
“Okahahay okahahay!”
“Okay? Great!” Stan would smile, moving his hands from his hips to his sides, squeezing them as he began speaking. “I get that you like getting A’s. That makes sense- everyone likes getting them. But it’s okay to not get them sometimes. You shouldn’t be stressing yourself out about your grades, you’re doing an awesome job with them.”
“Buhut-“ Kyle would start, just to be cut off by Stan suddenly skittering his fingers against his ribs. “SHIHihihit!! Ohoh my goHOHOhod! Dohohon’t doHOHO thahahat!!” Kyle would squeal loudly, his eyes flying open as his kicking and punching intensified.
“I’m not done yet!” Stan would sing-song, poking in between each rib for each syllable. The shit-eating grin on his face would only grow as he continued. “As I was saying; you’re doing awesome, dude! I’m not saying you shouldn’t focus on your grades- i’m saying you shouldn’t stress yourself out about them.” Stan would clarify.
“Your grades don’t determine how smart you are. And, either way, you have some kick ass grades, dude! You are the smartest person I know, Kyle-“
“Thahahat’s nohohot trUHUHUE- OHOH MY GOHOHOD- FUHUHUCK OHohohoff!!”
Stan would jokingly roll his eyes at Kyle’s cackling, shaking his head softly. “I’m barely even touching you!” That was true, all he was doing was fluttering his fingers over his stomach. Of course, he knew how effective that was- he just chose to play dumb. ‘Made things more fun!
“It is so true.” Stan would insist, his tone genuine and honest. “…And if you even try to tell me I know Wendy, I’m gonna roll up your jacket. Don’t fuck with me.” He’d playfully threaten. “Wendy doesn’t count. Wendy- Wendy is different. That’s the thing- you guys are both smart. And we’re allowed to have two smart people in South Park. With the amount of morons we have- god knows we could use ‘em.”
“Kyle, I wouldn’t be calling you smart if you weren’t. You are so smart, dude! You know fucking Pig Latin! Do you know anyone else who knows Pig Latin?”
“YOHOHOU!” Kyle would retort, doubling over with laughter. “YOHohohou knohohow pihig lahatin tohohohoo!” He’d would swing at Stan’s face yet again, not expecting it to horrible backfire like it did. Stan would take the swing as an opportunity to snake his hands under his arms, quickly skittering his nails all over his armpits.
“Because you taught me it, Kyle!” Stan would exclaim, having to hold back his own laughter as Kyle shrieked. “You ran right into my point! You make me smarter! I would be a total moron if it weren’t for you! Do you know the amount of times I’m stuck on something and I think to myself, “What would Kyle do?” You’re a genius, dude!”
Maybe it was the fact that he was laughing so hard, or maybe it was the surplus of compliments Stan was dumping onto him. But, either way, Kyle was bright red; practically screaming with laughter as he tried to sink himself into the floor. An effort that was obviously in vain. His arms were slammed tightly down against Stan’s fingers in an effort to protect himself; of course, not even realizing until after the fact that it was having to opposite effect.
“Okay, okay I’m almost done!” Stan would quickly say, yanking his hands out from under Kyle’s arms; moving them back to his stomach, lightly skittering his fingers again. “All of this is to say- you’re being too hard on yourself! You are more than a grade you get on a test- putting aside the fact that a B is already a good grade!
“And- you know what? B doesn’t stand for Bad!”
And with that, Stan would still his fingers. The two of them would sit there, Kyle immediately noticing how Stan didn’t seem to be making any attempt of getting up. He’d still be giggling from the aftermath, eyeing Stan up and down expectingly.
“…One more thing.”
Of fucking course!
“…What does B stand for, Kyle?”
Oh shit. Shit. He was fucked. The truth of the matter was Kyle had no clue. It obviously wasn’t Bad. But…he didn’t really know what answer Stan wanted from him. From the expectant look on Stan’s face, he obviously already had an answer in mind. Kyle would think long and hard, searching every crevice of his brain in the hopes that somehow, someway, the answer would magically come to him.
“Ohhh…that’s a good one..” Stan would say in mock amazement, beginning to turn; as if he was about to get up. Kyle would let out a sigh of relief, thanking the universe for sparing him this time. The funny thing about that, though? He wasn’t. Stan would swiftly turn back around, making a buzzer noise to signify that Kyle had gotten the wrong answer before blowing a quick raspberry on his neck.
It all happened so fast, Kyle didn’t even have time to say anything- the only thing that left his mouth was a screech; jolting so hard that he yanked himself away from Stan, falling onto his side. He’d quickly scrunch his neck, along with covering it with his hands.
Kyle was too busy giggling on the floor to realize that Stan had gotten up, walked back over to Kyle’s backpack, and came back with his water bottle. He’d sit next to him, offering his hand to help him up. Kyle would hesitantly take it, a relieved sigh escaping him as Stan pulled him up- no strings attached.
Kyle would raise his eyebrow with giggly confusion. Stan had never referred to him by his last name. They were strictly on a first name basis! Stan would return the confused look with his own confused look. After a few seconds, his eyes would widen as he realized why Kyle looked so confused. He’d shake his head, beginning to chuckle softly.
“Noho! Broflovski! B is for Broflovski!”
It would take a second for Kyle to understand what Stan was saying. Once it clicked, Kyle would turn to Stan, a fed-up smile on his face. God, he was cheesy. He’d hold out his hand as Stan gave him his water bottle, glancing at him again before rolling his eyes and taking a sip.
“What? You don’t like it?” Stan would tease, elbowing him as soon as he closed the cap to his water bottle. “It makes sense! I thought it was funny! Broflovski! It starts with a B- and it’s your last name! Get it?” Stan would repeat, his eyes bright with excitement.
“The more you repeat it the less funny it gets.” Kyle would jokingly groan in annoyance, even scooting a little further away from him! For bit purposes! Stan would scoot right after him, the giddy smile still on his face.
“…Can I tell you something?”
“If it’s B for Broflovski again, I’m gonna hit you.” “It’s not! It’s not.” Stan would say, the smile on his face never wavering. Kyle couldn’t help but smile with him, ushering him to continue with what he was going to say.
“I’d take a Broflovski for life over an A on a test any day.”
Maybe it was stupid for Kyle to be as grateful as he was for Stan. He knew he had a bit of a temper when it came to things like this- and he knew he could be a huge handful at times. But, for reason, Stan stuck by him. Maybe he was bored? Maybe he had nothing better to do, no one better to be with?
But when Kyle looked at the pure happiness on Stan’s face, he couldn’t help but feel like that wasn’t the case. It made him happy, knowing that Stan enjoyed his company just as much as he enjoyed his- even when he was being dramatic. They were Super Best Friends through thick or thin, no matter the circumstance. That felt…nice.
