#ler!park jimin x reader
il0veyoujk · 2 years
Just imagine 10 S2
"Nohoho stohohop!" you cry in giggle hysteria as your best friend is stroking your feet up and down with his blunt nails. And all that while you were just watching a movie and you wrongly decided to put your feet on his lap.
"Stop? Why? Isn't that why you put your feet here? For a massage!" Namjoon chuckles and only keeps stroking your feet unstoppably, slowly speeding up and then suddenly stopping. And that has been going on and on and on for almost one hour now!
You have thrown your head back in hysterical giggles as you try your hardest to focus on the movie, but you always fail once his nails reach the middle of your soles. You may flinch, but you know you cannot go anywhere. Namjoon is gripping your ankles gently but at the same time firmly enough to hold you in place and make you feel each and every hypersensitive stroke.
Suddenly though, someone walks in. Someone you wish he never entered. Jungkook.
"What?! We are tickling y/n without me?!" he exclaims shocked, completely ruining the whole massage cover. Discreetness 10/10.
Namjoon bursts into laughter, showing his adorable dimples, and shakes his head "Yehes Kookie we are! But you can join! This movie is boring anyway..."
"Hey, you are doing it wrong though!" the younger lad yells in mock frustration once he sees how slowly Namjoon is torturing you "That's how you should do it!" and without a single warning, he gently grabs one of your feet and starts scribbling on your soles like a madman.
"BWAHAHAHA NAHAHAO AHAHAHA NAHAHAHAT THAHAHAT AHAHAHA!" you shriek at the top of your lungs and start kicking out in hysteria. That's why you don't want Jungkook near you when it comes to tickling! He kills you every time!
"See? That's the right way!"
"Ohhh... So like this!" Namjoon smirks and copies Jungkook's movements, only to get a way harder and louder reaction from you "Hehe you are right! She goes crazy with this!"
"EHEHEXCUSE MEHEHE! I'M HERE!" you scream and kick out like your life depends on it, completely flustered from all the teasing without even actually talking to you! You almost kick the poor lads in the face from flailing around like a fish out of the water and laughing at the top of your lungs.
"Aw cutie we see you! And we hear you!" Jungkook chuckles, focusing on the base of your toes to drive you even madder than you already are!
"And we'll keep hearing you until the end of the movie..." Namjoon grins and keeps torturing your hypersensitive foot, as your screams of ticklishness are probably making the whole neighborhood think someone's killing you.
Let's just say you're watching The Titanic... 2 more hours of tickling are coming riiiiight up!
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ticklybtswriter · 5 years
summary: having been dragged to a video shoot by your seven friends, you thought nothing of it. well, until you found out what your true purpose of it was.
author’s note: this is my first tickle fic ever and i’m honestly pretty nervous but also really pumped to write it!! there’s obviously a lot of room to grow and i do accept constructive criticism so if you have any tips, let me know!! but other than that,i hope you all enjoy it!! -rosalie
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You knew that something was going on when Jungkook and Jimin practically begged you to come to their next video. They’d even gone as far as to pull out the puppy dog eyes, a surefire way to get you to do whatever they wanted. So, you gave in and accompanied them to the filming site.
In truth, you weren’t really paying attention to what was going on around you. That was probably your second mistake after allowing yourself to be dragged here in the first place.
But it wasn’t really your fault for not focusing either. You had always felt a bit off when on set with them. You weren’t an idol or a staff member who had a specific job to be doing. You were just sort of there... That’s why you kept your head down, staring at your phone for a good amount of time. As far as you were concerned, your surroundings were nothing of importance. Sounds were white noise. Well, they were until-
“Blah blah, tickle-”
Your head instantly shot up, the realm of your phone drifting from your mind in a single second. A sudden tingle opened up in the pits of your stomach at the sound of that dreaded word. A blush took over your face as the man described the game. A game that involved them tickling one another.
Those sons of bitches... this was their plan all along. They begged you to come here so they could get you flustered beyond belief... Those dicks.
Your revelation was soon confirmed when you saw Yoongi, the god of anticipation and probably the mastermind of this entire scheme, send a wink your way. That in itself made you start to subtly squirm.
Ever since they found out about your little secret, the boys would look for any excuse to absolutely wreck you. If you made a snarky comment or you reached up to grab something, you instantly fell victim to their mischievous smirks and tortuous fingers. Hell, sometimes they didn’t even look for a reason to attack you. You couldn't even begin to count the number of times Jin or Jungkook saw you going about your day and decided to trail circles with their fingers across your stomach.
You shivered at the memories.
They wasted no time in starting your their torture. The game was similar to the one they had done a few years ago where they had water in their mouths. In this one, there was no water, and the object was to hold in their laughter, a game that Hoseok constantly made you play.
Jimin was up first. It wasn’t hard for the boys to break him. A few simple tweaks against his sides and to his neck was enough to side him into hysterics.
It was the same with Namjoon. Namjoon puts up this great act, but he is definitely just as ticklish as some of the others. (Don’t get it twisted, though, he will still tickle the shit out of you and is in no way a ler to be trifled with.)
The entire time this was happening, you were stuck in your seat. You wanted to squirm since the faded memories of their hands scratching mercilessly at your skin was returning to the forefront of your mind while at the same time not wanting to attract any attention to yourself. So, you sat there, suffering while imagining yourself in the position of whoever was getting attacked.
Halfway through Yoongi’s turn, a staff member noticed your flushed face and asked, “Are you alright?”
“Hmm? Yeah!” You whispered while waving her off. “I’m fine, thank you!”
“Are you sure? You look pretty red.”
“Yeah, you know, actually, do you know where I can get some water?”
She told you that there was a room in the hallway where a bunch of snacks and beverages were set up for the staff and guys. You saw this as a window of opportunity to inconspicuously leave the set and hide in their dressing room.
