#ler fizz
lopsicle · 1 year
Catching Up
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Fandom: Helluva Boss
Characters: Lee! Blitzø, Ler! Fizz (Can be seen as romantic or platonic, I love BlitzFizz)
Summary: As Blitz and Fizzaroli make up for lost time, Fizz discovers something he didn’t know about his former friend.
Tickletober day 2: Accidental
Warnings: Tickle Fic, innuendos.
Life had never been the same for Blitz and Fizzaroli since their second meeting in the Greed Ring. Sure, they’d reconciled their main issues and managed to air out some of the miscommunication forced onto them in their adolescence, but it had still been a decade and a half since they even just had a regular conversation. It was going to take a lot of work and effort to maintain that friendship, but that was work Blitz was willing to do. He couldn’t lose Fizz a second time.
Sometimes, Blitz would hang out backstage at Ozzie’s, listening to the clown perform his bits to the crowd, hyping him up whenever he had the chance. Sometimes that happened at Mammon’s, but it was rare Blitz would be allowed back there, much less without freaking out about being in the same room as a rockstar he admired from before he was even an adult. Fizz would even pop around to I.M.P sometimes, just his presence there was enough to drive up business so he had a warm welcome.
Though, their favourite thing to do was to just be with each other. It didn’t matter where, they usually preferred privacy but the two were neither careful or shameful, being able to do their business wherever. The pair of scarred imps could go on for hours and hours about whatever came into their mind, it was like they had a years long back log of all the things they wanted to talk about locked up in their brain, but never had the right person to say it too. They were just two sides of the same coin, better together.
One day, the two ended up in the privacy of Blitz’s room, which he (mostly) cleaned up for his guest. They’d both made themselves comfortable, Blitz laying down on his bed, sprawled out with her legs hanging over the edge, and Fizzaroli sitting over on the window sill, switching his face between the lacklustre view of Imp city, and his host.
‘Hey, how much can you feel?’
Fizzaroli’s eyes glanced over back to Blitz at his casual question, tilting his body to face him as he did so.
‘Like, emotionally?’
The clown tilted his head almost unassumingly, to which Blitz threw a nearby pillow at him.
‘Yeah, of course I mean emotionally-of course not, dipshit, of course I meant physically! You know, metal limbs and all,’
He huffed playfully, crossing him arms to which Fizz just chuckled, amused at his frustration.
‘Well, I can feel with my nose just fine! And my insides are…rigged with sensitivity, just ask Ozzie!’
‘I am not asking that feather covered, sparkly whore about how he fucks you.’
Fizz just laughed even harder at that, kicking his legs a little as he hopped off his self made perch, standing closer to Blitz.
‘Ahand, I can new sensors in my fingertips, Ozzy developed them himself to make things more…captivating.’
Blitz rolled his eyes and made a face, maybe a little out of jealousy, but there wasn’t much ill will behind it.
‘So now I can actually feel with them again! You have no idea how much I missed petting animals! And fucking with people, that’s great too!’
He ran his fingertips over Blitz’s still stretched out torso to make his point, to which the imp fucking squealed and curled up in on himself. Fizz tilted his head, sitting by Blitz with the largest shit eating grin on his face.
‘No fuckin’ way your ticklish! How did you hide this from me?!’
He asked excitedly, to which the imp blushed a little, trying to scramble backwards on the bed on his palms but he was quickly scooped up by his friend’s mechanical limbs and pulled closer.
‘Okay, it’s not that big of a deal this I’m ticklish! You don’t have to make such a big deal out of this, you knahaahhahw!’
The demon’s protests were cut off by a couple sharp scratches to his ribs, with a very eager Fizz now positioning himself on Blitz’s hips.
‘Oh, don’t you try and weasel your way out of this one! We’ve got, what, fifteen years of laughter to catch up on, and I’ve never heard you laugh like this!’
As much as Blitz wanted to remain tough and stoic on the outside, it was hard to do that while giggling, much less from your childhood best friend/crush tickling you. He couldn’t deny that the attention felt nice, not in a dirty way, he never expected to really…feel Fizz again due to his body being broken so it was a pleasant surprise. The tickling was just a bonus, though he weakly struggled against Fizz’s body to make it look like he wasn’t enjoying it too much. Though, Fizz saw right through him.
‘Oh, come on now, Blitzy, I’ve seen what your capable of, you could push me off you with ease if you wanted but you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?’
Blitz’s blushing situation went from bad to worse as he shook his head from side to side, he’d normally try and hide his enjoyment under some snarky remark but it was hard to think of one while your sides were being squeezed and tickled. So he just resorted to this.
‘Fuhahahahack you!’
‘I’m right, aren’t I?’ Fizz chuckled to himself a little, allowing his nimble, dexterous fingers to skitter all over Blitz’s torso. ‘That’s alright, Blitz, you know I don’t just people, kinky or not, but there is no way I am not being in on this! You don’t know how fun this is me!’
Fizz gushed, pulling his hands away as he looked up at his friend excitedly. While Blitz may have rejected an offer like this from basically anyone a month or two ago, Fizz had softened him up in terms of accepting…anything really from others, plus it was a nice bonus that Fizz seemed to be enjoying it a lot.
‘…would you wanna continue right now then?’
‘Oh, with pleasure!’
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infrequent-creator · 1 year
YOU CANT TELL ME THAT THIS ISNT A TICKLE SCENE !!!! I will die on this hill ☠️☠️☠️
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ashaleeleedagurl · 9 months
Ler: Mammon
Lee: Fizzarolli
"M-Mammom... Sir..." Fizz said, one of his arms malfunctioning.
Mammon, who was busy counting money, looked up at Fizzarolli with an unamused expression before going back to counting his money. He looked annoyed at him, "What do you want me to do about it? I swear, sometimes you are so stupid!" He said to the imp.
Fizzarolli looked down as he turned around and started to walk away, but Mammon stopped him, "I didn't dismiss you, clown." He said sternly as he put his hand on Fizz's shoulder. "Let me see it."
He turned Fizzarolli around and looked at his arm that was malfunctioning.
He took off the arm and threw it aside, finding a spatula and putting it on him, "Good enough." He said.
Fizzarolli looked a bit upset, but smiled through it all.
Mammon, despite him being mean to Fizz, couldn't help but feel a bit concerned because he never actually got to see a genuine smile from the imp. The sin gestured to Fizzarolli to come closer, which he did, and picked him up like he was a doll.
Mammon sighed and mumbled to himself, "I'm not going to live this down from Beelzebub" then gently started moving his fingers across Fizz's stomach, making the imp try to keep himself from laughing.
That immediately changed when Mammon started blowing small, but deadly, raspberries all over Fizz's sides, making Fizzarolli break down into hysterical laughter.
Mammon stopped for a second when he got a text from Asmodeus,who could hear Fizz's laugh from a long distance. (I sorta head canon that when Ozzie and Fizzarolli are not together and one of them laughs, the other knows there's funny business)
💲: "What'd ya want, Ozzie?"
💙: "I heard my Fizzy Frog laughing, what the hell are you doing to him?!"
💲: "I'm just tickling the little guy"
💙: "Then get his tail and sides, but don't get his lower thigh, it'll make him scared and he will cry"
💲: "K, thx Oz"
💙: "No prob"
Mammon put his phone away then went back to tickling the jester, getting mostly his tail and sides, occasionally blowing one or two raspberries on the little guy's tummy.
Fizz, with the biggest smile known to imp kind, threw his head back and kicked hysterically, laughing like a lunatic, "MAHAHAMMOHOHON, NOHOHO!!!!"
"Mammon yes!" Mammon replied as he saw the jester's smile for the first time, then slowly stopped his tickle torture on the imp.
"Let me see your arm again, mate." Mammon said as he put Fizz on the floor and sat next to him, now, actually trying to fix his arm.
An hour passed and Mammon fixed Fizzarolli's arm, Fizz hugging him once he finished.
You'd be surprised that Mammon hugged Fizzarolli back and pulled away after a few seconds.
"Well, Ozzie's waiting for me, I'll see you tomorrow!" Fizz waved goodbye and started walking back to the Lust Ring.
When Fizzarolli left, Mammon then went back to his normal attire, but with a sly smirk on his face.
And this was the beginning of Fizz's tickle torture...
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slimeylee · 7 months
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Plsss draw lee fizz and ler blitzo ur art is like a warm hug I love it sm!! It’s so cute and comforting ehehe
was gonna get around to this sooner but dsnjkdscs brain bad
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BUT TYSM!! im glad my art is comforting <33
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bimobuddy · 1 year
Fizzarolli x Asmodeus TK Headcanons
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I love these two so much!! If you haven't seen S2 - E6, I highly suggest you go do that right now.
These might contain spoilers, but nothing too big, I don't think
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He's a giggler!
While he usually wakes up first, on the rare days he doesn't, Ozzie will tickle him awake. Partly because he thinks the sleepy giggles are adorable, but also partly out of revenge for the air horns (it's not gonna stop Fizz from using them though)
With anyone else, he'll fight back, but with Ozzie, he enjoys it and finds it fun. He'll even go as far as to try and provoke him sometimes.
