officiallyasl · 2 years
Is shipping allowed?
Yes, you can ship the brothers together or include any other ship in your work. However, even if none of the asl brothers are included in your ship, they should still play a central role in your work.
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officiallyasl · 2 years
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👻Rated G 👻468 Words 👻ASL Brothers 👻canon universe, Halloween 👻Day 1 of ASL Halloweek 2022 (@officiallyasl​): scary stories
Ace tells Sabo and Luffy a spooky story.
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officiallyasl · 2 years
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🕯️Happy Haunting🕯️One more day until ASL HalloWeek 2022 🦇 If you have any questions send us a message or an ask!
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officiallyasl · 2 years
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🧙 Hocus Pocus 🧙 Two more days until ASL HalloWeek 2022 🕷 If you have any questions send us a message or an ask!
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officiallyasl · 2 years
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👻 Ghostly Greetings 👻 Three more days until ASL HalloWeek 2022 🎃 Don't forget to tag your posts so we can find it! If you have any questions send us a message or an ask!
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officiallyasl · 2 years
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🍬 Trick or Treat! Are you ready for ASL HalloWeek? 🍬
If you have any questions we haven't answered here, don't hesitate to send us an ask or a message!
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officiallyasl · 2 years
@opfandombase @faneventshub thanks for the boost! 💖
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🎃 Happy Halloween! 🎃
The ASL brothers are up to nothing but mischief again this spooky season! 👻 Join them for #aslhalloweek2022 on October 25 - October 31!
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officiallyasl · 2 years
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🎃 Happy Halloween! 🎃
The ASL brothers are up to nothing but mischief again this spooky season! 👻 Join them for #aslhalloweek2022 on October 25 - October 31!
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officiallyasl · 2 years
Polls for #aslhalloweek2022 are officially closed! We'll post the definitive prompt list in a few days, so keep an eye out!
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officiallyasl · 2 years
ASL HalloWeek is coming Oct 25th - 31st 🎃🦇
Our prompts interest check is now open! Vote up until Sept 13th on how to celebrate this spooky season with our favorite trio.
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officiallyasl · 2 years
Thanks to everyone who participated in ASL Brothers Week! Even though the week is done, we'll continue to check the tags for any late posts until the end of the month. We'll still share anything posted after July 31st, just shoot us a message so we don't miss your work! 🔥🎩👒
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officiallyasl · 2 years
unaware i’m tearing you asunder
@officiallyasl 2022 day 8; sabo remembers
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part two of three;
(previous) (next)
Sabo truly believes in the Revolutionary Army as a whole. He has respect for their work and trusts in their leadership. He’s seen firsthand how his own efforts have paid off in liberating the oppressed and dismantling tyrannical local governments. Every second he’s put into his life here has been more than worthwhile.
That said, sometimes Sabo would appreciate a fucking break.
He and Koala and are back in Baltigo, fresh in from a month-long undercover op—just walked through the front door fresh—and the only immediate plans on Sabo’s mind involve debriefing, showering, and then sleeping for approximately thirty-two hours straight.
The barely-controlled mayhem he’s immediately confronted with inside headquarters throws a wrench into those plans with impeccable aim. Everyone is hurtling toward the situation room, and Sabo gives himself two seconds to daydream about slipping past whatever fresh hell this is and bolting to his quarters before he trades a bolstering glance with Koala and follows.
Dragon, sitting at his desk in the back of the room, makes absolutely no attempt to restore order. In fact, he only looks up to establish direct eye-contact with Sabo—clearly a reminder that, as Chief of Staff, this is his problem.
I owe him everything and have nothing to gain by flipping his desk over, Sabo reminds himself sternly.
“What a welcome committee,” he says, loud enough to carry over the room. The cheer in his voice is a hidden blade. Koala calls this his angler-fish tone and in his periphery he sees her twitch uneasily. “Glad to see how you conduct yourselves when I’m not around!”
It’s maybe slightly unfair. But he’s tired. And his staff is better-trained than this. If it’s an actual emergency, there’s protocols to follow, and this scrambling around is both time-wasting and makes them look stupid, which is slightly more unforgivable in his eyes. If it’s not an emergency, then they’re keeping him from sleeping for the first time in three days for nothing, and he’s fully prepared to take that personally.