“Thanks, Stan…that means a lot.”
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gaybananabread · 10 months
Hiii! Could you write a fic where Dipper challenges Wendy to a wrestling match, and loses miserably lol. While she’s sitting on him, he’s sore loser, so she tickles him to get him to shut up. If you could have her give him a raspberry or two, that would be great too! Ty!
It's been a hot second since I've written anything Gravity Falls. Kinda straying away from this fandom, I hope this doesn't suck! Enjoy!
Lee: Dipper
Ler: Wendy
Summary: After Dipper looses miserably in a wrestling match against Wendy, he decides to be a sore loser. Wendy teaches him some good sportsmanship.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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"C'mon Wendy, get off!"
Dipper shoves at his older friend, who's currently pinning his arms down on her bed. They had been watching a survival show, and he had bet Wendy that he could beat her in a wrestling match. Needless to say, he's five dollars poorer.
"Then quit acting like I cheated. I won, fair and square. Now say it." She smirked down at him, sitting on his waist and pinning his arms down with one hand.
She had known she would win, easiest five bucks ever. All he has to do is say the sentence. A simple 'You're stronger than me, oh great warrior', as agreed upon before they wrestled. But he wouldn't, the little snot.
"No, you so cheated! It's your bed, you probably knew an extra bouncy spot or something to throw me off!" He's honestly just grasping at straws. There was no heat behind anything he says, he was just being a bad sport on purpose.
Wendy, being the "responsible teen" she isn't, felt it was her job to fix that attitude. Adjusting her grip, she places a hand on his stomach, smirking. "Dude, I'm giving you one more chance. Say it or suffer the consequences."
Realization dawned on him in that moment. He *could* say the phrase. It would certainly be quicker. Then again, did he really want the fun to stop? And getting tickled isn't the worst consequence in the world...
"Make me, cheater!" A smile worked its way onto his face. He has an awful poker face. Wendy quickly realized what he wanted. If her friend wants to get the snot tickled out of him, who is she to say no?
She chuckles, shaking her head. "Fine. You asked for it, dude." Her fingers dig into his belly, scribbling across the sensitive skin. Squeaky, almost childish laughter poured from his mouth.
"W-Wehehehendy!" He squirmed and wriggled at the tickling. He may have wanted it, but that doesn't mean he has to act like it. He didn't make any real efforts to get away. He's enjoying this.
It's a pretty cute sight. Wendy quietly giggled along with him, his laughter contagious. "Wow, almost forgot how ticklish you are. It's kinda adorable."
Curious at what other kind of reaction she could get, she lifted his shirt. He squeaked as he felt the cool air of the room on his bare skin. He giggles in anticipation, eyeing her hands with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. That was gonna be bad.
She scratched around his belly button, occasionally dipping her finger inside to scratch at the ticklish interior. He squealed, twisting and turning as his laughter doubled. He tugged at his arms, trying to break her grip on his arms. He failed.
"NOHOHO! NOHOT THEHEHRE!" Wendy chuckled, getting an idea. Raspberries drive her little brother up the wall. She wondered how they'd work on Dipper. Only one way to find out...
Taking a deep breath, she blew a massive raspberry right on his belly button. Dipper shrieked, tossing his head back and bucking his hips. It was both horrible and amazing, though he couldn't tell you how. It just was.
"Wohow, man. You've got some good pipes, huh? Let's see what happens if I do this..." With an evil chuckle, she leaned down, giving him multiple raspberries in the same spot while her hand danced along his ribs.
Dipper lost his mind, squirming and bucking wildly. It was overwhelming in the best way. He couldn't think, save for "oh my gosh it tickles it tickles it TICKLES!" He just tossed his head back, unable to do anything other than laugh and squeal like a deranged piglet.
Soon, his laughter took on a wheezing edge, tears of mirth sliding down the sides of his eyes. Wendy took that as her sign to give him a break and tone it down.
"Woah, remember to breathe, man. Don't wanna kill you. Stan would make me finance the funeral, and I'm broke enough as is." She chuckled, rubbing his belly to try and dull the sensations. Dipper still giggled like a schoolgirl, trying and failing to regain his composure.
After a few seconds of giggling and soothing rubs, Dipper got ahold of himself. He closed his eyes, leaning his head back. "Jeez.. that was just cruel, Wendy."
She smirking, drumming her fingers on his belly. "Who said I was done? You still have something to tell me, sore loser." She began tickling him again, much slower than before. She slowly moved across his midsection, gently fluttering her fingers against his sides, belly, ribs and navel.
He giggled like crazy, groaning as he squirmed weakly. He was tired, and the tickling was wearing him down quickly. "F-fihihine! Yohohu're strohonger than mehehe, oh greheheheat waharriohohor!"
The second he finished the sentence, her fingers lifted off him. She released his arms, laying down beside him on the bed. He pulls his shirt back down, hugging his midsection.
"You're, like, adorkably ticklish. How are you still alive?" He just groaned, lightly kicking the teen. Wendy laughted, nudging him. She could tell he was tired, and that something calm would probably be best. "Hey dude, you maybe wanna watch a movie? It's a Saturday, and I've got nothing better to do."
"...yeah, sure. Wanna turn it on to the crappy horror movie channel?" Dipper turned to face her, a small smile and blush still on his face. She nodded, grabbing the remote and turning on the Geavify Falls Extra Scary Movies channel.
They spent the next few hours poking fun at the awful movies, Dipper passing out after the third film. All in all, ot a bad day for the duo.
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gummidon · 1 year
Sp Lorax au doodles <3
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dannystheone · 9 months
hey guys so uh
i had an idea LOL just forget everything I said in the last post LMAO im so embarrassing-
this is just a little drabble because I do still have the urge to write just not my more drawn-out projects if that makes sense-
well anyway enjoy lel
WARNINGS: Cursing and discussing torture topics
Quit Distracting Us, Cartman! (Ler Cartman/ Lees Kyle, Kenny, and Stan)
Mr. Garrison talks about interesting historical torture practices throughout the ages in his classroom, but one of them is more diabolical than the rest...
"Okay children, let's take our seats. Today we will be discussing different methods of torture practiced throughout history, as your history exam has a section on this topic. Flip your textbooks to page 202, please."
Mr. Garrison started writing on his chalkboard the lesson for the day while the fourth-graders set up their desks and flipped their textbooks. Kyle, Kenny, Stan, and Eric sat at their respective desks and took out their pencils and books.
"And then- and then I was like, "No way homo!" And I shot him with my-" Cartman rambled about a video game he was playing the night before to his friends (who couldn't care less, for the record) before Mr. Garrison interrupted him.
"Eric Cartman, take your textbook out and flip to page 202. We're talking torture topics today." Mr. Garrison instructed. Mr. Garrison might as well have told Cartman he was taking him on a surprise trip to Disneyland. His face lit up with childlike wonder as he took out his textbook.
