#and of course flatass
hyah-lian · 2 years
I would like to say I think if Hyrule woke up to Time putting a blanket over him he might accidentally call time Mom
because great fairies get called mom and Time has a great fairy mask and my headcanon is neither of them really care for strict social gender constructs. Mom=strong person, lots of magic, takes care. Ergo Mom= Time
Rulie might be lowkey embarrassed for like a second (like when you call a teacher mom by accident) but Time would be like "Honored, thanks. Get some sleep" and totally understand
Edit: to throw in a 'language differences'/'hyrule didn't learn to read or write (much) before the chain if at all' he tries to explain it to someone being obtuse on purpose as standing for "Masiv Omounts of Megik" and starts a whole debacle on spelling (and he knew it would)
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mrs-kodzuken · 8 months
Destiny ♡
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Pairing: Kōshi Sugawara x fem!reader
WC: 2.3k
Genre: fluff, soulmate au
CW: you’re a twin to oikawa meaning your looks will be similar, some cussing, fluff fem!reader, oikawa is annoying, iwaoi mentions
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"Tōru, the preliminaries are right around the corner, I swear to god if you overwork yourself," I glared at him putting my hands on my hips.
"Relax, I'll be fine. As always." He chuckled running a hand through his glorious brown hair.
"I'm so disgusted by you.." I mumbled and walked away from my annoying brother.
"Aren't we all?" I heard iwaizumi chime in from beside me.
"You guys are so mean to me!" Tōru whined, trying to get us to pity him.
I rolled my eyes and walked off to gather towels for the boys on the volleyball team. As the appointed manager, I had a great time working with almost all of them.
Even Kyoutani, or as Tōru likes to call him, 'Maddog-chan'.
"Here, do you need more water?" I softly asked Kindaichi as I handed him a fresh white towel.
Our hands lightly grazed each others as he took it. I could definitely tell my presence made him visibly nervous.
High school boys, am I right?
"S-Sure!" His voice was suddenly very high pitched in his response.
"Alright.." I've slightly gotten used to being the girl around but half of the time it was awkward due to me being related to Tōru.
I grabbed his water bottle from his hands while gathering the rest of the empty ones too. Better fill the rest of them up whilst I'm at it.
"Huh, you must have the hots for me too if you like my sister. We're practically the same person." Oikawa chimes in all dickheadedly. And this is my exact thirteenth reason.
I heard Tōru say as he slung an arm across my shoulder.
"Don't touch me, Shittykawa." I growled with a glare and headed out of the gym, annoyed that I'm unfortunately related to him.
"Yep, the exact same." I heard iwaizumi snicker sarcastically to Tōru. I picked up that little nick name for my brother from Iwaizumi, of course.
I was surprised, Tōru sure did have balls for saying that in front of his soulmate. Who likes to throw balls at his stupid head, which I may add.
What a dumbass.
Even if Kindaichi did like me, bless his poor soul, I was going to wait for my soulmate. However, it didn't especially feel like I was going to see them anytime soon though.
I was always feeling a tiny shiver here and there, not exactly burning.
You see, the way we find our soulmates is basically a game of hot and cold. The closer we are, it's hot but farther we are, it's cold. Some fucked up life game if you ask me.
I wasn't particularly cold nor hot, just averagely warm more than half of the time.
I've heard it goes away once you find them and then you'll feel tingles or something when you touch. How the heck would I know? I haven't met the person.
However, the thoughts of my soulmate were pushed to the back of my mind as the Inter-high Prelim's were coming up.
I wanted to make sure Aoba Johsai won to nationals. As much as I always find Tōru a pain in the ass, I do want him to be happy. Even if he is boastful about himself a lot of the time.
I carried the bottles back, some of them slightly wet. I had to make sure not to drop any of them on my way.
"Alright, we're done for today. Make sure you guys stretch and rest up." Tōru said all captain-like as everyone got finished with putting the supplies away.
I eyed Tōru making sure he was coming along and not staying behind to continue his extra practice that he doesn't need.
"Calm down. I'm coming, jeez." I heard him say to Iwaizumi as he slung his bag on his back.
"Uh huh, I thought I'd have to drag your flatass out the gym." A retort sounded through the gym.
I stifled a laugh as Tōru and Haji argued back and forth about my brother's ass. Which now that I really give some thought about it, that sounds weird.
"Please stop, I don't want to hear about Tōru's flatass." I grossly commented.
"You two are so-" Oikawa started up with but immediately got cut off.
"Would you look at that, this is my house. Bye (Y/n)." Iwaizumi said, purposely cutting Tōru off and ignoring him.
"See you tomorrow." I waved and continued my walk  home with a grumbling Tōru behind me. Our house was, coincidentally, only a couple houses down from Iwaizumi's.
I looked up at the night sky and silently wished the best for my team. Although, I wouldn't ever dare to admit that.
"Tōru? Aren't you going up against Tobio? Your kouhai?" I asked as we headed inside, taking off our shoes.
"First of all, he isn't my kouhai and yes I am. I'm going to beat him in an actual match and prove I'm better than him." He sassily retorted to me.
"Isn't he, like, a first year?" With Toru and I being twins, we both are in our third year.
However, that doesn't make us alike in anyway possible, except maybe looks and of course the relation of family.
"Yeah, why do you ask?" He slightly peered behind me, curious of my intentions.
I shrugged, "You sound immature when he's a first year and you're a third year." I pulled the, 'you're older' card on him like he was dumb.
"Hmph, no it doesn't! Mom!" He rushed into the kitchen to probably tell on me like the little snitch he is. Doesnt matter whether graduation was coming up or not, Tōru still had the motive to act like we were five.
"Tch, childish." I rolled my eyes and headed in there too, to defend myself of course.
"Ah! There are my two favorite headaches! Come help me set the table." I heard mom say as I saw Tōru take offense to what she said.
"Quit being a baby." I looked at him with a pointed expression and set the plates down.
"So mean." He grumbled.
I knew he couldn't insult me physical wise because we are the gender bented version of each other. However, sometimes he knew how to stoop low. Brother or not, he could be ruthless.
"Well, at least I'm not the one without a soulmate." He placed his hands on his hips and smiled triumphantly with an eating shit grin. Although, that didn't last long on his part.
"Don't say that to your sister." I heard dad enter the kitchen and scold him, very convenient on my part.
I grinned brightly at my dad who backed me up as I ignored the dull pain in my chest at not yet having found the other part of me.
Tōru stuck his tongue out at me and I did the same. Hey, if he gets to act childish why can't I do the same?
