#less sore throat. less stuffy nose (still there tho)
deklo · 11 months
ok. i finally think i’m starting to feel better :)
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hzbinnerdlover · 3 months
Late Evening sickness (Part 2)
(I gotta request to do a part 2- and I couldn't resist so here's that lol. Enjoy!)
Val laid in the bed as he ate the takeout that Vox had promised him, yearning and missing his TV demon husband. Vox had to suddenly rush back to work after breakfast, some kind of emergency or something which pisses him off, but he understood since he could just take the elevator back to their floor easily. So the rest of the day Kitty took care of him, bringing him drinks and water and tissues, anything he could need really.
Val whined as he laid back against his pillow and felt his throat, the soreness coming through as he sighed. "Goddammit. Course this fucking happens to me." Giving a stuffy sniffle he goes back to his phone for entertainment.
"This fucking blows! I just...want....gah...GA'SHOO!!! ECK'SHUU!!! HIP'SHUUUU!!! Ugh...."
"Bless you beautiful", Val perked up as he looked over, seeing Vox standing in the doorway as he smiled softly. "How are we feeling hm? Any better?" He asks as he takes off his suit jacket and hangs it up, clearing his throat a bit.
"Yeah, better. The medicine helps a lot. Makes me feel a little less congestion, sneeze a bit less. But I still feel like shit", Val sighs as he grabs a tissue and blows his nose, sighing in relief afterwards and tossing it away. "Yeah well, you'll probably be sick for at least a few more days Val. That's typically how colds work." Vox goes over to his drawer as he starts taking off his bowtie, back turned towards Val as he's putting it away in the drawer. Giving a loud whine Val shakes his head. "Yeah well I hate it! I just want it to stop! It just hurts and makes me cold, and it's worse if you can't be here with me and I feel so-"
"Hzztu!" A small noise interrupts Val, leaving the moth rather confused as he looks around. "The fuck- did you hear that?" Vox shrugged as he started making hus way towards his closet and rubs eyes, looking for something more comfortable as he removed his vest.
"Huh- well. What was I saying? Right. Being sick is a fucking BITCH! I'm telling ya! My fucking nose is gonna fall off from all this fucking sneezing, I can't stand it. It just makes it....all the....heh...", Val hitches slightly as tho about to sneeze before he hears another small sound. "H-Hzztu!" Val immediately stops and blinks, the sound distracting him from his sneeze as he groans. "Dammit Vox, is something glitching in here? If so it's pissing me off."
"Sorry baby, not sure what it is. I'll have to check it out in a bit." He sighs as he looks around for something, giving a slight shiver. "Shit. Val, have you seen my hoodie? The blue one with the Giant shark on the back?"
"Huh? Oh. Pretty sure it's in the very back there hon. You haven't worn that one in awhile-"
Vox rolled his eyes and reaches back as he starts pulling it out with a pair of pj pants, quickly changing as Val continues his rant, "Ugh they really did make this hell didn't they? It's unbelievable!!!" He gives an eye roll as he coughs a bit.
Vox rubs his head, getting tired of all the whining. "I know it sucks Val, but I'm sure you'll feel better soon. Can we not talk about this right now...? My head is pounding..."
"Well- this was gonna happen whether you were here now or earlier- so it's happening now cause I've barely had anyone to talk to except texting Velvette! And that isn't very-" he stops when he notices Vox's eyes close and tilts his head confused. "Vox- shit does it hurt that bad...?"
Vox simply nodded as he turned his back to him, raising a sleeve to his face as another sound came out. "Hzztu!!! Hzztu!!!"
Val raises an eyebrow at him and blinks. "So that is you? The fuck kind of noises are you making there, it's hard to tell"
Vox groaned as he looked at him with a slightly annoyed look. "Look can I just get 5 minutes to just...think things throught...I....heh...." shutting his eyes again Vox shook his head, no longer able to stifle.
"H-HIT'ZZZZZZUUUUUU!!!", giving a groan as he swiped hie hand across his face, his cheeks giving a slightly flushed look as he looks at Val. Val stared back, the two of them going into a silence for a moment before the moth finally spoke. "......YOU'RE FUCKING SICK TOO?!?!"
"Um well- just a little Val- it's fine. Not a big de-"
"Dont start with that shit!!! Did you go to fucking work like this?! While you were fucking sick?!"