"Torture topics?! Why didn't you say so?! Hurry up already and teach!" Cartman quickly flipped his book to the page and got his pencils and notebook set up to take studious notes. He's never been so well-prepared for a class in his life.
"Okay then children, today we will be discussing Ancient China and the torture methods they used against their people who committed crimes in the village. One of the most common torture methods was tattooing. Now, this may not seem like a-" Mr. Garrison went on describing torture methods used by the Ancient Chinese; the children wincing at some and grimacing at others, while Cartman drank it all in.
He didn't care if they were more of the boring ones or the more gruesome ones, he viewed them all one and the same. He felt so informed and educated. If only school were like this all the time.
Kyle held his throat while Stan winced and wrote down notes in his notebook while Mr. Garrison was finishing up with the Han Dynasty.
"Now children, nobility of Ancient China could be tortured as well for their crimes, but due to their status, they were given a punishment that would be considered light to most people. The method of choice was tickling, or tickling torture, as it was painless and left no marks behind on the noble's skin. The Ancient Chinese reserved tickling torture for nobles and those in positions of authority." Mr. Garrison read from his textbook.
Murmurs started going around the classroom and snickers at the goofy idea.
"Tickling as torture?" Wendy asked.
"It doesn't even hurt," Craig noted.
"That sounds awesome," Cartman remarked, starstruck. Kyle shivered at the idea while Stan held his breath. Kenny was playing with his pencil to distract himself when he felt a poke in his side. He let out a small noise behind his hood when he looked to his right and saw Cartman looking at him with a wicked grin.
"Whumph?" Kenny asked. Cartman said nothing and turned his attention back to the front. Mr. Garrison was trying to settle down the class as they grew more riled up at the discussion of tickling.
"Dude, imagine stealing a piece of bread to feed your family and you get tickled for a day. Like, what?" Stan asked with an amused grin. Kyle shook his head with a smile as he turned to Stan. The classroom was discussing among themselves now as Mr. Garrison quit trying to settle them down and organized his work instead.
"Mr. Garrison said they reserved it for nobility, dude. So imagine being a count or a duke or something and getting tickled. That's even more embarrassing- Ah!" Kyle felt a push in his side all of a sudden. He turned around to see Cartman with his pencil outstretched with the eraser sticking out.
"What Cartman? Don't do that!" Kyle berated. Stan snickered at Kyle's easy temper.
"Relax Kyle, he didn't do anyth-EENG!" Stan scrambled in his chair as he felt fingers wriggle in his side. Stan slapped Cartman's hand away and fumed at him.
"Dude Cartman what the hell is your problem? What do you want?" Stan demanded. Kenny, Stan, and Kyle looked at their friend demanding an explanation.
"I have been possessed with the spirit of an Ancient Chinese master tickler! It is all I know how to do. To punish- using tickles." Cartman claimed. Kyle rolled his eyes as he turned to Stan in his chair.
"Shut up dumbass, no you haven't. I'm sure it was more a myth than anything actually based in fact." Kyle theorized. Kenny turned to Cartman and placed his cheek on his fist.
"Speak in ancient Chinese if you've been possessed, Cartman." Stan teased. Kenny and Kyle laughed with Stan while Cartman fumed.
"Hmhmhmph! Yeah, spmeak in Chimnese imph youmph- mmph! Mhmhmhmph! Cartmahahan!" Kenny burst out in giggles as Cartman scribbled his fingers on Kenny's side. Kenny's parka made an awful zipping sound as Cartman's nails zipped on the synthetic material. Cartman switched to squeezing Kenny's side instead to lessen the noises he made.
"You disrespect the authori-tah of the almighty tickler! For that, you must perish!" Cartman demanded. Kenny's eyes narrowed as he kicked in his chair and held onto Cartman's wrist while he squeezed. Kenny brought his knee up in his seat to try and shield himself, but Cartman reached over and squished the top of his knee until Kenny squirmed enough to throw it back down.
"Cahahartman! Stohohomph! You'remph not funneheheymph!" Stan and Kyle turned around to see their friend getting tickled by Cartman. They looked at each other with a sigh.
"Cartman, let 'em go." Kyle reached out to lay a hand on Cartman's shoulder to stop him from tickling Kenny. "You're not possessed by the-" Cartman switched his attention to Kyle and grabbed his wrist to keep it in its upright position, and tickled Kyle's free armpit.
Kyle's serious face turned into one of mirth as he giggled and fought automatically. Kyle's elbow bent to pull his body close to his outstretched arm, which just closed Cartman's fingers into Kyle's divet and trapped them in between his armpit and his arm.
"Pffmt- Cahahartman! Lehehet go dumbahahass!" Kyle snickered as Stan watched, unsure of how to help. Kenny held his chest, recovering from the random tickle attack and breathing deeply.
"Your impolite nature will be corrected by the master tickler of Ancient China! You will learn to respect my authori-tah!" Cartman took his other hand and reached forward behind his desk to squish his hand in Kyle's side while his first hand was still stuck in Kyle's armpit. Kyle giggled at the ridiculous tickles, the loud classroom discussion between friends being the perfect cover for Kyle's laughter.
"Stohohop! Gehehet off mehehe duhuhuhude!" Kyle snickered, his face alight with his snickers. Stan pushed down his anxiety and tried to go a different approach. Stan reached forward and hooked his arm under Cartman's to pull his arm down and away from Kyle. But that still left him open. Cartman wasted no time in reaching forward with the newly dislodged hand and dove straight for Stan's hip.
Cartman squished Stan's hip through his shirt and jeans, but it was still enough to make Stan giggle and kick his leg. Now Cartman's hand was trapped underneath Kyle's armpit and squeezing Stan's hip at the same time.
"You will respect the ways of the Ancient Chinese tickler! You will pay for your insubordination!" Stan and Kyle continued to laugh while Kenny reached forward and started tugging on Cartman's arm.
"Kenny- Kenny myeh. Myeh Kenny- they were about to pay for their insubordinatiooon. Stop it, Kenny, you dickhole!" Cartman took his hands off Kyle and Stan and dove them both for Kenny, grabbing both his sides and squishing the divets. Kenny started giggling again and fell over onto his desktop, a real pile of giggles.
"Using this torture method, I'll build my own empire! Anyone who questions the almighty imperial leader will be sent to the stockades! It's almost too perfect..." Cartman fantasized about his empire while scribbling his fingers all over Kenny's sides, armpit, and zipping his fingers along his back. Anywhere he could reach Kenny was targeted.
"Cahahartman pleheheamph! Nohohomph mohohoremph!" Kenny laughed out behind his hood as he swung his arms towards Cartman to get him to back off.