"Isn't it a bit hot in here to you?" I pulled at my shirt collar. I had taken off my jacket yet I thought about it because it was starting to get too hot for me.
"No? I'm playing in a match and it's not even that hot." Iwaizumi looked at me weird.
"Well whatever it is, it needs to pass." I glared at nothing in particular. I hated being hot, the feeling only made my mood worsen at times.
"Okay, now you guys go out there and win this." I supportively said, pushing the heat on my body aside, and saw Tōru visibly cringe.
"No, stop. That's just..no." He shook his head in a disapproving manner at me.
"Iwaizumi." I merely grumbled, if I couldn't do anything, he surely could for me.
The next thing I knew, Iwaizumi had slapped Tōru on the back of his head.
"That's not how you're supposed to talk to your sister." He scolded. I heard the ref blow the whistle, signaling the break was over and it was time to get back in the game.
My gaze stayed focused on the game, not particularly on one player. I was following each move they made with my eyes.
Soon, the game had been over and Aoba Johsai had won.
"You guys did so well! I'm so proud of you!" I ran towards them, trying to hug all of them at once.
Suddenly, I heard a rough voice come from across the net as we were celebrating.
I turned around at the same time Tōru did, and coincidentally Iwaizumi turned too.
"Yes?" we three had answered simultaneously. I raised a brow over to Iwaizumi and stifled a laugh. Strange, I didn't think he would take our last name.
I saw the tall guy, who seemed to be familiar, look dumbfounded.
He quickly seemed to get over his pause, "Next time, we'll win." He said strongly as I saw their captain come and get him.
Before they could even react, I turned towards the two.
"So, Mr. Hajime Oikawa?" I watched the two of them blush as we walked off the court together.
"You two are hella dorks." I muttered at them with a smile on my face.
While they had started changing their uniforms I felt an enormous amount of heat flow through me.
I furrowed my brows unbeknownst to why and then it suddenly hit me. My soulmate must be here.
I started walking around, feeling to see if I had gotten warmer or colder. This really is just a big game of hot and cold.
"Uhh, what're doing?" I heard my brother ask from behind me.
"They're leaving." I whispered and started a fast-paced walk to where the warmth was leaving me.
"(Y/n)! you can't just run off like that!" I heard Tōru yell behind me as I booked into a run. God, I didn't want them to leave.
Soon, I was led outside. It was as if someone placed the sun beside me. I could feel it radiating all over my entire body. I was so fucking hot.
I saw the Karasuno team slowly walking towards and entering their bus. I couldn't spot anyone who exactly looked like they were close to fainting from the heat like I was.
"Hey! Wait!" I yelled out as I neared them. I just had to find them.
However, I didn't see where I was going and collided with someone. The heat I was experiencing, and almost fainted from, suddenly vanished and was replaced with tingles.
Lots of tingles like when your foot is asleep and you have to walk on it. But.. this was comforting, a little pleasurable.
Opening my eyes, I saw a silver haired guy in front of me, on the ground too. I could have cared less at the moment, I just needed to know.
Without thinking of my actions, I grabbed his arm, and sure enough there were tingles radiating up and down my arm.
"Oh my God." I heard him whisper to himself probably. I pulled into a hug as I heard footsteps nearing us.
"I can't believe I found you." I said which came out to a mumble since I was pressed into to him. I could smell his jersey, honeysuckle and linen, a surprisingly intoxicating scent.
I felt his heartbeat, which seemed like it would fly out of his chest at any minute. As if he realized we were still on the ground, he tore himself from the embrace. Standing up, he offering a hand to me.
"Thank you," I nervously said, I mean this was the person I'd most likely be spending the rest of my life with, according to fate.
"I'm Kōshi Sugawara, what's your name?" He moved a strand of hair out of my face, the tingles giving me chills as I shivered with delight.
Just as I was about to answer, a rude and annoying but all too familiar voice interrupted me, and our moment.
"Just what do you think you're doing with my sister, Mr. Pleasant!" I heard Tōru's God awful voice yell from a distance, coming closer with every second.
"Sister?" The man named Kōshi Sugawara questioned.
I looked toward Sugawara and sighed then sadly nodded. It was as if his team had tensed up with Tōru coming.
I mean, we did just beat them. Wait.. did they watch the entire meeting of me and Sugawara? Gosh, that is embarrassing.
"Tch, Shittykawa, can't you see i'm doing something?" I growled out at him, about to hit him when I stopped, seeing Iwaizumi in the distance.
Lucky for me, I have a future brother-in-law who can beat his ass for me.
He came up behind Tōru and grabbed his shirt by the collar. "You're such a pain sometimes." He muttered after bowing to us apologetically and dragged him back.
"Jesus, sorry about him. He really is a pain in the ass. Hi, I'm (Y/n) Oikawa." I smiled brightly at Koushi, my soulmate.
"I didn't know Oikawa had a sister?" I heard someone from his team speak up.
"Oh yeah, and it gets even worse, I'm his twin." I sighed in defeat at my words.
"Well, (Y/n) Oikawa. Here's my number, I would like to go out with you Saturday if you want? For coffee?"
I turned back to my soulmate upon hearing his voice and smiled brightly once again. He literally looks like an angel from heaven.
"Of course," I put his number in my phone and my eyes wandered upward towards the time.
They almost bulged out of my head, "Oh my god, I have to go. Uh, I'll see you Saturday Koushi? Bye!" I waved him off, missing the feeling of the tingles that would linger on my hand.
I couldn't wait for Saturday.
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a/n: this is from my “Haikyuu x Reader One Shots” on Wattpad! I hope you enjoyed and let me know if you want more!
the header is from Jimena Martinez on Pinterest
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docholligay · 1 year
Doc whenever you read a pitched or pitchless book, do you feel obligated to read it through to the end even when it's become abundantly clear that you're not seeing anything of value in the experience?
Not at all! I treat a pitched or pitchless book exactly like I treat a book I picked myself, by and large.
That being said, I am a Book Finisher. I cannot remember the last time I flatass DNF'd a book. It took me a year to read House of Leaves, but I still finished it, I just read other books as I was digesting it. (It's a really fine example of the craft, and genuinely I think should be taught in some higher-level lit courses as an example of different storytelling methods and metafiction. That being said, it's a tough read.) So, I think it would have to be me REALLY feeling like I'm throwing away my time in order for me to say "I am not finishing this" which i completely believe could happen, but, given my reading speed and the average length of a book, isn't super likely.
Pitched books especially I have trouble seeing it, as normally even when they aren't OUT OF THE PARK, between someone thinking I'd like it enough to take the trouble, me reading and okaying the pitch, it just...it feels unlikely that the misrepresentation of the book could be SO aggressive as to make it a DNF unless someone was trying to play me.
