il0veyoujk · 2 years
Just imagine 1 S2
You are stretching in the training room, before the last rehearsal.
You have opened your legs and touched your toes when you feel soft fingers touching your sides unexpectedly.
"Agh!" you squeal and fall on your back, only to see the three youngest singers smiling at you warmly "Hi y/n!" Taeyhung grins his famous boxy smile and pokes your cheek softly.
"Let us help you stretch y/n/n!" Junkook kindly offers and immediately puts his cold hands on your sides to push you a little more.
However, you just squeal and pull your elbows back to protect your secretly ticklish sides. Unfortunately for you though, this doesn't go unnoticed by the three, who are now smirking wider than ever "Oh-uh" says Jimin "I think someone's ticklish" he teased in a sing-song voice, making you blush a deep shade of red.
"Nohoho I am not!" you try to save yourself from the upcoming attack, but you don't do much. In the next second, three pairs of fingers are pinning you down and tickling the life out of your poor armpits, tummy, and sides.
"AGH NAHAHAO STOHOHOP AHAHA!" you shriek and thrash around unstoppably, trying to wiggle away, but your hysterical laughter is weakening you moment by moment.
"Awww y/n/n! You are so so cute! Coochie coochie coo!" Jungkook smirks and bents down to blow a long raspberry, shaking his head in your tummy to make everything tickle a lot more.
Your laughter increases an octave the moment his lips touch your skin. And as if this isn't enough, Taehyung is mercilessly squeezing your sides and Jimin is torturing with his blunt nails your soft armpits unstoppable, not washing off the amused grin "You should have told us how ticklish you are, you little ticklish cutie! We would have the pleasure to see you like this every single day!" Taehyung exclaimed happily.
If your eyes could widen, they would. But they cannot! You'll have to go through this every single day?! You are going to die, for sure!
"We could do this all day! You seem to love it! You don't seem to wanna go anywhere!" Jimin giggles as he is now drawing circles with his thumbs on your hollows.
"NO NO NAHAHAHAO PLEAHAHAHASE NOT THAHAHAT GUYS! AH! TAHAHAE NO!!! NAHAHAT THE SIDES!" your begging is a little useless now you have fallen into the hands of the three tickle monsters.
I guess you'll have to stay like this for a looooong time, cause the maknaes don't seem to want to let you go any time soon... You are too ticklish for your own good after all!
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Sooooo I decided to bring back the Just Imagine series after three years! Please send me whatever you wanna see in those 15 mini-imagines of Season 2! Season 3 will probably come in 2023! ❤️
The idea is inspired by the request of an anon. I am so sorry I didn't have time to make this an actual ff, but I really hope you like this, nonnie :(
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cookiegirlsstuff · 6 months
The Hobi cheer up pt. 4
AN: This is part 4 of a series that will consist of 7 parts. I hope you like it!
(⬆ This video of J-hope tickling Jimin is just the cutest 💜)
Lee: Jimin
Ler: J-hope
Jimin woke up trembling. Once again he had a nightmare. He often had the feeling that he wasn't good enough for Bangtan and these thoughts kept him awake at night, if he even managed to sleep at all.
The others were much better than him at dance training, even at singing, and the others were more beautiful and more popular anyway.
Objectively speaking, he knew himself that it was nonsense to even have these thoughts, after all, he always did his best….but still he couldn't stop thinking about it.
Quietly, so as not to wake his roomate hoseok, he tried to make himself comfortable again and continue sleeping. But it didn't work.
So he did the only other thing he could think of. He tiptoed over to Hoseok's bed and tapped him gently on the shoulder.
Of course, his hyung woke up immediately and looked at Jimin with worried but sleepy eyes.
"Jimin? Have you had another nightmare?" he asked gently.
"Yes," Jimin stammered.
"Aww come here," J-hope said gently and pulled the smaller one into his lap.
Jimin told him about his thoughts a long time ago and Hoseok could understand the younger one's worries and wanted to help him. He thought Jimin was very talented and he wanted Jimin to see it that way too.
Neither of them had said a word during the whole time. Instead, Hobi had simply stroked Jimin's back reassuringly and cuddled him a little.
But now he wanted to make sure that Jimin's sad face looked cheerful again.
So he slowly stroked his finger along the Jimin's neck and watched with amusement as he scrunched up.
He repeated this a few times until Jimin turned around and stared at his hyung, looking slightly bewildered.
"We can't have a sad Jiminie here, can we?" he asked, before beginning to nuzzle and nibble Jimin's neck in turn.
Of course, he didn't want to overwhelm Jimin or wake up the other members, so he kept to the soft tickles, which also got quite a good reaction out of the younger one.
"Why are you giggling? Did something funny happen? Or are you laughing at me?" asked J-hope in fake disbelievement.
"Nohahaha I'm nahahat," Jimin replied, still giggling.
"Then why are you laughing?" J-hope asked again.
"Because…" Jimin began his sentence, but was interrupted by his own laughter as Hoseok began to spider his tummy.
He quickly freed one of his hands and covered his mouth to avoid waking the others up.
"You're such a cute baby," Hobi teased Jimin as he ran his hand up and down Jimin's side.
"Nahaha please!" the blond haired boy plead as he tried to wiggle out of Hoseok's lap.
"Why? Does that tickle my cute Jiminie?" Hoseok teased, moving to his ribs.
Jimin had to admit that he really liked this kind of attention and care, and it was good to be able to laugh. Genuine and without having to look perfect for the camera.
Hoseok also tried to attack jimin's armpits a few times, but jimin wouldn't let him, so he gave up. He was also able to wreck the younger one properly another time.
"Hobi please.....I cahahan't", he giggled cutely while wriggling and squirming in the dancers lap.
“I’m almost done.” Hobi chuckled before blowing a few small raspberrys into Jimin's neck. Although loving the sensation, he also hated it. The vibration felt so ticklish and he felt so vulnerable but it distracted him and Jimin was very grateful to his hyung for that.
"Thanks Hobi hyung", Jimin smiled before falling asleep in the dancers arms.
"Good night my little mochi" Hobi said before pulling a blanket over the two of them.
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I know it's short I'm sorry Hope you guys like it. By the way I think Jimin is just the type for soft tickles...like it's really hard for me to imagine him getting absolutely wrecked. I think cute and playful soft tickles are the perfect thing for Minnie but just my opinion !🤚
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saturnzskyzz · 4 months
The couple that fights the most among the members might be Taehyung and Jimin.
So when they fight, will it turn into a tickle war?
It could be a funny and cute story and please switch the two. And please let things happen in the car.
(so the tickle fight should be in the car)
Lee; taehyung jimin
Ler; taehyung jimin
AAH! I love this idea, thank you! 🙏
I'm sorry for how short it's going to be, my apologies!
Nonetheless, enjoy reading! :]
(The photo of vmin I added below will be the target of discussion for starting this fanfic so you all aren't confused by where this is starting. *context, the photo was taken in a car*)
Divider credits
Nude divider
Taglist(I couldn't remember who else wanted to be tagged, but if you want to be tagged in these fics, then just let me know!)
@btspopperssg @cookiegirlsstuff
Car ride shenanigans
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Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok, and Yoongi were all in a car heading back to their dorm after a long day of recording a RunBTS episode. It had everyone quite exhausted and all wanted a peaceful drive back home before having to wake up to do rehearsal's with their new comeback single.
Taehyung, though tired and already drifting off to rest, wanted to take a photo with Jimin real fast to savor the moment.
"Wait, Jimin! Let me take it again, the lighting doesn't look quite right!" taehyung said after scoping out the photo he had just took of him and the older.
"What do you mean, Tae? It looks fine." jimin tried to lighten the mood by reassuring him since Taehyung always does this when taking pictures in the car.
Tae, however, was not buying it so he deleted the photo and tried again by holding up the phone once more, motioning Jimin to chime in at any moment. But Jimin only looked at the younger in disbelief.
"Hey!- I'm not doing it again, Tae. Why'd you delete it?" Jimin argued, crossing his arms. He quite liked the silly atmosphere of the photo, yet was baffled that it no longer registered in Taehyung's phone.
"What do you mean? I didn't like it, now get in frame!" Tae said, grabbing at Jimin's shirt to pull him in frame, but he only got a stubborn Jimin, and a few pokes to get him to dislodge the offending hand off his shirt.
"Hehehey!" Taehyung began to panickly giggle, now dropping his arm with the camera to rest it on one of his legs while he used his other hand to block out the pokes, yet failed, from Jimin.
"I'm sorry Taehyung, but you're not getting another photo with me in this exact car tonight. You had your chance." Jimin then launched both hands to attack the younger's sides out of playfullness now, enjoying the scene either way.
"AAH!- Jihihimin! Quhuhuit ihihit!" Taehyung begged, trying to grab at the attacking hands, but Jimin was precise on moving his hands quickly to catch Taehyung off guard.
"This is what you get for deleting that masterpiece of a photo!" Jimin said, never recioling his attack.
Ohoh, Taehyung did not take that one bit.