Worst spots are his sides and tail, he'll probably start flailing. If you're unfamiliar with how he reacts, it's easy for you to accidentally get swatted, but Oz knows him and knows just how to avoid the swinging limbs or wagging tail
The tip or 'blade' of his tail REALLY gets him kicking
Tummy gets him curling up and giggling, tail thumping against the floor happily
He even gets flustered and giggly when Oz starts kissing on his cheeks and forehead. Not the most ticklish place, but just enough to get him giggly and smiley
Back when they were kids, Fizz used to go after Blitz all the time. He'd usually win most of their tickle fights
Now, his main target is Ozzie, even if he isn't able to get him most of the time, as Oz usually just turns the tables on him
With his extendable limbs, it's pretty easy for him to wrap up his victim and still get at their sides or tummy
This is usually how he gets Ozzie, the rare moments his attacks actually work
Has chased Ozzie around their room a couple times during a chaotic ler mood (Poor rooster is just such a big guy though, it's hard for him to get away)
Has only ever gotten Blitz once since they've made up, but Blitz is an assassin now and was very quick to escape and turn it back around on him
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Usually isn't much of a lee, as Fizz is really the only one able to get close enough or catch him off guard
And even then, it only works if he's in the mood or if Fizz sneaks up on him
Fizz absolutely adores his voice, especially when he laughs
He knows he could easily overpower the little imp, but why in Hell would he risk hurting his Fizzy or ruining his fun? He'd much rather sacrifice his sensitivity to Fizz to see him happy
If you get him good, he'll accidentally crow. This has only ever happened one time when Fizz snuck up on him and grabbed his hips. However it didnt last long because he IMMEDIATELY wrecked the imp afterward
Sometimes Fizz starts kissing (or even scritching under the chins of) the other two heads in Oz's fluff. It's not exactly super ticklish, but it has gotten a chuckle or two from the Prince, as it felt weird, and he'll usually gently pull Fizz away with a soft "stooop"
Worst spot is his hips
oh boy
This man can be absolutely ruthless
It's easy for him to scoop Fizz up in one hand and tickle him with the other
If he's feeling evil, he'll go after Fizz's tail and hips
But he's also such a sweetheart though, the SECOND he hears Fizz so much as even start the word 'stop,' he stops. He'd feel so bad if he overwhelmed his little clown
When they're alone, he'll start peppering Fizz's face with little kisses, while his other two heads do the same to his neck (in a sfw way) and it gets him super flustered and giggly
Big fan of teases. He'll go for the cliché 'tickle tickle tickle,' and stuff, but he'll also make kissy noises, make that clawing hand motion right over Fizz's tummy, or make him ask for it. ("I don't understand what you want, Fizzy, you're going to have to ask")
He's got feathers, he's basically a demonic chicken man. Sometimes he molts (sheds) his feathers too. (see where I'm going with this?)
When he loses his feathers, all he's gotta say is, "You know, Fizzy, it's molting season," and the imp is either immediately running away or hopping up into his lap for the gentle tickles.
Just like Fizz, he gets chaotic Ler moods too. He can and WILL chase or hunt down his partner, which is sometimes a challenge. Yes, he might be bigger, but Fizz is also very good at outmaneuvering him
But jokes on Fizz, this just makes the attack worse when Ozzie finally catches him
On mornings when they don't have to work, when Fizz goes to get up and out of bed, Ozzie will just hold him close to his chest, not letting him up, and give morning tickles
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gaybananabread · 11 months
Hi!!! 💖 If 21 isn’t filled yet for tickletober, do you think you could do ler Asmodeus and lee Fizzarolli from Helluva Boss? The new episode has me craving for some tickle content for them they’re so cute!! Hope you’re well and take all the time you need. 💖
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TickleTober Day 21 - New Discovery
Writing this one made me happy. I dunno what it was, but writing the scrunkles just boosted my happy brain chems. I know I’ve been squeaking these in at like 11:50 something at night, but I actually paced myself this week and loved getting this out! Hopefully you like reading this as much as I did writing it. Enjoy!
Lee: Fizzarolli
Ler: Asmodeus
Summary: After a shitty day, Fizz is more than ready for some love from his partner. Ozzie is happy to help, though he does it in his own silly way. After all, what's love without some laughter?
Warnings: swearing (obviously), implied murder (don't worry, they deserve it)! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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Hell's worst kept secret…
Not wrong, but the title still pissed the pair off. Ever since the kidnapping incident, they had been a bit more open with their relationship. They obviously weren't announcing it; all of Hell didn't need to know that Ozzie and an Imp were together. But around the factory and his quarters, the fruits were showing more PDA and less shitty excuses when they were caught. 
The workers knew better than to say anything.
Still, the occasional whisper or snide comment outside of Asmodeus's safe zone got the jester's blood boiling. Especially when they were about his man.
"Did you hear about Asmodeus and that little imp? Man, what a way to fall. Never thought the embodiment of Lust would do that to himself." The second demon nodded, smirking. "Oh, Fizzer-something? Yeah, a big rooster and a clown. Sounds like the plot of a shitty porno." "Heh, they kinda are!"
Oho, Fizz wanted to rip their throats out and shove them so far up their-
Whooo-kay. Deep breaths, deep breaths. He promised Asmodeus that he wouldn't let small-minded loudmouths get to him, especially sinners. But they so deserved it, and he was just a few feet away…
They just had to keep talking, though. "And hey, he didn't even pick a working one! The thing's defective! Robotic limbs and shit. Dude really needs higher standards."
That was it. The jester turned, running at them with nothing but rage and hate in his eyes. The dumb fuckheads barely had time to begin a plea before Fizz went to town.
When his Fizzie got home, Ozzie immediately knew something was wrong. His partner’s colorful clothes were coated with black blood. The sin hurried over to him, surveying the imp for injuries before scooping him up into his arms. “Fizzie, babe, what happened?”
Asmodeus’s voice radiated concern, comfort and love for the jester. Fizzarolli couldn’t have gotten any luckier when him and the demon connected for the first time. Or the second. Or the many, many times after that. Eh, who needs labels?
“Some…assholes, spewing shit about you and me. I tried, but…they needed a lesson on how to shut up.” One of the robotic arms was damaged in his fit of rage. Apparently the loudmouthed sinners had a bit of fight in them. Fizz still disposed of the garbage; he just got a bit messy.
Ozzie sighed, nuzzling his feathery head against Fizz’s smooth skin. “Froggie, I love that you wanna defend me, but it’s not worth you getting hurt. I’d take all the shit-talk Hell has to offer if it meant you’d be okay.”
So mushy… The imp rolled his eyes, secretly melting inside at the sweet words. “Alright, alright, I get it. No more fighting over your honor. Tell Hallmark the message worked.”
Then he did Fizzarolli’s most favorite thing ever. He laughed, a deep snort kicking off the rumbling chuckles. Fizz laid his head on Ozzie’s chest, feeling the vibrations and listening to the short burst of amusement. The sin stood, sighing out a final huff before carrying his partner to their bed. It was the only one big enough for Asmodeus, let alone Fizz, to fit. 
Following their pattern, Ozzie removed his elaborate suit, slipping on his robe instead. He then helped the jester peel away the blood-stained outfit, quickly drawing a bath for him. They were at the point where it was just second nature; one of them has a bad day, they get a warm bath, cuddles and shitty RomComs until they fall asleep. That day was Fizz’s day to be pampered.
After some calming back rubs in a nice bath, all blood was clean and the imp was feeling a bit better. Ozzie got him a new arm, making sure to give him little forehead kisses as he worked. Finally, they were ready to lay down.
Surprising no one, Ozzie was the big spoon. He hugged Fizz close under the covers, rubbing his back soothingly. The Lust ring’s RomCom channel played distantly on the TV.  It was barely a minute before the jester was dozing off. The sin’s touch softened, absentmindedly wandering across Fizzarolli’s bare skin. 
His feathery fingers eventually made their way to the imp’s sides. Fizz was drawn from his sleepy stupor by an unexpected buzzing along his side. A feeling he hadn’t felt in quite some time. He squirmed a bit, feeling the fingers go back to his back. The moment he settled back down, however, they returned. 
A quick glance at Ozzie’s dreamy expression told him that the sin wasn’t doing it on purpose. The rooster just thought he was giving him soft affections. Sighing, Fizz squirmed again, adjusting himself so the tracing was closer to his lower back. That was apparently a big mistake.
The moment one of the feathery fingers brushed his back, he squeaked, flinching away from the touch. Asmodeus immediately went into Mother Hen mode, lightning his touch and looking for injuries. “Fizzarolli, why didn’t you tell me you hurt yourself? Back injuries are serious!”
Ugh, why did he have to care so much? “I-I didn’t…” The lighter touch was somehow worse, sending a flurry of butterflies to attack his stomach. Fizz’s tail twitched, trying to wag; he made sure to force it still. Unfortunately for him, that also meant he took a small amount of focus off his verbal reactions. The smallest, teensiest little giggle slipped past his lips. Ozzie immediately stilled his fingers; as a sin, he easily heard the noise. Then something clicked.
