#ler craig
dannystheone · 1 year
Hi!! I absolutely loved the South Park fic you posted recently!! You got their interactions down and it genuinely felt like I was reading the script from an episode. For a request, maybe something where Craig let’s Tweek hold Stripe, and Tweek is kind of nervous but ends up giggling because she’s sniffing at his belly or neck or something. And Craig’s eyes just light up because he didn’t know Tweek was ticklish. And of course he has to tickle Tweek right after- Take all the time you need or feel free to decline. Have a great week 💖
Oh my gosh I have been INSANE for Creek like my phone gallery is filled with fanart, they're just too adorable together. Also thank you for the compliment! I love when people say my fics are like the real thing it makes me happy :)
I have another Creek idea I wanna flesh out but this idea is too cute so I have to do it :)) thank you for the idea! I absolutely love Creek they're so gay and lovely and wonderful
Craig Introduces Stripe To Tweek! (Lee Tweek/Ler Craig)
"Alright Tweek, I'm gonna hand you Stripe now. Just hold your hands out flat-"
"GAH! No! What if I crush him on accident?! I don't wanna hurt him! That is way too much pressure! Ack!!"
Craig had invited Tweek over to his house to meet his infamous guinea pig, Stripe. They were sitting crisscross on Craig's carpet; the LED lights around Craig's room and the glow stars on his ceiling provided a calmer vibe for Tweek. However, Tweek was never calm under any circumstances.
"It's okay, just hold your hands out flat and I'll give you Stripe." Craig gently placed his light brown guinea pig in Tweek's shivering hands. Tweek's eye twitched as his breathing grew heavy.
"I- I don't wanna hurt him, man! You'll hate me!"
"You're not gonna hurt him dude, relax. Look, he likes you." Tweek looked down at the furred animal and took a deep breath.
Stripe started moving around in Tweeks hands, his little feet padding around in Tweek's palms. Tweek twitched at the unfamiliar sensation and watched Stripe as closely as possible.
Tweek didn't mention he also had anxiety about Stripe suddenly biting him out of nowhere, or pissing in his hands unexpectedly. What if it poisoned him? But he didn't want to be rude to Craig and his kind offer.
"You see? He probably prefers your hands over mine, they're always too cold." Craig stayed as optimistic as possible for Tweek, despite his usual blunt nature. Stripe was sniffing around Tweek's hands, possibly smelling the coffee grounds that stained them after years of drinking the beverage.
"C-Craig! He's climbing my arm!" Stripe was ambling up out of Tweek's hands now and padding along his forearm.
"Oh, he's just curious. That means he really likes you, and your shivering doesn't bother him either."
"What? My shivering? I shiver? When do I do that??" Tweek questioned. But he forgot about his questions as Stripe climbed up closer and closer to his face.
"GAH! Craig, can you take him off?! I don't wanna hurt him dude!" Craig sighed as he gently removed Stripe from Tweek's bicep. Craig put Stripe in his usual resting place, on his shoulder.
"See, that was cool, wasn't it? Stripe really likes you."
"Nnn...I guess. I just wish- I wish I wasn't so nervous so I could hold him properly!" Tweek's hands balled into fists as Craig furrowed his brows in confusion.
"But...you were holding him? You were holding him just now."
"No I mean- Ack! I mean I can hold him without worrying if I'm gonna hurt him!" Tweek pulled on his hair to calm himself down. He didn't wanna scare Stripe or be too loud.
"Oh, well, what if I put him in a place where it'll be easier to watch him and you don't have to physically hold him?" Craig suggested.
"Nnnngh, o-okay!" Tweek watched as Craig took Stripe off his shoulder and placed him on Tweek's bent knee. Despite Tweek wearing his usual dark blue jeans, he could still feel Stripe's feet traveling up his thigh.
"NGH! That feels weird!" Tweek's eye twitched as Stripe traveled up his thigh and sniffed around his jeans.
"Oh yeah, I remember my first guinea pig crawling all over me and I had to get used to it. It tickled at first, but I got used to it." Craig said nonchalantly. Tweek was barely listening as he watched Stripe smell and be curious of him.
"H-Hey, I-I'm not hurting him! He's okay!" Tweek looked up at Craig with a radiant smile that lit up the room. Craig's face blushed a deep crimson as he nodded supportively. Tweek's smile was so much nicer than he was expecting. And Tweek had stopped shivering while he was focusing on Stripe.
Tweek was focusing on Stripe, while Craig found himself suddenly focusing on Tweek. His hair went every which way, but it actually framed his face quite well. He had light blue eyes that looked darker under the blue lights, and his breathing grew more gentle as he studied Stripe with a growing adoration. Craig's heart was pounding. What the fuck is this feeling-
"Do you uh, do you wanna try and pet him? He likes having his back scratched." Craig offered gently. Tweek looked at him with a fearful expression.
"N-no no no, that's okay! I'll just watch him! I-I don't wanna-" Tweek sputtered as he felt a new sensation in his belly. He looked down and noticed that Stripe had traveled his way up his leg and to his tummy window, thanks to his inability to ever button his shirt correctly. Stripe was sniffing at his bare tummy, his whiskers brushing over the skin gently.
"H-Hehey! Hehehe's tickling me!" Tweek giggled as Stripe padded closer and poked his head inside of Tweek's shirt window. Stripe's fur fluffed against Tweek's tummy, causing Tweek to snicker.
Craig was about to help the poor boy, but-
Tweek was too cute as he just pulled on his shirt as a nervous tic instead of handling Stripe for fear that he would hurt him, despite Stripe sniffing and tickling his tummy. His eyes were narrowed in his giggles, his whole face alight with his smile. Craig didn't know that Tweek was ticklish, and to be honest he didn't think he would ever care about that fact.
But with these newfound feelings for Tweek that Craig had discovered, he found his eyes lighting up like the glow stars on his ceiling. Tweek's eyes were squeezed shut as he tittered at the soft feel against his tummy.
"Cr-Crahaig cahan you hehelp?!" Tweek cried. Craig snapped out of his thoughts and reached forward to remove Stripe from Tweek's tummy. Tweek breathed in deeply, the soft remnants of brushing still playing over his skin.
"Sorry, Tweek. I didn't think Stripe would do something like that." Craig stood up to put Stripe back in his enclosure while Tweek pulled on his shirt to try and hide his tummy window.
"ERK! I-It's okay! I-I liked meeting him!" Tweek started to gently shiver again, his eyes twitching now that he wasn't focusing on Stripe. Craig sat on the carpet again, closer to Tweek this time.
"Oh, good. Uh, he liked meeting you too." The two boys sat there for a moment, Tweek silently shivering and Craig pulling on his hatstring while he thought. Craig wanted to try something, but it had to be smooth. He didn't want to spring anything onto Tweek that he wouldn't like.
Craig cleared his throat and turned to Tweek. "Hey, Tweek uh...do you want help buttoning your shirt?" Craig pointed to Tweek's tummy window in his shirt. Tweek twitched and pulled on his shirt nervously.
"My shirt? Augh...I guess! I-I can never button it right, my hands tremble too much!" Tweek turned to Craig, his body trembling gently. Craig mustered up his courage and turned towards Tweek, his squared-off fingers buttoning the top button that was done incorrectly.
Craig was so close to Tweek he could feel his breathing down his neck. Tweek's body radiated heat like he was a personal heater. Maybe from the coffee? But Craig delighted in the fact that Tweek trusted him enough to be so close, especially when his belly was right there-
"Sorry Tweek, I didn't mean to swipe you." Craig had 'accidentally' swiped a finger against Tweek's tummy while buttoning his shirt. His reactions were so loud, but Craig didn't mind at all.
"I-It's okay! It surprised me- ERK!" Craig swiped his whole hand over Tweek's tummy now, and just kinda went in for the kill as smoothly as he could manage. Craig took both his hands and started spidering them over Tweek's bare tummy, to which Tweek convulsed and started giggling again.
"C-Crahaig?! Whahat ahahare you dohohoing mahahan?!" Tweek pulled on Craig's wrists to try and pull them away, and it almost worked. Tweek was actually stronger than Craig, they found that out during their first fight, and Tweek was heavier than Craig as well. But with Tweek being distracted by being tickled by all things, it broke through his defenses quite well.
"What are you talking about, Tweek? I'm not doing anything." Craig spoke in that same monotone voice, but the light inside of him couldn't be contained. Tweek was just so adorable when he fell to his back and laughed (rather loudly) and Craig was able to spider up Tweek's open shirt and elicit other reactions.
