#let me ask my mom becomes code for we gotta beat this jackwad up
hyah-lian · 2 years
I would like to say I think if Hyrule woke up to Time putting a blanket over him he might accidentally call time Mom
because great fairies get called mom and Time has a great fairy mask and my headcanon is neither of them really care for strict social gender constructs. Mom=strong person, lots of magic, takes care. Ergo Mom= Time
Rulie might be lowkey embarrassed for like a second (like when you call a teacher mom by accident) but Time would be like "Honored, thanks. Get some sleep" and totally understand
Edit: to throw in a 'language differences'/'hyrule didn't learn to read or write (much) before the chain if at all' he tries to explain it to someone being obtuse on purpose as standing for "Masiv Omounts of Megik" and starts a whole debacle on spelling (and he knew it would)
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