“Froggie…are you ticklish?” Shit…Fizz tried to run, a burst of adrenaline pulling him from the sleepy peace. Ozzie was on him before he could move an inch. The little imp didn’t stand a chance.
“W-wait! Ozz, don’t you fucking dare!” His robotic arms wrapped around the sin’s body, trying to push him off. That was nearly impossible, as Asmodeus was over four times his size and much stronger than the prosthetics. Still, he could only try. 
The rooster smirked, his demeanor doing a complete 180. Ozzie went from concerned and soft to playful and smug in seconds; it was almost scary how fast he could switch like that. “Oooh, babe, I definitely fucking do~”
Before he could get another protest out, ten feathered fingers attacked his torso. Five running along his back, five snaking around to his stomach. In seconds, small giggles slipped past his lips, a blush tinting his scarred cheeks. “N-nohoho! Ohohozzie you dihihick!”
“I know it’s one of your favorite features, but let’s leave my dick out of this.” Stupid, cheesy words; it was unfair how blushy they made him. Fizz tried to wiggle away, but even with his insane flexibility, Ozzie’s strong arms kept him trapped.
He twisted and kicked, his limbs swinging and flailing as he tried to escape. He didn’t fully mind the tickling, but Fizz had an image to protect. The amazing, alluring, ass-kicking Fizzarolli couldn’t be seen getting reduced to a giggly puddle; even if nobody was watching but his boyfriend.
“Tickle tickle tickle, Fizzie~” He just had to tease… If there was one thing that killed Fizz, it was Ozzie’s silly teases. Normally, they were just flustering. Those teases, though; they drove him nuts. “Shuhut the fuhuhuck uhuhup!”
Ozzie loved the sight of his squirmy boyfriend. The genuine laughter, happy smile, vibrant blushes and adorable noises warmed his loving heart. He genuinely couldn’t be happier than when he was with his Fizzie Frog; especially when the imp was all giggly like that. “Awww, babe, I’m just tryna cheer you up! Are you not feelin’ just a teeny bit better?”
Okay, that wasn’t fair. He was definitely feeling better than when he arrived, but that wasn’t totally because of the tickling. Being around Asmodeus, as evil as he was, immediately boosted his mood. “Thihis- ihit’s nohot fahahair! Youhuhu suhuhuck!”
“Only for you, Fizz~” Just to be evil, Asmodeus fluttered his fingers on the jester’s hips. FIzz squealed, his arms swinging to try and grab Ozzie’s hands. Oh, that asshole! “SH-SHIHIHIT! AHASMODEHEHEUS! NAHAT THEHERE!” 
Ozzie chuckled, loving the high-pitched cackles from his partner. “But right there is my favorite! C’mon babe, you gotta admit that this is pretty cute.” Fizz groaned through his laughter, thrashing under the sin’s tickly assault. His robotic appendages were no help, merely bouncing off the sin’s feathered skin instead of actually deterring him. 
“NOHO IHIHI”M NAHAT! OHOZZIEHEHEEEE!” Fizz could feel his tail wagging, the tip making a gentle thump against the sheets. At least the rooster wasn’t teasing him about that. “Ooh, Fizzie, your tail’s wagging. Are you enjoying yourself?” Spoke too soon…
Seeing that he was working his partner up a bit too much, he moved away from the imp’s hips, deciding to focus on Fizz’s neck instead. “Alright, alright. I won’t kill you, Fizzie babe.”
“F-fuhuckin’ feehels like ihihit!” Fizz whined, his laughter dying down to squeaky giggles. He turned his head, burying his face in the pillowy mattress. The muffled giggles only made him cuter, in Ozzie’s opinion. He leaned his head down, peppering the jester’s face with light kisses. Fizz scrunched up his shoulders, both loving and hating how the ticklish kisses made him melt. “Bahahahaaaabe!”
Ozzie chuckled, basking in the way his boyfriend reacted to the silly affections. The faces in his hair were smiling wide, portraying his obvious adoration and love. So fucking cute…
It was almost comical, the way the large sin cuddled up to the smaller imp. The love they shared was like no other; based on good communication, mutual respect and pure affection, it was about as healthy as you could get. Sure, they weren’t officially public, but nobody else needed to know about them for it to be wonderful. Especially in the cutesy moments like those.
As much as Fizzarolli loved the attention, he was wearing out. Dealing with the dicks from that morning, combined with the goofy fun, had him pretty drained. “Ohozziehehe! Plehease, noho mohohore!” 
And just like that, it was over. Asmodeus respected boundaries more than any other creature in hell; the moment Fizz wanted him to stop, he would, no questions asked. He did, however, pull the imp against his chest, rubbing small circles into his back to help calm him down. The sin’s voice was soft once again, save for a teasing edge. “Easy, babe. You okay? I didn’t go too far, did I?”
Fizz took a few deep breaths, getting out the last few giggles as he snuggled against his man. “Uhum…no, you’re good. But *damn*, did you have to go for my hips?” Ozzie snorted, nuzzling his head against the imp’s. “You know I did. It’s adorable, how can I not?”
He held Fizz tight, flipping them over so the jester was laying on his chest. It was their favorite way to sleep; Fizz could feel the warmth of his boyfriend, and Ozzie could sleep peacefully, knowing his partner was safe while he was with him. Fizzie grumbled, but didn’t protest the movement. He was tired, and he couldn’t deny that the sin’s chest was rather comfortable.
The covers were pulled over the pair, concealing almost all of Fizz’s body. His concealing hat was removed, placed on its holder for the night. It was nice, affectionate and calm; just the way the pair liked it. They drifted off, the small yet happy smile never leaving the imp’s face.
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ticklishprincey · 5 months
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Helluva Boss Tickle Headcannons
Have some headcannons because I'm bored Blitzo -DEVIOUS LER -Main targets are Moxxie and Fizz (after they made up) -If he’s in a ler mood you need to RUN (luckily it doesn’t happen often) -Loves to chase -Loves to sneak up on Moxxie and tickle him while claiming it’s “just a hug, what’s so funny?” -Favorite teases have to do with his lee’s laugh/reactions -”Oh, is this a bad spot? Too bad!” -Very giggly lee -Has a very giggly and bubbly laugh when tickled, a big contrast to his usual snarky and sarcastic cackles -Main lers are Stolas, Moxxie and Fizz -Favorite ler is Moxxie but won’t admit it to save his life -Will never outright say he’s in a lee mood, but if you know him well enough you can tell -He’ll lay across a ler’s lap with his shirt slightly exposing his tummy -Or he’ll instigate a tickle fight just to have someone get revenge -Worst spot is his knees, he’ll go into hysterics if they’re squeezed -Can say the word but it’s embarrassing so he’d rather not Stolas -Very teasy ler -My man has feathers all over him you think he’s not going to use them to torture his lee? -Main targets are Blitzo and Octavia -Gets his target into a lee mood then makes them ask for it  -”I don’t know what you want, darling, you’ll have to tell me~” -Only tickles Octavia with consent, Blitzo isn’t so lucky (not that he minds) -Isn’t ticklish, much to Blitzo’s disappointment. Millie -Absolutely loves to tickle Moxxie when he’s upset or stressed out -Loves to tease -Flusters the hell out of Moxxie and enjoys every minute of it -Likes to point out how flustered he gets around the word -”Awww, hun, it’s just a word! Tickle tickle tickle! Awwwww look at that blush!” -Loves to give raspberries -Not very ticklish but her neck gets a few giggles out of her -Moxxie is the only person who can tickle her without getting hurt Moxxie -Very rare for him to ler -Mainly only ler to Millie and Blitzo if he’s being extra annoying or upset -Can’t say the word even when he’s ler -THE BIGGEST LEE IN HELL OMG -The cutest laugh in history -Main lers are Millie and Blitzo -Favorite ler is Millie -Cannot ask for tickles to save his life -Cannot handle teasing but loves it at the same time -THE CUTEST LIL SNORTS IF YOU GET HIM GOOD AGHHHH -Worst spot is his tummy but he’s ticklish basically everywhere -Won’t ask his ler to stop until he literally can’t breathe and has to tap out -Can you tell who my favorite character is? Octavia -Cannot ler to save her life -Main lers are Stolas and Loona -Hates her laugh but her ler will reassure her it’s adorable -Blushes very easily -Worst spot is her tummy -Raspberries will send her into hysterics Loona -Octavia’s favorite ler -100% tickles Octavia when she’s sad or particularly angsty -Big fan of using raspberries -Not really fond of babytalk but she will tease the living shit out of her lee -”Oh wow, I never knew someone could be this ticklish, how do you survive?” -Not ticklish anywhere except behind her ears -Blitzo is the only one who knows this
Asmodeus -OMG THIS MAN IS A LER 100% -Only to Fizz though -Loves to use petnames in his teases -”Aww~ Is my little fizzy frog ticklish here?” -Gentle tickles, then big raspberries out of nowhere just to throw his lee off their game -THE KING OF BABYTALK OMGGG -He’s a rooster and 100% uses his feathers to his advantage -Bigger and stronger than Fizz so pinning him is super easy -As soon as his lee says anything close to stop he’s cuddling them and asking is he went too far -Only ticklish on his hips -May or may not have accidentally hit Fizz the first time he was tickled -IMMEDIATELY APOLOGIZED AFTER BECAUSE HE WILL NOT HURT HIS FIZZY FROG -Doesn’t particularly like being tickled but he loves everything Fizz does so he enjoys it nonetheless Fizzarolli -Crazy ler -100% uses his robot arms to pin his lee -Main target is Blitzo but if he’s feeling brave he’ll go for Asmodeus -Definitely has been kicked in the face before by a certain imp -Lovesssss to tease and babytalk his lee -”Aww~ Is the wittle baby too tickwish? Can he not handle the tickle tickle tickles?” -Second place to Moxxie for cutest lee -Main lers are Asmodeus and Blitzo -Ticklish literally everywhere but his worst spot is his spine and upper back -CANNOT HANDLE BACK/SHOULDER MASSAGES -Asmodeus found out he was ticklish after offering to give him a massage after a hard day -Blushy and giggly lee -Like all you have to do is wiggle your fingers in his direction and he’s blushing and giggling up a storm -100% will retaliate and get revenge tenfold -Use his own teases against him and he will die -Tell him how much it’s gonna tickle and he will also die Did I forget someone? Probably. I’m tired.