"ACK! Yehehehes yohohou ahahahare! You're tihihihihickling mehehehe!!" Tweek's hair grew wilder, if that was possible, with him shifting and twisting on Craig's rug. Craig located Tweek's sides and started squeezing in the divets gently.
"No, I'm not. I'm just trying to button your shirt, dude. I don't know why you keep moving around everywhere." Craig could hardly hear himself over the loud reactions of his friend. But he wasn't complaining. Tweek had stopped trying to pull him away and just held Craig's forearms like a lifeline. Tweek's eyes were narrowed in his surprisingly melodic laughter.
"Youhohohou're fuhuhuhuhull of shihihihihit!! NNGH! Crahahaig!" Craig was spidering up and down his sides and scritching over his waistline. For someone who was this ticklish, he certainly wore his clothes loose and carelessly.
"Don't be too loud, you'll scare Stripe. You wouldn't want me to bring him out so he can crawl all over you again, would you?" Craig was having fun. He didn't know he liked to tease people. He also didn't know he was into anxious caffeinated blondes either so he was learning a lot about himself today.
Tweek shook his head as his fists balled into the material of Craig's jacket. Apparently, Craig's teasing was effective against him. "Nohohohoho I dohohohon't! Buhuhuhut I cahahahan't hehehehelp it!!"
Craig smiled down at Tweek; Tweek not noticing of course in his mirth. Tweek's smile was light, yet his laughter was a bit panicked and manic. Craig appreciated that Tweek wasn't fighting him at all actually. Maybe Tweek was having fun too.
Craig grew more adventurous and took both hands to slide them in Tweek's hip divets. He started kneading them gently, which ended in an explosive knee-jerk reaction.
Tweek's knee connected to Craig's ribcage, the instantaneous reaction something that Tweek couldn't control. Tweek's body tried to curl in a ball on instinct, but Craig's body was in the way. Craig took his hands off Tweek and held his side.
"Oh- Oh God! Craig! I- I'm sorry man!! I hurt you!" Tweek bounced to his feet and held his face in panic. "Oh God, oh Jesus I'm so sorry!! Do you need a hospital?! I'll call 911!" Craig reached up and held Tweek's wrist in a calm manner.
"I'm okay, Tweek. You just bumped my side. I guess I shouldn't tickle you too much in the future." Tweek blushed a light red as he sunk back to the floor, his black Converse folding underneath him.
"I uh- errgh- It- It wasn't so bad!" Tweek knitted his hands together as he started his usual twitches and shivers. "It-It actually calmed me down!" Craig smiled at that and did notice that throughout the whole session, Tweek was spazzing out but he never said to stop.
"Well, I'm glad you had fun. I had fun too." Tweek and Craig looked at each other for a moment before Tweek broke their eye contact with a twitch.
"W-Well, I'd better go. My mom is making dinner tonight." Tweek marked. Craig stood up and helped Tweek to his feet. He walked him to his front door to say goodbye.
"H-Hey Craig?"
"Yeah, Tweek?"
"URGH! I uh- I was thinking! M-Maybe I can come over tomorrow and we can look at comic- comic books! I have a bunch of them!" Tweek held his shirt nervously as his eye twitched.
Craig smiled softly and nodded.
"Yeah, you can come over. And I can help you button your shirt again, too." Craig had the pleasure of watching Tweek's cheeks light up with blush.
"Mmph...o-okay! But I won't go down without a fight next time! I'll get you, man!" Tweek promised with balled fists. Now it was Craig's turn to blush, with the thought of Tweek doing the things to him that he had done to Tweek.
"Well, we'll have to see about that tomorrow. Until then..." The moment seemed to draw out as Craig balled his fists in his sleeves and leaned forward to peck Tweek on the cheek.
"Okay Tweek see you tomorrow!" Tweek stood motionless on Craig's doorstep as Craig slammed the door shut, and clenched his chest where his heart pounded underneath his hand.
Holy fuck, dude.
I got a crush.
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matchacowbee · 8 months
Hi Matcha! I and a lot of other anons missed you a lot! I hope I don't inturrupt anything, but can I request some Lee/ler Craig/Tweek? I missed your art and I think it's so adorable and cute! I have a 1000 words to describe it it's so sweet❤❤❤
hello anon !! I’ve miss you guys too <33
here is some lee/ler Tweek and Craig !!
Tumblr media
Once again, I hope you guys enjoy ! :3
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tricks-tickles · 1 year
Asking For It
alternate title: Craig Tucker’s Foolproof Guide to Getting What You Want
creek is once again consuming my soul so have this my lovelies
word count: 2262
pairing: Lee!Craig/Ler!Tweek
“ACK! Craig! What is wrong with you?” Tweek shrieked, flinching as Craig appeared from nowhere, his hands suddenly slamming down on Tweek’s shoulders, shaking him playfully.
The air was colder than usual, and despite being bundled up to his eyes in scarves and jackets, the movement was enough to make his face sting. Tweek took a deep breath in an attempt to calm his jackrabbit’s heart.
“I don’t know,” Craig responded, “I’m just in a weird mood.”
He smiled and fell into step next to Tweek as they walked to school, slinging an arm around his shoulders. Tweek leaned into him, soaking up Craig’s warmth to offset the winter day.
“Craig,” Tweek hissed, “Stop fucking prodding me.”
They were in French, and Tweek was desperately trying to focus on memorizing his past participles when he felt the end of Craig’s pencil press into his side again, making him twitch as a bolt of electricity shot through him. He turned to shoot Craig another glare, answered only by his sly grin. He glared until Craig turned back to the front of the class, folding his hands on his desk innocently.
Tweek grumbled to himself, then went back to work, still on guard for any surprise pokes. Urghh, what’s the past tense of vivre again? Vives? Or is it irregular? This is too much pressure…
“Craig!” Tweek called, jogging a little to meet him where he stood in the lunch line. He forced himself to ignore the way people glanced at him, and stopped in front of Craig. He tried to step into line but Craig blocked him.
“Let me cut in, man, I’m hungry.”
Craig grinned. “Hi hungry, I’m Craig.” He said, still blocking Tweek.
Tweek rolled his eyes. “You’re not funny,” He said, but he was smiling, a little. “C’mon let me in.”
Craig folded his hands behind his head, giving Tweek the smuggest look known to man.
“Make me.” He said, grinning.
Tweek groaned, then glanced down the line to where Jimmy was standing further up. He smiled cheekily at Craig and then turned and walked away.
“Hey, Jimmy! Can I c-cut in next to you?”
“S-s-sure, man.”
“Craig!” Tweek cried, sliding on the icy puddle that had formed outside of the school. Craig reached out, latching onto his arm to stop him from falling.
“Watch out honey, it's slippy.”
“I know it’s-GAHH- slippy!” He said, eyeing the ground with suspicion. There was a sheet of ice covering the short path outside of the school, and unlike Craig, his shoes didn’t have a good grip. He eyed the pavement, trying to look for clear spots when his whole world suddenly tipped as he lifted into the air.
He squirmed. “Put me down!” He said, hitting Craig’s back from where he was slung over his shoulder.
“Nope.” Craig smiled, crossing the icy path with ease.
“Craihig,” He giggled, trying to sound annoyed, “Peheople ahare staharing.”
Craig hummed, then put him down on the other side of the path. To anyone else, his face would look neutral, as monotone as his voice, but Tweek could see that shine in his eyes, the twitch of his lips and he knew that in Craig’s way, he was beaming. He felt his insides go soft, then grabbed Craig’s hand for support as they made their way down the street.
“Craig, you know you d-don’t have to wait for me.”
Craig was sitting in the stockroom of Tweek Bros Coffee, sprawled over some crates as he scrolled through his phone, clearly bored.
He hummed, scrolling further. “You’ll be done soon though, babe.”
“Yeah but- AH- your house is closer to mine than the s-store, so it would- ACK- be more convenient to wait there- and get off those boxes! They might break!”
Craig shimmied a little from side to side, then arched his back, stretching his arms towards the floor.
“But I’m comfy.” He moaned.
Tweek twitched. Craig had been in an… odd mood today. He leaned over and jabbed Craig’s side, grinning when he flailed and his arms shot up. Craig’s eyes were shining again and he looked almost- excited. Weird.
Before he could follow that line of thought, the doors to the stockroom swung open and his mother poked her head through. 
“Sweetie! Could you clean the tables at the back? Then you and your little friend can go home.” 
She disappeared again and Tweek giggled. “We’ve been together for y-years and you’re still my little friend. Come on buddy, get- ACK- ready to go.”
