survivingpierce · 9 months
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      𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚟𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚎'𝚜 𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗
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faster than one realizes, another year is over and in the course of this day, we say goodbye to 2023.
it's my yearly tradition to make a list of appreciation as a way to thank you, my mutuals. thanks for filling my dash with joy, thanks for writing with me, thanks for sticking with me, thanks for developing amazing plots and ideas with me, and thanks for your patience. i had the pleasure to interact with many of you as well as admire some of you from afar. this also goes to my two other blogs touchedbydestiny & deceptivemorals who some of you also interact with.
i hope 2024 makes all your wishes come true and brings you health, peace, and happiness. ♥
the following list is in no particular order & i hope i haven't missed anyone. tumblr somehow has issues with showing all the @ but perhaps this post finds you anyway ♥
@prettiesturgentproblem @scphiebeckett @induro @the-last-doppelganger @shefatales @seilas @founderscouncil @klaeus @nexusvcrti @dynastymuses @coryosncw @studsalvatore @unsettledspirits @slghtr @chaoticordxr @timerevolt @reclusiveduke @vbrideofcdragons @troveofcmuses @noblyobliges @mysticfallsresidents @perzysprumia @ladicsa @devilfated @vaalexias @salvatoreseer @wehowl @originalgemini @huntyre @afantasycourt @cosmicjest @invitisalvatore @saltzitivo
@taintedbloodlines @dcmoniism @multitudeswithin @sanguinelupus @hearoic @witchwrld @tribridhopestory @rippeah @witchfirst @causestragedy @savagevillain @ealiyah @aughts @queenpos @siphoncursed @alotinone @causeschaos @storywolf @townwxtch @northsalpha @jeremydied @kingmakercastle @hybr2d @dethtale @sanguionus @ladamedemartel @thisbloodlust @nowimamxnster @brittlefcrged @sindicate @oblitum @adeathsentence @troubleah @withliight @crownedhopelesss
@authcrwriites @fallsheavy @hcpemikaelscn @hellsurvivr @nightskied @salvatoraes @exohrcist @rulestill @merveiilles @lindscys @nklsdttr @animadistelle @doppelcurse @liarincommand @gilbertsaviour @story1ines @bloodused @behavioraldisorders @shetales @therebekahmikaelson @xradiant @hauntcdsouls @thesacrificialxlamb @asiphon @interitios @viikingwitch @tempestgxdsx @shesdaylight @everfcre @fightforbetter @fbiartist @theivashkinator @shapedhistory @siphonaer @auburncries
@soulessavicr @webheadedhero @tobeblamed @betterxvillain @originalvampire @lovestoomany @elenaloveablekotsala @notafossil @salvatvrn @hellbled @stonedgilbert @creasantleader @brokenbrxther @floripire @littlewclfgirll @formerlyrighteous @ahlexya @assemb1e @badasshybridqueen @calcifydamage @hedonisticdelight @witchyxwoo @shotgunscn @thatprettylittlething @faeryworlds @thelittlestrcse @namorres @thatslayer @mangaien @tofeelthecold @quietbeauty
@enduringlystoic @leroiloup @nosestealer @vandbaerer @iputaspxllonyou @littlebennettbitch @lordofthestrix @desireshappiness @relishingvampirism @bourbonlaced @seesgood
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seesgood · 2 years
not me logging in for the soul purpose to scream LIIIIIAAAAAAA!!!!!!
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rippermorality · 4 years
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leroiloup   ; ᴋʟᴀᴜꜱ ᴍɪᴋᴀᴇʟꜱᴏɴ & ꜱᴛᴇꜰᴀɴ ꜱᴀʟᴠᴀᴛᴏʀᴇ.
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"𝐈'𝐌 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐈𝐒. . .𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐓." the vampire glances back at the hybrid, a knowing look. a familiar setting between the two, an old city bar, two shots of bourbon, one each, and them. old friends. even if lately, he could consider one another as old frenemies. too much damage in between to just be friends on his side. “I’m surprised you and your family haven’t tried to kill each other, perhaps i’m missing a coffin or two.” stefan teases, daylight ring tapping on the glass before he taking on a swing of his drink. emerald greens stare back, letting a short silence fall before he dares speak again as he leans on the counter. “so. what is the great klaus mikaelson doing alone in a bar?”