The moment you opened that door, you threw yourself onto the couch. You grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. The images of them tickling each other, just to mess with you, were fresh in your mind and were replaying over like a broken record. Those memories only served to push your further and further into a lee mood. Oh, how you wished vengeance upon them...
Perhaps an hour passed before you heard the door open and multiple pairs of feet sounded around you. You couldn’t see them because you had hidden in a large blanket, both as an act of protest against them and to mask just how flustered you really were.
“Aww,” Hoseok cooed. “Is someone being shy?”
“No,” You grumbled.
You felt the couch dip beside you and someone lean against your curled-up self. That person asked, “No? But you seemed so into it before you ran off!”
“Yeah, that wasn’t very nice, you know.” 
You ignored Tae and Jimin’s words and buried yourself deeper into the blanket. You let out a soft curse that you thought would be muffled by the thick fabric, but you were proven wrong.
“What was that, baby girl?”
You knew you were fucked. Why? Because Namjoon had done two things just then. The first was call you ‘baby girl’ because he definitely knew how that nickname made you blush. The second was use the tone of voice that held pure, mischievous ler-ness. The realization kept your tongue firmly in your mouth.
“Hyung,” Jungkook piped up. “I think Y/N is ignoring you!”
“I think you’re right!”
“Well, we have to do something about that!” Jin announced.
Right after he said that, the blanket was ripped from your body. You shivered at the sudden loss of warmth but didn’t have much time to think on it before they pounced. Your arms, after only a few seconds of struggle, were pulled over your head while someone gathered your ankles in their strong arms.
“Wahait!” You giggled. “This isn’t fahahair!”
“Oh, and why’s that?” Yoongi questioned as he inched his nimble fingers towards your now-bare stomach.
“B-Because, you were the ones that put me in th-this mood by bringing me here!” Perhaps you got a little too confident in your accusation. You figured that out when Tae, the one holding your sock-clad feet you discovered, gasped.
“Now you’re accusing us for your behavior?”
“You just dug your own grave, princess!” Hoseok smirked.
All seven pairs of hands descended upon your body as if they were a singular unit. At once, every nerve was aight with the ticklish sensations.
Namjoon had taken residence beside your head so that he could reach over and scribble at your underarms. You desperately wanted to pull your hands down, but Jungkook, with his great strength, made sure that you couldn’t. He used his free hand- yes, the bastard was only using one hand to keep you in place- to wiggle his fingers into your neck. On instinct, you pressed your head to your shoulder to attempt to ease the ticklish feelings but only succeeded in keeping his hand right where he wanted.
“Aww, cutie!” Jungkook gushed. “You trapped my fingers! I can’t get them out!”
“Yeheheah! I-I knhow!”
“Oh, is the ticklee getting a little sassy?” Hoseok used this as an incentive to squeeze your left side even harder while Jin was busily spidering his fingers on your right.
“N-Nohoho, I-I’m nohoHOHOT!” You exclaimed when Yoongi decided to stop poking at your stomach and ventured to wiggle his finger in your belly button.
You let out a squeak when Jimin decided to squeeze at your knees with one hand and squeeze your hip with the other. It made him break out into this giddy smile, “I’m so glad you like this, angel! It means we get to hear these adorable sounds of yours all. The. Time.” He accentuated each word with another squeeze to your hips.
“He’s right!” Jin shouted over your frantic laughter. “And you’re just so cute like this!”
Hums of approval came from each of the men around you, and if you weren’t blushing furiously before, you definitely were now.
“STOHOP TEHEHEASI-” You couldn’t even get the final syllable out before Namjoon picked up the speed in scratching at your armpits.
“Never.” Yoongi plainly told you with that devilish smile. “You love it too much.”
You were embarrassed beyond words, your body was spent, and you wanted nothing more than to curl back up in that blanket to hide. But at the same time, you were so blissfully happy. That smile on your face wasn’t in any way forced; it really was just a truly adorable sight to behold.
They were right in that you were enjoying every second of it, and they knew that. It was why they were having so much fun, too. They had the power to both wreck and tease you out of your mind while also giving you such joy, a deadly combination.
After a while, though, tears started forming and your breath was a little too shallow for comfort.
“Alright, let’s give her some air.” Namjoon firmly spoke. He ruffled your hair affectionately. “Can’t kill you just yet.”
Jungkook let go of your arms after one more teasing flick of his fingers to your neck. When he finally did, you rubbed at your stomach to ease away the ghost tickles that still remained and you brought your knees to your chest. Everyone around you chuckled at your instantaneous reaction, all murmuring of your cuteness in doing so.
“You ready to go home?” Yoongi asked, taking your hand in his.
So you all can destroy me more? “Yeah.”
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wellloveandpeace · 6 years
Poly!BTS x Reader
LifeLine - 6
Summary: What happens when a witch curses seven vampires to share one fated mate between them?
Immortals - 10
Summary: Sometimes, you find your destiny. And sometimes, your destiny does whatever it takes to keep you.
Tell Me Your Lies - 17
Summary: Even the sweetest of angels will sin.
Love Ourselves - 4
Summary: The boys have been cursed since their debut. The more success they receive, the more pain they will feel in their hearts. However this is not an actual curse, it is one they have placed upon themselves. The more they continued to grow as BTS, the more hatred that grew in their hearts. Recently, the darkness in their hearts has been growing stronger and stronger, but what happens, if they meet one person that seems to somehow make it go away?
Intertwined - 6
Summary: *
String of Fate - 9
Summary: They set fire to the world around them but would never let a flame touch her.
Recrudescence - 16
Summary: It’s nearly easy as breathing (for six of them, at least) for BTS to pretend to be just like everyone else - humans with big dreams and aspirations. But one person brings the façade crashing to the ground and for some reason, they just can’t let her go.