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cookiepie11 · 1 year
Tickletober day 3 - cuddles (helluva boss)
Day 3! This is a sfw helluva boss tickle fic!
Lee! Fizzarolli
Ler! Asmodeus
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"Ozzieeee give cuddless??" Fizzarolli pleaded and put on his best puppy eyes knowing his big bf can't resist them.
"mmmm I guess I can't say no to that face can I?" Asmodeus replied with a light hearted chuckle.
"Tehehe I know that" Fizz said and stook his tounge out whilst ozzie lifted him and put him on his knee for cuddles.
"So desperate for hugs huh?" He laughed and traced a single finger on fizzarolli's belly sending ticklish shocks through his body.
"noho Ozzie stahpit!" Fizz giggled "noho tickles!'
"Mm why not?" Asmodeus teased "too ticklish??"
"yehes!" He squeaked, his tail slapping lightly on Ozzie's lap "stahap"
"nooooo!" He smiled down at his boy friend and twisted fizzarolli's tail around his finger whilst tickling his sides with his other hand.
"Rrr I'll get you bahack duhumb bitch" fizzarolli threatened in between his laughter.
"i wouldn't be saying stuff like that in the position your in right now-" ozzie said with a snort and started to blow tickly kisses along his neck
"WHAHA? EHHEHE OZZIEHE!" fizz squealed and shoved lightly at his boyfriends head.
"okay okay breath!" Ozzie said and looked down at fizzarolli who had a blush painted on his face and small tears in his eyes this was Ozzie's sign to stop. "Mm your so cute fizzy"
"I know I am but doesn't mean you have tickle me so much!" Fizz said and put a fake mad face on before dissolving into giggles again and leaning back onto Ozzie.
The rest of the night was full of snuggles,kisses and fluff <3
Please please let me know if you see any spelling mistakes !!
Reblogs heavily appreciated :3
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thatcheesyler · 6 months
Working on a lee!Striker, lers!Fizzarolli and Blitzø fic, so uh..lmk what you think so far 🫠
Just Clownin' Around (WIP)
Some say that singing a whole ‘fuck you’ song to your boss and then quitting your job while saying goodbye in a surprisingly good impression of your boss's accent might not be the best thing for one's mental health. But why should Fizzarolli care? He's thriving in Hell with his huge boyfriend and rekindled childhood friend, for fuck's sake.
Anyway, since the whole thing with Mammon, Fizzarolli had a bit of a thirst for more revenge gnawing at the back of his mind, thinking about all of his and Blitzø's shared enemies, and how much he'd like to see them bleed. Of course, when he told Blitzø about this vengeful fantasy of his, the other imp was more than enthused about getting some sweet, sweet payback. After all, Blitzø's company had been a bit short of the thrill of homicide lately, anyway.
So it was settled, the two imps would meet up at a bar and discuss the finer details.
-Lil’ time skip-
“Hmm…but which one do you think deserves to be hunted first? Striker, or Crimson?” Fizz asked, taking a sip from the straw in his glass of Beelzejuice. “Well, Crimson may be a bit off limits anyway, Mox probably wouldn't want his big daddy to get hurt unless it was by his doing.” Answered Blitzø, absentmindedly tracing one of his fingers along the cracks in the wooden bar counter top.
So that just left Striker…”But, that western cocksucker is most likely the only thing stopping Stella from killing Stolas herself. Plus, I promised Loony that I wouldn't kill anyone today because it’s her birthday.” He continued, going silent for a while, just in case Fizz was brainstorming and didn't want to be interrupted. And apparently, he was.
“..Wait, he's super self-confident. Which means, all we have to do is exploit a weakness that's embarrassing enough to catch him off guard, and threaten to blackmail him with it. Right?” It wasn't a terrible idea. But, what the hell kind of a weakness would have such an effect on a guy like Striker?
Contemplating his inquiry, Blitzø skimmed through his memories with Fizz, trying to pinpoint any specific events that involved embarrassing weaknesses that an imp would have..and wouldn't you know it, the murderous imp finally came up with a reasonable suggestion.
“Ey, Fizz, remember when we'd have those stupid dares where we'd take turns in watching each other perform, and then point out any flaws afterwards by..tickling the other person in a way that accommodates to those flaws?” Blitzø commented, smiling slightly at the fond memory, but a little flustered about the topic as he was usually the more flawed one when performing. Thankfully though, the other imp only really picked up on the main idea that he was putting down, a wry smirk now building up on his face at the thought of using this against Striker.
“It's perfect! We won't hurt Striker, but if we record him being humiliated like that, we could threaten him with the blackmail of posting the video!” Fizz replied cheerfully, slamming down a $10 bill on the counter before gripping Blitzø's arm and yanking him out of the bar. Fizz dragged him eagerly all the way down to the Wrath ring, ignoring the whiny protests that spewed from his friend's mouth like gunfire and instead focusing on tracking down Striker, while keeping his phone safe so that they can record the whole ordeal when it happens.
Sure enough, the two eventually stumbled into the weird cavern that Striker called his home, making sure to keep quiet as they leapt behind the nearest boulder. Breathing out groans of pain between whistling a casual tune, the cowboy in question was currently standing near the unrealistic statue of himself and cleaning up his burn wounds from when he tried (and failed) to kill Fizz.
“Hey, you think you can do that introduction thing that Robo Fizz did? It might be fun.” Blitzø whispered to his friend, who, in response, nodded and took a deep but silent breath.
“Hiya kids, it's me, the lovable Fizzarolli!” Fizz started, jumping up onto the boulder they were hiding behind and watching as his voice startled Striker a little.
“Say, would anyone here like to play a game with me?! It'll be so fun, I can guarantee it!” While the cowboy demon scowled and reached for his angelic gun, Blitzø shot a bullet of his own towards said gun, making it inaccessible as the two former clowns suddenly launched at him.
It took quite a hassle, but eventually they managed to pin Striker to the same part of the train tracks that Stolas had been restrained against a while ago. They then tied his arms down either side of his head with his own angelic rope, doing the same for his legs and tail. “You two fuckass clowns ain't gettin’ away with this. I will get my vengeance, just you little fellas wait..” Striker sneered, allowing a brief dark chuckle to sleep through his teeth afterwards. To which Fizz and Blitzø both looked at each other with unbothered expressions.
Setting up his phone on a nearby rock, Fizz pressed the ‘record’ button and began speaking like the whole thing was a vlog.
“Hey there, all you imps, sinners, overlords and deadly sins! Today, we have a very western guest with us. Say hi, Striker!” Fizz announced, moving out of the way so that the recording showed a clear view of the cowboy, bound helplessly to abandoned train tracks and frowning spitefully all the while.
“Go fuck yourself.” Was the only thing that Striker planned to say for most of this. Unfortunately, things never seem to go according to plan for him. “Only off camera. Now let's get down to business, shall we?” Blitzø responded, smiling along with the other clown imp.
“You're a selfish bitch that only cares about money. Understandable, however, fucking up my only ticket to the human world and then also trying to kill my friend, that's not as excusable. So, we're gonna return your ‘favour’ by humiliating you and then blackmailing you with the recording of it. Sound good? Good!”
Before Striker had gotten a chance to respond, Fizz had started talking again, reverting back to his show voice for this next part.
“Earlier I asked if you wanna play a game. And now, we're gonna play whether you like it or not! The game is called...’Don't Laugh’~!” Upon saying the name of the game, Fizz lifted his robot arms up to shoulder height and bent his fingers into claws, wiggling them simultaneously to give a hint as to what was about to happen, with a shit-eating grin on his face the whole time.