"Uuuuuuuuh-" Vox blinked as he looked away, thinking back to earlier today.
(Earlier that day)
Vox groaned as he starts walking down to the office. "Jesus this fucking sucks....course I have to get sick same fucking day Val does. H-Hzztu!!!", he stifles into his sleeve to try to keep the sneezes as hidden as he can. He did NOT want anyone else to know he was sick around here. Quickly he got into his office and sighed in relief. "Thank god...I just stay in here, and no one has to know."
He walks over to hus chair and slumps down, sighing as he pulls up hus forms and emails and starts getting to work. Hearing footsteps enternhe groans and turns around.
"Yes? Who the fuck is-" he then saw it was hid assistant, Eli, giving a smile with some of paperwork and reports he no doubt had to share. "M-Mr.Vox, I have this week's reports to read to you sir." Of course he did. Of course he fucking did. Vox sighed and stood back up as he walked over. "Fine fine, let's just get this over with. Quickly please."
"O-Oh right- so. There was an incident this week with the marketing department, but it should be relatively easy for us to fix and-", Eli swished his eel tail back and forth as he continued reading the rest of the messages and reports that came for this week. Vox could barely pay attention tho as he felt a familiar itch hitting his face. Trying desperately not to focus on it he mentally told himself, "No no, come on not now. Please", but it was no use. The itch was pursuing and there was no way to stop it.
Seeing Eli was focused on the task at hand Vox quickly turned away to attempt to stifle again. "H'zzztu! H'zzztu!"
Eli blinked for a moment as his eyes looked up from the paper. "Did you say something sir?"
Vox sniffed as he shook his head. "No, nothing. Please continue" he insisted as he put hid hands behind his back. Unfortunately stifling all the time like this just made Vox's nose itch even more, so badly that as Eli went back to his reports, Vox's breath started hitching a bit.
It only got deeper and deeper, more noticeably audible as Eli once again looked up rather concerned. "Sir...?"
Vox shook his head as he tries to fight it back. "D-Dont worry about it, i-it's j-just heh...." Turning away again he knew he couldn't hold back. "H-HZZZZZTUUU!!!!!", sneezing loudly this time around he groaned in annoyance, feeling his nose run as he sniffled.
"Oh! Bless you Mr.Vox! Are you feeling well there...?" Vox nodded as he attempted to respond. "I'm fine, I'm just- TSK'SHIEEEW! HIT'ZUUUUU! Ugh....I'm fine." He finally spits out with a damp sniffle and another groan.
Eli looks at him rather worried, reaching for something in his pocket. "Um, if you don't mind me sir, I believe I have something that'll help." Giving a warm smile he pulls out a travel sized packet of tissues and holds them out to his TV demon boss.
Looking over slowly he glances at the tissues, sighing in defeat as he reaches over and takes one from the pack. "Ugh, thank you. Just don't tell- ACK'SHEEEW! Scuse me, don't tell anyone about this okay?"
He then let's out a gurgling blow into the tissue and let's out cough.
"Yes sir of course. Feel free to take the rest of the pack if you need it, and if you're falling ill I can bring some lemon tea for you. I imagine your throat must hurt."
Vox nods as he sighs and takes the pack of tissues finishing up wiping his nose with the wet used one. "Thank you...that would be wonderful. I'm gonna try to get some work done, don't let anyone else in for the day." Sighing he watches Eli leave and goes back to his work, slumping in his seat as he focuses at the task at hand.
(Back to the present)
Val gave a heavy sigh and facepalms. "You fucking idiot-"
"I had to Val! There's was shit that needed to be done!"
"Oh please, I'm sure your little assistant could've handled everything just fine. Now you listen to- Dammit hold on-" Val turns away and inhales sharply as another sneeze fit goes through. "Ech'shuuu! HI'CHUUU!!! IP'SHUUUU!!! Heh...HICK'CHUUU!!! ACHIEEEW!!!! Fucking christ"
He sniffles loudly as he groans and grabs a couple tissues, blowing his nose into them with a heavy breath.
Vox rolled his eyes as he mutters under his breath. "Bless you...can you not get on my- Hzztu!" Turning into his sleeve he let out a few stifled sneezes. "Hzzztu! Hzztu! Hzztu! Ugh..."
