smilingangel582 · 1 year
Prince of tennis is an anime I heard from a friend. Its a pretty old one but I like the plot and characters too much.
Lol if only there were many fanfics if them
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Plus, this arrogant cocky little freshman deserves some punishment! Honestly, he's a brat but a chibi one at that 😄
Warning spoilers alert... so read the manga or watch the anime
Enjoy this tk fic, dear peeps, and sorry for the late posts... I had some difficulties in writing and personal stuff... well, enjoy!
(Also... I got no title for this, sorry ~tehe)
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Momoshiro eyed the twist serve that began to shoot through the wind and cut the air in half. He was dreading the final serve from Ryoma Echizen, who had the lead over their practice match.
Meanwhile, Eji Kikumaru grinned in excitement and gleefully waved at them. "One of more set Ochibi (little kid/baby boy/shorty) and Momo you gotta break his service game!"
Momo growled irritably, but then Echizen's shot suddenly sprang into action. Yet again... the game ended as soon as Momo prepared himself for the worst.
"G-Game and match! 6-4 Echizen"
Pointing his racket. Echizen's smirk lifted from his cap. "Mada mada dane (no, not yet)"
"You punk!" Momo grabbed the towel first, and then the rest of the regulars were there along with Kikumaru and Fuji, who had finished their match before.
"What a pain, you just get better, haven't you?" Momo stated with a hint of amusement as he took a sip from his water.
Next to him, Echizen finished his sip in a gulp and huffed in nonchalance. "Don't you mean you're getting worse?"
Momo frowned. "Oi, oi... be nice like a good kohai (underclassmen)" yet seeing how Echizen disregarded this Momo took the initiative to lunge at the freshman who backed away a few steps in preparation regardless of the brave face he forced. He slowly slipped from the corner and towards the other senpais; Kikumaru, Fuji, and Inui.
Echizen was cocky. "Senpai (upperclassmen)... your speed is the worst... I can beat you in anything at this rate"
"Well, you got your own downfalls too you know..." momo tried to argue his way, sheltering his own pride though Echizen mercilessly attacked.
Momo swallowed now, seeing how Echizen was superior in every sense. He sighed now which made the younger shake his head with a shrug "Mada mada dane senpai"
"Oh yeah...? Then our height... is that beatable?" Momo raised an eyebrow as he towered over Echizen. He stumbled back again but remained firm.
"I jump higher, so it's not a disadvantage"
"We'll see how you escape this!" Then, seeing his look of rebel, Momo grabbed Echizen by the waist to pull him over his shoulder. "Maybe in strength I can carry you around..." he added wittily."You who weigh nothing more than a tennis racket..."
Echizen gasped by the sudden lift. He was struggling over his shoulder, now kicking around. "Oi! Put me down, momo senpai!"
Seeing this, Kikumaru laughed. "Hey Momo, don't be mean to ochibi-chan, ne?"
"Not until he apologised to me and respects me," Momo laughed victoriously, this time still holding Echizen by the waist, who was slumped over his shoulder in a strong grip.
"Let me go!" Echizen twisted like a fish through the firm grip of his senpai.
"Hmm....nope -gah! Itai (ouch)! That hurts, baka (idiot)!"
"Hey, now don't fight." Kikumaru, for once being a senpai, tried to stop them. He tried to take Echizen from his shoulders, with a firm grip around his hips to get him down.
However, neither of the older boys expected the short boy to yelp in a startle gasp, his voice sinking with puzzlement, then his foot narrowly missing a kick to Kikumaru's nose.
Momo paused now, he turned to Kikumaru first "S-senpai what did you just do now?"
Kikumaru still had his hands on Echizen's hips and blinked in response (probably the lucky escape of a titan kick), but then turned back to a blushing Echizen who was vigorously struggling even more. "D-dont surprise me like that Kikumaru-senpai"
"Eh? All I did was..." To demonstrate, he squeezed his hips, and Echizen let out another cry, this time with a whine."Don't touch me!"
Inui, who was watching the scenario with Fuji, turned with interest to them. He pushed his glasses and stated in his monotonously factual tone, "I see, that strong reaction proves my data on Echizen, It was 95.46% accurate regarding the probability of Echizen being ticklish"
Fuji gave a soft chuckle. "You don't need data for that Inui... It's obvious, " Inui returned the same chuckle.
Echizen slipped away from Momo's shoulder, now backing away defensively. "I wasn't! H-he startled me... besides, the captain doesn't want to see us slacking off..."
Many were surprised by a defensive Echizen, his blush deepened when his senpais exchanged cunning glances.
"Ah!" Kikumaru's speed became Echizen's downfall today, as he felt two hands attack his sides immediately. "Ochibi! Is that true?"
Feeling the electric touch, he yelped again but managed to escape temporarily though he was cornered by four senpais.
"M-mada mada da -ahahneeh!" His catchphrase was suddenly erupted with giggles when Momo and Fuji tackled the player to the ground with quick scribbled and pokes. He was small enough to be easily pegged down with no strength in brawls... thus, he was helplessly straddled by Kikumaru, who excitedly cracked his fingers "Aww Chibi is so cute! Being ticklish is something we never expect from you"
"K-Kikumaru senpai-!"
Inui began now as he cuts in Echizen's words. "Best way to break Echizen is to find his weak spots very slowly... It's valid even for tennis... to bruden the enemy with bith mental and physical stress"
Echizen tried to argue back, but Kikumaru's nimble fingers pinched his waist, making him struggle to conceal the giggles and jolts.
Fuji, his smile still plastered, smirked even more. "I see where you're coming from Inui"
This was too much, thought Echizen, as he kicked his feet against the ground. With his wrists pinned down, he was trapped, and he was forced to take this torment. He knew he couldn't let them embarrass him... It's bad enough that his father's a bigger humiliation to him in public.
"Oya...?" Momo also joined in and started to poke his collar bones, which made Echizen squeak in pure horror as he scrunched his neck, "Ain't that just adorable. I never thought someone so uncute could be this cute..."
He broke there and brust into proper giggles "Gahaha Momo-sehehenpaii stahahap ihihit!"
Inui grinned his glasses, reflecting sadism "Unfortunately for the cheeky rookie... we've discovered a weak point... poor Echizen's sensitive neck was in my data all along, but I should add ears too..." he was back to scribbling notes making Echizen growl irritably.
"Gehehet ohohoff! Ahahahahoooo(Aho - idiot)!"
Momo gasped, feigning shock. "How dare you be so deceitful, guess we should let him know the consequences of his rash actions, senpais" With that he used his knee to pin Echizen's forearm and then raised both his hands to attack his armpits. That was a wild reaction, making Inui scribble even more on his notes. Echizen wondered if the guy attacking or the guy making notes on his weaknesses is more dangerous...
Kikumaru, the acrobatic, was more engrossed in making Echizen burst into more giggles and reached back to squeeze his knee.
Inui smirked, jackpot Kikumaru.
Echizen shrieked loud, and soon the nearer courts had the attention of Echizen's laughter.
"Oh! Ochibi's weak in the knees!" Kikumaru grinned playfully."Tickle tickle tickle chibi-chan!"
The teasing made it worse. Echizen began to cackle like a madman, and he had never laughed like this since the last time Nanjiro, his father, tickled him to tears as a losers punishment.
"GAHAHA! EHEHENOUGH CUHUHUHUT IHIHIT OHOHOUT NOHOHOW! OIHIHIHIHI!" He was louder, and as a result, they stopped, but Fuji raised a hand thar hovered over him teasingly."I believe you need to appologise to Momo since he's your senior"
"Nehehever..." Echizen just dug his grave through his pants and heavy breathing"
Nevertheless, something cold trickled down his back when Fuji's eyes opened to reveal a severe glint of mischief. "Hmm, are you sure?"
Echizen gasped when Fuji's longer fingers snuck under his shirt and attacking his stomach. "This will be his breaking point, Inui..."
"Yush!" With that, Fuji clapped his hands with satisfaction."I think I enjoy this even more than watching people suffer from Inui's special remix drinks"
Kikumaru nodded brightly. "Right, nya? Isn't he the most adorable thing you've ever seen?"
Momo, who was satisfied with Echizen's apology, looked warily at Kikumaru. "Ah... senpai I doubt that's what Fuji implied of enjoying Echizen's laugh"
Echizen straightened up with gasps and uncurled from his balled position. "I hahate you guys"
Momo smiled as he helped a tired Echizen up from the ground. "You should laugh more. It's a nice look on you." With that, Kikumaru pounced on Echizen with a hug of affection."Right! Ochibi!"
Ryoma Echizen smiled genuinely now, "Mattaku (jeez) my senpais are so evil"
Tezuka arrived now, with Oishi, who was next to him. He turned to everyone with a knowing look. Then stated "Rub forty laps... for slacking off everyone!"
Wincing Momo nodded. "Hai(ok) kaicho(captain)"
Inui and Fuji gave uneasy smiles and accepted their fate while Kikumary pouted in offence.
"Echizen..." The captain began again. This made him anxiously look up at the captain, expecting a greater punishment "Twenty five laps"
Surprised Momo snapped back. "W-Why????"
"Forty-five laps..." he warned Momo, who yelped in fear."Sorry!" Echizen sighed in relief for his penalty.
