pureanonofficial · 8 months
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - Enjolras and his Lieutenants, LM 4.1.6 (Les Miserables 1972)
“Be serious,” said Enjolras. “I am wild,” replied Grantaire. Enjolras meditated for a few moments, and made the gesture of a man who has taken a resolution. “Grantaire,” he said gravely, “I consent to try you. You shall go to the Barrière du Maine.” Grantaire lived in furnished lodgings very near the Café Musain. He went out, and five minutes later he returned. He had gone home to put on a Robespierre waistcoat. “Red,” said he as he entered, and he looked intently at Enjolras. Then, with the palm of his energetic hand, he laid the two scarlet points of the waistcoat across his breast.
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pureanonofficial · 7 months
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - A Cab Runs in English and Barks in Slang, LM 4.8.4 (Les Miserables 1972)
Éponine caught Montparnasse’s hand. “Take care,” said he, “you’ll cut yourself, I’ve a knife open.” ... “My good friend, Mr. Montparnasse,” said Éponine, “I entreat you, you are a good fellow, don’t enter.” “Take care, you’ll cut yourself,” replied Montparnasse. ... “Well, go in, then, the rest of you,” exclaimed Montparnasse. “Do the job. I’ll stay here with the girl, and if she fails us—” He flashed the knife, which he held open in his hand, in the light of the lantern. ... As they went, Montparnasse muttered:— “Never mind! if they had wanted, I’d have cut her throat.”
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pureanonofficial · 7 months
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - Marius Becomes Practical Once More to the Extent of Giving Cosette his Address, LM 4.8.6 (Les Miserables 1972)
Marius resumed:— “Now that I think of it, you ought to know my address: something might happen, one never knows; I live with that friend named Courfeyrac, Rue de la Verrerie, No. 16.” He searched in his pocket, pulled out his penknife, and with the blade he wrote on the plaster of the wall:— “16 Rue de la Verrerie.” In the meantime, Cosette had begun to gaze into his eyes once more. “Tell me your thought, Marius; you have some idea. Tell it to me. Oh! tell me, so that I may pass a pleasant night.” “This is my idea: that it is impossible that God should mean to part us. Wait; expect me the day after to-morrow.” “What shall I do until then?” said Cosette. “You are outside, you go, and come! How happy men are! I shall remain entirely alone! Oh! How sad I shall be! What is it that you are going to do to-morrow evening? tell me.” “I am going to try something.” “Then I will pray to God and I will think of you here, so that you may be successful. I will question you no further, since you do not wish it. You are my master. I shall pass the evening to-morrow in singing that music from Euryanthe that you love, and that you came one evening to listen to, outside my shutters. But day after to-morrow you will come early. I shall expect you at dusk, at nine o’clock precisely, I warn you. Mon Dieu! how sad it is that the days are so long! On the stroke of nine, do you understand, I shall be in the garden.” “And I also.” And without having uttered it, moved by the same thought, impelled by those electric currents which place lovers in continual communication, both being intoxicated with delight even in their sorrow, they fell into each other’s arms, without perceiving that their lips met while their uplifted eyes, overflowing with rapture and full of tears, gazed upon the stars.
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pureanonofficial · 8 months
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - Old People are Made to go out Opportunely, LM 4.5.6 (Les Miserables 1972)
“Oh! my mother!” said she. And she sank down as though on the point of death. He grasped her, she fell, he took her in his arms, he pressed her close, without knowing what he was doing. He supported her, though he was tottering himself. It was as though his brain were full of smoke; lightnings darted between his lips; his ideas vanished; it seemed to him that he was accomplishing some religious act, and that he was committing a profanation. Moreover, he had not the least passion for this lovely woman whose force he felt against his breast. He was beside himself with love. She took his hand and laid it on her heart. He felt the paper there, he stammered:— “You love me, then?” She replied in a voice so low that it was no longer anything more than a barely audible breath:— “Hush! Thou knowest it!” And she hid her blushing face on the breast of the superb and intoxicated young man. He fell upon the bench, and she beside him. They had no words more. The stars were beginning to gleam. How did it come to pass that their lips met? How comes it to pass that the birds sing, that snow melts, that the rose unfolds, that May expands, that the dawn grows white behind the black trees on the shivering crest of the hills? A kiss, and that was all. . . . When they had finished, when they had told each other everything, she laid her head on his shoulder and asked him:— “What is your name?” “My name is Marius,” said he. “And yours?” “My name is Cosette.”
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pureanonofficial · 10 months
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - Res Angusta, LM 3.4.6 (Les Miserables 1972)
“Do you know English?” “No.” “Do you know German?” “No.” “So much the worse.” “Why?” “Because one of my friends, a publisher, is getting up a sort of an encyclopædia, for which you might have translated English or German articles. It is badly paid work, but one can live by it.” “I will learn English and German.” “And in the meanwhile?” “In the meanwhile I will live on my clothes and my watch.”
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pureanonofficial · 9 months
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - The Trap, LM 3.8.20 (Les Miserables 1972)
“You are children,” said Thénardier, “we are losing time. The police are on our heels.” “Well,” said the ruffians, “let’s draw lots to see who shall go down first.” Thénardier exclaimed:— “Are you mad! Are you crazy! What a pack of boobies! You want to waste time, do you? Draw lots, do you? By a wet finger, by a short straw! With written names! Thrown into a hat!—” “Would you like my hat?” cried a voice on the threshold. All wheeled round. It was Javert. He had his hat in his hand, and was holding it out to them with a smile.