"Cartman get off of him, he said to- stohohohop!" Stan burst out laughing as Cartman switched gears and reached forward to start squeezing Stan's sides again. Stan curled up as well as he could, but Cartman had a firm grip on him. Stan held onto Cartman's wrist with both hands while Kyle lunged forward to wrench Cartman off of Stan.
Cartman used his other hand to scribble his fingers in Kyle's neck and ears, to which Kyle made a small shriek and batted his hands away. With Cartman's arms outstretched to either side, Kenny took hold of Cartman's back and tried pulling him back from both of his friends, but his weight helped Cartman in this situation.
It was truly a scene, with Stan and Kyle laughing, Cartman having a tyrannical look on his face while Kenny tried wrenching back Cartman from tickling his friends. A sight to behold. And Mr. Garrison beheld it.
"Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and Eric, what the hell do you think you're doing in my classroom?!" Mr. Garrison bellowed. All four of them froze in their comical position. Even Kyle and Stan's laughter ceased immediately as this was no longer funny.
"All four of you head down to the principal's office, this instant!" Mr. Garrison demanded. The boys scoffed as they slowly collected their belongings and made their way down to the Principal's office.
"Way to go Fatboy, you got us all in trouble," Kyle remarked.
"You talk to me like that again, Kahl, and the Ancient Chinese tickler will possess me again and punish you," Cartman retorted as he slung his backpack over his shoulder.
Kyle didn't respond to his threat. He didn't want to see if Cartman was serious or not.
At the end of the day, all four of them got a slap on the wrist for messing around in class when they should have been paying attention. But they all got the highest scores on their exams come test day.
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daisys-silliness · 1 year
Safe in your mothers arms
Characters: Mrs. Tweak/Tweek
Lee/Ler(s): Lee!Tweek, Ler!Mrs. Tweak
Summary: Tweek is terrified by the news and thunderstorm outside, luckily his mom is there to help him calm down.
Notes: Hi I haven't written in a long while so I apologize if the quality isn't the greatest. Also this is a tickle fic, please skip by if you do not enjoy fics like these, ty :)
It was a Saturday in South Park. Not many people were out due to the storm, so most stores were closed because of it. Mrs. Tweak absolutely did not want her son out in that storm either so she decided to keep the store closed.
Tweek sat on the couch. He was already shaking and freaking out because of the loud sounds outside. There was never a storm this loud in South Park before. It was..very frightening to say the least.
Tweek was on edge already, and he decided to look at the news to see how bad everything was. Of course, they were covering how trees were falling over and catching on fire, and how there could be potential deaths from that.
Tweek gasped and began screaming and panicking when he saw this. He threw the remote on the sofa and looked out the window, seeing a tree branch fall over in the road. He began crying as this was too much to take in. Mrs. Tweak heard the commotion and immediately stopped what she was doing to rush into the living room and crouch down in front of Tweek.
Mrs. Tweak: "Honey?! Son..what happened?"
Mrs. Tweak: "Oh honey..I can assure you that won't happen. There aren't even trees near our house anyway. Nothing will happen to you and I will make sure of it. Come here"
Mrs. Tweak picked up her son and held him close. She rocked him gently as she placed his head on her chest, his ear close to hear her heartbeat. She gently rubbed Tweek's back as she comforted her son.
Tweek slowly started to calm down. He hugged his mom as he let himself be comforted. The feeling was nice...and it was enough to drown out the negative things for the moment. She looked at Tweek and placed a kiss on his forehead.
Mrs. Tweak: "Let’s get you comfortable honey. You can lay in bed and I'll bring you your dinner."
Tweek: "But what..what about if you're in the kitchen and I'm in- oh god!"
Mrs. Tweak: "Do you want me to be in here with you while we eat?"
Tweek nodded. He felt more at ease when someone was with him and he didn't feel alone. He felt this way with anyone close to him, like Craig, Stan's gang (err.. sometimes), Bebe and Wendy, and his mom. Tweek gave his mom another hug before he was set down on his bed. He was noticeably still on edge a little.
Mrs. Tweak: "Are you alright? Do you need anything else?"
Tweek: "I- uh...I don't know. I- ARG! too much pressure thinking!!"
Mrs. Tweak: "Here, I already have something in mind"
Before Tweek could ask, Mrs. Tweak sat down next to him and crept her hands onto Tweek's stomach, wiggling her fingers on his skin. Tweek almost immediately began to giggle and squirm as she started, wiggling around like a worm. She began to explore her tickling fingers up to his ribs and armpits, causing Tweek to shriek and try to bat at her hands.
Tweek: "Mohohom!!! No!! Not therehehe!!!"
Mrs. Tweak: "Why not? You look like your having fun"
She removed her hands from his shirt and took a gentle hold of his ankle, lightly swiping her nails across the bottom of his foot. Tweek snorted and laughed more, trying to wiggle out. He curled his toes down and kept trying to pull away as he laughed from the tickly sensation.
Mrs. Tweak then flew her hands back to Tweek's stomach, letting her fingers dance around the sensitive skin. Tweek's legs began kicking as he wiggled around, he was definitely having fun and he felt a lot better. After a bit, Mrs. Tweek stopped when she noticed Tweek doing the "that's enough" wave.
She smiled and picked up Tweek, hugging her son, and Tweek hugged back. A smile on his face was now present as the tickles helped him and his mood. Suddenly Tweek felt himself being slightly raised. He was confused and was about to question, but was interrupted by the feeling of a raspberry on his stomach.
Tweek shrieked and cackled, slightly covering his face in embarrassment. She gave him a few more raspberries on his bellybutton, sending Tweek into a series of snorty high-pitched giggles. She set him down on the bed after that, and he was still a giggling mess. Mrs. Tweak slightly giggled herself.
Mrs. Tweak: "I love you, Tweek"
Tweek, still through giggles: "I-I love you too, mom"
Mrs. Tweak: "I'm going to be in the kitchen, just come down if you need anything, alright?"
Tweek nodded and watched his mom leave the room. He covered his face in deep embarrassment from the surprise raspberries, but he wasn't really complaining. While he waited for his mom, he messed around with his legos a bit. He made a 2d "image" of himself, Craig, and Stripe..oh yeah he was definitely keeping that.
Occasionally, Tweek went downstairs to talk with his mom and just be with her in the kitchen. Once dinner was done, they headed to Tweek's room and ate while chatting. Tweek told her about all the silly shenanigans that happens in the coffee shop with Kenny and the goths when his mom isn't present in the front.
After dinner, Tweek got ready to head to bed. He felt uneasy sleeping alone with the storm still active..so he quietly snuck in his mom's room when she was about to sleep. She really didn't question why Tweek was doing what he was, and let him sleep in her bed. It was a better day for Tweek, safe in his mom's arms.