Let me go see what the worst thing I read last year was ahaha. OKay so what I would say the four WORST were, hated the most: one was a commission (which, there are very very very very few things out of bounds for commission as long as one acknowledges this might happen), one was a pitchless, and two were ONES I SELECTED FOR MY OWN DAMN SELF. None of the pitched were, and my favorite book from last year was a pitch me! Including the ones I picked out for myself, just, that happened to be the best time I had last year.
And I finished all of them.
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incarnateirony · 1 year
Of course you can have other hobbies, but I think it's very telling that you are all cricket noise about TW the very moment the show is cancelled, which actually proves you have been wrong all along
OH LOOK, I'll answer you. You, nonnie, are the million dollar winner of being THEE MOST EXAMPLE DUMBASS, without actually having to post pages of you whining.
No, your bad faith ignorance won't stop our HBO max exclusive placement. The only thing that could is Amazon bidding in the 5m/ep area. Enjoy rotting on a budget cut CW show for 13 more episodes, the end. Get used to it. Nobody has to spar with your fake noise. Stop playing with your invisible friends, stop trying to fill your social gaps with tumblr anons, and go fucking get a hobby you lifeless weirdo.
I've been NOT POSTING about this shit for MONTHS, stop doing so much cocaine, you're the ones bugging me since January, and since March when I TOLD YOU I HAD TO STOP POSTING FOR NDA REASONS, YOU BUFFOON. Half of fucking Atlanta WB is monitoring my blog for compliance you useless piece of shit. Me or my friends' livelihoods by the literal dozens are not as important as fighting about literally irrelevant garbage made up by morons like you that will be embarrassed soon anyway.
THEE MOST DUMBASS here is such a gold star piece of self absorbed ignorant hallucinating heavy drug dealing reality-distorting short-term-gain-sighted moron example that it gets pinned. Fuck off, you losers, nobody real in this has time for your noise. That's why the CW started tweeting about noise, when I told you to knock off the noise, holy shit. Get a clue. I tweeted the joke for a solid month nonstop before getting bored because you're too dense to even compute how you're being laughed at, jesus christ. If you wanna be embarrassed in retrograde, check the timing and content of my posts through March. There you go. Wow, yeah, don't you look like a hilarious pants shitting fool.
The reality here is the CW (or, specifically, TW, Berlanti Properties Currently Airing On) has been subtweeting yall since MARCH when I told you in MARCH to stop bothering me, and TWO MONTHS LATER, you still HAVEN'T, because you seem to be suffering some psychotic condition that has detached your scope of reality for a digital fakespace, and after TWO MONTHS of me telling you all to fuck off and that you're beneath me, you're going "HAHA!!! SUDDENLY, NOW!!!!" no man. It's just that it isn't worth talking about if you have two braincells to rub together, it has to get cancelled on CW for pickup elsewhere you floating fat turds.
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Just because you wanna fight about it doesn't mean it's not real. It just means you're dumb as a brick, and we're done wasting time on ignorant asshats. We got what we wanted. It's over. You lost. Go home. There's nothing for me to fight anymore. You don't keep fighting when you win, that's what pressed asshats like you do trying to squeeze out anything that feels like a win for a breath of a second. My energy is best invested elsewhere.
Nobody cares that a hoard of single digit IQ harpies feels accomplished for a whole few weeks just to look like assclowns again, in this timeless fibonacci toilet bowl of made up horse shit called SPN fandom.
You need to catch a clue at my flatass lack of a need to prove shit to you, and the collective patterns of my blog the last six months and the context and meaning of those, and WHY I literally. do not care. what you believe. It is your own self importance and/or internal issues realizing the truth and wanting to convince yourself otherwise that convinces you anyone that knows HAS to tell you what's going on, or beat it into the dirt for bad faith actors like you when the truth is gonna come around shortly anyway. HBO just isn't announcing most of their orders until the strike has some potential visible ending, but we're fine. Sorry to disappoint you.
You absolute assclowns didn't even notice Max hasn't announced their series yet before you gloated, did you? Their round of that was in February, you scrub, we're next wave, probably post- or late-strike. it's not rocket science you insufferable, lonely, diseased cunts.
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Yeah, it SHOULD be telling that I stopped arguing with you knuckleheads, after 6 years of combat. If I was ashamed of anything I'd delete my blog or some shit, rather than sitting here waiting for the boomerang to knock your ass over while rolling dice with gay lizards. Figure it out shithead, your game is over, I'm playing a new one, because I won the last, what's not fucking clicking?
The point was never winning YOU over beyond the public opinion needed at certain business pressure points, and that's 2 years past, you can't stop it. I literally don't need any of you. Those that are interested in me as a person can stay around. It was about winning the show, about winning representation, about platform winning. We won guys. cope. I won, I moved on, why is this so fucking complicated for you to accept? Have you never lost at something before? I'm happy to be your first teaching experience.
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thelocalbozo · 1 year
Don't trust anyone WolfSeth/HoxBon
This is a silly little angst piece that is technically a part 2 to "Don't Trust English Boys" Again not canon to their story, TW: Su1cide @crispy-bonnie suffer :]
Weeks had passed since the cheating and break up between Wolf and Seth, Seth changed up a bit since then, appearance wise at least. Seth started dressing more provocatively than usual, when they were together he would do that when going on heists to mess with Wolf, now he was doing it because he was hooking up with anyone that came on to him. This was his way of coping with the loss of a partner that he would forever be connected to. Mostly wearing see through or mesh tops as well as small shorts, and generally showing up to the safe house with hickies covering his neck and mostly exposed torso. Zeora, his sister, had noticed the switch in clothing, reminding her of him back in the underworld, which honestly worried her a bit.
"Hey Seth you seem off lately, everything alright with you and Wolf?" Zeora had found Seth in Jacket's hang out playing Jacket's NES probably not with permission. Seth let out a low growl from the question, eyes darkening as he met Zeora's look of concern.
"He is a cheating, lying son of a bitch, and the sheer fact that I am forced to be linked with him forever makes me sick" Seth's voice sounding like it was poisoning the air around them, heavy with anger. Zeora gasped a bit taken aback by the statement, worry now turned a mixture of remorse and anger, she never thought of Wolf as the cheating type so to hear these words spoken to her from her brother, who was ever clearly hurting, made her want to rip Wolf and who ever he cheated with to shreds.
"Who's the other person?" She now sat next to Seth, voice thick with anger.
"..Hoxton" Seth whispered barely audible, it didn't matter Zeora heard him.