They began the run, and Oishi chuckled next to Tezuka. "I didn't think you were this soft... was it his laugh?"
"Quiet Oishi, or else I'll make you run as well." With that, he was gone, Oishi watched them with a smile, a hope for nationals for erupting in his mind.
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mitosjpenespanol · 3 years
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La historia de Tomotada y Aoyagi
En la era Bummei (1469 - 1486) vivió el samurái Tomotada, quén trabajaba para el daimyō de Noto. Nacido en Echizen, desde muy joven trabajó como paje en Noto; el daimyō lo instruyó en el arte de la guerra para que se convirtiera en un gran samurái. Además de lograr aquello, Tomotada creció y se convirtió en un hombre bello, amable, decidido y admirado por sus compañeros y los servidores del palacio.
Cuando cumplió los veinte años fue elegido para cumplir una misión especial en la capital, Kyoto. Como en el trayecto debía pasar por Echizen, Tomotada pidió permiso para visitar la casa materna.
El día del viaje hubo una tormenta de nieve que dejó a todo el país cubierto de blanco. A pesar de que Tomotada tenía un estupendo caballo, este avanzaba con lentitud y cansancio debido al clima. El camino tenía tantos accidentes y lugares inciertos que no pudo llegar al hogar materno.
Reclinado en un árbol, tan agobiado como su corcel, Tomotada cerró los ojos por unos momentos; al abrirlos, notó que no muy lejos había una tenue luz, había una choza rodeada de árboles en medio de la tempestad de nieve, y se apresuró a llegar para solicitar posada. Una anciana abrió la puerta cuando escuchó los golpes que Tomotada daba en las ventanas. Al ver al bello extranjero, le permitió la entrada inmediatamente y lo acercó a una hoguera alimentada con ramas de bambú. El esposo de la anciana le ofreció un poco de comida.
Detrás de un biombo, pudo ver la silueta de una joven mujer. Intrigado, Tomotada observaba esperando que la mujer mostrara su rostro. Al notarlo, el anciano exclamó: "Disculpe señor, detrás del biombo está mi hija Aoyagi, ella es una pobre aldeana y no merece vuestra presencia. Le ordenaré que os sirva un poco de vino y perdone sus modales, ella no ha recibido ningún tipo de educación, pues somos muy pobres".
La mujer atendió las órdenes de su padre, y Tomotada pudo comprobar lo que la silueta ya le hacía deducir: Aoyagi era hermosa. A pesar de su ropa harapienta y su cabello desordenado, deslumbraba y se movía con tal gracia que Tomotada dudó que realmente no haya recibido ningún tipo de educación. Aoyagi sirvió el vino y los acompañó en la mesa evadiendo la mirada del samurái, pues ella también lo había encontrado muy atractivo.
Como la tormenta de nieve no terminaría pronto, el anciano lo invitó a quedarse en la choza por algunos días, hasta que el sol saliese de nuevo. El joven aceptó agradecido, y estaba feliz de poder estar cerca de aquella joven mujer que lo había deslumbrado.
Al pasar los días, los jóvenes se hicieron cercanos; de evadirse la mirada, comenzaron a mirarse fijamente por largo tiempo; después, intercambiaban unas cuantas palabras, hasta que comenzaron a dedicarse románticos versos el uno al otro. El anciano advertía constantemente a Tomotada que Aoyagi no sería una esposa digna, pues no tenía educación, además, como no estaba acostumbrada a las visitas de personas de la nobleza, sus modales eran rudos y su andar torpe. Pero Tomotada, por el contrario, admiraba la gracia y delicadeza de Aoyagi, y pensaba que ella debía de ser alguna enviada dividina.
Llegado el día de la partida, Tomotada no se sentía capaz de dejar a la mujer que amaba, así que la pidió en matrimonio a sus padres. Sorpendidos, los ancianos expresaron su preocupación, pues pensaban que el daimyō de Noto no aceptaría el matrimonio entre un samurái y una campesina, pero Tomotada no estaba dispuesto a partir sin ella. Preocupados pero agradecidos, los ancianos permitieron que el samurái se llevase a Aoyagi para hacerla su esposa.
Durante el viaje a Kyoto, Tomotada empezó a sentirse preocupado. Después de cumplir su misión, era importante conseguir el permiso del daimyō para casarse; además, temía que la belleza de Aoyagi llamara la atención, así que, en cuanto llegaron, se esforzó por ocultarla. Pero los cortesanos de Kyoto notaron el extraño compartamiento de Tomotada y finalmente desubrieron que ocultaba a una mujer hermosa.
El daimyō de Kyoto, adicto a los rostros hermosos, le ordenó a Tomotada que le llevara a la mujer que ocultaba. Este no pudo rehusarse. Tomotada estaba muy aflijido, había obrado mal al ocultarla y en tomar la decisión de casarse sin antes hablarlo con el daimyō de Noto. Sin embargo, amaba tanto a Aoyagi, más que a su señor, por lo que estaba dispuesto a huir si ella aceptaba.
Como en el palacio de Kyoto era imposible enviar cartas sin que estas fuesen interceptadas, escribió un mensaje a Aoyagi en forma de poema en chino, sabría que ella entendería lo que encerraba aquel poema.
Esperó pacientemente a recibir una respuesta, pero en su lugar recibió con pena la orden de presentarse ante el daimyō de Kyoto. Cabizbajo pero preparado para recibir su sentencia de muerte, escuchó las palabras del daimyō, leía el poema en chino que había escrito a Aoyagi.
Cuando levantó el rostro, pudo ver que aquel señor lloraba conmovido, nunca había leído un poema tan triste, y comprendió que había separado a dos personas que se amaban. En un acto de bondad, el daimyō perdonó la imprudencia de Tomotada y en ese momento ordenó que se celebrara la boda. Aoyagi apareció vestida como una verdadera princesa, resplandeciente y por sus mejillas corrían lágrimas de felicidad. Los cortesanos de Kyoto los colmaron de regalos y desearon su felicidad.
Tomotada y Aoyagi vivieron muy felices durante cuatro años. En el último año, mientras conversaban, Aoyagi gritó de dolor y se desplomó. Tomotada llamó a un médico que logró reanimarla, pero Aoyagi solo despertó para pronunciar estas palabras: "Me muero. No es algo imaginario, lo sé. Mi alma es el alma de un árbol y mi sangre es la savia de ese sauce llorón. En este momento están cortando mi árbol. Por ello ¡moriré!
El samurái no podía creer lo que escuchaba. Aoyagi se retorcía de dolor y, en un intento por detener su dolor, Tomotada la abrazó, pero en el lecho sólo quedaban sus ropajes y los broches que sostenían sus suaves cabellos. Su cuerpo se había desvanecido.
Tomotada se hizo monje budista. Se afeitó la cabeza y se hizo ermitaño. Viajó por todo Japón rezando por Aoyagi en cada templo que visitaba. En una ocasión que pasó por Echizen, decidió visitar la choza de los padres de Aoyagi. Para su sorpresa, no había rastro de choza alguna, en su lugar, había tres troncos de sauces llorones, dos gruesos y viejos, y uno delgado y joven, al ras de la tierra. Al pie de los troncos, Tomotada eirigió un monumento fúnebre, en el cual grabó textos sagrados.
Lee mitología griega aquí
Lee mitología coreana aquí
Lee mitología china aquí
Créditos de la imagen: Susuki Kazon "La bella y el sauce llorón" (1908). La imagen pertenece a Japanese Art Open Database.
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recentanimenews · 2 years
The Prince of Tennis Comes to Crunchyroll with New English Dubs
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  It's finally time for The Prince of Tennis to be served into Crunchyroll's court from Funimation (see the updating list of merged titles here), but there's a little extra spin on it — not only will the franchise be available with English, Spanish and Portuguese subtitles, but a fresh English dub will be making its debut as well!
  Here's the full list of what's launching on March 29:
  The Prince of Tennis eps. 51-128
The Prince of Tennis II eps. 1-13
The Prince of Tennis II OVA eps 1-7
The Prince of Tennis II OVAs vs. Genius 10 eps. 1-10
  The new English dub will cover up to Episode 80 of The Prince of Tennis and all The Prince of Tennis II content.