The cowboy tensed, it was subtle but it was noticed, now slightly struggling against his binds as the reality of this ‘game’ began to fully sink in. “Oh you gotta be fuckin’ kiddin’ me..” Striker murmured, feeling a few butterflies swarm in his stomach, something that had rarely ever occurred before. He despised the way the sensation affected him, making his body twitch in anticipation whenever someone made even the smallest movement, making him feel vulnerable, making him feel weak.
“Tch, and what kinda sick pleasure will it bring ya this time? Y'know, since everythin’ appears to be a sex thing with you two.” He remarked with a tiny smirk, clearly aiming to piss them off some more, despite his better judgment and the fact that it was just going to make everything worse for him.
Dammit, even those weird ass mini singing imps were here to watch.
His attention was yanked away, however, as Blitzø's hand then reached out towards him, and he tensed up once more, instinctively sucking his stomach in. But, the imp merely grabbed the cowboy's hat and placed it on his own head, earning a ‘seriously?’ look from both of the other demons, and an extra eye roll from Striker, who was getting fed up with this. But then Fizz's voice sounded out again, still speaking as if the whole thing was a scripted performance. “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it's time for the game to start! Alright cowboy, are you ready?!”
“Listen, I don’ know what you jester twinks are plannin’ to accomplish with this, but I can assure ya, you ain’t gon’ pull a stunt like this again once I get my reve-HENGE!!” Striker's threat was abruptly cut off by the overwhelming sensation of a robotic hand squeezing his side experimentally, his voice raising up to a slightly embarrassing high pitched tone as this happened.
The cowboy attempted to recover by clearing his throat and forcing back the anticipatory nervous smile, refusing to let his captors feel like they were winning. Said captors, however, now adorned ear-splitting smirks that caused the butterflies in Striker's stomach to temporarily double, a few more harsh tugs being acted out on the angelic restraints. “I said ‘are you ready?’, not ‘bore us with monologue’. But still, at least people on Sinstagram will enjoy the bickering. But seriously, don't laugh!” Fizz replied smugly, refocusing his attention on the imp's outfit.
There were a few scorch marks on his shirt that didn't burn through the fabric, so of course, Fizz decided to fuck around a bit and trace ever so gently over those marks, relishing in the way it made Striker flinch and gasp quietly. Yet, his resolve held true, the scowl on the cowboy's face didn't budge, but not did the angelic rope, unfortunately for him.
“Alright it's my turn, move over bitch!” Blitzø demanded, playfully shoving his friend out of the way and cracking his knuckles, before starting to spider his fingers along Striker's sides. This time, it resulted in a wobbly grin showing through for just over a millisecond, the ticklish sensation making Striker wriggle away from the pursuing hands with a bit of desperation.
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infrequent-creator · 10 months
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You’re telling me these two don’t tickle each other ? Lies LOOK AT EM 🩷💜
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mythica0 · 1 month
A whosamawhatsit?
🎂: Fop; a new wish
🍫: Peri
Summary: Dev gets his first ever lee mood. He is confused.
A/N: yes I’m writing lee dev ler peri again, what it to ya! This fic takes place after the other two I wrote, I kinda got a timeline going. Also I hope someone gets my title 🙏 (btw it’s pronounced who’s-a-muh-what’s-it) I’m not super happy with the ending but eh.
(P.S I got so flustered writing this. Also, Beta read by @randommusicalfluff!)
A whosamawhatsit?
Dev felt strange.
As soon as he woke up, he felt… odd. In a way he couldn’t quite place.
His whole body was buzzing, he felt like he was a soda can that had been shaken. He felt light and airy, and almost bouncy?
He was also in a better mood than usual? He didn’t know why he was just… less meh. He actually woke up and smiled.
He stretched and got dressed, having an Au-pair bring him a donut for breakfast.
“Hey kid, G’morning!”
Dev looked up at Peri and smiled, giving him a small wave. “Good morning, Peri!”
Peri sensed something. He didn’t say anything. He wanted to be sure.
“Well someone’s chipper this morning!”
Dev hesitated and smiled. “Yeah.. guess I am!” Dev was confused. He felt so… odd. He felt like he wanted.. something? What was it…
The rest of the school day went as normal, but the whole time Dev was contemplating and confused. He noticed more as the day went on.. he found things funnier than he usually did, felt a need for physical contact. And that bubbly, fizzing feeling in his stomach grew, along with to a sense of longing. If only he could figure out what he wanted!
Peri observed throughout the day. His sense had never been wrong before, and it was blaring! This kid had a lee mood, he just knew it. Time to have a little chat!
After Dev and Peri had arrived back at the mansion, and entered Dev’s room, Peri started the conversation.
“So, Dev, how are you feeling?”
Dev looked up. “Hmm? Oh, I feel great, thanks for asking!” He answered genuinely, smiling.
“That’s good! But I meant.. feel any different than usual?”
Dev didn’t know how Peri knew, but he replied honestly anyway.
“Actually, yeah.”
“Hmmm, how so?”
“Well.. I’ve felt like.. buzzy? All day. Also pretty light. I’ve found things funnier than usual… and a sense of … longing? But I can’t figure out what it is that I’m longing for.”
“Ahh, my sensors never fail!” Dev looked confused. “Worry not, kid, for I know exactly what you want.”
“How do you know what I want when I don’t?”
“Well, you’re in a lee mood! And I always know when someone’s in a lee mood.”
“A.. whosamawhatsit?”
“Oh yeah you don’t know what that is, do you?”
Dev shook his head, intrigued and listening but also very confused.
“Well, A lee mood is when someone wants to be tickled!” Immediately Dev’s face burned as he realized that.. yup, that was what that sense of longing was about. “It often comes with buzzing or tingling sensations and a chipper attitude, which you have been displaying!”
Dev blinked, and let out a flustered, “….huh.”
“Sooooo?” Peri drawled, teasingly.
“So- what?” Deb responded, an eyebrow raised.
“Do you want me to tickle you?” Peri said, so casually, as if discussing the weather.
Dev blushed even more. “Uh- I- ummm-“ he didn’t quite know how to respond. He did. But he didn’t wanna say that! That’s embarrassing!
“I’m not hearing a no~”
Dev continued to stammer embarrassedly.
“Don’t worry, I won’t make ya say it!” Peri teased, pulling dev into a hold. Dev covered his red face with both hands.
Peri smiled and started scribbling against the kids ribs, causing his joyous giggles to pour from him.
“Are you gonna uncover your face so I can see your precious smile~”
“Oh, really~ are you suuureee~”
Dev mustered some false confidence. “Ye-yeahahahah!”
“Alright then, guess I’ll just have to make you.”
Right after he finished his sentence, Peri shot up to Dev’s underarms, digging with just enough pressure to really tickle.
Out of instinct, Dev’s arms shot down.
“Aww, too bad~ where’d all that stubbornness go?”
“I Cahahahahant hehehehehehelp ihihit!! Ehehahhaha!”
“Well, if you’re gonna try to be all stubborn then you should probably work on that.”
“Eehahahhaahahaaa! Gehehehet ouhohohout ohohohof thehehehre!!!”
Peri pouted sarcastically. “I can’t~ my hands are stuck~”
“Nohohoho thehehey ahahahrehehent yohohou liahahahar!”
Peri made a fake attempt to remove his hands, before once again teasing, “see? They won’t budge! Guess I’ll just have to stay here and tickle and tickle and tickle for the rest of time!”
“Nohohohoho!! Gohoho sohohomwhehehere ehehehelse!!
“Oh, so you don’t want me to stop? You just want me to go somewhere else? And why is that, this a bad spot~?” The lilt in his voice made Dev’s face go even darker than it was.
“Nohohohoho! Eheheheee!” Dev was kicking lightly, unable to stop the happy laughter and energy that flowed through his whole body.
“No? That’s not why? Hmm… is it because you want me to tickle your little tummy? Is that why? Does this cute little tummy want some of the tickly tickly tickles?”
Dev blushed even harder(somehow) and continued to kick lightly and giggle. But he didn’t deny it.
“Oh~~? No denial?? That must be it, then huh~”
“Eeeehehehehahaha! Dohohohohooonttt!” Dev whined through his bubbly giggles.
“Oh~ so you don’t want me to tickle your little belly? You don’t want me to make you feel all giggly and happy from the tummy tickles?”
Dev just whined again, laughter never stopping, smile never leaving his face.
“No? You do? Well, then why’d you say ‘don’t’ hmm? If you do want me to tickle your tummy, then don’t what?”
“Nohohoho tehehehaseihihing!!”
“Aww, I’m afraid I can’t do that~ teasing is part of the fun!”
Dev just giggled some more.
“Well~ if you want me to tickle tickle tickle that little tummy of yours, you’re gonna have to move your arms. I’m still stuck!”
“Ihihihi cahahahahant!!
“Well then, why don’t I help you out~” Peri kept tickling with his right hand, but took his left and pulled Dev’s arms up over his head, with no protest. He held them there for just a moment, before digging into Dev’s oh so ticklish tummy.