"Fihihihine! Hahahave it yohohour wahahay!" Taehyung said, now darting his hands at Jimin's sides to catch the older by surprise.
Jimin, startled by the touch, retreated his hands to grab at the offending fingers by the wrists, trying desperately, yet failing, to push them away.
"NOHOhohoho! Tahahae, Stahahahap!" Was really all Jimin could say before dissolving in sweet, high-pitched giggles.
"NOHOho! Yohou're the one whoho started this mess!" Taehyung bit back, laughing at the fact that Jimin's giggles always seem to catch Tae's amusement. His giggles are contagious, it's no lie here. Even Hoseok and Yoongi chuckled here and there upon hearing the both of their frantic giggling. It's normal for them to bicker, and poke fun at with each other.
"Hohow about you two take the photo once more, and if one of you disagrees again, then no more photos, deal?" Yoongi suggested.
Tae stopped his offending hands, yet still holding onto Jimin's sides to throw the poor dude off.
"Yoongi.. I'mma be real, that was a boring, yet logical answer from you." Tae answered honestly. He saw Yoongi's eye dart up to look at him from the rear view mirror, causing Tae immediately regret his choice of words.
"I'm tickling the shit out of you when we get home, Tae." Yoongi said in a low, monotone and calm voice all at the same time to make Tae nervous. All the while, Jimin, who was enjoying too much of his predicament, quite liked Yoongi's idea.
"Whahatever wohohorks! Ihihi just want Tahae's hands ohohoff me!" Jimin said, still trying to break free from Taehyung.
"Well, if only you had taken another photo with me, then maybe you wouldn't be in this predicament!" Taehyung emphasized the 'be' by digging his hands into Jimin's armpits. This threw Jimin in a loop of hysteria.
"HAHAHAHA! T-TAEHEHEHEHE! NOHOHOAHAHAH!" Jimin sinked into his chair as best as he could, given that he was still strapped with the seatbelt, and shook his head from side to side. The feeling was unbearable.
"Guys?! Eh-? Ugh! Soho much for MY ihidea!" Yoongi giggled, defeated. He glanced at them both, using the rear view once again, and saw the wholesome scene before him for just a split second. Maybe they could go on a bit more.
"THAHAHAHATS IHIHIT!" Jimin, however fatigued, used all his strength to move his arms to latch onto Tae's armpits, to throw him off guard, resulting in Tae to forfeit his hands with a screech.
"nahahAHAHA! *hic* whihihiHIHIHI?!" Taehyung panicked. The way they were both seated before, was now switched from Tae being on the upper hand, to now being sinked into his seat, with Jimin shuffling to appear bigger and taller to intimidate Tae.
"Wehelp.. At least they aren't actually fighting back there, yeah?" Hoseok said, reassuring Yoongi while having himself turned to look at the two's chaos.
"..You're right. At least they aren't harming each other, that's good enough for me to continue driving." Yoongi agreed, then turning on the music radio to pan out the rest of Tae's boisterous laughter.
Yup, this is going to go on for the whole car ride..
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sugary-sweet-anon · 7 months
In your last post, you wrote to a user, "I can do it if you want, send me a plan." Ah, I'm not that person and I can give you another example of fiction. I don't know if you can do it, but I still want you to try!
My fic is about Lee Namjoon.
Namjoon is generally a person who constantly tickles the members. So, judging by the moments, it is.
Namjoon loves to tease and tickle them, but now all the members want to take revenge on him and catch him.
and they realize that this man tickling them is very ticklish and they tickle torture him
Can you make a Lee Namjoon and ler Bts story like this? Please🥹💗
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This is my first fanfic! I don't know how well this will be received, but I hope you enjoy it! As I was writing it, it turned into something a bit different. Thank you very much for requesting, and I'm sorry it's taken so long.
Leader's Plight
Lee!Namjoon, Ler!BTS
It was a calm day for the Bangtan boys. A day where they had a light schedule. These days were few and far between, so all seven of them took advantage of it.
Most of them were resting. Others were watching TV. Overall, just a calm and peaceful day.
Well, it WAS anyway. Five of the guys met outside their rooms, confused looks on all of their faces.
"What in the world was that?" Jimin was the first to speak up.
"I dunno, but it woke me up," Yoongi mumbled, clearly agitated.
"It sounded like it came from Jin hyung's room."
Taehyung was right. With his room being closest to Seokjin's, he could easily tell. (A/N I don't know how their rooms are set up so just work with me on this). They all agreed and followed the laughter to the eldest's room. What awaited them on the other side, however, was not what they expected.
Directly in front of them, in the middle of the floor, was Namjoon, their leader. In a writhing mass of laughter. And who was causing all of this? Seokjin, the eldest of the seven.
The other five boys stood in awe of what was happening. They never thought that their strong leader would be this ticklish!
"Whoa! How did this start?" Hoseok asked with a grin on his face.
Jin paused his attack on Namjoon, leaving the younger to gasp for air on the floor.
"This brat thought he could get away with forgetting to use 'hyung' after my name!" He exclaimed dramatically. He wasn't really angry or upset at Namjoon. He just felt like teasing him for it.
The others knew this too, but they decided to play along with their oldest hyung. After all, it wasn't often that Namjoon was the victim of a tickle attack. 99% of the time, he was the one who started them. And, well, this seemed like the perfect opportunity for revenge~.
"Ooooo hyungie is in trouble!" Jungkook couldn't resist approaching his favorite member and wiggling his fingers at him.
"You little brat!" Namjoon felt his face heat up as he reached out and squeezed the youngest's side.
"EHEHEY!" Jungkook quickly pinned Namjoon's hands down. "I'm not the one who forgot to be respectful to our wonderful Jin-hyung"
"Ahhh Joonie you should know better~!" Hobi mischievously smirked.
"So disrespectful!" Jimin shook his head, slowly kneeling down beside Jungkook.
"I think you've earned yourself this punishment, Namjoon-ah," Yoongi said.
Namjoon tried wriggling away, but unfortunately Jin had too strong of a hold on him still. "Wahahahait guys we can talk about thihihis!"
Taehyung, who had been quiet this whole time, suddenly spoke up. "Hey, you know what I just realized?"
The others looked at him expectantly. "What is it hyung?" Jungkook asked, his big eyes wide with curiosity.
"Namjoonie hyung tickles us all the time! We never get to see him like this!" Tae couldn't help but smile in glee.
Everyone gasped happily. Except the young man in question. "TAEHYUNG-AH!" Namjoon yelled in disbelief. If his face wasn't red before, it definitely was now.
Jin, meanwhile, was growing impatient. "Ya, are you all going to stand there or help me with him?" He said, his eyes glinting with mischief.
The others didn't say another word before they all pounced on their leader. Jungkook near his head, tickling his neck, Jimin and Taehyung going after his feet, Hoseok and Yoongi at his armpits, and Jin still at his original spot at his sides and stomach.
The response was immediate. "GAHAHAHAHA GUHUHUHUYS NOHOHOHOHO!!" Namjoon's hyena-like laughter exploded into the air. He couldn't focus on anything except the ticklish sensations. Try as hard as he might, there was no way he could escape!
"This is your punishment Joonie! Take it like a man!" Jin said playfully, digging into the poor boy's sides.
"I'm just happy to finally be tickling him instead of the other way around!" Tae exclaimed happily. He was currently scratching the leader's left sole with his long nails, eliciting screams of laughter from him. The other maknaes nodded in agreement.
"Tickle tickle tickle Namjoonie!" Hobi teased in a high-pitched voice while scribbling away at Namjoon's left armpit.
"DOHOHOHON'T TEHEHEHEHEASE MEHEHEHEHE!!" Dang it, why did Hobi have to be so good at teasing? Probably practiced on the maknaes. He attempted to hide his face by turning his head away from Hobi, but was met with Jungkook's wriggling fingers in his neck.
"Awwww hyungie is shy!" Jungkook cooed. He leaned down close to Namjoon's ear. "Coochie coo hyung~"
This caused Namjoon to squeal loudly. "JUNGKOHOHOHOHOOK YOU BRAHAHAHAT!" His thrashing intensified.
Yoongi could see that he was getting close to his limit, so he motioned for everyone to slow down, but not completely stop. "Hang on everyone," he said. "There's something I want to do before we kill him."
The others watched to see the show Yoongi was gonna pull. Namjoon, on the other hand, looked at him in terror.
"Hyuhuhung noho dohohon't! I know that lohohohook!" Anticipatory giggles flowed out of his mouth.
"What look?" Oh, that liar. Anyone could recognize that sly evil look on his face. And he knew it too. It wasn't often, but nearly every one of the members had experienced this at one point. And they all feared it.
"Hyuhuhung dohohon't you dahahaHAHAHAHAHAHARE NAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
Namjoon screamed in laughter as Yoongi had lifted his shirt and blown a massive raspberry right on his navel. The other members couldn't help but smile in awe as their beloved leader was reduced to a laughing writhing mess on the floor. Taehyung was right, it was a happy sight to see him being tickled to happy tears for a change.
Eventually, Namjoon couldn't take it anymore. "HYUHUHUHUNG *snort* ENOHOHOHOUGH STOHOHO*hic*HOHOP!!"