Raising an eyebrow Val rolled his own eyes and gave a slightly amused chuckle. "Bless YOU, Cariño, you really should stop trying to stifle them. It just makes the itch worse. Tho I'm sure you know that at this point." He grabs the tissue box and holds it out. "You need one?"
Vox nods as he groans. "God yes please, I ran out in the office." He walks over, hovering a bit as he shivered and coughs. Reaching out he grabs one immediately. "Thank you- Hzzztu! Thank you so much." Giving a sniffle he wipes his nose before coughing again.
"Voxieeeee, now what was I saying before hm? As amusing as thus is~ You're not doing yourself any favors." Vox shot him a glare as he finishes mopping up his face. "Oh fuck you, it's a hard habit to kill okay? I'm used to it. Heh....oh fuck..." Throwing the tissue out he breathes deeply for what he assumes is an incoming sneeze, only for it to get stuck as he stops and groans. "Come ooooon, seriously?" Plopping onto the bed he looks at Val desperately. "Vaaaaal it's stuck"
Val gives a slight chuckle to which Vox gives a slightly annoyed look. "You little- heh....heh....gaaaah dammit stop laughing at me!!! I'm serious I just wanna fucking-" he stops when Val leans over and gives a simple blow of air towards Vox's face.
"Heh.....heh....", suddenly the tickle came back in an instant, freeing his poor sinuses. "Heh....HICK'SHUUUUUU!!!!! ECK"CHHHUUU!!!! HIT'ZUUUUU!!!! H-HECHEEEEW!!!! HECHEW!!!! HECHEW!!!! HECHEW!!!! Hi....HET'ZZZZZZZUUUUU!!!!" Once the fit finally ended the bedroom lights flickered, and Vox was out of breath, his nose running like a faucet as he sniffled.
"Ugh....fuck that was gross...", Vox groaned as Val laughed a bit, grabbing some more tissues and passing them along. "Sorry, figured you'd want that pesky itch out."
Rolling his eyes Vox took the tissues gratefully, blowing heavily into them and snatching the box to repeat the process a couple times before finally finishing. "Ugh...where's that medicine i gave you this morning?" He asks through his raspy voice, laying down and cuddling close to his husband.
"Ah, I think it's over here", reaching over he hands it to Vox, the tv demon immediately taking two ofnthe pills and plopping back down. "I'm ready to fucking sleep...."
Val chuckles and nods as he lays down and holds the poor tv demon close. "Goodnight Voxie~ Dont worry, I'm sure you'll feel bet...better....fuck" He sniffles and rubs his nose.
Vox raises an eyebrow. "Val you...you good?" He starts to ask, feeling his own nose itch again as both demons are now left hitching for a moment till finally-
"HECK'SHUUUUU!!!", sniffling softly among themselves they blink at the realization of their shared sneeze before chuckling and closing their eyes, falling asleep with their love and sickness.
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aggedyann · 4 years
A/N No dialogue, only text message
Freddie woke up to a house empty except for the dogs. The dogs who had woken him up, begging to go outside. He tried to take a breath through his congested sinuses and ended up with a sharp series of coughs as his reward.
Slipping his flip flops on, he walked downstairs to let the dogs out in the backyard, trying to ignore the throbbing in his head and sinuses. “UhhrChuhdzshoo, HuhhrChushzhoo!” He grabbed a paper towel and slumped down at the kitchen table, wincing as he blew his sore nose
He’d had the cold for a week and a half before it turned into a sinus infection. Sore throat, cough, throbbing head, fever, and sneezing…incessant sneezing. Normally, he’d be all over that last part, but this time around, he just felt too awful.
And he was alone. Jamie had literally taken him to the doctor, dropped him at home and flown to San Francisco for work. Alex was doing shows this week in Vegas and had taken Tim and Alyssa with him. Tim had just started dating Ethan, and it wasn’t like he knew him well enough to call him and ask him to bring over some chicken soup. Did Ethan even cook?, he wondered
Freddie was on his own for a few days.
He let the dogs back in and fed them, head pounding relentlessly as he bent over to fill their bowls. Grabbing a fresh glass of water, he fruitlessly blew his nose and headed back upstairs.
Shivering, he crawled back under his blankets, pulling them tight up around him. Cash crawled up on his right side and Pace up on his left, both dogs snuggling around him. He appreciated the extra warmth.