“Craig… are you listening?” 
Craig had been oddly silent on the way back home, not upset but- something else. Now, a light flurry of snowflakes had started and he hadn’t even noticed to put his hood up. 
“Craig!” Tweek grabbed onto his jacket, pulling on it lightly.
“What?” Craig snapped.
Tweek wilted a little at the response, “Are you mad at me?” He said quietly.
“Oh! No babe, I’m not mad at you,” Craig replied, “I’m just… thinking.”
“Thinking about what?” Tweek said, still gripping his sleeve. 
Craig smiled softly, then grabbed Tweek’s hands and pulled him close.
“You.” He whispered, leaning down to kiss him. He let go of Tweek’s hands, which wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. Craig wasn’t overly fond of P.D.A. but there was almost no one willing to spend an extra second in the cold ogling some high schoolers kissing in the snow.
“Craig…” Tweek said, trying to wriggle away from him. A difficult task, given that Craig had wrapped his arms around Tweek and was softly kissing his neck. It turns out it was very difficult to concentrate on homework when your boyfriend was clinging to you like a koala. 
“Come cuddle,” Craig muttered into his ear, both shy and eager at once. 
“I- GAH- would! But I have so much homework.” He said, trying to spin around to reason with Craig.
Craig sighed, holding him tighter. “But honey, it’s Friday, and your parents will call us down for supper soon, then I won’t get to touch you for hours.” 
“You,” Tweek slid forwards, then stood up and around to the chair to grab Craig’s arms and push him backwards, “Are so,” He pushed him onto the bed, sitting on his waist and leaning down till they were nose-to-nose, “Dramatic.” Tweek kissed the tip of Craig’s nose, then sat back.
“You’ll live.” He said.
Craig groaned, covering his face. At the same time, Tweek’s father shouted upstairs.
“Boys!” He called, “Come down for dinner!”
Craig groaned louder.
“Craig,” Tweek said, voice muffled by his shirt which he’d somehow gotten tangled around his head, “What do you want to- AH- watch? I think Good Omens season two is out.” He trailed off, finally yanking off his shirt and looking at Craig, who was staring at his phone.
“Craig? Are you looking it up?” He pulled on his pajama top, an old one of Craig’s that he’d stolen at some point.
More silence.
“Craig?” He asked, concerned.
“I’m going to get changed,” Craig said quickly, throwing his phone and all but fleeing the room. 
Tweek stared at the door. It wasn’t unusual for Craig to get changed in the bathroom, but the silent treatment was different. Feeling his hands start to tremble, he fisted them into his shirt and took a deep breath, trying to figure out if he’d done something. Pressure started to build on his chest as one of his hands shot up to latch onto his hair, and his breathing sped up. 
He shook his head and took several long hard breaths, then grabbed Craig’s hoodie that he’d left on the bed and shrugged it on, enveloping him in Craig’s calming scent. He lay back on the bed and took more deep breaths. Thank God he’d started seeing a therapist, and started a new medication that let him rationalize that it was more than likely an issue with Craig, rather than one of his own, and that Craig would tell him when he was ready. 
He set up the bed and the T.V., and not long after Craig shuffled in. Craig made a beeline for the bed, pulling back the blankets and flopping on top of Tweek, resting his head on his chest.
They lay like that for a few minutes, Tweek playing with Craig’s hair and watching the T.V.’s idle screen while Craig fiddled with the hem of Tweek’s shirt.
After a period of silence, Craig finally spoke.
“I… need to ask you something.”
Tweek hummed, tilting his head, “What’s that, baby?”
Craig’s ears burned as he buried his face in Tweek’s chest.
“It’s embarrassing.” 
Tweek’s eyebrows shot up. Craig? Embarrassed?
“Is it a sex thing?” He asked, half teasing.
Craig’s face shot up, fully red. “No!” He said.
Tweek giggled a little, “I was just teas-”
“No, I need you to understand, it isn’t a sex thing. At all. Just… something I like. And that I want. And I’m usually okay with just thinking about it but I really, really want it and I figured I could just get you to do it but nothing I tried worked and…” He trailed off.
Tweek’s mind was reeling. What the hell was he talking about?
“It…” Craig sighed and shuffled upwards so he could hide his face in Tweek’s neck.
“I want you to…”
“Tickle me.”
Tweek blinked.
“What?” He said, a little bewildered. The wrong thing to say, as Craig shot up and covered his face with his arm.
“Forget it!” He said, embarrassment coming off him in waves.
“Wait! Craig,” He sat up too, lightly pulling Craig’s arm away from his face.
He was fully red, darker than Tweek had ever seen, and was dramatically avoiding eye contact.
“You want me to… tickle you?”
He nodded. 
“Okay!” Tweek said. Craig’s eyes shot up, studying him.
“Seriously?” He said suspiciously.
“Yep,” Tweek lay back, patting his chest, “Come here.”
Slowly, Craig settled back down, half happed in blankets and his face in the crook of Tweek’s neck.
“Do you want me t-to be gentle or-”
“Just do it,” Craig muttered.
Tweek laughed, “Okay.”
He softly trailed his fingers up Craig’s sides while he thought about the other times they’d tickled each other. Craig did always seem very down for Tweek getting revenge and, looking back, gave up much quicker than normal. Maybe. Tweek wasn’t exactly an expert on normal, and if he was honest he sort of liked tickling too, it was fun to be close to Craig, and let him turn his brain off for a while. 
He was drawn out of his thoughts by Craig’s soft huff of laughter and realized his fingers had crawled higher, onto Craig’s ribs. He dug in a little, relishing in the full-body twitch and bubble of giggles that worked their way out of Craig’s throat.
“Twehehek…” He said.
“Uhm, cahan you do a lihitle more?”
Tweek’s heart squeezed. He had never heard Craig sound so cute. Wordlessly, he gently flipped them over so he was half lying on Craig and scratched his ribs.
Craig tipped his head back in laughter, his legs kicking fruitlessly beneath the blankets.
“Twehehehek!” He cried, gripping the comforter. As his hands crawled higher, Craig’s laughter grew more frantic, but not louder. Tweek glanced up and was momentarily distracted by the sheer love he felt for the other boy. 
Craig’s head was turned to the side, half buried in the pillows. His face was flushed, eyes scrunched shut and mouth wide open (unusual, as Craig was as insecure of his braces as he was of his teeth before.).
And his laugh. Slightly monotone, like his voice, but so carefree and happy. Tweek felt his insides squirm at how beautiful Craig was in that moment.
Then, his hands burrowed into his underarms and Craig shot up nearly head-butting Tweek as he cackled.
“NOHOHOT THEHERE!” He laughed, shaking his head and gripping Tweek’s forearms and pushing them down. “ACK- sorry! Where do you want m-me to go?”
“Hehehe, uh,” Craig leaned back down, covering his face, “My stomach?” He said quietly. 
Tweek’s hands shot down, but Craig grabbed them before they could make contact.
“Gently.” He said, looking away.
“Aw, okay,” Tweek said, pushing up his shirt.
“Wh- uh, okay,” Craig said, watching Tweek’s hands with rapt attention. Tweek gently skimmed the light brown skin, grinning when it twitched beneath his fingers.
He drew soft shapes on Craig’s stomach, hearts and stars, and smiled at Craig.
“You’re s-so cute,” He said.
Craig groaned into his hands, “Shuhuhut uhuhup,” He giggled.
“Hmm?” Tweek asked, “Did you tell me to shut up?” He twitched his fingers, softly scratching his nails. 
Craig’s back arched, “Nohoho I dihihidn’t.”
“If you say-say so, man.” 
Tweek continued to softly tickle Craig’s stomach, drumming his fingers over Craig’s hips and spidering around his belly button. By the time Craig had had enough, he had a wide, dopey smile stretched over his face and sleepy eyes. 
Tweek rolled off of him, wrapping his arms around him from the back, and flipped through the T.V. to find something to watch while Craig drifted off in his arms. 
Thinking back to Craig’s behavior throughout the day, from scaring him in the morning, (playfully) annoying him throughout the day, and being weird on the way home, he realized Craig had been asking for it all day. He huffed and leaned down, kissing his forehead. Craig mumbled sleepily and Tweek smiled. He knew now. 
Eventually, he settled on a film and relaxed back into the pillows. It was a good day.
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yiplee · 1 year
“Not ticklish”
A South Park ticklefic.
(Lee!Craig) (Lers!Red, Wendy)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Craig is the gay guy who gets invited to the girls’ slumber parties. During one, the girls make a connection of Craig and his cousin, Red. They get preeetty curious and end up testing their theory.
