#let me hhug him
plastidgremlin · 9 months
When do I get to bring Tagfer home
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Farlan cuddling with BB and Pastel? Mybe something annoyed him, so he decided he would comfort bois so his ✨ anger issues ✨ won't kick in
CW: Dehumanization; pet whump; conditioned behavior; comparing two people; some degradation but stays in internal monologue; knife cuts mention;
...He came home stressed. He hated this job. He hated this ‘business meetings’. He hated talking to those people, and reading those papers, and playing this role in his father’s business.
He threw the coat over the hanger. The thing swung and nearly fell over. He sighed. He just wanted to lay down, watch some dumb show and… Not thing about anything for a while.
…When the pets saw his face…
Well, Pastel was clearly the brighter one of the two, because he complimented Farlan and disappeared. BB on the other hand…
The little thing was so energized, jumping up and down and around him, nearly knocking him over. He took a deep breath.
“BB… I’m not on a very good mood today… Can you please give me some space?”
“Ooooh… Master wants a h-hhug?” BB gave him that toothy smile.
“That’s… the opposite of what I asked for”
“B-but hugs a-a-always help BB! W-w-will help Master too!” Their expression got just a little darker nearly imperceptible “…Or Master could pick up the knife and-“
“Let’s hug” Farlan said. He didn’t want his thoughts to go there today. BB let out a happy sound, jumping around him and then on him, nearly knocking him over.
BB softly pushed him away and handed him that little weird rat-plush-thing. ‘Mr. Tonsils’. He wondered why it had such a cursed name.
“BB w-w-will get Pastel, he, he must wants hugs too! Hug Mr. Tonsils till BB is back!”
Farlan watched as BB run into the other room, probably already knowing the places Pastel liked to hide at. He sighed. Well, guess they were doing this today. He sat on the couch, looking for something on the TV.
…BB came pulling Pastel by the hand, while the other pet protested.
“Please he is angry, he –“ Pastel shut up immediately, looking down.
…Should he tell Pastel to leave? Or would that made him feel rejected or some bullshit like that? He didn’t looked like he  wanted to be here anyway but every time Farlan did what he thought they wanted, it ended up badly anyway.
…BB jumped on the couch with him and picked Mr. Tonsils back, more than happy to lay against Farlan’s shoulder, while Pastel dragged his feet on the floor, so very nervous…
“…Hm you don’t have to… To sit here with us if you don’t want to” Farlan said. The pet stopped, looking at his face, searching the trap.
Quietly, he walked up to their feet and sat on the floor near his leg instead, like a good pet should. That… That should be okay, right? He let Pastel do that, if he felt better that way.
Hm. He wasn’t even stressed anymore, just… kind of tired, absent mindedly playing with BB’s hair and somewhat watching the show.
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thisisrachel · 3 years
what i learned in 2021
1. do not procrastinate on things you need to get done. it will only stress you out more. ask someone to help you accomplish the task no matter how small if that’s what you need, but either way- do it as soon as you think about it
2. it doesn’t matter where you are it’s who you’re with. i may have gotten this from Aquamarine, but it’s never been more true
3. learn to be comfortable on your own. being your own best friend and taking yourself on dates, doing things alone is such a power and i am realizing how dependent i am.
4. take good risks! my favorite teacher taught me this and i am still learning it. taking risks is so scary but so worth it
5. budget budget budget. being a grown up is damn hard
6. cherish your family. it took my grandma dying for my whole family to be in one room again and we haven’t been together in almost a year since then. but text them and call them and let them know you’re thinking of them.
7. give more hugs HHUGS ALWAYS i don’t care if your love language isn’t physical touch. hugs are the best
8. airplanes suck, air fryers don’t. they don’t have anything to do with each other yet everything to do with each other. invest in a good airplane pillow
9. prioritize your health. when you feel it slipping don’t keep that habit going. find something to change it, bc you will only feel worse down the line. you will never regret starting it asap
10. you are still beautiful even when he doesn’t like you anymore
11. get over breakups fast it doesn’t matter in the long run and you’ll be ok i PROMISE. it is the absolute worst thing and you won’t feel like you can cry any harder than you are but you will be ok
12. mcdonald’s fries im sorry
13. do stuff that scares you and get out of your comfort zone. this is so important! my teacher told us our hw every weekend was to do something we have never done before and i’ve never cherished a professor’s words more.
14. crying will NOT WIN HIM BACK. cry all you want but don’t let him know HE DOesnt CARE THAT MUCH. not to be mean because he does care for you, but crying won’t change the fact that you are broken up. stop overthinking and wondering “what if” or “if i had only been __”. that will not change the outcome. you were meant to break up or not be together at this time.
15. appreciate where you are when you’re there. you won’t know how much you’ll miss it until you’re gone. it’s such a beautiful life.
16. donate plasma- you’ll get invite to married couples’ poker nights and get $1000
17. black bean crunchwrap supreme
18. keep contact with long distance friends. i’ve come to learn this as i get more and more into adulthood. you no longer just have friend in your county. you have friends all over the world and that in and of itself is amazing
19. weddings are so fun go help at all of them! cater them, serve the bride and groom and dance when no one else is, help dj, serve the cake, be the only one to catch the bride’s bouquet, and stay to help clean up at the end
20. buying a car sucks. appreciate your father
21. tinsel in your hair. that’s all you need
22. there is someone sweet everywhere you turn in life- find it!
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