smilingangel582 · 1 year
Prince of tennis is an anime I heard from a friend. Its a pretty old one but I like the plot and characters too much.
Lol if only there were many fanfics if them
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Plus, this arrogant cocky little freshman deserves some punishment! Honestly, he's a brat but a chibi one at that 😄
Warning spoilers alert... so read the manga or watch the anime
Enjoy this tk fic, dear peeps, and sorry for the late posts... I had some difficulties in writing and personal stuff... well, enjoy!
(Also... I got no title for this, sorry ~tehe)
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Momoshiro eyed the twist serve that began to shoot through the wind and cut the air in half. He was dreading the final serve from Ryoma Echizen, who had the lead over their practice match.
Meanwhile, Eji Kikumaru grinned in excitement and gleefully waved at them. "One of more set Ochibi (little kid/baby boy/shorty) and Momo you gotta break his service game!"
Momo growled irritably, but then Echizen's shot suddenly sprang into action. Yet again... the game ended as soon as Momo prepared himself for the worst.
"G-Game and match! 6-4 Echizen"
Pointing his racket. Echizen's smirk lifted from his cap. "Mada mada dane (no, not yet)"
"You punk!" Momo grabbed the towel first, and then the rest of the regulars were there along with Kikumaru and Fuji, who had finished their match before.
"What a pain, you just get better, haven't you?" Momo stated with a hint of amusement as he took a sip from his water.
Next to him, Echizen finished his sip in a gulp and huffed in nonchalance. "Don't you mean you're getting worse?"
Momo frowned. "Oi, oi... be nice like a good kohai (underclassmen)" yet seeing how Echizen disregarded this Momo took the initiative to lunge at the freshman who backed away a few steps in preparation regardless of the brave face he forced. He slowly slipped from the corner and towards the other senpais; Kikumaru, Fuji, and Inui.
Echizen was cocky. "Senpai (upperclassmen)... your speed is the worst... I can beat you in anything at this rate"
"Well, you got your own downfalls too you know..." momo tried to argue his way, sheltering his own pride though Echizen mercilessly attacked.
Momo swallowed now, seeing how Echizen was superior in every sense. He sighed now which made the younger shake his head with a shrug "Mada mada dane senpai"
"Oh yeah...? Then our height... is that beatable?" Momo raised an eyebrow as he towered over Echizen. He stumbled back again but remained firm.
"I jump higher, so it's not a disadvantage"
"We'll see how you escape this!" Then, seeing his look of rebel, Momo grabbed Echizen by the waist to pull him over his shoulder. "Maybe in strength I can carry you around..." he added wittily."You who weigh nothing more than a tennis racket..."
Echizen gasped by the sudden lift. He was struggling over his shoulder, now kicking around. "Oi! Put me down, momo senpai!"
Seeing this, Kikumaru laughed. "Hey Momo, don't be mean to ochibi-chan, ne?"
"Not until he apologised to me and respects me," Momo laughed victoriously, this time still holding Echizen by the waist, who was slumped over his shoulder in a strong grip.
"Let me go!" Echizen twisted like a fish through the firm grip of his senpai.
"Hmm....nope -gah! Itai (ouch)! That hurts, baka (idiot)!"
"Hey, now don't fight." Kikumaru, for once being a senpai, tried to stop them. He tried to take Echizen from his shoulders, with a firm grip around his hips to get him down.
However, neither of the older boys expected the short boy to yelp in a startle gasp, his voice sinking with puzzlement, then his foot narrowly missing a kick to Kikumaru's nose.
Momo paused now, he turned to Kikumaru first "S-senpai what did you just do now?"
Kikumaru still had his hands on Echizen's hips and blinked in response (probably the lucky escape of a titan kick), but then turned back to a blushing Echizen who was vigorously struggling even more. "D-dont surprise me like that Kikumaru-senpai"
"Eh? All I did was..." To demonstrate, he squeezed his hips, and Echizen let out another cry, this time with a whine."Don't touch me!"
Inui, who was watching the scenario with Fuji, turned with interest to them. He pushed his glasses and stated in his monotonously factual tone, "I see, that strong reaction proves my data on Echizen, It was 95.46% accurate regarding the probability of Echizen being ticklish"
Fuji gave a soft chuckle. "You don't need data for that Inui... It's obvious, " Inui returned the same chuckle.
Echizen slipped away from Momo's shoulder, now backing away defensively. "I wasn't! H-he startled me... besides, the captain doesn't want to see us slacking off..."
Many were surprised by a defensive Echizen, his blush deepened when his senpais exchanged cunning glances.
"Ah!" Kikumaru's speed became Echizen's downfall today, as he felt two hands attack his sides immediately. "Ochibi! Is that true?"
Feeling the electric touch, he yelped again but managed to escape temporarily though he was cornered by four senpais.