(Side note? I really like reading/writing lee Craig for some reason.. 🤔)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The girls had decided, for this slumber party, to bring the gay guy along. They figured Craig was cool enough, and he was related to Red, so he must be great.
“So Craig, what are you like? Anything special in your family? Stuff in common with Red?” Wendy asked, turning to Craig.
“I dunno.” He said blankly, with a faint shrug. He wasn’t much for chatting, although the girls seemed different.
“Ooh, I know.” Nichole started, the smirk practically audible in her voice.
“So, I heard the guys get into tickle fights too. Our Red isn’t very ticklish. How about you, Craig? I mean, you’re related, so I wonder.” Nichole asked, and quickly all eyes were locked on Craig.
On the outside, Craig seemed unfazed. Inside, he panicked a bit. Although he was very good at holding out, looking as if he has no reaction, when he does break, he shatters.
“Oh, uh…I’m not ticklish.” He shrugged, instantly regretting the words the moment they slipped out of his mouth.
A unified “ooooooh…” rung out among the girls as they broke into whispers and turns. Craig died a little inside, despite his unmoving exterior.
“Are you sure about that, Craig? I mean, even Red is a little ticklish.” Wendy stated, scooting slightly closer to Craig.
His first instinct was to move away, but he refrained for fear of raising suspicion. He was running the numbers in his head. How long he could last out if Wendy just went for it, if he could contain himself from all of the girls, how long he could…
“Craig! Hello? She asked you a question.” Red snapped him out of his thoughts. It was then when he realized that Red and Wendy were now sitting closely on either side of him.
“Oh, uh, I said I’m not ticklish. It..runs in the family. That’s why Red’s only a little bit.” He gave the answer as blankly as possible, albeit a little nervously.
“Hmm…I guess that makes sense. But if that’s true..you wouldn’t mind if we..tested that?” Wendy started, poking a finger at Craig’s ribs.
He was expecting it, so he didn’t react. Not a flinch, not a twitch, nada. A few of the girls gasped, surprised.
“Oh, wow..are you really not?” Wendy asked, starting to scribble her fingers up and down Craig’s side, along with Red now skittering across the other side of his ribs.
He could handle this. As long as he didn’t squirm, they would probably give up after a minute. He doesn’t have much to worry about. If he just keeps thinking to himself for distraction, he’ll easily…
Red’s hand then fluttered lightly over his belly. He wasn’t expecting a light tickle like that!
He didn’t break, but, he did flinch. A slight jump, if you will. He hoped his blank expression was enough to throw her off, but she only looked more determined.
Wendy quickly picked up on it as they both began moving softly over his belly and sides, skittering and fluttering softly with their painted nails.
Craig bit the inside of his mouth, holding his breath as he gripped the carpet behind him tightly. It was taking everything in him not to squirm. This was getting harder.
“See? Not ticklish.” He said, surprising himself with the level of control in his voice. From the outside, this looked very convincing. He was staying very still, and his face was as blank as ever.
“Hmm…I think he might be telling the truth.” Wendy concluded, almost taking her fingers away.
Thank goodness. He was practically dying over here-
“No. We have to make sure.” Red said, a scary level of determination in her eye. Craig knew that look. He was in trouble.
As if she already knew Craig’s secrets, she suddenly dug her fingers into Craig’s armpit, swiping her nails ruthlessly across the hollows.
Craig’s eyes shut as he grabbed the Carpet tighter, his cheeks starting to sting from the strain to hide his ticklishness.
Wendy quickly joined her, fluttering her fingers lightly across Craig’s other armpit. Oh god. Hard and light touches? In his worst spot? He wasn’t gonna make it much longer!
“H-hahavent I proved it enough? You cahan stohop now!” Craig said, a little too urgently. Red smirked knowingly. Oh no.
“Hold him down.” Red said, and quickly, Craig was pushed onto his back before he could protest. Wendy sat on his arms, pinning them above his head, while Red slipped off her gloves.
Wendy dug into Craig’s armpits quickly and ruthlessly as Red pulled up his jacket and brushed her nails lightly across his lower sides and fluttering them over his belly.
Oh god. Oh fuck. Shit.
“G-gihihirls wahahait!” His voice shook as he broke into low giggles, which quickly bubbled into uncharacteristically high squeals.
“Aha! I knew it!” Red exclaimed, as the other girls cheered the two on.
“Red, I think he’s more ticklish than you!” Wendy said, amused, as Craig began squirming wildly in their hold.
“G-GAHAHA WAHAHAIT *snort* PLEHEHEASE! NAHAHAT MY AHAHARMPITS! WEHEHENDY *snort* PLEASE!” Craig pleaded, trying to pull his arms away from Wendy, but failing.
Red’s light scribbles across Craig’s belly suddenly sped up, and her brushes over his bellybutton made his giggles rise to a higher pitch.
“No way! You lied to us. You almost convinced us.” Red chuckled evilly as she continued spidering her nails across Craig’s midsection.
“Wow..he’s really ticklish!” Wendy laughed, getting a residual “awww” from the girls.
“Jeez Craig, I thought you said not being ticklish runs in the family?” Red teased, as she dug a finger into Craig’s navel, making him shriek.
“IHIHIT *snort* DOHOHOHOES! I *snort* HAHAHAVE GOOD TOLERAHAHANCE! I LAHAHASTED MINUTES!” Craig argued, shrieking from Red’s unbearably light touches along with Wendy digging into his weakest spot.
“Yeah, but look at you! You’re so ticklish!” Wendy giggled, as she moved her skittering fingers down to Craig’s ribs, pulling his jacket up higher to dig her fingers up and down his rib bones, slipping her nails into the skin inbetween.
“NAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAP *snort* GIHIHIRLS PLEHEHEASE!” Craig begged, little teardrops pricking the corners of his tightly-closed eyes as his face began to turn red.
“Aww, look at him! He’s so ticklish, we should call him Crack-up Craig!” Red teased. “Awww, yeah! Just listen to him snort!” Wendy added. Red’s smirk widened, fluttering her nails over his sides so lightly, they were barely grazing him. Yet somehow, that only made it ten times worse.
“SHUHUHUT UHUHUP *snort* DONT FUHUCKING TEHEHEASE MEHEHE!” He squealed. God, he had heard Clyde complain about the girls’ teases before, but he thought that was just Clyde being a wuss. Now he understood. The girls were even worse than the guys at teases.
“Awwww!” All the girls cooed. Wendy went back to drilling into his armpits, as Red started poking at his ribs, causing a loud, shrill squeal that froze everyone in the room.
He took a moment to catch his breath as the girls’ fingers froze in shock. An evil smirk broke across Red’s face. “..I think I just found out another one of your weaknesses~”
With that, Red began swiftly poking at different places of Craig’s ribs and sides, keeping him jumping and squirming frantically as some embarrassing squeals and shrieks filled the room.
“Wow!” Wendy said in pleasant surprise. She joined in, poking in Craig’s armpits which made his eyes widen to the size of plates as he gasped before HOWLING with laughter.
“GAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAP OH MY GAHAHAHA-!!” He shrieked, thrashing around urgently. This was far too much. “ACT- AHAHAHAHA- ACTUALLY STAHAHAP!” He said, and quickly their fingers stopped.
He sighed with relief as they finally let go, getting off of him and letting him recover.
“..Not ticklish, huh?” Nichole teased, the other girls laughing at that.
Craig breathed out a few last residual giggles before starting on a response, but instead of words, all that escaped him was an exhausted, faint wheeze. He just held up a wobbly middle finger as the other girls laughed.
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daisys-silliness · 1 year
I got a lot of lee!Craig asks (3) so I combined some together :]
I'm sorry abt the wait, just kinda stressing out my final 2 weeks (this week n next week) of junior year. I'll be fine tho 👍
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0rca-waiil · 2 years
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Been having fun making emojis on discord
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gaybananabread · 2 years
hey! i saw your craig and tweek piece, and i loved it ahah, i was wondering if you write for south park, and if u do can we get ler! craig and lee! tweek?? like if tweek is struggling with his anxiety and craig cheers him up. if not its all good, hope u have a good day/night, take care of yourself ^^
Damn, this was a throwback. Been awhile since I've done anything South Park, hope you enjoy!
Ler: Craig
Lee: Tweek
Summary: Tweek's anxiety was rampant, his nerves completely shot. Craig helps him calm down, and have a good laugh.
Warnings: swearing (of course). This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!