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officiallyasl · 2 years
New Beginnings
The day those three children arrived at Grey Terminal, everybody began whispering about them.   In particular, people living in that smelly tip spread strange rumours about two of those kids. “The blond siblings,” they murmured, “are nothing less than Tenryuubito, the ‘deities’ who inhabit a faraway land.”   Yet, according to the ASL trio, the most worrying child was the black-haired one, Vergo. He was friends with the older of the two blond siblings, Doflamingo, but the younger, Rocinante, didn’t seem to like him.   The new trio immediately ended up on the “watchlist” of the local trouble children: Ace, Sabo, and Luffy. While the latter was curious to know them better, his sworn brothers weren’t happy to see their “territory” suddenly menaced by a rival gang, especially since the newcomers looked strong—well, excluding the younger child. The blond kid was always hiding behind his older brother, trembling.   “He reminds me of you,” Ace told Luffy with a smirk. “You’re both crybabies.”   “I’m not a crybaby!” Luffy pouted, offended.   “Yes, you are!” Ace yelled at him louder than he intended to. He was upset because Vergo had glared at him earlier, as both groups had been busy searching through the trash piles for “treasures” to sell in Goa’s black market.   Sabo noticed the tears forming in Luffy’s eyes. The poor kid was uselessly trying to fight them back, sniffling. “Ace…” Sabo sighed. “You should apologise to Luffy.”   “For what?” The dark-haired boy retorted. His freckled face, though, showed a hint of remorse.   “You’re always making fun of me, that’s why!” Luffy blurted out, not caring about hiding his tears anymore. “Sabo is way nicer than you,” he murmured between the sobs.   Ace glared at him and then at Sabo, who grinned back whimsically while hugging their younger brother. “Ace is nervous because those new kids are getting all the best stuff. Don’t mind him, Luffy.”   At that, Luffy seemed to calm down. Still, he didn’t let go of Sabo’s sleeve as he looked at Ace with large accusing eyes.   “Fine, fine…I’m sorry.” Ace finally gave in, looking sideways.   “Ace!!!” Luffy yelled happily, throwing himself at him and making the both of them tumble to the grassy ground.   Sabo chuckled, but then his eyes caught a glimpse of pink among the trees. A colour he wouldn’t expect in the forest covering Mount Corbo. “Who’s there?” He yelled while standing before his brothers, one of his hands closed in a firm grip around his metal pipe.   “Fufufu, not need to be so tense, lesser noble,” Doflamingo stressed the difference in their lineage.   Albeit not offended by that remark—who cares about stupid nobles?—Sabo still retorted, “At least, I hold my stick in my hands instead of having it stuck up in my ass.” After a dramatic pause, he added, “Renegade.”   Ace’s eyes went large at the insult—Sabo could be brutal when he wanted to. Ace glanced at Doflamingo; as expected, his expression was bewildered. Ace could still tell that he was utterly furious even beyond his shades.   “How you da—”   “Cut it out, Doffy.” Vergo grabbed Doflamingo by the arm before he could attack the ASL trio. “Don’t forget that we’re looking for Rocinante.” Vergo didn’t sound like he cared about Doflamingo’s younger brothers, but maybe he disliked seeing his friend distressed?   “…I won’t forget about this,” Doflamingo hissed, glaring at Sabo. Then, a menacing grin opened on his face again. “If you see him, I suggest you not lay a finger on Roci. I will kill whoever dares to harm my little brother.”   At that, even Sabo remained silent. He could understand—and respect—that kind of reasoning.   “See you around, losers,” Vergo said, ruining the mood again. Then, after casting a contemptuous glance towards them, he followed his friend.   Once he was sure the two were too far to hear him, Sabo asked, “What do you think about this?”   “What do I think about what, exactly?” Ace replied, aloof.   “Come on… You know what I’m talking about!”   Ace just stared at Sabo, but the latter held his gaze. “Ok, ok…” Ace finally conceded with a sigh. “You want to search for that crybaby, too.”   Sabo grinned at him. “That Rocinante is just one year older than Luffy, after all…” he said, his tone turning serious. “I hope he’s alright.”   Mount Corbo wasn’t exactly the safest place for children—or adults, for that matter. That said, there was something amiss…   “—Luffy!!!” Ace and Sabo yelled at the same time.   