And here's all the main cast and crew that did a monumental job of putting all of it together at Sound Cadence Studios:  
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    The Prince of Tennis (Episodes 51-80)
Alejandro Saab (Mirai in Platinum End) as Takeshi Momoshiro
Steven Kelly (Dearia in Dragon Goes House-Hunting) as Sadaharu Inui
Jacob Hopkins (Fushi in To Your Eternity) as Suichiro Oishi
Derick Snow (Shinra in Fire Force) as Eiji Kikumaru
Ry McKeand (Miya in SK8 the Infinity) as Ryoma Echizen
Jarrod Greene (Shinso in My Hero Academia) as Kaoru Kaido
Kylen Deporter (Sora in My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!) as Satoshi Horio
Stephen Fu (Noé in The Case Study of Vanitas) as Shusuke Fuji
Anne Yatco (Nobara in JUJUTSU KAISEN) as Kachiro Kato
Wendy Powell (Envy in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood) as Sumire Ryuzaki
Anthony Sardinha (Masaya in Battle Game in 5 Seconds) as Takashi Kawamura
Jonah Scott (Courier in Akudama Drive) as Kunimitsu Tezuka
Christopher Wehkamp (Ruijerd in Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation) as Keigo Atobe
Jim Foronda (Poncho in How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom) as Mamoru Inoue
Bryson Baugus (Falco in Attack on Titan) as Katsuo Mizuno
ADR Director: Howard Wang
Assistant ADR Director: Mike Haimoto
Lead ADR Engineer: Patrick Morphy
ADR Engineers: Lindsay Roberts, Sawyer Pfledderer, Wyatt Baker, Natalie Van Sistine
ADR Script Writers: Caitlyn Elizabeth, Kieran Flitton, Chris Cason
ADR Script Supervisors: Howard Wang, J. Michael Tatum
ADR Prep: Beth Featherstone
Mixing & Mastering Engineers: Gregory Mahan, Alyssa Dumas
Line Producer: Amber Lee Connors
Production Coordinator: Suzie Yeung, Sarah Poulsen
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      The Prince of Tennis II
Ry McKeand (Miya in SK8 the Infinity) as Ryoma Echizen
Alejandro Saab (Mirai in Platinum End) as Takeshi Momoshiro
Caitlyn Elizabeth (Croix Meridies in Little Witch Academia) as Kintaro Toyama
Christopher Wehkamp (Ruijerd in Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation) as Keigo Atobe
Xander Mobus (Toge in JUJUTSU KAISEN) as Yudai Yamato
Aaron Dismuke (Senku in Dr. STONE) as Oshitari Kenya
Jason Marnocha (Gansaku in MEGALOBOX) as Nyudou Mifune
Jarrod Greene (Shinso in My Hero Academia) as Kaoru Kaido
Ian Sinclair (Ronaldo in The Vampire Dies in No Time) as Gen'ichiro Sanada
Jonah Scott (Courier in Akudama Drive) as Kunimitsu Tezuka
Derick Snow (Shinra in Fire Force) as Eiji Kikumaru
Billy Kametz (Shuta Aoi in Tokyo 24th Ward) as Ryo Shishido
Jacob Hopkins (Fushi in To Your Eternity) as Suichiro Oishi
Michael Kovach (Letty in Dragon Goes House-Hunting) as Kanata Irie
YongYea (Pucci in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure STONE OCEAN) as Junichi Sasabe
  Crew (Episode 1-2)
ADR Director: Howard Wang
Assistant ADR Directors: Alejandro Saab, Stephen Fu
Lead ADR Engineer: Patrick Morphy
ADR Engineers: Alyssa Dumas, Natalie Van Sistine, Lindsay Roberts
ADR Script Supervisor: Howard Wang
ADR Script Writers: Howard Wang, Kris Knigge, Caitlyn Elizabeth
ADR Prep: Alex Mai, Breaugh Olsen
Mixing & Mastering Engineers: Alyssa Dumas, Greg Mahan
Line Producer: Amber Lee Connors
Production Coordinator: Suzie Yeung
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      The Prince of Tennis II: OVA
Joshua Waters (Miyano in Sasaki and Miyano) as Kuranosuke Shiraishi
Kylen Deporter (Sora in My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!) as Satoshi Horio
Brandon McInnis (Milo in Sabikui Bisco) as Chotaro Otori
Austin Tindle (Ryo in Shenmue the Animation) as Akaya Kirihara
Aaron Dismuke (Senku in Dr. STONE) as Oshitari Kenya
Ian Sinclair (Ronaldo in The Vampire Dies in No Time) as Gen'ichiro Sanada
Derick Snow (Shinra in Fire Force) as Eiji Kikumaru
Robbie Daymond (Megumi in JUJUTSU KAISEN) as Seiichi Yukimura
Ryan Colt Levy (Yamato in Scar on the Praeter) as Eishiro Kite
Christopher Wehkamp (Ruijerd in Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation) as Keigo Atobe
Mike Haimoto (Banri in Golden Time) as Bunta Marui
Ry McKeand (Miya in SK8 the Infinity) as Ryoma Echizen
  Crew (as of OVA 5)
ADR Director: Howard Wang
Assistant ADR Directors: Alejandro Saab, Stephen Fu, Mike Haimoto
Lead ADR Engineer: Patrick Morphy
ADR Engineers: Alyssa Dumas, Natalie Van Sistine, Lindsay Roberts
ADR Script Supervisors: Howard Wang, Kieran Flitton
ADR Script Writers: Howard Wang, Kris Knigge, Caitlyn Elizabeth, Beth Featherstone
ADR Prep: Alex Mai, Breaugh Olsen
Mixing & Mastering Engineers: Alyssa Dumas, Greg Mahan, Matt Grounds
Line Producer: Amber Lee Connors
Production Coordinator: Suzie Yeung
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    The Prince of Tennis II: OVA vs. Genius 10
  Christopher Wehkamp (Ruijerd in Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation) as Keigo Atobe
Daman Mills (Asakaze in Sonny Boy) as Kazuya Tokugawa
Ry McKeand (Miya in SK8 the Infinity) as Ryoma Echizen
Richard Barcenas as Jujiro Oni
Christopher R. Sabat (All Might in My Hero Academia) as Hoo Byodoin
Caitlyn Elizabeth (Croix Meridies in Little Witch Academia) as Kintaro Toyama
Ian Sinclair (Ronaldo in The Vampire Dies in No Time) as Gen'ichiro Sanada
Michael Kovach (Letty in Dragon Goes House-Hunting) as Kanata Irie
Robbie Daymond (Megumi in JUJUTSU KAISEN) as Seiichi Yukimura
Austin Tindle (Ryo in Shenmue the Animation) as Akaya Kirihara
Mike Haimoto (Banri in Golden Time) as Bunta Marui
ADR Director: Howard Wang
Assistant ADR Directors: Alejandro Saab, Stephen Fu, Mike Haimoto, Amber Lee Connors
Lead ADR Engineer: Patrick Morphy
ADR Script Supervisors: Howard Wang, Kieran Flitton
ADR Script Writers: Howard Wang, Kris Knigge, Caitlyn Elizabeth, Beth Featherstone, Marissa Lenti
ADR Prep: Alex Mai, Breaugh Olsen
Mixing & Mastering Engineers: Alyssa Dumas, Greg Mahan, Matt Grounds
Line Producer: Amber Lee Connors
Production Coordinator: Suzie Yeung
  With a whole new The Prince of Tennis anime also on the way, there's never been a better time to check out this Shonen Jump classic, right here on Crunchyroll!
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      Der shy man behind @Shymander, Liam is a timezone-fluid Aussie with a distinct fondness for anime, Eurovision and creating odd stats projects despite hating math.
By: Liam Dempsey
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therainrogue · 4 years
🎃 Frightful October '19 [31/31]
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Frightful October is a Halloween-themed set with eleven acts in total – these represent the overall theme or prompt for the three fics that fall into that act. The eleventh act is just one fic. Originally, I wanted to make these as creepy and scary as possible, but I’m not very good at writing horror, so most of these aren’t the least bit scary, in my own opinion, and most of them have fluffy endings ♥
Have a safe and happy Halloween 🎃!