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gigglingsoftly · 11 months
South Park Main 4 HCs
Literally has the cutest laugh. The girls voted on it and the rest of the gang kinda has to agree
Best ler in the group and it literally sends a shiver down their spine if he threatens to tickle them
Actually very ticklish himself but he’s the best at hiding his reactions bc he doesn’t like giving Shelly the satisfaction of seeing him squirm, squeal, and beg
I agree with every head canon that says he snorts if he laughs too hard
Literally dies at the idea of having a tickle fight with Wendy. He doesn’t want her to see him being that dorky
The most ticklish one obvi!
WILL LITERALLY DECK YOU SQUARE IN THE FACE AND FUCKING LAUGH AFTERWARDS. He isn’t sorry either that was your dumbass fault
Can’t hide that he’s ticklish to save his life lol
Will laugh purely from anticipation alone
only Stan is really allowed to tickle him and even he’s gotten hit so tickle him at your own risk 🤷🏾‍♀️
He’s soooo giggly and squirmy
Used to being tickled by his siblings all the time
Has definitely died from too many tickles it’s literally so embarrassing to him
He’s argue that the anticipation of it is worse than the actual tickles
He’s so happy his parka blocks a lot of the sensation and his face bc he’s definitely blushing
He knew he was kinda ticklish. His mom has given him quick tickles here and there but he never knew the true extent of it until his friends tickled him.
He gets overwhelmed way quicker than the others because he’s the least used to it. So even though he’s not the most ticklish he has the least tolerance to it then his friends
The rest of the gang can’t lie he’s pretty entertaining to tickle because he’s going to be a big baby about it
He’s more squirmy and going to try to fight more before he’s tickled. Once you get him he’s going to focus more on protecting himself
Will literally try to avoid it bc he’s at SUCH an unfair disadvantage! He doesn’t have siblings (well… technically). So he’s not skilled enough to fight back effectively
The gang will literally team up just so he’ll SHUT UP and it works. Literally on his best behavior. And dare they say it he was even pleasant to be around
If he is dragged into their bs he does get ler euphoria and gets carried away and needs to be pried off. He really enjoys that feeling of power
Out of all the boys I feel he gets the least amount of love! We need more Cartman tickles!!!
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haunted-headset · 7 months
@strangleetomz & @wendy-darling23
i have found something for you if ur in a ler mood
look up "Shing Armor VA" on YT & go to the My Knight playlist
go to the 4th video that says "Knight Comforts You"
& go to the part in the video that should say "most replayed"
the listener tickles the shit out of the speaker & it's so cute & the guy talking has an amazing British voice & alsdhdewhdjhsyidguashfwfuywjehfdgwehfsd
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booklovershouse · 1 month
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Oiiii, booklovers!
Primeiramente, desculpem pelo sumiço 🤡 eu estava tentando terminar outro post (quilométrico) e daí me toquei que já era ✨30 de abril✨ e eu não tinha feito nem a capa das leituras do mês.
Minhas leituras desse mês foram mais ou menos tão mixurucas quanto nos outros meses - inclusive pq levei quase o mês inteiro pra ler Brás Cubas e fui lendo os outros junto com esse 🤡 em resumo, uma vergonha.
☁️| A Aposta de um Cavalheiro - Stefany Nunes 🇧🇷
• Nota: 3,5★
O mês dos nacionais chegou? Kkkkkkk considerando que há tempos venho tentando acabar com a lista enorme do meu Kindle, fiz até um bom progresso.
Winston deixou Londres há dois anos, fugindo da onda de fofocas que surgiu após ser traído por seu melhor amigo. Entretanto, como o novo Conde de Suffolk, ele precisa retornar à cidade - e descobrirá que ainda é o assunto no lugar. Porém, Amelia, uma velha conhecida da infância, é a única pessoa que não o julga e o faz sentir confortável nos intermináveis bailes.
Durante uma noite com muito álcool e provocações, Winston aceita uma aposta que envolve conquistar e descartar uma dama: Amelia Berrycloth.
A nota foi baixa mas não porque a história em si é ruim, apenas não me agradou. A atração do casal foi muito "física" e rápida. Gosto mais de slow burn e nada com cenas +18 ou indo para uma cena +18. Eu poderia ter percebido isso pela sinopse? Talvez, mas ele tava juntando poeira online e nem lembrava mais sobre o que era.
🌧️| Durante a Dança - Ludmila Wendy 🇧🇷
• Nota: 3★
Uma fuga, uma promessa de casamento, uma dança.
Dei 3★ pq foi um conto curtíssimo e com final aberto. Fora algumas partes que me deixaram um pouco confusa (meu app aparentemente tá meio bugado e de vez em quando começo a ler de um cap aleatório do e-book, até achar estranho e perceber que não estou no começo 🤡).
☁️| Dançando entre Galáxias - Madu Maia 🇧🇷
• Nota: 4★
Odile tinha tudo para ser a próxima primeira bailarina da Ópera Nacional de Paris, mas sofre um acidente bem no meio de sua apresentação. Convencida de que pode continuar a dançar mesmo com sua perna machucada, ela continua treinando e treinando. Até que sua mãe decide enviá-la para passar uns tempos com o pai, no Brasil.
Foi legal? Foi, porém, acho que algumas partes não foram bem construídas, por exemplo, quando ela decidiu vir para o Brasil tão facilmente. Nem eu faria isso e eu não sou egocêntrica como ela - o alecrim dourado se considera o sol. O SOL.
🌧️| Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas - Machado de Assis 🇧🇷
• Nota: 3★
Após a morte, Brás Cubas começa a narrar sua história. Conta sobre seus amigos, seus estudos, sua família e seus amores.
Assim, achei meio parado. Talvez tenha sido um problema meu, pq sou acostumada a procurar romance em todos os livros (esse é meu gênero principal, só comecei a sair da minha zona de conforto literária de 2022 pra cá) e quando não é isso, procuro mistério 🤡
☁️| A Biblioteca das Histórias não Contadas - Gabriella Campos 🇧🇷
• Nota: 4,5★
Arrancada de seu mundo, uma protagonista vai parar numa biblioteca cheia de personagens, com suas histórias abandonadas por sua Autora em crise. Dizem que só há duas formas de sair de lá: sendo escrita ou esquecida para sempre. Mas será que essas são as únicas opções?
Pessoalmente, gostei bastante (apesar de não explicar tuuuuudo). E eu, uma escritora que nunca terminou nada, só pude imaginar meus próprios personagens largados numa biblioteca no fundo da minha mente, querendo que suas histórias fossem escritas. ~ se vcs soubessem o tanto de histórias que tenho pra escrever...