He didn’t know how long he’d slept, just that he felt ten times worse when he woke up. A glance at the clock showed it was nearly 11. No wonder he felt awful: he had been due for more cold medicine almost two hours ago.
He sat up and hastily grabbed a handful of tissues, burying his nose in them. “H’Chudshh, Chudzhh, UhhChudshoo.” Six more sneezes rocked his body, and he sniffled wetly as he felt the cement in his sinuses shift and his nose start to slowly run. Three crackling blows later, and he was ready to get out of bed to grab the cold medicine and his antibiotic
With a second thought, he grabbed the blanket off the bed along with his pillow. Draping the blanket over his shoulders, he made his way downstairs to where a new box of DayQuil and his antibiotic sat on the kitchen counter.
Freshly medicated and somewhat more hydrated – still no appetite – he made his way to the couch, clutching his pillow and dragging the blanket behind him. Flopping down on the couch with a sneeze, he sighed. He’d left the tissue box in the kitchen…and his phone.
After a brief coughing spell, and several sips of water, he slowly walked back to the kitchen. A glance at his phone showed three missed text messages. Grabbing the tissues, he took his phone back to the couch to read them.
Once bundled in his blanket again, he took a good look at his phone. Jamie…2 missed texts; Tim…missed text.
Jamie: Hey Sweety, just checking in to see how you’re doing?
Jamie: sweety, you ok? It’s not like you not to answer. Do I need to call someone?
Her last text had been sent just before he woke up. He texted back hurriedly.
Freddie: I’m ok, hon. Just woke up. Let the dogs out & then fell back to sleep. Feel pretty awful, but I’m so tired it doesn’t matter
He read Tim’s text…much less worried than Jamie’s.
Tim: Hey man, how you doing? Heard you have sinus infection now. Sucks. Feel better.
Freddie started to respond when a sudden sneeze hit him. “HuhChuszzhh. Ugh.” He muttered, wiping the spray off his phone with a tissue, then pressing that tissue to his nose as a whole volley of sneezes struck him, “UhChuzhh, Chudshh, H’Chudshoo, uhChudzhhoo, hhh’chuzhh.” He sneezed for another half minute before the unrelenting itch left his sinuses. And then blew his tender, raw nose for another minute with a fresh wad of tissues..
Then responded to Tim.
Freddie: yeah…sinus infection. Pretty miserable. Would rather be poolside in Vegas lol
His phone dinged with a return text from Jamie just after he messaged Tim.
Jamie: Good. Glad you’re ok, & just sleeping. Was worried. Will let you go back to sleep. ❤️ you
Freddie: ❤️ you too.
Freddie stretched out on the couch, still wrapped in his blanket, tight enough to stay warm, but loose enough to allow his hands easy tissue access. He found a movie on prime and started watching. “HuhChuzhh.” He had just gotten comfortable enough for his eyelids to start feeling heavy when the sneeze pitched him forward. “Uhhchidshh, Chizhoo.” Ugh, he thought. What had happened to his usual pattern of singles or doubles. Every time now was at least three…normally he’d be over the moon at that; he felt he never sneezed enough; but considering every sneeze caused searing pain from his forehead down to his jaw, and by the end of each fit, he was dizzy, sneezing was not at the top of the list of enjoyable activities today.
He tried again, only to be awoken by four sneezes once he finally dozed off.
The third time, a coughing jag which left him gasping for air.
Finally on the fourth attempt, he fell asleep until the dogs woke him, wanting to go outside for the third time that day.
Grabbing a hoodie from the hall closet, he wrapped it around himself – was he ever going to be warm? – and led the dogs into the backyard, cleaning up after them for the first time that day. Shivering, he washed his hands.
Deciding it was time to eat, he popped a bowl of oatmeal into the microwave, then picked at it. It was warm, but the post nasal drip running down his throat made him wince with every swallow. With half of it finished, he made a cup of tea – no lemon, extra honey, and returned to couch and his blanket burrito.
The steam from the tea started his nose dripping, and it wasn’t long before he had freed his hands from the confines of the blanket and deposited the tissue box on his lap. Soft liquid blows followed as the sludge that had been in his sinuses loosened up and began to drain its way out
“UhhChushoo, Chushoo!” The pair of sneezes surprised him, and watched the spray settled on the coffee table before grabbing a new set of tissues and filling them, needing a second set to finish blowing his nose. ‘Better take a disinfectant wipe to the coffee table before Jamie gets home.’ He reminded himself before being startled by another sudden sneeze, barely having a chance to clap a hand over his face.