xoxo Rain ^~^)/
Status: Complete
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🔖 Act I _  a u t u m n 🍂
001 🍂 Storm ⋩ Tetsuya Kuroko, Kuroko no Basket / friendship, fluff
002 🍂 Leaves ⋩ Daiki Aomine, Kuroko no Basket / family, fluff, comedy, au, domestic
003 🍂 Movie Marathon ⋩ Nathan Prescott, Life is Strange / angst, fluff, friendship
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🔖 Act II _  s p e l l b o u n d 🔮
004 🔮 Fly With Me ⋩ Rocky, ASTRO / au, magic, fluff, romance
005 🔮 Trust Me ⋩ Mark Lee, NCT / au, magic, comedy, crossover
006 🔮 Spell On You ⋩ Sandeul, B1A4 / fluff, magic, romance, crossover
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🔖 Act III _  d e m o n o l o g y 💀
007 💀 Make A Deal ⋩ Amber Liu / suggestive 16+, au, romance, crossover
008 💀 What I Want ⋩ Wonho, Monsta X / fluff, angst, au, romance, supernatural, crossover
009 💀 Can’t Give Up ⋩ Ricky, Teen Top / angst, supernatural, fluff, family, au
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🔖 Act IV _  b l o o d l u s t 🍷
010 🍷 Forbidden ⋩ Chenle, NCT / slice of life, high school au, supernatural, romance, crossover, vampire au, school
011 🍷 Jealousy ⋩ Cory, 24K / supernatural, romance
012 🍷 Guilt ⋩ Winwin, NCT / supernatural, fluff, angst
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🔖 Act V _  h a u n t e d 👻
013 👻 Urbex ⋩ Haechan, NCT / supernatural, au, fluff, friendship
014 👻 Ouija Board ⋩ Jaemin, NCT / supernatural, au, fluff, friendship, school
015 👻 School ⋩ Gon Freecs & Killua Zoldyck, Hunter x Hunter / supernatural, au, fluff, family, slice of life, school
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🔖 Act VI _ b a d l u c k 💥
016 💥  Black Cats ⋩ Sasuke Tsubaki, SKET Dance / supernatural, fluff, crack, romance
017 💥 Mirror ⋩ Ryoma Echizen, Prince of Tennis / fluff, comedy, slice of life
018 💥 Stranded ⋩ Izuku Midoriya, Boku no Hero Academia / angst, fluff, romance
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🔖 Act VII _ t r i c k o r t r e a t 🍬
019 🍬 Candy Corn ⋩ Gaara, Naruto / crack, fluff, au, friendship
020 🍬 Baking ⋩ Shunsuke Otosaka, Charlotte / slice of life, angst, fluff
021 🍬 Stalker ⋩ Yao Wang/China, Axis Powers Hetalia / angst, fluff
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🔖 Act VIII _ t e r r o r 🔪
022 🔪 Kidnapped ⋩ Saitama, One Punch Man / fluff, romance, slice of life
023 🔪 Murdered ⋩ Hildegarde, Beelzebub / angst, dark
024 🔪 Jane the Ripper ⋩ Denki Kaminari, Boku no Hero Academia / angst, dark, fluff, romance
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🔖 Act IX _ u n d e r t h e f u l l m o o n 🌕
025 🌕 Voodoo ⋩ Benedict Blue, Violet Evergarden / angst, supernatural, dark, romance
026 🌕 Howl ⋩ Yongguk, B.A.P / supernatural, romance, fluff
027 🌕 Lore ⋩ Slenderman, Creepy Pasta / supernatural, romance
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🔖 Act X _ h a l l o w s e v e 🎃
028 🎃 Jack-o-Lantern ⋩ Sam & Dean Winchester, Supernatural / angst, slice of life, family, comedy, fluff
029 🎃 Graveyard ⋩ Bunta Marui, Prince of Tennis / fluff, romance, slice of life
030 🎃 Costumes ⋩ Nate Rivers/Near, Death Note / fluff, family, slice of Life
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🔖 Act XI _ s p o o k y s c a r y s k e l e t o n s ☠️
031 ☠️ Happy Halloween! ⋩ Crossover / crack, crossover
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All my favorite guy characters!
Warning, this is very long. lol I’ve started this back in high school 14 years ago and have been adding to it ever since. I thought it would be fun to share here and show what things I’m into (fandom wise)
Teen Titans Aqualad Kid Flash Prince of Tennis Kaoru Kaido Tezuka Kunimitsu Shuusuke Fuji Shinji Ibu Ryoma Echizen (Only in the anime...) Eiji Kikumaru That one guy with the red long headband thing.. lol Tales of Symphonia Kratos Aurion Genis Sage Yuan IGPX Immortal Grand Prix Takeshi River Cunningham s-CRY-ed Ryuhou Asuka Tachibana Demon Diary Eclipse Fushigi Yuugi Chichiri Cardcaptors Lee Syaoran Eriol Yue Full Metal Alchemist Roy Mustang Envy Magic Knight Rayearth Ferio Eagle .Hack Balmung Bith the black Elk Moonstone Haseo Ovan Silabus Endrance Kuhn
Zoids Jack Sisco Raven Sonic Knuckles Megaman Chaud Protoman Zero Slayers Zelgadis Metal Gear Solid Master Otacon Raiden Tekken Lee Shaoran Jin Kazuma Hwoarang Naruto Kabuto Kakashi Sasuke Zabuza Kiba Super Smash Brothers Brawl Marth Ike Pit Toon Link Link Lucas Phantom Brave Ash Yugioh Bakura (Yami and Regular) Seto Kaiba Yami Yugi Valon/Varon Teen Pegasus Zane Truesdale/Ryu Marufuji (Yugioh GX) Mr. Banner and Pharoah (Yugioh GX) Bastion Misawa/Daichi Misawa (Yugioh GX) Syrus Truesdale/Sho Marufuji (sort of a cute thing...XD Yugioh GX) Atticus Rhodes/Fubuki Tenjione (Yugioh GX) The Gambler (lol Yugioh GX) Astir Pheonix/Edo Pheonix (GX) Jesse Anderson/Johan Anderson (GX) Yubel Jesse/Yubel Johan (GX) Jim 'Crocodile' Cook (GX) Adrian Gecko/Amon Garam (GX) Jaden Yuki/Judai Yuki (GX) (Especially season 4 Jaden. XD) Supreme King Jaden AKA Haou Judai (GX) (without his armor aka fanart lol) Yusei (5Ds) Jack Atlas (5Ds) Kalin/Kiryu (5Ds) Crow (5Ds) Gundam Wing Quetra Duo Maxwell Heero Yuy Cheng Outlaw Star Jim Hawking Gene Starwind Pirates of the Carribean Will Turner Final Fantasy Cloud(Final Fantasy 7) Vincent(FF7) Sephiroth(FF7) Reno(FF7) Irvine(FF8) Seifer(FF8) Squall Leonhart(FF8) Zidane Tribal (FF9) Auron(FFX) Balthier!!!! (FFXII) Genesis (Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core) Zack (Crisis Core) Snow (FFXIII)
Noctis (FFXV)
Prompto (FFXV)
Ignis (FFXV)
Rurouni Kenshin Sanosuke Rurouni Kenshin Aoshi Yu Yu Hakashu Hiei Jin Karasu Teen Koenma Kurama Shishiwakamaru Kuronue Kingdom Hearts Riku Zexion (from Kingdom Hearts chain of memories) Axel Demyx Luxord Marluxia Xemnas Xigbar Roxas Saix Ven Wild ARMS 3 Jet Enduro Clive Winslet Janus Cascade Matrix Neo Lord of the rings Pippin Took Merry Brandybuck Legolas Greenleaf Celebs Clay Aiken Ty Pennington Ashley Parker Angel Orlando Bloom Steve Bryn Teddy Greiger Ryan Seacrest Harry Potter Draco Malfoy Fred and George Weasley Cedric James Potter Sirius (when he was younger) Code Lyoko Odd Ulrich William Witch Hunter Robin Michael Wolf's Rain Hige Kiba Toboe One Piece Zolo (or Zoro) Shanks Ace Peacemaker Susumu Yamazaki Suzu Kitamura Getbackers Ban D.N.Angel Dark Satoshi Hiwatari Krad Daisuke Shaman King Ren or Len Yoh Horohoro or Trey Zeke Dragonball Z Android 17 Teen Trunks Supreme Kai Older Goten Vegeta Digimon Matt Henry Kouji Ken or Digimon Emperor Teen Izzy Mummymon Inuyasha Miroku Tokyo Mew Mew or Mew Mew Power Keiichiro (Known as Wesley on Mew Mew Power) Ryou (In Mew Mew Power he's known as Elliot..) Kish (known as Dren on Mew Mew Power) Fruits Basket Kyo Hatsuharu Yuki Vice president of the Student Council (can't remember name.. XD) Momiji Samurai Champloo Mugen Star Ocean Till the end of time Albel Nox Cliff Fittir Fayte Leingod Soul Calibur Maxi (with blonde hair) Kilik Raphael Kaleido Star Ken Yuri E's otherwise Eiji Yuuki Kai Shen-lon Saiyuki Sanzo Spirited Away Haku Angelic Layer Ouji Final Fantasy Unlimited Kaze Chrono Crusade Chrono (both demon and normal) Wish Koryu Kokuyo Bleach Ichigo Ichimaru Gin Captain Aizen Juvenile Orion Kaname Kusakabe Isshin Shiba Ultra Maniac Tetsushi Kaji Hiroki Tsujiai Yuta Kirishima Kare Kano His and Her circumstances Asaba Hideaki Full Moon O Sagashite Takuto Eichi Twinkle star sprites (A Mame32 or Dreamcast game) Griffon Tsubasa Resevior Chronicles Fai Kurogane Kamui Subaru Kimihiro Watanuki The Gorillaz 2-D X-men (any X-men) Nightcrawler Gambit W.I.T.C.H. Caleb Hands Off Youta Star Wars Obi-wan Kenobi (younger one don't ask..XD) Howl's moving castle Howl Xiaolin Showdown Raimundo Chase Young Galaxy Angel Takuto Lester Trigun Wolfwood Legato Alice 19th Kyo Frei Dragon Knights Thatz Kai-long Rath Lord Lykouleon Dream Saga Takaomi (Dream World/After Stage) Keima (Dream World) Vampire Game Darres Hume Illsade Pokemon Mewtwo Gary Brawly Morty Koga Tracy Aaron (or Riley or whatever xD) Legend of Dragoon Dartz Blonde haired King dude(can't remember name, starts with an L) Jet Set Radio Future Yo-yo Beat Corn (Tab) Final Fantasy Advent Children Cloud Vincent Reno Kadaj Devil May Cry Dante Xenosaga Kevin Chaos Tony Animal Crossing Aziz Sky high Stretchy dude (can't remember name..XD) Ouran High School Host Club Tamaki Suoh The Hitachin Twins Hunny Mori Kyoya Nekozawa Eragon Eragon Starfox Falco Lombardi Leon Powalski Wolf O' Donnell Storm Hawks Finn Aerrow Stork Code Geass Lelouch Suzaku Pheonix Wright Edgeworth Diego (Pheonix Wright 3) Godot (Phoenix Wright 3) Solty Rei Yuto Eureka 7 Holland The World Ends With You Joshua Beat Sho Minamimoto Kariya Prince Neku Mushi Shi Ginko Heroes Hiro Nakamura Peter Petrelli Fairy Tail Gray Loki Soul Eater Soul Evans Death the kid Kill la Kill Sanageyama League of Legends Azir Malzahar Ekko Fate Series Archer (From Fate Stay Night) Lancer (From Fate Zero and Stay Night) Gilgamesh
Yona of the Dawn
God Eater
Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans
Orga Itsuka
Assassination Classroom
A Certain Magical Index/Railgun
Accelerator (I don’t know why. lol)
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun
Seven Deadly Sins
Kamisama Kiss
My Hero Academia
Aizawa (Eraserhead)
Bungou Stray Dogs
Cavalier of the Abyss
Regis Nex
Ninoorut Noah
Akihiko Sanada
Nier Automata
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FictionalxLifexReality’s Wish List for the Kagome Xover Exchange @MizukixTsukiyomi
Here’s my wish list of animes/tv shows/movies/games and characters for the Kagome Xover Exchange! I’m open to any genres out there, although, I’m not too keen on anything that’s too dark or angsty.
