#let me know if i need to change anything !
newtsixtyfive · 10 days
Avocados at Law !!
Video Description Below Cut
[ID: Red and white text: "Get yo mangy ass on!" Foggy, bouncing to the beat, is pointing at Matt behind him, smiling: "Back to the kitty, cuz she's kinda pretty." Foggy is wearing a pink shirt with a blue tie. Matt is standing behind him, wearing a grey suit and red tie. He is holding his cane and staring to the right. Foggy is to the left of him. Karen is fanning herself with her hand, also bouncing to the beat: "I can't stop looking at her-" Karen is wearing a blue sleeveless blouse. Matt stands behind her, the same image as before, and Karen is to his right. "T- Face." The video zooms in on Matt's chest, and there a faint heartbeat lines fading in and out. Matt is slightly taking off his suit jacket. Then, the video shoots up to his face, and he smirks at the viewer. "Me and cat mama rolled into the distance fog." Foggy, Matt, and Karen are depicted as little chibis, and are walking. Matt seems a little flustered and they are all smiling. There is a red transition, and Matt appears on screen facing the viewer. His glasses hide his eyes, and he holds his cane in his left hand slightly up to his chest, "Little does she know," "I'm as nasty," Matt lifts his cane, and there is another red transition. "Dog!" Daredevil appears in Matt's place, grinning at the viewer as he starts bobbing to the beat. After the second "Dog!" there is a Snapchat dog filter over his face. END ID]
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tides-of-clarity · 22 days
There was somethings that were different and somethings that were common no matter where someone can be. Culture had a vast range. Though the common thing between every culture was someone getting scammed. Even though Capella was new to the area he can sniff people like this a mile away and would not stand for it. Is it risky? Yes, for sure since people are unpredictable so there was always cation when it came to how he approached. No matter how he was willing to try and help.
His day was suppose to be get off the train, go to the abroad home for the time being, and explore the city to get a feel of it food and people. More then half of that was done but when he was going to try find food he noticed a pyramid scam. Some of the most obvious but also one of the most sneaky ones a person can get trapped into. Nope he was not going to stand for this.
" Ya hara!", he yelled in his native tongue.
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"No no they are not going to buy or sign up for anything. Shoo Shoo!"
Getting between the tall man he stood his ground with the scammer matching a death glare that can freeze hell. The stand down was long but Capella won the silent match in the end chasing away the scammer. Turning to face the younger he was already in lecture mode.
"That was a scam. You can not trust people like that. Never listen to sales or recruiters on the street. You have a nice face so you are target number one. Do you understand?"
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mimemirage · 1 year
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oh charles. do they know i love them.
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cryptidkeepp · 3 months
who: @backmaskcd ( link )
where: the commune
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river had been sat watching their best friend with their notebook. in all actuality they'd been disassociated into the void for a good amount of time and they'd not a clue if link was reading or writing or doing the exact same thing that they were. however, what they did know, is they were bored and that was a dangerous thing to be with a mind like theirs ( something they knew link could relate to as unfortunate as that was, what was the saying? misery loves company? seems they'd been fused by it from the start ).
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❝ link, baby, darling, love of my life— ❞ they proclaimed with poetic theatrics. ❝ it's getting incredibly stuffy and suffocating in here. ❞ river started to explain and pushed themselves up off the floor and started toward him. ❝ come out into the world with me, as small as it is, there's surely something to entertain us. ❞ and if not, perhaps they could make something up. two imaginations were better than one and it seemed to be their most prized possession in a town with closed borders.
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aceghosts · 5 months
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OC Moodboard: Aura Constantin
for @hookhearted
[If we’re mutuals, send 🎂 and I’ll make you a treat!]
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e-m-p-error · 6 months
[ @alteredassistant || Continued From Here ]
[ Valentino ]
"Si, Pececito." Valentino leaned down into Trevor's space, almost face to face with him when he stopped. They shared breath, his rich and cherry-scented with an undercurrent of tobacco, "It's an unfortunate thing for both of us." (Yes, little fish)
Reaching out, he dragged his hand beneath the other's chin, drawing his head up more. He pinched it, tipping the other's head from side to side to get a good look at him.