Yoongi stopped immediately and rubbed Namjoon's stomach. Everyone else crowded around him to make sure he was okay.
"Are you alright Namjoonie hyung?" Jimin asked with concern.
Jungkook sat him up and started rubbing his back to help him breathe better. "Did we go too far?"
Namjoon breathed heavily while stroking Taehyung's head. The younger boy had made his way into Namjoon's lap, hugging him. "I'm okay guys. You didn't go too far." Though he sounded tired, and he was, deep down he felt really happy. He didn't realize how much he need that.
Everyone crowded in for a big group hug. They were really lucky to have each other. Even if they could be annoying at times. Namjoon took a moment to consider this and welcomed the embrace. He really was the luckiest guy on the planet.
It was a calm and peaceful day once again.
"Did anyone notice that Joonie didn't say stop until the very end?"
Well, it was anyway.
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sungminxxx · 7 days
🌸 :: Park Jimin lee/ler Headcanons
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this hc was requested anonymously!!
❈ A little cutie :(
❈ Little baby is so adorably ticklish bro I cannot
❈ His worst spot would 100% be his underarms / knees / hips!!!
❈ His giggles would be so bubbly and adorable. It makes you SO happy you hear him giggle
❈ I definitely see jimin being more on the lee side
❈ Squirming around is 100% a given.
❈ He'd be trying his best to get away (not doing a great job, might I add) but you tell him otherwise just to encourage the adorable scene taking place right underneath you. :(((
❈ He'd be a blushing mess underneath you. Squirming, blushing, and giggling uncontrollably. The absolute CUTEST.
❈ Teasing gets this little cutie so much bro...
❈ You can make this man a strawberry just by saying "tickle" (real bro)
❈ I can see him squeaking and letting out little screams quiiite often.
❈ Squealing!! He squeals usually when you get his neck or belly. Mostly. Although, at random times he'd squeal if the tickling starts getting a liiittle too much!!
❈ Tickle his hips? He'll be bucking forever. I see that as being one of his spots that makes this poor boy SCREAM.
❇ Kicking, definitely.
❈ Now, a perfect time to mention his BABY GIGGLES.
❇ They get louder and louder by the minute.
❈ Literally they are just as sweet as his voice.
❈ 90% lee :3
❇ He isn't much of a ler, {10%} but when he does tickle you, he's quite a little meanie.
❇ He'd ask for your worst spot. If you didn't give it up him, he'd do the absolute CUTEST lil pout.
❇ He'd pout until you gave in and told him. The minute you do, he'd giggle and immediately tickle you there.
❇ Since teasing gets go him, I see (at most) him using words of affirmation when tickling you!
❇ "Aww! How cute!! Your giggling gets so much louder when I get you here!!!" AAGHHH IT'S THE SWEETEST BUT MOST FLUTTERING THINGG
❇ It will always be the SOFTEST, most playful tickle with him!!
❇ EXCEPT if you were to tease him about something.
❇ Little pouty baby.
❇ If you were to tease him, he'd most likely tickle you to get you to stop. (This would then start a playful little tickle war) :3
❇ Lee or ler, he would pout.
❇ If anything, pouting is what gets him tickled, and what encourages him to tickle others.
❇ Besides tickling your worst spots once he finds out, he would use it to his advantage at random times.
❇ He would be poking at that specific spot in public or when you guys are alone just to see your pretty smile.
❇ Hearing your giggles would most definitely be the highlight of his day.
❇ Anytime you made a noise besides laughter, he would tease you and laugh along with you! (totally ignoring the fact he does the same)
❇ "Aww.. .. those are some pretty little giggles!! I could hear them forever. And.. honestly, I might just make sure that's reality!!"
❇ It's true, sometimes he just adores your giggles so much that he gets carried away and sometimes can overdo it.
❇ But that's why he takes extra special care of you after!!
❇ Movie nights. ALWAYS. Anytime tickles happen, a movie is right after. Cuddles, kisses, and everything. He will do anything and everything to make you feel loved right after little tickle fights/moments happen.
❇ Isn't he the sweetest? :(((
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a89x54vs · 1 year
Relax by my Side
This is a tickle fic, feedback is accepted as long as it’s done in a respectful way.
“Long day jagi?” Jimin asked when he saw Tae crossing the door to their apartment with slow movements and tired eyes.
“Oh you have no idea, we were practicing all day” Tae mumbled as he laid down on the couch next to his hyung.
“That’s what I thought, we were told that the next days would be quite hectic” Jimin replied, he had to stay at home all day because of a cold that, while not severe, did weaken him to the point where resting was the logical solution, although Tae had to persuade him to take it.
“How are you feeling?” Tae asked as he remembered why his partner was at home.
“I’m fine, once I got the medicine I needed it pretty much went away”
The couple kept talking about the activities they did during the day but Jimin couldn’t help but notice that his partner seemed to be shuffling uncomfortably.
“Everything alright Jagi?”
“Yeah, it’s just that my feet are still very sore” Tae admitted, he didn’t want to worry the older but he was indeed uncomfortable.
“Then let me help you with it” Jimin assured and after adjusting their positions, he gently took his partner’s foot and began massaging the sole.
Tae let out a sigh of relief as he felt the soreness on his foot slowly going away, being replaced by a pleasant feeling that almost put the tiger to sleep until-
Both singers jumped at the sudden noise that came from Tae’s mouth, who had slapped a hand over it because of the surprise he felt.
“Is everything alright Tae?” Jimin asked, concerned that he may have injured his partner in some way.
“Y-Yeah jagi, it’s just that…” Tae pointed to the dancer’s hand “You used your nail instead of your pad”
Jimin raised a confused eyebrow at the explanation, looking to how his fingers were positioned, he saw that indeed, his nail had traced the younger’s sole.
Tae had closed his eyes again, expecting the soft feeling of the massage, but instead what he got was-
Another swipe across his foot, then another, and another, and another until the once calming massage was replaced by endless scribbling.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA JIMINIHIHIHIHIHIE” Because of how sudden the attack was (and also because of how ticklish he is), Tae couldn’t help but throw his head back in loud cackles.
“Took me a while to remember you’re really sensitive Tae” Jimin said with a soft smile as one hand gripped the tiger’s ankle while the other kept up the scribbling.
“GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WHAHAHAHAT ABOUT THE MASSAHAHAHAHAHAGE?” Tae questioned between laughs as he hugged his torso while his free foot kicked wildly.
“The massage can wait, besides, I know you really like the tickles, don’t you my tiger?”
Tae covered his reddening face at the undeniable truth Jimin had spat out, although it was obvious considering he was doing anything but trying to get away.
“Meanie? Seriously? That’s how you thank me for all my help?” Jimin scoffed as if his fingers didn’t just focus on the younger’s toes “And here I thought you would be grateful that your poor sick boyfriend is doing you a favor”
As if to express his (fake) disappointment, the dancer stopped tickling his partner’s toes, but that wasn’t a sign that he was done, all the contrary, he instead sat on the younger’s thighs and slowly raised his shirt.
“Jimihihihihihin come ohohohon you dohohohon’t have to do thihihis” Tae giggled out as he was aware of what was going to happen, but anyone who saw the scene knew he was expecting it, after all, his free hands were only being used to hug himself.
“Do what? This?” Jimin asked as he began making gentle circles on the tiger’s belly, circles that were closing towards his belly button.
“Hahahahahahahaha don’t plahahahay innocent you knohohow what you’re dohohohohoing” The younger singer covered his red face to avoid seeing Jimin’s amused smirk, who was having so much fun with his boyfriend’s reaction.
“I assure you I’m unaware of what you mean jagi” Jimin replied, his tone would be truly convincing if it wasn’t for his mischievous grin “Maybe you’re referring to how sensitive you are here?”
Upon finishing his words, Jimin gently dipped his finger into the younger’s navel, a simple action sure, but boy did it produce results.
“GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA JIMIHIHIN NOT THERE PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE” Tae’s howls were heard through the whole apartment as he gripped a pillow like his life depended on it, the tiger’s hips were wildly bucking yet that didn’t stop the older singer who simply watched his partner going insane with a single finger on the correct spot.
“Such a loud tiger, I’m not even moving my finger!” Jimin pointed out with a giggle “You’re still as ticklish as when we met”
Jimin simply shook his head at the tiger’s whining and, aware that his partner was nearing his breaking point, decided to very gently wiggle his finger around, making sure to tickle each portion of skin available.
Hearing Tae begging indicated Jimin that he had to stop to not overwhelm the tiger, who was spread out on the couch as the leftover giggles escaped from his lips.
“Did I go overboard jagi?” Jimin asked, slightly concerned of having pushed any boundary, but his response was a pair of arms surrounding him and a low voice saying:
“Not at all Jiminie” Tae assured “It anything, I do feel more relaxed now”
Jimin smiled and leaned his head on the tiger’s chest, soon falling asleep in the warmth that it meant to be with the one they loved.