I don’t mind receiving NFSW material, but if you ask me to do one, I can’t really say I can do it. I’ll do my best, but I don’t really know how to write one, let alone draw one, without messing up too horribly. 
These are all the animes/mangas I’ve watched and read, movies and TV shows I’ve enjoyed watching and games my brothers and I, well mostly my brothers, have played over the years, that I think would be interesting for a xover with Kagome.
07-Ghost: Teito Klein, Frau (Zehel)
Acchi Kocchi: Otonashi Io
Akagami no Shirayukihime: Zen Wistaria, Izana Wistaria, Obi
Amatsuki: Rikugō Tokidoki, Shinonome Kon, Kuchiha
Aoharu x Kikanjuu: Yukimura Tōru, Matsuoka Masamune
Black Blood Brothers: Mochizuki Jiro
Black Cat: Train Heartnet
Blood+: Haji, Solomon Goldsmith
Barakamon: Handa Seishū, Kotoishi Naru
Brave 10: Kirigakure Saizō, Sarutobi Sasuke
Bungou Stray Dogs: Dazai Osamu, Kunikida Doppo, Nakajima Atsushi
Cardcaptor Sakura: Kinomoto Tōya, Tsukishiro Yukito (Yue)
Clamp School Detectives: Imonoyama Nokoru, Ijyuin Akira, Takamura Suoh
Code:Breaker: Ōgami Rei
Cooking Master Boy/Chuuka Ichiban!: Liu Mao Xing, Lan Fei Hong
D.N.Angel: Niwa Daisuke, Dark Mousy, Hiwatari Satoshi, Krad Hikari
D.Gray-Man: Allen Walker, Kanda Yū, Lavi, Lenalee Lee
Dantalian no Shoka: Huey Anthony Disward, Dalian
Death Note: L, Yagami Raito
Durarara!!!: Heiwajima Shizuo, Orihara Izaya
Eyeshield 21: Hiruma Yōichi, Kobayakawa Sena, Shin Seijūrō
Fairy Tail: Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster
Free!: Nanase Haruka, Tachibana Rin, Matsuoka Rin
Fruits Basket: Sohma Yuki, Sohma Hatsuharu
Fushigi Yuugi: Hotohori, Tamahome, Nuriko, Mitsukake
Gakuen Alice: Hyūga Natsume
Gakuen Heaven: Itō Keita, Endō Kazuki, Niwa Tetsuya, Nakajima Hideaki, Shinomiya Kōji
Gakuen Mokushiroku/Highschool of the Dead: Komuro Takashi
GetBackers: Mido Ban, Amano Ginij, Fuyuki Shido, Fūchōin Kazuki, Kakei Jūbei, Akabane Kuro'udō
Ghost Hunt: Shibuya Kazuya (Naru, Oliver Davis)
Gosick: Kūjo Kazuya, Victorique de Blois
Gravitation: Sakuma Ryuichi, Shindou Shuichi, Eiri Yuki
Hagane no Renkinjutsushi/Fullmetal Alchemist: Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric, Roy Mustang
Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun: Inuzuka Shino, Inukawa Sōsuke, Satomi Riō, Inukai Genpachi, Inusaka Keno, Inumura Daikaku
Hakuouki: Hijikata Toshizō, Okita Souji, Hajime Saitou
Hamatora: Nice, Murasaki, Hajime, Art
Hatenkō Yugi: Alzeid, Rahzel Anadis (Rahzenshia Rose), Baroqueheat Anadis
Hayate no Gotoku: Ayasaki Hayate
Hetalia: North Italy (Italia Veneziano, Feliciano Vargas), Germany (Ludwig), Japan (Honda Kiku), China (Wáng Yào), America (Alfred F. Jones), England (Arthur Kirkland), France (Francis Bonnefoy), Russia (Ivan Braginsky), South Italy (Romano, Lovino Vargas), Spain (Antonio Fernández Carriedo)
Hikaru no Go: Shindō Hikaru, Fujiwarano Sai, Tōya Akira
Hyouka: Oreki Hōutarō
Junjō Romantica: Takahashi Misaki, Akihiko Usami
Kamisama Hajimemashita: Tomoe, Mizuki
Karneval: Gareki, Nai Muhinyi, Yogi, Tsukumo, Hirato, Akari, Karoku Arumerita
Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn!: Sawada Tsunayoshi, Reborn, Hibari Kyoya, Rokudō Mukuro
Kini’iro no Corda/La Corda D’Oro: 
Primo Passo: Lili, Tsukimori Len, Yunoki Azuma, Hihara Kazuki, Shimizu Keiichi, Ousaki Shinobu, Kanazawa Hiroto
Secondo Passo: Kaji Aoi, Etō Kiriya, Kira Akihiko
Blue♪Sky: Kisaragi Ritsu, Kisaragi Kyoya
Kyoukai no Kanata: Kanbara Akihito, Nase Hiroomi
Kyou Kara Maoh!: Shibuya Yuuri, Wolfram von Bielefelt, Gwendal von Voltaire, Conrart Weller
La storia della Arcana Famiglia/Arcana Famiglia: Libertà, Nova, Luca, Jolly, Pace, Ash
Love Stage!!: Sena Izumi, Ichijou Ryōma, Sena Shougo, Sagara Rei
Loveless: Agatsuma Soubi, Aoyagi Ritsuka, Aoyagi Seimei
Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist: William Twining, Dantalion, Sytry, Camio
Mamotte! Lollipop: Zero, Ichî
Matantei Loki Ragnarok: Loki, Heimdall (Higashiyama Kazumi)
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell
Mushishi: Ginko
Nabari no Ou: Rokujō Miharu, Yoite
Natsume Yuujinchou: Natsume Takashi, Nyanko-sensei (Madara), Tanuma Kaname, Natori Shuuichi, Matoba Seiji
Nightwalker: The Midnight Detective: Tatsuhiko Shido
No. 6: Shion, Nezumi
Noblesse: The Awakaning: Rai (Cadis Etrama Di Raizel), Frankenstein
Noragami: Yato, Yukine
Nurarihyon no Mago: Nura Rikuo
Ōkiku Furikabutte/Big Windup!: Mihashi Ren, Abe Takaya
Pandora Hearts: Oz Vessalius, Gilbert Nightray, Xerxes Break
Pet Shop of Horrors: Count D, Leon Orcot
Prince of Stride: Alternative: Yagami Riku, Fujiwara Takeru, Kuga Kyōsuke, Hasekura Heath
Ranma 1/2: Saotome Ranma
Rave Master: Haru Glory, Hamrio Musica
Recca no Honoo: Hanabishi Recca, Mikagami Tokiya
Rokka no Yuusha: Adlet Maia, Goldof Auora
Rurouni Kenshin: Himura Kenshin, Shinomori Aoshi
Saiunkoku Monogatari: Shi Seiran, Shi Ryuuki
Saiyuki:  Genjō Sanzō, Son Gokū, Cho Hakkai, Sha Gojō
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso: Arima Kousei, Miyazono Kaori
Shinrei Tantei Yakumo: Saitou Yakumo
Shokugeki no Soma: Yukihira Soma, Hayama Akira, Takumi Aldini, Kurokiba Ryō
Shounen Onmyouji: Abe no Masahiro, Guren/Touda
Shugo Chara!: Tsukiyomi Ikuto, Fujisaki Nagihiko
Skip Beat!: Tsuruga Ren
Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii: Livius Orvinus Ifrikia
S · A: Special A: Takishima Kei
Sakamoto desu ga?/Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto: Sakamoto, Hayabusa Shou
Sword Art Online: Kirito (Kirigaya Kazuto)
Tactics: Kantarō, Haruka
Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge: Tanaka, Oota
Tegami Bachi/Letter Bee: Lag Seeing, Gauche Suede, Sylvette Suede
Tennis no Ouji-sama/Prince of Tennis: Echizen Ryōma, Tezuka Kunimitsu, Fuji Shūsuke, Yukimura Seiichi, Sanada Genichirō, Shiraishi Kuranosuke, Echizen Ryoga
Touken Ranbu: Izuminokami Kanesada, Kogitsunemaru, Nakigitsune, Munechika Mikazuki
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle: Fai D. Flowright, Kurogane
Tsuritama: Sanada Yuki, Usami Natsuki, Haru, Akira Agarkar Yamada
Uta no☆Prince-sama♪:
Maji Love 1000%: Ittoki Otoya, Ichinose Tokiya, Jingujin Ren, Hijirikawa Masato
Maji Love 2000%: Kurosaki Ranmaru, Camus
Vampire Knight: Kiryū Zero, Kuran Kaname
Wolf's Rain: Kiba
X/1999: Shirō Kamui
xxxHolic: Watanuki Kimihiro, Dōmeki Shizuka, Ichihara Yuuko
Yami no Matsuei: Tsuzuki Asato, Kurosaki Hisoka, Muraki Kazutaka
Yu Yu Hakusho: Minamino Shūichi (Yōko Kurama), Hiei
Yu-Gi-Oh: Mutou Yugi, Yami Yugi (Atem), Kaiba Seto
Yumeiro Patissiere: Kashino Makoto, Andou Sennousuke, Hanabusa Satsuki
Yuri!!! On Ice: Katsuki Yuri, Viktor Nikiforov, Yuri Plisetsky
Zombie-Loan: Akatsuki Chika, Tachibana Shito, Kita Michiru
TV Shows:
Pokémon series (pick your favorite series!)