"WHAT?!" Zeora stood back up as a reflex, yelling infuriated by the worse news. "I'LL KILL THEM BOTH!" She continued, almost storming out of the room likely to do exactly what she said, not before Seth grabbed her arm.
"Don't." Was all he said to her giving her a look she knew all too well, stone faced, but she could see through it, he was hurting. She pulled her arm away, giving him an awkward look nodding ever so slightly, as much as she wanted to hurt them, she understood it would just hurt more. Instead of going to Wolf or Hoxtons area of the safe house she opted to go to Sydney's area to cool off.
"What was with the screamin' down there dear?" Sydney gave her a curious look. "Sounded like you were tryin' to kill a dozer." She laughed a bit, Zeora sighed a bit just shaking her head leaning on Sydney's chair. "Seth's personal business." She put it simply.
Seth had a sneaking suspicion that Wolf started to regret cheating on him, anytime he passed Wolf a sudden jolt of regret would course through, he did not regret anything he did, Wolf on the other hand, it was written all over his face. Anytime Wolf saw Seth all he could think about was what they could've had together, had he not cheated. Seeing the hickies and love bites on Seth that weren't from him hurt him more, but he knew there was no way Seth would ever consider being with him again, hell Seth barely considered Wolf a coworker now. When Dallas or Bain tried to put them on heists together Seth flatass refused and would say something along the lines of 'I've got a date' or 'I got a hook up' anything to avoid heisting with him, even if it meant mentioning his sex life to make them uncomfortable.
The thought of Seth being with other people was eating away at Wolf, every waking moment was filled with regret. He indulged in his work to distract from the guilt.
Back at the garage however, things were heated.
"You're just a stupid wanker y'know that?" Hoxton hissed at Houston who had started the name calling.
"At least I'm not a cheating coward!" Houston yelled back, Hoxton got visibly pissed at that, starting a massive argument. Sydney and Zeora watched them fight, Seth had made his way to the common area, flipping through channels rolling his eyes at the argument. Wolf heard the commotion upstairs, going up there to stop the fighting, walking past Seth who was no longer paying attention to the fight, walking into the garage yelling at the two. Seth flipped to a breaking news story, someone was on garnet group building, trying to commit suicide. Seth stopped flipping through the channels now, analyzing the video on the screen, as the person looked oddly familiar. It took a few moments before he let out a loud gasp of realization, it was Bon, they were on the building, they were the one trying to commit. He jumped up from his sitting position, running towards the garage.
"EVERYONE SHUT UP WE NEED TO GET TO GARNET GROUP RIGHT FUCKING NOW!" He screamed pulling Houston and Hoxton away from each other. Houston looks up to the frightened incubus confused.
"What? Why?" Houston questioned, everyone now focused on Seth now.
"Bon's trying to kill themself!" Seth's tone lowered now that he had everyone's attention, prompting Houston to quickly grab the van keys. Hoxton took several steps back gasping, before practically sprinting into the now open van. Seth jumped in the van as well as Zeora. Houston sped down the street to get to Garnet Group, while Hoxton was phoning Bile to get his ass over there, by the time they got there, there were many police and fbi units there already trying to get Bon down safely, everyone jumped out of the van, Hoxton jumped into Bile's helicopter to get up there, Seth on the other hand started flapping his wings in a rapid pace gaining enough momentum to start flying up into the sky trying to get up to them as fast as possible, wind blowing in his hair, fearful that he wouldn't make it in time. He only made it to the 15th floor before he had to stop, grabbing the side of the building, if he didn't he also wouldn't make it out alive, he took a few breathes hoping that by some miracle Hoxton would actually be able to talk them down from their position. Unfortunately that was far from the case, he looked up and there was Bon's limp body falling past him, instinctively he jumped too, dive bombing after them but they were much farther down, he was catching up quickly, he thought he'd actually make it to them.
He didn't make it. They were dead, and there was nothing anyone could do about it. He swooped and landed on his knees next to his now dead best friend. His head hung low, sitting limply on his knees as he begged under his breath that they weren't dead, that it wasn't true, that this was all just a bad dream. Tears streamed down his face, he covered himself and Bon with his wings, he wasn't letting anyone see the body cops, paramedics no one. He had a numb feeling, no matter how much yelling there was around him the ringing in his ears was louder, until Zeora picked him up under his arms dragging him away from the limp body, he fought to get back to Bon's side who was now surrounded by paramedics and cops, to no avail, he was dragged into the van which took off as soon as he was in, the first time he actually acknowledged his surroundings, Zeora was crying across from him, he couldn't see Houston's face but heard soft sniffling coming from the front of the van, then there was Hoxton, who was seated next to him, looking at his feet with a blank expression, tears rolled down his cheeks. He felt his heart beat into his throat looking at the man to blame for all of this, he wanted to beat him to death, he wanted his head on a stick, but he couldn't, he was in such a bad state that not even hurting the culprit could bring him comfort in this moment. Getting back to the safe house the four were bombarded by everyone else who happened to be in the safe house at the time, they got out of the van being crowded around. Everyone tried hugging everyone, however Seth wasn't letting anyone touch him, immediately he rushed down the stairs to the basement, to Jacket's area, the only place he could feel comfort anymore, breaking down as soon as he got down there. Curling into a tight ball, sobbing into his knees, wrapped in his wings once more. He couldn't even hear the footsteps coming closer to him over his crying, someone sat in front of him, touching his wings lightly, stroking them, he looked up at the mystery person, what he hadn't realized was that two people had actually entered the room.
Jacket was sitting in front of him, with Wolf standing behind him a few feet, Jacket wasn't crying but had a soft expression, he wasn’t one for comforting others but, this was his room, and he wasn't about to kick him out, Wolf had tears streaming down his own face, feeling more guilty for what happened, Seth had noticed the swedish man.
"What is he doing here?" Seth rasps out, voice hoarse from bawling his eyes out for what felt like the thousandth time. Jacket looked back at Wolf, huffing through his nose, looking back at Seth shaking his head slightly. Seth settled into his wings more, silently staring at Wolf with darkened puffy eyes, tears streamed down his face heavily.
"It's your fault..." Seth said quietly, looking back at Jacket who was still stroking his wing, trying to settle him down. Wolf looked at his feet, sighing softly, he couldn't look at Seth, it was too much, watching him cover Bon's dead body on the news replayed over and over in his head. He slumped on the wall, sliding down, covering his face with his hands. Jacket looked between the two, unsure of what to do at this point, that's when Dallas walked in, looking at the mess in the room, Seth quietly grimacing in the corner, Jacket doing his damnedest to calm down and keep him at bay, while Wolf was across the room slumped over. He didn't say anything but nodded at Jacket before taking Wolf out of the room. Jacket sat with Seth for a long time, before Seth was calm enough to not rip anyone he came across a part. Seth decided to take some time away from everyone.