He wiped his hand on his sweat pants and reached for more tissues – better keep these ready; the tea had certainly started something.
He was able to select the sequel to the movie he had just finished watching when the sneezing struck again. “Huhhchishoo! UhhChishh! Chishh! HehhChishheshh!” By the third sneeze, the thin stack of tissues – he really thought two would have been enough- was soaked, and generally, rendered useless. These were not the stuffy sneezes of that morning; these were wet sneezes that seemed to come out of nowhere. If only he were healthy enough to enjoy this…
He took a sip of tea, noting the steam/tea had a spicy scent. He’d grabbed one of Jamie’s teas by mistake, and this particular one always irritated him. However, today, it was just what he needed; it *was* clearing his sinuses.
“Uhhkushhoo, kushhoo, huhuckshoo!”
Grabbing the last few tissues from the box, he powerfully blew his nose, hoping to stop the running for a few minutes. Shedding his blanket cocoon, he padded his way to the hall closet for more
He had no more than opened the box when he doubled over with a powerful sneeze that was unlike his normal, and remained that way for four more. Straightening up, he waited for the wave of dizziness to pass before heading back to the kitchen for a glass of water and fresh tea.
That done, he flopped down on the couch, only to have his phone ding again.
Tim: poolside would be good for you. Soaking up the sun would get you better. Alex says hi - he’s been in rehearsals most of the day while Lyss goes shopping.
Freddie grinned and typed back: Don’t lose all your money at the blackjack table
“He’Chushh.” He rubbed his nose with the tissue, starting to stuff up again, and turned his attention back to the movie.
He must have nodded off because it was nearing the end when his phone woke him again.
Ethan: Hey…it’s Ethan. Heard through the grapevine that you’re sick and alone. Need me to drop anything off?
Freddie read the text a few times, first trying to figure out who Ethan was in his half asleep state. Having placed Ethan, he was then trying to figure out how Ethan knew his predicament. – Tim must have told him.
Freddie: Yeah…sinus infection. I’m good though…Jamie stocked me up pretty good before she left
Ethan: You sure? I went to check on Cashew, so I’m stopping at the deli between there and the hospital. They have pretty good soup…Or if you just want some company? Although I’ll warn you, you’ll spend the evening listening to me sneeze…
Freddie did have to admit, he wasn’t totally opposed to that idea…if he only had a decent voice right now. The thought of Ethan sneezing sent a charge through him that made him feel a little better, but he was not quite sure if he felt well enough for the man to stop over.
Freddie: Allergies bad today?
Ethan: 🤧 Awful. Plus there was a hurt dog in the parking garage after work, and like an idiot, I had to stop to try to check it’s collar for tags. Scared him every time I sneezed. Finally someone else came along and took over for me. Still sneezed in the car for half an hour tho.
Freddie: Jamie will do that too.
Ethan: anyway, I’m still sneezing for my attempts at a good deed. Thought that since I was stopping at Tim’s, I’d hit the deli instead of sneezing my way around my kitchen. Sure I can’t tempt you with some chicken dumpling…
Freddie paused to sneeze before responding:
What about our dogs? I know they’re bred for people with allergies, but I don’t want to risk making you feel worse…
Ethan: They’ve never bothered me before. Labradoodle have never been a problem
Freddie: Chicken dumpling actually sounds really good. Throat hurts so I haven’t eaten much. If you don’t mind driving over here, that I’m a snotty, disgusting mess with no voice….
Ethan: I’m sure I’ve seen worse, man. Text me your address.
Freddie texted over the address.
Ethan: see you an an hour, ok
Freddie: sure. Thanks
“Uhhchushoo, H’chushh, Chuhhshehh.” Freddie got off the couch and headed for the shower, glad he’d have enough time to look human and pick up the used tissues before Ethan got there,.
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kakadunpylly · 6 years
Lyon Q&A
PERSONALITY PROFILE    1. People don't behave the same way all the time. In fact, they generally have a mask for every social group -- friends, family, business. Sometimes they have a different mask for different groups of friends. How does your character act around different people? How does their personality shift and change?