Dev’s giggles grew bigger, renewed by the change in sensation.
Dev couldn’t and wouldn’t say it out loud, but he was having the time of his life. The ticklish jolts sending through his stomach to the rest of his body, making him laugh and smile and kick joyfully. Forcing him to be happy, forcing him to giggle and laugh brightly. At some point he had tears of joy forming in his eyes.
He was so happy right now, and that made him embarrassed.
After a good few minutes off the tickles, Peri stopped, sensing that the kid had had enough.
He poofed up some water for him, encouraging him to drink slowly.
Dev giggled for a while, breathing heavily, trying to brush away left over tickles. He drank the water, let his face cool down, and allowed his giggles to slow and then stop.
“Welp, now you know what a lee mood is, right?”
“Yeah, yeah- I guess I do!” …. There was a pause, then a breath. “Do you get lee moods?”
Uh oh.
———THE END————————————————
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slimeylee · 8 months
my new favourite helluva boss episode is oops (s2 e6)
im fucking inlove w fizzarolli HES SO SILLY AND I LOOVE ALEX BRIGHTMAN !!
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uhh well I went in to see if you wrote helluva boss and you did! I can't tell you how happy I am and can there be one from you like lee blitz and lers moxxie, millie and loona? I don't know, maybe while they were meeting together, Blitz might be teasing Moxxie about how sensitive and ticklish he is. (because why not)
He may mock Moxxie to the point of making him blush and get angry, but there is a truth. he's quite ticklish himself, and what made his find out was when Loona delicately touched his side to tell her father that she needed to stop, and a boss who jumped up and squealed cutely (and who was going to get a big tickling punishment) :>
I thought this would be cute, I really read all of your fics (especially the Lee Lucifer stories♡) this time I would love for you to write a Lee Blitz story, thank you.
Sure thing!
Niceness Necessities
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C.W: Swearing, gets a lil intense at the end
Summary: Blitzø won’t stop teasing Moxxie during one of the meeting and Mille and Loona help him out by finding something about Blitz
What. The. Hell
Blitz now had his claws on an Asmodian Crystal. What was he supposed to do with this thing?! He of course knew that with this crystal he could now travel to the human world without help from Stolas’ grimore but still, how was he supposed to use it??
He wanted to have a meeting with the rest of the I.M.P about this new item but first he wanted to figure out how to use it. So now in his office he sat at his desk on his computer researching the magic crystals.
“Hmm..” Blitz hummed, placing his hand on his chin in thought as he surfed the internet looking through helltube, Sinstagram, Hell’s version on Google but no matter how much he looked he couldn’t find anything on the Asmodian Crystals, were they seriously that rare??
Blitz was getting frustrated at this point at not being able to find anything before it hit him. He was friends with Fizz again, he could literally just go talk to the big man himself! “Stupid stupid stupid!” Blitz reprimanded himself but very pleased at the fact that he’d found a solution to learn about this magic crystal.
Blitz stood from his desk, tail flicking excitedly as he headed for his door and swung it open, meeting the eyes of Moxxie, Millie and Loona. “Listen up fuckers! I found a solution on how to use this fancy-shmancy thing so I’m going to the Lust Ring to learn about it! I’ll be back soon but for now Moxxie hold down the fort till I get back!” Blitz called, heading for the door when Moxxie’s voice stopped him.
“But what if I don’t want to sir?” Moxxie asked, meeting Blitz’s bewildered gaze with a grin, Moxxie (almost) never disobeyed him? But Blitz was not one to back down so he met the smaller imp’s gaze with a challenging grin, pointing a menacing finger at him before replying.
“Then I’ll tickle you to pieces when I get back.” Blitz threatened and chuckled as Moxxie’s face flushed a beet red and he muttered a halfhearted “Fine.” As Blitz headed out the door.
Now outside of the building Blitz headed for his van that was parked in the lot, unlocking it and climbing inside before starting the engine and pulling out of the lot on his way to the train station.
If he remembered the schedules correctly the train for Lust left in 15 minutes, perfect plenty of time for him to get to the station.
A little while later he arrived there and parked the vehicle, jumping out and shutting the door before locking it and heading for the gate for the train to Lust. Once he located it he got on the train with a few minutes left to spare, finding his seat and sitting down right as the train jostled into motion.
Now on the train Blitz took out his phone and texted Fizz
*Blitz: Fizz?*
*Fizz: Yup? Didn’t expect to hear a text from you*
*Blitz: I know but I just have a question, are you and Ozzie free today? I’m coming to Lust I have a few questions for the big man*
*Fizz: I believe so let me ask…..yep we’re free!*
*Blitz: Great! See you in a bit!*
*Fizz: See ya!*
After that conversation Blitz turned off his phone with a pleased smile, placing it back in his pocket and looking out the window, almost there.
Now in the Lust Ring Blitz stepped off the train and quickly spotted the large building that belonged to the sin and grinned before heading that way.
He meandered down the street, going past stores and bars all over the place before finally reaching the building where he was met with a guard. “Who might you be?” The guard snapped and Blitz held up his wrist where the Asmodian Crystal sat, “I’d like to see the big man.” Blitz told the guard and he huffed, annoyed before letting Blitz in.
The imp grinned in response and walked inside, as the guard shut the door Blitz was immediately met with Fizz’s grinning face. “Blitz! I haven’t seen you in forever!” The other imp exclaimed and Blitz chuckled, “I know I’ve been busy with my business, where’s Ozzie?” Blitz asked Fizz and he led the other imp to an elevator where they stepped in and pressed a button for the highest floor.
“You guys live at the top?!” Blitz exclaimed, clearly amazed making Fizz laugh, “Yep, Ozzie is royalty after all.” Fizz reminded him and Blitz’s tail flicked irritably at his own antics when they reached the top at last.
When the elevator doors open Fizz stepped out with Blitz in tow and the other imp was amazed by how nice Ozzie’s place was when Fizz led him to a large door which was opened by two guards to allow them in.
“Ozzie!” Fizz called out as the guards shut the door and a few minutes later Asmodius rounded the corner. “Fizzy you’re back! And I see you’ve brought a friend.” Ozzie observed and Blitz bowed in the sin’s presence.
“Hello big man, I just have some questions for you then I’ll be out of your hair.” Blitz told the sin and Asmodeus waved him off, “Don’t worry about it, any friend of Fizz is a friend of mine. Come this way.” Ozzie instructed, leading Blitz and Fizz to his office, shutting the door and rounding the desk to sit.
“So what’s the matter imp?” Ozzie asked and his eyes widened as Blitz held up his wrist that held the crystal. “I see..you want to learn how to use that don’t you?” Ozzie asked the imp and he nodded, “Please, it would be a big help.” Blitz told the other and he nodded, standing up and turning to one of his nearby bookshelves before selecting a book and placing it on the table in front of Blitz.
“This book right here should tell you everything you need to know about my crystals such as what they are and how to use them.” Asmodeus told Blitz who nodded in understanding, “Thank you Ozzie!” Fizz piped up as him and Blitz stood, heading for the door.
“Yeah thanks big man, I’ll be sure to return it once I’m finished!” Blitz called over his shoulder as they stepped out of the office and Ozzie gave him a thumbs up before they shut the door and headed for the elevator again.
“Ozzie’s a good guy.” Blitz told Fizz who nodded, “Yeah he is.” The imp spoke as they rode the elevator back down to the ground floor, upon arriving they stepped out and Fizz walked Blitz to the door.
“Thanks Fizz!” Blitz told his friend and the other imp gave him a thumbs up as Blitz walked back into the down, starting down the street with this new information.
“What do you think Blitz is doing?” Millie called from her place on the couch and Moxxie and Loona’s gazes flicked over to her. “I’m not sure, he said he was going to Lust to find out about the crystal His Majesty gave him so it’s likely he’s visiting Asmodeus.” Moxxie replied, tail flicking behind him in thought.
“Yeah but who cares, the dumbass can take care of himself.” Loona piped up from her phone and Millie hummed, “If all he was doing was going to talk to Asmodeus why couldn’t we come?” Millie pointed out.
“That’s a good question Millie, maybe he wanted to go by himself.” Moxxie told her and she looked out the window, “Maybe, do you know when he’ll be back?” Millie asked again and was met with a shrug from both of them, Millie knew one thing though. Her boss was a man on a mission right now.
Now back outside Blitz headed back towards the train station with the new book in his hands. Finally he had the information he needed for the crystal, now all he needed to do was take it back to the I.M.P and review it and the crystal with his team.
“Hell yeah we have the book now..” Blitz muttered to himself as he reached the station and walked into the train back to Pride and sat. As the train jostled into motion once more he opened the book and looked at the contents of the first page.
The writing was written in mostly a different language but luckily Blitz knew the language it was written in so he read a couple of the facts about it, occasionally glancing down at the crystal when he read about something particularly interesting.
“The Asmodian Crystal’s power allows you to teleport at will…interesting..” Blitz muttered to himself, still skimming through the pages and before long the train had arrived back at Pride.