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chibibunygrl · 2 years
jimin trying to play it off like he didn’t get tag teamed because he got embarrassed is the cutest thing i’ve ever seen (つ≧▽≦)つ
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giggly-bun · 2 years
for your event: all the members of bts tickling jimin with the phrase “you like this don’t you?” thank you <3
{Bun’s Festive Fics Event❄️- closed}
A/N: hi hi dear! sorry this is so late but i really did enjoy writing this one so thank you so much and i hope you enjoy <3 - bunny🔮
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“You like this, don’t you?”
The question made Jimin jolt and shake his head frantically, high pitched giggles seeping out of his mouth. Well, maybe it wasn’t necessarily the question that made him laugh, but more so the six pairs of hands that were currently scribbling, scuttling and poking away at his sensitive skin.
“NOHOHOHO ihihi- EEK! ihihihihi dohohohohon’t pleheheHEHEHEase!” He screeched, attempting to pull his bound hands down, but his attempts bared no result as Taehyung was currently sitting on them comfortably, occasionally drilling his index fingers into the poor boy’s hollows. Jimin arched his back off the ground to escape but immediately slammed it back down once he registered the sensation of someone squeezing his thighs repeatedly. His laughter rose an octave, if that was even possible, and his fellow band members laughed along with him.
“I don’t know hyung, you haven’t exactly asked us to stop.” Jungkook chimed from his spot at Jimin’s thighs.
“Yeah Jimin-ah, we’re starting to think you really do enjoy this.” Namjoon commented while he circled his finger nail around the rim of the younger’s belly button. The vocalist flushed an incredibly deep red, both from laughing so hard and from the embarrassing comments he was receiving. He didn’t know what to do, because truth be told, he absolutely loved this. But the fact that his members could tell was so humiliating. He screeched when the familiar feeling of someone scuttling their fingers under his knees returned and he began thrashing to get away again.
“GUHUHUHUYS PLEHEHEHEASE- thihihis isn’t fahahahair GOHOHOHOD!” He wailed, tears clinging to his eyelashes.
“On the contrary, Jimin, this seems pretty fair.” Said Hoseok.
“Yeah, isn’t this exactly what you wanted?” Continued Jin.
“Don’t seem so disappointed now that you got what you deserved, Jimin-ah.”
He couldn’t take it anymore, he felt so overwhelmed and flustered that he couldn’t even register whose hands were where. Was that Yoongi at his feet? Or Taehyung at his tummy? No, no, that must be Namjoon- screw it, he didn’t care!
“PLEHEHEHEHEASE M-M-MEHEHEHERCY I CAHAHAN’T- IHIHIHIH- EHEHEHE” He was beginning to lose all cohesion between his laughter and his sentences just laced into boisterous cackles.
“Jimin, if you admit you love this, we’ll stop.” He thinks he heard Yoongi say, or perhaps that was Namjoon. Nevertheless, he heard the teasing lilt to the demand. Jimin thought to himself for a moment- he couldn’t really go through with that, could he?
“What do you love, Jimin hyung?”
“TIHIHIHIHICKLES P-PLEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAP IHIHIT TICKLES!” Immediately after the screechy command, everyone lifted their hands simultaneously. Jimin felt a great weight lift from his arms and hips and he quickly curled into a defensive ball, letting the residual giggles subside. The others watched with a fond smile as the shorter just giggled to himself happily and Taehyung leaned over to gently rub away the phantom tickles that were still taking over his body. Jimin soon sat up and was greeted with Jin holding out a small bottle of water and he took massive gulps from the drink.
“Y-Yohohou guhuhuys are the worst!” He barked out, flushing when the other members laughed at his shaky voice.
“Oh, admit it, you love us anyways.”
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fanminie · 2 years
Ler - Arter
Lee - Jimin
- Отлично, хорошая работа Пак Чимин!
- Спасибо менеджер-ним
Чимин в данный момент находился на съемках его нового сольного проекта “Set Me Free pt.2”. Он снял уже половину клипа, как ему сказали следующее:
- Чимин ты должен раздеться
И тут у танцора шок
- Ч-что? Зачем мне раздеваться? А главное для чего и почему?
- Нам нужно написать одно стихотворение. Это всё для клипа. Тебе только раздеть верх, а остальное мы сделаем сами
- Что, низ что ли?
- Да нет, сейчас увидишь
Сказала менеджер и ушла из зала непонятно в каком направлении. Чимин выдохнул с облегчением. Он разделся, как ему и сказали, но все же чуть волновался. Кожу немного обдавало холодком в помещении из за чего он иногда вздрагивал, покрываясь мурашками
- Ну и где этот менеджер. Я же так замёрзну
И как по сигналу, менеджер возвращается с некоторыми молодыми людьми, у которых в руках чернила и разнообразные кисточки, а у нее самой какая то переносная кушетка на колёсиках
- Так, а…что это?
- Чимин, смотри, ты должен лечь сюда. Далее мы прикрепим твои конечности и голову, потому что все сошлись на одном мнении: Что ты будешь дёргаться и вертеться
Чимин расширил глаза, на что менеджер немного хихикнула
- Не волнуйся ты так, это не больно. Скорее это будет очень щекотно. Ты ведь не боишься щекотки?
Танцор немного покраснел. Вот такого он точно не ожидал
- Б-боюсь, до с-смерти
- Отлично. Тогда, ребята, прикрепляйте его
Чимин лег на кушетку и ему тут же привязали прямо ноги, руки в разные стороны, а голову специальной резинкой. Он вздрогнул увидев, сколько кисточек они взяли
Один из художников не выдержал и решил сказать:
- Чимин, ты не первый, на ком я рисовал что либо. Поэтому у меня есть опыт. Можешь расслабиться и получать релакс
Вокалист послушался и все таки расслабился, ожидая новых ощущений
- Итак я начну пожалуй рисовать…с твоей шеи
Чимин тут же напрягся и его сердце забилось как бешеное, потому что он знал насколько щекотлива шея и всё в принципе остальное, что будут красить. Он попытался сделать серьёзное лицо, но когда почувствал кисточку с холодными чернилами на левом изгибе шеи, закусил губу дабы не хихикнуть. Но он знал, что у него медленно, но уверенно растёт улыбка на лице. Пак начал подавлять свой внутренний, почти вырывающийся наружу, смех. Ему было так щекотно, когда он почувствовал, что художник идет слева направо по той самой чувствительной полосе шеи, где щекотку не способен выдержать практически никто
- Хих
Но Чим все равно хихикнул, но быстро сделал серьёзное лицо
- Почему ты сдерживаешь свой смех, Чимини? Если щекотно, не терпи. Знаешь сколько у меня таких как ты было. Ух, я сейчас не сосчитаю. И не нужно краснеть, это обычное нормальное весёлое чувство. Вот сам подумай, все сейчас занята своими делами, а тебе наверняка нравится, когда кто нибудь даёт тебе разные щекотки. Ты смеёшься и кажется, что счастливый в данный момент, так как щекотка не отдаляет, а наоборот связывает. Отличный способ поиграть с кем нибудь
Чимин еще больше покраснел
- Айго Чимин, неужели ты так стесняешься? Я смутил тебя своей речью?
- Н-нет хах в-всё в порядке, Ай блихихин
Художник закончил с шеей, ключицами и плечами и перешел к самому интересному и весёлому. Раскрашивание туловища
- Господи я этого не выдержу
- А тебе и не нужно. Дай волю смеху, пусть выйдет, а то ему уже деваться некуда. Он хочет освободиться, а ты ему не даёшь. Если смех помогает тебе сделать щекотку менее чувствительной, то используй шанс
Художник коснулся кисточкой того самого места между верхним ребром и подмышкой, вызвав у Чимина визг
- Какой ты щекотливый)
Тот уже понял, что художник играет с ним и дразнит его
- Я не могу там не красить. Мне поручили, нужно значит делать
Чимин немного попискивал, когда художник добирался до сосков, но вскоре это прекратилось
Он медленно и красиво писал необычным шрифтом стихотворение на туловище Чимина
- Я больше не могу. Я сейчас просто заржу, если ты не остановишься. Это слишком щекотно
- Чимин не терпи. Терпеть вредно, лучше выплесни всё, что ты так долго держал в себе
Художник тем временем начал писать следующую строчку уже на средних ребрах всё также, слева направо. И тут Чимину прожгло будто электричеством. Он звонко засмеялся во весь голос и начал извиваться как-то в ограниченном пространстве, желая избежать эту щекочущуюся кисточку, которая кажется следует за ним повсюду, вырывая из груди громкий хохот
Но художник лишь усмехнулся и продолжил. Чередом шла следующая строчка на нижних рёбра, где ощущалось всё в разы хуже
Художник на время остановился, решив что надо дать немного высохнуть краске и передохнуть Чимину. Для него это ощущается как приятная пытка. Ему нравится когда щекочут разными способами: исподтишка, сзади, сидя на нём верхом и тд и тп. Но его счастье длилось не долго, так как время перерыва подошло к концу. Только одуматься успел
- Ну что, мой щекотливый Чимини, продолжим?