At Last - 9
Summary: Since the beginning of their existence, BTS has been cursed to share one soulmate with each other. It doesn’t help that she’s mortal and they’re not.
Need - 2
Summary: Sometimes you find your mate, and sometimes you find three. Life is funny that way.
Oath Of Desires - 8
Summary: It had only been them three for a long time. Not one person more, not one person less – just Jungkook, Taehyung and [Name]. Jungkook was elated when Taehyung and [Name] told him that they had become a couple. He literally could not have been happier. They were his favourite couple, and he loved them both…. A little too much.
Taste of Menace - 11
Summary: Your first time watching the underground fight took a completely wrong turn, why were you the only one laying lifeless on the cold ground when you weren’t even fighting?
Finish Line - 1
Summary: Being mated to seven men hadn’t always been easy. often more than not a healthy competitive streak rose amongst them, getting you pregnant just happened to be one of those competitions.
Baise La Peur - 3
Summary: is it a coincidence that eight friends all go missing within a year? of course not. but who’s there to notice? in order to survive, they all must do things they would never dare to in any other situation. trust is broken, relationships are severed, and lives are torn apart. but are they still able to get out alive? of course not.
Wild Ones - 7.3
Summary: Hybrids had long since been thought of as myths. You were one of those who didn’t believe they existed, until you found yourself mated to 7 of them.
It’s a Dangerous Pastime - 1
Summary: They really want you, more than anything, in fact. However, they don’t want to scare you away. They are trying to take their time and slowly insert themselves into your life, but plans change when need spikes to an all-time high.
Tuqburni - 3
Summary: You've spent two years building a life with Yoongi who you loved more than anything in the world. Now, his ex-boyfriend Jimin is back in the picture, and Yoongi begs you not to make him choose between the two of you, offering the choice of a polyamorous relationship. Though your heart is shattered, you agree.
Pandemonium - 2
Summary: As a broke college student trying to cover your basic needs along with some student debt, you realize maybe the whole ‘sugar daddy’ fad could be the new move. Thus you meet Park Jimin.....and his six other brothers.
The Whisperer - 3
Summary: Y/N is a lonely shelter worker with a secret. Suddenly, seven hybrids get thrust into her life in an unexpected, but not unwanted way. This is how their lives together progress and change for the better.
So Far Away - 6
Summary: On a cold Winter’s evening, the boys decide to have a little fun, before the busy day of Christmas in the morning. That is until an unexpected guest arrives at their home.
Call Me Yours - 3
Summary: Seokjin didn’t expect his new potential owner to be blind, but with the threat of being sent to a breeding clinic looming over his head, he’ll do anything.
Bunny Blues - 8
When Namjoon adopted you from his local shelter, he had been a perfect owner -- following all the bunny nutritional guidelines he needed too, buying you things you needed and even wanted, gave you all the attention you could have.
Now, almost a little over a year later, it was all falling apart.
The Dog Days Are Over - 6
Summary: You weren’t sure how this happened. You ended up with seven dogs. You were the crazy dog lady, that is, until, they no longer were your furry companions.
Discipline - 8
Summary: Your father has had enough and so he goes to greater measures to make sure you leave your bad ways behind.
Gathering The Chosen Seven - Prologue
Summary: When you thought that gathering seven different warriors was already a hard task, keeping them together seems like another struggle for you, especially when they rarely get along.
Candlelit Nightmare - 1
Summary: He can’t bring himself to introduce himself to you, so he lays in bed and touches himself to the thought of you instead.
I’ll Still Stay - 4
Summary: When reader goes to a local shelter, she plans on adopting one hybrid. At seeing the treatment of the hybrids, she unexpectedly goes home with seven, who already seem incredibly attached to her.
Veni Vidi Amavi - 2
Summary: you go to a hi-touch event immediately after a concert, high off of adrenaline. but meeting your favorite idols isn’t as fun as you expected.
Mirror - 2
Summary: Y/N is a big fan of fan fictions, her favorite genre? Yandere and/or dark romance. One night she fell asleep while reading a yandere story about her favorite K-pop group. What will happen she found herself being in the story as an idol and all of the members of BTS are obsessed with her?
Summary: When life gives you lemons, make cocktails! It doesn’t solve any problems, but then again neither do lemonades. Besides, it has the word cock in it, just like what the Bangtan boys have on them. So, why don’t you just suit yourself?
Seven Deadly Sins
Summary: *
Summary: You are the only female crew member on a 12 year space mission with seven handsome men. The sexual tension is real, y’all.
Under Fire
Summary: As a child you lived among the most wealthy and powerful, after the death of your mother you were shipped off to stay with her sister. Even after finishing your education you continue to live apart from the elite, but a visit home creates an unexpected disaster. You are suddenly roped into a darker world, and who better to be your guide than the infamous gang known as BTS.
House of Cards: Sacrificial Lamb
Summary: *
Money makes the mob
Summary: Namjoon is a crime lord. you’re the escort he treasures and frequently shares with worthy members of his organization. and it’s nights like this that make you love the hell out of your job.
Summary: You're big hits first ever artist and only solo artist. And since bts are your only label mates (we are not including txt yet pls) bighit decided to built up a reality show called “BH8”.
Beastly Gods
Summary: ‘Don’t leave the forest,’ a rule that you’ve been forced to follow since birth, but you are tired of living in this wooden cage. Out of desperation you cut a deal with Taehyung, who claims to be the only one who can get you out safely, even though he might be just as dangerous as the god you’re trying to escape.
Moth to Flame
Summary: Robbed of your memories and intended as a birthday present for a deadly creature of the night, you unwittingly become the center of a territorial dispute between two covens of vampires. Tensions are rising and the brothers are getting hungry...