-      It doesn’t change. He’s always open minded and happy-go-lucky.
 2 Your character has been brought to a party and promptly ditched. They don't have a ride back home. How does this work? How comfortable are they around all of these strangers? Do they interact?
 -      At first, he would feel sting of disappointment but he will go to people and ask how to get taxi home or call his parents to pick him up if possible.
   3. It's kind of awkward - what subjects are likely to make your character hesitate, flush, stumble on their words, etc.?
 -      When he’s reminded of how much he talks random shit and listeners are tired of listening his stories and random facts.
   4. Is your character more dominant or submissive to the people around them? Do they tend to follow others' orders and wait for people to give them instruction in life, or do they charge ahead and make decisions on their own?
 -      Both honestly. He listens others opinions closely but can keep his own head too.
   5. What happens when your character doesn't get what they want?
 -      He might pout a little but forgets about it soon.
       6. What's the character's self-esteem like?
 -      Brilliant.
       a. Does it change over the course of the story?
 -      Not really.
   7. What's one flaw about themselves that they hate the most and wish they could change?
 -      Sometimes he wishes to be less hyperactive. He doesn’t hate it but sometimes it gets him in the troubles/or he gets on others nerves.
   8. How does their personality shift when someone gets to know them well?
 -      Not much. Just non-stop talking and puns ensues.
   9. Do they prefer time alone, or with other people?
 -      With other people.
10. Is it easy for this character to tell someone "no" when they don't want to do something?
 -      Yes.
   11. If this character were to describe their own personality, how would they do it?
 -      Wild, lively, loud and sunny.
   12. Is this character aware of their flaws?
 -      Yes but he can deal with it.
   13. How has this character's personality changed from childhood to adulthood?
 -      He’s less AD/HD when matured and doesn’t prank that much anymore or try to be in the spotlight all the time.
   14. Who influenced this character's personality? Did they pick up any mannerisms or traits from someone?
 -      Politeness from his parents, wilderness.. who knows?
   15. Does this character express affection? Are they comfortable doing so?
 -      They do very obviously.
   16. When frightened, will the character "fight" or "flight"?
 -      Mostly flight, he prefers not to go in fight mode
   17. Does this character ever put someone else's needs in front of their own?
       Yes, his boyfriends most of the time.
       a. If there are only rare exceptions, why is that the case?    18. If this character suffered amnesia and lost all their memories, what would they be like?
 -      Probably shy, quiet and confused 24/7
   19. How does the character's living space reflect their personality?
 -      It is what it is lol
   20. What's one thing that other characters wish they could change about this character's personality?
 -      Nothing really.
EMOTIONAL PROFILE    1. How easy is it for your character to feel anger? What's usually a good tip off that they're experiencing it? (Physical reactions, movements of appendages, etc.)
a. Sadness?        b. Happiness?        c. Fear?
- Overall he is like a open book with expressions which can tell how he’s feeling.    2. What state of mind is the character usually in?
- Happy and energetic    3. Are there any emotions the character is particularly afraid of, or really resents having to feel?
- He doesn’t fear but prefers not to be angry because it brings bad out of him.    4. How easily does this character trust their feelings with others?
- Very well. (which might backfire sometime)
       a. Has anyone ever betrayed them?
-      No
 b. How did it affect their ability to trust?
-      See previous answer    5. Can this character easily hide their emotions?
-      Not really.
       a. Do they find it difficult to express emotion, thus tend to look neutral?
-      Nope.
   6. How well can this character resist their emotions and impulses?
-      Badly at times    7. Does this character ever get violent (with others, objects, themselves) when feeling any certain emotions?
-      Nope.    8. Has this character contemplated suicide?
-      No.        a. Self-harm?        b. Physically injuring others?
-      When his bf’s ex tries to threaten Oliver (his bf)
       c. Killing others?    9. Does the character have any triggers? Why do these things trigger them?
-      - If someone tends to hurt his boyfriend (esp. his bf’s ex) he gets very protective.    10. What would hurt this character so badly they couldn't even breathe?
-      Losing his parents, boyfriend or close friends.    11. What is guaranteed to make this character smile?
-      His boyfriends rare smile    12. If the character could remove one emotion from their life, which would they choose?