Fora isso, estou lendo a amostra de O Departamento de Cartas Mortas e estou simplesmente apaixonada! Infelizmente sou uma leitora pobre e vou ter que esperar séculos pro preço baixar 🥲🫶🏻
Bjs e boas leiturassss <3333
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matchacowbee · 4 months
Since the request are open how about Ler Bebe and Lee Wendy
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sorry I’ve been kinda gone for a bit, school is hard and I’m dealing with mental health stuffs again ><
here’s Lee Wendy and Ler Bebe! 💗💗💗
I hope you guys enjoy :3
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yiplee · 11 months
Based on my last ask, can I request a fic where for some reason Clyde is hanging out with all the girls (Bebe, Wendy, whoever else you pick) and they hold/tie him down and tickle him as a group all over, from his feet to his neck? I think he deserves to be totally wrecked by the girls!
So I got another one of my genius ideas for this prompt, so this is gonna be a part 2 to this fic
(Lee!Clyde)/(Ler!like a bunch of the girls lol)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The girls all burst through the door with their bags in hand, chatting and laughing loudly over eachother as they flooded into Bebe’s bedroom.
Clyde came in after them, looking disheveled, whilst carrying half his body weight in shoes. He dropped the bags on the ground and plopped down on a pillow next to Bebe, while the girls clamored over their new sets of clothes.
Bebe turned to Clyde. “Aww, come on Clyde, the mall wasn’t that bad. Surely now you can have some fun with us?” She urged, gently nudging him by the shoulder.
“Bebe, you dragged me all the way through that mall, and then all the way to your house. I’m not gonna be all bubbly sunshiney rainbows for you now.” He groaned dramatically, resting his head in his hand.
The girls laughed. “Oh, nonsense! We already know you’re way more fun than your lame guy friends.” Wendy added.
“Yeah Clyde, I mean, what about that time you got your nails painted?” Nichole mentioned, getting a laugh from a few other girls.
“I said to never speak of that again.” Clyde groaned, covering his face in his hands in embarrassment.
“Oh, come on Clyde! If you don’t lighten up, we’ll just have to make you!” Bebe said, smirking to the other girls, who quickly understood, and nodded with the same evil look in their eyes.
Clyde knew what that look meant. He hardly had any time to say “Wait”, before the girls had surrounded him and rendered him immobile.
“Girls, come on, don’t do thi-” Clyde was interrupted by his own little squeak as Bebe’s nails started off on his ribs. Her fingers froze and they all went silent for a moment.
There was a collective “awww” from the girls. “Oh my gosh, was that a squeak? Bebe, you’ve got one adorable boytoy.” Nichole cooed.
“I-It wasn’t a squ-EEEK!!” Clyde squealed, as the girls began scribbling their freshly-painted nails all across his midsection.
Wendy was digging into his armpits while Nichole and Bebe were skittering across either side of his ribs, with Red focusing on his belly.
Clyde’s shrieks were high enough to break glass as his squealy, shrill laughter filled the room in a matter of seconds.
“O. M. G. Bebe! Why did you not tell us Clyde was SO ticklish?!” Wendy said, a bit astonished by the squealing, squirming boy in the middle.
“Oh yeah, he’s like, earth-shatteringly ticklish.” Bebe laughed, as she continued scribbling her nails up and down Clyde’s sides, making his shrieks jump up an octave.
“W-WAHAHAHAIT GIHIHIRLS PLEHEHEASE!! I CAHAHANT TAHAHAKE IHIHIT!!” Clyde shrieked, his voice embarrassingly high as he squirmed uselessly against the many hands going to town on his ticklish flesh.
Rather than mercy, he got another big “awwww!” From the girls, who merely continued mercilessly wrecking him with tickles.
Bebe moved her hands up, tickling Clyde’s neck and under his chin, brushing her nails across his ears and past the sides of his cheeks. “Aww, well aren’t you just too ticklish for your own good? Yes you are!” She teased, cooing playfully at him.
“BEHEHEHEBE PLEHEHEHEHEASE!” Clyde’s face reddened deeply from her teases as his shoulders scrunched up from her unbearably light tickles.
“Please what? Please tickle you more? Well okay, if you say so!” Bebe chuckled, digging back into his sides, getting another loud shriek from the boy.
“THAHAHAHATS NOT WHAHAHAT I MEAHAHAHANT!! GIHIHIRLS STAHAHAHAP!!” Clyde pleaded, tears pricking the edges of his eyes as the girls’ hands spidered all across him.
“Alright, alright.” Bebe relented, releasing him from her hold as the other girls followed suit. Clyde laid on the ground, fighting for breath, as he recovered.
“Jeez Clyde, you’re way too ticklish to be this dramatic.” Bebe teased, looking down fondly at the blushing boy.
“Shut..your..mouth..” Clyde’s words were a faint wheeze of breath as he sunk in tiredness.
“Ohoho..” Nichole gave Bebe a look as if they should correct that, but she shook her head.
“I’ll allow it.” She said with a smile as she folded a loose curl behind Clyde’s ear, looking down at him fondly.
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strawmyberry · 1 year
my south park tickle headcannons! (the main four!)
the time has finally come!!! these little guys have been clogging up my brain for months- so what better way to remedy that than by spilling all my thoughts out here!!! and- it’s perfect to pass the time while i write my first fic for y’all! thank you so much for waiting!! it really means the world that people like to hear my silly little thoughts!
also- please let me know if you have any requests- i’d love to take a crack at them!!
anywho; here are some of my headcannons! thank you so much again!! i hope you like them!
— ❤️🍓 strawberry 🍓❤️
super ticklish!
im a huge sucker for the “stan snorts when he laughs” hc
he’s super duper embarrassed by it- he thinks it’s weird
stan goes for defense when getting tickled! instead of trying to get away/tickle back- he tries to cover himself/his mouth
he never likes giving the satisfaction of actually laughing. does hiding it ever work? no! does he still do it? yes!
i think he got it from all the times shelly has been absolutely merciless to him
(she’s a lot stronger than him- so he thinks that if he doesn’t laugh and give her what she wants she’ll get bored and stop)
99% of the time it’s her tickling him- he’s smart enough to know that trying to get revenge on her is practically impossible
definitely the type to lie about being ticklish or at the very least- the extent of how ticklish he actually is
“are you ticklish?” “no” “really?” “…i mean, maybe a little?”