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enduringlystoic · 4 years
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     “Niklaus... Must you do that here?” He casts a despairing look at the blood dripping onto the three hundred year old rug before looking back at his younger brother, an exasperated sigh leaving his lips.
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fightforbetter-a · 4 years
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It was quite late and the sky has darkened enough that the stars were beginning to appear, creating a beautiful kind of scene over the trees lining the property of their villa. It reminded her of the bayou, in those weeks during her pregnancy and then after Hope’s birth when she had spent all night lying on the forest floor and staring up at the sky with a mind full of worry. Hayley sighed, leaning her weight on the railing of the patio, and heard the sliding door open behind her.
“She sleeping?” she murmured, almost afraid to wake Hope even from the distance between them. The last she had heard, Hope had still been resisting sleep in spite of Klaus’ best efforts. Usually, Hayley would help, especially when their daughter was in that fussy mood, but tonight her mind was too crowded. “Did you have to read The Gruffalo again?” A small smile tugged on her lips. That was a vibrant moment to remember: Klaus Mikaelson reading a storybook about a mouse making the whole forest fear him. Hope was even starting to demand funny voices. 
plotted starter // @leroiloup​
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badasshybridqueen · 4 years
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She stepped out of Rousseau's and nearly groaned. Hayley knew she shouldn’t have come all the way out to the quarter when a storm was brewing. But Declan had been insistent and for what? Her to taste a new recipe at the bar? The hybrid turned vampire let her eyes fall shut as she stood in the doorway a moment. She was exhausted, face paler than normal, hands a bit shaky. But she pushed on. Hayley always did. It had been days since her last proper meal - but that was the way she preferred it. The lack of blood dulled her senses, made her weak - like a human. And that was how she was living now. Some dusty old cottage on the other side of town for the last few years...ever since she’d been taken back when Hope was fifteen.  Hayley pushed the thought aside, it wasn’t something she cared to dwell on or think about at all - not when she didn’t have to. But alas, that was how she found herself standing outside of  Rousseau's contemplating her next move. The wind was picking up, vendors already closing up their carts and moving to find shelter. The sky had darkened and the rain was pelting down like a force of nature. The wind also carried the smells of the quarter toward her - including the scent of fresh blood from all the people attempting to find their way out of the rain. If Hayley was going to find her car in this mess and get to the other side of the town before it got any worse - now was the time to do it.  She pushed herself out from under the awning and started to walk at a quick pace.
@leroiloup​ Plotted starter [ I have no chill I’m excited ]
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crescentxhope · 4 years
🌀 random one word writing prompt: 25. return - @leroiloup​ ​
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     By logic, Hayley knew this shouldn't be possible. Somehow, the fabric of time passed differently on the other side, thinly veiled from the land of the living and most of them none the wiser to the presence of loved ones they’d lost. She knew it wasn’t how things were supposed to be, taken from a life of immortality and snatched from her daughter forever too soon. She’d entrusted Hope’s safety, her happiness and entire existence to the only person she could ever trust with something so valuable and important when she’d made the ultimate sacrifice: Klaus. Everything she’d ever done, all that she’d ever been she understood now had all been for Hope. Hope was her meaning, her purpose on the earthly plain and now even in death she was her daughter’s watchful guardian. Hayley had finally found peace in death, the sense of belonging she’d always longed for her entire life but never really found. There was a sliver of it, a fraction she’d come to know as family by being considered a Mikaelson but it was the tether of her blood running through Hope’s veins that had earned her the seat at that particular table not solely who she was. Initially, Klaus had made her position feel so fleeting and temporary; an incubator to be kepts safe only for the sake of the child he’d claimed he never wanted only for Hayley to be discarded and disposed of once she’d served her purpose. She was used to fighting; for herself, her survival and everything she had but Hope had given her a new reason to fight back twice as hard to fulfill