-      Sadness    13. If they're feeling upset, who are they likely to talk to for comfort? Or do they keep it inside?
-      He will open up to his friends first, then parents.
   14. How would this character cope with losing someone extremely close to them?
-      It will take lots of time to get over it. (not to cry now and then) he tries to find comfort from others.    15. How does this character look and feel when crying?
-      Red puffy eyes, wet cheeks, nose running = ugly crying    16. If the character had to live out the rest of their life either perpetually angry, sad, or frightened, which would they choose?
-      Maybe frightened since feeling angriness and sadness would drain life out of him.    17. Does this character tend to blame or punish others for their own emotions?
-      Never.    18. Is this character empathetic, and tends to be influenced by the emotions of others?
-      Strongly.    19. What is the strongest emotion they have felt?
-      Happiness        a. What event caused that?
-      After finding someone (his current bf) who tolerates him and wants to genuinely be together with him.        b. How would they react if that happened again?
-      There’s no need for second chance    20. If the character were to come face to face with their darkest fears in a nightmare, what would be the scene?
-      Losing all his loved ones at the same time. Seeing them dead in front of him
-      PHYSICAL PROFILE    1. Based on the current diet and exercise your character has, where do you see them physically in five years?
-      Healthy and well    2. How agile is this character? Can they dodge easily? Or are they clumsy?
-      Agile at the max, sometimes little clumsy cuz he’s doing first before thinking.    3. Describe the muscle content of your character. Are they untrained and soft? Or lithe and powerful?
-      Trained body, visible muscles but nothing too buffy.    4. What kind of body fat percentage do you suppose they have?
-      Normal    5. Do they have any scars? Where did those scars come from, and how did they get them?
-      Light scars on his knees and elbow because of doing stupid stunts as a kid.    6. Describe some hairstyles your character has had in the past.
-      He had blonde short hair with dark roots as a kiddo        a. How about the present? What's their hair like now? - Blonde mohawk styled hair
   7. What are their teeth like? Any cavities? Root canals? Does their dentition ever hurt?
-      Crystal white cuz of good dental care. He has slight buckteeth but not too visible    8. Do their arches ever fall? That's painful.    9. How much endurance do they have? Do they easily get tired during a workout?
-      He has excellent endurance, he could do anything all day    10. How easily can they bear pain?
-      Mostly well but stubbing his toe or having slide burn makes him tear up, the most painful things.    11. How long can this character sit still?        a. Do they shift a lot when sleeping? - Unfortunately yes if he isn’t tangled to his boyfriend.
-         12. What do their nails look like? Do they bite them?
-      Short, not biting them    13. How hairy is this character?        a. Arms?        b. Legs?        c. Underarms?        d. Eyebrows?        e. Everywhere else
-      He doesn’t shave although everyone thinks so cuz he’s babyfaced and chest is mostly free from hair    14. What is the most imperfect part of this character's body?
-      donno    15. Do they get cold easily?
-      No        a. How about overheated?
-      No        b. Seasick?
-      Sometimes        c. Do barometric changes in pressure affect them?
-      Some but not much    16. How do they react to getting an illness? Think about sore throats, achy bodies, headaches, stuffy noses, runny noses...
-      He loses his lively side when getting sick although he tries to ignore it. Even looks like he’s carried away and gets silent.    17. Is this character's body sensitive to touch?
-      From his feet, ticklish        a. Do they have any unusual erogenous zones? - When in sexual acts, his neck, esp. under jawline
-         18. How strong are this character's basic senses? Sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell.
-      All normal    19. If this character had to permanently lose one of their senses, which would they choose?
-      He doesn’t wish to lose anything but it will be taste most likely.
-             a. What if they could only have one sense, and had to lose the others?
-      Sight, he would keep that    20. Does this character have any unusual limbs or physical features?
-      Nu-huh PREFERENCES AND PEEVES    1. What's the state of your character's kitchen? What kind of foods do you find in it? Is it... clean?
-      Mostly healthy stuff, lots of CEREAL tho, it’s the best. He tries to keep it clean but for love of the god don’t let him use stove or oven.    2. If they could only eat one type of food for the rest of their life, what would they choose?
-      Healthy foodsies    3. What kind of clothing does this character like wearing and why?
-      Something comfortable like tank tops. Jeans too most of the time or shorts.    