"Voxxy told me I had better not."
What Vox had actually said was, No. He's off-limits. You can't fuck my PA. You don't even fuck your PA. Don't even think about it.
"So I can't get you out of my head." Well, that, and he was pretty sure he could tell by looking at Trevor that he'd scratch an itch that was almost impossible to reach in Hell. Valentino had always had a thing about virgins, and even if Trevor wasn't one, he sure looked like he'd fuck like one.
"What do you say? There is a right answer."
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chaoticwolfmoore · 7 months
Avery was still pretty new, not only in town as well as to this whole--being a wolf, thing, he was trying to get as much help as possible, he also liked to think he was getting better at it, at least he could now, (or so he thought) identify his kind, the way they smelled, there were also a lot them around it seemed, just like the guy near him. Avery decided to be more like his old self, and so, he walked over to the other, even though he was a little nervous that maybe his nose was tricking him and he was gonna make a fool out of himself, old Avery wouldn't care, why should, wolf Avery care now?
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"Hey," Avery called out to him, "Sorry, I'm kinda new in town, I heard about this bar our kind hangs out at?" he leans a little closer to the other, "Maybe you could help me out here? I was kinda hoping to get in touch, get to know some more people like us--" he pauses for a second, waiting for the other's reaction, "You're--you know a werewolf, right?"
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robertsameliax · 8 months
location: within the streets of covington probably downtown somewhere
who: @saraiayutthaya
Returning to her hometown wasn't part of the plan for the year, yet here she was, navigating from store to store, gathering supplies to give her old room a much-needed makeover. Her brother's insistence on her moving back to their childhood home, where he currently resided, was the primary impetus for her return. Despite deeming the place a "hell hole," she decided to appease him for the time being.
While the desire to relive her glory days tugged at her, she couldn't ignore the reluctance tied to the memories her room held. Determined to create a space truly her own, she embarked on a mission to acquire paint and various items for the transformation.
En route to the next store, she spotted one of her high school friends, Sarai, a few feet ahead. A genuine smile graced her face as she called out, "Sarai?" Closing the distance between them, she continued, "I thought you left this town? How long have you been back?" Curiosity and warmth colored her words, eager to catch up with a familiar face from the past.
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stefanicsalvatore · 1 month
@ofbutterflies | Closed Starter for Elena
Jude had finally admitted he spilled the beans to Elena—or rather, he’d texted her almost immediately after their conversation. Stefanie had promised Damon she’d keep the truth between them, but that promise felt pretty null and void now that Elena knew everything. Not just that Stefanie was a mother, but that she was her mother.
So when Stefanie finally spotted Elena, the words just started tumbling out. "Okay, I can explain," she blurted, the ramble spilling out like word vomit before Elena even had a chance to react. "I wasn’t trying to hide it from you, but it’s like really complicated. But then Jude told me he told you, and, well… here I am."
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kingofthewebxxx · 5 months
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Starter for Bucky @defectivexfragmented
James Buchanan Barnes, it was quite a mouthful even for him, The Winter Soldier on the other hand had an edge to it and sounded so much more sexier. After the fall of SHIELD Moriarty had been tracking the movements of its former agents, those he could turn he would, taking the cream of the crop for himself, not all of them would have been too noticeable but a select few now worked for him. The good old-fashioned tactics were always the best, bribery, blackmail, that kinda thing, then of course torture always took the fight out of those who were extra resistant, with a combination of all three and a few extras being what was needed. Of course, Jim had people on hand that could carry out his orders for him but for a select few he liked to carry out this process himself, to see the hope fade in their eyes as it turned to despair.