a maternal promise she’d never known since the loss of her own parents. It was that very promise that had come calling to collect from her in the end, asking her to pay the ultimate penance with her life in place of Hope’s and it was on Hayley gave willingly and would again a thousand times over. A bond had been forged somewhere along the way, between Hayley and Klaus with the mutual depth of love for their child and understanding that together they would do anything for her. Hayley had trusted Klaus in those final moments, to exercise judgement where he was usually all passionate impulse to protect his family to keep himself from trying to save her if it meant taking both parents from their daughter. She’d died knowing despite the pain of losing her mother how much more Hope would always need her dad and the lengths to which Klaus would go to in order to protect her. It was the one thing he could offer that she knew she couldn’t, in the same way she knew all that was good in her had somehow passed on through Hope and she too would be the one person to remind Klaus of his own goodness and humanity. Hope was the culmination of all that Hayley regarded as pure; the best parts of them they’d never been able to see within themselves but was also their greatest strength in all that they were, united together. Hope might not have been conceived of some great epic love, but she’d been born of an incredible and fierce love from both of them. It was wrong now, that Hayley could see Klaus standing before her in a place he wasn’t supposed to be. There was a thick haze of mist lingering in the darkness of the never-ending forest and it was as if somehow everything had stopped around her, frozen in an instant. He was just as she’d remembered him in those final moments, the same clothes and signature leather jacket but something felt different and for the first time Hayley understood true fear from beyond the grave. The veil between worlds had nearly been lifted, unbeknownst to the wolf but she was no longer able to discern which details belonged to either side but in an instant she closed the space between them in the clearing intently and wordlessly putting her arms around him and pulling him into a tight embrace. It was a moment that stretched out so long as she remained attached to him and Hayley clung a little tighter to ensure he was corporeal and real within the grasp of her arms. She closed her eyes for a split second, almost afraid she’d blink and he would be gone but when she pulled back enough to see his face he was still just as real. Unfurling the fists her hands had instinctively formed from such overwhelming emotions, Hayley clasped him by the shoulders with both hands to keep him close and an unconscious need to keep hold of him lest he should slip away somehow from her. “How are you here?!” Her words came out, just as fumbled and confused as the expression she wore, voice heavy with disbelief and growing concern. “Is this really happening? Hope. Is she okay??” In an instant the short-lived reunion had turned and her only concern remained Hope.
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cursedbcrn-a · 4 years
@leroiloup​ sent in 🍗 – our muses have to cook a holiday dinner together
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          “Dad, the point of this is so we can cook together, not so you can compel someone to cook for us,” she said with an exaggerated sigh, even though she was fully smiling at his antics. She loved being able to see this side of him, and appreciated that she was able to see it more often than not, instead of what most others believed of him. Hopping up on the counter next to him, Hope pulled out a makeshift menu that she’d drawn up. It was simple for the most part, considering that only a handful of them actually needed food as sustenance, but mostly it was the bonding experience with her father that she was after. "Now, can you please chop the veggies for the salad? And no vampire speed, because that’s cheating. Oh, and--” She turns and grabs a small box to her left and pulls out an apron with the words ‘KISS THE COOK’ stamped on front, and a truly obnoxious number of snowflakes embroidered on it. “Merry Christmas, Dad,” she grinned, handing it over as she pressed a kiss to his cheek. 
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mikolsone · 4 years
@leroiloup​ hit the heart for a starter
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“Why is it that we always find ourselves cleaning up YOUR messes, Nik?” The side glance he shot his older brother was telling, an unspoken way of demeaning Klaus’ past actions, or lack thereof. “For someone who boasts about their power, you sure manage to leave a lot of revenge fuelled survivors. What did you think, they were going to forget the whole thing and leave you alone to play king? Next time, I suggest just slaughtering them all first time round, I’m sure it’s within your capabilities.” 