Avatar: Last Airbender 
BBC Sherlock: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson
BBC Merlin: Merlin, Arthur Pendragon, Guinevere
Supernatural: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
The Walking Dead
Hayao Miyazaki’s Films
Laputa: Castle in the Sky: Pazu, Sheeta (Princess Lusheeta Toel Ur Laputa)
Princess Mononoke: Ashitaka
Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi/Spirited Away: Haku (Nigihayami Kohaku Nushi)
Howl’s Moving Castle: Howl Jenkins Pendragon
Tales of Earthsea: Arren, Teru
Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea: Sōsuke, Ponyo, Lisa
The Secret World of Arrietty: Arrietty Clock, Shō
Battle Royale: Nanahara Shuya, Kiriyama Kazuo
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Percy Jackson
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
The Chronicles of Narnia: Peter Pevensie
Harry Potter
The Lord of the Rings: Legolas, Aragorn
The Hobbit: Bilbo Baggins
The Legend of Tarzan (2016)
The Jungle Book (2016): Mowgli, Baloo, Bagheera
Cinderella (2015)
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Rise of the Guardians: Jack Frost
Frozen: Elsa
The Little Mermaid: Ariel
How to Train Your Dragon: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Toothless
Tales of the Abyss: Jade Curtiss
Joker/Clover/Heart no Kuni no Alice: Peter White, Ace, Blood Dupre, Tweedle Dee and Dum, Julius Monrey, Boris, Airay, Joker, Gray Ringmarc, Nightmare Gottschalk
Devil May Cry: Dante, Vergil
Persona series
The Last Story: Zael (Elza), Yurick (Yuris), Therius (Tasha)
Kingdom Hearts: Sora, Riku, Roxas
Legend of Zelda: Link
Final Fantasy: Chocobos! Moogles!
VII: Zack Fair, Sepiroth, Aerith Gainsborough, Cloud Strife, Vincent Valentine
VIII: Squall Leonheart
X: Tidus, Yuna
XIII: Lightning, Noel, Caius, Yeul
XV: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto, Ignis, Gladiolus
Folklore: Ellen, Keats
Assassin’s Creed
Resident Evil (the movie franchise or the animated films or the game, your pick!): Alice (movie exclusive character), Leon S. Kennedy, Claire Redfield, Chris Redfield 
Silent Hill (the movies or the games, your pick!): 
1: Alessa Gillespie (also in the Silent Hill films)
2: James Sunderland
3: Heather Mason (aka Sharon Da Silva in the Silent Hill films)
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winnerthoughts · 7 years
tagged by my bby @winneresque <3
Rules: Repost this and tag 10 mutuals you want to get to know better.
🍓 fave fictional character: Kim Jung Hwan, Je Soo Ho, Eun Hwan Gi, Yoon Yoon Jae, Echizen Ryoma, Tsukimori Len, Louie, Kim Bok Joo, Lee Seon Ok, Jung Nan Hee 
🍰 fave book: I'm ashamed to say this but i don't read much these days, the only series that will NEVER bore me is Harry Potter :')
🎃 fave game: Pokemon Sapphire, Pokemon Pearl, Innocent Life
🎈 fave sport: lmao i don't do sports because i suck at it
🎠 last song i listened to:  Eat by Zion.T
⭐ first language: Mandarin
I tag (only if you want to ofc c:) @lonelyand-precarious @seunghoonnn @fckngtrsh @winnerho 
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idolschool · 7 years
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3rd generation member Xie Wan Ting (16) finally starting her activities as a Class Bridge member after finishing her tests and exams.
Nationality : Chinese
Birth Place: Shanghai
Birthday : 9-11-2001
Height : 167cm
Skill : Jazz , Basketball
Hobbies: Basket Ball, League of Legend , Listen to music
Dream : Be a better self, give happiness to others
Pet : Dog
Plants: Baby’s Breath
Food: Fruits , sour stuff, ice cream
Anime/game :  tennis no oji sama, Tokyo Ghoul, League of legend
Anime , Game Character:  Echizen Ryoma,  Yasuo
Artist : Lee Jong Suk, Dilraba, Zhou Xue
Movies/Dramas: W ,  Pinocchio
Book: Tiger-Team series
Sports: Basket Ball, Tennis , Badminton
Color : Orange , Blue
Numbers: 9 , 3, 4 ,11
Member Color : Red + Red
0 notes
moderncraftcouncil · 8 years
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( ( Craft-Art for Life- 04 出版 ) ) 来週末2/11-12、国連大学前で開催するTokyo Craft Marketでマガジン”Craft04”を発売します!
毎回クラフトマーケットに向け��出版する”Craft”は、クラフトをフォーカスに様々なジャンルのクリエイター取り上げております。 家具、アート、教育とあらゆる境界を超えて状況を作り出すJerszy Seymour、自然環境の恩恵を受け1500年と続く越前和紙、個性を吹き込むように家具を制作するデザイナーSanghyeok Lee、素材を混ぜ合わせ石を作り出しジュエリーを作るSAE HONDAなどなど。 February 2017 Concept: Teruo Kurosaki / Direction: Daisuke Horie, Tomoji Oya / Edit: Hideto Iida Translation: Lynn Watanabe / Transcription: Tove E. Dreiman / Design: Yutaro Yamada Article: Jerszy Seymour / Sae Honda / Lee Sanghyeok / Tatsunori Nagura / ECHIZEN WASHI Sugihara Washiya / WAGATABON Shinichi Moriguchi / Miyataya / Publisher: Modern Craft Council (M.C.C.)
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smilingangel582 · 1 year
For fun, btw... I wanna heal myself...
Spoilers for prince of tennis both old and new one.
Just for a laugh
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Freshmen hang out. The word itself seems too alien for Ryoma Echizen. He was called out by Dan Taichi to meet at the courts of Rokkaku Jr High. Basically hinting that the over-zealous guy Aoi Kentaro would be present as well.
He certainly didn't expect Kintaro Toyama to be making an entrance as well. Sipping his ponta with a slight concern for his peace, he mentally and psychologically prepared for the worst case scenario of three similar idiots with the same mindset.
Horio, Kachirou, and Katsu were invited too to help and watch their meet-up. The senpais insisted they had their own time right after the nationals.
"Amazing Echizen-kun! You've beaten the child of God!" From Aoi.
"Right!! I can't seem to catch up, desu(Note that Dan's habit of saying desu is a Japanese polite form... he uses it to imply more politeness than average)
"Koshimae! You promised we'll have a match together!" (Kintaro is a cutie who can't read Echizen's kanji name... so that's why it's reversed ... though i think he's intentionally saying it wrong now)
Exactly as he predicted. Ryoma sighed, now lowering his cap. "Jeez, you guys are like three siblings working together to torment me"
Aoi grabbed his wrist with excitement, gleaming over his large dark eyes. "Matte (wait), did we torment the indomitable Echizen-kun?"
"That's insane kentaro-kun!" Dan grabbed his other hand to stop him from finishing his drink. Matches barely began, Kintaro was whining that he wanted to settle the one point match with him. Of course, he's got no room to breathe as he pulled his wrists free. Sighing, he rolled his shoulder. "Alright, mada mada dane, how about a warm-up?"
"Good idea desu!" Dan got up and soon prepared the courts with the freshmen trio.
Horio said now, picking the baskets of balls over to the super freshmen rookies of Seigaku and Rokkaku. "ne, Echizen seems too stiff, as always..."
Katsu and kachiro exchanged similar sad expressions, and hearing this, Kintaro folded his arms above his head, looking up with wondering thoughts "now... Has Koshimae ever laughed? I never saw that side of him before"
Dan pondered too "me neither..."
From Horio "Though he's in my class, all he does is sleep... nothing special"
While Aoi and Ryoma warm up, it made Kintaro run after too, who left out of boredom to practice. Dan clapped when an idea popped to his head, "How about we make him laugh, desu
Katsu smiled now. "Hmm? That's a nice idea, but will it be easy?"