With an excited grin Blitz stepped off the train and headed towards the parking lot where his van sat with the book in hand, tail swishing behind him as he walked.
Once he arrived at his van he climbed inside and shut the door, placing the magic book on the seat before starting the engine and pulling out of the parking lot before heading down the road.
The I.M.P building was about 15 minutes away and Blitz could hardly wait to get back and look over the new information with the others, this would be fun.
“How much longer do you think he’ll be gone?” Millie piped up again from her place on the couch, “I’m not sure, he should be on his way back by now but I don’t know.” Moxxie spoke from his place beside her.
“Ehh either way it’s fine, Blitz never leaves this place for too long and like the pipsqueak said, the dumbass is probably on his way back already.” Loona commented from her place at her desk, paws propped up on the desk as she scrolled through her Sinstagram.
“Yeah, I’m probably just overthinking this.” Millie told herself and Moxxie scooted closer to her, wrapping his tail around her and kissing her crown, “And that’s perfectly okay, it’s sweet that you’re so concerned about him.” Moxxie told her and she smiled.
“Ew get a room!” Loona called over to them making the pair laugh.
Finally almost home, by now the I.M.P headquarters were around 5 minutes away and Blitz could feel his heart thumping in anticipation to get back, he couldn’t wait!
Although he did have to wait a little to get back, not long though because he let his mind wander for what felt like a few seconds but when he shook himself out of it he was in the parking lot of his building, hey not like he was complaining.
With a giddy smile he parked the van and shut it off, hopping out of the front seat and shutting the driver side door before rounding the front of the vehicle to open the passenger side door and grab the book before setting his sights on the large building in front of him.
Blitz set off towards his building, reaching the entrance soon after and swinging open the door before stepping in and shutting it, now climbing the few flights of stairs that he had to climb to get to the office floor and by the time he’d reached the door he was worn out, why was this book so damn heavy?!
With a huff after being hunched over catching his breath, Blitz huffed before standing up to his full height and practically breaking down the door catching everyone’s attention.
“Blitz you’re back!” Millie exclaimed, jumping up and following his to where he walked over to the meeting table and set the heavy book down before sitting down at the head of the table.
“Yep…I had to travel to Lust..and talk to the big man..about this.” Blitz breathed out, holding up his wrist to show them the crystal, “And he gave me this book, said it would help to understand what it is and how to use it.” He finished as Millie sat down at the table, followed by Loona and Moxxie.
“Alright.” Blitz began, standing up from his place at the head of the table, this placement was good. Moxxie on his left and Loona on his right with Millie sitting next to Loona, perfect they could listen to him better this way.
“We’re gonna look at the book and we’re gonna figure out how to use this crystal.” Blitz remarked, grabbing to book and clawing it forward in his direction before flipping it open to the first page, watching as the other’s leaned closer to see.
“Hehey what?!” Moxxie yelped, jumping back at Blitz quickly scribbled over his neck, “You were too close.” Blitz told the other imp, grinning impishly (ha ha) at the other, “I wasn’t even that close.” Moxxie muttered and Blitz’s gaze flicked u to meet Moxxie’s.
“What was that Moxx? You want me to do that again?” Blitz grinned, wiggling his claws at Moxxie who scrambled back, “N o.” Moxxie stated, pointing an accusatory claw at Blitz who chuckled in response and went back to the book.
“Be nice Blitz.” Millie spoke up, smacking him on the arm for extra emphasis but Blitz only waved her off. “Nahhh he’s fine Millie. Not my fault he’s so fuckin ticklish~” Blitz taunted and relished in the way Moxxie’s face flushed crimson.
“S-Shut up!” Moxxie snapped at him but recoiled as Blitz scribbled over his stomach, “Watch it.” Blitz grinned again, pointing a finger at Moxxie who averted his gaze with a grumble.
Blitz went back to the book at began reading when Loona’s voice spoke up. “What does that say?” The hellhound questioned, pointing at some smeared ink on the page.
“Oh that?” Blitz started, focusing on the ink, “I believe it says ‘Thou who hath access to thy crystal shall be forbidden to use it unlawfully, thus punishable by having the crystal taken’.” Blitz recited, chuckling as Loona’s head tilted to the side before she realized what that meant and nodded.
“I have a question, what does that say?” Millie piped up and Blitz looked at it, it wasn’t smeared but it was in heavy cursive making it a bit hard to read so Blitz read it out for her.
“What about that?” Moxxie also piped up, referring to something on the other page and Blitz poke the other imp in the side causing him to recoil again.
“Patience Moxx, we’re not there yet.” Blitz reminded, waving his finger at Moxxie like how a parent would reprimand a child making the imp slide down in his seat with an irritated huff.
“Was that sass I heard?” Blitz smirked at Moxxie who shot up, face flushed with a nervous expression. “N-No it wasn’t!” Moxxie snapped at Blitz who only grinned.
“Alright sure.” He remarked, sarcasm dripping from his tone before his hand shot out and started squeezing Moxxie’s sides who flinched before giggling like mad.
“What’s wrong Moxx? You a little ticklish?” Blitz taunted and Moxxie fell forward, head resting on the desk as he covered his face with his hands, still giggling madly. Millie looked at him endearingly and Loona glanced at Blitz, an idea forming in her head.
“Come on Blitz stop it.” Loona remarked, subtly elbowing/jabbing him in the ribs causing him to jump with a squeal at the unexpected touch, halting his tickly attack on Moxxie to slap both hands over his mouth.
By now Moxxie had recovered and was now looking at Blitz with a large grin on his face, book and crystal now long forgotten as the three looked at him. “Y-You traitor.” Blitz muttered, heart rate picking up as he watching Loona stand and go to walk behind his chair, breath hitching as the hellhound pulled his arms above his head.
“Loony!” Blitz whined, yanking on his arms and grinning nervously as his arms wouldn’t budge and Moxxie crept closer. “Millie help!” Blitz called out to his last hope but Millie only let a lazy grin make its way onto her face as she slid down in her seat a little.
Blitz was about to comment on what the hell she was doing when he felt it, her tail had wrapped around his boot and was now trying to pull it off. “No M-Millie wait!” Blitz tried pleading with her, kicking his feet but that only served in helping her as the extra force allowed her to tug his boot off, tail dropping the object and settling for wrapping around his foot.
“M-Millie…” Blitz trailed off as her tail kept twitching, he was so focused on her that he didn’t noticed Moxxie coming up beside him until the smaller imp tasered his ribs making Blitz jump, gaze snapping over to him.
“Come on sir don’t tell me you forgot about me? How mean.” Moxxie teased, lowering his claws and touching them to Blitz’s sides before starting to lightly skitter up and down.
Moxxie immediately felt Blitz stiffen, watching amused as the imp bit his lip in an attempt to suppress the steady growing giggles as Moxxie increased the pressure, now steadily scribbling over Blitz’s sides and chuckling a little as Blitz went red and he ducked his head.
“M-Mohohoxxie..” Blitz began, breath catching in his throat as Millie’s tail began lightly scratching over the underside of Blitz’s now uncovered foot and also watching amused as her boss’s face nearly rivaled the rest of his skin against his scar.
“Mihihillie!” Blitz whined again, “Come on what’s it going to take to break your stubborn ass.” Loona grumbled slightly, taking both of Blitz’s wrists in one hand and using the other to scribble under his arm.
“Lohohohoona wahahahait not thehehehere!” Blitz cried, dam finally breaking and giggles pouring out of him, “Well there’s my answer.” Loona smirked, keeping it up as her, Moxxie, and Millie kept up the gentle tickles.
“Ahah! Mohohohohoxxiehehe!” Blitz’s laughter jumped an octave as Moxxie’s hand wandered towards Blitz’s stomach and was now scribbling there.
“Hah! You’ve got a ticklish stomach sir?” Moxxie taunted, grinning as Blitz’s face turned an even brighter shade of red, tail beginning to slightly swish behind him.
“You enjoying this Blitz?” Millie spoke up and Blitz’s wide eyed gaze flicked up to meet hers. “Nohohohoho? WhahaHAHAT mahahahahakes you sahahay thahahat?!” Blitz questioned, yelping mid-sentence as Millie’s tail grazed along his arch.
“Hmm, I beg to differ.” Millie grinned, pointing at Blitz’s tail that was still swishing behind him. Blitz turned a wide-eyed, betrayed glance at his tail before screwing his eyes shut again and trying to get it to stop but it didn’t work.
“How do you like that sir!” Moxxie called as he moved up to scratch across Blitz’s ribs making him jerk. “Mohohohohoxxiehehe!!” Blitz howled as Loona moved to skitter over the base of his horns.
“Lohohohohoony plehehehehease!” Blitz cried, weakly batting at her paws best he could but that didn’t stop her, if anything she only smirked and kept it up. “Mihihilliehehe!!” Blitz called out next as the imp in question took the tip of her tail and started scratching it over the main area of the other’s foot.
“Alright guys we might want to wrap this up here soon, Blitz looks just about ready to k!ll all of us.” Millie piped up and Loona and Moxxie nodded in agreement. “Where’s he most ticklish Loona?” Moxxie turned his attention towards the hellhound who smirked.