Seth came back after a few months of isolation, something was again much different about him. He was in a continuous state of mourning still and much more aggressive towards everyone around the safehouse including Zeora. He was jumpier, and wanted to fight the others more. He was very violent, and because of this Bain simply refused to let Dallas send him on heists with others, instead opting for him to go on solo heists, out of fear that he end up killing the others on the heist. He couldn't care less though, at least it was an outlet for his aggression. His comfort in his wings being around him triggered something in Wolf and Hoxton anytime they saw him, Wolf would see a mass of dark wings covering something with one bright red eye staring back at him, while Hoxton would see Bon's figure with his old overcoat now bright red, with a crow always around, they couldn't stand the guilt of it all. Wolf had made attempts to reassure Hoxton that it was not his fault for all of this, but he knew it was all their fault. A small grave was placed on the property in memory of Bon, Seth took extreme care of this area, he created a garden of all Bon's favorite flowers as well, he spent most of his free time tending to and sitting in this garden, likely crying. These lines imprinted on the grave under Bon's name,
"A whole garden of flowers and my name etched on a rock, all this could have avoided, all i wanted was to talk"
A constant reminder to Hoxton and Wolf that they had a choice.
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simpsamaa · 4 years
Haikyuu Captains Dating HC’s
Have some dating headcanons with some of the captains in Haikyuu because i’m not a total simp for captains. 
I also kinda got carried away with Kuroo’s- I just love him so much-
Also Bokuto’s is kinda suggestive- so- warning?
also my requests are open
so you can request characters from BNHA or Haikyuu for headcanons or scenarios 
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Daichi Sawamura
When you start dating this man, you automatically become the mom for the team
Well second mom cause Suga’s the first mom.
You guys meet because you become a manager with Kiyoko and thus start a friendship with Daichi
and it leads on to more-
Will use stupid dad jokes on you when you feel down
Is the type of bf who would send you good night and good morning texts
He acts like an alarm clock for you
He will send you the good morning text at a certain time just to wake you up
Also so you have time to get ready in the morning, cause he’s a loving boyfriend
I expect this guy to be into PDA
But like
it’s just hand holding when you guys are in public
When you guys are alone, 
cuddles, hugs, kisses, etc.
but every time you guys do something affectionate the team makes fun of you.
You guys act like an old married couple
Will take you out on the cutest dates
Wear his jersey to one of his games and his receives will be spot on
same with his spikes and serves
Honest to the team you’re a lucky charm so-
“Dai-kun, how are the first years?” You asked your boyfriend as the two of you entered the gym. Only the third and second years were in there, the first years were still taking an exam. 
“Hmm, Tsukishima and Kageyama need to work on their interaction with the team, Hinata has been hyper as always, and Yamaguchi has some good progress on his jump serves.” Your black haired lover explained, making you smile at how he talked about his teammates.
“How have Tsukki and Tobio been working together? I think they’re the only ones who can’t sync properly” You said, crossing your arms while watching Nishinoya receive another spike from Tanaka.
“Well,” Daichi started with a deadpan look on his face, “Kageyama and Tsukishima can sync, they just argue over it half of the time.” He finished, making you laugh at the thought of them arguing.
“Mmh, maybe a training exercise for the both of them?” You asked, grabbing one of Daichi’s hands into your own, playing with his fingers.
“That might work, but-” “OI DAI-SAN STOP MAKING US FEEL LONELY” Tanaka cut off Daichi as he saw that you were playing around with the captains fingers. 
“YEAH DAICHI-SAN, NOT ALL OF US HAVE AN ADORABLE SHORT GIRLFRIEND” Nishinoya joined in, making you glare at Nishinoya.
“I’M NOT THAT SHORT” You yelled back to the male with spiked hair. “YOU’RE SHORTER THEN ME” Noya yelled back.
Daichi let out a sigh, watching his girlfriend bicker with his teammates with a small chuckle. 
“God, I love her so much”
We stan Daichi
Will cook you lunch
In the end
100% husband material 
Also call him daddy
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Oikawa Tooru
Now let’s talk about this flat ass man
He loves PDA
Will tell you he loves you
Will grab your hand, pull you onto his lap, kiss you in front of his fangirls-
He means the best-
Loves it when you wear his clothes-
Wear his jersey, his hoodies, his track jacket 
He loves it
Cause it shows that you’re his
He’s lowkey possessive 
Hates it when you and Iwaizumi team up on him
“Flatass oikawa“ Is your nickname for him
It’s Tooru
Yes you call him by his first name cause we’re basic bitches here okay
You’re basically the unofficial manager of the team cause you care about them too much
They all love you
Sends you good morning and good night texts with his face
cause he’s like that
And Oiks gets jealous
Will wake you up at three am to take you out to see the stars
and look for aliens 
“TOORU OIKAWA DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?“ You exclaimed to your boyfriend as he dragged you out of the window, sitting on the roof at three fourteen in the morning.
“I know it’s late, but Y/n-chan,” The brown haired male started, “there’s a meteor shower and there could be aliens. So we have to watch tonight,” he explained making you sigh. 
You knew you weren’t getting out of this. 
“Don’t you have morning practice?“ You asked, locking your hues with his chocolate coloured ones. He gave you a smile before turning his head up to look at the stars, “Maybe, but that doesn’t concern you,” 
You scrunched your eyebrows before hitting Tooru’s shoulder with your own, “It does concern me,” you started, glaring at the male. You were looking at his side profile. “You’re my boyfriend, and I love your team, of course i’m concerned,” you finished making his eyes widen.
Giving you a small smile, he pulled you in to a side hug, leaning his head on your shoulder.