"M-mada mada da -ahahneeh!" His catchphrase was suddenly erupted with giggles when Momo and Fuji tackled the player to the ground with quick scribbled and pokes. He was small enough to be easily pegged down with no strength in brawls... thus, he was helplessly straddled by Kikumaru, who excitedly cracked his fingers "Aww Chibi is so cute! Being ticklish is something we never expect from you"
"K-Kikumaru senpai-!"
Inui began now as he cuts in Echizen's words. "Best way to break Echizen is to find his weak spots very slowly... It's valid even for tennis... to bruden the enemy with bith mental and physical stress"
Echizen tried to argue back, but Kikumaru's nimble fingers pinched his waist, making him struggle to conceal the giggles and jolts.
Fuji, his smile still plastered, smirked even more. "I see where you're coming from Inui"
This was too much, thought Echizen, as he kicked his feet against the ground. With his wrists pinned down, he was trapped, and he was forced to take this torment. He knew he couldn't let them embarrass him... It's bad enough that his father's a bigger humiliation to him in public.
"Oya...?" Momo also joined in and started to poke his collar bones, which made Echizen squeak in pure horror as he scrunched his neck, "Ain't that just adorable. I never thought someone so uncute could be this cute..."
He broke there and brust into proper giggles "Gahaha Momo-sehehenpaii stahahap ihihit!"
Inui grinned his glasses, reflecting sadism "Unfortunately for the cheeky rookie... we've discovered a weak point... poor Echizen's sensitive neck was in my data all along, but I should add ears too..." he was back to scribbling notes making Echizen growl irritably.
"Gehehet ohohoff! Ahahahahoooo(Aho - idiot)!"
Momo gasped, feigning shock. "How dare you be so deceitful, guess we should let him know the consequences of his rash actions, senpais" With that he used his knee to pin Echizen's forearm and then raised both his hands to attack his armpits. That was a wild reaction, making Inui scribble even more on his notes. Echizen wondered if the guy attacking or the guy making notes on his weaknesses is more dangerous...
Kikumaru, the acrobatic, was more engrossed in making Echizen burst into more giggles and reached back to squeeze his knee.
Inui smirked, jackpot Kikumaru.
Echizen shrieked loud, and soon the nearer courts had the attention of Echizen's laughter.
"Oh! Ochibi's weak in the knees!" Kikumaru grinned playfully."Tickle tickle tickle chibi-chan!"
The teasing made it worse. Echizen began to cackle like a madman, and he had never laughed like this since the last time Nanjiro, his father, tickled him to tears as a losers punishment.
"GAHAHA! EHEHENOUGH CUHUHUHUT IHIHIT OHOHOUT NOHOHOW! OIHIHIHIHI!" He was louder, and as a result, they stopped, but Fuji raised a hand thar hovered over him teasingly."I believe you need to appologise to Momo since he's your senior"
"Nehehever..." Echizen just dug his grave through his pants and heavy breathing"
Nevertheless, something cold trickled down his back when Fuji's eyes opened to reveal a severe glint of mischief. "Hmm, are you sure?"
Echizen gasped when Fuji's longer fingers snuck under his shirt and attacking his stomach. "This will be his breaking point, Inui..."
"Yush!" With that, Fuji clapped his hands with satisfaction."I think I enjoy this even more than watching people suffer from Inui's special remix drinks"
Kikumaru nodded brightly. "Right, nya? Isn't he the most adorable thing you've ever seen?"
Momo, who was satisfied with Echizen's apology, looked warily at Kikumaru. "Ah... senpai I doubt that's what Fuji implied of enjoying Echizen's laugh"
Echizen straightened up with gasps and uncurled from his balled position. "I hahate you guys"
Momo smiled as he helped a tired Echizen up from the ground. "You should laugh more. It's a nice look on you." With that, Kikumaru pounced on Echizen with a hug of affection."Right! Ochibi!"
Ryoma Echizen smiled genuinely now, "Mattaku (jeez) my senpais are so evil"
Tezuka arrived now, with Oishi, who was next to him. He turned to everyone with a knowing look. Then stated "Rub forty laps... for slacking off everyone!"
Wincing Momo nodded. "Hai(ok) kaicho(captain)"
Inui and Fuji gave uneasy smiles and accepted their fate while Kikumary pouted in offence.
"Echizen..." The captain began again. This made him anxiously look up at the captain, expecting a greater punishment "Twenty five laps"
Surprised Momo snapped back. "W-Why????"
"Forty-five laps..." he warned Momo, who yelped in fear."Sorry!" Echizen sighed in relief for his penalty.
They began the run, and Oishi chuckled next to Tezuka. "I didn't think you were this soft... was it his laugh?"
"Quiet Oishi, or else I'll make you run as well." With that, he was gone, Oishi watched them with a smile, a hope for nationals for erupting in his mind.
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