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He couldn't belive it. His parents, his legal guardians, left him home alone for the week. True, he was 16, but that's a lot of responsibility! He could forget to lock the doors, someone could break in, steal his families prized possessions, and then the house is on fire! On top of all that, he still had school!
He stumbled through getting ready, his shirt-buttoning skills even worse than usual. Tweek didn't even bother with his hair, knowing the comb would do more harm than good. He didn't see the time, and almost missed his bus.
Craig's day was pretty average. His family were their normal level of assholes, annoying but manageable. When he saw Tweek before school, he knew it would be a long day. The blonde was crawling in his skin, flinching at every noise, and jittering like he had seven expresso shots. While that was probably true, he needed help to wind down. Lucky for him, Craig's got a plan.
School was over, along with Tweek's composure. He was on the verge of a breakdown when Craig walked over to him. "Hey, I'm coming over your house." No room for argument or overthinking. The boy flinched away, nervously laughing. "Hehe, sure, w-why not? It's not like a millLIONn things can g-go wrOng!" Craig clapped his shoulder, guiding him to the bus. The driver didn't care enough to question why a new kid jumped on.
The ride was quiet, aside from the tapping of Tweek's foot. Craig put his headphones on, listening to music. He sat his hand on the blonde's leg, trying to ground him. It sort of worked, but he was still a nervous wreck.
When they arrived at his house, Tweek fumbled with the keys, dropping them a few times. Craig helped, holding his hand and guiding the keys in. They tossed their bags in a closet and sat on the couch, deciding to watch a movie. At least, they tried.
"What about Jurassic Park ?" Tweek shook his head, going on a rant. "No! Th-those movies have a lot of nOIse, what if someone thinks w-we're in trouble and calls the COPS!" Craig rolled his eyes, moving past the fifth shot-down idea. This is getting old.
He grabbed Tweek's shoulders and pinned him to the couch, looking him dead in the eyes. "Dude, CHILL OUT! I know you've got some issues, but this is getting outta hand." He poked his stomach, trying to get his point across. What he didn't expect was the squeak he got.
"Damn, I forgot how ticklish you are." Tweek blushed, trying to hide his face.This is perfect!  What better way to let go than with laughter! He pinned his hands beneath his knees, getting a better grip. Tweek twisted and pulled, but he was trapped.
"H-hey! Craig, this is so stuhuEEehehehehe!" Craig wasted no times, skittering his fingers across Tweek's belly. His poorly buttoned shirt allowed Craig's fingers to slip in and get his bare stomach. For once, the dumb buttons helped him. "CrahaHAIG! QUIHIHIT ihihit!"
The beanied-bastard felt like teasing. "Nah, you're waaaay too cute like this." Tweek just hid his face in his shoulder, trying to hide the rosy blush on his face. Craig moved his hand up, finding a sweet spo/ bear the top of his ribs. Tweek's giggles turned into laughter, the tickles getting five times worse. "Man, this must really tickle, huh? Sucks to be you right now."
Tweek was conflicted. He was enjoying himself, but Craig was super flustering! The tickles felt amazing, distracting him from his anxious thoughts. However, the teases were turning his brain to mush! "QUHIHIHIT TEHEASING MEHEHEHE!" Craig just rolled his eyes.
"Tickles come at a price. No teases, no tickles." Tweek whined through his laughter, shaking his head. He tugged at his hands, but they were very much stuck. He was starting to get tired.
Craig saw this, and leaned down. He was so close that his breath tickled Tweek's ear. "I'm gonna do one more thing. Buckle up, Jitters." He whipped upwards, lifted Tweek's shirt, and blew a huge raspberry on his poor belly. He burst out laughing, bucking his hips. "CRAHAHAHAHAHAIG!  IHIHIT'S SO BAHAHAHAD!"
He blew a few smaller ones, skittering his fingers up and down Tweek's sides. After a few seconds of this awesomeness torment, he let up, climbing off of Tweek. The boy immediately curled into a ball, laughing off the ghost sensations on his torso. He kicked Craig's leg, getting a poke to the side.
"Ihi'm tired. W-wanna wahatch Frozen?" Craig laughed, turning on the movie. Tweek snuggled up next to him, pulling a blanket over them. Within the first half hour, they were both asleep, smiles on their faces.
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gigglingsoftly · 1 year
Hi!! Do you have any headcanons for Craig’s gang?
I dooooo! They were literally going to be next like I had it unfinished in the notes app but this made me finish it so quick 😭
Craig’s Gang
I think it’s almost universally agreed in the community he pretends to not be ticklish 😭
He obviously is. He’s just good at hiding it.
Tweek finds out by accident and Craig swears him to secrecy.
When he teases he’s just very matter of fact and sarcastic. It’s very effective.
He’s one of those ppl that guesses where someone’s most ticklish based off of where they try to tickle him first.
And he gets it right like 97% of the time. Everyone finds it so annoying lol
Omg that stereotypical thing has happened where Stripe has gone down his shirt and he can’t catch and he’s trying not to hurt him so he’s like dying
He seems a lot more ticklish than he is. It’s really just nerves.
Oh my god, he sounds like he’s being murdered.
When he says he “I’m going to die!!!” it’s not like a silly thing he’s saying because he’s being tickled like stop. Because shit is about to real real fucking quick
He’s a fighter and a biter (courtesy of @yiplee I loved that hc so much 😭) so yeah… there’s that… like this is different than when Kyle does it by accident. This kid is trying to fight you to the fucking death
Like yeah he can be a good ler but he’s panicking to make sure you can still breath and that he isn’t hurting you. He doesn’t want to go to jail for murder.
Him and Craig have tickle fights sometimes but they pretty much both hate being tickled so it’s rare lol
Has a love hate relationship with tickling.
Like when it’s happening in the moment he “hates” it but after the fact he kinda thinks it’s fun.
He won’t say that tho. If you even imply that he might have had fun he’ll deny deny deny.
He’s too tough and cool for that obviously.
He literally refuses to believe he’s the most ticklish of the group so he’s constantly starting tickle fights and then has the surprised Pikachu face when it obviously backfires.
Bebe tickles him a lot bc she thinks it’s cute that he’s so ticklish lol
He has a really nice laugh!
He pretends to be a lot more ticklish than he actually is for his friends sake.
Like if he didn’t laugh that’d be so awkward and embarrassing.
He doesn’t know how Craig does it. He hates that awkward silence so much
He’s so chill. If a tickle fight breaks out he’s just like I guess we’re doing this now.
He’s Nichole’s biggest ler. He loves to hear her laugh ❤️
CEO of cheer up tickles
Definitely tells bad jokes on purpose when the person is screaming
And like it makes his friends laugh harder because he’s so corny???
He has gotten ganged up on for too many bad jokes.
It’s his fault tho because the gang always warn him before hand. And he just doesn’t listen.
And he’ll proceed to tell bad jokes like they didn’t just wreck him
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switchgyal · 10 months
tweek tickles craig when he’s being overly deadpan 🤭…
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legs-like-jelly · 2 months
heyyyy sugar!! if you're doing requests could you possibly do cuttletavio content? either lee or ler is fine for either of them!
i think octavio would be so good at tickling craig while in octopus form (so many tentacles) but i also think craigs more of a ler than a lee..
no pressure!! just thought i'd suggest!! love you sweetie <3
- your silly kisslip cuttlefish boyfriend but on anon so your identity isn't revealed
hi sweetie! i admire your efforts but im pretty sure the rest of the cuttletavio community will recognize my style as soon as they see this- and you know what, i've come to terms with that fact-
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dannystheone · 1 year
uhhuhhh c can u do a lee!tweek n ler!craig drabble pls… one where tweek is being insecure about “how much of a mess he is” n craig is like “dude if u say one more thing bad about yourself i’m going to tickle the shit outta you”
Sure dude! I kinda thought long and hard about this one (hehe) but I hope you like it :)
Starlight (Lee Tweek/Ler Craig)
WARNINGS: Teenagers swearing, bad self-talk (they're aged up)
Tweek had a bad day and is feeling insecure about himself. Craig puts a smile on his boyfriend's face to cheer him up <3
Coffee spilled.
Clothes stained.
Textbooks dropped.
Awarded detention.
Cried in an empty bathroom after school.
Yeah, it was a bad day for the books.
Tweek Tweak sat on his rooftop, the sky a pink and blue hue on the horizon. Trees and mountains outlined the skyline darkly as the sun set behind the clouds. Tweek held his cheek in his hand with his knees tucked under his chin. He held his button-up closer around his body as the chill of the upcoming night crept up on him.