he also gets super blushy - his ears turn RED
worst spot are his armpits- and he goes through great lengths for no one to find out about it
kyle found out a cute little funny trick where if you get your thumb and twist it into stan’s armpit it drives him up the damn wall
like: he starts snorting practically nonstop- can’t even speak he’s laughing too hard
i think up to like the age of 7- his mom had a little game that if she caught him trying to take cookies from the cookie jar when she knew he had some already: she’d taze his side
(it worked like a charm, and she still does it from time to time)
when he’s about to get tickled he just says his ler’s name over and over again with different inflections
“wendy? wendy- no- wendy- wendy. wendy-no! weNDY-“
(whenever he does this to kyle he always goes “yeah, dude? that’s my name!” and it piSSES HIM OFF SO MUCH LMAOO)
teases (that aren’t about his snorts) don’t really embarrass him they just kinda annoy him a little
teases don’t really work on him all that much unLESS IF IT’S WENDY- TOTALLY DIFFERENT STORY THERE-
he actually really likes being tickled if it’s by his friends- he just hates admitting it
he likes having an excuse to laugh freely!!
and although i think i could go on for hours and hours about how he is as a lee- he’s more of a ler
hes canonically good at tickling! yay! (thank you matt and trey)
he tickles kyle for everything under the sun
bad mood? poke. beating me at mario kart? poke poke. won’t let me play with his blue hot wheels bugatti chiron? poke poke poke!
i think kyle is so ticklish that for a while he was too scared to even check if stan was too- so homie was in the clear for a while
he laughs with his lee- he finds their reactions very entertaining
he teases!! he’s mean!! smirks all the while!
“man, is it really that bad? sick…”
although, i think with wendy and kyle it’s more compliments than actual teasing
telepathic communication with kyle when it comes to teaming up on people! one look is all they need to know where to go
dream team with kenny- those two are absolute menaces to kyle
i don’t really think he’s mean on purpose- he just gets carried away because he’s having fun!
completely forgets how easy it is to get him back; it totally slips his mind until he’s face to face with revenge!
he is ticklish ticklish!!!
i totally agree that kyle is the most ticklish of the group- he so is!!!
and it lasts for a while after the fact too- like ten minutes later? he’s still hiccuping
unlike stan, instead of defending himself he goes balls to the walls. he pulls out all the stops!!
he kicks, he screams, he punches!
(stan has gotten a bloody nose because of this multiple times. kyle still feels bad about it!!)
he curses up a storm when hes tickled- it’s so amusing for his ler(s)
(i totally think there was a time where kenny and stan set a five minute timer and they would add a minute every single time kyle cursed- five minutes were added within the first thirty seconds and the only reason why kyle eventually managed to stop cursing was because he was hiccuping so much he couldn’t even get a word out!) maybeillwritethisoutatsomepointidontknowww
he’s ticklish literally everywhere but his ears are the WORST
(his neck is pretty bad too- but ears? WOOOO)
he begs stan and kenny to keep his ticklishness a secret from cartman. he does NOT want his finding out!
he ends up finding out.
cartman loves to just randomly blow in kyle’s ear (it’s why he wears his hat 24/7) because he squeals and jumps like fifty feet in the air
kyle has really sensitive skin so if you tickle somewhere for a little while- it ends up turning red
(stan uses this as a timer sometimes! “oh- dude, your stomach is red. …guess it’s time to go for your ribs then!”)
just hearing the word “tickle” causes him to tense up- he gets so nervous
teases work SO WELL on him!
you don’t even have to be teasing him actually- if you talk to him AT ALL while tickling him it drives him up the wall
he tries to bargain his way out of getting tickled (it never works LMAOO)
“wait! wait waIT WAIT- we can talk about this, dude! dude, let’s just talk about it! let’s just taLK ABOUT IT-“
it doesn’t really matter how he’s being tickled; everything and i mean everything tickles to him- but i think light tickles are really his kryptonite
he’s the type to giggle hysterically before you even touch him (stan thinks it’s the funniest thing- so he takes his sweet ass time before even doing anything)
as a ler he is RUTHLESS
in his mind- he needs to tucker his lee out before they have the energy to try to get back at him
the years he’s had with ike really pay off and he has some SKILLED fingers!
he makes mental notes of where his lee(s) is the most ticklish- and he does not leave that spot until he figures out WHAT exactly works the best
loves ticking ike because it’s the one person he doesn’t have to worry about getting him back LMAOO
(even then ike still does from time to time)
if his lee makes ANY noise (snort, hiccup, squeak) they need to RUN because he will relish in that shit
“holy shit, dude!! what the hell was that? do it again!!”
him and stan are absolute horrifying when they work together- you got the brains and the brawn against you
hes super mean when getting stan back for his constant tickle attacks
and for kenny, he’s only a tiny bit nicer
he picks and chooses his battles when it comes to revenge…i just think he chooses violence 9 times out of 10 LMAOOO
too ticklish for his own good!!!
he has a super addicting laugh- it really doesn’t work well for him
not only that, but he has completely different laughs depending on where he’s being tickled
he MOVES when he laughs (not just when being tickled)
he seems like the type to fucking FLY forward when laughing at a joke LMAOO
he squirms and jerks like crazy!!
and he pounds his fists on the ground and/or pulls on his parka!! he needs something to do with his hands!! very entertaining!!
he doesn’t really fight back- he’s trained himself so he doesn’t accidentally hurt karen
his friends do this really mean thing where they pretend like they don’t understand him through his parka
“…what did you say? do you know what he said, kyle?” “yeah, dude! he said ‘please keep tickling me!’” “oh yeahhh! gotcha’! jussst checking…”
he also seems like the type to shake his head frantically and scream his ass before getting tickled!
runs for his LIFE, back against the wall- just shaking his head and his hands
“mm-mm! donmph!! donmt do itmph!! dONMT-NOOOOOOOO-!!!”
he’s also ticklish pretty much everywhere but his hips are SO BAD
he SCREAM laughs when you squeeze his hips and it’s so funny
his laugh is so contagious that sometimes his ler(s) have to stop for a second and just laugh along with him!
rougher tickles work on him better- since he’s wearing his parka! that shit is THICK!
squeezes are the death of him (literally) he can’t stand them
teases work pretty well on him! they get him all giggly
i think if you tickle him for too long he starts coughing- and that’s how you know when to stop!
gets into tickle fights with karen and kevin CONSTANTLY and most of the time- he gets WRECKED!
as a ler he’s surprisingly really sweet?
i think it’s because he’s died from being tickled too much before
and he knows that HE can come back to life. his friends and family? he doesn’t wanna risk it!
that doesn’t mean he’s not a total tickle monster!! he definitely is!! he’s just a bit more cautious about it
he keeps most of his tickles light
(unless it’s one of the others in the main four- he’s MEAN to them)
he’s the type to coo and tease- what he does to karen he does to everyone since up to this point it’s been pretty effective!
he LOVES giving people really quick cheer up tickles. just five minutes of innocent little flutters and the whole bad mood is gone!
he zips his fingers around random spots sometimes just making little “ooohs” and “aaahs”
”oooh! how aboumt heremph? oooooh! heremph? awwww!”
he’ll wiggle his two index fingers and only those two above his lee before striking with his whole hand!!
sometimes he pulls his parka tighter while teasing, just so they have to guess what he said- he thinks it’s funny!
raspberries are super fun for him since if he has the parka on, it’s ten times worse!