While they had been distracted, their younger brother had disappeared. — Luffy had grown bored of the argy-bargy between Sabo and that boy with ugly sunglasses. So, unnoticed, he had decided to wander around on his own and search for something fun to do.   For a little while, Luffy just walked across the forest, singing a silly song about silly people on a silly island, tapping the trunks with his pipe in time to the music. Before the fourth stanza, though, he stopped abruptly.   A crying voice?   Was someone hurt or lost in the forest? Luffy hadn’t listened to the whole conversation between the other children, so he didn’t know that the younger of the two former nobles had gone lost.   “B-brother… where are you?”   That voice again.   “It sounds a bit like mine when I got lost and called for Ace and Sabo,” Luffy admitted, his head tilted to the side. “Are you hurt?” he called back, trying to understand from where direction came the whining sound. However, he couldn’t see anyone around.   After a moment of silence, the tiny voice said feebly, “I-I’m not hurt, but I’m stuck in a hole…” A sniffing sound followed those words, but at least the other kid had stopped crying.   “That’s one of our traps!” Luffy exclaimed, finally understanding what was going on. “We use pitfalls to capture animals for dinner.” He grinned. “Stay still, and I’ll take you out in a moment!”   “O-ok…AHHH!” Rocinante screamed in fear when Luffy’s elongated arm reached him. “A s-snake is attacking me!!!”   “Shishishi! That’s my Devil Fruit’s ability—I’m made of rubber!” Luffy beamed, proud of his powers.   “I… I see,” replied Rocinante. He was calm now and let Luffy grab him.   Luffy lifted the tiny child into the air and then put him on the ground roughly (he was still learning to control his ability). “Done!” he said happily.   Rocinante was rubbing his butt with an expression of pain on his face, but he still murmured a quiet, “Thank you.”   Luffy remained silent for a moment, observing the blond kid: he looked frail, and Luffy couldn’t see his eyes well since messy bangs covered them. “My name is Luffy,” he finally said. “And I’ll become King of Pirates!”   “I-I’m Rocinante…” replied the other child. “But you can call me Roci.” He wasn’t sure how to respond to the “King of Pirates” part: to him, pirates were scary people who wanted to pillage his native land. However, that cheerful kid didn’t seem like a bad person…   “Rocinante, you shouldn’t make friends with strangers.”   The child before Luffy jumped upon hearing that stern voice. Then, he turned around to face the older kid with something always stuck on his face (it was a half-eaten fruit this time). Luffy didn’t like him, even if he couldn’t exactly tell why.   “It’s fine, Vergo,” another voice talked as a second child stepped out from behind him theatrically. His head turned to look at Luffy, and then he asked as if already knowing the answer, “Fufufu… You must be Luffy, am I right?”   Luffy nodded, staring at him. He was both afraid and fascinated by that boy who looked like a king—albeit differently from the kind of king Luffy wanted to become.   “Thanks for helping Roci, Luffy-kun,” Doflamingo said with an expression halfway between a genuine smile and a sneer.   Rocinante had been looking between them, indecisive on what to do. Then, he finally ran to his brother’s side and held on to his pink shirt.   “Let’s play together next time we meet!” Luffy told Roci with a wide smile.   Rocinante was taken aback. He wasn’t used to being around genuinely kind children. Only his late parents had talked like that to him. After pondering what to do, he smiled back at him, nodding, but didn’t dare to reply. Vergo stared at him with cold eyes, disapproving of his new friend. At least his brother didn’t seem to mind, but Rocinante knew that Doffy wouldn’t stop Vergo if the latter decided to do something to that gentle child.   “Tell Sabo that I would enjoy talking about nobility and whatnot with him when he has time,” Doflamingo told Luffy in a mocking tone.   However, Luffy didn’t catch the provocation and nodded with a serious expression. Then, he waved at the kid still hiding behind Doflamingo. “See you, Roci!” he exclaimed with a big grin.   After that, the black-haired boy wearing a straw hat ran away, soon disappearing between the trees.   “He’s an interesting brat, isn’t he?” Doflamingo asked his younger brother.   “Y-yes…” he smiled slightly.   Rocinante remained silent for the rest of the day, but when he thought about his new friend’s joyful voice, he felt a little more confident.
