#let Vito destroy Empire Bay block by block your honor
For writing requests of they are open - Vito x Joe or Henry x Vito, realizing you can't live without someone 💖💖💖
That’s what Vito felt during his stint in prison. He kept telling himself that he didn’t need anyone, and nearly believed it, but every now and then, he would find himself sitting numbly on his bed as his tormented thoughts plauged his every waking moment.
He missed Joe. He missed his mom. Hell, he even missed Henry, even though it was because of him he was behind bars at the current time. He lashed out against everyone, despite the consequences, and slowly felt himself spiral out of control as he got into more and more fights-losing more than winning.
Each day, Vito waited for someone to come visit, but no one ever did, and he started to retreat more and more into himself as his walls slowly hardened around his heart and refused to even think about those on the outside again.
Henry sat in his apartment, guilt pooling in his gut. He genuinely felt bad for Vito, but every time he tried to go visit, that little nagging voice told him that it would be better if he kept his distance, so he did. As he swirled his glass, he thought to Vito’s deep blue eyes that always seemed to be guarded, but in the right atmosphere , could brighten like sapphires in the light.
After Vito was released, Vito stood outside the jail with a bag, shuffling from one foot to another and jumped when a finger tapped his shoulder. He turned and saw Henry there, but instead of embracing him, or even throwing a punch, Vito just stared as Henry avoided his eyes.
“Good to see you again, Vito. I… I missed you.” Vito only grunted and lugged his bag to Henry’s car before climbing into the front seat and rested his head on his fist as he leaned against the window. Henry felt the sting, but continued to push on.
The drive was silent before Vito bit his lip and tried to fight the tears welling up in his eyes. “Y-you IDIOT!! Where the fuck were you, dammit?! 10 fucking years in that hellhole with no one to talk to beside the old janitor in Block A. Am I really that unimportant to you? You just couldn’t help but jump onto the “Let’s Fuck Up Vito’s Life” train, huh?”
Henry winced, but stayed silent, knowing that Vito had every right to be pissed off at the world and everyone in it. Vito soon lowered his voice and adverted his eyes as his cheeks were stained with tears. “I missed you, Hen. I-I don’t want to do this anymore. I-I’m tired of being fucked at every corner and Fate treating me like a chew toy. I’m just..done.”
Henry parked in an empty lot and turned to Vito as his heart broke more when he saw Vito looking like a lost and traumatized little boy and bit his lip. “I- I really have no excuse. You’ve gone through so much and Joe and I…we will probably never understand what you’ve gone through, but all of what you said isn’t true. Joe cares about you and so do I. I will admit that in this lifestyle, getting close to anyone is asking for hurt, but you honestly did not deserve ANYTHING that happened to you. You are the one that tends to be able to reign Joe in when I can’t.”
Vito wiped his eyes but more tears spilled out as he hid his face in his hands and started to let out years of repressed trauma in loud, ugly sobs as Henry continued to stroke his back. He knew that Eddie would be pissed that he was late, but right now, his friend needed him. “Just let it all out Vito. You’re safe here.” he soothed as Vito sobbed harder.
Emotionally drained, Vito slumped against the window and gazed blankly out the glass as Henry continued towards his place, knowing that Vito did not need to be alone, especially with his concerning words from before. After bringing Vito’s bag inside, the man lingered awkwardly by the door until Henry sat down a sandwich and a glass of water and patted the couch beside him.
The radio played softly in the background as Vito scarfed down the meal and chugged the glass of water. “Easy Vito. You’ll throw up otherwise.” Henry chided softly as Vito slowed down some. After the plate was empty, Vito curled up in a ball and stared at the wall. Henry draped a blanket over him and continued to stroke his back as Vito finally fell asleep and once he was certain he wouldn’t awaken, made sure the doors and windows were locked and covered before taking his seat again and resumed stroking, occasionally running his fingers through Vito’s hair as he silently prayed.
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