LOVES doing the “sike out” on his lees it’s super fun
not super ticklish- but ticklish!
he has a really “ugly” laugh LMAOO
like it’s almost kinda jarring
he somehow sounds like a mixture of a pig and a gremlin LMAOO
the other three don’t really tickle him all that much actually!
(probably because they’re all just a teeeeeny bit scared of him)
but also because they hate his laugh-
(kyle covers his ears half the time LMAOO im really cracking myself up here)
but in all seriousness, they are genuinely afraid to tickle him; he’s super mean
his mom on the other hand? she does it all the time
i love love LOVE the hc where cartman has ticklish cheeks- im a sucker for it i love it!
his cheeks and sides are his worst spot(s)
(his mom uses this to her advantage whenever she can!)
he’s SO overdramatic- it makes tickling him such an ordeal
he will flop to the floor after a single poke- and then he’s back up again; ready to wreck your shit
he curses like kyle- but noT IN THE SAME WAY AT ALL
kyle just goes “shit! fuck! you’re an asshole!” you know, normal stuff- carTMAN ON THE OTHER HAND??
he makes up the most obscure insults you have ever heard.
(boobie fucker is the first one that came to mind LMAOAOAOO)
teases work super well on him- it gets him all agitated
(especially if it’s his mom it drives him UP THE WALL.)
he definitely isn’t afraid to rip his lee’s hands off of him- he is not afraid to hurt anyone
when he’s about to get tickled- he doesn’t bargain or beg he threatens
and honestly? (you should probably listen-)
hes actually not that good at tickling- he sucks at it
but that doesn’t matter!!! he still makes life a living hell!!
he searches for your worst spot; and god forbid he finds it
he won’t stop until you are in tears- and he makes no exceptions!
(remember how i said kenny died from being tickled before? [f]artman is the one to blame!!)
it’s not even warranted half the time- he’s just a bully
and he doesn’t even “tease” he just insults.
he makes fun of your laugh, what you’re doing, where you’re ticklish
the other three have gone through this at least once- and they try their hardest to never have to go through it again
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gaybananabread · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you could write a fic for Gravity Falls where Wendy asks Mabel if Dipper is ticklish, and Mabel says he is susceptible to raspberries, so they both give Dipper raspberries?
Sure Anon! I was exhausted today, and im sorry if things sound a little wierd. Hope you enjoy!
Lee: Dipper
Lers: Mabel, Wendy
Summary: When Wendy asks Mabel if Dipper is ticklish, things get a little goofy. Raspberries are generously given.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!
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Wnedy was at the Mystery Shack. The craziest thing ever happened: nothing. Literally nothing was going on, and she was bored out of her mind. Stan left her in charge, and she couldn't leave with Soos on vacation. Well, this sucks.
She looked around, searching for something, anything to do. The cursed, broken Goldie was by the back wall. Not touching that thing. In the corner, Dipper was reading his journal, completely content.
Lucky... wait a minute!
If Wendy couldn't find something to do, she could mess with Dipper! He always gets into trouble, something was bound to happen! She walked over to him, tapping him with her boot. "Hey, watcha doing little man?"
Dipper barely looked up. "Trying to figure out this new creature. If I can find some solid evidence, I can finally prove to Stan that I did see that disco-tech deer!" Wendy sighed. Bor-ring! She bent down, and poked his side, trying to get his attention. What she didn't expect was for him to bolt upwards. "ACTUALLY I SHOULD GO OUTSIDE 'KAY BYE!" He darted out the door.
What was THAT?
Wendy didn't know what she did. She just poked hi- oh. He might be... Better ask Mabel. Jumping to conclusions hadn't gotten her anywhere good in the past. She made her way to the attic, almost tripping over the loose step.
When she opened the door, Mabel was putting some lipstick on Waddles. For her, even that was boring. "Hey Mabel, got a sec?" She turned around, her canvas slipping out the door. "What's up?" The older girl shut the door behind her, sitting on the bed.
"Is Dipper... ticklish?" The question made Mabel's face light up, practical exploding with excitement. "HECK YEAH! He's so ticklish, it's gotta be a reccord. He loves it, too. Raspberries drive him crazy!" Now, Wendy had a plan to fix the boring day.
Dipper was invested in the Journal, taking note of the disco-deer's diet and habitat. So much so that he didn't even notice Wendy and Mabel sneaking up behind him. When they jumped him, he definitely didn't shriek. "GOTCHA!"
They wrestled with him, trying to pin him down. It wasnt that hard, Dipper lost within seconds. His arms were above his head, hisleags pinned by Wendy. She went in front of him, while Mabel took his side. "Time for some fun!"
Wendy immediately started off rough, digging her hands into his armpits. He laughed hard, the whole first seeming to fill with it. Mabel went a bit softer, skittering her fingers down his sides.
"GUHUHUYS! WHAHAT THE HEHECK?!" Dipper didn't know what he did to provoke them. All he had really done that day was read. "We were bored, and you were here. Plus, I know you enjoy this." His face flushed red, but he didn't argue the statement.
Wendy looked over to Mabel. "Hey, did you say that raspberries drove him nuts?" Mabel nodded, liking where this was going. "Well, let's give him some! I wanna get the most out of this time." Wendy knelt down, blowing a big raspberry on Dipper's belly. His laughter doubled, practically shaking the trees.
"NYAHAHAHA! WEHEHENDYHEHEHE!" Mabel was nicer, blowing little raspberries on his neck. Dipper thrashed and squirmed, trying his best to escape. He failed, as expected, and the grils continued with their torment.
Wendy kept blowing raspberry after raspberry on his poor stomach. Tears of mirth dotted the corners of his eyes, threatening to spill at any second. "PLEHEHEHEASE! IHI CAHAHAHAN'T!" His sister let up, making things a bit better.
After about a minute, Dipper was exhausted. His chest hurt from laughing. He was losing it, it tickled way too much! Wendy saw his face and stopped, but not before blowing on last raspberry, shaking her head as she gave it to him.
"NAHAHAHAHA! HAHHAHAHA!" She backed off, leaving the boy to curl into himself, giggling off the residual tickles fluttering on his torso. It took him a solid minute to catch his breath. Wendy put a hand on his shoulder, worrying she had gone too far.
"Hey, you good dude?" He just nodded, way too tired to respond. Though he would deny it till he died, Dipper did have fun when they tickled him. It felt nice to just laugh sometimes.
The day was way better now. Wendy had fun, Mabel got to mess with Dipper, and he got tickled. Maybe boring days weren't so bad after all.
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gummidon · 1 year
New character added to the sp Lorax au! Wendy Audrey
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