“Let’s just watch the stars tonight and not care about what happens later”
You and Oikawa miss the next day of school cause the both of you are tired from staying up all night-
I don’t think Oikawa can cook
The meals his fan girls give to him-
eat them sis
He’ll never know anyway
His fangirls learn to like you too, because Oikawa likes you
and they like everything Oikawa likes-
though there are some of the delusional fans who think Oiks is just using you
Which he’s not btw
but take care of this baby-
he needs some love
In the end
100% Tooru material 
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Kuroo Tetsurou
Can we talk about this gif for a second-
Like the fourth season did him so good
lowkey daddy material-
He adores you 
If you try a different style or change your hair style, he thinks it’s adorable
He’s highkey a simp for you
Loves PDA
He loves to grab your thigh when he sits next to you
he’s a thigh guys alright-
Loves kissing you in front of people
etc the whole team-
in front of Daishou-
Does get jealous sometimes, but only if he doesn’t know the person
You and Yaku are mom friends
After all, you do have to take care of a 187cm child
Kuroo lowkey think’s it hot how much you care about people and take care of people-
Study dates are a yes with him
You’ll go to little cafes with him-
Sends you good morning texts at five am
and good night texts at four am
cause ISTG this man does not sleep-
Loves to tease you
If you’re shorter then him-
You’ll be called chibi-chan
Cough Yagami Yato Vibes COUGH
Loves it when you hug him
It makes him feel like a giant 
which he is but- ight
You’ll be doing homework in his room and he’ll pull you into a breathless kiss and leave you wanting more-
You twirled your mechanical pencil in your fingers, you eyes glanced down at your homework, science. 
You weren’t the best at it, nor were you the worst but you still had trouble with it. Taking off your glasses, you rubbed at your temples before trying to solve the equation once more. 
Tetsurou glanced into his room, his gold hues stopping at your figure hunched over his desk, homework in front of you. Turning around he got a glass of water and walked into his room once more.
“You’re going to get wrinkles early if you keep doing that face,” The black haired male teased, making you groan and press your forehead against the dark wood of his desk. 
“i don’t get how you like science? It’s so boooring,” you groaned, the pencil rolling out of your hand onto the desk.
You heard your boyfriend chuckle before hearing him walk over to you. You raised your head, watching as his golden hues skimmed over the paper before he let out a small ‘pfft’. 
“This is easy,” he said before explaining it.
You gasp as you finally get it, pushing Tetsurou’s hands away and grabbing your pencil, you began to scribble  the answer down, only to be pulled into a heated kiss. 
Kuroo’s tongue pushing past your lips to meet yours. Your eyes were wide, face slightly pink and hands curled up into loose fists gripping his shirt. You were about to close your eyes before he pulled away, a large smirk formed on his face as he saw you. 
“You need to get back to your paper, I guess i’ll leave you alone”
Let’s just say- you did not get the paper finished, but it was a good outcome-
I’m like thirsting Kuroo-
So this is long as fuck-
Kuroo can cook basic things
Will cook for you only if you ask
But if oyu cook for him-
He’s whipped
100% Daddy Boyfriend material
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Bokuto Koutarou
Season four bokuto got me feeling some way-
they did my baBY SO GOOD
Hyper boy loves PDA
Will hold you when he has the time to-
Loves to kiss you
Even when Akaashi tells him that it’s going against the school rules-
Loves the difference between your hand and his
The way your hand is so small compared to his
and soft
his hands are huge btw-
Loves to call you pet names 
Birdy, Baby bird, dove etc..
Lots of bird related ones-
Loves it when you go to practice and his games
His spikes will be on p o i n t 
You and Akaashi are buddies
You both have to deal with this hyper male-
Like Kuroo he loves your thighs
if the two of you are cuddling-
hands on thighs
and ass-
He loves to hold you-
Sends you good morning texts at six in the morning
and good night texts at nine pm
This man actually sleeps i think-
The team loves you
You raise bokuto from his lowest on the court.
Will state how much he loves you everyday
Will get very whiny when you try to do something other then love him
Becomes depressed bokuto until you give him the love and affection he deserves.
Bokuto wasn’t at his best today at all. His spikes were off, his serves either hit the net or went out of bounce. Why, you might ask. well today you decided to get up early without waking up your boyfriend and go to school without waking him up. 
You walked into practice, scrolling threw something on your phone. Quickly looking up you gave the team a small smile before going to sit on the benches, your eyes going back to your phone. 
Bokuto let out another groan as you did’t give him a hug or a kiss or any type of affection. Akaashi soon caught on to what you were doing and marched over to where you were on the bench.
“Y/n-san stop ignoring bokuto-san,” the dark haired male said making you look up at his tall figure before giving him a small laugh. “how did you figure me out?” you asked while standing up and brushing your skirt. 
“Bokuto gets in his depressed mode when you ignore him,” The younger male stated before turning his body so you could see the spiked haired male whining.
You gave the second year a smile before walking over to your whining boyfriend. 
“kou are you alright?” you asked pressing a kiss to his cheek as he was hunched over. Golden hues locked into yours before Bokuto pulled you into his muscular chest.
“Are you done ignoring me?” his whispered as he nipped your ear.
“Yes sir“ you quietly responded, eyes darting around, making sure no one was looking at the two of you.
“that’s a good girl, now go over there and wait for me. You’ll get what you deserve after practice”
Okay well we’re done for now with these headcanons- i started this in july and only finished it now-
anygays- I hope you enjoyed these and if you have characters you want me to write a scenario or headcanons. just ask!!
BTW DID YOU KNOW: Oikawa is taller then bokuto, but Bokuto weighs more. That ass got weight that Oikawa’s non-existent ass doesn’t have-
i love you guys💗
✨thank you for reading!!✨
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oikawasbread · 4 years
Oooo how abt prompt #18, akaashi x reader? Fluff please 🥰
  hi darlinggg!! yes ofc ! I hope you like it; it came out way longer than I wanted.
18.Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.
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¬ present day ¬
 Y/N’S POV :         “I. Am. Going. To. Kill. This. Man.”       “Y/n, I understand, but please calm down!!”
¬ about 3 days ago ¬
       “Darling, it’s alright. Calm down. It’s just a 3 days trip with the boys.. you know how much they struggled planning this whole thing.. and it’s Kuroo and Bokuto we’re talking about.’’       “Alright.. you’re right on this one. But please, Keiji. You better not be late at your own wedding.”       “It’s a promise.”   ¬ present day ¬
     “Not trying to make you lose hope but his location isn’t on.”       “Say sike right now Kenma.”       “I can’t say it, Kuroo.”       The car was under the most awkward silence ever. No one had no idea of what should they do or say.         “I am sorry for your loss, man.” Seijoh’s ex captain says, sarcastically wiping a tear off his eye.
       “What the hell are you even doing here Oikawa, were we even friends in highschool?” says Bokuto, not even bothering looking at him.
      “Yeah Oikawa, honestly Bokuto has a point.”       “But Iwa-chan! You weren’t friends with them either!!”       “Yeah but they like me.” Everyone nods.       “Well if you must know, I’m friends with Daichi! And since I’m a part of the ex pretty captains & pretty setters squad, of course I am here.”       “Pretty squad what now? Have you spent too much time with your fan girls??” Kuroo replies slightly annoyed but amused at the same time.       “EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP! WHERE IS AKAASHI BECAUSE WE CAN’T GO TO HIS WEDDING WITHOUT HIM. Y/N WILL KILL EACH ONE OF US.”       “Dude, we are still hungover, stop shouting.. We are literally in the same car.”       “I agree with you, Oikawa.”      “WA- What??? What is Ushiwaka even doing here ???? Since WHEN! Who had the audacity??”
