#let me know if you like the alliance/treaty page ide!
trentonsimblr · 1 year
Which nations have treaties with each other? What are the conditions? How did these arrangements come about?
Awesome question! I’m sure Trenton has some treaties with other simblrs floating around out there probably Whitmore @whitmoreroyals , Simdonia @bridgeportbritt , the one country from @atreanroyals and maybe with Audicia @ardeney-sims and Armorica @armoricaroyalty ? There’s probably others that I can’t remember off hand. I’m now thinking of making a page for all collab related treaties/alliances and such. With the details that you’re asking about. Ooo! And maybe a submission form for future treaties/alliances!
Within my little continent there’s a bunch.
Grateron and Druzar have a long standing treaty/alliance. Basically Grateron will provide navel support when needed and Druzar won’t invade Grateron 🤣
Trenton and Irenda have been allies forever. I can’t really trace it back to any specific events/need. I’ll say that at some point in time the king of Trenton and the king of Irenda became buddies and it all started there. There’s been the occasional marriage between the two countries (Elizabeth and Nathanael being the most recent) but I promise there’s no modern day wreaths happening (though there’s a few in all of my royal families ancestry). The biggest benefit that everyone east of Druzar gets from the alliance is that Druzar has never been able to take Trenton or Irenda during past wars.
Slavell has a bunch of trade treaties with Druzar, Trenton, Grateron, etc. it’s mainly to support the country but also to keep a positive relationship with their neighbors.
The biggest one I can think of is the one Elizabeth (Trenton) made with Kristopher (Druzar) related to trade. Kristopher’s stipulation was the marriage between Ryland and Eleanor. I never worked out the details but I do know Druzar got the better end of the deal even though Kristopher doesn’t think so.
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