- Д-да, пожалуй продолжим
- Вот и славненько
Третья часть называлась местом смерти, так как в ней были: живот, бока и его гиперщекотливый пупок.
- Самая милая часть тебя)
Опять покраснел
Тот начал опять своё искусство, в то время пока Чимин изрядно хохотал на фоне, так как щекотали прямо от боков к животу и наоборот
- Почти закончено Чимин, еще две строчки. Не так много. Ты почти вытерпил. Молодец, самый лучший из всех, кого я знаю. Самый выносливый
- Спасибо за похвалу)
Вторая строчка прошла так же как и первая, но вот когда настала очередь последней, вот тут уже посыпались проблемы и беспокойства
- Что такое Чимин? Что то случилось? Выглядишь обеспокоенным
- Да, очень беспокоюсь, потому что боюсь, что сейчас мой звонкий пронзительный хохот услышит весь HYBE и наверное Сеул.
- Почему ты так думаешь?
- Да потому что……мне стыдно об этом говорить
- Я никому, честно
- Хм…ладно. Просто в той части, где ты сейчас будешь красить присутствует….пупок. А если до него кто либо дотронется, то я тут падаю на пол и визжу выше ультразвука, вертясь как рыба, которую из воды вытащили
Выдал Чимин на одном дыхании, покраснев с последних слов
- Ну ты даёшь, Чимин. Не волнуйся я справлюсь и тебе удачи желаю
Чимин вновь начал хихикать, почувствовав кисточку на животе, но когда она добралась до его середины…
Чимин издал впервые такую высокую ноту визжания, привлекая внимание некоторых менеджеров и других помощников, которые в свою очередь переговариваются между собой
- Хехех, он такой милый когда смеётся. Ничего ведь не видит. Крутяш маленький
- Он так боится щекотки
- Даже Юнги не может превзойти его щекотливость
- Очаровательно видеть Чимина таким счатливым и весёлым
И тут все замолчали, когда поняла, что их тоже подслушивают
Кисточка писала прямо на пупке, вызывая визги и писки от Чимин, до ужаса боящегося щекотки. Но это всё вскоре закончилось и теперь на торсе Чимина виднелась красивая каллиграфическая работа
- Готово Чимин. Можешь дышать и отдыхать. Тебе так час или два нужно полежать, пока краска не высохнет полностью
- Спасибо за работу и за заботу, стафф
После недолгого отдыха Чимина отстегнули и он:
И все засмеялись с такой шутки Чимина. Он такой проказник. Совсем скоро они вновь продолжили снимать дальше клип, попрощавшись с художником. Чимин в душе был очень благодарен ему. Такого лояльного и доброго человека из стаффа он еще не видел
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hyeincovers · 7 months
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Esta levou algumas horas, mas fiquei mesmo orgulhosa das minhas capacidades e por ter saído completamente do meu molde usual! Espero que gostem também
Podem ler a fanfic aqui:
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maluyoongi · 9 months
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título: Em Busca De Um Amor Verdadeiro data: 28 de dezembro de 2023 programa: ibis paint x feita para: @livetaetae link: 🌼
nota: meu ibis contabilizou 11 horas da minha pessoa fazendo essa humilde capa + a finalização + o tempo q eu fiquei me matando pra achar uma foto do jimin q desse pra colocar e eu estou EXAUSTA. essa capa quase me aposentou. eu tenho q parar de inventar moda e começar a fazer coisas mais simples! os últimos 4 dias foram totalmente voltados pra essa capa e eu tô orgulhosa pq a samsam gostou☝️ vem fic nova pra gente ler🫂
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il0veyoujk · 2 years
Just imagine 10 S2
"Nohoho stohohop!" you cry in giggle hysteria as your best friend is stroking your feet up and down with his blunt nails. And all that while you were just watching a movie and you wrongly decided to put your feet on his lap.
"Stop? Why? Isn't that why you put your feet here? For a massage!" Namjoon chuckles and only keeps stroking your feet unstoppably, slowly speeding up and then suddenly stopping. And that has been going on and on and on for almost one hour now!
You have thrown your head back in hysterical giggles as you try your hardest to focus on the movie, but you always fail once his nails reach the middle of your soles. You may flinch, but you know you cannot go anywhere. Namjoon is gripping your ankles gently but at the same time firmly enough to hold you in place and make you feel each and every hypersensitive stroke.
Suddenly though, someone walks in. Someone you wish he never entered. Jungkook.
"What?! We are tickling y/n without me?!" he exclaims shocked, completely ruining the whole massage cover. Discreetness 10/10.
Namjoon bursts into laughter, showing his adorable dimples, and shakes his head "Yehes Kookie we are! But you can join! This movie is boring anyway..."
"Hey, you are doing it wrong though!" the younger lad yells in mock frustration once he sees how slowly Namjoon is torturing you "That's how you should do it!" and without a single warning, he gently grabs one of your feet and starts scribbling on your soles like a madman.
"BWAHAHAHA NAHAHAO AHAHAHA NAHAHAHAT THAHAHAT AHAHAHA!" you shriek at the top of your lungs and start kicking out in hysteria. That's why you don't want Jungkook near you when it comes to tickling! He kills you every time!
"See? That's the right way!"
"Ohhh... So like this!" Namjoon smirks and copies Jungkook's movements, only to get a way harder and louder reaction from you "Hehe you are right! She goes crazy with this!"
"EHEHEXCUSE MEHEHE! I'M HERE!" you scream and kick out like your life depends on it, completely flustered from all the teasing without even actually talking to you! You almost kick the poor lads in the face from flailing around like a fish out of the water and laughing at the top of your lungs.
"Aw cutie we see you! And we hear you!" Jungkook chuckles, focusing on the base of your toes to drive you even madder than you already are!
"And we'll keep hearing you until the end of the movie..." Namjoon grins and keeps torturing your hypersensitive foot, as your screams of ticklishness are probably making the whole neighborhood think someone's killing you.
Let's just say you're watching The Titanic... 2 more hours of tickling are coming riiiiight up!
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cookiegirlsstuff · 7 months
The Hobi cheer up (pt. 1)
AN: This is part 1 of a series that will consist of 7 parts.I hope you like it!
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Lee: Jungkook
Ler: J-hope
The door slammed shut with a loud bang and an angry-looking Jungkook stormed into the house.
He didn't even give his hyungs a glance before settling down on the couch.
"Jungkookie are you alright?" Jin asked worriedly as he watched the youngest drink a glass of water in a hurry.
"Yes, of course. I'm completely fine," Jungkook mumbled, although everyone could see that the opposite was the case.
"Bad day?" Yoongi asked, but Jungkook decided to just ignore him.
"Jungkook, if you're not feeling well, you can talk to us," Taehyung assured him.
"I'm fine, why don't you understand that? The training was just a bit exhausting, that's all and now leave me alone!" Jungkook shouted before getting up and disappearing into his own room.
"Yup… he definitely isn't well," Jimin commented.
"But what can we do to help him? He's not really going to let anyone get close to him right now," Namjoon said.
"I think I have a plan," J-hope smirked before quietly whispering his idea to the others.
In the meantime, Jungkook had practically fled to his room and was now lying exhausted on his bed. Lately, everything had become more and more exhausting and he felt like he was letting down everyone else.
Suddenly there was a knock on his locked door and he heard a familiar voice: "Jungkook, it's J-hope. Can you please open the door?"
Sighing, the younger boy shuffled to the door and pushed down the handle. He wasn't really in the mood to talk to the others, but he didn't want to upset his hyung either.
"What do you want?" he asked, his voice sounding more annoyed than intended.
"Jungkookie, that's not very nice. How do you talk to your lovely hyung?" the older one asked playfully.
Slowly, Jungkook was really fed up with Hoseoks childish behaviour and started to get really irritated.
"Shut up," he mumbled. He actually thought that his hyung hadn't heard him, but he was wrong.
"Did you just tell me to shut up?" shouted J-hope in fake disbelief.
Jungkook swallowed.
"I understand that you're in a bad mood today, but with this mood you really need a Hobi cheer up," said his bandmate smiling.
"What's that?" Jungkook asked in confusion, but he didn't have time to think about it because a few seconds later, J-hope was on his hip and had pinned Jungkook's hands above his head.
"Where do I start here?" Hoseok chuckled before lifting up Jungkook's hoodie and running his finger over Jungkook's tummy.
"No hobi hyung…pleahahase don't," Jungkook giggled and tried to free himself.
"Aww such a little baby. And you were just about to tell me to shut up?" J-hope laughed teasingly.
Meanwhile, he had started to trace all his fingers up and down Jungkook's sides and Jungkook was a just a cute and laughing mess.
"I'm sahaharry…..reahally," Jungkook laughed desperately while still trying to get free.
"That won't help you now. And apart from that, you really needed a cheer up my dear Mr Grumpy cat," said Hobi.
"Nahaha", Jungkook yelled or more....he tried.
“Oh but I strongly feel like you needed this,” Hoseok countered, now moving his hands under the younger’s arms. The maknae let out an undignified shriek and burst into even more loud laughter.