     “I remember being a part of the beautiful captains squad as well, Oikawa.”       “It’s PRETTY, boke. Not beautiful. And you’re not a part of it.”      “GUYS PLEASE SHUT UP ! SUGA TURN AROUND WE’RE GONNA SEARCH FOR AKAASHI!!”       “Your wish is my command, Daichi!!” *zzzzz..*      “Eye sorry to bother but do we have something to eat-“      “Ewww Tobio-CHAN! Who had the audac-“ Everyone : Oikawa shut up.   ¬ a few hours later.¬        The boys arrived at the building where they knew they saw Akaashi the last time, which was a well-known strip club. Everyone was pissing themselves. If they caught Akaashi cheating on Y/n, it was over for everyone, mostly for the future groom.      Finding Akaashi was a lot harder than they expected ; firstly because you needed a VIP Pass, which none of them didn’t had, and secondly because everyone was still hungover and the building was huge so they were most likely to be late and ,very soon, dead by Y/n’s hand.
     “I’d say : Let’s split up!”      “ Kuroo.. what if someone else gets lost?”      “No, Tooru. Think about it : would you rather be killed by Y/n or just be careful to not get lost?”      “Alright, everyone, let’s split up. Since I am the captai-“      “ You are… what now?” Ushijima’s face literally made everyone burst out laughing; the man was so emotionless.      “Sorry, I forgot. Almost everyone in here is a captain. But guess who isn’t!! IT’S YOU TOBIO!!”      “Yeah, but where is the vending machine?”      “Anyways, hear me out useless captains. I go with Kuroo, Oikawa you go with Tobio. Iwaizumi takes Bokuto and -wait where is Wakatoshi??”       Everyone remains silent and the panic is starting to catch up with them. Oikawa was the only one smiling proudly, but immediately looks disappointed as soon as he sees the club’s doors opening.      Wakatoshi comes back outside after sneaking in, carrying Akaashi’s motionless body. As soon as he got closer, the boys gasped in terror.
      “WHAT THE HELL AKAASHII???? HOW DID U MANAGE TO HAVE A BABY IN 3 DAYS!!!!!!! THAT BABY BETTER BE Y/N’S!!”       “Bro shut up, why are you even yelling, the security will notice us.”       “Oh shit you’re right, sorry.”       “Well let’s go to the mall.” Oikawa says smiling at the camera and gesturing towards Akaashi’s still motionless body.        “All right. I will drive, indeed.” Wakatoshi says confused.        “Guys are y’all making a.. tiktok.. right. now. ????”         “Yeah Bokuto. Without you, now shut up lemme post it.”         “O-oh.. Alright:( .”         “DAMN NO OIKAWA WAIT DON’T POST---“         “Sorry Daichi, ugly faces don’t get to make an appearance on my account.”         Tobio bursts out laughing, holding himself by his stomach just like Kuroo taught him.
         “Holy shit Oikawa. I may be your junior but you still are dumb as a brick!!!!”          “Tobio-chan do you want me to slap the audacity out of you like I never got the chance in-. Oh shit wait I have a comment under my tiktok.”          Oikawa’s jaw drops and everyone has the most judgy glare, stabbing him with their eyes.           “ Why didn’t y’all tell me Y/n was following me on tiktok??? I wouldn’t have posted it!!”           “What did she say??” asks Suga, patting Oikawa on his head to make him feel less guilty.           “Uhh..Bring Akaashi home, alive, or me and the girls will burn you, volleyball idiots. Right, fucking, now.”            “Bro let’s hurry, I can’t let my man Akaashi getting divorced right before he gets married.”
           “Alright, bye Wakatoshi gotta blast!”            “Oikawa, I am indeed coming with you, all.”            “BOKUTO WAIT!!! WHAT ABOUT THE BABY???”             “Move it, Kuroo, he has enough place in the car.”             “Dude do you even have a brain? You can’t just steal someone’s baby!”              “Shut up Mr. Flatass, of course I can. Watch me.”            “EXCUSE ME!! I AM TRULY SORRY!!” The woman runs towards them and stops in  front of Kuroo, who was holding her baby, to catch her breath.            “Thank you so much for finding my son! I can’t thank you enough!”
¬      Great. Now the boys finally arrived at the wedding, with an alive and perfectly fine Akaashi, but with some really really sleepy hungover friends of his. Everyone was probably in the church, since the yard was empty. Akaashi already knew that he screwed up; Y/n’s dad would probably beat him up and her mom would step on his throat. Bokuto gives him a thumbs up and the boys are encouraging him to go inside.      As soon as the the doors opened, everyone had the attention on the man who was late at his own wedding. He was walking down the aisle, not even bothering to be ashamed of everyone’s judgeful looks, because Y/n was in front of him; wearing the most beautiful yet simple dress, blushing, but trying to look mad. He took a minute to look around and process everything, and he realised that this was the big day of his life : him and Y/n would start a marriage, and soon a family. But he was late, making her wait and probably think that he’s backing down.
      Y/n didn’t fail to notice the sudden change of expression on Akaashi’s face, so she cups his cheek with one of her hands, giving him a reassuring smile.       “Weren’t you the one who was supposed to wait for me at the aisle?”       He smiles, scratching the back of his head. How could she not be mad? Did Y/n really trust him THAT much?       “Don’t worry, Keiji. This could be our thing, you know… Imagine our children’s faces when we tell them how our wedding went.”       That was it. Now the man was a blushing mess. Children? He couldn’t wait for that.       Everyone was listening at the conversation that was happening; but no one was annoyed or bored; they were enjoying young love.
     “Y/n… I am truly sorry. But.. I had to take care of the boys.. and there was this baby at the strip club, I have no idea.. Things got crazy and I was taking care of that kid because no one seemed to care. Don’t worry, I didn’t let Bokuto-san to give him Tequila shots. But i-“
     She giggles and everyone looks at them amused by the whole situation.        “Don’t worry, darling. I told you, it’s our thing from now on. But don’t make me wait for you everytime..”        He sighs in relief. Akaashi couldn’t be more happier now, that he was finally here, crossing destinies with the love of his life.        “And how could I even get mad at you after you took care of a baby? Who knows what could’ve happen to him if you weren’t there?” she was brightly smiling, but as soon as she looked in the boys’ direction, she had the most scary look in her eyes. Y/n was clearly aiming at the fact that she’s going to have a discussion with them.         And so, the wedding went on; they continued the ceremony and went to the after party.        ¬         “Oh my god, Bokuto.. you have my condoleances.”
