#let me drive my van into your faaaaace!
hammerjarljurenhar · 5 years
Hello, I want to Ask about the SVTFOE..What you Think About the Show? Why you are saying about the Forced Romantic Plots and Messages about the Cartoon? What is the BrainWash what the Cartoon is Making? Can you Ask me, please?
Ok, I haven’t watched the show completely. I’ve said it before… but I think it’s right to make it clear… just so, you know, for everyone out there… this is my opinion on the matter, and not a fundamental reality about the show… but to some degree I know part of what I’m saying it’s true to the core.
I’ve watched like 15(?) full episodes between season 1 to 3, most part of that during season 2… and like 6 episodes in season 4… but just some parts of them, cause the rest was quite predictable in it’s own. and even for this finale, I didn’t even watched it… and I doubt I do. I honestly hardly watched season 1… only 2 minutes of episode 1 and I changed the channel… like, fuck, I couldn’t even tolerate star, her voice, attitude, everything about her disgusted me to watch the show, and I just started watching the show at some point for the cuckstar in it (thanks to my bro), during season 2, ignoring the rest of the show, but with enough understanding of what was going on at a big “panoramic scene”.
Now… enough of that.
Why so many people say that the “plots” for romance and the messages are kinda forced in the cartoon? and why am I with that side?
Let’s go back to the idea of the show. Star was a strong independant princess, that’s how she was being depicted, as an individual girl who doesn’t need others to make her what she is… “special”, but then, the “romance” is forced since the beginning cause she only wants attenttion and acceptance, and this is showed through marco, that understands how hard she is rejected by others… even her own family, cause something dangerous happened in her dimension: Star Butterfly getting the wand, that happened…
That’s ok?… I mean, yeah having marco as the brother she never had, and being there as the understanding pal of hers made the show better? Yes.But it was totally UNNECESSARY to make them a couple. Cause it only made it forced for her to need a couple in her life to be better…
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The show depicted them as FRIENDS, NOT AS A COUPLE. and that’s the crap I dislike the worst in the show. They re-wrote the character’s feelings to say star and marco loved each other since the beginning… marco during the show, and star in the book of spells… and just to make it clear, when a friend of mine told me about this book of spells and the implication that star “loved” marco since day 1. I only could laugh at it and say that the starcos must be eagerly accepting that; and that the worst, back then, they could do was to make marco do the same thing during the show…. and guess what? that stupid decision I mockedly mentioned, was done in season 4!
The excuse is that it was not “love” at first sight. but it’s implied it was there since episode 1-2. and why did they do this?… to get the “biggest part” of the fandom in their pockets for the final episode of the show (and some asses like mcarthur promoting the show everyday since past month but that’s more like his decision, cause he wants to make a career and besides svtfoe, he’s literally a nobody), they gave starco fans what they want… that star and marco are “true love”… problem is, first, that’s a lie… cause anyone who watched the show knows that they were friends and at best the “love” was friendship or something near to siblings caring for each other, also instead of giving that to the fandom early, so that they can leave at peace and not start a ship wars every week, they gave us far more potential ships than starco… be it Jarco, Janco, Markapoo, Tomstar, Kellco, and even the forbidden Marclipsa & Marteora, all of them were awesome and had much more value for many fans… meanwhile showing marco and star as egotistical assholes only made the show worse and worse… and it lost at least 80% of the public since season 3….
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The starco ship was the biggest? yeah… but that was cause their fans joined only after starco was confirmed years ago with the blood moon stuff and with daron and her team accepting defeat and saying starco will happen.So… that’s like betting on the winning horse, even if it’s a quadraplegic horse it will win cause author says so, and so, fandom bet on that horse.Now let’s move to the Messages topic.I honestly think the message about colonialism and racism had enough strenght to be important… we even had a “native american” monster shoot an arrow at Mina… we only needed her to be done ala little hiawatha style
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But this message paled and lose against ship wars cause, come on! it’s what it is, social inclusion…. and that’s been talked again and again, now, since past decade, we must have a chinese, an afroamerican, a french, a latino, etc… by force. cause otherwise your idea of a show is racist as fuck; sadly, now that the lgbt agendas are being included in cartoons, we also most have some characters in that matter… and that part was forced on our poor dear Jackie. She was a character so lovable, and still is, on her own way… but since she was left behind by daron. cotugno and her team took her and decided to use her for lgbt representation… again they re-wrote her, putting cotugno’s personal life on her to make her lesbi/bi, and despite how much anyone can accept that, it feels… so out of place.I honestly expected her to be alone, and being awesome, than coming back from france with the “I found myself, and you should date star cause she is so special and I’m not, our relationship wasn’t great cause star exists” crap they put on her… and yeah you assholes out there that don’t want to accept this, that’s what they did to poor Jackie… not in that order, but they made her say that Jarco relationship wasn’t great and that starco is the good shit, and that was the lamest lowest move they could do...What? You still don’t get it, reader?… just imagine this:>No Chloe.>By the end of the show star comes to marco >she says that she found herself in that magic dimension and that their relationship is not worth it.>She also says that Jackie is worth it and that Marco should date Jackie again… Now you get it?…. exactly. That’s the crap Jarco got, cause starco must be canon and Jackie must be out of the equation.Back on topic… even when this message of social inclusion was showed at least once in each season and in the books, the show had more interest from the viewers that bet on that horse… cause they only watched the show for that and that only… to get to the end and say “we won”, and there are MILLIONS of comments everywhere to back me up on this… the vast majority of the fans only joined to win this ship wars, betting on starco.Also, the show needed more continuity in that matter, cause yeah… each and every time that star learns more about anything… it’s for that episode only, star thinks about it and it’s trascending… then it’s forgotten right in the next episode and only bringed back to the screen when they want to remember what the show is about… I honestly feel that Steven Universe did better than svtfoe by far, cause ships were kept low in the show, and the important stuff of the show had more relevance. Ships were made? yeah… just enough, and they didn’t took relevance from the show for more than 1 part of the episode or at worst case scenario for an entire episode… but hey, they are in the hearts of the fans who want that, but it’s not damaging the show by their authors or crew hands… that’s the fandom!
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One last thing... I got bored of the “for star’s sake marco will do anything and everything” stuff they put constantly in the show.like...>Marco knows karate, and can beat almost any other mewman he faces? yes, but let’s make him fight only cause star.>Marco has interdimensional scissors to go anywhere or visit anyone, should he use those? No, he will only use his scissors to see star.>Marco skates, he did it for jackie, right?... let’s re-write that, make it so that marco skates to see star.
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