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pureanonofficial · 9 months
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - The Ray of Light in the Hovel, LM 3.8.8 (Les Miserables 1972)
A man of ripe age and a young girl made their appearance on the threshold of the attic. Marius had not quitted his post. His feelings for the moment surpassed the powers of the human tongue. It was She! Whoever has loved knows all the radiant meanings contained in those three letters of that word: She. It was certainly she. Marius could hardly distinguish her through the luminous vapor which had suddenly spread before his eyes. It was that sweet, absent being, that star which had beamed upon him for six months; it was those eyes, that brow, that mouth, that lovely vanished face which had created night by its departure. The vision had been eclipsed, now it reappeared. It reappeared in that gloom, in that garret, in that misshapen attic, in all that horror. Marius shuddered in dismay. What! It was she! The palpitations of his heart troubled his sight. He felt that he was on the brink of bursting into tears! What! He beheld her again at last, after having sought her so long! It seemed to him that he had lost his soul, and that he had just found it again.
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pureanonofficial · 10 months
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - Enlargement of Horizon, LM 3.4.5 (Les Miserables 1972)
At that moment, he felt Enjolras’ hand on his shoulder. “Citizen,” said Enjolras to him, “my mother is the Republic.”
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pureanonofficial · 10 months
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION -Marius' Astonishments, LM 3.4.3 (Les Miserables 1972)
“By the way, have you any political opinions?” “The idea!” said Marius, almost affronted by the question. “What are you?” “A democrat-Bonapartist.” “The gray hue of a reassured rat,” said Courfeyrac.
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pureanonofficial · 10 months
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - The Back Room of the Café Musain, LM 3.4.4 (Les Miserables 1972)
"I am wild over her.” “My dear fellow, then in order to please her, you must be elegant, and produce effects with your knees. Buy a good pair of trousers of double-milled cloth at Staub’s. That will assist.”
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pureanonofficial · 8 months
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - Facts Whence History Springs and Which History Ignores, LM 4.1.5 (Les Miserables 1972)
Other deeds, more audacious still, were suspicious in the eyes of the people by reason of their very audacity. On the 4th of April, 1832, a passer-by mounted the post on the corner which forms the angle of the Rue Sainte-Marguerite and shouted: “I am a Babouvist!” But beneath Babeuf, the people scented Gisquet. Among other things, this man said:— “Down with property! The opposition of the left is cowardly and treacherous. When it wants to be on the right side, it preaches revolution, it is democratic in order to escape being beaten, and royalist so that it may not have to fight. The republicans are beasts with feathers. Distrust the republicans, citizens of the laboring classes.” “Silence, citizen spy!” cried an artisan. This shout put an end to the discourse.
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pureanonofficial · 7 months
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - The Vicissitudes of Flight, LM 4.6.3 (Les Miserables 1972)
When Gavroche had disappeared at the corner of the Rue des Ballets, Babet took Thénardier aside. “Did you take a good look at that young ’un?” he asked. “What young ’un?” “The one who climbed the wall and carried you the rope.” “Not particularly.” “Well, I don’t know, but it strikes me that it was your son.” “Bah!” said Thénardier, “do you think so?”
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pureanonofficial · 8 months
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - Embryonic Formation of Crimes in the Incubation of Prisons, LM 4.2.2 (Les Miserables 1972)
The postilion contained a roll of paper on which only these two lines were written:— “Babet. There is an affair in the Rue Plumet. A gate on a garden.” This is what Brujon had written the night before.
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pureanonofficial · 9 months
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - Eclipse, LM 3.6.9 (Les Miserables 1972)
“The gentleman on the third floor?” “Has moved away,” replied the porter. Marius reeled and said feebly:— “How long ago?” “Yesterday.” “Where is he living now?” “I don’t know anything about it.” “So he has not left his new address?” “No.” And the porter, raising his eyes, recognized Marius. “Come! So it’s you!” said he; “but you are decidedly a spy then?”
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pureanonofficial · 10 months
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - Some Petticoat, LM 3.3.7 (Les Miserables 1972)
We have mentioned a lancer. He was a great-grand-nephew of M. Gillenormand, on the paternal side, who led a garrison life, outside the family and far from the domestic hearth. Lieutenant Théodule Gillenormand fulfilled all the conditions required to make what is called a fine officer. He had “a lady’s waist,” a victorious manner of trailing his sword and of twirling his moustache in a hook. He visited Paris very rarely, and so rarely that Marius had never seen him. The cousins knew each other only by name. We think we have said that Théodule was the favorite of Aunt Gillenormand, who preferred him because she did not see him. Not seeing people permits one to attribute to them all possible perfections.
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pureanonofficial · 9 months
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - One Should Always Begin by Arresting the Victims, LM 3.8.21 (Les Miserables 1972)
Thénardier took the pistol and aimed at Javert. Javert, who was only three paces from him, stared intently at him and contented himself with saying:— “Come now, don’t fire. You’ll miss fire.” Thénardier pulled the trigger. The pistol missed fire. “Didn’t I tell you so!” ejaculated Javert.
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