They knew it won't... nothing will crack the cold stoic Ryoma-kun. At least, that's what they believed.
Telling this plan to Kintaro and Aoi, who agreed with bright grins, it was an OK plan. Less did they know Ryoma was suspicious about their private conversations they had without him.
He ignored as always, though he had a lingering doubt, if it would be his own inconvenience.
First, it was Dan who constantly pretended to slip when his bandana fell over his eyes. It was without a doubt funny, but Ryoma's too slow. He turned to the fallen kid now frowning. "What's wrong?"
Embarrassed, he looks away "nothing desu, i slipped!"
Horio and the other two worked hard to do Dan's comic falls and trips, but all they got was a cold Ryoma saying, "Stop screwing around,"
Katsu groaned in defeat. "He's tough..."
Kachirou had a weak smile, now picking up the balls they dropped "Well we got time... don't worry"
After hours passing the afternoon swiftly, they still couldn't do so. Echizen seemed to intentionally have avoided it as he had vaguely noticed a plan being proceeded, though he didn't know the subject matter.
Finally, Aoi cleared his throat after his power served and dared to say, "What do you call a fake pasta?"
Ryoma, startled by this he made a weak lob to digest what Aoi suddenly said. "H-huh... what do you mean?"
"The answer..." he smashed, and Ryoma hits it back with a drive B that Aoi couldn't return.
"I don't know," patting the racket at the lame attempt of a joke. Aoi frozen by the amazing move stammered as he missed his ball "A-ah its an impasta!"
He laughed nervously now, receiving one of his own powerfully controlled serves, defeated. Utterly.
"I shouldn't have listened to davide-senpai..."
"Oh no," Echizen said with a hint of a smile. "His jokes were worse than yours... but it's not like I don't enjoy them"
"Wait, you enjoy them?" Aoi was surprised now, still, he was barely conscious that Ryoma was winning two games from him now.
"Kidding..." Sticking his tongue, he took his sets, leaving four games to six. He won.
"So mean Echizen-kun! You will pay for that, " he glared playfully. Still, they still couldn't make him laugh. He had a small smile, however... seeing how he didn't seem to mind their company anymore, he allowed it to slide.
Dan sighed, "Well, it was a good effort, Aoi-kun..."
Kintaro was next now tossing up and causing crazy moves, which Ryoma was able to predict even without the mugo no kyochi. Kachirou widened his eyes now. "Ryoma-kun had a hard time with him before the finals, but now he's gotten used to that insane irregular speed"
Aoi gave a wry smile, wiping his brow. "He's another monster too, huh?"
Ryoma missed another set though, seeing how kintaro was equal to four games with him.
"Hooooo!" Kintaro yelled as he was sent spinning up like a top from the courts. This was the move... and Ryoma kept his stance. "Superr ultra great delicious mountain-"
He stopped himself abruptly, suddenly losing his balance and falling face first on the dirt and laughing at himself for his stupid fall. Ryoma's eyes widened in puzzlement and pulled away from the stance "O-Oi... what is wrong with all of you?"
Kintaro still face down, was pretty funny and the rest snickered softly at that. Maybe they got to laugh but not Ryoma. Kintaro got up with a frowny dirty face "Aww guess Koharu and Yuji did it better, i might need to learn tricks!"
Using his racket's handle to irritably rub his temple, he asked. Now, finally, losing his patience. "Seriously... what's going on? I'm not stupid to notice you've been acting weird since the discussion this noon till now"
Everyone watched him, as if they were children who were being scolded by a teacher. Sighing, they gave up. All of them seemed to be in on this.
Dan said this, very apologetically "sumimasen, desu,(sorry) It was my idea... you've been a little rigid, and we've never seen you laugh before"
Ryoma looked at him thoughtfully, then thought a little longer and sighed exaperatedly. "Hmm... is that's what this is about? Why do you care whether i laugh or not?"
Aoi broke in emotionally, reaching for his hand with a tight, hopeful clasp. "But Echizen-kun's smile fits him perfectly, i cant imagine it any longer!!"
Awkward, he couldn't get away from the strong hold at all. The idiots strength is formiddable, thought Ryoma. This time, Kintaro grabbed his other hand with sparkly eyes,"Koshimae! You don't look like you enjoy my matches... so why don't you laugh out a bit once in a while"
"Please Echizen-kun?" Dan
"Yes, Ryoma-kun..." katsu
"Can you do it for us Ryoma-kun?" Kachirou
Again, Ryoma didn't understand what was happening. He totally can't force a laugh when nothing is funny and nothing is happening around him. Has he never laughed before? Well, apart from challenging Atobe with a maniacle laugh, he probably sees where they're coming from.
"Well, you will eventually hear it... Toyama, let's continue" he turned away breaking their hearts instantly.
"Normally, I'd be happy, but Koshimae is being mean," Kintaro pouted.
Ryoma stiffened now, wondering the hell he should do to stop weird ideas coming to them.
Aoi was seeing how a warfare of thoughts happening in ryoma's head.
True, they can't force it out... but then again... he got another idea to crack him... problem is if it's effective.
"Echizen-kun, what's that...?" He pointed at the side past Kintaro, who both looked back as well.
"Where -oof!"
A temporary moment of distraction, Aoi tackled him to the ground. His tall frame was a big of a wall for Echizen to cross over. Shock was all he had in his eyes but a horrified looks was when he felt fingers dig into his sides.
"What are you -hngh!"
Clapping a hand to his mouth, he knew exactly what Aoi was doing, and he didn't like it one bit. They wouldn't dare... no, they would, in fact! They had devilish grins that sent shivers down his spine.
"Of course, I forgot the most obvious method of all..." Aoi grinned even wider still trying to force out laughs from a restraining Echizen.
"Ehh, so someone like Echizen can be ticklish?" Horio said with amusement.
The latter on the ground curled to the side, squeaking out sounds he regretted letting out, "S-stop that!"
"He looks surpsingly cute," Dan said with bewilderment. The trio agreed with giggles.
Kintaro sneered and wiggled his fingers before descending with Aoi, "koshimaee~ wants some more? Here ya go!" With that, he grabbed his knees, which was accidental, yet it made Ryoma kick violently, narrowly missing his jaw, "Gah! Wahait... stohop it!"
That was a bad spot. Echizen panicked, he could handle anywhere but there! And there!
Shit! He swore, this was all messed up, he's suddenly cracking.
"Do I hear giggles from the stoic Echizen-kun?" Aoi's sunshine smile glistened over him, how Ryoma wished to step on his face.
"Nohoho yohou dihihid not hehehear ahahahanythihihing! Leheheave mehehe behehehe!" Ryoma curled back now trying to escape the touches, but then again, it's two against one. Hence, except in tennis, he can't win against that unfair combination.
"Yes, Aoi-kun, Echizen-kun's adorably giggling! I want to join too, desu!" Dan stepped in as well to grab one of his arms and help tackle his ribs while Aoi went to his slender waist.
It's too much. He can't believe they'd resort to something stupid... why do they even care? Questions aroused his mind, and soon, his face had an adorable flush of embarrassment.
"Ne, ne..." Dan said, coming over to his head now, "Have you heard that laughter is the best medicine, Ryoma?"
"Ehehehenough yohohou guhuhuys! Ihihihi mehehehean ihihit!"
"No, no... mada mada dane? Right Echizen kun?" Aoi teased him with his own catchphrase, and that made him lower his head back in helpless titters.
It was rather rare to hear him laugh genuinely. Everyone was more dazed than determined. His laugh was contagious, soft, and mellow... almost sweet like a child's.
"To think an uncute guy like koshimaee can be mega cute!" Kintaro was vigorously using methods like scribbling under the calf muscles which nobody knew that were sensitive.
"Shiraishi said sportsmen have sensitive knees, calf muscles, and ankles... now I know he's telling the truth"
"Ihihihi ahahaham nohohot! Oohohoi! Stohohop ihihit!"
Dan couldn't help shower gentle tickles over his neck, and Aoi was more focused on getting his ribs.
"Wait... you're defensive here..." Aoi said, now aiming for the spot below his armpits. It was the last straw. His giggles raised an octave and much louder. "OHOHOK Cuhuhuhut it out nohohohow! IHIHIHI SWEHEHEHEAR ihihit!"
"Ken-chan found the gold mine yippiii!" Kintaro giggled now, pinning his failing ankles down.
"Plehehehaseee!" Ryoma widened his eyes when he heard himself begging and then shuts his words.
This made everyone look at each other with surprise but then contorted to menacing grins. Kintaro taunted now. "Oyaa? Koshimae begging...? That's pretty intense... he's so weak to such a little thing?"
Rolling his eyes, Aoi presses harder to the death spot "Of course, not to injure your pride, Ryoma... but we all know you begged just now... want to do it again?"
"YEHEHEAH NOHOHOT IHIHIN A MIHIHILLION YEAAARS! GAHAHAHA!" He turned away now trying to pushing away the annoying nimble fingers tormenting his worst spot.
"You heard him. Let's defeat him from a one-sided tickle fight... ne?"
Ryoma Echizen was at their mercy.