“You really are ticklish, Kookie,” he hums. “I didn’t think it was possible to be so ticklish.”
Jungkook immediately turned a pretty shade of pink, darkening every time his hyung teased him like that.
But then came the worst part: J-hope started to move his fingers along Jungkook's tummy in a spinning motion again. But he kept moving it near to Jungkook's belly button…his absolute worst spot!
Until he finally dipped it in. Jungkook's laughter went up another octave, if that was even possible. It was really embarassing but at the same time he could really feel how his stress melted away more and more with every touch of pure affection.
"And…cheerful again?" he asked after a while and finally finished his "cheer up".
"Yes, thank you hyung. I didn't realise how much I needed that myself.
"You are welcome", Hoseok replied before they both set off to the others in the living room.
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What do you think? I know it's a little bit short but I tried my best! Which member should get a "hobi cheer up" next? .💜✌
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saturnzskyzz · 9 months
Or an idea came to my mind.
Namjoon pulls a prank on the members that he's been wanting to do for a really long time. I don't have much of an idea what the joke will be, but it might scare the members. Anyway, after the joke, the members can catch him and tickle torture him as punishment.
That was really the only thing that came to my mind, I hope I explained it well, thank you :>💗💗
Thank you, Anon!!
You explained it well, and I'm glad that I'll be able to fulfil your request!
I hope you enjoy! :)))
·˚ ༘ 𖦆 ꒷₊˚ ꒦꒷꒷꒦ ⑅ ʚ ⤜ ⨳ ࣪• ☼ ⋒ ⚡︎ 𐚱 ⊹˚˖⁺ ⤾·˚ ༘ 𖦆 ꒷₊˚ ꒦꒷꒷꒦ ⑅ ʚ ⤜ ⨳ ࣪•
Namjoon's prank
Lee: Namjoon
Ler: BTS
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Namjoon felt michivious one morning and decided to pull a prank on his members. Unfortunately for him however, because his members also decided to punish him for his evil doings.
| swearing | tickling |
·˚ ༘ 𖦆 ꒷₊˚ ꒦꒷꒷꒦ ⑅ ʚ ⤜ ⨳ ࣪• ☼ ⋒ ⚡︎ 𐚱 ⊹˚˖⁺ ⤾·˚ ༘ 𖦆 ꒷₊˚ ꒦꒷꒷꒦ ⑅ ʚ ⤜ ⨳ ࣪•
"Namjoon, We need to talk." Yoongi said bluntly. The rest of the members were behind him with a similar annoyed and intimidating aura.
"Yeah? What's up?" Namjoon gave all of them a smirk, knowing exactly what was up.
Namjoon had decided that morning that he was going to be a little prick, and prank his beloved friends with almost every product in their bathrooms, except for a box that the rest were holding, be switched out with condiments. He thankfully didn't waste any actual product that he tediously took out of each bottle into a seperate container to hide in his closet, but his members don't know that yet.
"You know what's up Namjoon, don't play dumb." Seokjin said, pointing a finger at the leaders face to emphasize his words.
"I don't know what you guys are possibly talking abO-ow! What was that for?!" Namjoon was cut off by Taehyung throwing a small container at their leader, which hit directly at his chest.
"Check the container, Hyung. That's the only container that seems to have something even more special than all the rest that were filled with dipping sauce." Taehyung said, crossing his arms with disappointment.
Namjoon looked at everyone, and then looked down at the box that was thrown at him.
"..I don't think I want to open it.. You guys have fun with that one though." Namjoon said, getting ready to place down the box until a hand stopped him from doing so. Startled by the sudden touch, Namjoon looked to his right to see who had stopped him.
"No, Hyung. We insist." Jungkook said, using all his strength to lift the box up to Namjoon's face with the struggle of his leader trying to push the box away, but failed either way. Right as it got to Namjoon's face, Jungkook used his other hand to pry open the box, which resulted in a real life spider running out of it, and onto the leaders hand.
"AH! uh.. Haha, y-you guys got me there!" Namjoon flinched at the spider. Even though he was the one who put it in there, he was not expecting it to run out of it. With a flick of his other hand, the spider flew off and onto the ground closest to Yoongi, who then stepped on the arachnid.
"You know how much we all hate spiders, and yet you pull something this twisted, and for what? For some laughs?" Hoseok said, walking up to Namjoon.
"Okay, look.. I might've put spiders in those containers, but look at them! They aren't poisoness.. They're friendly!" Namjoon said, looking at everyone with a half apologetic look.
The members were irritated. They wanted a peaceful evening, but were startled by a prank that Namjoon can't seem to tell that it was hurtful for some who are deathly afraid of them.
"You have five seconds to run." Jimin said all of a sudden.
This put shock on Namjoon's face. Then without second thought, he darted right out of the living room, and into the hallway dorms. He wanted to get into his room so he could lock the door behind him, but he was unfortunately caught by someone from behind.
Namjoon was then tackled ground. When knowing who it was-hoseok-He tried to get the upper hand, but his hyung was quick enough to throw a leg over his waist, successfully pinning him to the ground.
"Hoseok, ow! Let me go!" Namjoon cried, struggling to get out of the olders grip.
"You want to use spiders for some laughs? I'll show you then!" Hoseok said. He then used both his hands to scribble all over his leader's ribs like he was mimicking a spider crawl.
"Ah! - ahaha, Hohohoseok! Whahahat the hehell?!" Namjoon grabbed onto Hoseok's wrists to try and pry them off of his ribs, but he was getting weak pretty fast by the tickling.
"Did you know that spiders are also afraid of humans? That's why they choose non-open areas for them to hide!" Hoseok teased, inching dangerously close to Namjoon's armpits.
"NOHOHO! DohoOHOHohon't yohohou DAHARE!" Namjoon, who knew what his Hyung was hinting with that fact, did everything he could to get away from the offending fingers: yanking Hoseok's hands off him, twisting side to side, even skidding his feet on the floor to try to slide away from Hoseok, but nothing worked.
That was when the rest of the members caught up to see the onslaught going on.
Yoongi, who saw Namjoon trying to push Hoseok's attacking fingers away, had walked up to Namjoon from behind his head, and grabbed onto his hands to pin them up above his head.
"There you go, J-Hope." Yoongi said with a blank face.
Hoseok gave Yoongi a look that said, "thank you" and went for his Armpits, digging straight into his hollows with no hesitation.
"NOHOHohoho! Hohoseok, DOHOHO-AAH! HAHAHA, GEHEHET OUT OF THEHEHERE!" Namjoon yelled. He twisted his head from side to side to try and rid off the tickly feeling, but it didn't work, unfortunately.
So Namjoon just settled with his head layed back while closing his eyes shut. The sensations to one of his worst spots were agonizing. Not only that, but he felt more hands going after his sides and neck.
"I think these cridders were wanting a place to hide as well." Jimin said, who was scribbling one of his hands on namjoon's neck. This caused Namjoon to scrunch up his shoulder to try and get Jimin's hand out from his neck, but it was to no avail.
"Yeah, I think so too. They need a place to be warm!" Jungkook said, who was digging into his hyung's sides.
"GUHUUHUHUYS! PLEHEHEASE! IHIHI'M SOHOHORY! IHIHIHI WOHOHON'T DOHOHO IT AGAHAH-AHAHAHA!" Namjoon couldn't take it anymore. More hands going for his other ticklish spots were too much for him.
"Guys, I think he learned his lesson." Seokjin said, who had his arms crossed with a satisfied smile on his face.
Upon hearing their hyung's suggestion, they all ceased their hands, as well as Yoongi letting go of Namjoon's wrists. They had all gotten up, except for Namjoon, and waited for their leader to get up.
Namjoon had his hands crossed around his chest to cover his underarms while moving to lay on his side away from his members due to embarrassment.
"Ihihit wohon't happen.. Agahain, ihi swear ohon it!" Namjoon said.
"It better not, or we might put more than spiders in your bathroom, hyung!" Taehyung said, fleeing the scene.
Yeah. Namjoon was sure that he wasn't going to do that again.
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moonsunbam · 2 months
from the bottom of my heart to ALL anons going in jikookers blogs:
you should be ashamed of being born. you guys must be so fun at parties too.
imagine having a whole jikook tv show to watch and talk about and the FIRST thing you think of saying is about how jikook dont making a sex tape on camera to you guys is DEBUNKING. like do you guys can see how youre DEHUMANIZING THEM?? why cant you be normal and just think about jimin and jungkook as a regular couple you see on the street??? why do you have to microanalize EVERYTHING???
im so tired of all of you, vocês são pessoas patéticas com vidas patéticas e tão medíocres eu tenho pena de vocês.
please get off twitter and GO OUTSIDE.
ask yourself something: if you logged out of twitter, tumblr and etc this problem with jikook will still exist in real life? if no THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP PORRA.
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little-big-fan · 10 months
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Um neném para o Idol (Jungkook - Bts) Parte 1.
n\a: Sim, chegou a primeira parte desse imagine que ocupou a minha mente por diaaaaas! Eu espero MUITO que vocês gostem, de coração! Ao Anon que fez esse pedido, muito obrigado, espero que tenha ficado do jeitinho que você queria!