Save Me
Summary: An unexpected meeting throws you into the lives of BTS, Korea’s deadliest gang. You slowly learn they are not who the world thinks they are. And for some reason, they all seem to have a soft spot for you.
Life with Bangtan
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il0veyoujk · 2 years
Just imagine 11 S2
"Tickle attack!" all of a sudden you hear Hoseok scream and loud footsteps coming towards you.
"Eek nohoho!" you scream back and try to make a run for it. But unfortunately for you, Jimin is faster than you.
"AGH NAHAHAO STAHAHAP!" the moment the young lad scoops you up in the air, Hoseok headlocks your feet and starts scribbling your socked soles. Jimin on the other hand immediately digs his fingers into your ribs ad starts kneading them like crazy.
"Coochie coochie co cutie pie!" Hoseok giggles and wiggles your toes one by one, cooing at you cute they are. And all that while he is still wiggling his fingers on your soles with his other hand.
"WHYHYHY WHAHAHAT DID I DOHOHO?!" you scream in laughter while you are still trying to get away. But guess what! You are not going anywhere!
"Cause you have adorable laughter! And it's a pity not to hear it, y/n/n!" Jimin smirks and kisses your cheek as he keeps digging into your poor ribs, focusing on your lower ones to make sure he gets both your sides and ribs at the same time.
"STAHAHAP IT'S NOHOHOT ADORABLE AHAHAHA!" you scream loudly and kick out like your life depends on it. You throw your head back in loud laughter and try to grab Jimin's hands, but they are way too fast for you to catch.
"What did you just say?!" Hoseok gasps and speeds up his fingers, focusing on the arches of your feet.
"Now you are in for it! An hour of tickling's coming!" Jimin giggles into your ear and lays you on the floor, pinning your arms over your head "Prepare yourself, little ticklish liar!"
"BWAHAHAHA NAHAHAO AHAHA!!!" is the only thing you manage to say before your get lost in a sea of hysterical and unstoppable laughter.
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's sorry it's so small guys, I promise the next one will be longer!
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il0veyoujk · 2 years
Just imagine 4 S2
It's around 1 in the evening and you are still asleep. I guess it wasn’t the best option to stay up until late, binge-watching Itaewon class.
You turn on your back, trying to wake up as the evening sunlight is touching your eyes softly. With no warning at all though, you feel five soft fingertips clawing fastly all over your bare tummy and the space next to you getting heavy.
“Come on, y/n/n, it’s time to wake up” Jungkook blows gently into your ear, increasing your already loud giggles.
Thrashing around gently and gripping onto his wrists, you scrunch up your shoulders as loud snickering keeps pouring out of your mouth “Gahahahaha Jungkahahahak ahahahaha! Lemme sleheheheep!” is the only thing your sleepy mind could think.
“No, it’s already midday! You have to wake up exactly how you like!” he keeps murmuring into your ear as his fingers have now moved to your belly button, twirling his finger in it.
Oh-oh... Bad move...
Letting out the loudest shriek you ever have, you make sure both you and your possibly napping neighbors finally wake up before you fall into hysterical laughter “BWAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAO!” you scream whilst you are rolling side to side in loud, deep, belly laughter.
Jungkook chuckles and keeps twirling his finger in your hypersensitive bellybutton while you are losing your mind, laughing at the top of your lungs “Aw I don’t think you are awake yet! Maybe I need to use the secret weapon!”
Gasping, you immediately try to push yourself out of the bed, but the young lad’s grip is tight around you. Without warning at all, Jungkook bends down and starts blowing uncountable raspberries in your neck, not ceasing his attack on your bellybutton “OKAHAHAY OKAY I AHAHAM AWAHAHAKE AHAHAHAHA!”
“Aw are you sure, cutie?” he mumbles into your neck, only adding to the already too-ticklish sensation as he moves his fingers to your hips, kneading them like dough.
The waves of ticklishness that are hitting you at this point are massive, making your laughter go silent. And that's the signal for him to stop and let you go with a wide smirk on his face.
Pulling away, Jungkook helps you up smirking, only for you to fall back on the bed from how giggly you were “Good morning cutie” he chuckles at you, whilst you are still panting all red and blushy.
“Good morning meanie” you giggle shyly, your spots still tingling a little. Well, a good beginning makes a good ending.
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il0veyoujk · 2 years
Just imagine 8 S2
“Oh y/n! Come out come out wherever you are! If you come out now the tickles won’t last long!” Taehyung giggles as he’s wandering around the house looking for you.
He has looked everywhere for you but he can’t find you behind the couch. Or so you think. In reality he has found you a while ago, but he didn’t say anything. He just keeps walking around and teasing you.
However, a great idea pops up into his mind when he sees once again your feet sticking out from underneath the couch “Oh well... I guess that if you don’t want to come out, I will just watch TV until you do”
You suddenly feel the space above your feet getting heavy and immediately some cold, tickly fingertips stroking your bare soles “I will be in the living room! Follow the adorable sound if you want to come here!” he giggles while he strokes your feet unstoppably with his blunt, sharp but yet extremely tickly.
“Agh nahahahao stahahahap ahahaha!” you want to control your giggles but you can’t! Those fingers tickle so much more than you had ever experienced!
Wiggling his fingernails on top of your toes, Taehyung is smirking lazily as he’s playing with your toes “Hm! Those cute little buttons are so fun to play with! I haven’t played with some in so much long!” he giggles as he scratches softly the base of your toes.
You are stuck underneath the couch and the only thing you can do is giggle, laugh and scream bloody murder from ticklishness, but nothing more! “Pleahahahase mercyhyhyhy ahahaha!”
It’s useless to beg for him to stop. He isn’t going to stop anytime soon... Maybe you should have just gotten out and not hidden... Now you are stuck and getting tickled unable to stop it and who knows when it finally will...?