Amongst all those who had caught his attention the one who held it the most was The Winter Soldier, not a SHEILD agent but he had certainly been involved in the events that had occurred and then there was his personal history as well as his ability and his connection to Steve Rogers, it was like a written book to him, the twists and turns so intricate yet he felt it lacked something, the next chapter would come soon and he felt it would be a shame if Barnes’ skills went to waste, he was no good to him locked up or amongst the avengers. Ever since the fall of SHEILD he had been tracking and looking for any signs of the Winter Soldier, having discovered his current hideout he was currently watching through the cameras, waiting until he looked at a screen of sorts in which a few words would appear completely out of place. It read:
Hello Mr Barnes, fancy a chat and a drink?
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gildedxink · 3 months
Change of Scenery | Starter
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Status: Closed @gwen-lycaon Location: Nevermore Bar and Grill When: Post Wine Fest
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They were tired be it the loss of blood, booze, social battery or just hunger. Max was too tired at least to make their own food so they went to a place they were comfortable being. Nevermore had drawn their attention originally because of it's name, no matter what Max was still a child of literature professors and had a deep love of it themselves. Now a days, Max frequented more for the good food an company that came with the place. "I survived the social outing, but am too tired to human, please oh goddess of the kitchen save me from my hunger." They spoke a little more theatrically than normal as they flopped down on the barstool.
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swevene · 4 months
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Fate could be a strange thing. Sometimes it caused things to go one's way and other times the very opposite. With Alv's long life he had seen that many times. On this occasion it seemed it was in his favor. Before him was a princess but not any princess. Ariel daughter of King Triton. A man who had done wrong by him. He had been patient planning and finding a way to exact his revenge. It seemed it would all fall into place here in the most unexpected of ways. 
He lived on land had a small house had, in fact, built himself. That didn't mean he stayed there all the time. There was so much in the world so much to explore, so much to learn. Knowledge was truly his weakness the more knowledge the more power one would have. It was a double edged sword keeping in mind too much power, not having control could cause corruption. He was better than that or so he thought that of himself. He also knew a little magic through this knowledge. There were things he learned that many could only dream of if that. It was this desire for knowledge that lead to his first interactions with Triton. He had cast an enchantment on himself to give him the body of a merfolk. It had worked perfectly but only for a couple days.
Since his trouble with Triton had occurred he had gained a bit of reputation among the merfolks. He offered exchanges for helping them through his source of magic. Most he allowed to keep whatever he had done for good. After all, the only way to draw those he wanted was with positive reactions. A few couldn't cut the deal and those were the ones where he truly benefitted. And these interactions seemed to have gained the attention of the princess now before him.
He listed to Ariel's plea she wanted to be where the people were, she wanted to dance, to know why a fire burned. She wanted knowledge, she wanted experience. Even as she told him all this the gears in his mind turned. What best way he could exact his revenge on her father. She was innocent of this, of course, but she would be used to get what she wanted. Then there it was. His grand idea, his scheme, the perfect way to get at her father.
"You poor unfortunate soul." He began a sad and compassionate expression on his features. He took hold of her hands as if to comfort her, to attempt to show he understood her plea. "It's unfair for you to not experience such a great wonder as the surface." He dropped her hand and walked over to makeshift desk. They were in a cave that he called his own under the sea. Here he had ingredients that he had gathered to use for his potions and magic. Things he could only have here. He pulled out a magical parchment one that survived under water and above. He began writing up a contract, a magical binding. The words seemed to glow. He began to put in conditions such as if he was harmed then so would she. If her father tried to do anything to him he would harm his daughter. If she tried to return to the ocean there would be painful consequences. 
"Become my bride and you will have everything you want and more." His bright teal eyes came to meet her own. "I live primarily on land. I can teach you all you want. Leave this life under the ocean and join me." He held out the golden feather for her as he turned the parchment. "All you need is to sign here." Would she readily agree to this? That he did not know but he had a feeling he could persuade her to what he wanted.