I wrote this one-shot for DAY 1 (“free theme” prompt) of the Corazon Week 2022 @corazon-week and DAY 7 (“canon divergence” prompt) of the ASL Brothers Week 2022 @officiallyasl. This is my second story based on an alternate timeline featuring the ASL trio meeting other One Piece characters as children (the first one was “The Marine Recruit and the Kind Pirate”).
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officiallyasl · 2 years
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Sketchy fanart for DAY 6 (“ASL pirates” prompt) of the ASL Brothers Week 2022 @officiallyasl. Sorry for posting late, I’ll try to contribute to at least one more prompt! ^^
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officiallyasl · 2 years
let me steal this moment from you now
@officiallyasl 2022 day 7; canon divergence
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part one of two; 
Luffy falls mid-step.
It’s so sudden that Ace doesn’t notice right away. He runs a few more paces before he realizes the wheezing breaths by his shoulder are gone. And when he spins around, searching the mass of bodies packed in around him, squinting through smoke and grit and flashes of gunfire, he’s expecting to find his brother drawn into a skirmish or cut off by an opportunistic marine.
Ace finds him on the ground instead. Just lying there, like all the life blew clean out of him.
It’s the scariest thing he’s ever seen—scarier even than the moment Luffy appeared at the Marineford in the first place. Ace’s heart turns to solid stone. He’s never been less graceful, the way he scrambles back, little tongues of flame licking off his skin as he goes.
“Hey, hey,” he says, getting his hands under Luffy’s shoulders and hauling him up. “This is no time for a nap, kid.”
His brother’s head lolls back, limp and unresisting. It’s literally like something out of a nightmare. Ace’s brain stops working, right there in the absolute chaos of an active warzone, and the clutch of his hands tightens. He can feel the air around him get super-heated as he starts to fully lose his mind.
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officiallyasl · 2 years
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ASL Brothers Week 2022 @officiallyasl DAY 6: ASL Pirates ♥ starting today we’re brothers
I always wanted to try editing magazine covers for One Piece characters so I finally made one based off of Vogue for Ace, Sabo, and Luffy!! The little AU in my head for this is that this magazine was published after they took down Big Mom and Kaido, shaking up the New World. [click for better quality]
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officiallyasl · 2 years
the future’s a mystery and anything goes
@officiallyasl 2022 day 5; freedom
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this is set in the smile again au :^)
When Ace was a child, he didn’t see a future for himself at all. The world was too big and he was all alone, and he had no idea how to visualize a life that could be worth all the shit he put up with just to live it.
It was like he was living in a cage and every day it got smaller and even if he did manage to grow up wouldn’t he just be suffocating the entire time?
Then he met Sabo, quick as a whip and twice as clever. Sabo had a chipped tooth from the time one of his dad’s friends slammed his face into a table and a healthy disdain for authority because of the environment he was raised in. He would disagree with anything a grown-up said just for the pleasure of picking a fight.
Ace was angry and lonely and spiteful—Sabo was all of those things given the sharp edge of purpose.
When they had only known each other for two months and some change, a stranger followed them into an alley and grabbed Ace by the arm, trying to haul him off to god-knows-where. Ace’s brain didn’t even have a chance to catch up before Sabo was throwing his entire body into action—he collided with Ace hard enough to knock him clean out of the stanger’s hands, then scrambled back to his feet and dragged Ace back up with him.
He was tiny at eight years old, and terrified, and so pissed off that Ace half-expected him to burst into flames.
“Touch him again and I’ll kill you!” Sabo screamed, shaking hands clenched into fists. “That’s my brother!”
Suddenly, growing up didn’t seem like such an impossible thing. The world was way too big for one discarded kid, but it was just the right size for the two of them. His cage door swung open and Ace could take a big deep breath for the first time in ages.
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