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il0veyoujk · 2 years
Just imagine 7 S2
You are a giggly mess. Like, a loud giggly mess. And why? Because of Jimin and his cold nose all snuggled into your neck which he is rubbing up and down all over the crook of your neck.
“Jimin stohohohop!” you are giggling loudly as the young lad’s nose explores every single bit of your hypersensitive neck while you two were cuddling under the covers.
However, the evil boy had another plan. Switching his nose to his sharp teeth, Jimin tightens his grip around your waist and arms, as you let out a deafening shriek of laughter “Ow why are you screaming so much, y/n/n? I stopped!” he smirks in your neck.
The evil little rat!
Bouncing on the bed in between his legs and pushing at his arms, you are desperately trying to escape the super ticklish hell he has just gotten you into “BWAHAHAHAHAHA MY GAHAHAHAHAD YOU AHAHAHAHAHARE MEAHAHAHAHAN AHAHAHAHA!” you scream in between your loud, almost hysterical laughter.
“Om nom nom nom! Your neck is so delicious y/n/n, I cannot get enough!” he giggles in your neck, increasing the tingly and tickly sensations his teeth and hot breath are leaving on your skin.
“AHAHAHAHA PLEAHAHAHAHASE IT TIAHAHAHACKLES!” like he didn’t already know... Ah sometimes you are being so silly, you really thought he had no idea about what he’s doing and how much he loves making you giggle and laugh!
You are tightly trying to pull your arms out of his grip while his soft nose doesn’t help all the feeling against the crook of your neck. You start feeling like tiny bugs are running up and down your skin and at the same time a way too ticklish thunderbolt has just stricken your body with every nibble on your neck.
“Oh really?! Oh, this is awesome! Then we are staying like this for a loooooooooong time, cutie! Prepare yourself for a long, ticklish afternoon!” Jimin mumbles in your neck and returns to his assault, putting you once again in a hysterical-laughing state, not planning on showing you mercy anytime soon... But it’s not like you hate it...
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il0veyoujk · 2 years
Just imagine 14 S2
"Where did you hide them?!" Taehyung giggles at you and your adorable, yet deafening laughter.
"I DAHAHAON'T KNOHOHOW!" you shriek underneath them and thrash around like a fish out of the water. His long, skinny fingers are gliding up and down your armpits, using his nails to add to the already way too ticklish feeling.
Jimin on the other hand is clawing at your tummy under your ugly sweater, showing literally zero mercy "Liar! You know! Tell us where they are!" the young lad demands playfully as he wiggles his fingertips all over your tummy, while he is sitting on your thighs.
Tonight it's Christmas night. You and your brothers should exchange presents after dinner before you start your all-nighter Christmas movie marathon. However, your rascal self decided to play games and hide their gifts. Good choice y/n. Now face the consequences!
Taehyung has your arms pinned above your head and is sitting on them while he torments your poor, exposed armpits "Liar liar pants on fire y/n/n! You have to be honest, or Santa won't come for you either!" he chuckles and moves one of his hands to your exposed neck. He scribbles the crook of your neck with his blunt nails as he drills his thumb into the middle of your armpit fastly and mercilessly.
"I'M NOHOHOT LYING AHAHAHA!" you are lying. Even if you scream and laugh like crazy and bounce on the floor like a maniac, you keep lying.
"You are practically asking for it, cutie!" Jimin chuckles and shakes his head happily. Suddenly, the clawing on your tummy turns to soft pinches and tasering on your sides "Suit yourself then!"
"Coochie coochie coo, little liar!" Taehyung smirks widely, not ceasing his attack.
The blush on your cheeks gets darker from your brothers' bold teasing and intense tickling. You are reaching your limit, ready to give in to their vicious, indirect blackmail, but still, you are still holding tight "I'M NAHAHAHAOT GONNA TAHAHALK AHAHA!"
"No? Alright then, I guess it's time for the kill, right Tae?" Jimin's eyes suddenly turn devilish and so are Taehyung's.
Both of the boys stop whatever they are doing, confusing you. Soon though, the confusion turns into panic when you feel your sweater raising and your head turning to the side "No... No no no nohoho! I'm sorry! I'll talk pleahahase nohoho!" you giggle nervously and flail around. You know what's coming, and you instantly regret hiding the gifts.
"Naw, that's good! But now It's gonna happen! A liar needs punishment! And she's gonna have it!" Taehyung grins. The two lads take a deep breath.
"BWAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAO I'M SAHAHAHAORRY AHAHAHA! PLEAHAHAHASE AHAHAHA! IT'S UNDER MY BEHEHED!" you shriek once unstoppable and intense raspberries start blowing on your exposed tummy and neck, and you immediately give up.
Kicking your legs and wiggling around, you try to pry them off of you and put an end to the ticklish hell you are currently into.
Which works. Both lads fall off you, but intentionally. They rush to your room, leaving you a giggly and panting mess on the living room floor.
But you have to move quickly! You have to be fast if you want to avoid-
-more tickles.
You immediately try to make a run for it and hide from the new round of ticklish interrogation. But no! You are soon caught again and fall into fits of hysterical laughter, even worse than the previous ones.
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Merry Christmas everyone!!! 🎄❤️
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il0veyoujk · 2 years
Just imagine 9 S2
"Oh c'mon y/n! We have to go home!" Suge whines and folds his arms over his chest. It's been around 1pm and you and your brothers are still in the playground.
You three were supposed to be back 30 minutes ago, but you are stuck. Stuck hanging on the horizontal bar and refusing to jump off.
"I told you not to do that! Now you're scared!" he keeps whining and pouting frustrated.
"No no no! I'll fall!" you only shake your head and wiggle around. Being scared of heights is not bad, it's only bad when you decide to face it and you end up stuck in the air.