Loona then paused her tickling hand, keeping Blitz’s wrists above his head, “Lohohoona nohoho plehehehease don’t tehehell him!” Blitz tried pleading with her just Loona just shrugged.
Then she leaned down, whispering something in Moxxie’s ear and Blitz watched, frankly quite scared as Moxxie’s face lit up, quickly morphing into an evil grin.
“M-Mohohoxxie…now wahahait a mihihinute..” Blitz began, being kept in a state of giggles by Millie’s tail still on his foot but also the fact that Moxxie’s claws were creeping closer to his worst spot, his thighs.
“Mohohoxxie plehehehease..” Blitz told Moxxie and he stopped for a moment, “Please what sir?” Moxxie grinned but Blitz’s eyes widened, clamping his mouth shut, no way in the seven rings was he falling for that!
“Alright if you don’t wanna answer suit yourself!” Moxxie chirped before shooting his hands down, kneading into Blitz’s thighs with vigor, attempting to get an apology out of his boss.
Blitz jerked hard, eyes widening and he bit his lip but it did nothing to stop the wave of laughter that spilled out of him moments later. “MOHOHOHOXXIEHEHE!! SHIHIHIHIHIHIT!!” Blitz screeched, bucking like mad making Moxxie laugh.
“Apologize sir!” Moxxie declared and Blitz shook his head, “NOHOHOHOHO WAHAHAHAHAY!!” Blitz remained defiant, by now Loona and Millie had stopped tickling him, opting to watch the situation unfold as Moxxie took Blitz down.
“It’s only going to get worse from here if you don’t apologize Blitz, you know how Moxxie can be~” Millie reminded him but he shook his head, “IHIHI DOHOHOHON’T CAHAHAHARE, BRIHING IT ON PIHIHIPSQUEHEHEAK!!” Blitz exclaimed through his laughter, laughing harder as he saw the expression on Moxxie’s face.
“Oh that is IT!” Moxxie exclaimed but there was no real bite to his voice as he scooted closer to Blitz and leaned down before blowing a large raspberry in the crook of Blitz’s neck.
“AHAHAH! MOHOHOHOHOXXIEHEHE!!” Blitz shrieked, tossing his head back and cackling like a mad man as Moxxie wreaked havoc on him. “Apologize Blitz!” Loona called from behind him and finally he gave in.
“FIHIHIHINE FIHIHINE I GIHIHIVE IM SOHOHOHOHORRY MOHOHOHOXX JUST FUHUHUHUCKIN STAHAHAHAHAP!!” Blitz cackled and finally Moxxie pulled away, grinning like a goon as Blitz went limp in his chair, Loona releasing his wrists and standing next to him.
“Yohohou okay sihihir?” Moxxie asked, giggling up a storm at Blitz’s predicament. Blitz took another heave of air before sitting up, resting his elbows on the desk and giving Moxxie a tired look before flipping him off.
“You…are sohoho luhuhucky…I’m wohorn out right nohohow otherwise…yohohou’d be on the grohound..laughing nearly as hahahard…as I just wahahas..” Blitz breathed out and smirked a little as Moxxie grew a nervous expression and muttered something about having to use the restroom before standing and walking down one of the halls.
He would get him back eventually.
(Sorry this one took so long, things have been a lil slow but I hope you enjoyed! ^^)
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ashaleeleedagurl · 10 months
Performance Stress
Ler: Blitz
Lee: Fizzarolli
Summary: Asmodeus needed to go talk to someone, and Fizz is having second thoughts on the competition
Welp... It's the final round, and Fizzarolli is in his dressing room as Glitz and Glam perform their song, until there was a knock at Fizz's door.
"Hello, just coming to check the jester" Blitz said as he leaned on the doorway. He saw Fizzarolli hyperventilating and went over to check on him.
"Hey, Fizz, you good?" He asked, hint of some concern in his voice.
Fizzarolli nodded and tried to wipe some tears that were running down his face. "Yep, all good!" Fizzarolli immediately said.
Blitz was skeptical, "Are you sure?"
Blitz sighed and walked over to the jester, who was trying to hold back tears, gently hugging him and trying to comfort him.
Fizzarolli's tail wrapped around both him and Blitz as he softly hyperventilated.
Blitz then moved his hand to Fizz's side, making him freeze in place.
Blitz was confused, to say the least, "What's wrong?" He asked as he looked where his hand was at, which he gently moved his fingers on Fizzarolli's sides.
"Blihihihizhz! Thahahat tihihckles!" Fizzarolli yelled, squirming, and trying to move away.
"Well, duh! That's what's supposed to happen!" Blitz said as one of his hands tickled Fizz's tail, leaving the jester in hysterical laughter.
Blitz stopped after a few minutes, just before Glitz and Glam finished their song. He helped his friend up and gently patted his head.
"You goofball"
Asmodeus came back to Blitz helping Fizz get up on the floor, "What happened when I was gone?"
They never answered.
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bimobuddy · 11 months
Chasing the Chicken
Helluva Boss
SFW Tickle fic
I haven't seen this done yet so I decided to do it
Lee!Asmodeus, Ler!Fizzy
Summary: Fizzarolli gets the Fizz-equivalent to zoomies and Asmodeus is his target.
"Fizzy, baby, calm down, just take some deep breaths, please-"
Out of context, it may have sounded like Asmodeus was trying to calm his partner down from a panic attack. However, with context, you'd see the Sin holding his hands up in defense, and Fizz inching closer to him with an almost feral look in his eyes. And Asmodeus knew this look very well unfortunately.
Fizz lunged, but Asmodeus was faster. He dodged, barely, and ran to the other side of the bedroom. Now they were in the same stand-off as before, just in different positions. This had been going on for about ten minutes at this point.
Fizz's "zoomies" didn't happen often, but when they did, he was a ball of absolute chaos. Most of the imps knew to either lock the office doors or to stay out of his way because once he got running, he could not be stopped, not even by Ozzie sometimes. Especially not when Ozzie was his target.
The jester grinned. "Cluck, cluck~"
Asmodeus frowned. "That is rude- AH!" He jumped back to avoid getting jumped on. This time, Fizz wasn't stopping. He continued to run after him on all fours, even using his limbs to essentially launch himself, while Asmodeus was desperately trying to run around furniture without tripping or losing his robe. When he found himself cornered, he just teleported himself across the room in a quick flash of flame.
"Cheating!" Fizz called after him, having turned around to chase him again. The Sin found himself grinning at this. "We're demons, babe, we don't exactly play by the rules!" He laughed, making it back to their bedroom, shutting the door. He initially was going to lock it but a part of him felt bad about locking Fizz out of the room. All of this disappeared when the door was unceremoniously thrown open, revealing a mischievous little imp. Nevermind. He should have locked the door.
"Fizzy, it's too early for all this, come on now-" He backed up, maintaining eye contact, too afraid to turn his back on the gremlin in front of him. Unfortunately, he wasn't looking where he was going and ended up tripping, falling back onto the bed. Fizzarolli wasted absolutely no time and jumped up onto him, startling Asmodeus into giving a short shriek.
Extending his arms, Fizz wrapped Ozzie up and started scritching at his sides, resulting in deep chuckles rumbling from deep within his chest. He could easily break free, but he didn't want to risk hurting his little Froggy, so he just gave up and endured it. Fizz knew this too, and used it to his advantage.
Metallic fingers scritched and scribbled over his sides and tummy. Chuckles turned to deep, rich laughter as Ozzie lay there, trying not to squirm too much. "*snort* pff- Ahahahahaha! Fizzy, cohohome ohohon! Okahahay, you cahaught mehehe!" He laughed, hoping that would be enough. But there was a slight evil look in his eyes. Ozzie didn't know what else he wanted until he felt his hands wander lower, toward his hips, causing a giddy, nervous panic to blossom in his stomach right then.
"Wahahait, wAHAIT- Fihihizzy! Nohohot thehere! I'm nohot gonna doho ihihit!" He turned his head away, knowing exactly what Fizzarolli wanted now.
Said imp only grinned. "We'll see about that, Ozzie~"
He drilled his thumbs into the Sin's hips, wincing a little when his laughter came booming out. But the sight he was gifted with was beautiful. Asmodeus had his head tossed back, the widest smile he'd ever seen, and a brilliant blue blush painted from cheek to cheek. He was squirming a lot more now, kicking his legs out, yet still managing to not hurt Fizz, who was holding on tighter now as to not get thrown off.
Fizzarolli stopped and burst out laughing, pulling his arms back and releasing Ozzie, who covered his blushing face, catching his breath. "Ugh, why do you insist on making me make that sound?" He asked, his voice slightly muffled from his hands, yet there was no real hint at being genuinely upset. Fizz grinned, sitting on his chest. "Because it's cute, duh."
Asmodeus removed his hands and looked up at his grinning partner and couldn't help but smile himself. "Well are you finally satisfied enough to calm down?"' "For now." The rooster snorted. "Good enough."
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