The events of the day kept replaying in his mind. How could he fuck up so badly over and over again? Was he just a screw-up in general? Was it just a bad day? But it seemed these bad days were getting closer and closer in succession. Tweek winked in thought as he heard a noise from behind him.
A dusty window slid open to reveal a light-skinned boy with a blue hat on the other side of the pane. "Tweek? Are you up here? Oh, there you are." Craig Tucker stepped through Tweek's small window, wearing a backpack and carrying a speaker. Circles by Post Malone started to play softly in the background.
Tweek threw up a few fingers to acknowledge Craig but didn't say anything to greet him. Craig plopped next to Tweek in a huff and gave him a big side hug.
"Mmm, how are you, honey? I didn't see you at school today." Craig asked while releasing him of the hug. Tweek shrugged and looked out to the horizon instead of answering. Craig's face narrowed as Tweek held onto the material of his own sleeve.
"Tweek? You okay?" Craig scooted in closer to Tweek and put his arm around his shoulders. Tweek breathed out and slowly accepted Craig's hold. He slid into Craig's side and nestled in.
"Bad day today?" Craig asked. Tweek nodded somberly. "You wanna talk about it?" Tweek swallowed as he hugged his knees closer to his chest.
"I- urgh...I don't know where to start-" Craig held Tweek's shoulder and rubbed it gently to soothe him.
"It's okay, take your time, honey," Craig reassured Tweek. Tweek nodded numbly as he held onto a piece of his hair to calm himself.
"Gah...it was just a bad day. Everything seemed to go to shit and nothing went right, and Mr. Garrison said I was being disruptive in class but I was literally just fucking sitting there, and I swear to God if I have to deal with detention again I'm gonna fucking scream-" Tweek's fists curled as his body started shaking in anxiety. Craig rubbed over Tweek's back to try and calm him down.
"Tweek, Tweek it's okay. Relax-" Tweek shook off Craig's arms around his shoulders and held the sides of his head as if to stave off a headache.
"No I don't wanna fucking relax, Craig. Why does everything have to go to shit whenever I'm around? Everything I do or say or get involved with always has a fucking consequence! It's always my fault, it's always the tweaked-out fuck-up. Why am I such a fucking mess?" Tweek questioned. He turned to Craig for an answer, but Craig had nothing to say. Craig watched him with dark eyes.
"I just...would it kill me to be normal? Or to have a normal fucking day? I have to knock something over or break something or spill something or tear my clothes or worry my parents or freak out about something with a simple solution! Why can't..." Tweek breathed out as he looked out to the horizon once more.
When Tweek didn't finish his sentence, Craig inched closer to him and interlaced their pinkies. Tweek looked down at their linked fingers with a trace of a smile.
"Tweek, honey, it's okay. We all have things that we go through. Simple tasks aren't simple for everyone. If they were, the world would be a much better place. You know I have to put up reminders everywhere just to drink water and brush my teeth cause I forget all the time. Those things are easy for you to remember, right?" Craig encouraged. Tweek shook his head and rested his cheek in his opposite hand.
"Ack...Craig...it's not that I don't remember to do stuff or do stuff incorrectly. I...urk...I fuck up stuff. Constantly. I was just made as a fuck-up, you know?" Craig started to get upset at Tweek calling himself a fuck-up.
"No, I don't know. Stop calling yourself a fuck-up, dude. It's not true." Craig turned to Tweek fully while Tweek refused to look at his boyfriend.
"But it is true. I'm just a huge mess. I don't know where you get the patience to deal with a screwup like me." Craig's jaw set as he let go of Tweek's pinky and pointed a finger at him.
"Dude you say that again and I'm gonna fucking kill you. You hear me?" Craig steamed. Tweek gave his boyfriend a sideways glance and shrugged.
"'S'true. Urgh... I just screw up and mess up everyone's lives around me. Sorry you have to-" Tweek cut himself off as he sputtered and jolted. Fingers wormed into his sides and started curling into the skin. Tweek bucked and started squirming on the rooftop as he giggled out.
"C-Crahahaig! Wh-What the fuhuhuhuck?!" Tweek called out. His eyes narrowed in laughter as Craig scribbled his fingers up and down Tweek's sides without mercy.
"What did I tell you, Tweek? I said if you didn't cut it out I was gonna kill you." Craig said in his monotone voice. Tweek pushed at Craig's hands, his shoulders jumping in his giggles.
"Pffft- Fuhuhuhuck ohohohoff ahahahasshole!" Tweek's jeaned leg kicked out as Craig's ringed fingers scritched up in his ribs and down to his hips. He's been tickling him since the fourth grade, so he knew exactly where to target.
"'Asshole', huh? Okay. I'm such a huge fucking asshole I'll keep this up no matter how much you beg. How's that for an asshole?" Craig asked. Tweek shook his head as his smile grew larger on his face. Tweek held Craig's wrists to try and control their movements. He was pretty strong, as previously established, so it was pretty effective against Craig. But his body was mostly overcome with giggles.
"NoHOhoho! Let gohohoho!" Tweek leaned back on his rooftop, Craig's fingers overtaking Tweek's lower sides and hips. Craig couldn't get Tweek from around his waist while Tweek was laying down, so Craig took both his hands and started tickling from above.
"Uhh...no. I'm not stopping until you admit you're not a fuck-up." Craig announced, his little puffballs on his hat dangling above Tweek's eyes. Tweek's hips bucked as Craig started squeezing his fingers in his tummy.
"NoHOHOHO!! I'm nohohohot dohohohoing thahahahat!!" Tweek's eyes screwed shut in his laughs. It seemed over his belly button was especially bad. Craig mentally cataloged that for later.
"Fine, then every time you refuse to say what I want you to say for the tickling to stop, I'm gonna add to it. So now you have to admit you're not a fuck-up, and you're not a mess." Craig stated. His hands stuffed up into Tweek's underarms and scribbled into the hollows. Tweek's head tossed back as he kicked out in protest.
"GAH-hahahahaha! Screhehehew ohohohohoff!" Tweek threw up a weak middle finger before immediately shooting his elbow down to protect himself. Craig feigned a fake offended gasp as his fingers stilled for a moment. Tweek breathed in deeply as Craig put his hands on his hips.
"So it's gonna be like that, huh? Fine Tweek, you asked for it." Tweek started giggling out of anticipation as he put his hands up in front of him.
"Noohoho Craihaig! Leheave me alohohone man!" Craig took hold of Tweek's hands and pulled him in. Craig put Tweek in a tight bear hug and started blowing small raspberries into his ear. Tweek burst out into light-hearted giggles as he started pulling and squirming in Craig's hold.
"CraHAHAHAIG!! STOHOHOP stohohop stop stop!" Tweek's hands curled tightly as Craig gave his ear and the side of his neck flurries of consistent tickly kisses.
"No. Now I want you to say that you're not a fuck-up, you're not a mess, and you love yourself. I'll wait." Craig declared, and went back to his tingly tickly kisses. Tweek shook his head as he continued to laugh out, so Craig upped the anty.
"I swehehear Crahahaig! I swehehear to- GAHAHAHAD!! Stohohohop thahahahat!!" Tweek began to twist and jump in Craig's hold as Craig kissed up and down Tweek's ear and neck while scribbling over his side with his hand. Tweek cried out as he slowly leaned back onto the rooftop and squirmed all over the tiles.
"Go ahead and say it, Tweek. You want it to be over right? Or I can just keep going. Whatever you want." How could Craig be so damn teasy with that monotone voice? Tweek tried burying his ear in his shoulder, but Craig was quick to keep track of him.
"ACK! Okahahahay okay! I-hehehehe! I'm nahahahat ahahaha fuhuhuck- STOHOhohohop!" Tweek laughed and wriggled in Craig's hold. Craig laid Tweek down fully on the rooftop and laid down next to him with his hand over his belly. Craig felt Tweek breathe in and giggle gently underneath him.
"Ugh...I hehe- I'm not a fuck-up, I'm not a mess. Huhh...and I love myself." Tweek's cheeks burned from the earlier laughter he belted out. Craig folded his arm under Tweek's head to serve as a pillow while they lay on the rooftop. Tweek begrudgingly accepted.
"And you mean it? Truly?" Craig asked. Tweek fidgeted with his fingers while he thought.
"I don't...urgh. I don't know, Craig. I don't know what you see in me, honestly. I just said it so it would stop." Craig breathed in deeply as he thought of what to say.