"That's that point!"
Taehyung on the other hand is looking at the two of you and highs "Uh, I guess there is no other choice then" he starts walking towards you and raises his sleeves.
Tilting your head confused, you only blink twice in confusion "Huh?" you ask.
However, your confused face turns deep red when you see your older brother start wiggling his fingers and inching closer and closer "Last chance, cutie pie" his smirk is getting wider and wider as he sees panic flooding you and Yoongi copying your movements.
"Too late!" Yoongi exclaims before you can even answer and launches on you. His fingers start clawing on your sides and tummy, walking his fingers all over the soft skin of your midsection.
"BWAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAO AHAHAHA!" you immediately fall into hysterics and start thrashing around in the air unstoppably. It's like mini shots of ticklishness are hitting you over and over again, driving you mad and making you slowly lose your mind from how much it tickles.
The classic technique used ever since you were little. Tickle attack!
Taehyung on the other hand has a more effective way. He goes straight for the armpits. The kill. He doesn't even want to tease you first. He starts scribbling at your armpits unstoppable with his blunt nails "No? No what? You brought this to yourself, y/n/n! You should have gotten off when we told you to!"
You throw your head back in hysterics, your laughter echoing throughout the whole area. It tickles way too much for you to handle "NAHAHAHAO I'M SOHOHORRY! PLEAHAHAHASE LEMME GOHOHO!" you scream once again and kick out nonstop, almost kicking Yoongi in the face.
"Agh! Now you'll get it!" your oldest brother suddenly dips his index finger in your belly button and starts wiggling it around faster than the speed of light.
And that's where you lose it.
"NYAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAHAP AHAHAHAHA I HAHAHATE YAHAHAHA AHAHAHA!" your shriek as loud as you can and immediately let go of the horizontal bar to protect your tickled torso.
Falling into your brothers' arms, you curl up in their grip all giggly and teary from laughing too much "Yohohou are meahahan!" you giggle out and lean onto Taehyung's chest to catch your breath, only to receive a kiss on each cheek from each of them.
"Works every time" Taehyung chuckles and high-fives Yoongi proudly after he ruffled your hair. You pout cutely and fold your arms over your chest mad though.
You may seem mad, but inside you, all three of you knew how much fun it was and how much you liked it... So don't even try to deny it! They know you way better than you think!
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il0veyoujk · 2 years
Just imagine 5 S2
You are randomly chilling in the kitchen, scrolling through your phone when all of a sudden you hear loud and fast steps thundering toward you.
Looking behind, you don’t have time to understand who the footsteps belong to, feeling yourself being raised from your position and thrown over someone’s shoulder “Gah! Who is thiAHAHAHAS AHAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAHAO AHAHAHAHA!" you immediately scream when you feel your feet being scribbled like crazy.
“Oh wow, I knew your feet were ticklish but this seems to make you go crazy!” you can obviously understand that this teasing voice belongs to Jin, who is currently smirking like a Cheshire cat because of your almost hysterical laughter.
Hitting his back as much as you can and kicking out nonstop, you are laughing at the top of your lungs. His sharp, blunt nails are scribbling all over your hypersensitive soles and arches, getting each and every sensitive nerve from the bottom of your heels to the top of your cute little toes.
“AHAHAHAHA MY GAHAHAHAHAD STOHOHOP AHAHA!” you shriek loudly, feeling way more ticklish due to the surprise tickles, not expecting them at all.
“Aw, I’ll stop... When you stop laughing!” he evilly whispers as he is now playing with and squeezing your bare toes mercilessly. Oh, how you wish you had worn your socks... You would have at least avoided the toe torture.
You are feeling your toes tingling so much that your whole feet are like they are being tickled as well. Jin is walking around with you in hysterics on his shoulder. The cheeky grin which is printed on his face won't leave as your laughter is like music in his ears.
“BWAHAHAHAHA PLEAHAHAHAHASE HAHAHAHAVE SOME MERCY AHAHAHAHA!” your legs are kicking out in the air and your laughter is hitting an octave you didn’t know you can reach. Oh, your feet are so ticklish you sometimes wish they weren’t!
“Mercy? What does that mean?” Jin giggles and proceeds to scratch the middle of your feet as he is entering the living room.
And that's when you lose it completely! You shriek as loud as you can before you fall into silent laughter, kicking out and thrashing around uncontrollably. You even fall off Jin’s shoulder but you managed to stay on. And still, you cannot understand why he's doing that! But you are not going to ask, are you? You are having fun~
And as he promised, Jin lets you go. Placing you down on the couch, you immediately curl up, rubbing your feet together to get rid of the devious tickle ghosts, as the young lad is towering over you with a huge grin “Well this was fun!” he giggles and sits next to you on the couch, rubbing your back soothingly.
Melting immediately, you simply stick your tongue out at him “You are mean...” you mumble purring from the relaxing feeling of his soft hand on your lower back.
"Oh, I know..." he chuckles teasingly, giving your side a last, playful squeeze.
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il0veyoujk · 2 years
Just imagine 6 S2
You are currently laying underneath Namjoon laughing your heart out. The evil lad had decided to sit on your arms and attack your poor ribs with devious tickles, even though you had apologized multiple times! I guess you should have never annoy him while he was reading his book. So now you are paying the price of your cheekiness.
“AHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAP AHAHAHAHA!” you shriek at the top of your lungs, trying to pull your arms down to protect your way too ticklish for your own good ribs.
The smirky lad is only looking down at you with a mischievous grin while his fingers were working their magic on you. You knew so well that Namjoon can wreck you to pieces with a single finger and yet you kept annoying him. Now this is your payment.
Hey! Don’t complain at all! Both you and I know you love this!