Nota: Os meninos do BTS têm uma dezena de nomes diferentes kkkkk pra não ficar repetitivo, eu fui alternando. então, caso você não seja uma fã mas queira ler mesmo assim, aqui vai uma ajudinha para identificar:
Jungkook: Jeon, JK J-hope: Hobi, Hoseok Suga: Yoongi Taehyung: V Namjoon: RM (também chamei ele de "líder" em algumas partes) Jin: Seokjin Jimin: Chamei ele só de Jimin mesmo, mas fiquei com pena de deixar de fora da lista KKKKKKK
Tropes: Clichêzinho gostoso / Gravidez inesperada / Bebê rejeitado / Reencontro
Avisos: Esse imagine pode conter assuntos que sirvam de gatilhos para algumas pessoas, como: abandono parental. Se você não se sente á vontade com esse tipo de assunto, por favor, não leia.
Contagem de palavras: 2,544 + fakechats
Respirei fundo, juntando cada partícula de coragem para encarar a varetinha dentro do copinho, há mais de quinze minutos pronto em cima da pia do banheiro. 
Faziam pelo menos duas semanas que eu me sentia estranha. Os seios muito mais sensíveis do que o normal, uma cólica interminável que nunca resultava em uma menstruação e por último os enjoos cada vez mais frequentes. 
— Vamos lá, S/N. Coragem. — Falei para mim mesma. 
Peguei o teste e fechei os olhos com força, enchendo e esvaziando o pulmão de ar antes de encarar o resultado assustador. 
Puta que pariu. 
E agora? 
Deixei o medo ultrapassar as barreiras, jogando o teste longe e segurando meu rosto entre as mãos durante o choro desesperado. 
Eu não posso ser mãe agora, meu deus. 
Como vou fazer isso? 
Eu sequer estou com o pai dessa criança! 
Meu deus, ele vai surtar. 
Esperei mais três dias para finalmente ter coragem de contar para Jeon sobre o resultado das nossas aventuras. Com o resultado do exame de sangue em mãos, mandei uma mensagem, querendo saber quando ele voltaria de mais uma das suas viagens para podermos conversar. Não era o tipo de notícia que gostaria de dar por mensagem. 
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O mundo sob os meus pés pareceu ter sumido. O ar faltou em meus pulmões e por dois dias inteiros tudo que consegui fazer foi chorar. 
Meu deus, o que fiz para merecer isso? 
Coloquei a mão sobre a barriga ainda não crescida, me desculpando um milhão de vezes com aquela vidinha que acabara de se iniciar ali. 
Eu estava acostumada a precisar ser forte. Ser mulher na indústria do entretenimento não era nada fácil. Mas agora, eu tinha um novo motivo para seguir em frente e encarar o mundo. 
Jungkook podia não querer aquele bebê, mas eu definitivamente o queria. 
Estava apavorada e não sabia o que fazer, mas o queria e de alguma forma já o amava profundamente. 
— Chega de chorar, S\N. Você tem um filho agora. — Me ergui da cama.
Cumprimentei a equipe assim que entrei no estúdio. Um burburinho estranho se instalava e com certeza não era sobre a minha volta das férias. 
— Chase? — Chamei meu assistente. — Aconteceu alguma coisa? 
— Ah, não. — O garoto recém formado sorriu, me oferecendo um copo de café. — Os convidados de hoje chegaram e estão todos animados. 
— Ah… — Cocei a nuca, envergonhada ao notar que havia simplesmente esquecido de checar o cronograma da semana. — E quem são? — Perguntei baixinho. 
Chase nem precisou me responder, pois novamente o burburinho se instaurou, cada vez mais alto. Entrando pela porta da frente do estúdio, conversando alto como um grupo de crianças em um coreano alto, quase berrado. 
Senti meu corpo congelar, não precisava sequer olhar para seus rostos para reconhecer. As vozes que por quase dois anos me acompanharam todos os dias no emprego anterior. 
Um dos diretores se aproximou da algazarra, acompanhado por James, o apresentador. Fiquei estática no lugar, sem saber o que fazer. Até que um par de olhos castanhos se fixou em mim e um sorriso de orelha á orelha se abriu.
— S\N! — Jin gritou, chamando a atenção dos outros seis amigos. 
Sem se importar com os olhares, o mais velho do grupo correu como uma criança em minha direção, me apertando em um abraço forte. Fiz o meu melhor para retribuir, mesmo sendo tirada do chão. É impossível não sorrir, uma das coisas das quais senti falta era a animação de Jin e o quão amigo ele poderia ser. — Ah, senti tão a sua falta. — Falou me balançando, como uma boneca. 
— Eu não acredito! — Jimin disse com animação, se juntando ao abraço. 
— Meninos, ar, eu preciso de ar! — Falei um pouco mais alto, fazendo-os rir.
— O que está fazendo aqui? — Yoongi perguntou depois de me dar um abraço calmo, típico de si.
— Sou uma das produtoras. 
— Você nos largou para trabalhar com o James? — Jin disse alto, colocando a mão sobre o coração como se estivesse profundamente ofendido.
— Ei! — James reclamou, fazendo-os rir alto mais uma vez. 
 O líder do grupo passou o braço sobre meus ombros, murmurando um “bom ver você”. Todos da equipe observavam com atenção a comoção que havia se formado à minha volta, me deixando ainda mais desconfortável. 
— S/N? — Virei para um dos staffs que vinha em minha direção com o telefone geral do estúdio. — É do berçário. — Agradeci, pegando o aparelho.
— Alô? 
— S/N, Liz comeu amendoim. — A voz feminina do outro lado disse desesperada. 
— O quê? Eu deixei claro que ela não pode! — Quase gritei, sentindo meu coração reverberar por todo o meu corpo, e meu nervosismo fez os sete à minha volta prestarem atenção. 
— As meninas se descuidaram e outra criança ofereceu um doce. — Lamentou.
— Traz ela pra mim. — Desliguei. Engoli com dificuldade, sentindo minhas mãos suarem e tremerem. 
— Aconteceu alguma coisa? — Namjoon perguntou baixo, mas não consegui responder. Entrando pela porta lateral, uma das responsáveis pelo berçário andava rápido em minha direção. Corri até ela, pegando a minha filha pálida nos braços e me desesperando ainda mais quando vi sua dificuldade em respirar. 
— Matt! — Gritei para o paramédico que sempre ficava de plantão no estúdio, correndo em sua direção. — Ela comeu amendoim, é muito muito alérgica. — Ele me ouviu com atenção, pegando-a nos braços e caminhando até a maca já instalada. 
Ele fez um exame rápido, checando sua garganta e respiração, então abriu uma maleta, retirando uma seringa. Liz arregalou os olhinhos que encheram de lágrimas. 
 — Vai ser só uma picadinha, pequena. — Matt prometeu, retirando a proteção da agulha e me olhando, pedindo em silêncio que eu me aproximasse. 
A cena toda já havia chamando a atenção de quase todos os presentes, que se aproximavam, fazendo um tipo de roda à nossa volta. 
Peguei minha garotinha, erguendo com cuidado a saia para que sua coxa ficasse exposta. Liz soltou um gritinho dolorido, seguido de um choro sentido após ser medicada. Balancei minha filha nos meus braços, quase chorando junto com ela. 
— Vai melhorar logo. — Matt prometeu, colocando um curativo sobre a marquinha vermelha. 
Poucos minutos se passaram, mas percebi que a respiração de Liz havia melhorado consideravelmente, o que me deixou imensamente aliviada. Ela ainda chorava com o rostinho apoiado no meu pescoço, magoada demais para olhar para o “titio médico”. 
— Ela não vai me perdoar tão cedo. — Matt brincou quando notou que as coisas já estavam um pouco mais calmas. Sorri pela primeira vez, assentindo com a cabeça. 
A multidão havia dissipado quase totalmente, podia ouvir os comentários aliviados das pessoas. Seis dos sete coreanos me encaravam com surpresa, mas Hobi se aproximou, tendo um sorriso enorme aberto nos lábios. 
— Liz? — Chamou baixinho. A pequena se encolheu no meu colo, virando para olhar que lhe chamava. Seu rosto se iluminou com o reconhecimento. Mesmo com os olhinhos inchados e as bochechas vermelhas, ela sorriu, se jogando para o colo do quase desconhecido. 
— Titio! — Hoseok a segurou rápido, tomando cuidado para não apertar a perninha machucada. Liz espalhou as mãozinhas minúsculas pelas bochechas dele e então deixou um beijinho na ponta do seu nariz, seguido de um abraço apertado e certamente gostoso. 
— Você cresceu muito, hum? — Ele disse afastando o pescoço para olhá-la melhor. 
Fazia pelo menos nove meses desde a última vez em que os dois se viram pessoalmente, e como uma criança, Liz crescia rápido. Seus cabelos escuros e lisos estavam agora chegando aos ombros, e ela havia crescido consideravelmente. 