"Tweek, I 'deal' with you because you're my absolute everything, honey. You're...you're my starlight. Starlight isn't perfect or imperfect, it just...is. But it's a beautiful phenomenon despite the fact." The night cascaded around the boys, the pink and blue sunset giving way to the star-filled sky. Tweek looked up to Craig as Craig propped himself up on one elbow as Chanel from Frank Ocean played on the speaker behind them.
"Just like you. You're not gonna be the most perfect at simple tasks or an orderly routine, it's just how you are. But then, who is, right?" Craig suggested. Tweek rolled his eyes jokingly.
"Gee, thanks." Tweek snickered. Craig bat Tweek's shoulder to shush him.
"If I can finish, please. I still think you're handsome, you're funny, you understand me and I understand you. You've been my best friend and my boyfriend for about seven years now. No amount of how many times you spill or break something is ever going to change that. And if you need more help in your routine so you can have a smoother day, you can just tell me. I'm always going to be here for you, no matter what." Tweek's eyes welled up with tears as his fingers curled into Craig's arm.
"You mean it?" Tweek asked.
"Truly," Craig responded.
"Thank you, Craig. Seriously."
"Of course, honey."
The two boys shared a long and much-needed kiss on the rooftop, filled with all their combined love and passion for each other. Under the starlight.
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matchacowbee · 1 year
thought this would be a cute lil prompt to draw
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tricks-tickles · 1 year
Are You Happy?
sudden burst of inspo be like:
sorry i dropped off the face of the earth(ish) apparently im limited to three fics per fandom haha
anyway south park amirite
(also psa im bri ish so idk how american unis work so the boys r 18ish here but im p sure i didn't get anything disastrously wrong)
word count: 1459
pairing: Lee!Craig/Ler!Tweek
Tweek sat on his bed next to his boyfriend, anxiously tugging on the base of his shirt as he studied Craig’s expression. Despite being the stoic one of the two, he had a strangely tense look about him. 
“Yeah?” Craig said, fiddling with his fingers.
“Uh, are you- ACK, okay? You seem kind of n-nervous?” Tweek asked, twitching a little. 
“Oh, yeah I’m fine,” He responded, still looking at his hands, “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“GAH- uh, because of your uni-university application?!” Craig had applied to the University of Colorado’s astrophysics course and was due to hear back at some point in the coming week. Although he had the grades for the course, he wasn’t sure about his personal essay and had been internally freaking out for a while. It was Saturday now, and his nerves were at an all-time high. He guessed it was starting to show.
“No.” He said, then paused, “Yes. I’m just worried I won’t get in.” Honesty is the best policy, or whatever.
“Of course you will!” Tweek said, winking out of anxiety. “You’re the- GAHAH- smartest guy I know!
Craig hummed, digging his feet into the bed. 
“I don’t know about that…” He muttered.
“And besides! Maybe they’re just BUSY! Or running late or s-something.” He said, screwing up his face in a twitch. 
“Maybe,” Craig said, unconvinced. “You’re lucky you don’t have to worry about this.” Tweek had taken a gap year to work at his parent's shop and figure out what he wanted to do with his life. If Craig was accepted then he would follow him to Boulder, or wherever he wanted to go. Tweek was sure he’d follow Craig to the ends of the earth.
“AH- don’t mention that! It’s WAY too much pressure!”
“Right,” Craig said, “Sorry.”
Tweek twitched anxiously. He had almost no experience in comforting people and was way out of his depth. Craig probably didn’t want to talk about it, and he wasn’t sure what else to do. He gently tugged on his hair, thinking about what Craig had done for him when he was anxious. Slowly, an idea formed. 
“Craig?” He said, again.
“Um, do you want me to- ACK- cheer you up or some-something?” 
He looked at Tweek, a little bemused.
“You can try,” Craig said, curious as to what he would do.
Tweek took a careful breath in, then shuffled closer to Craig and, shivering slightly, wrapped an arm around his shoulders. Craig tensed, then sagged into his boyfriend's touch. Despite having been ‘together’ for around eight years, their relationship had only become real two years ago, and even still they were a little shy around each other. Tweek was too anxious to make the first move most of the time, and Craig had no idea how to, so they danced around each other until one of them stepped up. 
Craig had forgotten how comforting Tweek could be if he tried. When Stripe 5 had died Tweek’s hugs had been the only thing keeping him together. He sighed and shuffled closer to him, breathing in the smell of coffee. 
They stayed like that for a few minutes, until Tweek worked up the courage to enact part two of his plan. He placed his spare hand on Craig’s side and began gently tracing his fingers along his hoodie. Craig stiffened again, jumping when Tweek’s fingers twitched against him. 
“Honey, what are you dohing?” He said, stifling a giggle when Tweek’s fingers crept toward his stomach. 
“Well, you remember when- GAH- I was f-feeling anxious about nothing a few weeks ago, and you asked me if you could cheer me up? And I said yes so you started t-tickling me and you didn’t stop until you thought I was happy? And I kept- AH- saying I was happy but you were like ‘I don’t believe you, honey.’ and it t-tickled really bad? Do you remember that?” While he spoke Tweek’s other arm slipped from around Craig’s shoulders, making him squeak and slide down the bed as Tweek started pinching his side. 
“Nohoho,” Craig said, trying to bring his knees up to protect his stomach. Tweek noticed and shifted till he was sitting on Craig’s thighs to keep them down.
“No?! You don’t r-remember? It was only a few weeks ago- GAH-, you must have a pretty bad memory.”
He started scratching Craig’s stomach, making him laugh properly.
“I rehemehembeher!” He cried, his hands torn between covering his face and pushing away Tweek’s hands. He settled on tugging the flaps of his hat till it covered his eyes.
“Oh! G-good. Then you remember that- AH- you kept teasing me too? You were like ‘Does this t-tickle, babe?’ ‘How about here?’ ‘Are you having fun? You sound like you’re having fun.’. So, Craig, I want to a-ask you: are you having fun?”
“‘That’s not an answer, babe.’ That’s what you’d say.” Tweek said. He had to admit that he was sort of enjoying himself. Craig had tickled him, but he’d never worked up the courage to get him back. Now though, as he watched his boyfriend squirm and blush and laugh under his wiggling fingers, he understood exactly why Craig got him all the time. His laugh was somewhat monotone but it had a lightness to it that made Tweek feel all warm inside.
“Are you happy? Are you h-having fun? Do you- AH like this, baby?” He teased, drumming into his ribcage.
Craig was sure he was going to die. Tweek’s fingers were sending little bolts of lightning through his body, darting around so he couldn’t catch them. Worse, though, was the teasing. He was sure it wasn’t as bad when he did it to Tweek, his stomach was full of butterflies and his face was burning hot. Tweek rarely called him pet names, so he was sure he was about to combust. But the worst of it was that he was enjoying it. It was fun to have Tweek be so playful and close to him and to have all his anxiety chased away by his uncontrollable laughter. Not that he was going to say that to him though. 
“Are you- ERK- ignoring me?” Tweek said, grinning impishly. His fingers wiggled upwards, then lifted entirely.
Craig panted, pushing up his hat and catching his breath.
“Ihihi’m nohoht ihignohoring yohou.” He giggled.
“Then answer my q-questions, love,” Tweek said, still smiling as his fingers twitched in the air above Craig’s chest.
“Whahat were thehey again?”
“Do- AH- do you like this? Are you h-having fun?” 
“Uh,” Craig trailed off, pulling his hat down again, “Maybe…” He whispered. 
“What was that?”
“MahahABYEHEHE!! TWEEK!” He squealed at Tweek’s fingers suddenly wiggling into his underarms. Craig slammed his arms down and arched his back, trying to squirm away from the unbearable feeling. 
“Oops, I d-didn’t catch that.” Tweek said, using his pointer fingers to rub little circles into the divots of Craig’s underarms. 
“And you’re happy?” 
Tweek squeaked, blushed, and toppled off Craig, falling to the side of him. He shifted and turned to face him, where Craig had done the same.
“Do- GAH- do you mean that?” He said, shyly.
Craig took a few deep breaths, “Yeah,” He said.
He tried to adjust his hat but ended up taking it off and throwing it somewhere vaguely behind him. Instead, he leaned forward, kissing Tweek softly. 
He made a content noise and leaned a little deeper into Craig. At that same time, the doorbell rang and Craig’s mother called him downstairs.
The two boys looked at each other before racing down the stairs and stumbling into Craig’s kitchen, where his mother stood holding an envelope.
Craig took a deep breath in, crossing the kitchen and ripping it open. Tweek felt his heart hammer, nervous on Craig’s behalf. His eyes scanned the text before he closed the letter again and gently set it down on the counter. The tension was so thick you could have cut it with a knife. Slowly, he turned to face Tweek. 