“One... Two... Three... Two... One... Four... Six... Ten... Seven... Ah, those ribs are so fun to count! They make so many sounds!” Namjoon keeps poking all over our ribs, getting random bones. His pokes are sometimes slow, sometimes fast. Sometimes light, sometimes a little more intense. Never hurt, but always tickle you out of your mind.
“You ahahahahare counting wrohohohong!” you scream through your loud, almost deafening giggles, while you are trying to squirm out of his grip as much as you can and want.
Chuckling, Namjoon only keeps poking up and down all over your ribs. You are so asking for it, aren’t you? “Okay then... Lemme try again! One... Two... Three... Am I doing it right now?” he giggles at your cackling state, only speeding up his fingers to tease you more.
“Agh nahahaha ahahahaoh my gahahad ahahaha!” you are giggling your heart out, kicking out and wiggling like a worm in Namjoon’s grip.
The smirk on the young boy’s face grows wider and shakes his head laughing “No? I am doing this wrong again?! Oh man... I guess I should keep going until I do it right, huh?” and then he proceeds to poke all over your vulnerable ribs unstoppably.
This afternoon will be a really ticklish one for you...
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il0veyoujk · 2 years
Just imagine 13 S2
"It was just so annoying!" you whine as you explain to your two best friends what happened at the school bus some hours earlier "He kept poking me even if I told him I am not ticklish! Ugh!"
Jungkook and Taehyung look at each other "Not ticklish?"
"So you lied?" Jungkook tilted his head in mock confusion.
The two lads don't even give you time to react! They immediately start poking all over your midsection!
"Whahat nohoho! Guys stahahap!" you squeal through your giggles as you wiggle around unstoppably!
"No? What no? Of course, you did! Look how wiggly you get with just a few pokes!" Taehyung smirks and brings his face closer to your face to further fluster you.
Well, goal achieved!
"Yeah y/n/n! It's not like we're doing something much!" Jungkook giggles and starts squeezing your sides fastly.
"EEK AHAHAHA I DIDN'T AHAHAHA!" you keep lying through your loud laughter. But that doesn't mean you'll admit you were lying! After all, you always enjoy the playful side of the two!
And to be honest... You purposely mentioned that detail... ;)
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il0veyoujk · 2 years
Just imagine 12 S2
"I can't believe Jin was your favorite, y/n/n!" Hoseok groans in mock annoyance and plops himself next to you.
"Seriously? The oldie?" Jungkook does the same on your other side and gives you his best fake puppy eyes "Didn't you like us?"
"Guys! Ihihit was ages ago! If Namjoon hadn't mentioned it today, no one would ever know! It doesn't mean anything now!" you giggle at their childish behavior "And of course I liked you all, I just preferred Jin 'cause he seemed funnier! But that's not true now!"
"That hurt though! You liked Jin more than us!" Jungkook pouts and pokes your sides a few times.
"And you didn't even tell us! You lied!" Hoseok squeezes your knee with every word he says and brings his face close to yours.
"Eek wahahait!" you giggle and wiggle around a bit in your seat.
"No! You're gonna get it, y/n/n! You hurt us and this is our revenge!" Jungkook lets a mini giggle slip through his pout and fully activates his attack on your sides. The pokes turn into squeezes and his pout struggles not to turn into a mischievous smirk.
Pushing you back on the couch, Hoseok starts scribbling and squeezing all over your thighs and knees, gliding his fingers up and down "Yeah! Cause you are mean for not telling us!"
"Agh! Nohoho pleahahase! Let me gohoho!" you try to push yourself off the couch, but your giggles have already weakened you.
"Let you go? Nu never! Not until you admit we are your favorites now!" Hoseok demands playfully and speeds up his fingers.
You shake your legs and wiggle around nonstop, but the tickles are not stopping. Let's face it, you have nowhere to go without passing through them. And even if you try to, they'll pull you back down into your ticklish punishment.
"Neveheher!" you're too stubborn for your own good. So you'll have to face the consequences!
The two lads exchange glances of mischief and shrug before they dig again into your ticklish spots "Oh well! Suit yourself then!" Jungkook exclaims and starts squeezing your sides faster than the speed of light.
"We're not gonna stop until you admit it!" Hoseok, on the other hand, starts squeezing your kneecaps and scribbling your thighs with his nails.
"AGH NYAHAHAHA NOHOHO STAHAHAP!" you immediately shriek and start flailing around unstoppably. You never expected to have such ticklish thighs!
Jungkook chuckles and shakes his head "Did we not just say we won't stop until you admit we're your favorites? Tsk tsk tsk y/n/n, I think the ticklishness has driven you nuts!"
"THAHAHAHAT'S MEAHAHAN AHAHA!" you scream at the top of your lungs as you try to wiggle your way out of the tight grip of your friends', but nothing's working! You're stuck until you admit it!
"Nah that's not mean!" he giggles and pauses for a second "But that is!" he cries and suddenly raises your shirt and starts blowing berries all over your midsection.
"Time to admit we're your favorites, cutie pie!" Hoseok giggles happily and follows Jungkook's steps under your shirt.
You want to say it! You really do! It tickles way much more than you expected! But you cannot stop it... Cause you're laughing too hard... You can't even form whole words! I guess you shouldn't be this ticklish... Now you're stuck in a ticklish situation until they decide to have mercy on you... And that's not going to happen anytime soon...
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Hiii, I know I said I would make this an actual ff with only Jimin, but I decided to make it a Just Imagine episode since the anon's req was for the series. I just added Jungkook because Hoseok's episode is already up. Soooo...
I hope you liked this nonnie! ❤️
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il0veyoujk · 2 years
Just imagine 1 S2
You are stretching in the training room, before the last rehearsal.
You have opened your legs and touched your toes when you feel soft fingers touching your sides unexpectedly.