-      4. How does this character feel about piercings?        a. Tattoos?        b. Dyed hair?        c. Revealing clothing?
-      He’s fine with all of those, would love to get tattoo someday.        5. What's something that turns this character on?
-      … His boyfriend in daily basis, anyway tbh. It can be something little and he’s all horny once again.        a. And what's a definite turn-off?
-      If his companion doesn’t enjoy their time.        b. Do they have any kinks?
-      Edging, boi howdy.    6. How does this character feel about animals?
-      He loves them althou he’s little afraid of dogs
a.Would they want any pets?
yes, he actually own white cockatoo Rico
b. What animals are their favorite?
Parrots.    7. What type of movie is this character most interested in watching?
Some fantasy movies like LotR and Hobbit    8. If this character could master a skill instantly, which would they choose?
He would love to sing properly lol    9. Are there any behaviors that other characters do that irk this character?
Being nasty to others ie. bullying.
       a. Does the character ever voice their annoyance?
Sometimes yeah but he keeps it mostly in.    10. Would this character rather create something or destroy something?
Create    11. What kind of comedy does this character prefer? Toilet humor, vulgar, slapstick, morbid, etc.
Vulgar    12. If they could stay at one age forever, which age would they choose and why?
23 forever young yey    13. If the character could only wear clothing of one color, which would they choose?
Light yellow
14. Describe the character's favorite possession. Where did they get it, and why are they so attached?
There’s no such a thing.
   15. What is the character's favorite weather?
Sunny and warm    16. Do they prefer sweet, salty, sour, meaty, spicy, or neutral tastes?
Sweet    17. Would they rather sleep in a cold room or a warm one?
Cold room cuz he can’t sleep in too warm rooms    18. Are there any hobbies this character absolutely hates and would never want to do?
Not really    19. What's the easiest way to annoy this character?
Slapping all the time that black +4 cards while playing uno or buying his most wanted streets in monopoly.    20. Are their interests and likes socially appropriate?
Yea ALL ABOUT HISTORY    1. Describe a scenario that has impacted your character and caused them extreme happiness.
There’s lots of those        a. Fear?
Sometimes his boyfriend’s suicidal thoughts gives him creeps, he gets extra worried leaving home (bc of work etc) when his boyfriend is in that state.b. 
He doesn’t get easily disappointed        c. Depression?
There hasn’t been such a thing. yet.    2. What is the character's first memory?
Getting his first bicycle from his mama when he was kiddo    3. Has the character ever experienced deja vu? Do you happen to know why?
It’s possible
4. Sensations are powerful things, and often certain scents, sounds, touches, etc. can invoke memories strongly associated with them. Which have imprinted in your character's mind?
When he smells bakery, it brings his happy childhood back since his mom used to bake a lot.    5. How'd they get along with their parents and/or other relatives?
Very well    6. If your character had to choose one friend they've valued over all others, who would it be?
If he really haves to pick one, it’d be Lucas cuz they both are on same wave length.    7. What's the worst injury they've ever gotten?
There’s been many, can’t tell    8. How many places has this character lived in? What stands out most about those places to them?
Back in Canada where he was born and now he lives in Boston    9. If the character could erase one memory from their mind, what would it be?
Those embarrassing try ons to hit some girls on school years in front of everyone    10. What was the character's economic situation?
Pretty ok    11. What are the character's three clearest memories?
Good childhood, meeting his boyfriend and getting his cockatoo    12. If the character could go back and speak to a younger version of themself, what would they say?
Please don’t do that stupid stunt or mom will whoop your ass good.    13. If the character could go back and choose their sex at birth, what would they choose?
No need to change anything    14. Describe the character's love life throughout the years.
Hopeless romance as a teen, these days finally has someone who loves him back.    15. How did the family that raised this character influence them?
Only positively. He’s good kid.    16. If this character could "unmeet" someone in their life, who would they choose?
His boyfriends ex Dylan, honestly he’s the only one he hates genuinely.
17. If the character could choose different parents for themselves, who would they choose and why?
He wouldn’t    18. Does this character feel guilty about anything in the past?
Not really.
   19. If the character were asked to associate an adjective with different stages of their life, what would they choose and why?
Pretty wild    20. If the character could choose to have themselves born at a specific time period, which would they pick and why?
He would love to see dinosaurs live so you can guess lmao.
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