Tweek’s heart sank. There were pinpricks of tears in Craig’s eyes and he was ready to offer the ultimate sympathy when a smile took over his face and he announced, in the driest, most monotone voice,
“I got in.” 
Everyone erupted in cheers. His mother, his father and sister (who had come to see what all the fuss was about,), and Tweek. 
They all rushed forward and Craig found himself crushed between all his favourite people. 
Tweek caught his gaze and smiled, his eyes glittering.
“I t-told you there was nothing to worry about. You’re the smartest guy I know.”
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yiplee · 1 year
I’m sorry I have no idea what to name this
Creek ticklefic (SFW!)
(Lee!Craig) (Ler!Tweek)
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Craig and Tweek are hanging out at Craig’s, and Tweek makes a special little discovery while they’re chilling with stripe on the bed.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Is this- ACK- okay? Am I gonna crush him?! OH GOD AM I GONNA CRUSH HIM?!” Tweek asked, watching stripe with wide eyes as the furry creature crawled around on Craig’s bed.
“You’re not gonna crush him, Tweek.” Craig reassured Tweek in his monotone voice, watching Stripe scuttle and sniff around.
The two boys were laying on their backs beside each other, with Stripe in between them on Craig’s bed. Stripe was sniffing around rather curiously, and stuck his little nose in between Craig’s neck and shoulder, making him scrunch up and move away.
“You okay?” Tweek asked, unknowing of why Craig had flinched away there. He hadn’t put the pieces together.
“Uh, yeah.” Craig nodded. He didn’t want Tweek knowing the real reason, after all. Craig gently moved Stripe back to his original spot.
The little guinea pig only tried again, this time trying to climb up Craig’s side with his little paws.
Craig took in a sharp inhale, trying not to cringe and squirm away. He gently lifted up Stripe, setting him back down on the bed.
“Heh, I think he wants to climb up you. Like a little mountain.” Tweek observed, watching the strangely determined guinea pig as it started towards Craig again.
“Yeah, well, uh..he can’t. Because uh..he could..” Craig trailed off, sliding up on the bed to try and avoid Stripe. This only made his jacket ride up over his shirt, and the ambitious guinea pig leapt right in.
Craig struggled not to squeak as the little lump under his jacket began scurrying around, and holy shit did that tickle like all hell.
“Gah! Fuck! Stripe!” Craig hissed quietly, trying to grab Stripe, who was scuttling about quickly.
“GAH! Is he hurting you?! Are you okay?!” Tweek sat up, looking very worried.
“Um, he’s just-!” Craig could probably play off his discomfort as being scratched and hurt, but that might worry Tweek. He also didn’t want Tweek to know the truth, so he was a bit stuck.
Just when Craig thought things couldn’t get any worse, he heard Tweek utter some very worrying words.
“Here, I’ll get him out.”
Craig had no time to turn Tweek down on his offer before the blonde’s hand slipped under Craig’s jacket and began searching around for the guinea pig.
Now with what felt like a million little fingernails tickling all over him, Craig suddenly burst into frantic laughter with a prompt snort, squirming like hell and thrashing around.
This caught Tweek off guard, confusing him for a moment. “Wait…Craig, you’re ticklish? This whole time, you’ve just been ticklish?” Tweek asked, astonished, as a smirk grew on his face.
“N-NOHOHO! I’M NAHAHAT- *snort* GAHAHA STAHAHAP!” He shrieked, as Tweek began intentionally tickling up and down Craig’s ribs, while Stripe skittered across his belly.
“Oh, but, then however will I get Stripe out?” Tweek teased, digging his fingers into Craig’s armpit, making his laughter jump up an octave.
“AAAHAHAHAHA *snort* FUHUHUCK! TWEEHEHEHEEK GEHEHET HIM OUT AHAHAHALREADY!!” Craig pleaded, his voice a shrill squeal as he squirmed wildly.
“Wow, you’re really ticklish. I really didn’t expect you to be this ticklish, Craig.” Tweek ignored Craig’s request, continuing to tease him as his fingers went on.
“I- AHAHAHA-! I SWEHEHEAR IM *snort* BETTER AHAHAT HIDING IHIHIT!!” Craig squealed, and he wasn’t lying. He can usually keep his composure for minutes on end, but Stripe’s scuttling along with Tweek’s fingers under his jacket was just unfair.
“AAHAHA!! TWEEHEHEHEEK PLEHEHEASE!!” Craig begged, his face turning red as tears pricked the edge of his eyes, which were shut so tight they crinkled.
“Haha, alright. I’ve gotta catch stripe first.” Tweek mumbled, a bit of uncertainty growing in him as he searched for the furry terror.
He grabbed Stripe as gently as possible, and pulled him out from under Craig’s jacket, leaving the exhausted boy panting for breath.
“Heh, uh, you alright, Craig?” Tweek asked, looking at the other who had just been absolutely wrecked.
“Put..Stripe..in his home..he’s..fucking..grounded.” Craig sighed, pausing in between words for gasps of air.
Tweek chuckled, picking up Stripe and setting him down in his little home, and returning to the bed to lie next to Craig, watching him recover.
“Sorry about that.” Tweek said, placing his hand in Craig’s. Craig just sighed and turned to Tweek with a faint smile.
“It’s..it’s alright. After all, you saved me.” He said with a small chuckle. Tweek smiled back as they both looked up at the ceiling, where Craig’s glow-in-the-dark star stickers twinkled in the dim afternoon sunlight.
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daisys-silliness · 1 year
Can u draw a creek tickle fight?
The sillies :]
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gayelderstourney · 1 year
Bracket Be Upon Ye
This was really hard to seed because I know half of them will be eliminated round 1 but I don't really want any of them to lose lol. I ended up deciding to dedicate entire quarters to (mostly) yaoi or (mostly) yuri, with yaoi and yuri only going up against each other starting in the semifinals. This is just because most of the yaoi pairings are more popular and if I seeded solely on popularity most of the yuri would be eliminated immediately.
(I'm not trying to misgender Raine, and I'm not gonna label that specific pairing "yaoi" or "yuri"; it's just their partner is a woman and there's no easy way to split up the contestants otherwise.)
Round 1 on the left side will start Sunday, July 23. Matches will start being posted at 10:00 AM CST (15:00 UTC) and last for a week. Right side will be next week after the left side concludes.
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[Image description: A 32-contestant tournament bracket labeled "old man yaoi + old woman yuri bracket!" with multiple exclamation marks. The background is a pink and lavender gradient. The matchups are as listed below. End ID.]
Hemithea/Josephine (Percy Jackson) vs. Grace Hanson/Frankie Bergstein (Grace and Frankie)
Gertrude Robinson/Agnes Montague (The Magnus Archives) vs. Buddy Aurinko/Vespa Ilkay (Penumbra Podcast)
Red/Blue (This is How You Lose the Time War) vs. Arcee/Aileron (Transformers)
Ms. Bitters/Countess von Verminstrasser (Invader Zim) vs. Miriam Forcible/April Spink (Coraline)
Gerald Robotnik/Black Doom (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs. Sheo/The Nailsmith (Hollow Knight)
Jean-Luc Picard/Q (Star Trek) vs. The Once-ler/The Lorax (Lorax 2012)
Ilya Tchaiko/Seichirou Agawa (Our Dreams At Dusk) vs. Heavy/Medic (Team Fortress 2)
Dr. Coomer/Bubby (Half Life VR But The Ai Is Self Aware) vs. Statler/Waldorf (The Muppets)
May Parker/Olivia Octavius (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse) vs. Aunt Holiday/Auntie Lofty (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Raven Darkholme/Irene Adler (Marvel) vs. Maggie Radcliffe/Jocelyn Knight (Broadchurch)
Hanayo Nishida/Yoshiko Dojima (Hanamonogatari) vs. Navani Kholin/Raboniel (The Stormlight Archive)
Kelly/Yorkie (Black Mirror) vs. Eda Clawthorne/Raine Whispers (The Owl House)
Sir Alistair Hammerlock/Wainwright Jakobs (Borderlands) vs. Irving Bailiff/Burt Goodman (Severance)
Jean Valjean/Javert (Les Miserables) vs. Ravenpaw/Barley (Warriors)
Fiddleford McGucket/Stanford Pines (Gravity Falls) vs. Xehanort/Eraqus (Kingdom Hearts)
Bob Zanotto/Helmut Fullbear (Psychonauts) vs. Craig Cuttlefish/DJ Octavio (Splatoon)
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