— Sou mocinha agora. — Fez um biquinho. Não consegui evitar de sorrir, “mocinha” era uma das minhas palavras favoritas do momento, pois soava como “moxinha”. Hobi também pareceu adorar, pois riu alto e balançou a garota. 
— S/A? — James me chamou de lado. — Ela está melhor? 
— Está sim, obrigado pela preocupação. — Sorri. 
— Você quer levá-la para casa? Pode ir se quiser. 
— Tem certeza? 
— Claro que sim. — Disse colocando a mão sobre o meu ombro. — Imagino que ainda esteja um pouco nervosa, eu sei como esses pequenos nos assustam de vez em quando. 
— Um pouco. — Admiti. 
— Então pode ir. — Sorriu. 
— Obrigado, James. — O abracei de lado. 
James murmurou um “de nada” e caminhou até Hobi, deixando um beijinho na bochecha de Liz que reclamou da sua barba, como sempre fazia. Minha breve conversa foi tempo o suficiente para que alguns dos meninos se aproximassem. Jimin e Jin faziam brincadeiras e falavam com a voz afinada, enquanto a garotinha adorava a atenção. 
Meu coração deu mais um salto ao perceber como Jungkook olhava com atenção para o meu bebê. 
— Vamos para casa? — Perguntei para a pequena, ignorando a sensação que estava tendo. 
— Já? — Ela perguntou fazendo um beicinho e deitando a cabeça no ombro de Hoseok.
— Ela quer ficar com o titio Hobi. — Disse orgulhoso.
— Os outros titios também. — Ela disse manhosa, fazendo Jin e Jimin comemorarem e provocarem o amigo. 
— Eu sei, mas você precisa descansar um pouquinho. — Falei para ela. — E os titios precisam gravar. 
— Vai cantar titio? — Ela perguntou e ele assentiu. Jin e Jimin soltaram algo como “tão fofa” em coreano.
— Vou. — Ele disse deixando um beijo na bochecha gordinha. — Posso ir na sua casa mais tarde? — Perguntou me olhando. Eu sabia que ele não iria desacompanhado, mas também sabia que se não dissesse que sim, Liz não aceitaria ir embora. 
— Claro. 
Aceitando a minha resposta, a garota estendeu os braços gordinhos em minha direção. Dei um tchau geral, saindo de lá o mais rápido possível. 
Acomodei Liz em sua cadeirinha no carro e antes mesmo de sairmos do estacionamento ela dormiu. 
Despertei minha garotinha quando chegamos em casa, dei um banho longo e relaxante nela e fiz uma mamadeira gostosa, deixando que ela voltasse a dormir. 
Patrick chegou no horário de sempre, entrando na cozinha enquanto tirava a gravata preta e desabotoava o paletó. 
— Chegou cedo. — Comentou, dando um beijo em minha testa.
— Liz teve uma crise alérgica. 
— Ela está bem? — Disse em tom preocupado.
— Sim, Matt a socorreu. 
— Graças a Deus. — Suspirou. 
— Pac, ele estava lá hoje. — Encarei as frutas que estava lavando. 
— Quem? 
— O pai da Liz. — Meu comentário fez a caneca de café parar no meio do caminho para a boca. 
— Ele a viu?
— Sim. — Suspirei. — E talvez venha aqui mais tarde. 
— Você não está falando sério. — Falou incrédulo. 
— Todos os meninos estavam lá, Liz não quis desgrudar do Hobi. — Cocei a nuca com a mão molhada. — Então tive que prometer que deixaria eles virem. 
— S/N! — Seu provável discurso foi interrompido pela campainha. — Eu abro. 
— Não faça uma cena. 
Acompanhei em passos curtos o caminho até a sala, vendo-o abrir a porta para os sete que entraram. Como sempre, Hobi o cumprimentou com um toque de mãos e um sorriso. Se fazendo de bom anfitrião, Patrick estampou um sorriso falso no rosto e os guiou até a sala. 
Coloquei a tigela de frutas na mesinha de centro, sentindo os seis pares de olhos sobre mim. 
— Papa, você chegou. — Uma Liz sonolenta anunciou sua presença, agarrando na perna do padrinho que a ergueu no colo. 
— Fiquei sabendo que você deu um susto na mamãe hoje. — Ele comentou cheirando seus cabelos bagunçados. Abrindo os olhos e finalmente prestando atenção nas visitas, Liz sorriu. 
— Titio, você veio mesmo. — Estendeu os braços para Hobi, que se levantou para pegá-la. 
— Eu não prometi? — Ele disse com a voz doce e ela assentiu. 
— Você é o titio Jin e você o titio Jimin. — Ela apontou o indicador gordinho para os dois, que sorriam. — E os outros titios? Não querem dizer o nome para a Liz? — Tombou a cabecinha para o lado. 
— Liz ainda fala algumas coisas na terceira pessoa. — Patrick explicou. 
— Eu sou o titio Namjoon. — O líder se pronunciou primeiro. 
— Nam… joooon? — Perguntou fazendo um biquinho fofo, o que fez o coreano sorrir abertamente e assentir. 
— Eu sou o titio V. — Taehyung disse segurando a mão pequenininha entre os dedos. Liz repetiu o nome. 
— Eu sou o titio Suga. — Yoongi declarou, acenando por estar um pouco longe no sofá. 
— Açúcar? — Ela disse surpresa, o que causou gargalhadas nos outros. 
— Você pode chamá-lo de titio docinho. — Hobi sussurrou, causando uma carranca no amigo e uma risada em Liz. 
— E ele? — Apontou o dedinho para o último, que até agora apenas a encarava. 
— Esse é o titio Jungkook. — Patrick falou alto, dando ênfase no honorífico. 
— Não sei falar isso. — Ela lamentou depois de testar o nome e errar algumas vezes. 
— Pode chamá-lo de JK. — Hobi falou, desconfortável com o clima que havia se instalado. Liz tombou a cabeça para o lado, encarando-o com os olhos iguaizinhos aos seus.
— Pode? 
Jeon a encarou por mais alguns segundos, como se gravasse na mente a primeira vez que ela falava com ele diretamente, e então sorriu. 
— Você pode me chamar como quiser, querida. — Liz também sorriu, ficando ainda mais parecida com o pai. Derretendo todos eles com seu jeito encantador. 
Precisei voltar para a cozinha, tentando controlar a vontade de chorar que estava me atingindo. Liz já era um lembrete constante da paixão unilateral e da decepção que Jungkook havia me causado, mas ele estar sentado em meu sofá, rodeado pelos seus amigos e interagindo com a nossa filha era demais para mim. 
— Você está bem? — A voz de Patrick soou atrás de mim.
— Estou. — Funguei. 
— Posso mandá-los embora. Liz vai esquecê-los rápido. — Massageou meus ombros. 
— Você sabe que isso não é verdade. — Lamentei. 
— O que vamos fazer?
— Jantar? — Tentei brincar. 
— Você me entendeu. — Bufou. Me virei, enterrando o rosto em seu peito e sendo abrigada por um abraço.
— Um passo de cada vez. — Pedi. Patrick respirou fundo antes de concordar. 
Eu sabia que ele estava odiando aquela situação. A presença, mesmo que mínima, de Jungkook nas nossas vidas parecia de alguma forma ameaçar sua posição na vida de Liz. Desde seu nascimento, o padrinho foi o único pai que ela conheceu. Patrick se dedicou a nós duas, sacrificou madrugadas para embalá-la, comemorou os primeiros passos, trocou mais fraldas do que se poderia contar.
Mesmo sem nenhuma obrigação. Ele não apenas cumpriu um papel que não era seu, mas o assumiu com amor e orgulho. E eu entendia o medo que estava sentindo agora, porque eu também estava com medo. 
Jungkook tinha dinheiro e recursos o suficiente para conseguir tirar de mim o meu bem maior se assim quisesse. 
— Não vou deixar nada acontecer. — Patrick sussurrou, como se lesse os meus pensamentos. 
Um pigarro chamou a nossa atenção. Na porta da cozinha, Hobi sorriu fraco. 
— O jantar chegou. — Explicou antes de virar de volta.
Sequei as lágrimas e forcei um sorriso. Patrick deu um beijo em minha testa e segurou minha mão, me puxando para a sala. 
Saindo do corredor dos quartos, Liz puxava Jeon e Jin pelas mãos, o mais velho usando uma coroa de princesa. 
— Por isso a Bela é a minha princesa peferida. Ela é inteligente. — Os dois assentiram, curvados para conseguir segurar as mãozinhas. 
— Gostei do seu novo estilo. — Briquei, fazendo Jin sorrir de forma envergonhada. 
— Vou contratar Liz como minha nova figurinista, ela tem futuro. — Brincou de volta. 
— Vamos comer? — Patrick perguntou. Liz soltou a mão dos dois, estendendo os braços para que o padrinho a pegasse. — Se comer tudo, vai poder assistir um pouquinho de desenho hoje. — Ele disse seguindo para a mesa. 
— Só um pouquinho?
— Só um pouquinho, mocinha.
Taglist:@cachinhos-de-harry / @nihstyles / @lanavelstommo / @say-narry
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