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traincarsandstars · 1 year
((opener for @ghcstmemoirs))
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"You must be Dan Feng," Bailu stated. The little high elder's turquoise eyes bore into her predecessors as she studied him. Dan Heng and Dan Feng were practically identical; however, there were a few things that did set them apart, one of them being their antlers. Dan Feng's weren't see-through like Dan Heng's, and they lacked the rings of gold located at the base. There was also their hair; unlike Dan Heng, Dan Feng's hair was longer and solid black. Dan Heng's was black and turquoise, with the turquoise part being most prominent on the underside of his hair, which faded out to a darker blue at the ends. There was also the fact that they were wearing completely different clothing.
"My name is Bailu, though everyone just calls me Healer Lady. I'm the current high elder of the Luofu's Vidyadhara; nice to meet you." Bailu wouldn't exactly call herself a high elder after Scalegorge, but he didn't need to know that.
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davxdalexander · 1 year
closed starter for @vallaurent
location: clinic
To say that the whole trip had been a shit-show was an understatement. He still didn’t know how in the world Zack and him had managed to get away but they certainly hadn’t gotten by without some scars to show for it. His face sure as hell stung and the bruises and cuts everywhere sure as hell did him no favors. But all of those he wasn’t too worried about. His shoulder, on the other hand? Yeah, that one he was worried about. The bullet had gone in and come right out the other side and while he still had feeling down his arm, trying to raise it above his head was next to impossible without shooting pain down his side.
Now David had been shot before. This was definitely not the first time, although after the infection spread, he sure as hell thought he would never get shot again. That turned out to be a lie. And now, because of this stupid ass bullet wound, Zack was taking little Mag to the Council and explain what happened to them so he could run to the clinic and get checked out. David had been pretty adamant that he be there to explain as well but he also knew that Renee would be kicking his hide in if he didn’t go get the wound at least cleaned and bandaged (the doc was scary, even to him) so he begrudgingly brought himself to the clinic. He could always talk to them later.
David pushed the door open with his good arm. His movements were slow, sluggish and definitely stiff as he stepped inside. Val was there and he nodded his chin up at her in a silent greeting. “Got a second?” he asked, taking a few more steps inside, “just need a bandage and maybe some painkillers and I’ll be outta your hair before you know it.” Well, probably not, but he wanted to get back to his cabin and rest with sweet Roxy. This was the one time he was glad that he had left his girl behind instead of bringing her out on the hunt.
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fatesurvived · 5 months
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Once a ruling king, now just a man, Francis Valois was dead. Francis Stuart took his place instead. He'd left France long ago, after he'd been turned he was forced to flee. It hadn't stopped him from keeping track of his loved ones over the years until he was the last alive. That had been centuries ago. Now, the curly haired man walked the town of Tenesse. It wasn't unusual of Francis to go for a stroll in the late evening, he'd fallen into a pattern long before. This night was not unlike the others, his hearing detected low chatters of couples in the distance, cars driving on gravel and the sounds of animals. He'd caughten a glimpse of a girl before who must have thought he wouldn't notice. Today he pauses, drawing in a breath, addressing her lowly. ❝ I've seen you around, you know. ❞ His voice smooth and inviting, a lingering hint of his french accent barely detectable now. Gaze wanders his soundings momentarily before continuing to walk on his journey. ❝ I do not wish to harm you, you know who I am, do you not? ❞ It was a gamble at best, but perhaps an enticing enough question to lure the woman out. @redbraid
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moonglowmagic · 5 months
Where: Eren's office Who: @erenozturk
Elena had been in town for a month and already she was ready to leave after the events of the other night. Who the hell was the Catalyst and why was she so set on hurting everyone like this? As she continued to be lost in her thoughts for a long moment as she stood outside of the detectives office. She had wanted to find her aunt Camila, especially since she’d vanished from here without a trace and seemed to be her last living relative at the moment so who better to locate her than someone who was trained. Especially since everyone else in town had blown her off when she’d tried to ask about her. Opening the door to the office finally and she was greeted with a familiar face from the other night. “Hey flip phone boss man.” She greeted with a smile. “Didn’t expect to see you so soon.” She commented as she held the folder to her chest tightly. “If you’re still busy sorting documents from the other night I can leave you be?”
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