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bayouroyalty-a · 4 years
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@leroiloup​ liked for a short starter
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❛ I figured you wanted me to save you the honors –– ❜ Its just a formality, really. She’s effortlessly dragging the witch by the back of his shirt across the threshold and tossing him at Klaus’ feet. He’s been drained of enough blood that he’s clammy and shaking by the time Hayley brings him back to the compound. A warning. An aggressive, but effective one. She wipes the remnants of his blood from the corner of her mouth with the back of her sleeve before shrugging off her jacket. ❛ Whatever information you’re looking for, he’s not budging –– and if I have to hear one more misogynistic comment out of his mouth I’m going to snap his neck before you’re able to get what you want...  ❜
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ofbrokensouls · 4 years
starter for @leroiloup​;
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It had been a long night. She tracked a couple of stray vampires to a nest. It was larger than she had anticipated but if she hurried she could still make it back home in time to have Willow over for girl’s night. Brushing her hair back from her face, she glanced down at her watch. Clearly she was a little distracted so she failed to notice one of the vampires hadn’t turned to dust. 
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survivingpierce · 4 years
🎄 🌟  christmas themed starter for @leroiloup​​​ 🎄 🌟
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       katherine put the bowl down at the table, feeling visibly uneasy under his glare. the glance of a hawk (or of a wolf in that matter). "you know, it's time to be nice to the people you can't stand all year." katherine started but then paused a moment later "like i could tell you what a lying, no-good, rotten, heartless dick you are but it's christmas so i won't do it." katherine explained while setting the table, paying attention to not look at klaus. perhaps he thinks she's talking to herself although that's unlikely. she's not even drunk yet.
       but then she turned around, staring klaus straight in the eyes. "could you tell elijah that i don’t feel so well? i think i’ll have to skip on the family dinner." she just couldn't do it. she already feels her armor of sarcasm melt under his presence, she can't survive a whole evening with klaus around.
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seesgood · 3 years
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❝ poland? ❞  she’s made something of a game of it. stopping at every booth or shop or display that houses travel books and thumbing through them trying to find one that piques her interest enough for her to work up the courage to go. it’s his fault really. the whole rome, paris, tokyo thing did her in. and now that she’s seen something outside of mystic falls, she wants more. and he --- annoyingly ( even if it is helpful ) --- seems to know everything.  ❝ oh! ❞  caroline grins, pulling one out and holding it up for his inspection.  ❝ alaska. i bet there are tons of vampires there. ❞          /          @leroiloup​   +   if anyone needs me i Will be sobbing.
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rippermorality · 4 years
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leroiloup said: “You’re dripping blood on the carpet.”            𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃 & 𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍 𝐈𝐍𝐉𝐔𝐑𝐘 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄        
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bloodshoot eyes stare back at the hybrid, veins moving before they disappear, leaving in place only the emerald natural color of the youngest salvatore. “oh, I’m sorry? this is revenge for you ruining my persian carpet back in mystic falls.” the vampire complains, eyes trailing down to see the dead body of his meal bleeding into the carpet. he moves her head with his feet, so the injury was no longer being soaked into the carpet, eyes glancing up. “done.”
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bravetender · 4 years
@leroiloup​ (   canon   based   dialogue   )
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 "Wait! For that you'll need a weapon. And, it just so happens I have an ARSENAL."
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badasshybridqueen · 4 years
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Rebekah was gone. The one female who she seemed to be able to get along with and now she’d taken off to parts unknown leaving the wolf with the two Mikaelson brothers. If that wasn’t bad enough, Elijah had taken it upon himself to go back to the witch who’d held him captive for Marcel in an attempt to get her to unlink Sophie from her. Hayley didn’t much mind that part. It was the part where he left her alone with Klaus that she was referring to. A sigh fell from her lips as she placed her cereal bowl in the sink - half eaten - and walked back over to the refrigerator. Now that Elijah was gone she could finally eat her cake without judgement. The wolf went about cutting herself a fairly large piece and setting it on a plate before moving to grab a fork. It was nearly noon and she was still in her pajamas. No need to get dressed yet, it wasn’t like she was going anywhere. Hayley started out of the kitchen, cake in hand. She stabbed her fork into it and brought a large piece to her mouth letting out a happy groan as the cake hit her tongue. When she opened her eyes she spotted Klaus and swallowed hard. She stood there a moment not sure what to say as she watched him pace. Her head tilted to the side as she pulled another forkful of cake into her mouth. “You know, the pacing probably isn’t helping the already blood stained carpet. So much for antiques.” She commented taking another bite of her cake.
► @leroiloup​ [ Plotted thingssss ]
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