Meanwhile, from a distance, the senpais had arrived. The seigaku, rokkaku, and shitenhoji and even Jin Akutsu accompanied them for Dan's sake. All these schools arrived to see their freshmen's little hangout. Surpsingly, what they heard was lovely laughter on the far distance by the courts.
"Are they really not training?" Shiraishi sighed in sudden confusion, "honestly I thought Echizen would be more responsible over them"
Fuji said warmly. "Even i thought so to... well he's not the type to care..."
"I wonder who's laughing... It's certainly not Kin-chan,"
Akutsu scoffed coldly. "Not even Taichi..."
"Aoi's got a much louder one that's annoying," Saeki said with a smile..
"Well, it could be seigaku definitely..." Chitose said with fondness.
The said-school exchanges startled looks, Inui folded his arms "Based on the tone, I think it's not Kachiro though he fits close to that sound... so that means... its Echizen"
"Uso! (No way), i wanna see Ochibi (cutie) right now!" Eji was the first one to run through the path and into the courts to see for himself. He had a bright grin when Oishi followed.
Of course, the senpais saw it with their own eyes. Startled and in love with the sweet sounds. Aoi was definitely breaking him along with Dan and Kintaro ... those merciless devils.
"To think he can have such a side, interesting... even i want to break him like that..." Fuji's sadism triggered as he was giving an aura that made Shiraishi sigh in familairty."Seigaku, save that freshman from this man"
Fuji smiled with sweetness. "Whatever do you mean dear Saeki?"
They approached the freshmen, and Aoi was the first to stop, and then Dan.... they all shyly giggled at the funny display. Kintaro was having a blast that he failed to notice anyone and still didnt let poor Ryoma free. Nobody stopped the red head while he tried to push him off to stop it.
Aoi stuck his tongue in appology for the silliness, "Ahhh, senpai! Sorry, we were practising, but... Echizen was being a stick in the mud... so we gotta lighten him up, " he pointed out with a fond smile."So we thought to make him laugh..."
"Bahahastard! Ahahaha! CUhuhuUHUHUT IHIHIHIT OHOHOUT!"He tried to threaten Aoi but failed when Kintaro was strong and persistent to get him even more, as he scavenged for the sweet spot that Aoi found. He found it at last.
Momoshiro suddenly seemed thrilled as he cracked his knuckles, "How about you let the senpais deal him now, Toyama..."
Kintaro looked up now, a well-deserved break from Ryoma's prior torment. He grinned now, stopping for real, "Ehh? OK then, he got a bad spot under his arms but above the top ribs... get him there... its cute when he snorts!"
"IHI dohoho nohohot -!"
Ryoma sensed the worst conclusion being drawn immediately as he interrupted himself, trying to escape. He was slowly turning to his stomach.
"Running away? I don't think so! Momo, get him right there!" Eji pounced first by grabbing his waist, and soon new resumed laughter was heard, Dan exchanged glances with the other freshmen as the Seigaku senpai handle their freshmen with care and tickles.
It was a beautiful evening that's being folded. Dan was glad he set up this hangout with the freshmen.
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mitosjpenespanol · 3 years
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Espíritu de un difunto, el fantasma de un muerto.
Nemoto Yajiyemón era el daimyō de Echizen. Era un hombre justo, ahorrador y amable con todos. El día que murió, todos sus súbditos lloraron su partida, a excepción de los sirvientes de su palacio, que sabían que el el hombre había dejado una cuantiosa fortuna. Aprovecharon que la familia de Yajiyemón estaba inmersa en las celebraciones fúnebres y se organizaron para robar la fortuna del finado.
Con el pretexto de pagar algunas deudas pendientes, accedieron a los documentos privados y los modificaron para hacer creer que las deudas eran mayores que la fortuna que había dejado. Además, poco a poco sacaron los muebles y objetos del palacio hasta dejarla vacía.
No teniendo recursos para pagar lo supuestamente adeudado, la familia de Yajiyemón fue exiliada de Echizen, pues en aquel tiempo los descendientes eran los responsables de las faltas del padre fallecido.
La desdichada viuda fue llamada al tribunal para escuchar el decreto que oficialmente la expulsaba a ella y a sus hijos de la ciudad. Con gran pesar se dispuso a escuchar la sentencia. A su alrededor, los sirvientes que habían urdido el engaño fingían aflicción, pero en su interior esperaban que pronto terminara la reunión para disfrutar de la fortuna que acababan de robar.
Una joven sirvienta que desconocía lo sucedido empezó a sentirse mareada y a murmurar cosas incomprensibles. Su murmurar cada vez era más rápido y fuerte, lo que llamó la atención de los presentes. Exasperado, el funcionario del tribunal se detuvo, pero la joven comenzó a convulsionar y tanto él como los asistentes intentaron ayudarla.
Antes de que la joven fuese tocada, rápidamente se levantó con un semblante serio. Y con la voz de Yajiyemón, empezó a hablar: "Escúchenme. Yo soy Yajiyemón y he vuelto a contarles toda la verdad. Estoy lleno de rabia y dolor, pues mis sirvientes han ensuciado mi nombre y han dañado a mi falilia. Son ingratos ¡y también son unos criminales! Quiero que en mi presencia se verifiquen los libros del metsuké, pues yo no le debo nada a nadie. ¡Exijo que se le devuelva todo a mi esposa e hijos!".
Todos en el tribunal guardaron silencio. Estaban espantados. Finalmente, se mandaron traer los libros contables del funcionario de la administación y la muchacha, hablando como el difunto, explicó detalladamento lo registrado en el libro. Además, realizó los cálculos y escribió la información en un papel con la misma caligrafía que el hombre. Se comprobó que Yajiyemón no debía nada; por el contrario, había un exedente en la caja del tesoro, por lo que su fortuna debía ser reestituida y entregada a sus hijos y esposa, quienes injustamente estaban siendo exiliados.
Terminada la revisión, la mujer, con la voz y los movimientos exactos del finado, dijo: "Ha quedado demostrado que fui traicionado por los trabajadores de mi propia casa. Mi nombre está limpio, vuelvo al lugar de donde he venido". La joven puso los ojos en blanco y se desvaneció.
Durante dos días la doncella permaneció inconsciente. Cuando despertó, no recordaba lo ocurrido. El espíritu de Yajiyemón la había poseído. La mujer fue atendida por sacerdotes budistas para que recuperara sus fuerzas; se celebraron ceremonias por el descanso del daimyō y los empleados infieles fueron exiliados de Echizen.
Lee mitos griegos aquí
Lee mitos coreanos aquí
Lee mitos chinos aquí
Fuente de la imagen: Utagawa Toyokuni "Actor Onoe Matsusuke como un fantasma, fragmento de tira que muestra a Matsusuke en varios papeles". Museo de Bellas Artes de Boston.
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winnerthoughts · 8 years
Get To Know Me Tag
Tagged by @winneresque (I'm sorry this took me so long 😭😭) 
Rules: Answer the 20 questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better. 
Nickname: Nini, pokpok, teruya, queen 
Gender: Female 
Star Sign: Leo 
Height: 157cm 
Time right now: 6:26pm
Last thing I googled: tumblr lmao 
Favorite Solo Artists: Lee Hi, Oh Hyuk, Leona Lewis, Terry Lin and there's a lot more hehe 
Song Stuck In Your Head: My Romeo by Jessi 
Last Movie I Watched: I don't think I watched any movies recently 
Last Tv Show I Watched: csi 
When Did You Create Your Blog: somewhere around June last year 
What Kind Of Stuff Do You Post: winner related posts/gifs 
When Did Your Blog Reach Its Peak: it never did and never will I'm fine with that 😂😂 
Do You Have Any Other Blogs: er yea it's teruyaayano but it's like a cemetery there haha 
Do You Get Asks Regularly: nope not at all but I would love to get them once in a while :') 
Why Did You Choose Your URL: well when I was still an otaku I made a blog just so I could update my daily life everyday like I'm writing my diary and I couldn't think of any blog url so I named it weebthoughts lmao and since I got myself into the ic fandom I just changed it to winnerthoughts ahaha I know it's very uncreative OTL 
Following: 716 blogs :') 
Posts: 6,328 
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor???? idk tbh 
Pokemon Team: idk lmao I'm sorry 😂 
Favorite Colors: grey, green, brown 
Average Hours of Sleep: on weekdays it would be 5-6 hours but 7-8 hours on weekends 
Lucky Numbers: 7 
Favorite Characters: Kim Jung Hwan, Je Soo Ho, Eun Hwan Gi, Shim Bo Nui, Echizen Ryoma, Tsukimori Len, Kim Bok Joo, Jung Joon Hyung, Jung Nan Hee, Lee Seon Ok, Louie, Kazehaya Shota, Oga Tatsumi, Kuronuma Sawako, Kunieda Aoi, Himekawa Tatsuya and more but I can't possibly list them all out :') 
What Are You Wearing Right Now: a knee-length yoga pants and an orange shirt 
How Many Blankets Do You Sleep With: one 
Dream Job: a singer/actress
Dream Trip: travel the world with friends and family ofc 
I tag @lonelyand-precarious @seunghoonnn @fckngtrsh @winnerho (only if you want to ofc c:)
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