        “Thank you, Kuroo.. I really appreciate it. He was a great wing man, a great friend, a-“         “I still am, Bokuto-san. I’m not dead...But you guys are going to be the best uncles.” he giggles,  not even being surprised by his friends’ conversation. Akaashi sat down, next to his two best friends.          “Honestly, today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth. And if I think of it, I’ll be the luckiest man even tomorrow, and the day after, until I’ll no longer be here.”    “Are you drunk, Akaashi? Or is this really how marriage feels?”     “Kuroo.. this isn’t about the marriage. And no, I’m not.” he says with the most unbothered expression ever. “It’s about the person you’re spending your life with; I could be her husband, the father of her kids, or just her boyfriend; the marriage itself won’t change anything. I mean, yeah.. you will feel like the relationship touched the next level; but it’s about Y/n. I’ve dreamed about this day since we were at the beginning of our relationship; and I can’t wait to live my whole life with her by my side.”
      “Damn.. that sounds beautiful.But I can’t wait to tell  your kids how their father was late at his wedding and made their mother wait.” Bokuto couldn’t stop laughing now.       Kuroo joined him and they were laughing like crazy, hitting Akaashi in his shoulder playfully. Three best friends, gazing at the stars on such a beautiful day. He couldn’t ask for more : Y/n was finally his wife and his high school best friends were there with him, too.
       “ You know what can’t I wait for, guys?” Akaashi asks looking down, smiling, but not wanting Kuroo and Bokuto to see him.       The two look at him, a little scared, because he wasn’t laughing anymore; they suddenly stopped their laugh session and waiting impatiently for him to speak.
      “I can’t wait to sit here, again, at your wedding. We could make it our thing, as well.”
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ugh i still have second thoughts about posting this, but anyways! I hope it was.. decent?
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faerielleart · 4 years
okayyyy but
levi probably hasn't known affection for most of his life literally he lost his mom when he was a babie and his uncle was,,,,,, yeah
he had farlan and isabel but i don't imagine them being really physically affectionate with each other?? aside from the occasional headpat to isabel or maybe even pinching her cheeks?? or like idk fist bumping with farlan really i think that's the most they did mayyybe maybe a group hug
but THEN
and that's the story of how levi now doesn't go a day without waking up with hanji spooning him bc fight me he his touch starved and a little spoon bye
also pressing a sleepy smooch on his forehead and ??? smiling super softly at him @?€*?? and levi's brain short-circuits#=€? €? #
ALSO casual ! touches ! all day ! long !
hanji will literally put her hand on his shoulder or pat his head or slap his ass extra hard especially in front of the kids bc it's funny as fuck when humanity's strongest sqUEALS
levi has no ass. like 0 ass. no ass whatsoever. the flattest ass to ever flatass. concave angle ass. negative ass
so hanji teases him and complains that it broke her hand bc it's just 😔 flat 😔 no bounce 😔 just hit the bone 😔 press F
and levi is like "lord if u exist explain y i deserve all this suffering"
also just the way science teacher hanji drags janitor levi inside the storage closets to make out im pretty sure these two boomers do the same shit in the main story i meAN
levi hates being touched but his only exception is hanjo bc lets be clear,,, who wouldn't ,,,,,,,, we all want to smooch hanjo
their kisses start out really soft and hanjo is super giggly and she's holding him vv tight and playing with his hair and he just . Dies
i feel like at the very beginning of their thing he'd be super hesitant with touching (he still is an awkward bby give him a break he is Old and Tired) but now ?? he is brave enough to gently squeeze hanji's hands and cup her face and softly stroke his thumb over her cheekboNE I AM G O N E
levi also gets at least 10 hugs a day he's petting his horse in the stables and hanji runs up to him and HUG he's in the shower and hanji will come and HUG he's standing in the rain like an angsty edgelord and hanji will snap him out of his bullshit and HUG
speaking of the rain
hanjo TOTALLY forced levi to dance in the rain with her at least once
he complains and puts on the grumpiest face but he is Completely ™ Whipped ™ and will literally do ANYTHING and put up with ANYTHING bc bby loves her more than he loves himself and honestly i dont blame him i would do the same for The hanji zoe
at night he lays in bed awake with hanji sleeping next to him holding him super tight and he hears her soft breathing and . his poor heart just Swells bc literally how did this happen to him how did he get so lucky what did he do to deserve this happiness he is Scared shitless that he'll fuck it up or that smth will happen and he will be left alone bc that's what life has been like for him up until that moment and ???? holy Shit he really is Grateful to have such a pure soul in his life and the thought of something happening literally Destroys him and he can't sleep bc he is plagued by horrible nightmares anyway hanjo is awake and knows what he's thinking bc OF COURSE she does
she knows him better than anyone, understands him better than anyone, knows everything about him
she says nothing and just lets him lay his head on her chest to feel her heartbeat and strokes his head very gently maybe kissing his temple once or twice
and just like that
levi finally falls asleep
comforted by the sound of hanjo's heartbeat which is /for fuck's sake i can't believe im saying this cheesy shit but levi is a sap deep down / the best sound he's ever heard
fuck the nightmares and fuck them ugly ass titans
they're safe in each other's arms
and this is CANON your honor thank you very MUCH
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silentwalrus1 · 4 years
hi chad, hope you’re well, I was wondering if there’s a way for u to add the ‘captain flatass’ piece to your shop? it speaks to me so. thank you and have a good day
oh man of course!! this one?
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docholligay · 1 year
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YES. FUCK. AS I’ve said multiple times over the course of this blog/show and will again, I cannot fucking STAND when people can’t own their garbage. We fuck up, as people. Is this is a huge fuckup? Yes. Very very much so. But, we all fucking SUCK from time to time. We just DO.
The difference is, once we realize we are wrong--which can be a journey in itself--we need to own our shittiness. “I did it because I was lonely and afraid, and a coward. It was weak, and it was wrong, and if I had any backbone at all I would have left, but I didn’t.” That I could respect! I can always respect people saying that they’re cowards, or, they flatass don’t care enough to bother with something. I hate the “I didn’t have a choooooooiiiiiice.” Own it.
Note, this does not mean I think you deserve to suffer forever! I think you did a really fucking horrible think when you were 15, and the life you have led since then suggests you are a different person. Assuming you made pamphlets and committed assault, i guess, I would say, go forward. Do you best to broadly make it up to the world.
But don’t weasel out of it.
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