"Agh!" you squeal and fall on your back, only to see the three youngest singers smiling at you warmly "Hi y/n!" Taeyhung grins his famous boxy smile and pokes your cheek softly.
"Let us help you stretch y/n/n!" Junkook kindly offers and immediately puts his cold hands on your sides to push you a little more.
However, you just squeal and pull your elbows back to protect your secretly ticklish sides. Unfortunately for you though, this doesn't go unnoticed by the three, who are now smirking wider than ever "Oh-uh" says Jimin "I think someone's ticklish" he teased in a sing-song voice, making you blush a deep shade of red.
"Nohoho I am not!" you try to save yourself from the upcoming attack, but you don't do much. In the next second, three pairs of fingers are pinning you down and tickling the life out of your poor armpits, tummy, and sides.
"AGH NAHAHAO STOHOHOP AHAHA!" you shriek and thrash around unstoppably, trying to wiggle away, but your hysterical laughter is weakening you moment by moment.
"Awww y/n/n! You are so so cute! Coochie coochie coo!" Jungkook smirks and bents down to blow a long raspberry, shaking his head in your tummy to make everything tickle a lot more.
Your laughter increases an octave the moment his lips touch your skin. And as if this isn't enough, Taehyung is mercilessly squeezing your sides and Jimin is torturing with his blunt nails your soft armpits unstoppable, not washing off the amused grin "You should have told us how ticklish you are, you little ticklish cutie! We would have the pleasure to see you like this every single day!" Taehyung exclaimed happily.
If your eyes could widen, they would. But they cannot! You'll have to go through this every single day?! You are going to die, for sure!
"We could do this all day! You seem to love it! You don't seem to wanna go anywhere!" Jimin giggles as he is now drawing circles with his thumbs on your hollows.
"NO NO NAHAHAHAO PLEAHAHAHASE NOT THAHAHAT GUYS! AH! TAHAHAE NO!!! NAHAHAT THE SIDES!" your begging is a little useless now you have fallen into the hands of the three tickle monsters.
I guess you'll have to stay like this for a looooong time, cause the maknaes don't seem to want to let you go any time soon... You are too ticklish for your own good after all!
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Sooooo I decided to bring back the Just Imagine series after three years! Please send me whatever you wanna see in those 15 mini-imagines of Season 2! Season 3 will probably come in 2023! ❤️
The idea is inspired by the request of an anon. I am so sorry I didn't have time to make this an actual ff, but I really hope you like this, nonnie :(
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il0veyoujk · 2 years
Just imagine 2 S2
Yoongi is currently sitting on your arms and tickling your armpits mercilessly! His nails are drawing fast circles on your soft skin, while his flustering yet gummy smirk is making you blush way harder than you thought "Aww you are so cute like this y/n/n! I cannot believe someone can be as cute and ticklish as you, little one!"
You are losing your mind underneath him, but he doesn't seem to get it at all. Not until you finally turn into silent laughter. That is his signal to let you go.
"Yohohou are mean!" you giggle as he pulls you onto his lap. After you regain your breath, you bury your head in his neck all shy.
Yoongi only chuckles and kisses your head soothingly "I could do this all day, I am telling you" he giggles when your eyes widen in horror.
He leans in and buries his nose into your cheek to give you a small peck. However, he is not getting the reaction he wanted. Instead, what he gets are a loud yelp and a really hard flinch.
"Agh!" you squeal and squirm around in your seat.
Yoongi raises his eyebrow "What was that?" he curiously asks as he leans in and does it again. Only to get the same reaction, not to say a harder one "Agh nohoho!"
His smirk widens again, and your blush reappears on your face "Oh-oh... Someone has ticklish cheeks..." and before you can react, he is already nibbling on your cheeks.
The scream you let out is as loud as a siren! You immediately fall into harder hysterics than before as you try to push Yoongi's head away as much as you can, without doing much though "NAHAHAHAO PLEAHAHAHASE YOONGI NOHOHOT THERE! ANYWHERE BUT THEAHAHARE!"
Yoongi laughs against your cheek, getting a louder scream than before and even harder laughter from you "Oh God... How dare you hide such a precious spot from me to tickle?! Oho that's it! You are going to pay for it!" are the last words coming from him before his arms lock you in your place and his teeth start torturing your poor, apparently way too ticklish cheek.
"NAHAHAHA I'M SAHAHAHARY AHAHAHA!" are the last decent words you are going to say for the net hour... Cause I am telling you, he is going to destroy you for not telling him how ticklish your cheeks are...
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This was requested by an anon, I hope you liked this, nonnie!
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il0veyoujk · 3 years
Upcoming ffs list:
• Take me with you - Park Jimin & Min Yoongi x Nefeli Cheer up tickles
• Rules for the ticklish ones - Park Jimin & Kim Namjoon x Nefeli "You have such a cute laugh!" Tickle games, playful tickles
• Cherry face - Maknae Line x Nefeli Group tickle fight "Let's count how many ribs you have, hm?"
• Yummy and ticklish Park Jimin x Nefeli Goodnight tickles "Aww you’re so sweet I could eat you. Maybe this is what I should do then"
• The medicine for missing you - Jung Hoseok x Nefeli Cheer up tickles "Nah ah ah you’re not going anywhere"
• The good, the bad, and the giggly one - Maknae Line x Nefeli Tickle game
• You are not an owl! - Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin Something similar to Braces, Namjoon and Jin are tryna convince Nefeli that she looks good in her glasses
Author's ideas:
• Saved by them - Ot7 (ff)
• Winter spirits - Ot7 (ff)
• Voodoo doll - Kim Taehyung (ff)
• Sleepyhead - Kim Namjoon (ff)
• TiKToK challenge - Ot7 (ff)
• 30 days of tickling (series)
• Show me! - Jeon Jungkook (ff)
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